The Grindelwald's

De F_a_n_F_i_c_

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Grindewald's kids are on the run, and three were sent to Azkaban,that's until Dumbledore decides to take them... Mais

Family Reuninon
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chpater 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Authors Note

Chapter 41

31 3 0
De F_a_n_F_i_c_

It's been three days that I'm locked up in the doguenn, along with Micah and Asher. "Can you stop walking back and forward!." Micha yells out at Asher

"Can you shut the fuck up!." Asher yells back.

I sigh and try to ignore their petty argument. Ever since the three of us been locked up together it's been nothing but arguments.

Micah is mad at Asher for letting him get caught.

Asher is mad at Micah for not being smart enough to wait for his signal.

I'm mad at Micah for dragging me into this. Right now I should be with the trio helping them destroy the horxuce.

All in all Micah has more to lose here. "Surprisingly he's an Auror." I muttered to Asher. I look over at Micah and see him flaring his nostrils.

"You know now would be a great time for your fellow Auror's to show up." I said sarcastically to Micah.He starts to mimic me and walks up the the bars to take a look outside.

"I didn't tell me them." I tilt my head in disbelief that Micah didn't tell anyone he was coming here.

Asher chuckles, "Once a dumbass always a dumbass."

"Tell me about it." I mutter while looks at Micah.

"So you got nobody to help us then?." I ask Micah and he shakes his head. "Well then thank god I asked for help yesterday." Both boys looked at me confused.

"How?." Asher tilted his head full of confusion.

I lift up my sleeve to reveal my watch. "Mary gave me this, it's a tracker. So let's just hope they come by soon."

Both Asher and Micah smile that we have a chance of getting out of here. "And you didn't tell us..why?." Micah asked annoyed.

I stand up and walk over to Micah, "well I was very entertained with your guys arguing."

I place my finger over my lip signaling them to stay quiet since a death eater is coming by to drop off some lunch. A tall slim dirty blond hair boy leaves the tray of food for us.

I walk over to see that there's only one tray and no longer three trays like the day before. "That's it? Just one tray?."

The dirty blond boy raises his eyebrow. "Your our prisoners not our guests." Alright fair enough. I flipped him off before he walked off.

I turn around to look at the guys, "eat up boys." They both got up and headed towards the tray.

I slide down the wall and sit in the floor, Micah sat next to me to offer me some of his food. I shook my head and lightly push it away. "Im fine thanks."

I put my head on his shoulders and started falling asleep. Time passes and I feel Micah slide his arm behind me to pull me in closer to him. I open my eyes and see Asher asleep on the floor.

"You want some water?." Micah asked while rubbing my back. I shake my head and lean back on his shoulders.

Micah starts to play with my fingers and laughs a little. I look up at him a give him a weird look. "What do funny?."

Micah smiles down at me, "how does it feel to be a prisoner for the second time?." I laugh at his stupid comment.

I place my head between his neck and shoulder and hug him. At some points Micah twirls strands of my hair.

I see Max walk in front of the door and unlocks it. "Boy with the raven hair you first."

I look at Micah worried, he let's go of me and we both stand up. "It will be fine." He cupped my cheek and then walked slowly out. Another guy comes and cuffs Micah's and pulls him away.

I walk over to Asher, "wake up!." I whispered shouted. He jolts up and a sense of panic washes over his eyes. I pick him up, "they took Micah."

"Asher your turn." Max opened the gates again and two guys walk in. One of them hand cuffs Asher and takes him away in the same direction as Micah.

"Austin hold the door I'll take care of this one." The boy grabs the door and Max walks inside.

He yanks my arm and starts placing the hand cuffs. His eyes are cold stone full of anger. "Don't try to do anything." He grabs my arm and pulls me out.

I noticed we are walking back up to the manor. The hallways are awfully quiet. "Where are you taking us?."

Max leans into my ear, "Voldemort is waiting for you at the Malfoy Manor."

