Batman Meets Steven (Batman/S...

By Samuel152

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A Steven Universe and Batman Arkham City AU where these two humans meet each other. This contains spoilers to... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Introductions
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Detective Skills
Chapter 5: Injustice
Chapter 6: Alive Inside
Chapter 7: The Question
Chapter 8: One Knight
Chapter 9: Family Reunion
Representing Batman
Chapter 10: Enigma Conundrum
Chapter 11: Star Fugitives
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: Under The Moonlight
Chapter 14: Playdates
Chapter 15: Diamond Authority
Chapter 16: Riddle Me This
Chapter 17: Notes
Chapter 18: Gotham City
Chapter 19: Changes
Chapter 20: Beach City
Chapter 21: Ghost of Past
Chapter 22: Best Friends Forever!
Chapter 23: Trust
Chapter 24: New Home
Chapter 26: Consequences
Chapter 27: Checkpoint
Chapter 28: Mindfulness
Chapter 29: Showdown
Chapter 30: Epilogue (Finale)
1st Night
2nd Night
3rd Night
Short Stories
Announcement Thing
Little Shorts
Batman vs Steven & Garnet Lines
More Batman, Steven and Garnet Voice Lines!

Chapter 25: Homeworld's Defense

315 12 34
By Samuel152

Picture somewhat belongs to me. All I did was put the concept arts together.

3rd Person P.O.V.


A riot ensued. Though, it was short lived since it took place near the Palace. Yellow put a stop to it.

The leader is some sort of pearl that no one has ever seen before. She has long finger nails that are practically claws, sharp teeth, black eyes with white pupils and the gem itself is black and on her chest. She surrendered almost without a fight when the other rioters were dealt with.

She's being held in an interrogation room.

(Yellow Diamond) Why did you start the riot? Why would you even start it near the Palace?

(Pearl) I won't tell you anything until I talk to the Batman.

(Yellow Diamond) That's not how this works.

(Pearl) Then, I won't talk.

Yellow sighed.

(Yellow Diamond) Fine.

She went to the door.

(Yellow Diamond) He'll be here soon.

She left. For just a second, she saw a shadow towering over her and it had horns on it's head. Her head was slammed on the table.

(Pearl) (groans) Never start with the head, the victim gets fuzzy. Then, they can't feel the next--


His fist was slammed down on her hand.

(Pearl) See?

(Batman) What do you want?

(Pearl) I wanted to talk to you. The best way to get your attention was starting trouble.

(Batman) What?

(Pearl) Your alliance with the Diamonds is a mistake.

(Batman) Why do you say that?

(Pearl) The Diamonds aren't trustworthy. This whole Era-3 is all but a little game to them, White especially. You ever wonder why the Diamonds are testing you? To wonder why they insist on you being a part of the Diamond Authority?

He didn't answer.

(Pearl) I'll tell you why. They don't just need you to make them look good, they don't want you to be a threat. They'll wait until you die, which will maybe happen later tonight, and they'll reestablish Era-2. Or, they'll kill you themselves. Either way, as long as you're here, they'll play along.

(Batman) That's not true. They were desperate for Pink, that's the whole reason why they changed their ways just to get her back.

(Pearl) Maybe. But after she came back, they'll know just how to keep her on Homeworld permanently. You just can't admit that they won't change, can you?

(Batman) What makes you think they haven't changed?

(Pearl) I've seen it happen before. They act like they've changed, but they'll determine when enough's enough. I'll show you that the Diamonds haven't changed before the night is over.

(Batman) Good luck doing that when you're in a cell.

(Pearl) I should be wishing you luck.

(Batman) Why?

(Pearl) Oh, nothing.

She leans back in her chair. Her voice changed to a deeper, darker tone.

(Pearl) Do you like this voice? I use it to scare gems, much like how you scare humans on Earth. I can see why. Imagine something like you hiding in the dark and jumping out just when the timing's right.

She chuckled. She then returned to her normal voice.

(Pearl) Sometimes I prefer this voice to deceive others to think I'm some pearl.

