Winter Wind (YiZhan)

Par studioibhade

118K 8.1K 1.1K

It's been a year since the world turned on Xiao Zhan, and just as long since he turned on Yibo. But what was... Plus

1. Crash
2. Boil
3. Calm
4. Cards
5. Fold
6. Awake
7. Reset
8. Encounter
9. Speculate
10. Prey
11. Douse
12. Ammunition
13. Indulge
14. Blind
15. Haunt
16. Blocked
17. Distance
18. Admission
19. Kindle
20. Audacity
21. Turmoil
22. Solace
23. Updates
24. Crackle
25. Burn
27. Help
28. Crack
28. Plight
29. Earnest
30. Inflection
31. Response
32. Reasons
33. Spice
34. Friction
35. Pitfall
36. Attack
37. Caught
38. Fester
39. Impasse
40. Sting
41. Despair
42. Rip
43. Detour
44. Claim
45. Dance
46. Wrecked
47. Navigate
48. Intent
49. Scourge
50. Flag
51. Careless
52. Victim
53. Stub
54. Note
55. Intermission
56. Threat
57. Ugly
58. Resolve
59. Trouble
60. Adamant
61. Pure
62. Soft
63. Hole
64. Delicate
65. Dither
67. Friends
68. Pliant
69. Water
70. Contrite
71. Note
72. Walk
74. Torrid
75. Grey
76. Intimate
78. End

66. Truce

1.5K 96 16
Par studioibhade

Xiao Zhan awakens the next morning, and is quite surprised to see that he still hasn't received any other messages from Yibo.

After what he had written, and after Yibo's response with a wide eyed emoji (😳), he'd expected him to say something more. Something that would make him feel less abashed at the lewdness of his message.

But as he glances down at his phone, he cannot help but feel disappointed. He had fallen asleep waiting, and now in the light of day, he cannot help but wonder if the ease he had felt with Yibo about their relationship the previous evening, had all been a mirage. He hopes not, and so he gets up, but he cannot resist typing yet another message to him.

"Yibo..."he writes, hoping that with it, the question that he doesn't want to outrightly ask is relayed. However he stares at it longer, and then deletes it.

Maybe Yibo would contact him later upon his silence. And so he rises to his feet, and heads off to get ready for the day.

He feels nervous, he realizes, as he cleans up in the bathroom, and upon further thought he concludes that it is partially because of Yibo, and partially because of his upcoming performance.

As he had said to Nini, there is a lot riding on those few minutes of him on stage, and so he cannot help but feel restless.

He is not very familiar with the song that he has to sing so he downloads it onto his phone, and then slips his AirPods into his ears to listen to it. Afterwards, he checks to see if his mother is in her room, and when he sees that she isn't, begins to head down the stairs.

The current discord in his home, especially at almost being locked out the previous night, is also a part of his worries but he pushes it aside for the mean time, consoling himself that his father hadn't at least come to his room to throw him out.

This is acceptable for now, to him, however when he meets his mother in the kitchen, she doesn't agree.

"You keep avoiding him," she says as he pulls the refrigerator open to peruse for no reason.

"You only show up when he's not home, or when he's in his study. Is this how you plan on reconciling with him?"

He shuts the refrigerator. "I'm trulyjust waking up," he tells her. "Really."

She gives him a hard look, and returns to the shrimp that she is deveining in the sink.

He goes over quietly, picks up a knife from the drying rack and joins her.

She doesn't say a word, but soon enough he finds her hand in the water and holds onto it.

At this, her scowl at him darkens, but then he smiles at her, and just like that she melts. She sighs as she turns away, and brushes his hands off in the water.

Xiao Zhan is pleased with himself. "What do you want me to do ?" he asks. "He's your husband. You know him best."

It takes a little while before she responds. "I don't know," she says.

"We had an arguement last night for not letting you in, and I told him how you were so busy in Beijing but yet you chose to return here. He didn't seem moved. He got up to come throw you out and I got up to to pack my own bags. He stormed out then, and just went down to his study. He was there for a while, but he came back to bed a few hours later."

Xiao Zhan's ease immediately drains as he listens to this, and so he cannot help but go quiet.

Eventually, he only has one sentence in response. "I'm sorry," he apologizes, and she looks at him.

"What good is an apology?" she asks, and returns to her chore.

"I'll put extra effort into speaking with him."

She nods in agreement. "I also hope that you can remain here a little while longer. He likes to act hard but I know that your presence here is softening him. He's not happy either that he's not speaking to you. The both of you have always been so close. He turned and tossed about so much last night that even I couldn't sleep."

She manages then to work up a reassuring smile for him, and Xiao Zhan leans down to press a kiss to her cheeks.

"When are you going back?" she asks.

"The day after tomorrow," he replies. "We'll be travelling by road so we'll spread the journey over two days."


