Lone Star Family Values

De Zorabelle

84.7K 1.9K 70

I do not own the plot or the characters of 9-1-1 Lone Star. I do own Bailey and the non-canon plot of this st... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Final Statements
Reader's Input

Chapter 21

2.1K 43 1
De Zorabelle

Home Sweet Fire House

            Four days home from the hospital and Bailey was going crazy. Her dad and papá had been extremely vigilant in her healing, making sure that she didn't overdo it. She still wasn't set to start back at school for another three days and she was definitely not going to just sit at home all day. Noah had begun coming over after school to bring Bailey's homework. Their relationship was still very mild, a good friendship at best, neither having very much confidence to ask the other out formally. Her dad and papá were happy to see Bailey enjoying herself, seeing her have fun with her peers. Noah was only older than her by about eight months so they weren't worried about him taking advantage of her. It also helped that he knew Carlos had a gun in the house and he'd have to answer to the entirety of the 126 if he did something to her. When Bailey hadn't responded to him for several hours he'd reached out to Carlos through his father to make sure that she was okay. It had taken every bit of persuasion on both he and Noah's father's parts to keep Noah from coming down to the hospital. It didn't stop him however from coming to the house the second that Carlos said that it was okay.

Her papá was rostered to work all day but her dad never expected to get a call saying that the person filling in for him had come down with the flu, leaving Nanci and Tommy working alone. He'd been apprehensive about saying that he'd work with Bailey still under strict rest orders but he hadn't had much choice. So, Bailey was set to go to the fire house for the first part of the day and then the police station until Papá got off at 5:00 that evening.

"Why can't I just stay at the fire house or the police station, why switch mid-day?" Bailey asked, shoving her laptop into her backpack.

"Because it's supposed to be 105° today and the AC is scheduled for maintenance at 2:00, it'll take a couple hours and even then it'll take a while before the house will cool down again so I don't want to risk you overheating. And papá is out on patrol until his lunch break and you can't ride along with him." Dad explained.

"Dad will drop you off on his lunch break and we will hang out for a bit. It probably won't be as interesting as the fire house but you never know." Papá said.

Bailey rolled her eyes. She had tried convince them that she was fine to stay home alone but neither of her fathers were on board with that plan. They wanted to make sure that she was okay and for them that meant that somebody was with her.

"Okay, I think I'm ready to go," Dad said, looking around for his duffel and keys. "Bailey, you have everything that you need? Sketchbooks, pencils, medication, bandages?"

"Yeah, dad, I have everything I swear," Bailey said. "Besides, we're going to a fire station where you are a paramedic, it's not like we aren't going to have access to bandages and medical equipment."

Carlos chuckled.

"She has a point babe," He said. Carlos pulled TK into the kitchen while Bailey leaned up against the half wall on her phone. Once they were just out of ear shot Carlos gripped TK's waist lightly and gave him his classic 'Carlos cow eyes.' "You gotta relax, TK. She's okay, she's alive. Trust me I'm stressed about her doing more so soon after her surgery too but she's seventeen-years-old, we can't exactly quarantine her to the house."

"Well we can certainly try," TK said. "It's only been four days, Carlos, I can't help but think that it's too soon."

Carlos shook his head.

"Yeah, it has only been four days, you're right but the doctor did say that she could start doing some moderate movement three days post-op, so she's not exactly early." He said.

"I still feel like she should be in bed though." TK sighed.

"You can try but you will lose that battle!" Bailey called from the living room.

TK and Carlos' heads snapped sideways towards the living room where Bailey was watching them with an arched brow.

"You guys aren't exactly quiet." Bailey said matter-of-factly.

Carlos couldn't help but laugh at that.


"Bails, pack it up," TK called, collecting his wallet and keys before turning to his coworkers to remind them of his plan. "I'm gonna take Bailey over to the sta-"

The fire/medical bell sounded throughout the station and TK groaned.

"You have got to be kidding me." He said.

"We can take her with us and drop her off on the way back. She can ride in the truck with us." Owen said as the team began to move.

TK nodded before turning to Bailey who was rapidly shoving things in her backpack.

"Bailey, let's go." He hustled, grabbing a pre-made sandwich from the fridge and tossing it to her.