We reach the living room and I see Micah and Asher standing in the middle of the room. There's a couple death eaters and Matteo looks at our every move. I take off my eyes Matteo and look at a worried Micah.

Everyone stays quiet, nobody says a single thing. Each of them never taking their eyes off us.

What's going on?!. I heard Micah's voice in my head.

I'm using the legilimens, now answer me!. Micah asked urgently.

Are you stupid! You know they can hear us right. I look around to try and stay clam. Wondering if any of them is listening to our conversation.

Just tell me.

Well they are taking us to Voldemort.

I look over at Micah to see that's he's worried for us, I smile at him to reassure him things will be fine. Or at least we hope that's how it turns out.

"Are you two done chatting?." Matteo snapped at us.

"Told you." I muttered to Micah.

Asher walks over me and grabs a fitful of hair, he pulls me up to look at him. "Talk back and see what happens."

I smirked and took his challenge. "Max you better let me go if you don't want to end up like the last office who hand cuffed me." Asher and Micah snort out in laughter.

Makes rips his eyes off me and look at the boys. They stop laughing immediately. "And what exactly happened to that officer?." Max was starting to push me to the edge to get a reaction out of me.

"Enough!." Matteo bargains in. Max turns to look over at Matteo.

If Max wants a reaction then I'll give him one. I quickly place my hands over Max's head and pull him back into me, causing him to chock on my handcuffs. Everyone shifts but Matteo tells the death eaters to stand down. "Let him go!."

Max struggles to get out of the position I have him in. I pull him close enough to whisper into his ear. "Don't ever tempt me again." I let Max go and he falls onto the ground grasping for air.

Matteo picks up Max off the floor. "Just get these three inside the car, we don't have time for anymore games." He walks out with Max and we followed behind.

An hour later we reach the Malfoy Manor. I know the Malfoy's won't be very pleased to see me back here again because the whole point of me leaving was to never come back here's

The hand cuffs are taken off before we walk inside. I look to my left to see Micah and Asher coming out of superare cars. I try to keep my breathing even before I'm taken in.

The front door opens and I see Narssica and her eyes land on my immediately. I look at her and then off to the side I see Draco.

He runs up to me and Narcissa try's to stop him but nothing works. "What are you doing here?." Draco placed his hand on my cheek.

"I was told to go undercover to get information and we got caught." Draco looks off to the side to see who I was talking about.

Draco's breathing started rising, "okay just stay calm and whatever you do don't get him mad."

"Draco get your hands off my girl." Both our heads snapped at Matteo. He kept sending daggers at both of us. I cringed when he called me his girl, because we really weren't anything at all.

Draco let's go of me, "everything will be fine." He whispered to reassure me that everything would turn out fine. Which I hope it does. Draco walks up the steps and stands there.

Matteo walks in front of me, "you may have us both wrapped around your fingers but this time none of us can save you."

He leans in even closer to me. "None of this would be happening if you were just honest with me."

I slap him across the face. "Your one to talk about honestly." He placed his hand behind my neck and pulls me in even closer. "I'm not stupid, you were going to turn me in either way." I growled at him.

He squeezes the back of my neck, "yes I was planning to to turn you over but under different circumstances." Matteo leans his forehead on mine. "As my fiancé."

Matteo backs away and I turn to look at Micah clenching his jaw. Now all three boys looking at each other intensely.

Asher, Micah and I are pushed into the manor. Once inside we are greeted with death eaters pulling and scratching us. Some have pointed their wands up our necks and others with their long sharp nails.

A pair of big doors open wide and I'm back to the same place I was in with the trio. There in the middle of the room stands the one and only Voldemort with his wife wicked smile.

I'm forced to take a seat at the very end of the table and the main death eaters take a seat at the table. The rest are standing off to the side alongside Asher and Micah.

Voldemort walks over to his seat, "I'm told you have very valuable information for me and that's great." He takes a seat and looks at me directly.

