My Everything (Camren)

__jimmyneutron által

276K 6.5K 4.3K

Clara Jauregui, a teacher at Westwood High School befriends a young student Camila Cabello. What happens when... Több

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

17.3K 464 192
__jimmyneutron által

Camila was in her room listening to music while doing her chemistry homework. She was a hardworking student, she strived to be the best so she could make a better life for her and Sofi. She's only 15 but Sofi is one of her main priorities, the other being school.

She works so hard in school, she doesn't want to end up like her parents. If she could, she'd leave them and never look back but she's not old enough and neither is Sofi and even if she was, she doesn't want Sofi living with their parents. They can't provide for them, they act like they don't exist and she doesn't want Sofi to feel more neglected than she already is.

"Kaki?" Sofi mumbled sleepily. "Hmm, baby girl?" Camila said, stroking the younger girl's hair. She sat her chemistry work to the side so Sofi could climb onto her lap. "Where's mama and papa?" She asked, the older brunette looked at her little sister sadly and sighed. The answer is always being same, "They're not here Sofi," Sofi frowned, Camila knows that Sofi wants their parents, Camila wants them too but she know she'll never get them.

"Hey babe, ,why don't you go back to sleep." She bent down and kissed Sofi's forehead. Sofi nodded and cuddled into Camila's chest, Camila smiled at her adorable little sister. She wrapped her arms around Sofi and laid against the headboard of the bed.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, a loud bang could be heard from downstairs. She carefully lifted Sofi off of her chest and onto the bed, she kissed the little one's cheek and walked out of her room to see what the commotion was.

She could hear screaming and yelling as she made her way towards the steps, there was another loud bang and she was beginning to get worried. It's always like this though, shouting and screaming.

She crept down to see her mother and father in a heated argument. They were arguing over something completely stupid and idiotic, Camila had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes at the stupidity of her parents.

It was about some left over food in the refrigerator. I guess that's what being drunk does to you.

Camila knew exactly what they were arguing about, there was hardly anything in the fridge and Camila didn't want Sofi to starve so she fed her younger sister the little food that was left.

She nervously crept upon her parents who were obviously drunk being belief to be arguing about leftover food.

"Could you guys keep it down? Sofi is trying to sleep, we have school tomorrow." Camila explained. Her father ignored her as he vastly approached her, "Did you eat the fucking food that I saved?" He asked aggressively.

"Sofi was hungry, and there was nothing left so I fed it to her." Camila whispered, her voice barely audible.

That's when she felt a sharp pain sting to the side of her face. She looked up to see her father's bloodshot eyes staring into her terrified brown ones. "Don't touch my shit, you got that?" He said and walked away.

"You expect me to let my little sister starve?" She voiced, finding confidence, that would lead to an even harder slap in the face.

Her mother just sat by watching carelessly as her husband beat their child. She was too drunk and too high to stop it.

Camila looked at her, silently asking for help but her mother turned away. He slapped her one last time, "Get out of my face." Camila scurried across the floor back into her room where Sofi was still sound asleep.

Camila was happy that Sofi didn't have to witness that, it was only less than 3 weeks ago that Sofi saw her dad beat her sister.

She was scared to death and felt so helpless. Camila urged her to go to their room and lock the door when it happened, she didn't want anything happening to Sofi, but she didn't listen and ran to Camila instead.

Her father lifted had his hand about to hit Sofi but Camila jumped in the way preventing that from happening.

That was his first time their father attempted to hit the younger Cabello, and Camila would make sure that it would never happen again.

She went to the bathroom and wiped the blood from her lip and eyebrow. There was a large purple bruise forming under her eye. She was practically use to the abuse but nothing made it better. In all honesty, physical pain couldn't compare to emotional pain,

As she cleaned herself up, she went and laid down in the bed with Sofi, who was hugging her stuffed giraffe. She never wants Sofi to get hurt like she does, that would kill her.

Camila walked into school with a hoodie over head and her head hung low. She didn't want anyone to ask questions about the bruises on her face. She covered them as best as she could but it still wasn't enough. It was practically like she got mobbed.

Since her head was down she wasn't really watching where she was going and ran into someone.

She looked up to meet sparking green eyes. "Sorry," Camila mumbled and walked past Lauren looking down, not giving the other Latina a second glance. Confused, Lauren followed Camila into the girls restroom. It was unusual for the younger girl not to say hi to Lauren.

Camila walked in a stall, took a breathe, reached in her backpack for her makeup bag before coming back out only to be met with Lauren again.

"Hey, Camila?" Lauren questioned as the younger girl wouldn't make eye contact, "Hey, I uh-I have to go." She muttered trying to pass Lauren but before she could leave, Lauren grabbed her hand causing her to look up.

Lauren gasped at the sight of Camila's face. Her lip was busted, the right side of her cheek was bruised, there was a small cut above her right eyebrow and a large purple bruise under her left eye.

Camila noticed the look on Lauren's face and bowed her head shamefully. She was embarrassed about the bruises, it made her feel weak.

Lauren lifted Camila's chin and stared into her pained brown eyes. She had no words. She did the only she could think of at the moment and brought Camila into a warm comforting hug.

She wrapped her arms around the younger girl and hugged her tight.

Camila took in Lauren's vanilla scent, a feeling of calmness washed over her as Lauren hugged her. Just from that hug alone she felt safe in Lauren's arms. Her and Lauren may have just started talking 2 weeks ago but she's starting to really like the girl, it may be hard to show it sometimes but she really does.