Bailey jogged after the team and was headed towards the ambo but TK shook his head.

"Ride in the truck." He said.

"But I-" She stuttered.

TK could see she was nervous. He kissed her forehead and smiled gently.

"You'll be fine, I promise." He said.

Owen saw the girl's hesitation and guided her with him.

"You're fine Bails." He said as he helped her into the truck.

Marjan slipped a headset over Bailey's head. Bailey only flinched a bit before reaching up and putting her hand against the ear piece.

"So that we can hear and talk to each other." Marjan said through the headset.

"Cool," Bailey smiled. "Where are we going?"

"Farm about ten minutes from here. Kid's gotten himself in a bit of a pickle." Owen said.

"What kind of a pickle?" Bailey asked.

"We'll find out when we get there." Judd said.

Bailey nodded and fiddled with her backpack. She opened the zipper and pulled out her sketchbook. At least she'd have some time to sketch.


When the 126 arrived on scene, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. It was a calm farm with a quiet two story farm house settled in the middle.

"This place looks like paradise." Bailey said, her eyes scanning the grounds through the window of the truck.

"Can't help but agree with that one," Owen said from the front seat. As soon as the truck stopped everybody began to pile out but Owen stopped Bailey before she got out. "Stay in the truck Bails."

Bailey's shoulders sagged.

"Don't give me that look, you had surgery four days ago. Your dads would throw a fit if I let you come in. I'm pretty sure TK is already glaring at me." He continued.

Bailey looked over to the ambulance where her dad was packing things into a med bag but his eyes were indeed on them. She sighed and nodded.

"Fine, but I want to know what happens." She said tucking herself back onto the seat.

"Deal." Owen laughed, shutting the door.

He followed his team up to the house and TK fell in step beside him.

"She wanted to come in?" He asked.

"Yup." Owen said.

TK sighed.

"I swear she's trying to give me grey hair." He said.

Owen chuckled.

"Look who's talking." He said.

TK laughed and Judd knocked on the front door of the house. A rather distraught woman opened it.

"Oh thank God, he's in the kitchen. I don't even know what happened. One second he's standing in the kitchen and the next second he's sitting three feet under it," She said leading the 126 through to the kitchen. "His name's Austin. He's seven and he's severely autistic."

Owen looked up at her when she stopped in front of the archway leading to the kitchen.

"Verbal?" He asked.

"No." She sighed.

Owen nodded.

"Okay Mrs. Dylan, let's see if we can't get him out of there." He said.


Tommy tried to touch him but Austin wouldn't have it, throwing a fit as soon as he was touched.

"Okay, okay," Tommy said, backing away. "I can't treat him if I can't get near him."

Tommy looked at Mrs. Dylan.

"What about you? Does he let you touch him?" She asked.

"No, I'm sorry. He won't let anybody near him. His therapist hasn't even been able to and she's been working with him since he was three." Mrs. Dylan explained.

"His arm is fractured but not completely broken, we need to splint it and get him to a hospital." Tommy said.

Owen glanced at TK with a knowing look.

"No, dad I'm not bringing her into this," TK said but Owen furrowed his brow. "No, she just got out of the hospital four days ago, dad, no."

"She's just going to be talking to him. The hard and dangerous part is done." Owen said.

"I'm sorry what's going on?" Mrs. Dylan asked.

"Bailey can help but the AC needs to be turned on, high. It's too warm in here right now." TK relented.

"Who's Bailey?" Mrs. Dylan asked.

"My daughter," TK said, turning to Mrs. Dylan. "You said that he likes art right?" Mrs. Dylan nodded. "Bailey's a painter, can read art like a book, she can help but she can't moderate her own body temperature and needs to stay cool with this heat."

Mrs. Dylan nodded.

"O-of course, I'll turn up the AC now." She said.

TK bit the inside of his lip.


The cab door was pulled open quickly making Bailey jump.

"Bails, we need your help kiddo." TK said.

Bailey looked up from her sketchbook and furrowed.

"What do you need me to do?" She asked.

"We need you to look at art." TK said.

Bailey's furrow only deepened.


"So how does this work? Do you start communicating in looks or somethin'?" Judd asked.

Baily chuckled.