Out of nowhere a snake starts to slither up the table and makes its way down towards me. I look at the snake and some how I'm drawn to it as if it's something mesmerizing. Voldemort starts speaking in Paresltounge and it draws me in even more to the snake as something mythical.

The head of the snake rises and towers over me, I never took my eyes of it. Out of nowhere the snake launches itself and stops right above my face. Voldemort laughs, "didn't even flinch but your quiet fearless." The snake backs down and slithers off the table and makes it's way to around the table. The tail of the snake touches me neck and lifts it up just a little.

Voldemort stands up and walks over to me. I noticed how all the death eaters looked at him like he was some kind of god.

His cold fingers go under my chin and makes me turn to look at him. "Let's go pay your father a visit." He snaps and someone brings him black clothes that look similar to what they all wear.

"Bella show the girl where to change." The same crazy haired woman who torched Hermione's gets up and walks over to me.

I grab the clothes and she escorts me out into the hallway. But she stops. "Well what are you waiting for change." I give her a strange look. "Yes here in the hallway."

I place the clothes that were given to me on the floor and slip off my shoes. I started taking my clothes off until I was just in my underwear and bra. I felt a bit uncomfortable that she was just looking at me. "So this is what has the boys all rilled up then."

"It's not like that." She raises her hand for me to stop talking. "No?." I shake my head and she looks at me amused. "So your still a virg-."

"Yes." I replied back before she could even get into the awkward conversation.

I pick up a black shirt and black ropes jeans. I put on the black leather jacket. "Here." Bella hands me black leather boots.

"Do you guys ever get tired of black?." Bella snickers and shakes her head.

We walk back inside and I look over at Asher and Micah looking at me worried.

Voldemort walks over to me. "Let's go."

Without an further discussion he touches my shoulder and a black cloud forms around us.

They vanish and we are now standing out in front of the prison cell my father is locked up. "Come on we don't have all night."

"Let me try this my way...?"I meant to make it sound more of a demand but Draco clearly told me not to get him mad.

"Very well then." He unlocks the door and I walk inside.

The cell is dark, the only light coming through is from the moonlight. I see a pair of bare feet from a corner. I walked a little closer, "father?."

The man pulls his bare feet into the darkness. "What are you doing here." His voice cracked.

"Father come." I hear him slowly rise. The man walks out of the shadows. I feel my heart fall to the ground when I see that he's no longer a strong man but just pure bones. He hand his white beard grown out as well with his hair.

And yet even after hating for him to long it's as if all that hate went away in that instant. I hug my father and he hugs me back. "I'm so so sorry."

My father pushes me back just enough to get a glimpse of my face. "Darling d-don't b-e, it's my fault." He whips a tear off the end of my eyes. "Look at you, such a young beautiful women like your mother." I bit my cheek to stop myself from crying even more.

I hold onto his arms, "father he's here with me, just tell him where it is and nothing will happen to you." My father shakes his head. I hold on my father face, "please! Please father just tell him." I said very desperately. "I'm begging, I'm begging you please father."

My father grabs my hands and rips them off his face, " I said no darling."

Voldemort walks in, "then I'll give you a last moment with your father. So hurry up I'm not going to give you anymore time."

My father coughs and falls to the ground. I go on my kneels and pull him into me, "father please." He continues to cough and shakes his head, telling me that he still won't do it.

I let my tears fall free and I brush his hair off his face and caress his cheek. "Father can you at least tell me who's behind my mothers and sisters murder?."

"Liam's mother." He said bluntly.

"I knew it! I had this feeling it was her and she told me it was you behind all of it." My father pats my hands and tears fall down his face.

"I was only trying to protect your mother, your sister and you but it got all out of control." My father cried and kissed my hand. "Please forgive me for what I've done."

More tears fall down my face, "I forgive you." I sobbed out. I placed a kiss on his forehead and hug him very tightly.

"Your time is over." Voldemort walks over to us and kneels next us. "Hold him down." My father starts squirming underneath me. I hold him even tighter so he doesn't get away.