Lauren pulled back a little to look into Camila's eyes. With Lauren's hypnotizing emerald eyes staring into her, Camila felt weak in the knees.

Lauren's eyes were irresistible, and Camila fell under their spell.

Lauren gently brought her hand to Camila's unbruised cheek and stroked it lightly. Camila subconsciously leaned into Lauren's touch. They barely knew each other but Lauren felt the need to protect the younger girl.

"What happened," she whispered still stroking Camila's cheek. Camila tensed at the question. "I-I fell down the stairs." She replied nervously.

Lauren gave Camila a look that said 'I know you're lying'. "You can tell me," she pressed. Camila sighed and shook her head. Lauren knew she wouldn't get anything out of Camila just yet.

Camila's eyes started to well up with tears, "Hey, it's okay," Lauren said and brought Camila into another hug. "It's not okay," Camila mumbled against Lauren's chest as she clung to the green eyed girl.

There was so much hurt and sadness laced in Camila's words, Lauren felt her heart shatter.

Their moment was broken when they heard they heard the bell rang. Lauren was reluctant to let go of the smaller girl so she didn't, she couldn't leave Camila in the state she was in.

The younger girl didn't like to show her emotions to others much but Lauren was different. She couldn't open up completely to Lauren yet but she could accept her comfort and kindness.

They stayed like that for the rest of the period, wrapped in each other's arms. Camila was thankful that Lauren was there when she was.


"Dinah, I need a favor!" Lauren urged as she quickly sat next to her friend at their usual lunch table with a few other players from the basketball team. "What is it?" Dinah asked, taking a French fry and throwing it into her mouth. "I need you to let Camila stay at yours a few days." The green eyed girl said, hope written in her beautiful eyes.

"I'll see what I can do, why?" She posed. Lauren let out a breath. "Camila had some pretty nasty bruises on her face the other day," Lauren said, getting a questioning look from the Polynesian.

"She covered them up pretty good, something tells me she's used to it, so could you please let her stay at yours?" Lauren pleaded. Dinah took her phone out to text her parents. "Yeah she can stay, my parents said it was fine." The brown haired girl replied. "But why didn't want her to stay at yours?" She asked. Oh believe me I did. "I just thought since she's more of your friend, she would less likely object and go for it." She shrugged.

Dinah nodded and Lauren jumped on her. "Thank you Dmac!" And gave her a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Hey, get your lips off of my girlfriend!" Normani joked as she joined them. "I can't help it if she wants me babe," Dinah laughed.

"Who can blame me?" Lauren stated and gestured to Dinah's body. Dinah winked and Lauren laughed. "Quit trying to steal my girlfriend, Jauregui!" Normani playfully glared. "Already have Hamilton," and kissed Dinah's cheek again.

This time Normani smacked her. "Stay away from my woman." Dinah laughed as Lauren yelped in pain. "You're so hot when you're protective babe," Dinah stated and kissed Normani.

Lauren glared at her friends before going to find Camila. Once she spotted the brunette she sat beside her. "Hey Camz," Lauren greeted, the nickname slipping out almost naturally. Camila looked up with a raised eyebrow, "Camz?" She questioned. "It's a nickname but if you don't like it I can always call you Mi-" she cut Lauren off. "I like it," a small smile played at the corner of her lips. "It's different,"

"Good," Lauren smirked. "I uh asked Dinah if you could stay at hers for a few days. I-I mean if it's alright with you." Lauren stuttered, feeling nervous she might reject the offer. "I-I'll have to check with my parents." Camila said, fiddling with the spirals on her notebook.

"Okay," Lauren breathed happily. "Well I must be going," Lauren said, getting up and waving, "Bye Camz,"

Lauren wasn't exactly watching where she was going, too busy waving at her crush and ran into someone with a huge tray of food that was suddenly, now all over her.

She let out a sheepish smile as the cafeteria erupted into laughter. She looked back at Camila who was trying to stifle her laugh. Her cheeks turned red at the thought of embarrassing herself in front of Camila, if it were anyone else she wouldn't be care or be embarrassed at all.

She walked back to her group of friends who were hysterically laughing at her. Dinah was literally gasping for breath and Normani was laughing alongside her girlfriend.

Her team was laughing as well and Lauren knew she wouldn't live this down at practice today.

She walked out of the cafeteria to the girls locker room to change her food stained clothes.


Camila walked into class the next day and found Dinah. When Lauren asked about staying at Dinah's she had already made up her mind right then and there.

"Hey, Cheechee," Camila greeted her friend. "Chancho!" Dinah greeted back. She took the seat next to Dinah. "So, can you stay at my house?" Dinah asked, as she took her work out for class. Camila nodded, "M-my parents said it was fine but I have to bring my sister." Camila explained and Dinah nodded.

"Okay!" Dinah beamed and just sat there, not doing her work.

Truth be told, Camila never asked her parents, they wouldn't care if she wasn't there. She figured she was just a a bother to them. They already ignore her and Sofi anyway, it wouldn't matter that they were gone a couple of days.

"I'll pick you up after school," she whispered as their English teacher lectured.

Dinah rolled her eyes at their boring 200 year old looking English teacher, he could literally put anyone to sleep.

Camila just laughed at Dinah and threw things at her if she fell asleep. Dinah would grunt and throw the objects back.

They got in trouble a couple of times but the pair would laugh it off and make fun of their teacher.

Camila smiled, she liked having a friend, a real friend. It felt good, made her feel less lonely.


let me know what ya think

our baby is 18 😩😭

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