Harmless Attraction

By Demonofthefridge18

30K 1K 3.4K

Hinata had an amazing one-night stand with a stranger she met at a bar. Thinking she'd never see him again, f... More

The Lies We Tell
The Boy with Green Eyes
A Surprise Guest
Behind Closed Doors
Our Dirty Little Secret
You and Me
Happy Family
Morning Dew
Mysterious Girl
Birds of a Feather
Sweet Kiss
Problem Solved?
Painter of the Night
Happy Birthday
Silent Night
Eye of the Storm
Shot in th Dark

Hidden Emotions

1.3K 54 85
By Demonofthefridge18

The wind tussled with Hinata's hair as she walked to class. That bubbly feeling that she had yesterday was turned into nausea. Her feet felt heavy the closer she walked to her class.

What would he say?

What would he do?

Would he pick on her more?

Be more rebellious?

How will he act?

How far will he go?

"Oh..." Hinata got to her class surprised to see the brooding black-haired boy leaning against the wall. He had one hand in his pocket and one hand typing away on his phone, hair cascading over his sharp jawline.

She looked rather surprised to see him forgetting her manners. "G-Good morning."

He looked up at her and nodded his head, "Good-Morning Ms. Hyuga."

She inserted her key and turned the handle letting the boy in. As he passed her she glanced at her bracelet, the time was 7:30, class started in thirty minutes!

As she walked in she glanced at the boy who went to his seat and grabbed out his assignments. She set her things down at her desk still staring at him rather confused. He looked up at her with a quirk of his brow, "Can I help you?" He spoke with a bored tone.

"I-I am not used to seeing you so early..." She shrugged with a little scoff.

Sasuke snorted in amusement, "I guess you are right. When I don't have to take the dobe to school I like to arrive on time."

Hinata looked at her watch and then back at the boy, "You are more than on time Uchiha."

"You as well, most of the instructors don't get here until the bell is about to ring or even after. I think you are starting to become my favorite teacher." He grinned at her and then shifted his attention to his work.

'Are all boys this flirty here.' Hinata questioned to herself as she slowly got her things ready. She then froze as she realized something. "S-so will N-naruto be walking?"

Sasuke kept working on his homework as he spoke, "He said he didn't need a ride." He looked up for a brief moment, "You seem rather curious."

Hinata licked her lips quickly, feeling as if her mouth went dry. "Th-the well being of my students is of my concern Uchiha... but, I am assuming he will be late again?"

"One hundred percent."

Hinata smacked her lips in annoyance, he couldn't just show up tardy to her class all the time. She would have to start marking him as such. He doesn't get any special treatment.

As the morning went on the two worked silently until the bell rang. Students shuffled in loudly, the weekend drawing near made them excited.

"Sasukeee~" Sakura skipped over to him, "Here early? Oh no, Naruto must be sick."

Sasuke furrowed his brows, scribbling away in his notebook "He said he didn't need a ride."

"How else is he going to get here? Nagato hasn't got his car fixed." Ino spoke as she sat down.

"How would I know? I'm not his caretaker." Sasuke sighed realizing he wasn't going to get any more work done with the girls talking to him.

Hinata stepped out for fresh air as she glanced around. The students were all rushing to class. If she saw him coming when the bell was ringing she'd at least give him that, but she did not. The bell rang and she waited. After five minutes went by she walked into her class and shut the door behind her.

"Naruto is still not here- that baka is probably going to sleep all day." Sakura popped her gum as she leaned back in her seat, allowing Ino to braid her hair.

Hinata dinged her bell gathering their attention and starting her class. The minutes ticked by as Naruto's friends made bets of what happened. Ino had money on him showing up super late, Sakura was convinced he wasn't coming at all and Sasuke said he'd skip just this class.

As Hinata went on with teaching she couldn't help the sinking feeling in her chest. Glancing at the door as if the blonde was going to bust in cheery and grinning as ever, but that never happened.

