Lone Star Family Values

By Zorabelle

85.1K 1.9K 70

I do not own the plot or the characters of 9-1-1 Lone Star. I do own Bailey and the non-canon plot of this st... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Final Statements
Reader's Input

Chapter 22

1.9K 45 5
By Zorabelle

Simply Perfect

            Noah paced his room, repeatedly passing his phone which was laid out on his bed. Every now and again he would stop, turn, and stare at the contact that was pulled up on the screen. Bailey's name looked back at him, and he took a deep breath.

"Just do it." He told himself picking up his phone and shaking out his other hand, his finger lingering over the call button. He nodded one final time before finally hitting call.


"No, dad you can't just toss it at the canvas," Bailey laughed as TK tossed the paint filled balloon at the canvas they'd set up against the side of her art shed. Carlos took aim with his own balloon and threw it at the canvas, the blue paint splattering near the top left corner. Bailey laughed again. "See, papá's got it down."

"Yeah babe, papá's got it down." Carlos mocked.

TK pushed at his boyfriend.

"I was trying not to make a mess." TK laughed.

Bailey smiled.

"That's kinda the point of the tarps and smocks dad." She said.

TK grumbled but couldn't bury the laughter. They'd decided that since it was a cooler day it was time for a family painting lesson. Carlos and TK expected a lesson on painting something like a flower or a boat but Bailey had had something else in mind. So, there they were, throwing paint filled water balloons at a large canvas. When Bailey had first began filling the balloons Buttercup, who was staying with them for the weekend while Owen was away for a conference, had decided that he too wanted to help. Safe to say that he had been locked in the house after a near disastrous episode with a can of green paint. He was moping at the backdoor, his big St. Bernard head propped up on his paws and those brown eyes looking up at them, trying to guilt them into letting him come out again. Bailey couldn't help but laugh as TK threw another balloon at the canvas but instead of breaking on the piece, it bounced off and splattered onto the tarp they'd laid out on the grass.

"Okay, I swear the balloons have it out for me." He said, throwing his arms up.

Carlos chuckled and picked up another balloon.

"Here, I'll help you." He said, taking a step behind his boyfriend and together they threw the balloon, watching it break and splatter its contents on the painting.

Bailey didn't expect her phone to start ringing in her back pocket, as she was throwing a balloon and she nearly missed the canvas in favor of her fathers at the sudden interruption. TK and Carlos ducked away from the balloon, barely having missed being hit.

"Bails, we're not the canvas." Carlos laughed.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry." Bailey said, quickly peeling off some of her layers to get to her phone.

TK looked at her quizzically.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"My phone is ringing." Bailey said, finally pulling it free and seeing Noah's name on the screen.

"Okay. You take the call, we'll wait." Carlos said.

"No, you keep going, I'll be quick." Bailey said before walking up the patio to answer Noah's call. "Hi Noah."

"Hey Bailey, it's Noah," Noah was hasty to reply, but quickly realizing his mistake he began to back pedal. "But you already knew that...um."

Bailey laughed.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah sorry, umm," He said. "Woah, this is not how I thought this would go."

Bailey smiled, feeling heat rush to her face.

"Well how about we start over then." She said, her voice taking on a gentle tone.

"I think that that would be awesome." Noah agreed.

Bailey smiled and laughed quietly.

"Hi Noah." She said, beginning the conversation anew.

"Hi Bailey." Noah said.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing from you this afternoon?" Bailey asked.

Bailey could hear Noah take a deep breath on the other end of the line before speaking.

"I was wondering if you would like to go out with me." He said.

Bailey's face flushed again.

"I would love to." She said, positive that her smile could be heard through her words.

"That's amazing, awesome. Um, how about this evening?" Noah asked.

"Perfect, what should I dress for?" Bailey asked.

"Casual." Noah replied.

"You got it." Bailey said.

"Does 6:30 work? I can pick you up." Noah said.

"I look forward to it." Bailey smiled.

"I'll see you then." Noah said.

"See you then," Bailey continued. "Bye."

"Bye." Noah said before hanging up.

Bailey's smile was wide when she turned back to her fathers. They had paused their antics in favor of waiting for her to return but soon their minds were somewhere else entirely when they saw Bailey's face.

"Who was that Bails?" TK asked.

"Noah." Bailey said.

