Endless Bounds

By Dream-Writes

4.1K 115 6

A young quirkless boy bullied his whole life finally gives in to the evils of the world. But to do so, he dis... More

Chapter 1 (Deku)
Chapter 3 (Deku)
Chapter 4 (Bakugou)
Chapter 5 (Bakugou)
Chapter 6 (Deku)
Chapter 7 (Bakugou)
Chapter 8 (Deku)
Chapter 9 (Bakugou)
Chapter 10 (Deku)
Chapter 11 (Bakugou) Part 1
Chapter 11 (Bakugou) Part 2
Chapter 11 (Bakugou) Part 3
Chapter 11 (Bakugou) Part 4
Chapter 12 (Deku)
Chapter 13 (Bakugou)
Chapter 14 (Deku) part 1
Chapter 14 (Deku) Part 2
Chapter 14 (Deku) part 3
Chapter 15 (Class-1A)
Chapter 16 (Deku)
Chapter 17 (Bakugou)
Chapter 18 (Deku)
Chapter 19 (Bakugou)
Chapter 20 (Deku)

Chapter 2 (Bakugou)

373 11 0
By Dream-Writes

"Why don't you go jump off a bridge or somethin' ya damn nerd!" That is the last thing Bakugou ever says to Midoriya.

And he's regrated it ever since.

When he finally wakes up in the hospital after the sludge villain attack, two officers are waiting by his door.

That is how he finds out.

"Izuku Midoriya, your quirkless friend—"

"Tsk. Don't call that stupid nerd my friend! He's just an annoying little bug," Bakugou interrupts.

"Right well, your classmate has been missing for three days."

Bakugou's eyes widen then narrows. "Just wait. He'll be back. He's probably just sulking in some corner or something."

At first, he's relieved. No more quirkless little Deku following him around like a lost puppy. He'll be back. That's what he keeps thinking.

. . . At first at least.

He always turns around in his seat at school, expecting annoying Deku to be mumbling away. Or caught up watching some hero fight. Or even see him wandering through town crying his eyes out.

Then three days turn to four. Four to five. Then a week. Then a month. . . Then the entrance exams. Suddenly it isn't so simple.

There is no trace of him—there never was. Not one lead. Deku isn't coming back.

When that quirkless wannabe doesn't show up to the UA entrance exam to get in against all odds, Bakugou finally accepts that fact.

But that doesn't exactly make things any easier.

Why'd he say that to him? He wanted to be a hero just like him. But because Deku was quirkless, it was so easy to treat him differently. To bully him for having unachievable dreams in this kind of world. But because of that-Because of him, Deku's mom won't ever see her son again. Because of him. . . Deku is dead.

* * * *

Bakugou knocks on the door of Deku's home, the cool morning air ruffling his UA uniform.

No answer.

Not surprised, he slides away the rock hiding the spare key and lets himself in.

The house is always dark when he gets there. Sheets are draped over all the windows, not the tv nor the computer is ever on, and anything else emitting light has either been broken or covered.

Bakugou feels through the house till he finds the kitchen, broken glass crunching under his feet. Using his quirk, he lights up a small part of the space and starts replacing the broken lightbulbs with the new ones in his bag.

He restocks the fridge and pantry then pulls out the rice and vegetables to make curry.

Without making a sound he takes the overflowing plate and some water to Inku Midoriya's room. He knocks softly on the door like normal then once again lets himself in.

Inku Midoriya lays in her bed unmoving. She doesn't speak to Bakugou, doesn't even look in his direction. It's been a year and she still remains the same. The only times she ever gets up is to shower and use the bathroom. She won't even visit her own sun's grave.

When he finally had mustered up the courage to see Deku's mom the day of his funeral, she was already like this. Lifeless; almost like a ghost. Bakugou remembers when she was so happy, so full of life. But now. . . she can hardly take care of herself. She spends her days locked away in her room. She doesn't eat. She doesn't sleep.

Bakugou sets the plate in front of Inku Midoriya then busies himself with cleaning out the messy house. Why he does this, he can't say. Maybe it's to make himself feel better. Or maybe to atone for what he did. Either way, Deku's mom needs help.

Bakugou finishes up and leaves without a word, a vase full of fresh flowers in his hands as ge takes his daily rout through town to the stone forest of the dead.

The letters of the quirkless kids who was always a thorn in his side are carved into the headstone, a loud and clear reminder. What happened you damn nerd? Bakugou bunches his fists and tsks, looking away from the name carved into the stone. Stupid idiot.

