sweet chaos - hyungwonho

By chaoskkyun

2K 194 215

hyungwon is an ex-gang member now working as a hitman after losing his members, his loved ones. he, for years... More

you make me


65 9 5
By chaoskkyun



"Aren't we moving too soon?" Minhyuk asked quietly, interrupting Wonho's speech. The elder pulled his lips into a line and sighed softly. "I know the funeral was only a few days ago, but in all honesty, we don't have much time to just sit around." The man stated calmly.  

"Ho... Wonho is right." Shownu spoke, after having stayed mostly quiet for the past day. "It's only a matter of days until they make their move, knowing we're vulnerable." The eldest then continued, nodding his head at Wonho to continue whatever he was talking about.

"We'll have to show them that we are still standing up. We cannot let them hold this over us." Wonho then stated and clapped his hands together. "And because it's risky we won't attack anyone from the Devil's Choir. Yet." He said, eyes turning to Hyungwon who nodded his head and stood up. 

The ex-hitman had come up with a plan of his own for the job. It was nothing fancy, but it should work. He had discussed it with the leader last night, just to make sure everything would be possible.

"We'll turn our guns at their allies first. We'll just give a few warning signs, to show that we're not backing down." He said ruffling up his hair. "Mr. Chae has ties to three big names around Seoul. The Blood Cobras, Redhood, and then Kim Sooyoung, CEO of Huimang law firm. In fact, he has the whole firm wrapped around his finger." Hyungwon scoffed, making slight hand movements in an effort to make himself not seem too stiff. "But... I can eventually have my hand at her since she has hired me a few times." Hyungwon spoke, a small smirk gracing his plump lips. He cleared his throat a little. 

"Taking down the Kim will be the most difficult because all the dirt she has done has been buried so deep it'll be hard to dig up... So we'll focus on the two groups first." Wonho explained and Hyungwon nodded his head at the leader. "Exactly," he stated.

"Targeting the leaders isn't the goal here; not yet. We just need to show that we can and will eventually bring them down, so going for their right-hand men is the solution." Jooheon raised his hand, interrupting the briefing. "Isn't it risky to, you know, go for the inner circle?" The blond man questioned hesitantly.  

Hyungwon snapped his fingers and pointing at Jooheon, signaling that it was a good question. "Yes, but it will anger Mr. Chae more and the hastier his movements are; the easier it is to pull the law firm out of his hands. If he does something absolutely maniacal and there's proof of it Sooyoung might not want to help him. And bang. That's one of his lifelines gone, just like that." He explained and clapped his hands together.

If you had asked 14 to 15-year-old Hyungwon, if he would ever try and bring down the monster he had to live with, you would have gotten a firm shake of the head and a quiet, slightly scared "no." He would not even have considered talking back to the old man back then. But here he was, fueled by the hatred he never had the chance to express, ready to take down a whole system if he had to.

"Any more questions?" He asked, eyeing the other men. "Who are these right-hand men we'll be targeting? Both groups have multiple high-ranking members" Shownu questioned. "Well. ATEEZ can deal with the idiot they caught and we will go for Jang Siwoo from The Blood Cobras." Hyungwon stated. "And for the Redhood we'll just handle Min Yunho..."

"Have you done something like this before?" Minhyuk asked, eyebrows slightly furrowed. Hyungwon shook his head. "Honestly. No. But I'm confident right now." He responded firmly. Confidence was needed in the job and Hyungwon knew he couldn't show any hesitation because it would make the others hesitant to proceed as well.

"Who wants to handle the Redhood?" Hyungwon then asked, scanning the other men in the chance that any of them were completely opposed to the plan. He had already set on handling Jang and it would be better if the men would be taken care of in the same time frame so that the two groups don't have time to prepare. That wouldn't happen if he had to kill both men alone

"I'll do it. Next to you, I might have the best chance at killing him with no issues." Shownu stated and straightened his posture a little. Hyungwon nodded his head. "You can ask the others for help, but it's better to work alone since our faces are already on their target list. Bigger groups hinder chances of success." The ex-hitman explained and crossed his arms. 

His speech probably made it sound a lot easier than it was and he was aware of it.