Later that day, he embarks on the chore of finally cleaning the minivan.

He's ignored the task for quite the while, but given the fact that the vehicle will now be returning to his studio's employ in a day, he is forced to get rid of the traces of he and Yibo's rendezvous from their night in Houhe.

He takes his time with it, especially as the memories from that night repeat over and over in his mind.

At some point he pauses, wanting to send a lighthearted text to Yibo that it's his responsibility to clean it up with him, but as he stares once again at Yibo's sole response with an emoji to him thus far, his heart cannot help but sink.

He continues on with cleaning, his focus now on the circumstances that had even led to their altercation in the first place. He takes his seat in the back, and allows the full, emotional brunt of the attacks to come to the forefront of his mind.

It wears down his soul with a deep exhaustion and anxiety, that causes his body to ache.

He's trying again.

But he can't help but wonder, if he is indeed too impatient, and perhaps even somewhat deluded.

Maybe he should have waited a bit longer for things to subside. Given himself the time to heal internally.

But instead he is pushing back quite quickly, and it has so much to do with his need for Yibo to see him recovering. As he has mentioned to Yibo in the past, the passion and resilience that keeps Yibo standing, is his inspiration and the narrative that he also wants reflected in his own path.

He picks up his phone once again, and types out another message to Yibo.

"I have a performance on CCTV for the Chongyang festival in a few days... and I am nervous about it. Perhaps I should refuse it? Till I am more stable and prepared?"

He sighs, and goes a bit further.

"I've always found my own strength within myself, but just like back in Shanghai, I can't help but want to look to you too... as some sort of lifeline to hold on to? I don't need to but ... I want to. You're strong enough.. and I so love that you're strong enough."

He gazes at the message, and for a few moments cannot help but wish that Yibo hadn't unblocked him, because he would have been able to send this, knowing that he wouldn't receive it. And perhaps it would have brought him some measure of relief.

"I wish I could be completely vulnerable with you. Maybe I can but... not right now? I guess. I want to tell you that sometimes I feel like an impostor. When... everything started in March and escalated, a part of me felt as though it was some sort of deserved retribution for waltzing in and somehow obtaining what so many others had worked much longer for and even given up their childhoods for. Like you for instance. Perhaps this is why I don't want to share this with you either."

He gazes at the message over and over again, and then he leans even further into the seat.

He taps on his AirPod to resume the song for his performance, and as he listens to it, a new kind of depth with the lyrics registers in him.

I'd rather keep all the pain in my heart

than to forget your eyes.

Give me the courage to believe again...

(so that I can ) overcome the lies... to embrace you.

As these words repeat in his ears over and over again, he returns his gaze to the message that he has typed out to Yibo.

And erases it.

I will be strong,he tells him in his heart. So that you don't worry. I don't want you to worry."

And so he puts the phone away, and returns to his chore.


He doesn't tell Yibo that he will be returning to Beijing, however on the trip over, he has more than enough time to ponder over this decision. It brings to mind Yibo's annoyance with him in Shanghai, that he had kept him out of the loop on the attacks, however in this case, he only wants to until after his performance the following evening is completed.

This is also partly because he is quite annoyed that Yibo still hasn't contacted him, but from time to time he can't help but wonder if perhaps Yibo is waiting to be contacted first?

A little mulling over this, and the realization comes to him that beyond that first night that Yibo had barged into his apartment in Shamian, Yibo has never really reached out to him first.

He's always been the one putting his feet forward and initiating communication between them, and as this hits him, he cannot help but wonder about what it means.

Suddenly, Yibo not texting him any further since that emoji doesn't seem quite abnormal, and as he stares down at their chat room, he wonders if perhaps he has been the one pushing Yibo, maybe too fast, into their relationship.

Yibo loves him, so he'd never truly resisted him but perhaps... he simply wasn't ready.

And so he puts his phone away, but he eventually resolves to still inform Yibo of his arrival in Beijing before his performance, otherwise Yibo might feel hurt, and conclude that he is once again holding himself back from him.

The last thing he wants, is to make the same mistake twice.

They do not go into the city, and instead lodge in a small village at the base of the Jiankou Great Wall. Nini has rented out a secluded courtyard house for him which he immensely appreciates. He feels extremely exhausted as he arrives and so he heads off straight to bed, unable to respond to her inquiry about dinner since he doesn't have any appetite.

Before he falls asleep, he informs his mother of his safe arrival, and then starts to type one out to Yibo too.

He doesn't want to see him just yet ... tonight at least as his focus is on reining in his anxiousness before the following day, especially since he also suspects that this might be the source of the slight fever that he has been running.

Having Yibo around he is certain, will escalate all of this.

Unfortunately, he falls asleep as he contemplates what his message to Yibo will be, and since his phone is set to silent, he doesn't hear any messages or calls come in until after he awakes a few hours later.

