All It Takes Is A Kiss! 💋

By BatulHakim6

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Ella Watson, is your regular high school girl, she is UNEXPECTEDLY the best friend of the school's most famou... More

Author's Note
Character sketches!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus Chapter
Thank You!

Chapter 11

321 7 2
By BatulHakim6

Ella's P.O.V

"Ella, please wait!" Derek tells me to wait as I am leaving the school."

"Yes Derek, tell me. What is it?" I ask him while crossing my arms.

"Ella, please don't be sad about Paul's attitude. He will be okay soon and he will approach you." Derek tells me with an assuring smile on his face.

"I hope so, Derek. I really want to clear out things with him. But I have decided to give him space and time so that it will help him to think straight." I tell him with a slight sigh.

"Yeah, Ella. That's better. Don't run behind him now. Have some self respect. He will come to you and apologize to you pretty soon." Derek tells me while holding my hand.

"Yeah, Derek. Lets see. What happens." I replied.

"You can call me or we can meet and talk about it okay. Please don't feel as if you are alone. I am there for you." Derek tells me with a bright smile on his face.

"Yes, Derek. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me." I tell him with a smile on my face and wave him goodbye.

After leaving the school, I go to my house by bus and after reaching home I directly climb up to my room. I jump on my bed. Oh god! What is really going on? I just don't know what to do with Paul anymore. I can't stop thinking about his behavior earlier at school today. Ah! What a mess. Everything was just so perfect but now everything is ruined. Suddenly there are tears flowing down from my eyes. I dial Veronica's number and she picks up the call in few seconds.

"Hey, Ver. How are you doing? And where are you right now?." I ask her in a curious tone.

"Hey, Ella. I m doing good. How are you? I am going home now actually I didn't want to attend the lectures so yeah. Hehe." She tells me while giggling.

"Yeah, I can understand." I replied with a smile.

"So Ella, tell me. What are you up to?." She asks me in a genuine tone.

"Yeah, I want to ask you something. Veronica, I really don't understand why I can't remove the thought of Paul from my mind. Even after everything I am still thinking about him and cry for him. Ugh. I really don't know what to do." I tell her in an upset tone.

"Ella, seriously. Even after what happened at school today you are still thinking about him. I can't believe you. Just forget about him now." She tells me in an angry voice and yells at me.

"Veronica, why can't you understand my feelings for him?." I ask her in a disappointing tone.

"Ella, I'll call you back later. I am going home now. I got to go. Bye." She replied while cutting off the line in between.

Ugh. Why can't Veronica understand me? I really need her opinion and support at this point in my life but she doesn't seem to care. Or maybe she really doesn't have time to talk to me now. Its okay. Ill talk to her tomorrow at school.
After keeping the phone on the study table I take a nap. I wake up around 6 o'clock in the evening and after freshing up I go downstairs to meet my mom and spend some time with her.

"Hey, mom. What are you doing?." I ask her while sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Nothing dear, I just came out of the kitchen and sat on the sofa to relax a bit. Pfff." She replies with an exhausting look on her face.

"Okay, mom." I replied.

"So Ella, how was your day at school today?." My mom asks with a concerned look on her face.

"My day was pretty good mom." I tell her with a slight smile on my face.

"Okay, dear. Good." Mom replied.

So while sitting on the sofa I and my mom watch a drama which is already airing on television. We watch together with laughter and giggles.

After spending some time with my mom, we prepare the food for dinner and we all have our dinner calmly.

After having food I go up to my room and spend some time sitting by the window and go to sleep early.

Next morning.

I wake up early in the morning and freshen up, I decide to wear a plain white t-shirt paired with a light blue jeans and carry a black color handbag. I decide to do a natural makeup with a lip gloss. I style my hair into a french braid.

After getting ready I go downstairs and have my breakfast. Also, I greet my mom, dad and Lucy and leave the house to go to school.

I decide to go to school by taking a walk and put my headphones on. I reach school in about 20 minutes. I enter the main door of the school and greet my classmates.

"Hey, Sophie and Josie. How are you guys doing?." I greet them with a smile on my face.

