Chéri || Fred Weasley

By laucb02

960K 19.6K 22K

"I promised myself to never fall in love again, even if that leaves me to be alone for the rest of my existen... More

Author's Note
photos of mads taken by fred
dream house
epilogue i
epilogue ii
epilogue iii
epilogue iv
weasley-archambeau children
next gen faceclaims
epilogue v
Author's Note


5.5K 145 204
By laucb02

Descending down the red telephone box brought her memories of her grandfather. She hadn't thought of him in such a long time that the simple thought made Madeleine shiver. What would the great Philippe Archambeau II think of his two granddaughters illegally breaking into the Ministry to look for the most wanted man in England.

Her heart was pounding in her ribcage, fear flooding her veins by just the possibility of Sirius being tortured knowing what would come next. The Ministry was dimly lit, not a single soul was to be seen as they ran to the golden lifts. Suspicion ran over Madeleine once she quickly analized the surroundings. There were no aurors, no security whatsoever which was odd considering that it was not necessarily late even though it was six o'clock but also because there surely had to be wizards who worked past normal hours. There was something wrong and she could feel it but nothing would ever be able to change Harry's mind.

Harry pressed the lift's button rapidly and it started to descend until they reached level nine and the elevator's voice chanted, "Department of Mysteries." Harry was running, the rest struggling to keep up with him but after all, he "knew" the place best because it was the same black door they were standing in front of that plagued his dreams since September.

"Let's go," Harry whispered and led the way down the corridor.

"Whatever happens you stay next to me, don't do anything if I don't tell you first, understood?" Maddie said lowly to Clotilde who was grabbing her hand and nodded in response.

"Okay, listen," said Harry with his hand on the door handle. "Maybe... maybe a couple of people should stay here as - as a lookout, and -"

"Don't be stupid Harry," Madeleine rolled her eyes.

"She's right, how're we going to let you know something's coming when you could be miles away," Ginny raised her brows.

"We're coming with you Harry," Neville said with clear determination in his voice.

"Let's get on with it," said Ron firmly.

Harry finally opened the door hesitantly and marched forward leadind the others. They were now standing in a large circular room with a dozen of identical black doors without handles around them. Neville had shut the main door per Harry's request but he soon regretted it because the blue flame torches surrounding the room went off, leaving them in complete darkness. Harry then gave a quick stroll around the room, rummaging in his memories which of them was the one which would lead them to Sirius but everytime he approached one he faltered.

The walls around the circular room rotated with a loud rumbling sound until it became still after a couple of seconds. It wasn't called the Department of Mysteries for nothing. "What was that all about?" Clo asked from beside Ginny.

"I think it was to stop us knowing which door we came from," the redhead girl replied.

"Where do we go then?" Ron questioned looking around the room whose blue torches ignited again.

"Harry we have to be quick, we're losing time," Maddie said hushedly to him.

"Don't you think I don't know that already?" he snapped in return. "In the dreams I went through the door at the end of the corridor but I'm not sure anymore so maybe we should try a couple of doors, I'll know the right one when I see it," he said hastily.

The door in front of Harry opened without the need of an unlocking charm or anything of the sort. They all had their wands raised as they walked past the entrance of the door and into a dark rectangular room which became lightly illuminated by low hanging lamps on low golden chains. There were only a couple of desks and in the middle of the room there was a giant glass tank of deep-green water that contained large numbers of pearly white objects that were drifting lazily around the musty water.

"What're those things?" whispered Ron.

"Dunno," Harry mumbled.

"Are they fish?" Ginny breathed.

"Aquavirius maggots!" Luna said excitedly. "Dad said the ministry were breeding-"

"They can't be," Hermione gulped.

"Can't be what?" Clo nudged her.

"They're brains," Madeleine said moving forward to look through the side of tank. "I wonder what they're doing with them."

"Let's get out of here," Harry said. "This isn't right, we need to try another door."

"There are doors here too," said Ron pointing around the walls.

"In my dream I went through the dark room into the second one," Harry said, "we should try to go back and try from there."

The eight of them hurried back to the main circular room but Hermione stopped Luna as she made to close the door with the brains behind them. "Flagrate!" the brown haired girl said drawing an X shape which appeared midair after the door clicked shut.

"Good thinking 'Mione," Madeleine patted her back as they followed Harry through another door.

The second room they stepped in was larger than the last one. It was lit dimly and also rectangular in shape and the center of it was a sunken stone pit about twenty feet deep below them. It looked like an amphitheater, thought Madeleine looking around the room that also had stone benches looking down at the pit. Unsupported by any surrounding wall stood an archway hung with what seemed like a veil fluttering slightly despite that there was no wind in the room to move it.

