Pharzuph Possessed Stiles Sti...

By LittleRedHues

1.9K 66 11


First Day: Fainted
Second Day: Weakest
Second Night: Changes
Third Day: Adorable
Third Night: Gratitude
Tenth Night: Decided
Eleventh Day: Beginning

Every Day Gets Painful

150 7 1
By LittleRedHues


I sat down to the big stone beside the lake, observing the whole place if someone's with me. I take a peek at my wrist watch, 11:59.

I am here because I have a feeling that what happened to Stiles three days ago will happen again. I don't what's happening to his body but I know something's wrong here. His body got thinner, he got skinnier and paler. Him allowing Isaac to laid him down. Him getting bolder. I'm still shocked about the kiss last night. I'm still shock about him pleading and grinding his body towards mine. Whatever it is happening to him, it's changing him. Or it is just helps him bring out what he really wants to happen. Either way, I'm not happy about this.

My thoughts got interrupted when I saw Stiles not far away from me, walking towards the lake, fully naked. His eyes open looking at the lake, but with a different color. It's purple.

His eyes are open but he seems not fully awake. I just let him walk towards the lake, waiting for what he will do next. I frowned as he come closer and closer to the lake, making me noticed clearer that his upper body is full of hickeys like he's just after sex. I straighten up, my claws come out, as well as I felt my eyes shift its color, can't help but to gritted my teeth in irritation. Again? Fuck! Whose man did he allow now? I can't help but to get angry. Whoever is possessing Stiles body now, it's not good for him. He can easily taken advantage. It's not just that! It is bad, even for me! It's making me mad crazy!

Stiles slowly walk down the water until it is already on his waistline, he slowly lay his back down to the water making him looks like floating. His body floats until he gets on the center of the lake. He slowly closed his eyes. A seconds later, he looks like he is now sleeping like nothing happens. My eyes widened when I saw how the hickeys slowly gone. His lips parted apart and draw out a soft breathe like he is under a deep sleep.

"This is crazy!" I groan as I put the thin white blanket hanging in my nape down to the big stone I'm just sitting on earlier. I start undressing my shirt, shoes and pants, only keeping my underwear, and dive to the lake. I swim towards Stiles and carefully pull him out of the water. I carry him out of the lake and put him down the ground of grass beside the big rock again. This time, I didn't woke him up. I just pull the white blanket and carefully wrapped it around his naked body. I got dressed first before I gently lifting him up into my arms like a princess. He sleepily snuggle his head towards my shoulder making me closed my eyes tightly and slightly shook my head for a moment.

I'm about to start walking away when I feel the wind blows through my direction. I stopped for a moment. I slowly turn my head to my left direction making our eyes meet each other. I sarcastically scuffed with so much amusement.

"So, you're the man who filled his body with so much hickeys." I sarcastically chuckled and slightly shook my head in disbelief. I felt my eyes shift its color again for the second time.

"You really did it this time. And it seems to me that you enjoy his body." I added, amused. I look at my niece with so much irritation before completely turning my back to him.

"Peter." he called with so much guilt making me frowned why but I didn't look at him again. I might even lose sight of him and I might not be able to stop myself from hurting him. From killing him. But I can't blame him either. It's my fault too. I didn't mark Stiles. I know myself Stiles' looks adorable and anyone can get interested to him but I didn't do anything to keep him myself.

"Is he good in bed? I'm jealous. Good night, Derek."

And with that threat I start walking away from the area, towards the direction I parked my car.



I snuggle my head through the soft pillow and pull the warm comforter til my neck, still closed eyes. Wow. This is the best morning I get for since the summer starts. The soft pillow, the bed, the comforter, the cold wind coming from the air conditioner. This is very different from my room at home. This is the room I'm dreaming to have! I take a deep breath and smile as I smelled Peter's scented cologne. I scratch my left shoulder because of sudden itchiness. I frowned. This is not how the pillow, bed, and comforter feels last night I slept with Derek. There's no air conditioner at the loft either! And definitely not smells like Peter!

"Peter?" I murmur to myself still eyes closed and frowning. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I heard the guy I'm just thinking about speak.

"Oh. Yes, dear?"