By then, it is almost 9pm, and although he wants to sleep a bit further, he doesn't want it to be too difficult for him to fall asleep again later on since he has to be as rested as possible for his performance. And so he sits up on the bed, and grabs his phone.

He needs a shower, but as he looks at the time again, he realizes that he cannot let it go by any further without contacting Yibo.

And so he does, but then, and to his surprise, he sees that Yibo has already sent him a message.

His heart jumps as he sees the notification, worried that perhaps Yibo has already found out that he is in Beijing.

He opens it up and only one word is in the message.


He responds.

"Yibo how are you? I wanted to contact you earlier but I was really tired so I fell asleep."

After this he waits for Yibo to respond, but when he doesn't, Xiao Zhan concludes that perhaps he is still working, or perhaps he isn't even in Beijing.

Eitherway, he doesn't want this pressure on his mind so he just completes the rest of his message.

"I'm in Beijing for the Chongyang festival. I'll be performing on Sunday."

He pauses.

"I hope you're doing well."

He wants to add that he will contact him afterhis performance, but again he doesn't want it to seem as though he is holding him at a distance, so he throws the phone aside and heads off to the bathroom.

About half an hour later, he returns just in time to see that his screen is lit up. And then it darkens, so he goes around the bed to retrieve it. There are no messages but two missed calls, about fourteen minutes apart, and both of them have been from Yibo.

Xiao Zhan doesn't want to keep him waiting, but he takes the time to throw on a T-shirt, briefs, and sweatpants. Then he takes the phone with him and heads into the living room.

There is a familiar buzz coursing through him, warm but agitating at the prospect of speaking to Yibo and although it is welcome, he truly doesn't want to feel too much, or anything at all tonight.

His appetite has somewhat returned so he heads over to the refrigerator and sees that Nini has left him some takeout containers of food. There are some fried dumplings, noodles and meat but he finds that he has little interest in them. What he craves instead is soup but he doesn't know how safe it will be to order something in. He also is unfamiliar with the area and the last thing he needs is something that will further upset his health.

And so he solely grabs an apple, and heads over to settle on the couch.

He turns on the television and sets it to the sports channel for some low background noise, and then returns his attention to his phone.

Get it over with, his sore body tells him, and so he does.

He calls Yibo back, and holds the phone to his ear as it begins to ring.

It is soon answered, however Yibo doesn't say a word. Xiao Zhan cannot help but wonder now if Yibo does this on purpose, knowing that this brief stretch of silence after picking up will torment him. But then again it is probably just because he is nervous just as Xiao Zhan is, and so he sighs and speaks.

"Yibo, I'm sorry I missed your call. I was taking a shower. How are you?"

Another long second passes before Yibo responds.

"You're in Beijing?" he asks.

Not exactly, but he doesn't correct him.

"Mn. My performance is tomorrow."

"You didn't fly here?"

"No, we drove the minivan over from Chongqing. We just arrived a ... a little while ago."

After this another long silence drags on between them, so Xiao Zhan relays his intention so that he can go back to calming his mind.

"Will you be in Beijing tomorrow night?" he asks. "Perhaps we can meet briefly? If you're not too busy."

Once again Yibo doesn't respond, and Xiao Zhan sighs.


"Where are you?"he asks."Right now."

"Huairou," he replies. "It's about two hours away from the city."

"I know where it is," Yibo replies, and at the bite in his tone, Xiao Zhan is made aware that Yibo is not particularly happy with him.

"You don't want to see me?" he asks cooly, and Xiao Zhan replies honestly.

"Not tonight."

He doesn't want to tell Yibo that he also feels slightly ill, but he tells him as much as he can so that they can both end the call comfortably with each other.

"I feel quite tired so I'm going to rest."

"Alright,"Yibo says, and before Xiao Zhan can say anymore, the call is disconnected.

The phone remains against Xiao Zhan's ear for a little while longer, before he eventually lowers his hand. He is indeed keeping him at a distance, but he doesn't know how to push past his current need for solitude. His only hope is that Yibo will not take it too personally.

He still feels hungry, so he returns to the kitchen and after a quick forage, finds some packs of noodles in one of the cupboards.

He has the appetite for this since he can make it into a soup, and so he fills a saucepan with water and sets it on the stove to boil.

He leans against the opposite counter to wait, and as he does, listens to the song he will be performing over and over again. He sings under his breath, adjusting his pitch and tone as needed.

Soon the water begins to boil, however he has just ripped one of the noodle packets open when the song is automatically paused as a call comes in. His phone is too far away on the couch for him to see who it is so he just responds on his AirPods.


"Why don't you want to see me tonight?"the caller asks, and Xiao Zhan is unsurprised. A smile works its way to his lips and so he sets the noodles down so that he can concentrate.

He tells him the truth.