Guilt began to entangle her.

Was he not coming because of their conversation?

With each passing moment, her day seemed to become dark and gloomy. Without that ball of sunshine- it just seemed like another day.

Her ears could only be satisfied by the mention of the blonde.

When the bell finally rang, it put the final nail in the coffin. Naruto wasn't coming.

Ino groaned as she smacked five dollars on Sakura's desk but before her manicured nails could touch it Sasuke nabbed it.

"Hey-" Sakura giggled flirtatiously getting out of her seat to follow after the smirking boy.

He waved the dollar in between two fingers playfully, as they walked out the classroom, "We don't know if he will show up later."

After her kids walked out she turned around to pick up her eraser. Her hand pressed into it as she wiped the whiteboard, making it squeak. Question after question running through her head.

Did he oversleep? Was he sick?

Her head throbbed the more she thought about it.

However, the true answer was blatantly obvious.

He's mad at her.

He has to be.

How was she supposed to make it better though? How could she? No- maybe... he overslept.

' He did say he wasn't a morning person. '

"Crap-" The eraser fumbled out of her fingers making her groan, watching it toss across the floor. Her fist pressed against her lips as an image flashed in her mind.

Smiling bright teeth, blue sparkly eyes, and wild blonde hair materialized in her mind. His warm embrace encircling her as they laid in bed together, sheets clinging to their skin.

'Stay with me-' His voice echoed, her heart fluttering as he tried to keep her in bed. Fingers combing in her soft hair.

The bell rang snapping her back to reality. She put on a small smile as her kids entered the classroom. There was no time for her to dwell in something that was no more.

When lunch rolled by Hinata sat at her desk eating her salad, phone by her bowl as she messaged Temari and Ten-Ten in a group chat. The girls were talking about having a girls' day.

10/10: What do you think Hinata? You've been rather quiet missy.

Temari: Yeah girlie, do you want to go to the beach? It's still a little warm out.

Hinata took a bite of her salad reading the message as it popped up, sometimes she felt like she was a ghost in their conversation, just hovering, but they always tried to make her feel included and she appreciated them more than anything.

Hinata: I'm going to need a bathing suit 😎

Temari: Yes! Let's do it! ❤️

There was a knock on her door catching her attention. Hinata perked up, a tinge of hope spiking in her chest. The door opened slowly and a head popped in with a grin.

"Hiya!" The door fully opened and the man walked in, he had a head full of wild brown hair and a toothy smile. He wore a tight black shirt and jeans, arms out showing his muscles. Red triangles were tatted on his cheeks, something related to his culture- or a fashion statement. She couldn't remember and was too embarrassed to ask.

"Hello." Hinata sat up straight as the man came into her classroom. She was silent as she shifted around in her chair trying to come off as professional, but the man wasn't deterred.

"Nice to meet you! I'm the photography teacher, not sure if you remember me." He pointed a thumb at himself.

Hinata nodded feeling uncomfortable. She didn't meet any of the other teachers but very briefly. She liked being by herself and rather enjoyed it. Meeting new people always gave her anxiety. Always unsure of what to say or how they will judge her. Now she felt cornered. Her classroom was like her personal space. He was entering her zone.

He smiled, awkward silence cascading upon them. "Well come on, cats gotcha tongue?"

"S-sorry." Hinata snapped out of it quickly. "I'm Hinata." She stood and extended her hand as polite and stern as possible.

He chuckled waving her hand away, "No need to be so formal Hinata. We like to be laid back here."

She dropped her hand to her side giving him a soft smile, "Okay. Can I help you with something?" Her palms pressed against her skirt discreetly wiping the sweat from them. '...He seems nice... '

"Just your company will suffice! Some of the others were just wondering if you knew about the teacher's lounge. We would love for you to join us."

Of course, she knew about it. She just didn't care to go, preferring her isolated room as a solitary lunch space.

"Oh- I had some work I had to finish... here." She gestured to her papers lying on her desk.

