Helping the Wolves (Madison J...

By FangirlHere1234

4K 422 29

Madison doesn't know much, but she knows a few things- 1. Seeing someone coming back from the dead is cool as... More

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Third book!

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66 7 0
By FangirlHere1234

When Maddy's eyes fluttered open, the first thing she noticed was that everything was yellow. On blinking, the yellowness disappeared and everything went back to normal. Maddy didn't know when exactly she fell asleep but she woke up with squinting eyes. The white and golden color of the room made it feel as though she had just woken up on the sun. Maddy used her hand too shield herself from the bright light.

That was when Maddy realized that it didn't hurt to move her hand anymore. Maddy slowly wiggled her fingers and toes. Everything seemed to be fixed. Maddy got up, wanting to see if she could walk properly.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," someone said softly.

Maddy turned to the right to find Alexa sitting.

"Are you hurting anywhere?" Alexa asked.

"I really don't like the way you are looking at me," Maddy said dryly. "I am not some doll made of glass."

Alexa grinned. "Thank god! I don't really have it in me to act all soft and nice. Xander insisted that I had to make sure that you were fine before starting my so-called shenanigans."

Suddenly a loud crash made both Alexa and Maddy jump. Maddy immediately looked around for her dagger. If someone was attacking, she would need her dagger.

"Don't mind the crash," Alexa said waving her hand dismissively.

Maddy narrowed her eyes at Alexa. "What is going on?"

"The boys are uh... sorting things out among themselves."

Maddy didn't like the sound of that. She had a feeling that human sorting things out and werewolf sorting things out were quite different. Ignoring Alexa's warning, Maddy walked outside. It didn't hurt to walk, she noted. Her eyes widened as she saw the scene in front of her when she stepped into the living room.

The entire supposed living room was a complete mess. The table was upside down as though someone had flung it and a flower vase was crashed at one side of the room. But that wasn't what horrified Maddy. Holding Jeremy by the throat, stood Xander. His face was morphed into scowl as he glared at Jeremy with eyes that were as black as coal. Although Jeremy was the bulkier of the two, Xander easily had Jeremy cornered.

"What the hell is going on?" Maddy said as she pushed Xander away from Jeremy.

"We were just talking," Jeremy said sheepishly as he rubbed his throat which was turning red.

"Why would you do that?" Maddy exclaimed as she glared at Xander.

Xander clenched his jaw. "He was the one who flung you at Cordelia."

"And?" Maddy asked with a raised eyebrow. "You realize that I was the one who asked Jeremy to throw me towards at Cordelia? You also realize that if Jeremy hadn't flung me like that, we wouldn't have won the competition and then we would all be dead?"

Xander glared at Jeremy as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Still."

Maddy threw her hands up in the air with exasperation. "Still? Did you even hear a word that I said?"

Xander frowned. "You should be resting."

Without even warning Maddy, he grabbed and Maddy and started carrying her back to her room. Maddy elbowed him in the stomach and darted out of his grip.

"Listen up," she said as she stepped forward toward Xander. She knew that she didn't look that intimidating because of the height difference, but that wasn't going to stop her from giving Xander a piece of her mind. "I don't care how dominant your wolf is. That is no way to treat your friend. You were literally choking Jeremy for no fault of his own. You are going to go and apologize to Jeremy. And the apology better be sincere."

"Absolutely not," Xander said as he glared back at her like a petulant child.

"Yes, you are."

Xander narrowed his eyes and stepped closer too Maddy. A little too close. Maddy took a step back but that only made Xander take a step forward. This went on until Maddy's back hit the wall. Maddy gulped down her fear as Xander towered over her. Was this how she was going to killed? Crushed by her crush.

What Xander did next was unexpected to say the least. He buried his head into Maddy's shoulder and suddenly Maddy was a pile of goo. His hands wrapped around her waist and Maddy was sure that she would have literally melted into a puddle had it not been for his arms supporting her.

"You smell good," Xander said, his voice dropping ten octaves lower.

Maddy just stood there stunned. All rational thoughts had evaporated a long time ago.

Xander let go of her and took several steps back. "I'll apologize only if you spend the rest of your day resting."

Saying that, he left. Maddy stood there for a few minutes trying to process what happened. When she was sure that she could move without turning into a puddle, she made her way to her room.

Maddy entered to find that Alexa hadn't moved from where she had been sitting when Maddy walked out. When she saw Maddy, she grinned at Maddy.

"I told you there is no use in trying to stop the two of them. They'll throw a few punches at each other and then things will return back to normal."

Maddy's eyebrows shot up at Alexa's description of how Xander and Jeremy 'sorted things out.' She smiled at Alexa as she climbed onto her bed. "Actually, they did stop fighting. And Xander is going to apologize to Jeremy."

This time it was Alexa's turn to raise her eyebrows. "You actually got them to stop fighting? The last time I tried to intervene, the two of them ganged up on me and gave me a lecture. It was so not fair. After that, I stayed out of their fights."

Maddy shook her head. "Xander was literally choking Jeremy. And Jeremy wasn't doing anything to defend himself!"

Alexa shrugged and said, "They both are extremely dominant which results in fights breaking out. The fights won't stop until someone submits and that someone definitely won't be Xander. Besides, Xander wouldn't hurt Jeremy too much. We all know that."

Alexa narrowed her eyes in Maddy's direction. "Why are you so flushed? Your cheeks are literally red."

"Nothing!" Maddy exclaimed with wide eyes.

Changing the topic, Maddy asked, "How long was I asleep?"

"Asleep? More like passed out. You were out for like an hour or two."

Maddy stared at her fingers with surprise. "Then how am I fine? I am pretty sure that bones don't just repair in an hour."

"You friend, Ella came over with some faerie medicine. Xander nearly beat her up as he didn't know she was a friend. Ella left this medicine-"

Alexa said as she walked up to the stand on the other side of Maddy's bed and picked up a bottle filled halfway with some cream-colored liquid.

"-with us. She told us that it was made specifically to enhance healing. All we had to do was make you drink one glass every half an hour and you became fine. We left some extra in case you needed it after you woke up."

Maddy took the bottle and examined it. Whatever liquid was in there was definitely magical. Maddy decided to not use it up now itself. She didn't need it now and the drink might come useful in the future. 

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