"You don't have to eliminate him quietly. We need to show the death anyways." Wonho stated and huffed. "Make sure they know who did it, even if it's just carving our mark on their skin or something."

Now they could just hope everything went smoothly. It was sure that they could not handle another loss if it was to happen.

"It may seem tough, but the effort will eventually pay off. If you have anything to ask, go ahead." Hyungwon said before sitting back down. "Do we know where they are or will be?" Hyungwon shook his head a little. "I have asked Jaehyung-ssi to look into it," he spoke before glancing at the clock on the wall. 

"He should have everything by tonight if we are lucky."


"Be careful, okay?" Hyungwon glanced at Wonho and chuckled before tucking his gun behind his back in the waistline of his pants. "I'm a professional at this." He reassured the older and straightened out his suit. "I'll come back with a bruise or two, nothing more." Hyungwon said and walked over to the older man, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"I know, but with everything going on..." the man mumbled. Hyungwon smiled softly. "Is this the first time you've gone into something this major?" He asked earning a nod as confirmation. Hyungwon sighed. "I can't comfort you much, but we'll get through this.."

The older stayed quiet for a moment. "You haven't told me your plan." He changed the topic. Hyungwon cleared his throat a little. "Well... That's.." He lowered his hands from the elder's shoulders and nodded. "It's good to have a handsome face." He hinted before smirking a little.

 Wonho raised an eyebrow before it seemed to click inside his head. "Oh... I see..." He said and nodded a little not sure of what else to say.

Subtly, or not so subtly, flirting with the enemy until you get what you want. Of course, there was no guarantee this would work, but it wouldn't be the first time Hyungwon had had to work his way with a "straight" man. Seokwon was one of those men.

Wonho huffed and took a deep breath. "You should go now, Mr. Handsome. The drive to the venue will take some time." The leader stated calmly. "I'll be back before you even realize it." It would be the ride to the place that would take longer rather than completing the actual job.

Hyungwon exited the room and walked downstairs to be met with Shownu. "You know what to do, right?" He asked the older man who nodded. "Of course." It was a simple reply. Hyungwon hummed. "Good luck, then." He said before heading out of the house.

With every meter Hyungwon drove, his anxiety grew. It was nothing he hadn't done before, but the extra pressure of their group's survival weighed down his shoulders. He had no space for mistakes. 

He arrived at the right place within an hour, parking his car a fair bit away. It was a banquet of some kind though Hyungwon couldn't care less about what it was for. The man exited the vehicle and straightened out his suit. He had just himself to lean on this time. No line to connect to the others which meant no backup. Just like the past eight years.

"It's going to be fine. You've done this before." Hyungwon muttered before heading for the entrance of the hall. He nodded slightly to the guards who patted him down, luckily not finding the gun or knife hidden away under the fancy clothing.

Once he was finally allowed to enter he headed straight for the second floor to scout out the area. There wasn't a chance during the planning when he could have gone there and checked it out beforehand which was a shame because he couldn't really plan for escape.

It didn't take him long to spot his target, Jang Siwoo, on the first floor talking to some quests. "It's a shame that all the good-looking ones are assholes... Well... Most of them..." Hyungwon muttered under his breath, leaning on the railing lining the second-floor balcony area.

Hyungwon brushed back his hair a little and headed for the stairs. There was no point in hiding his face this time, they needed to know the culprit.

The tall man made his way through the crowd closer to his target. He managed to make eye contact with the other man and by the way his expression changed Hyungwon figured out that he knew who he was. That would complicate things but wouldn't make it impossible.

Hyungwon reached the man and the sour look almost on Jang's features almost made the hitman laugh. But he held back as he needed to stay composed. The way the other also checked him out, didn't go unnoticed by Hyungwon. He gave a charming smile to the other man.

"You have some guts to show your face here, Chae." the man said before the hitman could even open his mouth. Hyungwon shrugged and glanced around a little. "I see no signs denying me from entering." He hummed before wrapping an arm over the other's shoulders, leaning to his ear. "Besides, I'm here to strike a deal. You know... Money talk."  He said in a lower tone.