"Yibo ... I feel a bit nervous about my performance tomorrow so I'm trying to calm my heart before then."

"And seeing me will prevent this?"

He sighs."I feel... a lot... when you're around me."

For a while, all he hears is the bubbling of water and so he heads over to turn the stove off.

"Is there choreography involved?" Yibo asks, and Xiao Zhan shakes his head.

"No, there isn't."

"Why are you so nervous then?" he asks."You've done this so many times before."

Xiao Zhan sighs, as he now has to foray into the discussion he truly doesn't want to have, but there'a a limit to the extent he can hold back from Yibo.

"It's my first performance in months, so it's like a comeback stage, and given all that happened just two weeks ago a lot can go awry. I can't help but think that perhaps I should have waited a bit longer for things to die down. A lot is riding on tomorrow's outcome. These are the thoughts that have me occupied, and, so... I'm trying to centre myself internally."

He stops, and listens to Yibo's silence on the other end of the line. It compels him to say more.

"Yibo we've worked together before. You know I'm usually like this just before shooting. I withdraw from everything around... so that I can focus."

"I know," he says."And I've never bothered you about it before but now ... things are not the same. We're not the same. I'll only stay for an hour to see how you're doing. And then I'll leave."

Xiao Zhan is at the end of the rope as he knows that any further resistance, and Yibo will be hurt. And so he concedes.


"Send me your address." Yibo says.


Yibo is about to hang up however when he remembers something else.

"Can you bring me soup?" he asks. "Please."

Yibo's tone is tinged with concern. "You haven't eaten?"

"I have food, but I don't have the appetite for it. I want soup."

"What soup do you want?"Yibo asks, so he lets him know and then the call comes to an end.

He gazes at the now cooling pot, and at the dripping beads of heated water sliding down the inside of the lid. The room is cool, especially given the slight chill of the changing season, but as Yibo's face and frame lingers in his mind, he feels his body's temperature begin to rise.

The first thing he feels is longing, and given that it has been unconsciously suppressed over the last few days by the other more pressing matters of his reality, the intensity with which it returns now is downright vengeful. Desire begins to pool in the base of his stomach, coiling, and with every second that passes he can feel himself winding tight. Tighter than he wants to be right now. Tighter than he can handle.

He'll only be here for an hour,a voice in his head tries to console him, and he cannot help but scoff at it.

An hour in a secluded space with Wang Yibo? He can already feel his blood simmering. And so he heads back to the living room, and settles onto the couch to wait, his eyes sliding shut and his attention on the song that has resumed playing in his ears.

He can't help but remember though that there are times in the past were Yibo's presence has calmed him down rather than worked him up. He is further convinced of this when he is able to recall phone calls with Yibo were he has come away feeling soothed and consoled, and so he becomes welcoming to the thought that maybe, just maybe Yibo's presence is exactly what he needs.

A little under two hours later he finds out, as his phone lights up with a notification from Yibo of his arrival.

Xiao Zhan has to exit the building, and stroll across the dimly lit courtyard in order to open the heavy wooden doors to the compound for Yibo. He stands away from sight as Yibo slips in, and then shuts it behind him. In Yibo's hand is a brown takeout bag of food, and it is the first thing that Xiao Zhan notices because he simply cannot just look at Yibo directly. He needs a few moments to prepare himself, but then Yibo is walking away from him without a word, and all he is given is the sight of Yibo's back.

He is somewhat amused as he watches him, and then he follows but by the time they arrive in the kitchen and the brightness of the space shines on Yibo, Xiao Zhan feels something heavy batter him numb.

Yibo, he realizes is dressed up, and not until he takes in his appearance does Xiao Zhan realize that Yibo is usually quite casually and comfortably attired whenever they have met up privately in the past.

But right now, and as Yibo rounds the island counter to head into the kitchen, Xiao Zhan is certain that he has lost the ability to speak because Yibo is dressed in jeans. Tight, dark jeans that cup his ass and hugs his hips in a way that makes Xiao Zhan's mouth go dry.

His gaze is on Yibo's groin as he seems to turn about in search of something, and when he doesn't find it, he turns fully to face Xiao Zhan.

And then Xiao Zhan sees it. What his entire body has been anticipating, and in that instant, every thought is wiped out from his head.

"There's no microwave?' Yibo asks, but Xiao Zhan barely hears him. All he can do is stare at the thick, curved bulge straining against the front of Yibo's jeans, and the simple steel of the belt buckle sitting right above it.

"Xiao Zhan," Yibo calls, and he is forced then to move his eyes away from Yibo's very blatant and obvious erection.

He is about to respond, but then for the first time he truly takes in Yibo's face and once again he is rendered speechless.

Yibo, is dressedup.