The veil in the middle of the archway was whispering and Madeleine wasn't the only one hearing the faint voices. Luna and Harry were staring at it, hypnotized by it and just like her, and they too had the feeling that someone had just passed by the veil on the other side of the archway.

"Let's go," Hermione said with fear in her words. "This isn't right, come one, let's go..."

"Okay," he mumbled and looked back at the veil. "What are you saying?"

"Nobody's talking Harry, come on," Clo said nervously.

"Someone's talking behind it, I can hear it too," Madeleine said in a faint whisper walking towards it again.

"I can hear them too," breathed Luna, "there are people in there."

Hermione tried pulling Harry away as Ron did the same with Maddie who was staring without blinking at the veil. The voice behind the mumors sounded so familiar and the only thing she wanted to do was touch it, but she was being dragged away by Ron before her fingertips could graze the magnificently mysterious veil.

On the other side of it, Ginny and Neville who were also entranced by the veil, were pulled away by Hermione and Ron as well, who marched them over back to the door leading to the circular room.

"Let's go because if something does happen to you Fred will kill me without thinking twice," Ron said to Madeleine as she tried walking back towards the door they just came out of.

"What do you reckon that arch was?" the blonde said to the group.

"I don't know but it was dangerous, whatever it was," Hermione sighed and drew another X in front of that door.

Harry walked in front of another random door and pushed it like the other two yet it did not move. "It's locked..." he said pushing it harder but it did not budge.

Hermione and Clotilde tried different unlocking spells but none of them worked. It had to be that door because none of the others were locked besides that one. "Harry, Sirius' knife," the blonde said loudly while still staring at the second door which contained the veil.

Harry tried again to open it with the knife but still nothing happened except that the knife's blade melted off, a stronger perhaps even darker magic was keeping it close, Madeleine thought to herself and tried remembering if there was any spell that could work against it but nothing came to mind. The room shifted again after Madeleine drew the X on that door and the door that stood in front of them now made Harry's insides churn.

"This is it," he said and opened the door in a heartbeat.

They walked inside it into the diamond looking sparkling light. There were clocks on every surface in different shapes and sizes, hanging from what looked like bookshelves creating a ticking sound all around the room. The source of the bright mystical light was coming from a towering crystal bell jar at the end of the room and Harry rushed towards it, followed by the rest.

They walked rapidly past the bell jar from wich a hummingbird emerged from a jewel tiny egg which Ginny wanted to look at but she was moved away from by Harry.

"This is it," Harry said, "it's through here!"

Madeleine glanced at their surroundings once more and noticed that they were surrouned by large dusty shelves supporting large amounts of glass orbs which glimmered lightly, only adding to the mysteriousness of their environment. The room was terribly cold and Maddie could only wish to have Fred with her to wrap his arms around her to warm her up.

"They're prophecies," Maddie whispered, as they walked through the shadowy asiled between two rows of shelves. "You said ninety seven right?"

"Yeah," breathed Harry as they passed row fifty three. "Keep your wands out."

They kept carefully walking past the shelves, when Hermione found the correct row. They stood grouped around the end of the row looking everywhere but there's was no one there. Sirius wasn't there and then it hit her like a jet of freezing water was sliding down her spine.

"We need to go now, this is a trap," Madeleine whispered. She remembered the words that the Divination Professor had said in her thick French accent when she took the course in third year. "Prophecies can only be retrieved by those who they are about."

"He's right down the end, I can feel it! You can't see properly from here," Harry whispered.

"Stop being bloody stubborn and let's get out of here, something is not right," the blonde hissed and Clotilde immediately took a hold of her jacket.

Harry's footsteps were echoing as he marched a bit further down from where the rest stood and when he took a good look, there was nobody there at all.

"Harry," Hermione called his name again.

"What?" he snarled and looked back at her.

"He's not here, Sirius is not here," Hermione said.

Harry did not move from where he was, the rest were looking around at the crystal balls with intensified fear laced with curiosity when Ron called Harry again, pointing at one of the spheres. "It's got your name on it," the youngest Weasley brother said.

"This one has got your name on it too, look," Clotilde said to Madeleine pointing to the glass orb with the number ninety-four engraved in.