The other's expression changed instantly at the mention of money. Apparently, no one was loyal these days. They were all just greedy idiots. Hyungwon held back the soft smirk that was pulling at his mouth corners. Of course, it would be easy to bend and twist a money-hungry man around his pinky in no time. "Let's go somewhere private." Hyungwon almost gagged as the blond man's arm came around his waist. 

Hold it in, Hyungwon. He gave a fake smile to the man who started leading him away from the main section of the party.

"So I guess you got bored of the X-Crew?" Jang asked. Hyungwon chuckled softly. "I'm just toying with them. It's easy at this time thanks to everything going on." He responded, grimacing on the inside as he brought a hand to play with the other's blonde hair strands. It was a part he had to play. It didn't mean that he enjoyed it as a whole.

"Mr. Chae might be happy to hear that." Jang hummed. Hyungwon rolled his eyes snobbily. "I have no intention of working with him either. I'm interested in you if anything." He replied and scoffed. "I see."

The couple got to a door and Jang opened the door for the other. Hyungwon walked into the fancy room, eyeing the small space. The lovely and probably expensive couch was just begging to be stained red. "You really have taste. You own this place, right?" He complimented the other who had a slightly cocky expression now as he nodded. "I'm aware." The other just responded quite bluntly, walking over to the uninvited guest.

Hyungwon gasped as he was pushed against the now-closed door. "So before we get to business..." He started, eyeing the tall man up and down a little. Hyungwon bit down on his bottom lip gently. "Oh... I didn't quite prepare for that..." He said quietly. He was flustered, not because of the thought of having sex with the man – which he wasn't going to do, maybe – but more because of the sudden movement.

Okay, maybe he slightly considered the fact that he might get his fill from this.

"That's okay," Jang responded softly. Hyungwon swallowed a little when a hand was placed onto his hips. The other came against the door, next to his head. Usually, he was the first to be handy when he conducted a plan like this. "You know, I have the decency to not continue if you don't want to." Hyungwon chuckled softly at this. That came as a surprise.

Now. He could have killed the other man right when they had entered the room. But what's the fun in that? Let the mouse get false hope, before sinking your claws in. Besides; Hyungwon had told Shownu that he should kill first and let the body be found. That way the other group would instantly contact Siwoo and Hyuungwon could see the reaction in the man as he realizes what is happening.

The hitman licked his plump lips a little and raised his gaze to meet the other slightly lighter chocolate eyes, before bringing a hand to the man's shoulders and then moving it to the back of his neck. "I guess it wouldn't hurt." He hummed slyly.

With those words, the other man latched his lips onto the hitman's plump ones. Hyungwon kissed back, making it seem like he was interested. Yet in fact; It was hollow to him. There was no meaning to the kiss. There never was when he did things like this. It only gave him what he wanted.

Maybe it was shameless to do it like this, but does it really matter? It's not like he had ever been taught better. It was always "Do anything to get what you want."

Hyungwon pushed himself off of the wall moving the other man towards the white couch. Slight excitement rose in his chest as he neared the clean piece of furniture. Painting white items crimson red was just fascinating to him. 

Seeing the blood soak into the fabric...

 He shoved him down before climbing onto his lap, attaching their lips once again. The other man's lips moved down to Hyungwon's neck as his hands moved to open up a few buttons from his shirt.

Great. He would have to cover hickeys at this rate.

Hyungwon felt slight vibration on his inner thigh and pulled away. "Your phone is ringing," he mumbled and licked over his lips. "I can get it later.." Jang responded breathily, bringing his hands onto the skinnier man's hips. Hyungwon shook his head a little. "It might be important. I can wait." He whispered.

The other man sighed and nodded. "Fine.." he said and pulled out the vibrating device. Hyungwon watched quietly and managed to get a glimpse of the caller ID. It was one of Mr. Min's subordinates. "What is it?" Hyungwon moved his hand away from the man's shoulder. "What?" The lighter brown eyes flashed up to meet Hyungwon's.

The ex-hitman tilted his head slightly as if to seem clueless. "The X..." Jang mumbled and Hyungwon could see the way his pupils dilated. A soft smirk rose to his lips. Finally, he allowed the facade to fall off of his face and he pulled out his gun. Mr. Jang lowered the phone from his ear, ending the call as the skinny male pointed the gun at his head. 