Just as he usually is when attending an event, and so there is some bit of eye shadow underneath his eyes, and a tint of peach on his lips. This particular color has never failed to plump them up, accentuating their shape most appealingly, and making him almost seem pouty in a come-fuck-me way.

His eyes move downwards to the slight bulge of a vein down Yibo's neck, and then to the simple gold chain sitting at the base of his collar bone.

Xiao Zhan wants to wrap his hands around the creamy, naked column to strangle him, and he isn't even sure why.

His eyes move even lower down, and it gets worse.

Yibo is still attired in black as usual, but today, Yibo has on a dress shirt; collared and fitted to his body, and with the buttons released almost all the way to the middle of his chest. Xiao Zhan imagines that he only has to slightly part the fabric away to expose a nipple, and at the thought he feels something akin to a headache strike through the middle of his head.

His hand lifts to his forehead, and then it slides into his hair to grip them at their roots.

He exhales loudly as his perusal continues, following the shirt which is patterned with dark red roses and small hearts, as it disappears into the waist band of those impossibly tight jeans.

Once again, Xiao Zhan stares at Yibo's hardness, and cannot help but feel the weight of his begin to rise in his sweats.

This is so not what he needs tonight, and as he finally lifts his gaze to Yibo's, he makes sure that it is darkened with annoyance at the brazen provocation.

"Did you just come from work?" he asks, and Yibo nods.

"Yeah, photoshoot."

"Fuck," Xiao Zhan curses under his breath, and looks away.

"What is it?" Yibo asks, and Xiao Zhan responds simply because some part of him still wants to confirm that all of this is innocent.

"You're hard," he points out, and Yibo's expression is unflinching.

"So?" he says, and at his nonchalance, Xiao Zhan feels his heart shift out of place. He releases his hair then, and slightly shakes his head to clear it.

"What are you asking for?" he says, and is somewhat surprised that he has regained the ability to form a coherent and relevant statement.

"Microwave," Yibo answers, and Xiao Zhan shakes his head.

"There's none. You want to heat up the soup?"

"Mn," Yibo replies, and so Xiao Zhan moves. He comes into the small kitchen and heads to the left of Yibo so that he can take a peek inside the bag that is now sitting on the counter.

"We have to use a pot," he says and Yibo nods. Yibo gets straight to work and is so apt and decisive that Xiao Zhan forgets that he should help him. Instead, he watches as Yibo's hands rip the bag apart, and then retrieves the plastic bowl of soup. Within are also some side dishes, but Yibo ignores those and instead focuses on emptying the water in the pot into the sink, and then pouring the contents of the chicken and shiitake mushroom soup into it.

White radish, green onions and herbs empty along with the broth, and then Yibo puts the plastic bowl away. Yibo reaches forward then, just past Xiao Zhan to the drying rack behind him for a spoon, and Xiao Zhan's heart stops in his chest. Especially as the soft, fruity scent of Yibo's perfume hits his nose. And then there is the searing heat from Yibo's body and breath, and the striking beauty of his chiseled face, and Xiao Zhan feels as though he is going to pass out.

"I want to fuckyou," he breathes before he can catch himself, and Yibo stills just as his hand closes around a spoon. It takes a little while for what Xiao Zhan has just said to sink in, and when it does Xiao Zhan immediately straightens and moves away as though he has been burned.

Yibo gives him a hard, expressionless look, and then he returns his attention to the soup.

Xiao Zhan has never felt smaller.

He watches as Yibo gently stirs the contents, and soon it begins to simmer.

Xiao Zhan can no longer stand the silence.

"Say something," he pleads, and the full force of Yibo's bone melting gaze is on him.

Despite the burn, Xiao Zhan cannot look away, and neither can he tell right now whether the source of the fire that is beginning to consume his insides is from love or lust, or the fever he was certain he had just a little while earlier.

"What do you want me to say?" Yibo asks, cooly, collectedly and Xiao Zhan feels a fond antagonism for him. For how unflustered he seems, but then his gaze returns to the jarring bulge in Yibo's pants, and his lips slightly curl in satisfaction.

"A 'hello,' would be a good start," he says, and returns his gaze to Yibo.

A brief silence follows before Yibo responds.

"You didn't want me here tonight," he says, and Xiao Zhan doesn't know how to respond to this.

Eventually he decides to lead with an apology.

"I'm sorry," he says softly. "I... I just wanted to be alone. You know that I can get quite broody sometimes."

"I know," Yibo says, and brings the spoon to his lips. The tip of his tongue slips out to check the temperature, and then he puts it all in his mouth.

Xiao Zhan's swallow is painful as he watches the bob of Yibo's larynx as the liquid goes down his throat, and then as he licks his lips.

"Yibo," he calls again, but Yibo doesn't even bother sparing him a glance.