"No, if he likes to draw, likes art, then I need to see things that he's done to understand what they mean to him. If I'm in the space that he draws then I can understand why he might use certain colors or shapes." Bailey said.

Judd blinked blankly. TK laughed.

"Don't try and understand it Judd, it's like trying to learn a whole other language." He said.

Bailey turned to Mrs. Dylan.

"Does he have a specific place that he draws? His bedroom or a playroom maybe?" Bailey asked.

"He has a playroom," Mrs. Dylan said. "It's this way."

Bailey looked at the boy one more time before following Mrs. Dylan down the hall to the playroom. When she pushed open the door, Bailey smelled paint, she knew the smell well and relished in the familiar feeling it gave her.

"He's amazing." Bailey muttered, her eyes running over the different pieces hanging around the room.

"I'm sorry?" Mrs. Dylan asked.

"His name's Austin right?" Bailey asked.

"Yes, how did you know that?" Mrs. Dylan asked.

"And you're Willow?" Bailey asked.

"How are you doing that?" Mrs. Dylan asked.

"It's all in his art," Bailey said looking at Willow. "Non-verbal autism doesn't mean non-communicative. They still communicate just in different ways. Since Austin doesn't have access to his AAC we have to look at his behavior and in this case his art."

"How can you tell what it all means?" Willow asked. "It just looks like random shapes and colors to me."

Bailey smiled.

"Don't feel bad, things are a bit different with art," She said. "He draws what he sees. Bright colors are happy, joyful, fun, and as the shades darken, so do the emotions. It's all abstract mostly."

"How did you know his name?" Willow asked. "Or mine?"

"Here, look at this," Bailey said motioning for Willow to come closer. "This picture here, what do you see?"

"A lot of lines and squiggles, some swirls..." Willow trailed off as she studied the image further. "It's a tree."

Bailey smiled.

"It's a Willow. It's the only tree or plant that he draws," She said gesturing to the other paintings. "He connects you with it because you share a name, a designation. As far as his name he uses Texas itself as a designation."

"I don't see anything that even remotely looks like Texas." Willow said.

"No no, he uses the lone star state," Bailey continued pointing to different pieces, and soon stars began to become clearer. "And then rough A's inside the stars."

"Wow, I never noticed." Willow muttered.

"I think I can help him." Bailey said.

Bailey walked out of the playroom and back to where the 126 was waiting with Austin in the living room. She grabbed some paper and crayons and sat down in front of Austin.

"Hey bud," She said softly. "Do you wanna draw?"

Austin never made eye contact but took the crayon with his uninjured arm and began scribbling on the page. He used a lot of red; pain, hurt.

"He's in pain," She said, watching Austin draw. "Austin we can help you but we can't without touching you."

Austin pushed himself away.

"Yeah, that's not going to happen. He understands but won't tolerate touch. You're gonna have to restrain him." Bailey said.

Tommy flinched.

"That's what we were trying to avoid." She said.

"He'll probably get into the ambulance on his own though. Take him to the hospital without much fuss and he'll probably be calmer once you get there. They're more equipped and trained for things like this." Bailey suggested.

"I like that idea better. He doesn't have a displaced fracture so he's fine to transport now." Tommy said.

It took some time but with Bailey's help they got Austin into the ambulance.

"I want to ride with him." Bailey said.

TK hesitated but eventually agreed. Bailey talked with Austin all the way to the hospital. It didn't look like Austin was paying any attention but slowly the colors in his pictures lightened though there was still red, still pain. When the ambulance doors were opened noise rushed in and Austin freaked out. Bailey reached into the backpack that Willow had given her and pulled out a pair of headphones, quickly putting them over his ears. When Willow walked him into the hospital Bailey watched them go. TK looked on at his daughter with pride. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed gently.

"You did good kid, you did really good." He told her.


"You've got everything right?" TK asked.

Bailey laughed and nodded hopping out of the fire truck in front of the police station. TK and let Carlos know that they were going to be late and he was walking out of the station when they pulled up. He walked up next to his boyfriend and wrapped an arm gently around TK's waist.

"Babe, she's fine." He said.

"Besides it's not like I'm gonna be here for long anyway, it's almost 3:00. We'll be headed home soon." Bailey pointed out.

"Fair point." TK said.