"So, your mom still won't leave the house," Bakugou finally says aloud then shakes his head. "What the hell happened to you, Deku. You-you were going to be a hero remember? Even though you're a quirkless wannabe. . ." Bakugou's lip begins to tremble and his vision blurs. "You were going to make to UA. Be the first quirkless kid to get in." Sparks start flying from his hand, his anger rising. "Are you going to let me beat you that easily! I'm the one who's got All Might in my corner and where are you?! Suddenly there's a quirk for a quirkless kid and you just up and leave? I don't buy it. Not one for one second you hear!" Bakugou bunches his fists, silencing his quirk. "You better come back so I can beat you fair and square; none of this half-assed bullshit!"

"Um, Bakugou?"

Bakugou quickly wipes his eyes then looks up to finds Kirishima staring at him. "What do you want," he growls.

"I uh. . . was on my way to class and heard you yelling. Are you okay man?"

"Of course I'm okay!"

Kirishima cocks his head. "Were you. . . crying?"

Bakugou growls and sends small explosions across his hands. "Of course not now move it extra!"

"Hey man calm down, I was just checking!"

"Yeah, well don't." Bakugou stuffs his hands into his pockets and bumps past Kirishima.

"Mind if I walk with you?" Kirishima asks, catching up.

Bakugou tsks. "Whatever."

"Great!" Kirishima says with a smile. "So, who were you visiting? A friend?"

"Shut up before I blow you into next week!"

"Alright, alright I get it. Man, you like this all the time?"

Bakugou whips around, growling in Kirishima's face. "What'd I tell you, stupid extra!"

Kirishima holds up his hands in surrender. "Ok sorry," he laughs.

"Just keep your nose out of my business. Got it?"

Kirishima finally shuts up, letting Bakugou walk in peace. But even so, having someone follow him around like that gets on his nerves more than anything. Just their mere presents radiating around him ticks him off.

As they walk through the busy city and a small gang of guys walks by and shoulder bumps Bakugou.

"Well that was rude," Kirishima mutters as Bakugou stops and stiffens.

"Excuse you," Bakugou snarls at the gang.

"What did you say?" One of the boys asks curtly, turning around. "Oh," he looks Bakugou up and down. "well look at that. It's one of those UA students. Do you think you're better than us? What do you want?"

Bakugou slouches in anger, "You bumped into me. Say you're sorry extra!"

"What did you call me?!"

"You heard me!" Bakugou says as he faces the gang. Black clothes, chains hanging from their pockets, dyed hair, ripped jeans. Looking at their number's he smiles crookedly. Only three?

The boy looks down his nose at Bakugou. "What's that look for? Are you looking for a fight?"

"Well," Bakugou lets his bag plop to the ground and pops his knuckles. "since you're offering."

Kirishima puts his hand on Bakugou's shoulder and smiles timidly at the gang. "Actually, we've got somewhere to be. I'm really sorry ab—"

Bakugou throws the first punch, sending the boy flying on to his back.


"Why you little—" the other two boys step forward. "That's our boss little brat."

"He? That small fry is your boss? Pretty weak to be anyone's leader."

Weak. . . just like—

Bakugou growls. "Come on! Show me what you got. . . and don't hold back."

* * * *

Bakugou storms into UA, Kirishima on his heels. "How is it that it's only the third day of school and you're already showing up covered in bruises."

"Shut up," Bakugou says as he pushes through the tall classroom doors.

"Woah what happened to you?" Jiro says the moment they step in.

"It's none of our damn business!"

"Um dude," Kaminari points to his lip. "you sorta got a little. . ."

Bakugou scoffs, wiping away the blood on his lip.

Tenya Iida runs up, his hands swiping up and down in lecture. "Bakugou what is this? This is highly unacceptable. We are the students of a prestigious school. To become involved in such barbaric—"

"Put a sock in it engine boy no one asked you!"

"All right class knock it off and sit down." Mr. Aizawa opens the door and shuffles to the center of the room, his eyes half closed like always. "First order of business—now keep in mind that this will determine your whole future—you all need to decide who will be class representative."

"I'll do it!"

"You need me!"

I'm the best person suited for this!"

One by one each student raises their hands, except Bakugou.

And when the votes come in. . .

"Bakugou, you didn't even vote for yourself?"

Bakugou tsks and jerks his head toward the window. How could he? Being class rep is the last thing he should be. He's not one to care for other people nor their safety. He's a bully, calls them the first things that pops into his mind, gets into fights with all the people he can, throws his quirk in everyone's faces.

Just look at what he did to the one person who looked up to him since they were just small boys.

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