"Mn," he responds, and then moves away from the stove to reach for the cupboard above. The sleeves of his shirt are folded up to his elbows, and so Xiao Zhan is able to watch, mesmerized at the veins that bulge down his arms as he pulls the cupboard open and retrieves two bowls.

"Do you want rice?" Yibo asks. "I bought some too."

Xiao Zhan nods as Yibo sets both bowls on the counter.

He returns to the stove, and then slightly bends to increase the heat.

Xiao Zhan feels the same effect in his body, and then he sees himself move. He hooks his hand into the back of Yibo's jeans, and then pulls him along as he takes a few steps backwards to the counter behind. The marble edge connects with his waist, and soon Yibo's ass is pressed into his groin.

"Xiao Zhan," Yibo calls, no doubt startled at being so rudely pulled, but before he can move out of his hold, Xiao Zhan's hand goes to the front of Yibo's jeans, to that hard, delectable bulge that he is quite certain he is the inspiration of, and grabshim.

This renders Yibo frozen for a few seconds, and Xiao Zhan is no less worse for wear.

Arousal shoots through him like a bolt of electricity, painful and jarring. And then because he can't help himself, he squeezes Yibo's dick even harder, and moves even further down to grab at his balls.

Yibo, much to his surprise doesn't move out of his reach, and even when Xiao Zhan is unsated and agitated, and so proceeds to try to slip his hands into his jeans, Yibo simply lowers his gaze and watches him. Xiao Zhan struggles at the tightness, and so with a tsk, Yibo brushes his hand away, and then calmly unbuckles his belt.

Xiao Zhan is taller than Yibo is, so he is able to watch over his shoulder as Yibo pulls the leather straps away, and then unbuttons the band of his jeans. Then he pulls the zipper down, exposing a pair of dark briefs that Xiao Zhan is incredibly familiar with. Before he can react to this however, Yibo turns to the side to gaze at him, his consent clear in his eyes, and for the first time truly, Xiao Zhan realizes that Yibo is his. And that he, unlike no one else in the entire world, is allowed and even entitled to touch Yibo in this way.

Yibo currently doesn't even seem too happy to offer himself to him, but still he does, almost as though it is Xiao Zhan's right, and this turns him on in a way that has his breathing turning ragged.

Without breaking eye contact with Yibo, Xiao Zhan pulls the tails of his shirt out of the way, and then he slides his hand into this most intimate part of YIbo.

He feels the slight roughness of the hair dusting across Yibo's crotch, and then his gaze lowers to watch as his hand reaches the satiny smoothness of Yibo's dick.

He closes his hand around it, and a strangled moan, deep and breathless pierces the quiet space. But whether it is from him or Yibo, he cannot tell. The need to devour Yibo right then consumes him, and so with an arm banded around Yibo's waist to hold him in place, he is able to reach further in for a better grip, and then he pulls him out.

Xiao Zhan's eyes are blown as he takes in Yibo's hardness, and then he begins to jack him off, his grip stroking up and down his glorious length, and then his thumb rubbing across the slit of the wet head. Yibo's head falls back against Xiao Zhan, his body shuddering at the sweet assault and his breathing stuttering, matching the wretched pattern of Xiao Zhan's own.

Xiao Zhan then leans down to latch his mouth onto Yibo's shoulder, the contact he makes with it somewhat between a kiss and a bite.

"Zhan ge," he hears Yibo's tortured gasp, and then Xiao Zhan his devouring his neck. He tries his best to remind himsef that Yibo cannot be bruised, but as Yibo's ass presses hard against his own torrid erection, and as his pace in getting him off is quickened, Xiao Zhan finds it quite the struggle to care.

But then suddenly, Yibo's hand closes around his wrist, and then he is pulling away from him.

Xiao Zhan hears a whimper of extreme agony escape from his own lips, as his eyes shoot open in alarm to figure out what is happening.

He almost refuses to let go, but then he doesn't want to hurt Yibo, and so he is forced to, watching, with his heart somewhat crumbling and threatening to tear out of his chest, as Yibo's moves away from him.

Yibo's shoulders are heaving as he stops and tries to catch his breath, and then without a word he begins to put himself back in order.

Xiao Zhan feels as though he is being punished, but as Yibo hurries towards the stove to turn it off, he manages to convince himself that this is not the case.

"Let's eat," Yibo says without turning back to look at him, and Xiao Zhan straightens away from the counter.

He moves to Yibo's side, his gaze on Yibo as he lifts the stained pad of his thumb to his lips and then sucks it clean.

Yibo watches him, his eyes glazing over with molten lust as he watches Xiao Zhan lick his precum off his thumb.

Yibo is now successfully enraptured, and so Xiao Zhan takes the opportunity of his momentary incoherence to grab onto Yibo's ass. And then his lips are once again latched onto his neck.

He kisses up the warmth of Yibo's skin, past his chin, and when he reaches his lips, Xiao Zhan feels as though he has arrived home.