"For sure, I just wanted to extend the invitation to you. Just in case you wanted to hang out."

'I would rather not.' Hinata smiled," Thank you..."

'Shoot- what was his name?'

He wasn't offended though even letting a little chuckle out. "Kiba."

"Kiba- Sorry."

"No need for sorries." He brushed it off casually. He glanced at the clock clicking his tongue, "I should be off, your class is like in the middle of nowhere." He laughed as she forced out an awkward chortle. That's how she picked it of course it was. Secluded in the back and surrounded by some overhanging trees. Like a little cabin and she was fine with that.

"Well- see ya around." he left out as she waved to him, the door finally clicking behind him. She let out a big huff, puffing her cheeks out.

'Maybe... I should try to be more friendly.' Hinata continued to eat her food thoughtfully. Perhaps it would help keep her mind busy so it didn't wander to unwanted thoughts.

The day continued to drag on. The clock ticking like nails scratching on a chalkboard. It was usually easy for her to ignore, the hours normally blending into each other. Today was not one of those days.

When she went to bed that night she held her pillow tightly to her chest.

If she closed her eyes she felt like she was back in that room, with him. It was easy to forget about it before when she thought he lied to her, but now knowing it could have been within her grasp- it all came back with a vengeance. Sleep was a struggle- again.

The next morning Hinata got ready quickly. Rushing to get out the door as if she were late but she was far from it. She needed to be ready for her morning class of course. It wasn't because she wanted to see anyone.

There was no way he wouldn't show up, missing two days of work was quite a lot. Depending on his schedule that was about seven classes. Putting his education in jeopardy would be terrible no matter the situation. Maybe he will scorn her until the day she died but she didn't mind.

Even if he was furious with her- it was... nice to see him. Was that so selfish of her? Could she at least see him laughing and joking with his friends- even if it hurt her? Knowing she couldn't have him was bad, but not seeing him at all was worse. At least she was close enough to the sun to feel the warmth, she didn't need to touch it. Or maybe it was the other way around. Maybe it was worse to see him. Seeing something she couldn't have- couldn't touch. Would it be warm enough for her on the outside?

She was starting to feel like she was going insane- her mind being as indecisive as ever.

Hinata made a beeline to her class, wearing a dark purple dress. When she turned the corner she felt the air leave her lungs all in one swoop. Sasuke was leaning on the wall again, waiting for her. That only meant Naruto wasn't going to show up. Or show up late, but she wasn't going to get her hopes up.

"Morning." He greeted her as she nodded her head.

"I-Is Naruto sick?"

Sasuke held back a smirk as Hinata passed him allowing it to grace his lips when she couldn't see it.

"Uh, I don't know he said he overslept yesterday. Said he was 'reaaal sorry'." Sasuke included with mockery.

"Hm..." Hinata hummed to herself lost in thought. Her eyes fading as she readied her day.

When she finally had her stuff set up she stepped to Sasuke's desk, leaning on Sakura's. Her arms crossed as she spoke softly, "D-do you think he'd show up today?"

Sasuke hummed as if it were something he had to really think about, "He said he'd be here." With that he ended the conversation with a shrug, grabbing his work out to review his material. The thought gave her hope, that today he'd actually show up.

The class soon began as Hinata walked around gathering the work she assigned. Naruto's friends were giggling and laughing, as usual, gossiping about who knows what. The students were more rambunctious that day since it was Friday, and she couldn't blame them.

"Maaaan..." Shikamaru drawled taking out his packet. "I can't believe the baka that got us in trouble isn't even here."

"I know right." Some of the class agreed. "He's probably oversleeping again." Someone else had input. "Bet he didn't even do it!"

Hinata inwardly sighed, she would sneak glances at the door as if willing him to appear. It felt akin to how she would look at her phone, hoping with all her heart that it would ring and she'd answer it to hear that lovely voice.