Carlos' brows arched.

"Oh?" He asked. "What did he want to talk about?"

"He asked me out." Bailey said.

Both TK and Carlos' arms shot up as they hollered. They were ecstatic for her.

"Bailey, that's amazing!" TK said, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you." She said.

"When is it?" Carlos asked.

"Tonight," She said. "He's picking me up at 6:30."

TK smiled.

"Then I guess you better get ready." He said.


            Bailey was practically vibrating in her skin while she waited for Noah to arrive. She was sitting on the couch playing with the hem of her sun dress. She'd gone through three different outfits before Carlos had pulled out one of her newer sundresses and a cardigan. He knew that she was nervous about the date but he also knew that she was excited.

"Take a breath Bails." Carlos said.

"Sorry." Bailey laughed.

Carlos shook his head.

"Don't apologize, you're nervous, it's understandable." He said.

Bailey nodded.

"Yeah, I can't say that I had ever seen myself going on a date." She laughed.

That surprised Carlos even more.

"Bailey have you never been on a date before?" He asked.

Bailey shook her head.

"Hard to go on a date when nobody wants to get close to you." She said.

Carlos slid closer to Bailey and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Well, I don't think you have that problem anymore." He said, a smile on his face.

"I think you're right." Bailey replied.

Not too much later there was a knock at the door and butterflies flew through Bailey's stomach. TK, who had been upstairs working on his laptop, came downstairs and opened the door.

"Noah," He greeted. "Nice to see you again, please come in."

"Thank you sir." Noah said, stepping inside.

TK closed the door behind Noah and Bailey stood up from the couch.

"Hi." She said quietly.

Noah smiled.

"You look beautiful." He said.

"Thank you." Bailey blushed.

Carlos stood up from the couch.

"Good to see you again Noah." He said, holding out his hand.

Noah took it.

"You as well." He said.

Carlos smiled.

"Well, we won't keep you any longer," He said. "You two be safe."

"We will papá." Bailey said.

"You ready to go?" Noah asked.

Bailey smiled.

"Yeah." She said.

TK and Carlos watched them leave. Noah opened the passenger door for Bailey and TK smiled.

"Ever the gentleman." He said.

Carlos nodded.

"Indeed." He agreed.


            Bailey and Noah parked in one of the public parking lots before walking down the side walk. It was a warm night, so they figured a walk would be nice.

"So, where did your dad hide his side arm?" Noah asked with a laugh.

Bailey laughed.

"What makes you think it was even out of the safe?" She asked.

"Because my dad's a cop too and I've got three sisters, two of which are older than I am. I remember when they first started dating. My dad would always have his side arm somewhere downstairs when the guys would pick them up." Noah said.

"Ahh," Bailey said. "Well, you aren't wrong. It was out of the safe, where he put it? I don't have the slightest idea."

Noah nodded.

"Good to know." He said.

"He's just being protective. I haven't exactly had the easiest time." Bailey said.

Noah nodded.

"Well, I have no intention of doing anything to hurt you or making him mad." He said.

Bailey blushed.

"I'm glad." She said.

Bailey felt the increase in her temperature before her phone alerted to it, but she still looked at the alert to see how high she was. She wasn't too high but she could both see and feel it climbing.

"Bailey you okay?" Noah asked, nervous about Bailey's sudden silence.

Bailey nodded.

"Yeah," She breathed, reaching into her bag for her medication should they not get to the ice cream parlor before her temp got any higher. "My temp is just getting a little high is all."

Noah started walking a little faster after that, wanting to get Bailey into the air conditioning quickly. He pulled open the door and they walked in together.

"Let's sit down and we can order. Hopefully that will help cool you down." Noah said.

They sat in one of the booths closest to an AC vent and Bailey sat back, taking deep breaths as she felt the cool air rush over her skin. She heard footsteps approach and somebody clear their throat. When Bailey turned she saw a waiter standing at the edge of the table, his hands behind his back.

"Can you just bring us a couple glasses of water please." Noah spoke up.

"Of course." The waiter said.

"Thank you." Noah said.

The waiter, seemingly having sensed the slight urgency was quick to bring back two glasses of ice water. Bailey took a few long drinks of it, relishing in the cool drink. Having drank something she was quickly feeling better and was relaxing more with each passing minute.