Voldemort was now going inside my father's memory. In the meantime I tried to clam him down, "it will be fine." I spoke softly to him.

"Now leave." Voldemort said.

"No." I blurt out. I take out my dagger.

"Put it down." Voldemort gets up, pulls out his wand and points it directly at us. "Very well don't say I didn't warn you."

I'm not exactly sure who he's aiming for but I didn't care enough to keep figuring it out. I hold on to my father and whisper to him. "I love you."

"Avada Kedavra!." Voldemort cried out. I get a glimpse of a green light and shut my eyes.

I hold on to my father even tighter.
Silence washed over the room but I didn't open my eyes because I knew that the only one who wasn't breathing anymore is my father. I lean down to place a kiss on his forehead and let him go. Voldemort grabs my shoulder and we appear back at the Malfoy manor.

"Come on get up." Narssica helps me get up from the floor and pulls me back with her family.

Voldemort turns over to Matteo and the rest of the younger death eaters with them is Asher and Matteo, but this time no longer cuffed up. "Bellatrix take the girl away."

"No! we made a deal." Matteo shouts at his father.

Bellatrix grabs my arms and starts pulling me away but Draco stops her. "Aunt please don't do this." Bellatrix leans close to Draco and they share a couple of words and the we start walking.

I see Voldemort circling around Matteo. "AND we have a deal just get me the Elderly wand and I'll give her back. If you don't make it back by midnight her blood is on your hands." He goes behind Matteo and lifts up his face to get one last glimpse before I'm gone.

I'm back inside the hall and I'm pushed down on the chair. Bellatrix circles closely around and starts playing with the strands of my hair. "Don't worry I won't hurt you..or at least that's what I told my nephew."

She takes a seat in front of me and tilts her head to look at me. "You remind me so much of myself when I was younger and in love." I know some people feel proud when someone tells them that, but in this case I wasn't feeling a thing. Just taking about love with her is so cringe.

I face the other way and whip a couple tears away, I feel so stupid to be crying in front of her. It's not like I can stop myself when I'm hurting for my father. I felt frustrated that I couldn't do more.

"Then I had Matteo."I stop crying and turn to look at her strangely. This women in front of me is Matteo's mother. "I know my son may not be sweet like Draco but he means good."

I let out a small laugh and shake me head, "so did he mean good to turn me over to his father out of anger and got my father killed tonight!."

Bellatrix face soften. "Matteo made a deal with his father and he could only save one out of the two, he chose you." My eyes started getting watery and I tried to even out my breath. "He knows that you'll hate him with all your guts but he did because he loves you."

"HE DOESNT LOVE ME!." I yelled out. "He can't..."

Bellatrix reaches out for my hand put I pull away. "I made him believe that, so no girl would ever have control over him. I didn't want him to fall stupidly in love with someone like I did. But he doesn't know."

I look at her strangely, "how is that even possible if Voldemort can'"

Bellatrix leans in. "The father of my three sons died in an accident. Voldemort said he could never love me but the least he could do is give my sons his last name."

I'm stupid enough that I felt something for even the slightest bit. "Okay your son can love but after everything he's done to me... I still hate him." I don't care if he cannot can't love but that still doesn't change anything.

Someone knocks on the door and opens it. "What do you want Greyback?." She smile wickedly at him.

He man pokes his head inside. "The lord said to take turns with the girl." I felt chills running down my spine. I knew that this man is a werewolf and has always been a biggest threat to everyone.

Bellatrix looks over at me and her wicked smile slowly faded. "Just give me a couple minutes." The door shuts close.

Bellatrix hold onto my hand, "I'm very sorry." I give a light squeeze to her cold hands to reassure her that I'll be fine. But I really don't think I will.

Bellatrix stands up and starts walking away. "Just in case you don't choose my son or nephew, let them down easy." She walks out and closes the door.

