The Main Dose Of Divid Love

Door lqvehero

52.7K 2.9K 367

A HEROPHINE STORY- Josephine Langford is one of the world's best actresses after staring in many films. She h... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64-My Love

Chapter 37

725 46 5
Door lqvehero


"Josephine?" Dana says catching me out of my daze. Shit. I haven't spoke to Jordan, since everything that happened and I just got shocked she was here. Well, of course she would be here! She's apart of the cast, I was to caught up to even remember.

"Sorry, I'm gonna head to bathroom." I nod and place my glass on the table and quickly speed walk to the bathroom before a grab on my wrist which turns me around.

"Excuse me-" I begin and turn around to Jordan. Was exactly what I was trying to avoid.

"Jordan, I really don't-" I begin and throw my hands out.

"Jo, I know! Please, can we just talk?"

"Jordan." I grit.

She doesn't say anything but pulls me outside. It's around eight pm, it's windy, hot and I just don't wanna deal with this right now. Especially with all the anger built up in my right now, I don't know what I'll say.

"What do you want to say? I don't have time for this right now." I cross my arms.

"Let me explain everything, I really don't wanna lose our friendship!" she says and plays with her long black hair. Lose? It's been a month.

"Jordan, it's been a month."

"I thought you knew we kissed. I'm sorry! It wasn't anything and I didn't even know he was that important to you until you brought up his name once! I didn't even know you guys knew each other! You didn't tell me!" she shouts.

"You're yelling at me? Okay, then what's your excuse for kissing Josh?" I shout. "Huh?" I add.

"Woah, woah, woah." Josh runs outside coming behind me placing his arms on my shoulders. "Calm down, would you both?"

"How the hell did you know about that? You were away off in london for who knows how long and left us here! You said a week?" she clenches her jaw and crosses her arms.

"Why would I revolve my time being in london around you? Just because I was gone doesn't mean you could kiss my goddamn boyfriend!" I shout moving closer up to her face when Josh pulls me back. She's yelling at me? I didn't mess up! Well...maybe I did for cheating on Josh with Hero, yeah I agree that's a shitty move..but she still kissed him....and kissed Hero before hand and she's taking it out on me? Plus, what does me and Josh's business have to due with her?


It doesn't.

"You cheated on him!" she shouts.

"Okay Jordan, stop." Josh says standing between us. "That was before anything like that happend! Which has nothing to due with you by the way!" I grit.

"You bitch! I was the only one there for him while you were away fucking some guy behind his back!" she shouts and Dana walks outside.

Oh shit.



What the hell.

"What the hell do you mean!!" I shout. I'm about to breakdown...Dana definitely heard her. This isn't happening.

"Josephine, what the hell?" Dana says and her jaw is practically on the floor.

Josh backs to next to me. "I-I don't know what she's talking about..." I stutter.

"That's right. She fucked some guy in london behind Josh's back. Hero? Hero was the name I'm sure. Actually, one-hundred percent positive!" Jordan smiles and leans against the brick wall of the country house.

"M-my son?" Dana says and Josh waves his hands in the air. "No, Josephine didn't do that." he says and my eyes go wide. What the hell..

"No! She cheated on him with Hero! I'm guessing who's your son. Wow Jo, your managers son. That's fucked up!" Jordan laughs.

"What!" Dana says and her jaw is clenched.

"No, No. She did not cheat on me! Jo would never do that. Jordan is angry with Jo, she knew Jo was in london with I'm guessing Hero, your son and is saying this out of anger! Jo and I broke up because we worked better as friends, that's all. Jordan you are out of your mind!" Josh says standing next to me and I look up at him.

Josh is saving my ass, after all I did, I don't deserve this.

At all.

"Seriously Jordan! Are you mental? Trying to ruin my relationship with my manager because your upset with me because I moved to london?" I say and Josh nudges me.

I really owe him for this.

Jordans eyes go wide and her jaw drops, "What! No! Josh came back here so angry because you were with Hero behind his back the entire time! Wearing his pajamas too! How could I just make this up?"

"Jordan honey, I think I need to get you a glass of water." Dana says and taps her shoulder and Jordan pulls back. "What! I'm trying to help you! She fucked your son, plenty of times Dana! I wouldn't make this up!"