"Come on Strand, you'll see her in a few hours, we've gotta go!" Nanci called from the driver's seat of the ambulance.

"Yeah, I'm coming," TK called back before turning back to Bailey. "Okay, I love you both and I will see you tonight."

"Bye." Carlos said, plating a gentle kiss on TK's lips.

"Bye dad," Bailey said pulling TK in for a tight hug. "Thanks for an awesome day."

TK smiled and hugged her tight.

"You're welcome kiddo." He said kissing her head quickly.

"Strand!" This time Tommy was the one to call for him. "Got a call, let's go!"

Bailey stepped back and stood next to Carlos. TK smiled and waved before jogging to the ambulance, he hopped in the back and pulled the doors shut.

"You act like you're never going to see them again TK." Nanci said flipping on the light bar and pulling out of the parking lot.

TK chuckled.

"They're my family. I guess because of everything we've been through I don't want to risk it." He shrugged.

Tommy nodded.

"I know exactly what you mean. I don't leave the house without kissing both my girls and my husband before every shift," She said. "We just never know what's going to happen."

"Exactly." TK said.

Nanci sighed from the front.

"I really have to get a boyfriend." She mumbled.

"You've got a cat." TK pointed out.

Nanci shrugged.

"Yeah, but let's be real, he doesn't care about me unless I've got his food in my hand. I have no doubt that if I died he wouldn't hesitate to eat me," She said, shaking her head. "Now a boyfriend, he might actually notice if something happened to me. And I mean, you've both got kids so I mean, come on."

"Damn," TK said. "Tell me how you really feel."

Nanci laughed.

"Just speakin' the truth Strand," She said. "Now let's go save some lives."


Bailey cradled her sketchbook in her lap as she aimlessly sketched at the desk across from her papá. Carlos watched her with a fond smile. Not even a week ago he was carrying her down the stairs with blood streaming down her side, not sure if she would even make it to the ER, and now she was sitting across from him drawing. Bailey looked up and caught his gaze.

"What?" She laughed.

Carlos smiled.

"Nothing," He said. "Do you want something to drink, I was gonna make some coffee."

Bailey screwed up her nose.

"It's 105° outside how are you drinking something hot?" She asked. "Besides, coffee's nasty."

A few officers looked up from their desks, offended by the accusation. Carlos laughed.

"Be careful with what you say about coffee in this room, Bails. Besides, you're strictly on water and juice until the doctor says otherwise." He said.

Bailey scowled.

"Seriously? Not even one soda?" She asked.

"Water or apple juice," Carlos said. "Those are the options."

"Apple please." Bailey muttered.

Carlos nodded and stood from his seat, heading to the breakroom.

"Damn Reyes, you aren't playing games with this whole parenting thing." Mitchell said, falling in step beside Carlos.

Carlos sighed and shook his head.

"She was bleeding out in my arms Mitch," He said. "She coded three times."

Mitchell let out a whistle.

"Shit man, three times?" He asked.

Carlos nodded.

"God, if I went through anything like that with Gavin or Becca even, I think I would lose my mind." Mitchell said.

"How is Becca now-a-days? I haven't seen her since the BBQ, still working from home?" Carlos asked, changing the subject.

Mitchell cocked a brow, noticing the change of pace but flew into the topic anyway,

"No, she's back in the classroom," He said. "She started back at the beginning of the year now that Gavin's old enough for daycare. I drop him off and she picks him up. We've got a whole schedule worked out."

Carlos smiled.

"That's good, I'm sure she's enjoying being back," He said. "You guys still thinking about trying for a second?"

Mitchell shrugged.

"We're thinking about it but honestly after seeing what you've gone through with Bailey and from what I've told Becca, we're kind of leaning towards foster or adoption." He said.

Carlos was surprised.

"Seriously?" He asked.

Mitchell nodded.

"Yeah, there are so many kids out there who need a home and we've got a perfectly good one. Why not open it ya know?" He said. "You and TK have really opened our eyes to the whole system. I mean, I knew it was fucked up but damn. So many kids get overlooked and lost within the system. They deserve homes. They deserve families."

Carlos smiled, looking out to where Bailey was still sitting at the desk. She'd since put in her headphones and was tapping her finger next to her sketchbook as she drew.

"I know exactly what you mean." He agreed.

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