"Feeling any better?" Noah asked.

Bailey nodded, glancing at her phone and seeing that her temperature was now only a degree or so over normal.

"Yeah." She said with a smile.

With Bailey now more relaxed the waiter returned and took their orders. Conversation flowed so easily between them. Her whole life she'd had walls that never came down, but she supposed that since her time with Tk and Carlos and the 126, she'd found herself becoming more comfortable allowing people to see pieces of her that often remained heavily guarded. Noah, however, drew out a side of Bailey that she didn't even know she had, a new side. She found herself nervous when she spoke, her mouth both sticky and dry at the same time but excitement flitted through her. It was sudden, she didn't expect it when her phone started alerting again. She furrowed her brow and opened the app to see her temperature climbing again.

"Bailey? Are you okay?" Noah asked, seeing her uneasiness. He glanced down at her phone and could take an educated guess as to what was causing her anxiety. "Is your temp climbing again?"

"Yeah." She said, her voice quivering slightly.

Noah slipped out from his seat and slowly slid in next to her. He looked at the screen and saw that it was climbing fast.

"Okay, okay," Noah said calmly, cupping Bailey's cheek in his to catch her attention. "Do you think your meds will work?"

Bailey nodded and reached for her bag but Noah moved faster, pulling out the black case that held Bailey's medication. He unzipped it and flipped it open. He pulled out the syringe and the bottle of medication, Bailey was surprised to see that Noah drew the correct dosage into the barrel of the syringe.

"You know how to-"

"I took some courses at UT last year and got certified in advanced first aid and CPR," Noah said. "My dad thought it'd be a good idea. Turns out it's more useful than I thought."

Bailey laughed and nodded. Noah looked at Bailey with a sympathetic smile.

"I know you hate this but umm..." Noah tapered off.

"Better mildly anxious than in the back of an ambulance." Bailey said.

Noah nodded and swiped the alcohol wipe over a spot on Bailey's arm and pinched up the skin before inserting the needle and pushing down the plunger. Bailey's hissed and she squeezed her eyes shut, taking a deep breath to calm herself.

"You're doing good," Noah said quietly pulling out the needle and sliding the cap over it. "How long should it take before it starts to take effect?"

"Not long." Bailey said.

"Okay, just relax." Noah said.

He was hesitant but reached out and gently held Bailey's hand in his own, giving her a gentle smile.

"This is not how I saw this going," Bailey laughed, taking a deep breath and hoping that her body would respond to the medication quickly. "Not exactly the normal date you were probably hoping for."

Noah laughed quietly, his thumb running over the back of Bailey's hand.

"Yeah well, normal dates are boring," He shrugged. "Besides, in my experience it's the people who make it interesting, and a normal person does not make for an interesting date."

Bailey arched her brow and laughed.

"Oh," She said. "Well in that case you may have won the jackpot because I am the furthest thing from normal."

Noah smiled.

"I've noticed." He said quietly.

"And you haven't gone running for the hills yet? Wow, I must be doing something right." Bailey said, finally feeling the medication take effect and seeing the numbers beginning to drop on her phone.

Noah smiled but whether it was at her or the fact that she was getting better, she didn't know.

"You do a lot more than some things right, Bailey." He said.

Bailey smiled.

"You want to try and stand up?" Noah asked.

Bailey nodded. Noah helped her to her feet and steadied her as she stood.

"I think that I should probably take you home," Noah said. "Your dads would kill me if they found out you almost overheated and I didn't bring you home."

Bailey laughed but nodded, she couldn't disagree with that.

"I don't really want today to be over though." She said.

Noah nodded.

"Me neither." He admitted.

Bailey thought for a moment. She really should get inside but again; she didn't want their date to end. She was at a loss until she until an idea struck her.

"Do you want to come over and watch a movie?" She asked.


"So," Noah said plopping down on the couch next to Bailey. "What shall it be milady? Rom-com? Horror? Romance? Thriller? Action? Or shall we be more specific and say Disney? Marvel? DC?"

Bailey laughed and plucked the remote out of Noah's hand and scrolling through the vast selection of movies.

"I think that this will do quite nicely." She said selecting Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark and hugging the popcorn bowl closer.

Noah looked from the TV to Bailey and then back again.

"I never would have pegged you for an Indiana Jones fan." He said.

Bailey laughed.