Regulus' voice ricocheted through Maddie's head. 'Curiosity killed the cat', but she couldn't stop herself. There was a prophecy about her and she needed to know what it said, it was calling her so intensly that without thinking she grabbed it in her hand the second Harry had taken his. She stared at it completely mesmerized, reading the label over and over again as her god-brother did the same thing with his.
S. P. T. to A. P. W. B. D.
Bellatrix Lestrange
and (?) Madeleine Archambeau

"I don't think you should touch those," Hermione stammered.

"Maddie, Harry don't," Neville said suddenly, sweating heavily but neither of them listened.

"Madeleine please put that back where it was," Clo implored her.

Maddie held the crystal ball tighter and felt how it was warming up out of the blue, Harry's expression mirrored hers both with deep excitement and curiosity as to why their names where there when an eerie mystical voice echoed inside her head.

"The girl born at the end of November to the last born daughter of Black will be the main asset to the victory of the light. The day will come when the girl, powerful like no other, gives herself to the darkness to save the one she loves the most. The girl will save many more but will be forced to lose herself along the way. She will defeat the Dark Lord's right hand, but she will gain her trust beforehand. And the Dark Lord's liutenant will see her as her equal and will turn her to mirror her own self. She will do terrible things, sacrificing her light to triumph over her own blood so that the light can conquer the dark once and for all."

"Madeleine!" Clotilde said louder and snapped her back from the trance, the words of the seer replaying in her head like a broken record.

Maddie looked back at Harry and the two of them walked hurriedly to the front of the group, where a figure in dark robes with a dark silver mask was walking towards them slowly. They all had their wands raised towards the cloaked person, both Harry and Madeleine still gripping their prophecies.

"Where is Sirius?" Harry asked to the Death Eater who was approaching them.

"You know you should have learned to tell the difference between dreams and reality," said an awfully familiar voice before waving his wand making his mask vanish only to reveal his cold grey eyes and platinum blond hair. "You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see, now hand me the prophecies."

"You do anything to us and we'll break them," Harry said sharply but a nerve chilling maniac laugh sounded from the darkness, just like her dreams.

The laugh was soul piecing, compelling, terrifying. The last thing dozens of innocents had heard before the life was taken from their eyes. Low foot steps accompanied the laugh and finally her face was illuminated by the glow provided by the crystal orbs.

Black curly messy hair with white streaks in random places, rotten teeth; sharp features just like Sirius, Andromeda, Narcissa, Cressida and Regulus. Dark green eyes, evil and filled with blood lust which now mirrored Madeleine's, whose irised had darkened at the sight of the woman in front of her.

"He knows how to play, itty, bitty, baby, Potter."

"Bellatrix Lestrange," Neville gulped.

"Neville Longbottom is it? How's mum and dad?" the woman shrugged with an evil grin on her face making the rest of the death eaters laugh.

"Better now that they are about to be avenged," Neville tried to move forward but was stopped by Ginny and Clotilde who pushed him back.

They were now cornered by more than a dozen of black shapes who were appearing from thin air, blocking their way left and right with wands pointed at all of their hearts. Every single death eater in the room was wearing a mask but Bellatrix and Lucius who were clearly in charge.

"And look what the cat brought in," she laughed again staring right into Madeleine's soul. "The doll I have wanted for fifteen years."

"Pleasure to meet you at last, aunt," Madeleine smirked and narrowed her eyes at the woman.

"The feeling is mutual, niece," Bellatrix replied in the same tone pointing her wand at Maddie who was doing the same to her.

"Hand over the prophecies and no one needs to get hurt," said Lucius coolly to which Harry and Madeleine just laughed in response.

"Yeah right!" Harry said loudly. "We give you these - prophecies aren't they? And you'll just let us skip off home, will you?"

"Accio proph-" Bellatrix shouted but did not finish when Madeleine had casted Protego, making the crystal orbs stay put in both of their hands.

"Too slow," Maddie laughed almost mimicking her aunt's laugh when she saw the deranged look on her face and Bellatrix had her wand pointing to her head now.

"Let's everybody just calm down, shall we?" said Lucius slowly. "All we want are those prophecies."

"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?" Harry scowled.

"You dare speak his name, YOU FILTHY HALF BLOOD!" Bellatrix screamed outraged.

"You do realize your master is a half blood right?" Maddie chuckled dryly.

"Madeleine stop it," Clotilde muttered frightened.

"It's alright, they're just curious lads aren't you?" Lucius said. "Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made."

"If they want to play then we'll play," Bellatrix said madly. "Take the smallest ones and let them watch while we torture the little girls, one who I see is also my niece."