The bell rang and the kids got up in excitement. As they walked by her desk she cleared her voice, "U-Uchiha!" Hinata called to him making him pause. The other girls looked at him questioningly as he waved them to go on.

He walked up to her with a raised brow, "Are you worried about the dobe's well being?"

Hinata felt her cheeks warm as she leaned down to grab a packet of work, "I-if you could just give this to Uzumaki, please... I don't want him falling behind."

"Sure." Sasuke grabbed the packet and tucked it under his arm, but he didn't walk away quite yet. "Honestly, I'm not sure what's going on with him. He was acting weird on Wednesday when I took him home."

Hinata's lashes fluttered rapidly, "He-he has?"

Sasuke's face was as smooth as marble, not a hint of emotion seeping through his expression, his eyes piercing through her with an intensity she had never felt. As if he were a crow watching her about to face her doom.

"Yes. He showed up for second block yesterday. Usually, when Naruto oversleeps he sleeps till noon, missing two classes or showing up late to the second. He was there on time."

"Wh-why would that be?" Hinata tried to play cooly, making it seem as though she was a worried teacher but deep down she knew why.

Sasuke shrugged lightly. "Don't tell him I told you this... but...ah, maybe I shouldn't say..."

"No-no please tell me." Hinata hurried to grab his wrist before he could walk away, pulling her hand back and apologizing. "I-I am just worried about him..."

Sasuke sighed shaking his head looking around him like he was about to drop a huge secret, "Okay- there was an incident that happened over the summer with this girl. I'm not gonna go into details but she absolutely crushed him, maybe you kind of remind him of her. It would explain why he's been acting out in your class. He could be taking that anger out on you."

Hinata swallowed a lump in her throat, her eyes shifting to look elsewhere as the tears came forward. The guilt clawing at her neck, making it burn. "I-I see. Th-thank you f-for this information."

"Sure thing Ms. Hyuga." Sasuke smirked feeling rather amused with toying with the poor woman. It was just too easy. "Cya around." He walked out of her classroom leaving her to sink in her sorrow.

For lunch instead of eating in her room she went to see the principal. She knocked gently on the door, with 'Kakashi Hatake' printed on the dark window. She heard some shuffling before hearing a soft "Come in."

She pushed the door open seeing the white-haired man sitting at his huge wooden desk.

"H-hello Mr. Hatake." Hinata bent at the hip as she bowed respectfully, he greeted her with a smile and stood to offer her a seat that she took swiftly.

"How are you Ms. Hyuga?" He walked to a table, grabbing a fresh pot of coffee and pouring himself some. "Could I offer you some coffee?"

Hinata shook her head gently. "N-No thank you sir." She scooted her chair forward as the man walked back to his brown cushiony chair.

"How are you settling in?" Kakashi showed off his nice smile, his handsome face not burdened by his age.

"Um... It- it's fine..." Hinata fiddled with her dress trying to stay composed. "I-I just think maybe I am not the best suited for this job."

Kakashi clasped his hands together, his lips closing into a thin line. "Not a good fit? Hinata you are being too hard on yourself it's only the first week."

Hinata bit her lip lightly breathing deeply as she spoke carefully- trying to not stutter. "I don't want to let the kids down..."

"Hinata." Kakashi sat his hands down onto his desk, his face stern. "If you leave there will be no way we could find anyone to replace you, especially with your heavy-duty schedule. Trust me- resigning would be the worse thing for these students."

Hinata looked down sadly, she didn't think about that. "Of- of course. I'm so sorry."

"Look on the bright side, Sasuke Uchiha had said he thinks you are an excellent teacher if he is saying that, that's really something."

"He-he said that?" Hinata looked up surprised, she had only been teaching him for four days but maybe she made a good impression for him.

"Yep- he said you are always on time and are well organized, he's already in the third week I think he said. In fact, all the students say you are wonderful. Haven't had one complaint."

Hinata felt some happiness hearing she was doing a great job for her students. If she left now... it would put all the student's education in the gutter. Even Naruto's.