"Why not?" She asked.

"I don't know, it's just most girls I know would have picked something like Mean Girls or The Notebook." He said.

Bailey shook her head.

"Nope, I hate rom-coms, romance movies, and mean girls is just plain weird," She said. "Steven Spielberg on the other hand is a cinematic genius. I mean, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, E.T., Jaws, War Horse, The Color Purple, Schindler's List, Lincoln...What?"

Bailey paused, looking at Noah who had the biggest smile on his face.

"Nothing, I've just never met somebody who was so into movies before." He said.

"I'm into a lot of things. I love art and I could spend hours in a book store or a library, sleeping is also one of my favorite hobbies, and I can't forget food," Bailey began but cut herself off when she realized she was rambling. "I'm sorry, I'm talking too much."

Noah immediately stopped her.

"No, no not at all," He said. "I like hearing about the things that you like, your hobbies. But I do have one question."

"Shoot." Bailey said, sitting up in her seat.

"What is your biggest pet peeve?" He asked.

"Oh come on Anderson," Bailey groaned, her head falling back onto the back of the couch. "That is probably the number one question on any dating profile out there. You can do better than that."

Noah laughed.

"It may very well be but I still want to know." He said.

Bailey laughed.

"Okay okay, fair enough," She said, pushing her tongue into her cheek as she thought. "Okay, it probably would have to be when people say 'like' or 'um' all the time when they talk."

"Really?" Noah asked.

Bailey nodded.

"Yeah, I mean if like I were to like talk like this like all of the time, um, would you really like want to have like a conversation with me?" She asked.

Noah cringed.

"Okay, I get your point." He said.

Bailey laughed.

"Besides, if you've been around long enough then you have learned enough words to fill your sentences. You don't need a word that is meant to be used to make a connection or describe something that you enjoy," Bailey said. "And for the case of 'um,' if you haven't gathered your thoughts before you start talking then what was the point of beginning to talk in the first place."

Noah nodded.

"And if you're caught off guard by a question, or forget what you were saying because you got distracted?" He asked.

"Well then I suppose a deep breath would be a good time filler and as for the second reason," Bailey said, thinking for the moment. "It would depend on the distraction."

Noah laughed and nodded.

"Well, that is a very good point." He said.


"Should we step in?" TK asked.

He and Carlos were perched just low enough on the stairs so that they could see into the living room but not low enough to risk being seen.

"Look at her, I don't think we need to do anything," Carlos said. "She's doing just fine on her own."

TK nodded but remained apprehensive.

"But what if-"

"She's a big girl TK, she can handle herself." Carlos interrupted.

"Yeah," TK said. "You're right. Of course you're right. I feel like these conversations normally happen the other way around."

Carlos chuckled.

"They most certainly do," He said. "But this time I am going to take a page out of their book and say let's go up to our room and watch a movie."

It took Carlos pulling at his hand to get TK to finally budge from his step but eventually they did curl up on their bed.

"It's still weird," TK said. "I mean it's her first date. What kind of father would I be if I wasn't worried?"

"A bad one." Carlos reasoned.

"You're not worried." TK said.

Carlos laughed.

"I am absolutely worried. But I also trust Bailey to make good decisions and to get out of there if she needs to." Carlos said.

TK nodded but was unconvinced. His eyes flitted to their closet door which was slightly cracked and saw that the gun safe was empty. He took a deep breath and laid his head on Carlos' chest.

"Babe?" He asked.

"Yeah?" Carlos replied.

"Where's your gun?" TK asked.

Carlos stopped his browsing and cleared his throat.

"Not important." He said tensely.

"Mhm, right." TK laughed.


            Bailey hadn't meant to fall asleep but when the credits began to role on their second movie of the night she was brought out of her sleep. She sat up with a jerk. Noah sat up quickly, putting a gentle hand on her arm.

"Hey, you're okay," He said. "You're good, Bails."

Bailey relaxed.

"Sorry," She mumbled. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

Noah laughed.

"Well, considering the time I can't say that I'm entirely surprised." He said.

Bailey's brow furrowed and she sat up to look at the time. When she saw the numbers 11:30 glowing back at her, her eyes widened.

"Oh crap," She said. "You're going to be in so much trouble."

Noah nodded.