"Hey, Ella. We are doing good. How are you doing?." Both of them replied in unison with a bright smile on their faces.

"I am doing good too girls." I replied.

"Ella, I want to ask you something." Sophie asks with a serious look on her face.

"Yes Sophie tell me." I replied while sighing.

"What happened between you and Paul? Did you guys breakup?." Sophie asks with a curious look on her face.

"Yes, Sophie we broke up. Its a long story I'll tell you about it later." I replied with a sad look on my face.

"We are so sorry to hear about it Ella." Sophie and Josie replied in unison. Sophie continues saying,"Its okay. You will deserve someone better. Just call me whenever you need to talk to me about it okay." Sophie tells me while consoling me and holding my hand to make me feel better.

"Sure, Ill call you Sophie. I have to go now. Class is going to start. See you guys." I say while waving a goodbye.

"Yeah, bye." Sophie replied.

After attending all the lectures I go to the cafeteria and I can see Veronica sitting on the table. So I walk towards her table and take a seat.

"Hey, Ver. What are you doing here? Why didn't you attend any lectures today?." I ask her with a suspicious look on my face.

"Ella, actually I and Derek went out for some work so that is why I couldn't attend the lectures today." Veronica explains me with a smile on her face.

"Okay, Veronica. By the way, I was waiting for you to call me yesterday but you didn't." I tell her with a displeased look on my face.

"Ella, I got busy with some work so thats why I didn't call you. Tell me what happened." She tells me while gritting her teeth.

"I figured. Actually I want to talk to you about Paul. Ver, I really dont know what I should do about him. I am not so happy with whatever is going on between us." I tell her with a sad look on my face.

"Ella, seriously. Why don't you just forget about him. I really don't want to talk about this topic anymore. I am done with it. I think even you should stop thinking about him." She tells me with an irritated look on her face.

"Okay, Veronica. Thank you so much for being there for me and helping me in such a rough time in my life. I should probably get going because I lost my appetite." I tell her in a sarcastic way with a disappointed look on my face.

I get up from the table and walk towards the door of the cafeteria. Ah! It hurts so much. I really didn't expect Veronica to behave like this. I always thought that she is my best friend and she will always be there with me through thick and thin. But I guess I was totally wrong about it. I am so mad at her right now. Ugh. Let it be. I have decided I will not talk to her about anything regarding Paul anymore.
With such thoughts in my mind, I leave school with an angry look on my face and ignore Derek and Zach on my way out.

I reach home in 10 minutes because I decide to go by a taxi. After reaching home I sit on the porch and think about what happened between me and Veronica today. Ugh.
I really need to talk to someone so that I can share my pain and sadness. My heart feels heavy and I want to feel good again. So I dial Lily's number and decide to talk to her about it.
She picks up the call in few seconds.

"Hi, Lily. How are you doing?." I ask her in a low voice.

"Hey, Ella. I am doing good dear. How are you doing? All good right? You are sounding really low." She asks with concern in her voice.

"Yes, Lily actually I and Paul broke up few days back. So I called you to talk to you regarding Paul and take opinion from you about what should I do." I tell her while sighing.

"What? How did this happen? Why didn't you tell me about it sooner?." She asks in a surprising tone.

So I explain her everything in detail about what happened between me and Paul.

"I am so sorry to hear about it Ella. But listen to me okay. See, I think that you should give him some time to figure out things about you." She tells me in a soft tone.

"Lily, even I thought of giving him some space so that he will get time to clear his head and figure out things. But how much time yeah?. I really want to be with him you know." I tell her with tears filled in my eyes.

"Ella, I can understand you completely. I know it is really difficult to stay away from someone you actually started getting feelings for. But listen to me, I want you to give him time because guys are always like this once they are jealous and know that their girl likes someone else they get hurt too. Just trust in your relationship with him and hope that everything will be okay in the end." She tells me while trying to make me understand about it and trying to make me feel better.

"Thank you so much Lily for your opinion. I don't know what would I have done without you. You mean a lot to me." I tell her in a happy tone.