"Sorry Mr. Hatake, I guess I was just feeling a little nervous."

"No worries, this doesn't have anything to do with Naruto right?"

Hinata looked up at him with wide eyes, lips parting swiftly, "W-what do you mean?"

'Did he know?'

"I mean- you don't have to lie. I know he can be a little... much and can cause trouble. He is the number one prankster on campus and has gotten many teachers frustrated and yelling at him. It's in his nature. I can talk to him if you want? I heard he was giving you a hard time on your first day."

Hinata released a sigh- thank kami he didn't know the truth,"No- no- he's fine."

"Ok well-" Kakashi stopped speaking as the phone on his desk rang loudly, interrupting him. "Oh, I can put this on hold-"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you for your time, sir." Hinata stood and bowed, quickly leaving his office. She couldn't leave. What should she do now?

The bell rang as she walked down the hall. Kids passed by her with little waves and greetings. The faces blurred until something grabbed her attention. Blonde hair caught her eye as she tried to peer in the sea of people. The noise around her drowned out as her vision zeroed in on him. He was laughing and grinning playfully as he walked to his class. He passed by her chatting with a girl. A girl with long pinkish hair, they were both chatting as they walked by. He didn't even notice her.

Her eyes glared at the girl next to him. She's seen this girl before. She's in one of her classes she just had to figure out which one. Maybe her last class.

Hinata got to her room, feeling her skin crawl as she taught her third block.

It was the last block that she spotted the girl who was talking to Naruto.

She came in wearing blue jeans and a white shirt, a blue vest with spikes thrown over. Her pink hair was wild as it flared out, a piece hanging in her face. Her backpack was slung over her shoulder as she walked with a girl with long black hair placed in a low pony, a bow holding it in place at the end.

"Shut up Kin!" She shouted at her companion, her cheeks were glowing in embarrassment.

"Don't be mad at me- I'm just playing~" Kin slapped her arm as she poked fun of the blushing girl. They walked to their seat where another girl sat texting on her phone, she had red hair and yellow eyes, dangling earrings to match.

"What are you guys bitching and moaning about now." She rolled her eyes as they gathered around her desk arguing.

"Kin is being a fucking ass-"

"Kick rocks bitch-"

Hinata dinged her bell as they argued, their eyes swiveling towards her.

"Language girls."

"Yes, Ms. Hyuga~" They spoke more softly together sitting down. Tayuya's brows were furrowed in anger as Kin laughed it off like it was beneath her. Karui seemed to try to settle the fire as best as she could.

That girl was with Naruto...she seemed a little more tamed when she was talking to him. Hinata walked around her classroom helping her students as they needed it. She'd be helping one student as her ears strained to listen to the chattering girls.

"I hate that pink-haired bitch- I mean who does she think she is?"- it sounded like Kin had a disdain for Sakura.

"We know kinny." One of the other girls laughed.

"What? You make it seem like i'm the only one that doesn't like her? She and her blonde bimbo friend walk around like they own the damn place. Typical cheerleaders, I swear it's like they want to be the mean girls."

"As long as she doesn't touch Naruto I'm fine. She's head over heels for Sasuke."

Hinata had walked over to another student unable to hear more but she got a glimpse of someone saying, "Maybe he digs pink hair- that's you Tayuya~ get em tiger" And then they burst in laughs. "My hair is dark pink-" She had whined.

Hinata pressed her lips together, maybe this was the girl that Ino and Sakura were talking about didn't like her because of her relationship with Naruto. Funny how she never noticed them before but now it was like they were on her radar. The way they dressed the way they acted. The white noise turning into chatter from the three of them. Her main focus- something that she found herself investing in. She trained on the girls lips as she sat in her seat.

'I might ask him if he needs a ride after class.'