Batman gets up to leave.

(Pearl) Oh, and Wayne?

He stopped he looked over his shoulder to see her giving out a sinister grin and her eyes looking at him like he's food.

(Pearl) Tell Steven I said hi.

He left. Yellow was waiting for him.

(Yellow Diamond) What did she say?

(Batman) She said she'll show me that you and the other Diamonds aren't to be trusted.

(Yellow Diamond) She did? Elaborate on that.

(Batman) She said you'll revert back to your old selves when I'm gone.

(Yellow Diamond) Oh.

(Batman) Is that true?

Her pupils shrank when he asked her that.

(Yellow Diamond) You... you really think we'd do that...?

(Batman) I don't know you or the others very well. And I've heard much about your past.

Yellow took off her helmet, letting it rest under her arm.

(Yellow Diamond) I'm not sure about the others, but I will never go back on a compromise.

He looked her in the eyes, and can tell that her words are genuine, she even took off her helmet to help express her speech further.

Joker: Who'da thought, the most brute Diamond is the most honest one? I guess she's the type to view honesty higher than most things.

(Batman) Okay. Keep an eye on her.

(Yellow Diamond) Where are you going?

(Batman) I'm going to patrol Homeworld. That pearl is planning something.

(Yellow Diamond) Will do.

Batman left. He goes to the balcony and glides off into the depths of Homeworld. Homeworld looked a lot like a city.

He hasn't explored this planet much, mainly because he only comes here when neccessary, or if the Diamonds want to see him. He looks around to see if there's anything worth checking out. He used Detective Mode to located any gem like the ones from earlier.

The gems from the riot had an insignia on their form, preferably on their chest that was a black circle, which looked similar to the gem of that Pearl he just talked to. If he finds more of them, which she definitely has more since it's a part of her plan, he'll discover her plans too soon and put a stop to it. He find five of them and a gem who doesn't have a insignia.

He listened to the conversation.

(Rebel) Look at you, such a puny gem. Although, you're disabled invalid, so it's no surprise.

It's a spinel, a yellow one. She was being beatened by two gems.

(Yellow Spinel) Please... stop!

(Rebel #2) Don't feel like it. So, we're just gonna hurt you.

(Yellow Spinel) Why are you doing this?

(Rebel) Because it feels good to beat on trash like you.

(Rebel #2) And we're angry over the changes. We were on top, now were reduced to be equivalent to handicapped freaks like you.

(Rebel) And Batman is to blamed for all of this. So, we're gonna pretend you're the Batman in the next five minutes.

(Yellow Spinel) But I'm not Batman!

(Rebel) See, this is why we hate being equal to you, you don't even know what pretend is. Heck, we'd be doing Homeworld a favor getting rid of embarrassments like you.

(Rebel #2) Yeah, you're so dumb.

She starts to cry.

(Rebel) Don't feel sad. We'll do it slowly to make it last (laughs)

(Yellow Spinel) Please, someone, help me!

(Rebel #2) Nobody's coming for you, especially Batman.

(Rebel) Yeah, we got plans for him. You'll be shattered today.

Batman's objective to interrogate one of them for information just changed to stopping them from shattering the spinel, and brutalizing them a little bit to give them a taste of their own medicine. He'll still interrogate one of them for information. He glides and lands on top of one of the rebel, poofing her.

(Rebel) Batman! It's Batman!

There's four of them now. They focused their attention to Batman now. The spinel looks up to see Batman fighting them.

(Yellow Spinel) I hope he breaks your arms, you meanies!

He headbutts a rebel, then he did it again but put his hands under her arms so he could yank her to the ground. He held on to one of her arms and stomped where the elbow is, breaking her arm, just like the spinel requested. Another one came running at him.

She tried to kick him but he caught her ankle and flipped her. She lands on her feet but he kicked her before she regain her balance and she fell to the floor. Then he grabbed her throat and used his other hand to punch her into unconsciousness.