My eyes widened, sit up straight just to be found him sitting in the end of the bed in front of me making me gasp in shock. He is crossing arms and looking at me intently.

"Good morning, sunshine." He greet coldly, smirking meaningfully.

My eyes widened as I roamed it around the room. I gulped as I confirmed it's Peter's apartment even though this is my first time in here. I can't help but to get amused by how manly his bed room looks like even though he didn't pulling his dark curtains up to let the sunshine inside. The darkness, only the stand lampshade giving us the light making everything sexy.

"Why– why–" I can't help but to stutter still mesmerising Peter's apartment and confused why am I here. I remembered that I'm just with Derek last night. We.. We had sex. I quickly peek to my body when I felt comfortably warm even though the air conditioning is at 16°c. Founding out I am wearing a pair of a long sleeve pajama. And this time, I am already wearing a pants not a boxer. It's still big to me, tho.

"I found you at the lake, again. Do you have any idea what is happening to your body? Like, about sleep walking completely naked? With so much hickeys all over your body. Oh, yeah. The hickeys are gone. Unbelievably, gone."

I quickly peek down inside of my long sleeve shirt just to be found my clear pale skin without any red bruises. Shit! I didn't clean myself last night! I concentrate my feeling through my ass just to feel there's nothing inside of me. I slowly looks up to him. He cleaned me down there?! A bit nervous and embarrassed, "You're the one–"

He completely cut me off with his sarcasm and coldness, "As if Derek would. You're here at my house, if you're also getting blind. Seriously, what's happening with you?"

My lips parted apart when he mentioned his niece. I gulped. He knew?! But how?!

"How do you know–"

"Derek also went after the lake maybe when he noticed you're already gone beside him?"

I frowned, irritation starts building up within me.

"Stop cutting me off! Let me talk!"

He chuckles at me sarcastically and eyed me teasingly, "Oh, sweetheart. I'm not stopping you from speaking. You have the right to do that. Ah! You want to talk? All right, let's have a friendly talk."

I frowned at the way he addressed me coldly.

"So how was my niece' performance last night?"

I feel like something sharp stabbed my chest.

"What?" I ask weakly looking at him painfully I didn't know why.

"Was he good? I bet he is! We are Hales after all. Just like Malia when you two first do it at the Eichen House."

"Peter," I called him between my heavy shaky breath, telling him now to stop. He look at me with so much amusement, he scoff playfully and smile sarcastically.

"What? Are you getting embarrassed? Why so? It seems to me that you like getting laid off. Is that why you are seducing me last night? You just had sex with Isaac the other day. And then last night, Derek? Is it because I didn't do you the other night? Is it that itchy for you to have sex two days in a row?" he chuckles as he slightly shook his head in disbelief and amusement. He start leaning his body towards me, crawling on top of me. My heart beat crazily painful. My eyes look at him unbelievably hurt. I can't find my voice to answer every questions he throws at me. I'm just feeling uncomfortably painful with everything he is talking about and how he act towards me.

"Now, what are you feeling? Is it still itchy? Like, right now? Do you want me to scratch it with my dick? Do you want me to ease the itchiness? Because if it really is needed, I don't mind. Come on, you'll probably enjoy it. Like just how you enjoy Isaac's and Derek's. I know you are wild yourself. But I didn't know that you're just like a whore."

My eyes widened in pain of what I heard him call me. I couldn't control myself anymore making me slap him with my right palm. I look at him in disbelief. I feel my hands starts trembling.

"Do you think I like what's happening to me? Do you think I wanted this?! I'm getting worn out every time! My energy! My spirit! My own mind! My body changing! I can't stop them! I can't fight back! I never.. I never ask this to happen! I just want to get back everyone’s trust in me again! I don't want to be alone again! This shit! I never planned to be in this situation!" I exclaimed as I angrily push him away from me and get off of his bed. I run out of his room. Leaving him alone still dumbstruck. I huff as I completely walk out of his apartment. My tears flows through out my eyes like they are an open faucet. I can't believe he thinks of me like that. He didn't even know what's happening to me! I can't believe him!