"Jordan, please can I get you a ride home? Or something to drink?" Josh says.

"Fuck this! I'm trying to help you Dana, remember this when you find out the damn truth!" Jordan storms into the parking lot and dials something on her phone.

"I apologize for her Dana, I'm not sure what's in her tonight but Josephine never did any of that." Josh says.

"Thank you Josh, Actually, I'm sorry Jo she accused of all those things. It's ridiculous." Dana waves her hand in the air. "Now let's get back inside shall we?"

"Yeah, give us one second." I smile and she walks inside.

"Thank you so much, really." I say.

"Of course, I messed up too, we were both wrong and we are past it. We are friends now and It's really good that way." He smiles.

"I could never repay you." I end up placing my arms around his neck pulling him into a hug.

"Don't worry about it." He pulls out of the hug. Let's get inside." He says and I nod.


It's the next morning, Sunday to be exact and I can't fucking sleep. I need her, I miss her.

I feel terrible for how I've been treating her lately and really, I don't have a fucking excuse. I'm just being a dick for no reason. Just friday night really pissed me off. I haven't talked to her since yesterday when she was the cafe and caught with fucking Josh. Fucker.

I wanna be with my bros, but I haven't seen or spoken to them since the incident. I've talked to Felix and Morgan though, they apologized and that they smacked some fucking brain into Zain after we left.

I wanna call her? It's too early. I decide I'm going to go up to Felix's with Morgan, to play football and catch up because god knows I need it.


"Thank you for dropping me off lunch Dana"

"Of course, enjoy the mac and cheese and the salad." she winks and walks out of the hotel.

Holding my phone in front of me, debating to call Hero or not. I need too, I need to tell him what happened. Though, he's upset with me.

Screw it

"Jo?" he says.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask taking my food out of the bag.

"At Felix's, one second guys I'm going onto the deck." he says and I hear a door shut. "What are you doing?"

"Eating, your mom brought me lunch."

"Oh." is all he says. "Yeah, something happened last night." I add.

"What happened Jo?"

"Don't flip out on me, please." I beg.

"Tell me." he demands and I sigh. "I saw Jordan, we got into an argument and Josh broke it apart until she mentioned me uh...screwing a guy in london while I was with Josh and right when she said that your mother walked out."


"Then, she told your mom how I cheated on Josh with you, how I was wearing your clothes that day to and how I was screwing you the entire time."

"Oh fuck, are you okay?" he silently asks. I gulp, "It's okay, I almost broke down but then Josh lied, he said I never did any of that and Jordan was angry about me moving to london and how she was saying nonsense. He told Dana I would never cheat on him. He saved my ass." I giggle taking a bite of my salad.

"Josh? That fucker did that? He saved you from your career getting ruined and us being out in the open?" he asks. "Mhm." I say with a mouth full of food. "Damn, I wouldn't expect that from him."

"I know. I can't believe he did it either. I'm really thankful he did though. He said he did it because we are past the past and him and I are friends now, everything's okay." I smile even though he can't see it. Can he not see I'm trying to make things better? I want him to know we don't have to argue over every subject and we can talk things out without yelling.

"Fuck, I miss you Jo." he says which catches me off guard.

"I miss you too. Though, we are still on a break while I'm here..okay.." I want to take back what I just said because he's about to flip.

"And there it is." he laughs into a sigh into the phone. Knew it.

"What? I told you I wanted to have a break, me wanting a break does not mean I don't miss you."

"You hanging out with that shitty crowd, I don't like them. You hanging with Josh is probably making you think this. Right? He fucking still wants you." he growls into the phone.


"No Jo, because he still wants you, he wouldn't of done that and fuck Jordan! I don't want you around her." he growls into the phone. "Uh see you are forgetting i'm acting in a damn movie with both of them, Jordan was at the damn cast party because news flash, she's apart of the cast! Josh was being nice, do you wish he would of agreed with Jordan? Would of got us both in deep shit and me losing my career? I mean of course, only thinking how it will affect you when i'm around people you don't like and not how it affects me."