Another one was hesitant on attacking, because he just dispatched three of her teammates within thirty seconds. Batman punched her arm hard enough to make her spin around and facing the opposite direction. He wrapped his arm around her neck without facing towards her and pulled her forward, lobbing her entire form against the hard concrete ground.

One left. He grabbed her throat and lifts her off the ground with a single arm.

(Batman) Tell me what I want to know about your leader, or get ready to eat my fist.

(Rebel) This is all I know! Don't hurt me!

[Rebel Interrogated: No Secrets]

(Batman) Of course not.

He grabbed her legs with his other hand and holds her up in the air for a second before slamming her face into the ground. He unties the spinel.

(Batman) You're safe now.

She doesn't look at him, she is still whimpering.

(Batman) What's wrong?

(Yellow Spinel) They... they called me disabled...

(Batman) Why would they do that?

She showed him her gem, it was half made. It only showed half a heart.

(Yellow Spinel) I was a reject to Pink Diamond. My gem and color was wrong and I was tossed away. Then, just when I thought I could be free in Era-3, this gems beat me up for the past hour.

She sniffled and wiped her tears.

(Yellow Spinel) Why did you waste time saving me?

(Batman) I couldn't allow them to shatter you. It's what I do.

(Yellow Spinel) They're right, Homeworld woulda been better off without me...

(Batman) That's not true. Spinels are meant to entertain, right?

(Yellow Spinel) Y-Yes. I can tell jokes.

(Batman) I know someone who would enjoy your jokes.

(Yellow Spinel) W-Who?

(Batman) I'll take you to her.

He wrapped his arm around her waist, causing her to blush. He used his other hand to grab his grapple to grapped up high.

(Batman) Hold on.

She lets out a yelp when the grapple took them both up high.


(Yellow Diamond) Detective, you're back already? What did you find?

(Batman) Nothing yet. But I found someone who you would enjoy her company.

(Yellow Diamond) Who?

He moves out of the way to reveal the spinel.

(Yellow Spinel) M-My Diamond!

She saluted.

(Yellow Diamond) A yellow spinel?

Yellow was genuinely surprised. She also noticed the bruises she had on her.

(Yellow Diamond) What happened to you?

(Yellow Spinel) Some gems were beating on me because of this.

She pointed at her gem. Yellow didn't seem to care.

(Yellow Diamond) I apologize of your mistreatment. I trust he had handled them.

(Yellow Spinel) Y-Yes, my Diamond. Also, I was offered an employment opportunity to you from the Batamn.

(Yellow Diamond) Oh, really? What for?

(Yellow Spinel) To be your entertainer.

(Yellow Diamond) Entertainer?

(Yellow Spinel) Y-Yes. I can tell jokes.

(Yellow Diamond) Okay then, tell me one.

(Yellow Spinel) N-Now?

(Yellow Diamond) Sure, go ahead.

(Yellow Spinel) Okay...

She gulped and tried to regain her calmness.

(Yellow Spinel) What did the bismuth say when she finished the spire?

(Yellow Diamond) What did she say?

(Yellow Spinel) "It was inspiring!"

Yellow laughed, uncontrollably. The spinel wasn't expecting laughter like that, and she laughed a little, too. Yellow finally calmed down a little.

(Yellow Diamond) Oh, my stars, I haven't laughed like this in eons! Pearl?

(Yellow Pearl) Yes, my Diamond?

(Yellow Diamond) Escort this spinel to my personal chamber. I want her to be there whenever I'm on break just so I can have a laugh. Laughter is the best medicine.

The spinel's eyes turned into stars.

(Yellow Pearl) Will do, my Diamond. Come along, spinel.

(Yellow Diamond) Thank you, my Diamond! Thank you, Batman!

(Yellow Diamond) Of course. It is my pleasure.

Joker: Good for you, Bats. You just employed a gem in the Palace. You do realize that's bad for you, right? When I finally have control of our body, I'll be coming here to butcher all the gems in here. You just added another victim.

She gleefully followed the pearl.

(Yellow Diamond) That was fun. Thank you for introducing me to a professional comedian.

Joker: Oh, you're gonna love me when I take over.