I run towards my room as soon as I got back home. I still heard dad called my name but I just ignore him. I lock my door behind me before climbing up my bed. I cried all of the tightness building up my throat earlier through my pillows. I feel so devastated. I don't know why but it is so painful to hear it coming from him. Everything he told me is just so distressful. Even though I enjoy it after a moment of getting laid. But I tried to stop it before falling off the sensation! I tried not to allow them get into me. I tried not to let things go on. But what can I do?! I'm just a human! A completely helpless messed-up weak human! Who have the dark history of his lives at just this age. Who always possessed by spirits. Who always get taken advantage off. Who gets lonely. Who have no one to talk to. A human, who have completely nothing now.


Sixth Night

So, yeah. I'm been sleeping daylight since I got back home the other day. So that I couldn't needed to sleep every night. I eat every 12 in the midnight as well as 3 in the morning to be sure that I will be awake. I would say it was getting effective because I'm not sleep walking or anything now. I'm not going to the lake and that's an achievement for me. Every day I shut my window shades off so that the pack knows I'm sleeping, and I will just remove my window shades and completely open my window to get some fresh air.

Still Here by Digital Daggers
plays on the background

I am still thinking about the day Peter judging me. It's been like a movie drama inside my head which makes me cry like a kid who didn't bought what he wanted for his birthday. I'm going crazy. Well, I didn't go outside so maybe that's what it really is. I don't see the sun anymore. As well as the sun didn't take a gleam on me. Or at least just a peek. Dad's been getting worried about me again. He always have been. And I'm getting guilty for that. Well, even though I wanted to meet him outside my room since then, I can't. I just can't. What would he say if he saw his son looks like about to die?! He will not handle to see me looking like this. He can't. He will freak out so much. I keep crying every time I'm awake. I keep crying for almost 3 days straight. Causing my eyes to appear puffy, which is only aggravated when I rub them while I'm crying. Also there have been growing black eye bags under my eyes, as well as the color of my lips becoming the color of my skin. Pale. I could say that this is becoming a depression.

Which I'm glad because Pharzuph are fully quiet these days. She didn't even disturbing me or harassing me this past few days. She really is still an angel after all.


Ninth Night

I'm getting hang of my situation. Maybe I am a vampire. But seriously, I don't wanna lie to myself any more. This lifestyle is just so bad for my health. I'm getting more depressed. The memories of Peter and I since day one are all hunting me down. I'm getting more confused. Peter have been the only person I am thinking of since I got home which is a week ago. And I don't know why. That incident he.. Can I call that discriminating? He call me whore. Yeah. And I am ashamed of that.

The pack, especially my friends, Scott, Malia and Lydia are visiting me since 2 days ago when they noticed I didn't hanging out with them anymore. I am missing them. I almost open the door of my room when I heard their voices outside my room. They said that they are all getting worried of me. They keep on inviting me to eat outside. But I really can't. I mean I don't want to! I look like a messed. I look like a zombie. I don't want them to think that I'm getting a virus. That the apocalypse are coming when they see me. I feel so fucked up right now.

What's more confusing me right now is Peter didn't even affected of my naked body. He is completely composed. He didn't attack me when he could. He treat me differently. Different from how Isaac and Derek saw me when I was naked. He wanted me to keep safe. He didn't take advantage of me. I am the one keep on approaching him.

"You must be Stiles."

"Because you're the clever boy aren't you?"

"Don't you understand it yet? I'm not the bad guy here."

"Do you want the bite?"

"Do you know what I heard just then? Your heart beating slightly faster over the words “I don’t want.” You may believe that you’re telling me the truth, but you are lying to yourself. Goodbye, Stiles."

The Heart Wants What It Wants
by Selena Gomez
plays on the background

He had been the only person saw me on the light since back then.

He is the only person who believes me.

He had been the only person looking at me intently.

I am always in his eyes.


And the answer I've been dying to find out for a week why am I crying because of that manipulative freak is that, I am falling in love with him.

I break down again for the nth time I couldn't count off.

That's more depressing than anything.

I can't believe myself.

I can't believe I didn't even saw him look at me.

I can't believe myself my mind, my heart, wants him.

I can't believe I'm already late to grab the chance.

"Peter." I called between my wail.

I can't believe I desire him.

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