Hinata shifted around to grab her keyboard and typed away into her computer searching Naruto Uzumaki. His schedule popped up showing his tardies and absence. He was present in all his classes and on time, all except her own. She twisted her lips- eyes looking pass her computer as she looked at the pink-haired girl name Tayuya. She felt disdain bubble inside her. Her finger scrolled down on her mouse rather furiously. His schedule moving up as she looked at his last class.

"Ahem." Hinata dinged her bell gathering the others' attention. "Since you guys did great this week, and it is Friday." Everyone nodded and whooped at this statement, energized for the weekend. "Yes, yes I know. I'm gonna let you guys go early. How about that?"

"Yes!" The class uproared. "You are the best, Ms. Hyuga!" They hollered slapping their books closed and shoving them in their backpacks. It was only fifteen minutes early but for them, it didn't matter. She could have let them leave five minutes early and they'd still be hyped up.

Hinata gathered her things walking out behind them, vision following the pink-haired girl as she giggled with her friends. She flipped the switch off, walking with just her black bag, making a beeline to the gymnasium. Naruto's last class was teacher assistant for the P.E coach.

The students were outside the building playing basketball and some off doing other things in the field. Students ran about the court passing and dribbling the ball. She looked around the courts finding her target.

He was running in black shorts and a white tank top. The boy moved swiftly with a cocky grin on his face, ducking and dodging the other boys as he drove the ball to the hoop and jumped up for a shot. His blonde hair whipped back and forth as he jogged backward, pointing at the others as he instructed them on what they did wrong. The sweat dripped off his face as he wiped the back of his hand across his forehead.

Hinata's eyes were glued to him. As if he knew she was watching, he grabbed the back of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. Tossing it to the sideline as he continued to play ball. His tone body glistening in the sun, perfectly sculpted. A deep v cut showing a road she wanted to follow-

"Ms. Hyuga!" A cheery voice caught her as she felt her body zap to attention. Her dirty mind feeling shameful as the warmth had begun to blossom between her legs.

She looked to her side when a buff man in a green tracksuit came up to her, black shiny hair cut in a bowl.

"Good to see you enjoying the sun! Looks like you could use some warmth!"

Hinata ignored the tinge of annoyance at his comment towards her pale skin. "Sorry to interrupt. But I need to speak with Uzumaki."

The man tsked shaking his head back and forth. "Already getting in trouble that boy." He turned and blew his whistle loudly. "UZUMAKI!"

At his name Naruto stopped running with the ball, bouncing it in his hand as he stood idle. His head turned towards his coach, a smile gracing his face but when his eyes looked upon her it switched to almost a sneer.

Hinata felt her knees buckle at his attention. She held her breath when those dark blue orbs pierced through her.

He dribbled the ball as he jogged to them, stopping when he got in front of her, ball placed at his hip. He looked her up and down, placing a hand on his forehead to shield him from the sun. The sweat droplets were rolling off of his chest and she fought hard not to trace it with her eyes.

"Yes, coach." He spoke out of breath.

"Young man! I believe Ms. Hyuga has a few words for you."

He nodded as he handed the coach the ball, walking towards the gym as she turned to follow. He pushed the gym doors open not holding it open for her. She slipped in smoothly before it closed behind her. After it shut closed Hinata found herself feeling warmer than when she was in the sun. Naruto stood in front of her with his hands on his hips, not looking at her.

She licked her lips slowly, she didn't know what to say now.

"What?" He questioned looking down and over his shoulder.

Hinata swallowed harshly, trying to find the right words. "U-Uzumaki..You've been skipping my class." She finished proudly trying to stand upright as if she weren't having the struggle of her life.

Being so close to him, being near him, it was like her body had been starved for just two classes of not seeing him. Her eyes followed each line in his back as his muscles tensed, writing it down like a secret map.

"And? Why does it matter to you?" He looked forward again, not giving her his full attention.