(Batnan) I'll go back out there to find out more about these rebels.

He leaves by gliding off the balcony again. He used Detective Mode again to locate any more of those gems with the insignia on it. He needs to figure out the pearl's planning.

What's he going to call her? Black Pearl? She has the black and white colors on her form.

[I do not own Black Pearl, she belongs to her rightful owner, and I will not call her that in this story.]

Black Pearl sounds too easy. She can't be called Pearl either, because that's what everyone calls Pink Diamond's Pearl on Earth. Why is he even thinking of this?

A name for her wouldn't even matter, especially since after tonight, she'll be defeated, he believes so. Although, it isn't guaranteed. Anything could happen in one night, almost anything.

He'll just call her Pearl because that's the type of gem she is. Unless she names herself and he'll call her by that, maybe. It depends on whether she deserves that kind of respect or not.

He finds a small group of those rebels with the insignia on it, and they're moving stuff into an abandoned structure. He'll need a closer look on what they're doing. He silently lands and sneaks up to the entrance and lays his back against the structure wall of the entrance to keep out of sight.

Then, he peeks his head over the wall on the side and observes what's in there. There's a glass wall in the middle of the room and it looks strong. The rebels are just laying stuff around in the room.

Rocks, scrap metal, glass shards and parts of a ship. What was the point of this place? Was it a junk yard for them?

He makes himself present in the room. One of the three spots him.

(Rebel) It's the Bat!

One of them tried to punch him but he grabbed her wrist, punched her abdomen which made her lean forward, and uppercuts her hard enough that she poofed. Another one tried attack but he defeated her by grabbing her head and slamming it into his knee which knocked her back far when he let go. That last one, he gripped her collar and pinned her against the glass wall.

(Batman) You have information about your team. Tell me what you know.

(Rebel) Okay, okay! I'll talk!

[Rebel Interrogated: Secrets Revealed]

(Batman) The right choice.

He headbutts her to knock her out. He learns that Pearl is on top of their chain of commands. She's first in command, then there's a jasper whose second in command.

That hardly narrows it down since there's quite a handful of Jaspers on Homeworld and the rebel didn't even specify on what this jasper looks like except that she's "the perfect cut." Then, theres three more gems that are third in command, one of them is a fusion of two gems, so there's actually four gems that are third in command. It's a little weird that there's three gems who are third in command, why?

Those three gems weren't specified either. He needs to locate more of them. He looked around for over 30 minutes until he eventually returned to the Palace and try to discuss with the Diamonds about this rebellion they're about to face.

He returns to the Palace and there's Pink with Steven who just got off the Warp Pad.

(Batman) What are you doing here?

(Pink Diamond) Yellow called me here for a meeting in the Diamond Authority room.

(Batman) Steven, why are you here?

(Steven) I always attend these meetings.

(Batman) It's not safe. You shouldn't have come here.

(Pink Diamond) The Palace is the safest place on Homeworld. He has the protection of the four Diamonds and you.

Joker: Right, 'cause the four Diamonds would stop the Batman when he loses control and some handsome maniac takes control. I'll do him first.

They walked to the room Pink was called to. The three Diamonds were there.

(White Diamond) Wayne, what's the status on this rebellion?

(Batman) They're running a chain of commands. The pearl is on top, a jasper is in second, and three more gems are in third.

(Steven) A jasper? What kind?

(Batman) I was told she's the perfect cut.

(Steven) That's the jasper that tried to kill me multiple times!

(Batman) She is?

(Pink Diamond) Yes. She's one of the members in my court before I faked my death.

She used her gem to show a projection of the jasper.

(Steven) She's big and scary.

(Batman) I've faced worse enemies than the likes of her.

(Steven) Okay, if you say--


The place shook.

(Blue Diamond) What was that?

(Batman) Trouble.

They all ran outside the room. Batman took Steven to his personal room.

(Alison) Wayne, what's going on?

(Batman) An incursion is happening. Steven, stay here, Alison will keep you safe.

(Steven) Okay, please hurry.