"Josephine," he says. "That isn't true. I'm thinking about all of this and saying all of this just for you. Because I love and care about you, not because i'm trying to be a dick."

"Whatever you wanna call it." I sigh into the phone finishing up my salad.

"Jo what do you want me to say!?" He says into the phone, I can tell he's angry.

"Hero I don't know, okay? I don't know what to do because your always taking everything out on me or getting mad at me!" I throw away my food placing the phone on speaker. "I'm not even in the god damn same country and you're still starting stuff me."

"Because! You say you miss me and you just want a break, it's confusing as fuck because I don't want a damn break!"

"But I do!"

"I fucking know you do. Hell; you've said it plenty." he mutters.

"I'm hanging up. Please don't reach out to me until I get back home." I beg as I quickly clean up the counters.

"Fuck! You want me to have to get to you through my mother?" is he really using that against me? Oh hero.

"Don't." I say and hang up.

Hours pass and I quickly jump into the shower and change my clothes and do my hair. I put on some jeans and a nude somewhat skin tight top and I curl my hair into waves. I place my tennis shoes on and I grab my sunglasses and my purse and quickly walk out of the hotel but to my luck paparazzi is surrounding me asking hell of a lot of questions I don't want to answer.

"Are you back with Joshua Elordi?" One asks as I place my hands in front of my face trying to walk down the sidewalk.

"We are not." I try to say and not sure if they hear me as I make a turn down a sidewalk.

"Are you together with anyone?" "Where have you been?" they ask taking shots of me.

I hate paparazzi.

I don't reply as I get into Dana's car with Josh and Dana's friend Marsha and the women who played my mother in the movie, Mack.

"I see the paparazzi won't leave you alone." Josh says.

"Seriously; they kept asking me questions which I feel uncomfortable about. I hate them asking personal things." I sigh. "Oh hey Mack and Marsha!" I smile

"Hey honey." Marsha says. I've talked to Marsha plenty, she is Dana's best friend and she's been there for me as much as Dana has. "How are you?"

"Hanging in there!"

"Great seeing you again Jo! Glad we all are going out to dinner." Mack turns back to look at me and Josh in the third row.

"I know, I'm excited!" I smile and look at Josh.

"Are you okay?" Josh whispers to me. I turn and look at him and smile. "Of course. I am."

He shakes his head, "You can tell me."

"Nothings wrong." I stop looking at him and just look out the window faking my smile until we get to the restaurant.

We all get out of the car, It's  really nice outside as it's hot but windy and it's like six at night. We are at mexican restaurant where we eat outside right on a huge bag of water with shops surrounded and lights everywhere. It's gorgeous. There's music blasting as well!

"It's so nice." I smile as Josh and I walk through the town area as Mack, Dana and Marsha get seats.

"It really is. You should move back down here." he says as we walk down into a circle of a bunch of people sitting down eating and a live band is playing. I look down, "I don't know.. I want too. I can't."

"You can though, I don't want to force you or tell you what to do but you always told me how you always dreamed of moving here, and it turns around to not even getting an apartment but moving to london!" he chuckles. I laugh, "I know, I know. I just..ya know moved there for him."

"But, it isn't where you wanna be Jo.."

"London isn't terrible... I like it." I look around some more at the beautiful sight and scene in front of me, "But, I've always dreamed of living here, spending the rest of my life. Here."

"Jo, you need to do what makes you happy.." He says as we turn the corner to a sand bay with lights all around.

"Being with him makes me happy.. making him happy makes me happy-" I begin. "See, you never think about what you want." he says.

I do think about what I want... but I wanna be here. I never realized how much I missed it.

I nod and sigh, "Is everything okay?" he asks me as we stop on the sand.

"Everything's fine."

"Jo-" he begins.

"We should get back to the girls." I say and he nods.

It's silent when we make our way to the outside table. I go to sit down to look over to see Tyler.


Not him. Not Now. How is he even here!!

Hey lovesssss next chap will be up sometime this week thank you for being patient on this chapter 😁. Also, thank you all for your kind words and messages, I am currently feeling much better. ❤️ Comment and vote <3.

Much Love, a♡︎

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