"Don't thank me Ella. I wish I could meet you now and give you a tight hug. But I'll see you pretty soon okay." She tells me while chuckling.

"Yes, Lily lets meet soon. By the way, how is everything going on between you and Zach? All good na?." I ask her in a curious tone.

"All good, Ella. Dont worry about us. I hope everything goes well with you too. Just call me whenever you need me okay. Ill be there for you." She tells me in a promising tone.

"Sure, Lily. Ill call you whenever I need you. Ill call you more often because it feels really good to talk to you. Hehe." I tell her while giggling.

"Ella, I gotta go okay. Actually I have to complete my pending assignments so ill talk to you later okay. I wish I could talk to you more." She tells me in a bitter tone.

"Its okay, Lily. Complete your assignments first then we will talk to each other. See you." I tell her while smiling.

"Yeah, see you Ella." She replied.

And I hung up the call.

After talking to Lily, I feel really good and she completely changed my mood and I feel really happy now. I am so thankful for Lily to come in my life atleast I have someone with whom I can share my problems unlike Veronica. Ugh.
I enter the house and I go upstairs to my room and freshen up. After changing my clothes into something comfortable I decide to study for the exams that are coming up next month.
I sit on the study table and study for sometime.

After studying, I go downstairs and as its a dinner time we all sit on the dining table and have our dinner peacefully.

After eating food, I greet my mom, dad and little sister Lucy and go up to my room. Entering the room, I jump on my bed and sleep after sometime.

Next morning.

After waking up early in the morning, I get freshen up and decide to study for a while before going to school.

After studying for sometime, I get up from my study table and I decide to wear a dark blue color jeans with florescent yellow halter neck t-shirt and I decide to do a natural makeup as usual. I style my hair into soft curls.

After getting ready, I run downstairs and have my breakfast. I greet my mom and dad and leave the house.
I decide to go to school by bus and I reach school in 10 minutes.

After reaching school, I enter the main door of the school and walk towards the locker room. I open my locker and I start putting the important notes and books in my backpack.

While entering the class, somebody grabs my hand from behind and after turning back I can see its Veronica.

"Ugh, Veronica. Tell me. What is it?." I ask her with stern look on my face.

"Ella, I am so sorry about what I told you yesterday, I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me." She tells me in a pleading tone.

"Veronica, I am sorry but I am totally done with you. Please. I just need sometime to figure out things between us. You really did hurt me this time." I tell her in a sad tone with an angry look on my face.

"Ella, please. Just give me another chance, I'll be there for you and help you through everything. Please." She tells me with an upset look on her face.

"Veronica, stop it." I shout at her while walking away from her.

"Hey, Ella. Can you come here please? I need to talk to you." Derek tells me with a confused look on his face.

"Yes, Derek. Tell me. What happened?." I ask him with a curious look on my face.

"Ella, actually I overheard yours and Veronica's conversation. What happened? Is everything okay between you guys?." Derek asks with a serious look on his face.

So, I explained everything to Derek about what is going on between me and Veronica. And how I don't like the way Veronica reacts whenever I talk to her about Paul.

"Ella, I am really sorry on behalf of Veronica. If she isn't helping you or giving you opinions regarding Paul so what I am here for you and I'll give you opinions about how to make things right with Paul okay. Dont worry." Derek tells me with a smile on his face and gives me a side hug for reassurance.

"Its okay, Derek. Thank you so much. But I don't want anybody's help anymore. Ill figure out things on my own." I tell him with a grim look on my face.

"Ugh, Ella. Why do you have to be so difficult?." Derek says with a defeated look on his face.

I just shrugged my head and bid my farewell to him for the day.

So what do you guys think about Veronica's behavior? Will Derek be able to rectify Veronica's mistakes? Or there will be problems between both of them? Will Ella continue being close friends with Veronica? Or will she distant herself from her and be close to Lily?

How did you all like this chapter?

Let me know in the comment section below!

A/N - Please show some love and support guys, it means a lot to me. Also, if you are liking the story so far do share it with your friends and family. Your support keeps me going. And it motivates me to write.

Keep reading.

Love you guys!

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