They closed around Ginny and Clotilde protectively with their wands still raised towards the large group of death eaters. "I'll smash them if you want to attack any of us," she told Bellatrix. "Your boss won't be too pleased if you get back empty handed, won't he?"

Bellatrix's chest was heaving rapidly, staring at the girl with both amusement and the desire to simply end her life on spot as she stared at her. The black haired woman threw a stunning jinx towards the blonde but she deflected it easily, the grin never leaving her face.


"You haven't told us what's so special about these prophecies that we're supposed to be handing over," Harry said looking at Lucius straight in the eyes.

While Harry tried playing for time with Lucius and Bellatrix by questioning the importance of the prophecies; Madeleine simply took the time to get into Ron, Neville, Hermione, Luna, Clotilde and Ginny's heads to tell them to destroy the shelves when she said said the word. Wandering through their heads, she finally cut the connection when they all agreed and went back to listen to Harry.

"I've waited fourteen years, guess I can wait longer," Harry shrugged.

"NOW!" Madeleine yelled and seven different voices besides hers yelled Reducto in different directions dierected at the shelves making them explode into pieces.

Hundreds of glass spheres began smashing against the foor, hitting some of the death eaters square in the face as the group of eight teens ran as fast as they could. More glass spheres came tumbling down as they threw curses to the death eaters. Madeleine was running with Harry in the back as the rest remained in front when a masked figure lunged forward to which the blonde elbowed in the face.

The shelves and crystal balls kept collapsing in the floor, the death eaters were yelling and there were also loud cries of pain as more thunderous crashes ricocheted through the room. Harry found a clear path towards the door that could lead them out and ran along with Hermione, Neville and Madeleine towards it.

Maddie pointed her want at the door and sealed it, panting as adrenaline pumping through her veins. She looked around and her face fell in utter fright and shock, Ginny, Ron, Luna and Clotilde were not there. "Where in Merlin's fucking name are they?" she said panicking and twisting the ring on her index finger.

"They, they were ahead! I thought they would already be here!" Harry stuttered.

"They must have gone the wrong way!" Hermione whispered.

"You think?" Harry and Madeleine hissed at the same time.

"Listen!" Nevilled whispered.

"Leave Nott, leave him, I say, the Dark Lord will not care for Nott's injuries as much as losing that prophecy - Jugson, come back here, we need to organize! We'll split into pairs and search, and don't forget, be gentle with Potter and the oldest blonde until we've got the prophecies, you can kill the others if necessary - Bellatrix, Rodolphus you take left, Crabbe, Rabastan, go right - Jugson, Dolohov, the door straight ahead - Mcnair and Avery through here - Rockwood over there - Mulciber, come with me," Lucius Malfoy ordered with a booming voice.

"What do we do?" Hermione asked trembling with fear.

"We can't stay here waiting for them to come, let's get away from this door," Madeleine said lowly as they ran past the bell jar where the hummingbird came from. They reached the far end of the room when they all heard something heavy collide with the door Maddie had sealed.

Two death eaters were walking towards them as the all dived under the desks and the two men walked past them. Madeleine's hand was covering Hermione's mouth whose cheeks were a tad wet from crying but she wouldn't let her make a sound. Her heart was hammering so hard in her chests, with fear running over her at the new thought that her sister, Ginny, Ron and Luna could be dead inside any of the rooms that surrounded them.

Harry stunned one of the men who crashed unconscious against one of the larger grandfather clocks. The second one leapt aside to avoid Maddie's spell and pointed her wand at Hermione who had crawled out from under the desk.

"Avada-" the man pointed his wand at Hermione but didn't finished when he was tacked down by Harry who sent him to the floor. Nevilled stood up and pointed his wand at the struggling pair to try and disarm the death eater but instead sent both Harry and the man's wands flying to the entrance to the Hall of Prophecy.

Harry moved quickly to grab his wand back just like the death eater but the latter didn't get far when Madeleine stunned him. Hermione summoned the man's wand. There was a shout from a room close by which made goosebumps rised over Madeleine's skin.

The four of them ran to another room and before Maddie could close the door with a spell another two death eaters came rushing towards them. The two death eaters knocked the four of them, throwing Neville over a desk and making Hermione smash against a bookshelf. The two men began calling the other death eaters but the bushy haired girl had silenced one of them while Madeline casted petrificus totalus on the other one.

Hermione opened her mouth to speak but the silenced death eater had made a slashing movement with his wand and the girl was struck in the chest with a purple flame which sent her back to the ground motionless.

