~Unknown Markings~

By Maiiiiiiiiiiii001

266K 9.7K 3.3K

Ever since Draco can remember he also seemed to get small cuts and scars without having done anything to caus... More

~Breaking and Entering~
~The Missing Book~
~The Missing Book~
~I Should Have Never~
~Where did she go?~
~Ron finds out~
~Potential Possibilities~
~Stalking Slytherins~
~Dangerous Dice~
~The talk with the Slytherin Portrait~
~Slytherin Sherlock~
~Nothing but the truth~
~Midnight Meetings~
~Playing Detective~
~The Art of Misdirection~
~Plans gone sideways~
~A Malfoy Christmas~
~Draco Logic~
~A little bit of Convincing~
~Getting Help~
~Muggle movies are the best~
~New Arrangements~
~The Creation of an Army~
~Closer to Caught~
~Inner Conflict~
~a not so secret society~
~Attemped messaging~
~Easter Break Begins~
~Unexpected Visitors~
~Some extra storage~
~Secrets Can't be kept~
~Family Meetings~
~The Department of Mysteries~
~Back Home~
~The Falling~
~Life and Death~

~Detention with Umbridge~

8.6K 273 122
By Maiiiiiiiiiiii001

Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood and cutting. 

Harry POV

The day is going by unbearably slowly. It was only third period but it seemed like I had already finished the entire school day. Everything had been so weird since the break-in the night before. There were a bunch of rumors going around as to who did it. There were dozens of students who suspected that it was the work of death eaters. Despite being told, that it was a student. I doubt any student here would become a death eater. 

Right now I was in the middle of my History of Magic class. I was dead. I cannot believe how insanely boring this class is. I can't wait to drop this after my O.W.Ls. 

The only person that actually seemed interested in Professor Binns's lecture was Hermione. Malfoy was there too, he was taking notes as well but looked completely miserable. His blond hair looked even stiffer than usual and his eyes seemed sunken. It looked like there should have been some sort of bags underneath his eyes but there weren't any visible. 

Almost like there was some sort of concealment charm or glamor. I wouldn't put it past the vain git.

Even from the other side of the classroom, I could see the quiver in his when he was trying to write. What the hell with wrong with him?

That was however the only notable thing during my day, the rest went by in a blur. At least until I made my way up to Umbridge's office. 

When I reached the door I knocked on the door politely. I had a burning sense of uneasiness in my stomach as she told me to come in. 

The room was cotton candy pink with plates on the walls infested with meowing cats, all staring at me. The room even smelled pink. How is that even possible?! Professor Umbridge was at her desk getting up as I entered leaving the cup of tea previously in front of her abandoned. 

(A/N:  I am not going to write out the scene word for word because of copyright purposes but it will be close enough and will have a general idea.)

"Good evening Mr. Potter, please take a seat," Umbridge instructed her voice sickly sweet but leaving no space for disobeying. She gestured to a small desk in front of her already set with a scroll. However, there was the absence of a quill and some ink. I complied with her instructions and started to explain my task. She told me that I would be doing some lines. 

I reached into my bag to get out my quill when Umbridge stopped me. "Today, Mr. Potter you are going to be using one of my special quills." She said as she placed a raven black quill in front of me. I picked it up slowly having never seen one like this before. 

"Now, " she began and I listened closely for further instructions. I figured the sooner I got finish my lines the sooner I get away from this crazy woman. "I want you to write. I must not tell lies." 

She said this painfully slowly as if she wanted to put emphasis on every single word. Inwardly I groaned, expecting no less from Umbridge. 

That's when I noticed something. I had no ink. 

When I brought it up, she simply said I didn't need it. Was this one of these enchanted quills that didn't need ink to function? Why in the world would she give me one of those? 

"How many times?" I asked, the tension in the room was thick enough to be cut with a knife. 

Her voice came from behind me, and I could feel her looking over my shoulder. "Let's just say, how many times it takes for the message to sink in." 

She made her way back to her desk, keeping her eyes intently on me. It was very unsettling and creepy. 

I put all of those thoughts aside and got to work.

When I started writing I noticed the unusual blood-red ink flowing from the pen onto the paper faultlessly. I noticed that before I noticed the pain in my left hand. At first, I didn't think much of it since my hand cramps a lot. 