"So I figure you heard?" Hyungwon chuckled, pulling the slide back on the gun. "You're a snake." The man scoffed and Hyungwon pressed the gun against his forehead. "Maybe. But a damn good one. I was a hitman, you know." The target clenched his jaw before he threw a punch at Hyungwon and pushed him off of his lap onto the couch.

"You were really easy... I'm surprised you have lived this far with that peanut brain of yours." Hyungwon mocked, eyes glaring at the man. He brought one of his hands to rub the spot the punch had landed on.

Siwoo attempted to grab the gun from Hyungwon but the latter pulled the trigger, causing the bullet to fly through the other's chest, making him fall back onto the other armrest of the already red-stained couch before he could even graze his fingers over the steel. Hyungwon then dropped the gun onto the floor, not needing it at the moment anymore. "You know... I like to use guns to wound my targets... And then... Make the rest as painful as possible." Hyungwon said and pulled out a knife from his jacket. 

"What do you want?" Mr. Jang spat. Hyungwon stood up from the couch, leaning over the man who was trying to stop the bleeding in his chest. "To sent my father a message," Hyungwon responded coldly before grabbing the guy's arm.

He started rolling up the suit jacket sleeve which turned out to be a challenge as the other man tried to constantly fight back. "Stay still!" Hyungwon hissed. "It'll hurt less." He said as if the statement was supposed to calm the other down, then stabbed the knife into the man's arm before starting to cut the limb open from the elbow to the wrist. With his other hand, he covered the other's mouth to muffle the screams.

He knew he didn't have much time, since the gunshot was definitely heard. Hyungwon pulled the bloodied knife out of the cut flesh, blood staining more of the white fabric below them crimson. "Kill me already." Mr. Jang hissed and Hyungwon smiled emptily. "I'm getting to it."

With that, the knife sank into the flesh in the other's neck. It was a wonder that a small pocket knife could do so much if sharpened well. Hyungwon dragged the sharp blade through the flesh, feeling some warm blood splatter onto his face. 

"Thank god... I don't have to hear your voice anymore..." he muttered, listening to the gruesome sound of the man choking on his own blood. He watched the dying man, desensitized to the sight after years of seeing it over and over.

He took the man's other, unwounded, hand and rolled up the black sleeve. He neatly carved a deep X onto the tan skin before moving up a little bit and leaving just as deep "H.One" on the skin. He then put the bloodied weapon into the dead man's hand before wiping his own hands against the still white parts of the ruined couch.

The ex-hitman grabbed the man's phone and used the dead man's finger to open it. He pulled up the camera app and took a picture of the piece he had created. He then moved over to the contacts list and looked through it in an attempt to find his father's contact, eventually doing so. The two men had only simple conversations and nothing too important that Hyngwon could find and use to their advantage. He then sent the picture without anything else before smashing the phone onto the ground.

He would have taken a picture on his own phone, but he could not bother. It wasn't the usual way he took care of people, but there is no harm in being a little extra, is there?

Hyungwon picked up the discarded gun and headed for the door while wiping the blood off of his face, though it mainly just smeared rather than came off. The hitman started heading towards the back of the building since he saw guards coming from the other direction.

"Stop right there!" One of the guards yelled. Hyungwon spun on his heels and shot the man in the head without thinking twice about it. "Make me!" He spat and started running off, away from the other security guards. He wasn't sure where the back exit was, but he would find the door eventually. 

The chase that ensued felt slightly unfair as it was 3 guards against 1 slightly longlegged man but at least he was quick. Though finding the back door didn't go as planned, Hyungwon managed to circle his way around and burst out through the front door, shooting the two security guards waiting there, ready to shoot the intruder down. "Au revoir!" The ex-hitman laughed out, before running off into the night. 

He felt slightly cocky after the whole shebang, but it felt good. Really good. Just imagining the reaction this would get out of their enemy. Even if it would escalate everything, it would be worth it.