Harry dropped on his knees next to Hermione and Maddie saw that the Death Eater's mask was gone, revealing none other than Antonin Dolohov who had just kicked Neville's head making him cry out in pain, and stomped on the boy's wand, breaking it in two. Dolohov has grinning madly when the blonde stood up with her wand pointed at him. She had a look of hatred in her eyes as she thought how much pain he had caused Molly when he murdered her brothers.

She began throwing spells at him like a mad woman, dueling him and when he got distracted, she hit him straight in the chest with a curse, sending him to the floor frozen. Maddie crouched next to Hermione, the girl still lying without moving but there was a pulse and her body heat was still within normal ranges. Neville had a broken nose and his face and shirt were now covered in blood and Harry looked distressed as he moved Hermione's hair away from her face.

"We're not far from the exit, Neville you have to take Hermione back to the lift before more of them come, you're unarmed and you can't do wandless so-" Maddie began but the boy interrupted her.

"I'm finding the others with you two," his voice came out muffled because of how much blood was in his mouth.

"But Hermione," Harry said and looked at Maddie.

"We'll take her with us, I'll carry her and you are better at fighting anyway."

The three of them stood up, Neville and Harry hoisting the unconscious girl's arms around their shoulders. Harry shoved Hermione's wand inside of Neville's pocket as the began to walk out of the office towards the door slowly, Maddie walking in front of them with her wand raised in case any death eaters were to appear.

Before they could all decide which door to walk enter, another one opened and four people came out of it. Clo's face was covered in blood, Ginny clearly had a broken ankle, Ron very white and giggling weakly, his eyes unfocused and something dark trickled down the corner of his mouth as his knees gave out.

"What in Godric's name happened?" Madeleine cleared the blood out of Clotilde's face with her wand. The youngest blonde slid against the wall were Ginny had her back resting as she clutched her ankle in pain.

"Four of them chased us into a dark room full of planets," Clo began explaining as Maddie healed Ginny's ankle temporarily.

"It was a very odd place, some of the time we were just floating in the dark," said Luna in her dreamy voice.

"Harry, we saw Uranus up close!" Ron giggled like a little kid. "Get it Harry? We saw Uranus - ha ha ha -"

After Luna and Clo finished explaining what had happened, Maddie insisted that they should all leave now but as she helped a limping Ginny stand up, Bellatrix came into view yelling and laughing. Spells were sent their way by Bellatrix and three more Death Eaters and they all managed to get inside the brains room, locking the door before any of the death eater could even enter.

Harry, Madeleine, Neville, Clotilde and Luna rushed around the room casting locking charms at each of the doors when a scream came out of Luna when she was sent flying in the air. Five death eaters bursted inside and Bellatrix yelled at one of the men to get Harry as she ran to get Maddie.

The two of them began dueling skillfully, blocking the other's curses when suddenly time seemed to have stopped. Ron in his dazed state had summoned one of the brains from the tank and the brain soared towards the redhead. Ron caught the brains but the moment his hands touched it tha tentacles that it had began wrappinf themselves around the boy's arms like ropes, and then moved to his chest.

"Harry it'll suffocate him!" Ginny screamed terrified and when she did, Bellatrix resumed her duel with Madeleine.

"How is it possible that you're Cressida's huh?" Bellatrix laughed maniachly. "She was always such a weak little push over but you, you're powerful and that will makes it more fun when I kill you!"

Ginny and Clotilde were knocked out unconscious by more death eaters which meant that the only ones standing were Harry, Neville and Maddie who was busy trying to take down Bellatrix. Harry began sprinting away from the five death eaters, holding the prophecy high in his hand which worked to lure them all away.

The death eaters ran following Harry but were not using any spells in case they would damage the prophecy, even Bellatrix ran towards him leaving Madeleine behind not knowing that the prophecy the girl was holding was deeply involved with her.

Maddie followed Harry and the rest of Death Eaters to the next room and the floor vanished and began falling down in the pit where the mysterious veil stood in its archway. Before she could hit the ground, with a wave of her hand she slowed the fall and didn't land nearly as hard as Harry did. The two of them stood up and looked around where each of the death eaters was now holding one of their friends.

They were all fully conscious, including Hermione who was whimpering being held back by Dolohov. Clotilde was being restrained by Rabastan Lestrange, Neville by Bellatrix, Luna by Rockwood, Ron by Rodolphus and Ginny by Travers, each of their wands pointed at the head of the teen they were holding.

"Did you actually believe," chuckled Lucius Malfoy walking towards Harry and Madeleine. "Were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this simple, for you two, give me the prophecies now or watch your friends die."