I must not tel- I stopped writing to look over at my other hand. My jaw dropped a bit in shock but I quickly covered it up. I feel the amusement radiating from Umbridge as she was watching me from her desk. 


Draco POV: 

"Draco you know you are going to die right?" Pansy asked me. Yes, I did. 

"Because, If your Professor Umbridge doesn't kill you, your father will. And if you are so lucky to make it past both of them... I will kill you." She threatened and swatted my head in warning. Pansy knew the pressure of having a perfect record. 

Mine has already been damaged after I got detention in first year and third year. I haven't gotten any others yet and I don't intend to. Pansy also knew the pressure of coming from a pureblood family, where your whole life has been planned out before you were even born. 

"I know Pans but I can't return the book. Not until they give up," I reasoned but she gave an exasperated sigh. 

"Would it be so bad if he knew?" I gave her a horrified stare. "Okay, but please just listen to me for a second. He could help Draco. You don't have to be alone. I know you think that you are protecting him but in the end, it's only going to make things worse."

Pansy was wrong.

She had to be...

"He hates me, Pansy. What am I suppos-" I stopped talking because I noticed something forming on my hand. 

"Pansy! Look at this!" I showed her my hand and the writing on my hand in carved into my skin. 

"Draco. Have you been-"

"No you idiot, it's Harry" Her eyes widened. 

"Harry as in Harry Potter?" 

"Yes, Harry as in Harry Potter. The one we have been talking about for the last hour. How many Harry's do you know? Are you that daft?" I asked and she rolled her eyes giving me the middle finger. 

"You are very rude sometimes Pansy," I huffed, pretending to be upset. 

"Oh well, sue me, darling," She sassed back. I have had enough with this woman I swear. 

"Back to what's important- This is appearing on Harry's skin right now. Wait a minute this looks an awful lot like-" A black quill. I finished in my thoughts. A black quill is a torture device derived from dark magic. I saw the line on my hand disappear, confirming my thought. 

It heals your skin and then cuts it open again when you resume writing. The effects of the quill were being seen on my hand right now but without any of the pain. 

"A black quill!" Pansy gasped watching the writing appear and disappear in blood-red writing. I couldn't believe that evil woman was doing this to Harry. It was beyond cruel. If he does this much more, it will leave a scar for the rest of his life. 

I gulped down the emotions threatening to build up in my throat. A Malfoy cannot show emotion, it is a weakness. Pansy saw what I was trying to do. 

"Damn you and your Malfoy emotionlessness. You have really got to stop letting your father control your life," She said, in a sisterly way. Pansy has always been looking out for me. I just nodded, however. 

We were still in the room of requirement to get away from the noise of the Slytherin common room. The room had transformed into a common room of our own, decorated with a long forest green couch, a table with some pastries, and impeccable lighting. Which we could never seem to get in Slytherin. 

The both of us were still waiting for Blaise who had still not shown up. I looked towards the door expecting to see him but he was still late. 

"He is always tardy," Pansy whined beside me picking up a treacle tart from the table beside us. 

"Are you talking about me behind my back!" Blaise said as she sauntered into the room of requirement. 

"Of course not darling, we would never." Pansy sniggered as Blaise gave her an offended look. Responding by stealing her tart and giving it a big bite. 

"How's that for something that you would never do." Me and Blaise laughed while Pansy looked utterly confused. Almost like she couldn't even begin to comprehend which part of what he said was even the slightest bit funny. 

"How? That doesn't even make sense. You were-but I was- ugh- never mind." She fumbled before completely giving up which only made us laugh even harder. Pansy looked at me and gave a little smile. I knew what she was thinking. A break in the infamous Malfoy mask. 

I recognized what I was feeling. This was joy and happiness, wasn't it? Freedom. 

I wish it could last forever. 

"-aco. Draco? Are you alright? You haven't been answering the question?" I quickly snapped out of my daze to the sound of Blaize's voice. There was a look of concern on both him and Pansy. They shared a look before turning back to me, what on earth were they doing that for. Blaise looked almost sheepish before he repeated what he said before. 

"I said what are you going to do about Potter and Astoria?" Right, Astoria. My Fiancee. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much to all of my readers! I really appreciate it! 

If you have any advice or things you want to see in later chapters feel free to let me know. I will try to incorporate all that I can!

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