Bakudeku Book of Stories

Oleh Beck_sp4ce

160K 4.1K 3.9K

just a series of unconnected one shots for your bakudeku pleasure *Art not mine* Lebih Banyak

Broken Dreams
Slow Dancing In The Dark
Smoke Rings and Shooting Stars
Sick Day
Donut Do Drug$
Deku Wants The Dick
Mr. Hand Man, Give Me My Figurine
The Hands of a Hero

Date Me, Dumbass.

5.4K 171 310
Oleh Beck_sp4ce

Sup, fuckers! Bet most of you thought you'd never hear from my dumbass again, but sadly y'all ain't that lucky lol. Here's another fic for you! This is literally the first thing I've been able to write in over a year (thanks trauma 👉🙃👉) so go easy on me because I'm rusty. Hope you guys like it.

"Have you ever just wanted to beat the ever living shit out of somebody because they're so fucking stupid and then, like, kiss them or something?" Bakugo Katsuki asks who he considers his best friend, Kirishima Eijirou, on a sunny Saturday afternoon as they eat lunch together on the steps outside of the gym after a long training session.

Kirishima snorts, his lips curling up into a smile as he swallows the bite of food in his mouth before replying.

"Can't say I have, Bakubro-"

"Don't fucking call me that."

"But since Midoriya is really just that oblivious to your flirting, I think you should just tell him outright that you're trying to date him." Kirishima finishes, undeterred by Katsuki's snark.

"I never said it was Deku!" Katsuki snaps, jabbing a chopstick at the red head as his cheeks turn a similar shade to the other's hair.

"You didn't have to. Everyone in 1-A except Midoriya knows that you're pursuing him." Kirishima goes onto say, setting his now empty bento box to the side on the concrete stair he's currently seated on.

Katsuki says nothing and only glares at the other. Stupid Shitty Hair. Thinks he can just say something like that to him of all people. Asshole.

"What, you thought you were being slick? You're about as subtle as a bull in a china shop, Bro." He continues with a laugh.

"Okay if all of you extras know, then why the fuck doesn't Deku?!" Katsuki blurts out frustratedly, dropping the charade that it isn't Izuku that he's referring to.

"I don't know what else to do! I've taken him out, bought him shit, spent God knows how many hours with him, complimented him, I've even held his hand for crying out loud! I'm practically already dating him at this point but all I ever get is 'oH kAcChAn, yOu'Re sUcH aN aMaZiNg fRiEnD!'" He says, raising the pitch of his voice in a mocking manner as he quotes Izuku while gesticulating wildly.

"Like, no you dumbass! I'm trying to be your boyfriend, are you braindead?!"

"Have you tried, I don't know, just telling him how you feel?" Kirishima replies somewhat sarcastically with a look that says this really should be obvious.

Katsuki scrunches up his face in disgust at the thought of expressing his emotions.

"There's your problem. Just tell him." Kirishima says encouragingly in response to his friend's obvious discomfort at being vulnerable with another person like Izuku.

"Fuck you, Hair For Brains." Katsuki tells the other as he gathers his things and stomps off angrily because he doesn't like the fact that Kirishima is right.

"Love you, too, Bro! Go get your man!" Kirishima calls after him with a smile.


"-And then he said 'Frick, your eyes look pretty tonight.' Well, he didn't say 'frick,' but yanno." Midoriya Izuku says to Uraraka Ochako, spilling the details of his evening with Katsuki the night before as they hang out in his dorm room. He sighs, giving her a wistful look as he flops back onto his bed.

"I just wished he liked me more than just as a friend."

Izuku and Katsuki have come a long way in terms of their relationship. For about a year now, they've been growing a lot closer. It makes him so happy to finally have his childhood friend back, but during that time Izuku has found himself falling hard for Katsuki. Not wanting to ruin what they have, Izuku has kept his feelings to himself as much as it makes his heart ache.

Uraraka stares at her dear friend with an expression that reads like she wants to shoot him and then herself.

"You're stupid." She says bluntly.

"Wh-What?" Izuku asks, taken aback by the words.

"You're gay and stupid, Izuku." Uraraka goes on to tell him. She's had to listen to Izuku prattle on about all the things Katsuki says and does for months and months on end when it's clear that said boy is head over heels for him all while Izuku is too oblivious to get it.

"It's obvious he's super into you!" She explains, completely exasperated at this point.

"I-It's really not like that-"

"Deku," Uraraka starts, cutting him off.

"What kind of friend holds your hand, tells you you have pretty eyes, and takes you out to all your favorite places on the regular?" She questions, trying to get him to see that this is anything but platonic.

