Marvel Imagines

By MarvelFanfiction3000

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A bunch of random marvel imagines. Basically all ideas I have and is too lazy to finish. I do Tony Stark Ste... More

Truth-Peter Parker
I know-Bucky Barnes
Kidnapped-Bucky Barnes
Stucky-Tony Stark
Forgotten-Thor and Loki
Attacked-Pietro Maximoff
Almost-Infinity War
Besties-Peter Parker
Former Villain-Avengers
Plums-Bucky Barnes
Powerful-Wanda Maximoff
Stark-Steve Rogers
Hydra-Natasha and Bucky
✨Pride Section✨
Coming out-Avengers
Asexual-Tony Stark
✨Pride section ended✨
My Shadow-Natasha Romanoff
Uno-Clint Barton
Middle Finger-Steve Rogers
Date-Bucky Barnes
Behind the Mask-Tony Stark
Partner-Winter Soldier

Saved-Natasha Romanoff

97 2 0
By MarvelFanfiction3000

y/a- your age
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Imagine- you were a hostage at Hydra. One day the base you were at was blown up and were you rescued by Black Widow

Warning- mentions of abuse, cuts and bruises
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"вставать," the Hydra agent told
you. (Get up)

You flinched as he banged on your door, sliding a tray of stale food into the cell.

You crawled over to it and ate it. It tasted horribly and felt weird but if you didn't eat it you would be starved the entire day.

You leaned back against the wall as the agent came back.

"поторопитесь, вас сегодня проверяют," he said. (Hurry up, you are being tested today)

You got up. Testing days weren't the worst but they certainly weren't the best.

The agent grabbed your arm roughly and practically dragged you to the room.

"она здесь," he said throwing you into the room. (She's here)

You whimpered as you hit the floor. A couple other agents pulled you up and strapped you into a chair.

The doctor in front of you smirked, pulling out a needle.

"это не повредит," he said. You closed your eyes waiting for the pain to set in. (It won't hurt)

But nothing came. You slowly opened your eyes to find an empty room. You looked around in confusion, pulling at your restraints to get out.

"The base is being attacked. I repeat. The base is being attacked," a voice came over the intercom.

Oh no. You thought you were going to be found and taken again. Put into another cell. I pulled harder and the straps.

A loud bang came from the hall and shouts were heard.

"Wait, I think someone's in there," you heard a voice say.

"помощь," you called. You hoped someone heard you, understands Russian. Because by the sounds of it, they were American. (Help)

You heard footsteps as a woman with fiery red hair stepped into the room. She gasped at the sight of you.

"пожалуйста, помогите мне. Вытащи меня отсюда," you pleaded to her, hoping she understood Russian. (Please help me. Get me out of here)

"все нормально, я помогу. какое у тебя имя," She said back in the same language. (Everything is fine, I will help. What's your name)

"Y/n," you answered.

"Can you speak or understand English?" She asked, coming towards you and untying your restraints.

"Я немного говорю по-английски и понимаю это," you answered. (I speak a little English and I understand it)

"Alright. I'm going to get you out of here," she said to you, untying the last of your restraints, "there's a kid, around y/a, female. Bringing her in," the woman said into an earpiece.

"What is your name," you got out in English.

"My name is Natasha," she answered, holding your hand as she walked out of the room, "sweetie, I need you to tell me what they did to you."

"They test stuff on me. They hit me and they starve me," you say.

She nods, "get a doctor ready for when we come back, heading to the Quinjet now," she said into her earpiece.

She led you outside and to a ginormous jet. You gaped at it.

"Are you ok to go on it," she asked. You nodded and walked into it with her.

There, you saw a man you had seen before in the files the doctors would sometimes pull out.

"Is this the kid, Romanoff," the man asked.

"Yes, I found her strapped to a chair. One that looked a lot like the ones Barnes described," Natasha said.

'Barnes? How did they know the Winter Soldier?' you thought.

"What kind of injuries does she have," another man asked.

"I don't really know but she had told me she was tested on, beaten and starved," She answered him.

"Can I look at your injuries?" He asked turning to you.

"что если он причиняет мне боль?" You said, looking Natasha. (What If he hurts me)

"он не причинит тебе вреда," Natasha answered. (He won't hurt you)

"как ты можешь быть уверен," you asked, still not sure. (How can you be sure)

"я доверяю ему," She said. (I trust him)

The men had watched your conversation in Russian, watching intently. They clearly didn't know what you two were saying.

"Alright," you said, looking back at the second man.

"Can you tell me you name," he asked as I sat down on a bench in the jet.

"Y/n. My name is Y/n," you answered.

"Well, Y/n, my name is Dr.Bruce Banner. Is it ok if you show me your injuries?" He introduced.

You look at Natasha, who nods her head before you hesitantly nod yours.

You pull up your sleeves and pant legs, showing the many bruises and cuts that were scattered throughout.

"There is more on my stomach, but I do not want to show you," you said to him. He nods his head.

"Understandable," he says.

He then walks over to a desk type things and pulls out a few tubes of what looks like cream.

You tense up slightly. He noticed this.

"Don't worry, it's just an ointment for your cuts. This will help them," he explains. You still look at it cautiously.

Natasha grabs it from Bruce's hands and leans down to your level. She shows you the tube.

You take it from her hands and examine it. After a few seconds, you deem it safe, and nod to the doctor.

He takes the tube from you and slowly puts it on the cuts. You wince every now and then from the slight stinging feeling, but it wasn't much from what you were used to.

Nonetheless, he would apologize every time he saw you wince.

You had at first thought it was strange. People never cared what pain they inflicted on you. That's what the agents taught you.

"Done," he announced after a few minutes. You pulled your sleeves and pant legs back down.

"Where will she go," the other man there asked Natasha.

"I was thinking she would stay with us," Natasha said firmly.

"We can't do that Romanoff," the man says.

"Why not Steve. She deserves to have a loving family," she said.

"That's not something we can do. She'll constantly be in danger," Steve argues back.

"That's something we can do perfectly well and she already is. Steve, this girl has never had a normal childhood or even parents," she argued.

Steve sighed, giving in, "Fine, but how will we raise a kid?"

"We'll figure it out along the way," Natasha said, shrugging.

You watched the entire argument from your seat on the bench. You walked over to the both of them.

"Are you my parents now," you asked them.

They looked at each other before looking at you.

"Yes. I guess we are," Steve answered.

You smiled, you finally had a family. You were finally safe.

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