The doors open and in comes Greyback, he closes the door never getting his eyes off me. "Will you look at that." He opens the curtains and the moonlight shines on him. "Full moon." Greyback starts to take form of a werewolf.

My eyes widen in horror, I stand up from my chair and back up. Greyback takes his full for and launches towards me. I fall back to the cold floor with him on top of me. He looks at me directly in the eye and I start panicking.

The night of the attack rushes through my mind. The screams of my sister and mouth are loud in my head. They were so vivid.

Draco's POV~

I see my aunt walk out and Greyback goes in. I rush over to her. "What's going on?!." If he walked in there, that wasn't going to end well.

I walk past my aunt but she holds me back. "Change of plans, the lord wants us to take turns with her."

In that moment I hear Ashley scream in horror. I push past my aunt to get to her. "Draco no!." My mother reaches out to me and both my aunt and mother pull me away. Ashley cried out even more just hearing her scream made my stomach twist and turn.

Im placed next to my father. "Keep it together Draco!." My father whispered shouted to me.

Voldemort looks at me and signals me to come over to him. I felt disgusted to be breathing the same air as this man. But I held on to my anger and walked over to him.

Voldemort places his hands on my shoulders, "you want to do something for her?." I looked at him in the eye for a couple of second and looked away. Everyone out here can hear her screams.I felt intimidated by him and defying him is a price I'm not willing to pay. As much as I want to help out Ashley there's also my parents I have to think about."Then sit down and hope that my son brings me the Elderly wand."

I walk back to my parents and just waited like everyone else for Matteo to show up. I know that he has to find that wand soon before it's too late.

20 minutes pass by, Greyback walks out in form of a werewolf still and runs out to the back door.

"Alecto your next." Voldemort smiled wickedly.

Two hours had passed by but not many have passed by to torture Ashley. Everyone seems to be taking their time or they feel pity for her.

Matteo only has hour and a half to go. He better make it back in time. In the meantime I need to think of something just in case he doesn't show up in time.

Matteo's POV~

Ashley gets dragged into the hall.

"The wand is in Dumbledore's grave." My father circled around me.

I turn and grab Asher and Micah by the back of their shirts. "Fine! But I'm taking these two with me." My father shrugged his shoulders and walked off.

I walk out with these two filthy traitors along side with Jacob. "Do you know where the grave is?." I got no response from either of them.

When we reached the stairs I let them go. "Where is it?!." Asher and Micah look at each other and then at me.

"The Great Lake, in Hogwarts grounds." Asher speaks up.

"That lake is huge I won't find it on time." I look over at Jacob and see a couple of my friends walk out of the Manor ready to leave with me.

Draco pushes through the crowd. " You won't be looking to far, it's a white tomb by the shores."

I look at Draco in the eye, "we won't be back in time, it's too far and out of bounds to apperate."

"Then let's go the ministry." Draco and I look over at Micah as if he's crazy to think we are all going to be walking around there. "We can get a portkey."

Draco pushes Micah, "you really think we are fuckin stupid to think you'll actually help us."

Micah pushes Draco back, "I'm not doing it for any of you" He points back at the manor. "I'm doing this for her. Plus nobody is there anymore."

Jacob pulls me off to the side, "Riddle we don't have many option here."

"What about flying?." I implied.

Jacob shook his head, "Matteo if you want to see that girl again then take the only option you have."

"Fine." I muttered.

Jacob walked back to the group. "To the ministry!." He cried out. One by one they all started to apperate to the ministry.

I walk over to Draco to say something but instead I stayed quiet. He's definitely mad at me for what I've done. He keeps clenching jaws and flaring his nostrils, if he could he would've tore me apart by now. "You better come back in time because if not then I'll make sure to remind you everyday of your fucked up life what you did." He spat out before storming back inside the manor.

I'm not scared of my cousin's threats but I know that he will keep his word when it comes to her.

I apperate to the ministry and see the guys waiting for me. I grab Micah's arms tightly and push him up front, "lead the way."