Yibo's tase is now so familiar to him, that as he connects with Yibo's tongue, stroking and sucking, he feels his legs begins to shake in recognition.

Yibo kisses him right back, hard and fervently, and whimpering as his hand bunches the front of Xiao Zhan's shirt to keep himself sane.

Xiao Zhan is ravenous alright, but it is now most definitely not for food. However before he can convince Yibo that it is time for them to take this somewhere else, Yibo once again pulls away from him.

"For fuck's sake," he groans out loud, and Yibo's first smile of the evening appears.

Yibo is so amused at his frustration, that as Xiao Zhan stares at the sheer beauty of his smile, he feels himself stop dead on the spot.

Soon, a smile begins to curve his lips too as he recovers, the knowledge that his heart is a lost cause for the rest of the night now a forgone conclusion. Because by the time Yibo leaves, it is going to be sore and bruised, haven battered itself near to death against the walls of his chest.

"Zhan ge, let's eat," Yibo cajoles, and affectionately reaches out to brush Xiao Zhan's hair from his face.

Yibo's eyes rove around his features, and then he reaches forward to press a kiss to Xiao Zhan's forehead. Xiao Zhan's eyes flutter shut in response and remains close closed, until he feels Yibo reach around to also press a kiss to the side of his cheek.

"You did this on purpose didn't you?" Xiao Zhan asks as he reopens his eyes.

"Did what?" Yibo asks innocently, and Xiao Zhan's gaze once again moves down the body that is going to drive him crazy.

"You dressed up in this way because you knew it was going to make me lose my mind."

"Zhan ge I was at work," Yibo says, and returns his attention to the soup. "This is how I was supposed to be dressed."

Xiao Zhan sighs as he realizes that this is nothing but the truth, but as Yibo leans towards the drying rack once again to retrieve some spoons and chopsticks, the unbuttoned edges of his shirt parting provocatively to reveal the naked skin beneath, Xiao Zhan cannot help but insist on his accusation.

"You at least undid your buttons half way down on your way to see me right?" he asks.

Yibo doesn't respond. Instead, he grabs a ladle and begins to scoop the contents of the soup into their respective bows.

"Answer me," Xiao Zhan grits his teeth, and then runs his hand down Yibo's ass till he arrives between his slightly parted legs, to once again grab at his dick through his jeans.

Yibo jumps, spilling the soup in the ladle across the counter.

He then turns to flash a scalding, harsh look at Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan immediately backs away, fearful that Yibo will bash the ladle against the side of his head.

And once again, he has never felt so small, but under those scolding eyes but affectionate eyes, it is in the very best of ways.


A little while later, he doesn't feel small, but instead, loved and pampered as Yibo places a tray holding both of their soups and a bowl of rice on the breakfast bar counter.

Xiao Zhan takes his seat on one of the stools, and then watches as Yibo returns to the kitchen to grab the two sealed containers of side dishes.

He returns to take his seat by Xiao Zhan's side, and then tears them open to reveal the pickled radish and fried sesame tofu that they contain.

"Thank you," Xiao Zhan says as Yibo hands a spoon to him, and they begin to eat.

Xiao Zhan is now quite pricked with remorse that he had tried to keep Yibo at a distance from him this evening, but he is so damn happy that Yibo had pushed and insisted on seeing him.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I'm happy you're here."

Yibo doesn't respond, or even spares him a glance, so Xiao Zhan goes on to explain.

"I felt a bit ill, so I was just completely lacking in energy."

This makes Yibo pause and turn to him in concern. "You're ill?"

"Just a low fever," Xiao Zhan replies.

Yibo however frowns, and sets his spoon down so that he can press the back of his hand to Xiao Zhan's neck.

"I'm better now," Xiao Zhan says as he grabs Yibo's hand, and brings the back of it to his lips for a kiss.

"When did it start?" Yibo asks.

"It's been on and off since yesterday morning. At first I thought it was some sort of food poisoning, but it didn't get worse and plus I don't feel it most of the time, so it's been ignorable."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Yibo asks, and Xiao Zhan has just the right response for him.

"Why didn't you text me?"

Yibo doesn't respond. Instead he leans back into his stool and sighs, his gaze still on Xiao Zhan's neck.

"Is this why you wanted soup?' he asks, and Xiao Zhan nods.

"Eat," Yibo nudges his head towards his steaming bowl, and Xiao Zhan does as he is told.

Yibo too continues with his meal, but he keeps his eyes on Xiao Zhan. After a little while, Xiao Zhan starts to rise but Yibo stops him.

"You're not done," he says.

"I want water," Xiao Zhan says, and Yibo presses his hand down on his shoulder.