"Probably, but I did tell my dad that we were at your place so I think he'll be a little easier on me knowing that I was safe." He said.

Bailey nodded.

"My dads would be the same way if the roles were reversed," She admitted. "Come on, I'll walk you out."

Noah got up first and helped Bailey to her feet. Bailey walked with him to the front door and pulled it open. Noah stepped out onto the porch while Bailey leaned on the doorframe.

"You sure you're okay to drive?" Bailey asked, pulling the sleeves of her sweatshirt down over her hands.

Noah nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. It may be late but oddly enough I'm wide awake." He laughed.

Bailey nodded.

"Drive safe, okay?" She said.

"I will, I promise." Noah said.

Bailey waited for a moment before turning to head back inside.

"Hey Bailey?" Noah asked.

"Yeah?" Bailey asked, turning back around.

Noah took a small step forward.

"Okay I'm just going to say it. I really like you," He said a smile playing on his lips. "And I know that we've only been on one date and at the risk of sounding rushed, do you want to go out again? Maybe as my-"

"Girlfriend?" Bailey finished for him.

Noah blushed.

"Yeah," He said. "Bailey, will you be my girlfriend?"

Bailey smiled and stood up onto her tip-toes before pulling Noah in by his collar and brushing her lips against his. Noah was still for a moment before one hand slipped around her waist and the other cradled her cheek. Bailey breathed in deep through her nose when Noah held her closer. Noah pulled away but didn't go very far.

"You never answered my question." Noah teased.

"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." Bailey laughed.


Bailey floated into her fathers' bedroom and plopped back onto their bed a quarter to midnight . Carlos and TK had both dozed and jolted awake at the sudden impact. They relaxed when they saw the smile on Bailey's face. Carlos looked over at his alarm clock and was surprised to see the time.

"Bails, what are you doing up? Did Noah just leave?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah." She said.

"I take it you had a good time." TK laughed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yeah." Bailey said again.

Carlos laughed.

"Well, I'd love to hear all about it but I don't think you can say much beyond that." He said.

"Yeah." Bailey replied, her voice barely audible.

TK laughed and slipped out from under the comforter.

"Alright kiddo, come on, time for bed." He said, pulling Bailey up and guiding her towards the door.

"Yeah." Bailey said.

Bailey was pretty much up in space the whole time she was getting ready and TK was mildly concerned that she was so lost in her head that she'd hurt herself but she safely made it to her bed.

"Good night sweetheart. I love you." He said quietly flipping off her light and shutting her bedroom door.

When he crawled back into bed with Carlos he wasn't surprised to find him scrolling through his messages.

"Anything interesting?" TK asked.

"Not much, just a text from Clayton Anderson." Carlos replied.

"Noah's dad?" TK asked.

"Yeah." Carlos said.

"What does it say?" TK asked.

Carlos held up his phone for TK to read.

Sergeant Anderson: Never thought I'd see my boy with his head stuck in the clouds like it was when he came home tonight. From the way he was talking I take it the date went well. I have no doubt that I'll be meeting Bailey soon and I look forward to it. I can't wait to meet the girl that's got my son so enamored. You did good Reyes, real good.

TK laughed.

"I wonder what Noah said to 'im." He said.

"I mean if he was anything like Bailey than not much." Carlos laughed.

TK chuckled.

"I wasn't much better after our first date

"I seem to recall our first date being a lot less...clothed," Carlos said. "If you were in the clouds than I must have done something right."

TK blushed fifty shades of crimson and pushed at Carlos who was already precariously balanced on the edge of the bed and unsurprisingly fell off the side.

"Not that first, dork," TK said. "I meant that actual first date."

Carlos sat up and propped his elbows on the bed.

"So not the disastrous dinner or when you got arrested?" He teased.

TK shook his head with a laugh.

"You are evil and I am going to bed," He said reaching over and flicking off the lamp on his night stand. "Good night."

Carlos laughed, pulling himself back onto the bed and wrapping his arms around TK's chest, pulling him close.

"I did enjoy our first date thought," Carlos whispered, his lips brushing against TK's ear. "The real one, I mean. But the first one was fun too."

"The one with less clothes?" TK asked. "You liked that one too?"

"Well, I mean." Carlos nodded.

"You're impossible." TK laughed.

"But you love me." Carlos said.

"I do," TK agreed. "With everything that I am."

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