"Don't give it to him!" Neville said trying to get away from Bellatrix's iron grip.

Maddie looked at Harry and back at the crystal ball that was still in her hand. Harry gave Lucius his first and the look of satisfaction on the man's face was indescribable. He extended his hand again but before Madeleine could fully put it in his pale hand she stared at a swoosh which heard from behind Lucius accompanied by a white light. Malfoy turned around, his eyes wide and didn't even have time to take out his wand from his walking cane.

"Get away from my god-children," Sirius' voice said lowly and his fist collided with Lucius' jaw sending him to the floor.

More beams of light appeared from out of nowhere, each of them taking out a death eater in the process. Lucius managed to get up but was sent back to the floor by the bright white smoke, making him drop the prophecy Harry had just handed him, to which Maddie took the opportunity to smash hers too, throwing it to the stone floor.

Once the swooshes of white light stopped taking out the death eaters, the Order's members stepped out. Dora, Kingsley, Remus, Moody, Timothée and Cressida began throwing spells at the death eaters who were astounded as they fought Order. Jets of different colored lights were everywhere as Madeleine and Harry dived behind a large rock with Sirius.

The rock that they were covering themselves with exploded, courtesy of one of the Lestrange brothers so Sirius wrapped his arms around Maddie and Harry as they moved to take cover behinf another one. "Listen, I want you take the others and get out," Sirius said looking at both of his godchildren.

"What? No, I'm stying with you," Harry said.

"And I'm of age, you can't tell me to leave," Maddie breathed and blocked a curse that was sent their way.

"You've done beautifully," he said cupping Maddie's cheek and with a hand placed on Harry's shoulder. "Now let me take it from here."

Cressida and Tonks were dueling Bellatrix while Kingsley was fighting two at once and Timothée occupied himself with Rockwood. Moody was fighting Travers and Remus was going against Mulciber when Lucius appeared in front of Sirius, Maddie and Harry, alongside Dolohov.

"Just like the old time huh Cress?" Bellatrix laughed, "I think I won't make your children orphans just yet though," she said and stunned her youngest sister who landed with a hard thud on the floor.

Bellatrix had joined Lucius and Dolohov in their duel against Sirius, Maddie and Harry. The three of them were blocking curses and throwing hexes and defensive spells back and forth. Maddie sent Dolohov flying away as Sirius fought Bellatrix who was screaming psychopathically.

"Come on, you can do better than that!" Sirius yelled, his voice echoing around the room.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled and Lucius wand flew out of his hand before the blonde could knock him out with a smooth flick of her wand.

"Nice one James!" Sirius said and before he could do anything else, Maddie's gaze went straight to her aunt's.

Time slowed down when Madeleine saw the look in Bellatrix's dark green eyes, she knew what she would do next and without thinking, she pushed Sirius out of the way and casted a non-verbal shielding charm to which the green jet of light sent by Bellatrix collided with. Maddie could feel how the protective shield was rapidly being desintegrated by the killing curse and she knew what was coming next. After all, it was the only curse that couldn't be blocked by any other spell.

Her eyes met Sirius' grey ones one last time, a small thanful smile displaying in her perfect face before time stopped completly and everything went black, her body going limp being caught by her godfather's arms preventing her to fall through the veil. Sirius let out a soul wretching scream when Remus had made his way to hold Harry back from his chest, who was screaming as loudly as Sirius was. Remus had tears in his eyes and wasn't able to hold Harry back when Bellatrix maniac laugh echoed through the room.

"I killed the blondie! I killed the blondie!" Bellatrix laughed and ran away being followed by Harry who was throwing curses at her. "You're coming to get me!"

Clotilde who was watching from afar began throwing up violently, being held by Ginny and Hermione and Ron could only stare at the body of the girl who was still in Sirius' arms, thinking about Fred and what he would do when he was told that Madeleine was hit by the killing curse.

Timothée ran towards were Sirius was sobbing and screaming, the shock of seeing her sister pale and not moving being too much to even say a word. He stood dead on his tracks looking at her and then looked back at his youngest sister who was crying out gripping her blonde locks harshly. Cressida and Tonks were still unconscious thanks to Bellatrix so they were unbeknownst of the scene that had just played. Ginny and Hermione were now crying softly and Neville was sniffling, face red as he tried his best not to cry just like Ron was doing. Time had frozen as Sirius cried, still holding his god-daughter's body, the ghost of her smile still prominent in her lifeless face.

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