"Stay, I'll get it," he says, and rises to head to the refrigerator. He retrieves a bottle of watter and then unscrews the cap before handing it over. He then takes his seat to watch as Xiao Zhan drinks it. Xiao Zhan though drinks it a bit too fast, and so some of the liquid trickles down the side of his mouth. Before he can wipe it off, Yibo is on him.

Yibo kisses the trail, all the way to the base of his neck, and then he uses the edge of his hand to pat him completely dry before returning to his meal.

Xiao Zhan finds it quite difficult to breathe, so all he can do is stare at Yibo for a few seconds as he takes a bite of his fried tofu. Xiao Zhan returns his attention to his soup when Yibo starts to return his gaze to his, and is soon able to calm his erratic heart.

Xiao Zhan however soon becomes hungry for yet another kiss, and a careless drink of his soup does the trick. A small spill of broth leaks out from one corner for his mouth, and Yibo doesn't miss it. As though it has now been fully established as his duty, he leans forward and Xiao Zhan shuts his eyes as Yibo's lips close around his skin.

Xiao Zhan's stomach dips and then plunges to his feet, as Yibo once again trails his skin with kisses. He then wipes off the corner of Xiao Zhan's mouth with the pad of his thumb, and then brings it to his lips to softly kiss it clean.

"I'm going to remember this forever," Xiao Zhan says. "Just in case in the future I eat sloppily and instead of kissing me clean you call me a pig."

Yibo laughs out at this, and Xiao Zhan is unable to take his eyes off him even as he returns to his meal.

Yibo picks up a cubed radish with his chopsticks and offers it to him, but Xiao Zhan refuses it.

"Too sweet," he says and Yibo sends it to his own mouth instead.

Soon enough, they are done and so they both slightly lean back to relax.

"That was great," Xiao Zhan says, and Yibo nods in agreement.

"How do you feel?" Yibo asks, and Xiao Zhan smiles. "Much better. Thank you ."

"You're welcome," Yibo says, and begins to rise to his feet, but Xiao Zhan grabs onto the front of his shirt to stop him.

Then he pulls him close until their faces are only inches apart.

"Why didn't you text me?" he whines, and Yibo finally responds.

"I did. "

"You only wrote my name. I mean before that."

"I didn't know what to say," Yibo replies.

"'How are you doing?' would have been good," Xiao Zhan says.

Yibo goes quiet, and then he cradles the side of his face.

"Why didn't youtext me?" Yibo begins to gently stroke his cheek, and Xiao Zhan feels his face slightly flush.

"Have you forgotten what I wrote to you in that text? I was fucking embarrassed. And then you only sent that emoji."

At this Yibo smiles, and Xiao Zhan is once again so mesmerized that he cannot stop himself from leaning forward to press a kiss to the tip of Yibo's nose.

"Why were you embarrassed?" Yibo asks.

"Isn't that the dirtiest thing you've ever read?" Xiao Zhan asks, and Yibo's smile widens. And then his teeth bites down on his lower lip.

"We'll do all of it," Yibo breathes onto his face, and Xiao Zhan feels his heart stop in his chest.

Yibo takes advantage of his momentary stupor to rise to his feet, taking their tray along with him. Xiao Zhan though soon recovers and heads over to the sink to join him.

"No," Yibo refuses as Xiao Zhan tries to join him in washing the dishes.

"Activity is the best thing for me right now," Xiao Zhan says, and after a quick consideration, Yibo concedes.

He rinses while Yibo washes, and soon they have the plates on the rack.

"Do you want me to get you some medicine?" Yibo asks, and Xiao Zhan shakes his head. "No, I'm fine. I feel great."

Yibo once again presses the back of his hand to Xiao Zhan's neck.

"Will you go to bed soon?" he asks. "I'll leave after that."

"I don't want you to leave," Xiao Zhan immediately counters, softly, and Yibo stares into his eyes. Xiao Zhan closes the small distance between them and runs his hand up and down the side of Yibo's arm in a soothing and apologetic motion.

"I'm sorry," he says. "I want you with me. I feel so much better."

At this, Yibo slightly looks away. "I've realized," he says. "that I tend to walk on eggshells around you. I don't want to do it anymore."

Fear slightly grips Xiao Zhan at his words, so he wraps his arms around Yibo's waist, and holds him tightly.

"Then don't," Xiao Zhan says. "You don't have to."

Yibo confirms this from his eyes, and then glances at the muted television in the living room.

"Do you want to watch some tv before going to bed?" he asks, and Xiao Zhan shakes his head.

"Hell no," he breathes, and then leans down to suck on Yibo's bottom lip.

Then he holds his gaze as he delivers his next words.

"I want to fuck you."

NOTES:  Yibo's restaurant peeps are not very eco-friendly. All that plastic made me cringe.



Dearest beloveds, this is how Yibo dressed to destroy Xiao Zhan tonight. Sighs. ZhanZhan never stood a chance.

Continuer la Lecture

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