He starts walking to the elevators and we follow. We get there and see not all of us will fit in one so we'll have to split into groups. "Jacob, Michale your coming with me." I grab Micah and push him in the elevator and my friends walk inside.

The gates close and the elevator moves back and up towards the 7th floor . "You better not fuck this up." I said while looking at him.

We stop at the 7th floor and walk out. We wait until the other come up. I keep an eye out to make sure nobody's around. Even though Micah said nobody is around during this time I still didn't trust him.

Now that we are all together we walk down the hall right behind Micah. He stops at the very end of the hallway in front of a door with a plaque that says: Cornelius Fudge.

Micha just stands there looking at me. "Your the one with the wand Soo.." he signals me to unlock the door.

I sigh and push him off to the side. "Alohomora." The door unlocks and we walk inside the office.

Micah walks over to a cabinet and opens it, he reaches inside and pulls out a vault portrait. He closed the cabinet and walks up to us, "have any of you used a portkey before?." Nobody said a thing not even me I've always been use to either apperate or flying.

Micah sighs in annoyance. "Great just my luck. Remember we all need to be at Hogwarts. Also hold on to this thing and whatever you do don't let go until I say so." The 8 of us huddled together and grabbed onto the portrait.

We spun in circles and we spun even faster. A grey cloud formed around us. My is it embarrassing to admit that some of us were yelling. "Let go!." Micah yelled out.

"What are you fuckin crazy!." Asher yells out. But one by one we all let go.

I fall to the ground and I feel nauseous. I see Jacob trying to get himself up but his legs are shaky.

Micha walks by helping everyone up and when he got to me I smacked his hand away. "I would've mentioned that this causes nausea, giddines and all in all just very unpleasant but then y'all would've taken longer to make up your mind." He chuckled. I'm start to think this guy really want to die tonight.

I get up and dust myself off, I look up to see Hogwarts on top of a hill. It's actually very breathtaking.

"There!." Micah points out to the white tomb that's facing in front of the castle.

Micah starts running and we all would be running also but I feel to sick to even do that. Micah turns around at some point and sees how behind we are. "Seriously!." He shouts at us.

Jacob leans on me while grabbing on to his stomach. He looked miserable, "I should've agreed with you about flying." He walks away and leans on a tree, and he throws up.

"Thats fuckin disgusting." I muttered and kept walking.

We finally get to the tomb and we circle around it. I look up at Michale and we both remove the heavy stone. There inside lies Dumbledore's corpse. "What are you waiting for?." Micah asked me.

I walk up to the corpse and reach his hand and took out the wand. "Close it." Michale and Nixon closed the the tomb.

"Well you two are free to go." I look at Asher and Micah waiting for them to just walk off.

Micah stepped in front of me, "I'm not leaving without her."

I pushed him off to the side. "Well then figure out another way to get her back." I walk off not caring what Micah has to say anymore.

The boys and I walk onto the plat form of a train station. We still had enough time but not enough to get ahold of ourselves. Jacob hold me back, "we aren't going to get back home in time."

"I'm not listening to you anymore, plus the train ride is for your and the rest. I'll back at my manor with Michale and her."I  think they should be fine by the time they get home but I need to get there within time.

Michale and I walked off the platform, "where are we going now?."

This is only of the things I hate of not being to apperate in all the places I need to get to. "A village called Hogsmed to buy two brooms." I had a glimpse of this village near by on the map they have hanged up on the wall of the train station. Buy a broom is the only thing we got for at least a faster transportation.

We got to the village and see that a couple stores were closing up. Michale stopped by at one of the stores and asked for directions to a broom shop. "The broom shop is about to close soon." Michale said while he walked  towards me.

"Lead the way." We start running and a couple minutes later spot the shop.

I see the man is about to close his store and I run faster and put my foot on the door to stop it from closing. "Sorry sir but we are closed." The man tried closing the door but I grabbed it open.