Hyungwon entered his car and started coughing up his lungs. "Christ..." he muttered. Running definitely wasn't his expertise. He rarely had to run away from any guards so he didn't do cardio often. Not even as practice.

He reached into the glove department and pulled out a pack of makeup wipes and a water bottle. He first started using the makeup wipes to get some of the blood off of his hands and face, sacrificing the makeup he had worked on before leaving.

He then opened the water bottle and took a big gulp. "Can't believe I actually kissed him.." he groaned, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. Even if he used this way to slither his way to his victims, it didn't mean he didn't find it repulsive. But it made them vulnerable in the moment of heat.

Hyungwon chugged half of the water in the plastic bottle before discarding everything he didn't need onto the passenger's seat. After sitting in place for a minute or so, he started up the car. He should get back home since the others might get worried if he doesn't show.

Hyungwon reached for the radio and turned it on. Since he was alone he needed the noise.


Hoseok entered the still empty bedroom. Hyungwon hadn't returned yet but he had succeeded. D6 had caught the picture the younger had sent Mr. Chae's way through his victim's phone. Hoseok hadn't expected the man to take the more gruesome route, to be honest. But it got the message delivered. 

The leader laid down onto the soft bed and sighed, eyes wandering over to the side where Hyugnwon slept. "I just hope he's unharmed." the man mumbled to himself. Any moves they made would be an extra risk, and wounding or possibly losing a member wasn't something anyone wanted.

Suddenly, his phone dinged, informing him that he had gotten a message. Hoseok pulled out the device to see who had contacted him. It was just Shownu and the first message was followed by a few more.

This just came in through the line D6 managed to hack a few days ago...
Voice file attached
Listen to it and come downstairs. Bring Hyungwon too if he is with you and if he's not, tell him to not come home by any means.
This is serious.

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before pressing the play button on the voice file.

A loud bang, a gunshot, came through the speaker, followed by, what the two listeners assumed to be a person - dropped to the ground. "Those bastards..." Mr. Chae spat. "How could you let him run off just like that!? Why did you let him in in the first place!?" The old man's voice echoed through the phone. He was yelling at the guards who Hyungwon had played tag with and won. "Get the hell out." The sound of footsteps ensued, and a door closing soon followed.

"So this is how they want to play, huh?" Mr. Chae chuckled, clearly bitter. A quiet 'Au revoir!' came through the speaker and Hoseok recognized it as Hyungwon's. "He really yelled Au revoir?" Hoseok laughed quietly. "Oh, Hyungwon..." Shivers ran down Hoseok's back. The man's tone was menacing and definitely meant he had something up his sleeve.

Only that Hoseok couldn't figure out what that something could have been.

Everything stayed quiet for a while and Hoseok could feel his nerves grow with every passing second. The sound of a chair moving sounded before the old man spoke again and the leader felt his blood run cold.

"Activate the tracker."

Wonho shot up in an instant, suddenly worry coursing through his veins. He immediately dialed Hyungwon's phone and brought his phone to his ear. As he ran out of the bedroom down to the basement, he listened to the annoying ringing tone of the phone but got no answer. 


He got to the basement where Changkyun was waiting, chewing on his nails. "He didn't pick up?" The younger questioned. The leader shook his head. "You?" The other man gave a negative answer as well, making the tension in the room thick.

"Did you try calling the phone in the car... Maybe his phone is on silence?" Hoseok muttered, running his finger's through his hair. "I forgot that... I'll call it." If the hitman wouldn't answer this time, they would have to try and figure out where he could be. There wasn't a tracker on my of the man's belongings so it would turn out to be a challenge to find him.

The younger put the phone on speaker and the ringing was interrupted by the call being picked up. "What is it? I'm on my way back... Maybe thirty minutes or so..." Hoseok clenched his jaw hearing the other's voice and snatched the phone from Changkyun.

"Yah! Why the fuck aren't you picking up your fucking phone!?"


"I'm anxious..."


i keep forgetting to add my author notes on here, but it's not like i have anything important to say during these.

weeks go past so quick. it was just Monday last week and now it's suddenly a week later on a Tuesday. maybe I'm just losing track of time

anyway enjoy your week, i sure will since i have Thursday and Friday off :p
'til Friday!

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