He runs to the main room. He finds Yellow fighting off a few rebels. White, Pink and Blue are down and Bruce saw why.

Yellow was distracted and she got punched by the jasper Steven spoke about. She hits the wall. The other rebels join up with her and they saw Batman.

Jasper put her hands on her hips and smiled.

(Jasper) About time you showed up. I was beginning to think you'd fled.

(Rebel) Jasper, what do we do now? The target is in the room.

(Jasper) Go to your coordinated position to move to phase two. I'll handle this.

They leave the room. He couldn't follow them because Jasper would stop him. He has to fight her.

(Jasper) Show me what you're made of!

He leaped in front of her, grabbed a hold of her and headbutted her. With his strength and momentum, he slammed her into the ground. She got up and was astounded by his action.

(Jasper) Surprising.

He jumped at her and wrapped his arm around her neck as he swung behind her. He kicked the back of her right knee, spun and did another kick with full force at her back which forced Jasper to fly forward.

(Jasper) (grunts)

She only managed to stand up as he got behind her and punched the back of her neck which forced her to look up. Within a swift moment, he lobbed her behind him as she slams into the wall. She fell flat on the ground.

She gets back up again. Those were heavy hitting moves, and it's hardly hurting her.

(Jasper) Not bad for a human, I guess. Not as weak as Steven.

He threw a Batarang at her but she caught it.

(Jasper) A shuriken? Really?

She broke it by clenching her fist.

(Jasper) Thought you be better than that.

She approached him, only to get a kick to the face by Yellow.

(Yellow Diamond) Did you forget about me?

(Jasper) Oh, finally, I was waiting for you to get back in the fight.

Yellow jumped over her grabbed her shoulders.

(Yellow Diamond) Strike now!

Batman charged, hits Jasper directly to her stomach area which made her lean forward involuntarily. Yellow jumps over Jasper again and wrapped her arms around his head and did an RKO. Jasper gets back up again.

She activates her helmet. Batman and Yellow looked at each other and then back at Jasper, as if they were having a telepathic conversation. Batman rushed at Jasper, slides on the floor and used his arm to trip Jasper on one knee.

Yellow ran not too long after Batman swept one of Jasper's legs. She jumps up and kicked Jasper's face with both of her feet. Luckily for Jasper, her helmet protected her gem.

Both Batman and Yellow regrouped with each other when Jasper got back up. Batman charged at Jasper when Yellow was unprepared on what to do next. She just watches him fight her until she can see an opening to surprise attack her.

He kicked her right knee which forced her to be on her left knee, then jabbed her in the face a couple of times before giving her a powerful uppercut which made her stand up. He ran up to her but then slide down on the ground to sweep one of her legs to force on one knee again. Then, he gets up and hits the back of her head to distract her momentarily while he uses his feet to jump on her knee up in the air to land on her.

She tried to punch him but he avoided her fist and grabs her arm to flip her on her back and he stomps on her face to break her visor. He backs up when she got up again. Yellow ran to Batman's side and Jasper look angry.

They both knew what to do now. Jasper approached them and they both backed up. Yellow got behind Batman.

Jasper tried to punch him but he ducked and Yellow vaulted over him to kick Jasper which made her step back. Batman did the same thing when Yellow ducked and his kick knocked Jasper back even further. They both charged at Jasper to kick her over.

That didn't work when Jasper uppercuted Yellow up high, grabbed Batman and used him like a baseball bat to hit Yellow which made her hit against the wall, cracking it. She threw Batman on the ground like how a basketball player slam dunks the ball in the basket. Bruce is grateful the suit protected his bones from that impact, imagine what would happen if it didn't.

Then, she stomps on his chestplate, which hurts his ribs, especially the one Charlotte cracked almost two years ago. Batman clutched his abdomen and Jasper smirked over his pain.

(Rebel) We released our commander and found figures in a room. A pearl and a human.

(Jasper) That must be the Bat's pearl. And the human is Steven. Good. Round them up, our commander wants them.

(Rebel) Will do.

Batman's eyes closed and he passed out.

End of Chapter 25


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