"Sir you don't understand this is an emergency and we don't have another way to transport." Michale begged the man.

"Sir please it's an emergency." I asked in a clam way.

The man looks hesitant. "Fine." The man opens the door wide enough and we walk in.

Michaels elbows me, "I see Ashley has been teaching you some manors." He starts laughing and I look at him sternly and he stops.

The man locks the door, "so what kind of broom are you looking for?." He said while walking over to the brooms.

"Which ever one sir it doesn't matter." The man nods at me and picks out two brooms.

Michale and I walk over the counter and I pull out the bag of galleons. The man rings us up and we pay him for the broom.

We rush out of the shop and thank the man. We climb on to the brooms and head up towards the sky. Michale looks down and the looks over at me, "it's 11:34!." He shouts at me.

I'm starting to worry if wether or not I'll make it in time..but I needed to get her out of the situation. I got her in this because I couldn't control my anger that she betrayed me. "We are only 20 minutes away from England. Once we get there we will stop to apperate to the Malfoy Manor." I yell over my shoulder.

20 minutes pass by and we are not over a clock tower and I signal Michale to stop there. We land just above, "we only have a couple minutes left."

We apperate in front of the manor and rush inside. I see Malfoy arguing with his parents. "I'm here!." I yell out towards my father.

I pull out the wand, "but I need her first."

My father shakes his head in disappointment and snaps his fingers, "Greyback get the girl."

Moment later I see Greyback dragging Ashley out of the hall. But he stops near the Malfoy's. "Give me the wand now." I look back at my father and hand him the wand. "Greyback let her go."

Draco drops down next to her to help her up and I felt anger rising over me. But before I can take another step my father stops me, "that girl is very lucky to be alive." He let's go of me and I run over to her.

As I got closer I see that some parts of her clothes are ripped up. Her face is red and full of tears. She hasn't some bruises on her arms. I reached over to grab her my Draco pushes my hand away from her. "Go away!." He growled.

Draco sits her up and pulls her into a hug, "hes father is gone." She sobs out.

Draco looks at me, " you have to go back with Matteo."

She crys even hard. "No i don't want to."

A not build up inside my throat of regret for what I've done. For the hurt I caused her. But after tonight I no longer want to do anything that has to do with my father. I'm done playing his games.

Draco rubs her back and cups her face, "then I'll take you there and spend the night how about that?." She nods and picks her up.

I get up and my mom pulls me to the side. "That girl is going to hate you for the rest of her life. I tried to talking to her...but now it's up to you to win her back." My mom kissed my cheek and walked off.

Along the ride home it was silent. Draco was just trying to keep her comfort. Still the knot in my throat wouldn't go away.

As soon as we got off I went inside the manor and into the kitchen. I hear Ezekiel running down the stairs and into the kitchen, "where's Ashley?." That's all he's been asking for the last couple of days.

I look at Ezekiel from the door way, "she's coming."

Ezekiel looks over to see Ashley coming inside. He runs over to her and hugs her legs. She reached down to pick him up, "oh how I've missed you!." Her joyful voice didn't match her expressions.

Mia came down and looked at Ashley in surprised that she was home.

"You said you would play with me..." Ezekiel tilts his head and grabs Ashley's face. "But why are you crying?."

Draco rubs Ashley's back and whispers something into her ear. She whips off a couple tears, "I just had to say good bye to someone." More tears fell but she maintained a small smile.

Mia walks over to get Ezekiel out of Ashley's arms, "come on leave her alone she just needs time."

I walk out, "you can use my room for the night."

Draco nods at me and they both make their way up the stairs.

"Good night Ashley." Ezekiel said. Ashley turns over and waves goodbye to him.

Mia looks at me and shakes her head in disappointment. "You better find a way to fix this." And she walks up the stairs with Ezekiel.

This is it now I need to fight for the girl I love. The girl I took everything away from because of my stupid obsession to have her all to myself.

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