"...A best friend?" Izuku offers timidly.

"No! Izuku, you don't have a best friend, you have a boyfriend!" Uraraka exclaims, smacking him in the face with one of his pillows from her spot across from Izuku on his bed.

"Do you think if I waltzed up to Iida, said 'Nice ass,' and then took him out to dinner that that would just be a friend's thing?" She asks incredulously, stating an exact scenario that has happened between Katsuki and Izuku.

"He was just being body positive and wanted to make sure I ate that day!" Izuku counters, removing the pillow from his face and sitting up once more with a vibrant blush staining his freckled cheeks.

"You're hopeless." Uraraka groans, putting her face in her hands in defeat. "Why are you like this?" She asks, peering at Izuku through a gap in her fingers.

"I just..." Izuku trails off, unable to meet Uraraka's gaze as he wraps his arms around himself.

"I don't think it's possible for anyone to like me like that. I mean, I'm nothing special. I'm just...Deku and Kacchan he's..." Izuku stares out his window as he chooses his next words.

"He's amazing. I've never been so enthralled by another person. Someone as incredible as him wouldn't ever look at me that way."

The truth of why Izuku can't believe Katsuki is interested in him makes Uraraka feel incredibly sad. Even though he's come so far, Izuku still thinks so little of himself. She reaches out and pulls her best friend into a tight hug.

"Izuku, you're incredible. Anybody, especially Bakugou, would be so lucky to have you. You're a catch!" She tells him honestly as Izuku's arms come to circle around her.

The sweet words warm Izuku's heart, grateful that he has a friend like Uraraka. While he doesn't feel the same way about himself that she does, it still means a lot to him. Maybe one day he'll be able to see himself the way other's like her do.

"I'm glad you think so but regardless of whether Kacchan wants me like that or not, I'm just glad I have him as a friend."

Izuku and Uraraka spend the rest of the afternoon together until Uraraka has to go do her laundry, leaving Izuku alone with his thoughts for the evening. As per usual, they all center around Katsuki as much as he tries to push him out of his head and focus on other things. He can't help but wonder what the other is up to since he hasn't heard from him all day which is kind of odd due to them usually spending so much time together.


"Hey Shitnerd, I like your face so date me, Pussy! ...No, that's not right."

Katsuki is currently pacing his room, trying to find the right words to express his feelings to Izuku since the other is too stupid to figure it out.

"Deku, I'm your boyfriend whether you like it or not so deal with it! God, that's stupid. Come on, Katsuki, it shouldn't be this hard!" He chides himself after another failed attempt to ask the imaginary Izuku in his mind to be more than friends.

Letting out a growl and running an agitated hand through his hair, Katsuki continues to wrack his brain for the perfect thing to say that will give him the outcome he wants. He's been at this nearly all day now and he still can't properly express himself the way he would like. It gets to the point where he decides to go find Izuku and just do it because clearly planning it out isn't working.

It's his frustration at the whole situation that fuels him to go to Izuku's dorm room and bodly rap his knuckles on the door several times.

"Oi Deku, I got something to tell you! Open the door, Nerd!" Katsuki demands.

He's honestly feeling pretty confident in himself and about confessing to Izuku. That is, until Izuku opens the door and he comes face to face with those big emerald eyes and a smattering of freckles on rounded cheeks. Suddenly, he's reminded why he never wanted to do this and why he hoped Izuku would just get it.

"Kacchan, what is it?" Izuku asks with an amused smile as he stares up at Katsuki expectantly.

Katsuki swallows thickly, his throat feeling dry and holding the words he's desperately trying to say hostage. He's afraid, terrified even, that Izuku is going to say "no" and he'll lose the best thing in his life. He's so scared to put his heart on the line like this. Izuku is all he could ever want and Katsuki doesn't know what the hell he'd do if he managed to lose him again after finally getting him back.

"Being friends with you is an absolute nightmare and I can't stand another second of it." Katsuki blurts out and he immediately wants to blow himself up when he sees the hurt flash across Izuku's face as tears well in his eyes.

"Ka-Kacchan, what-" The smaller male chokes out as the tears begin to fall, but Katsuki doesn't let him finish as the words just begin to pour out of him in a rush as his hands shake with anxiety.

Being vulnerable with Izuku feels like one of the most difficult things he's ever had to do, but it's like he can't keep his feelings to himself anymore. Just like a can of soda that's been shaken until it bursts, everything Katsuki feels is suddenly spewing out of his mouth.