"I'm going to have to fail you if you don't show up to class Uzumaki. Th-that's two classes... not just one. I-I know what happened- I can't take it back but you can't put your school on the line." Hinata walked forward slightly but before she could take another step Naruto whipped around on her, pinning her with a glare as he charged at her making her stagger backward quickly like an animal about to be attacked by a tiger.

The darkness in the depths of his eyes trapped her as he slammed his hands against the door behind her, her back hitting it at the same time. His hands placed by her head on either side, her neck craning up to look into the depths of his eyes. He looked like a predator as he snarled down at her.

"Uzu- uh-" Hinata could barely speak, her lips quivering beneath his heated gaze.

"I don't care." He sneered. "I don't care if I don't graduate. When I am in your class all I can think about is this-" To emphasize his point he reached down underneath her dress and pressed into her wet panties. They both gasped at the same time for different reasons.

His face scrunching up as he pressed more into her. She looked down quickly placing both hands on his wrist trying to push his hand away from her shameful desire. They sat in this position for what felt like an eternity, her trying weakly to push him away while he sat with his hand in place; fingers pressing into her damp panties.

"Hinata." His voice was dark- almost sharp. Her body tensed in response like she had just been caught. He bent his head down so his lips were by her ear, breath fanning on her ear. She squeaked pulling more into herself, his fingers rubbing her slowly.

"Uz-Uzumaki please stop-"

"You're wet-" He growled at her, her shoulders shivering. Her legs squeezed tighter trying to stop his movements but it did her no good. Those fingers pressed more into her cunt, her back arching slightly. A tiny mewl leaving her lips as her core begged her to accept this offer graciously.

"Was this from watching me? You dirty girl. Getting wet seeing your student shirtless." His other hand slid down to grab her thigh, opening her up more for his fingers to play with her, dress bunched up around his arms.

Hinata shook her head swiftly, hair flipping back and forth while she held her eyes tightly and face tilted towards the gym floor. This couldn't be happening- this isn't what was supposed to happen, why was she getting wetter?

"N-No- you-you are wr-wrong-" She spoke breathlessly, "Uzumaki- please-"

Naruto looked up as footsteps approached the gym. Naruto pulled from underneath her dress and grabbed her by the arm spinning her around so he was in front of her. She peeked up at him as he fixed her dress for her patting her butt in the process.

He had a wide chesire grin, eyes sparkling naughtily. Her teeth pressed together, now he had something over her. He knew she still lusted after him. She didn't need words to know that his impish ways were delighted to play with her and dangle her from a thread with this new information.

The coach entered the gym as Naruto threw his arms up exaggeratingly, "Alright! I will try to show up- Mornings are just hard for me. Even Guy Sensei knows that."

"Ah Uzumaki you rascal, that's what this is about? I told you to try doing morning running to help you! It works for me."

The two exchanged some more words and chuckled as Hinata nodded and inserted maybe two words into the conversation. She was too busy pressing her legs against each other tightly.

"Ah- the other kids have already showered and left- you can if you want to before you leave." Guy handed him the shirt he had left outside and he thanked him.

"Yeah sure, I will see you later Ms. Hyuga." Naruto walked behind Guy and grinned. He brought his two fingers to his lips and rubbed them suggestively, a sly tongue touching them as he winked.

Hinata turned away pushing the doors to the gym with more force than needed. That was not what was supposed to happen. Out of everything that she could have presumed to happen that was on the bottom of the list. Scratch that- that scenario wasn't on the list at all.

Her legs rubbed against each other, the slick reminding her of what happened. Her lady parts throbbing for what could have conspired if Guy Sensei didn't interfere when he did.

As she made it past the gym she looked around and realized no one was there, walking to the parking lot she had spotted only one car waiting. It was a black mustang, Sasuke was sitting in the front seat watching her like a hawk. They made eye contact as she waved awkwardly, he nodded in response.

She turned away fighting back a smile.

'I guess Tayuya isn't seeing Naruto after class... Such a shame.'

Maybe she had lost her mind, but somewhere deep down within the darkest corner, she was happy.

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