"I've spent the better part of a year trying to date you and you somehow haven't noticed so now I'm here, trying to tell you how I feel, but I'm fucking it all up and shit Dek-Izuku, I want you to be mine so bad. I want you, but I'm terrified that you're going to reject me because I've done too much damage or I'm too much of an asshole or because I could never be worthy of someone as truly good as you or-"

Katsuki is suddenly interrupted in the middle of his word vomiting by Izuku wrapping his arms around his neck and tugging him down into a kiss, catching him completely of guard. After a few seconds of him standing there in shock Katsuki's hands come to cup those freckled cheeks he's longed to touch as he presses forward, walking Izuku back into his room and out of the hall where they initially were standing.

"I could never say 'no' to you, Kacchan." Izuku murmurs against Katsuki's lips, kissing him one final time before pulling away.

"I had no idea you felt that way about me."

"Yeah, I noticed." Katsuki says wryly, giving Izuku a smirk. His head is honestly still spinning from the kiss as much as he tries to play it cool.

"I just didn't think it was possible for you to feel that way about me. After all, I was the one always chasing after you. Never once did I think you'd ever look back at me and see someone worthy of being by your side." He admits, wiping the last remaining tears away from his face as he gives Katsuki a watery smile.

"I never said anything about how I felt because I knew that I couldn't take losing you all over again." Izuku tells him, feeling like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders now that he doesn't have to fear that anymore.

"Little did I know that you were just as scared as I was about it." He goes on to say with a little laugh.

"Izuku, how could I look at you and see anything less than amazing? Of course I want you by my side. If anything, I'm the one who's not worthy of you." Katsuki says honestly, looking down at the floor.

"After everything I put you through during junior high and even my bullshit here at UA, I don't deserve you. The fact that I even have your friendship, and now this, is astounding to me." Katsuki takes a deep breath, still struggling to let all of this out but knowing that it's good for him to do so.

"I'm sorry," He gets out, ruby red irises meeting emerald green ones. "I'm so sorry for everything, Izuku."

Katsuki has never apologized for the hell he put Izuku through so he feels it's high time he takes responsibility for his actions.

"I should have never treated you that way, especially-" He cuts himself off, taking another breath to steady himself as a lump forms in his throat.

"Especially on that day when I told you to take a swan dive off the roof. I spend so many nights lying awake wondering what on earth I would've done if you actually did it because you are too important to me and to so many other people to ever lose. I wish I could go back in time and rip my tongue out of my mouth so I never uttered those words."

Katsuki hates the feeling of his eyes burning with tears as they run down his face, wanting to be strong during this conversation because he has no right to cry considering what he did to Izuku was infinitely worse than how he feels about having done it.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, Izuku."

Izuku is too good for him especially now when he hugs him ever so sweetly as if he deserves to be comforted.

"Kacchan, I forgave you a long time ago." Izuku tells Katsuki, voice tender and carrying the obvious affection he feels for the other in his tone.

"You've shown me that you've grown into a better person. You've been treating me so amazingly good that at times I've questioned if I was dreaming. Is it nice having a proper apology from you? Of course, it's more than I ever expected, but did I already know you were sorry and that you've been doing your damnedest to prove to me that you weren't that person anymore? Yes, and I've been so proud of you for it." Izuku says earnestly as he rubs Katsuki's back.

Katsuki holds onto Izuku tightly, burying his face into those beautiful green curls as he feels a deep wound within himself finally begin to close.

"Everyday. I'll continue to prove it to you every single day you allow me to be by your side, I swear." He promises, beginning to press soft kisses to Izuku's face as he keeps him close.

"I'll always want you by my side. As my boyfriend, that's where you're supposed to stay." Izuku says, giving Katsuki a raidient smile that takes his breath away. He wonders how he could ever be so lucky as to have Izuku look at him like that.

"You're damn right, Deku." Katsuki replies, feeling a smile break out across his own face before leaning down and connecting their lips together once more.

It's been a long time coming, but Katsuki can finally call Izuku his and nothing could make him happier in this moment. It was grueling to finally just open up and tell him how he felt, but he's so glad he did. It was worth every uncomfortable moment and it always will be going forward considering that he has the support of such an amazing human being to help him get through it. Katsuki can feel that this is the start of something wonderful and he can't wait to continue on this journey with Izuku by his side.

Hope you guys enjoyed the fic! I can't promise that I'll get on a consistent update schedule because my body is still very much an ass and makes it hard for me to do the most basic of things, but I'm going to try to write more when I'm able. I appreciate all of you for sticking with me. Talk to me in the comments of you wanna 💙


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