How to get an A [TeacherxStud...

נכתב על ידי AngieTheTurtle

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How to get an A STEP BY STEP! Step One - Be a stripper ✔ Step Two - Give a hot guy a lap dance ✔ Step Three... עוד

How to get an A [TeacherxStudent]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six (Mr. Romano's P.O.V.)
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
I'm sorry.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Epilouge/Thank You <3

Chapter Seven

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נכתב על ידי AngieTheTurtle







  I groaned and rolled over, falling off the bed and hitting my head.

"Fuck!" I snapped when I heard another knock.

 I glanced at the time and it read 5:33 AM. I huffed and went to the door.

"Garrett, why are you doing this?!" I yelled annoyed.

"Hey, I have to wake you up!" he replied on the other side of the door, "My parents want you over for breakfast."

   I glanced at my kitchen. I finished the box of ramen last night and literally had no food. I touched my stomach and sighed.

"Alright, I'll be over in twenty." I mumbled.


"Twenty minutes!"


   I walked back to my room and switched the light switch. I groaned when the light didn't come on. 

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I groaned. 

   Walking inside of the room, I went over to my closet and took out a random outfit. Because last week's pay was so good, I actually got a chance to buy new clothes and a new pair of shoes. My old  shoes were squeezing my toes and it hurt. I went over to my dresser and opened the bottom drawer. I pulled out a flash light and flicked on the switch.

"Why. Won't. You. Turn. On!" I said through gritted teeth.

  Frustrated, I threw the flash light across the room and sighed. I went over to my closet, picked up the clothes and went to the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, I put my clothes on. I rubbed some lotion on my skin and put my book bag beside the front door. 

  As soon as I opened the door, Garrett's knuckles went almost close to flying in my face.

"Dude, what the fuck man?!" I said annoyed.

"I'm sorry!" he said with a laugh, "I'm just excited. My parents want to meet you."

"Garrett, I've heard of stories about meeting Asian parents." 

"Oh come on, they aren't bad." he said with a shrug, "They won't beat you with chopsticks or something." 

   We both shared a laugh and I shook my head. As soon as I walked in his apartment, a blast of hot air slapped me in the face. Goosebumps rose on my skin and I sighed in approval. Garrett led me to the living room where his mom and dad were sitting at a small table.

"Good morning." said his mother with a smile.

"Good morning, Mrs. Ngai."

   She got up and approached me, holding out her hand. I shook her hand and glanced at his father. He opened his mouth but closed it. I smiled at him and approached him.


   He glared at me and looked at Garrett. In a bitter voice, he said something to Garrett in Cantonese. Garrett rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"He said your hair looks like the tail of a pig that dipped it in mud."

"Uh... thanks?" I said looking back at his father.

   Garrett cleared his throat and told me to sit down. I went on my knees and began to make small talk with Garrett.

"Yeah, Mr. Romano's homework was pretty hard. Did you do it?"

"Oh man!" I said opening my mouth wide, "I forgot he had homework!"

"We have to do ten sentences in Italian introducing ourselves. I can't speak Italian man, it's just terrible for me. I got a slight accent thanks to my dad." he said gesturing to his father who was reading a Chinese newspaper, "It's hard to even say goodbye."

   I laughed and shook my head. 

"It can't be that bad?" 

"It really is."

   Before I could utter another word, Mrs. Ngai came back with a large plate and bowls on it. She placed it down in the middle of the table and handed everyone spoons. 

"This is called congee." she said handing a bowl to me, "It's rice that's turned into soup with onions, pork, egg and salt. It can be made into many different other ways, but we love it like this."

"Ah..." I said nodding.

   I grabbed the spoon and tasted it. My eyes widened and I began to scoop the hot soup into my mouth. My goodness, it was delicious. Garrett's mother said something in Cantonese and Garrett laughed.

"She said you eat as if you never ate before."

   Oh, the irony. I smiled at her and nodded. After a while, everyone was finished. Mrs. Ngai took the bowls and went to go wash them.

"Well, we should go to school now."

"Does your dad hate me?" I asked glancing at him.

"No, he just thinks you're weird. Maybe the next time you come over, you can talk to him."

   I nodded and smiled.

"I have to go get my book bag, give me a second."

  I rushed out of his house and opened my door, got my book bag, locked the door, and went back to his house. Garrett said good bye and closed his door.

"Let's go."

   I nodded in approval and we left.




   It's been about a good week since I talked to Mr. Armstrong. He's been avoiding me and is just making shit awkward between us. Last period, on my way to art class, our eyes met and he looked away. When we passed each other, nothing happened. Nothing.

   I was stressing myself for no reason in art class. I sketched two shadows, one covering flowers and another one covering dead grass. I didn't know how to explain it, but it seemed pretty decent to hand in. When the period was over, I met up with Garrett and Angie to go to Italian class.

"So, what happened to Jimmy?" asked Garrett.

   Angie sighed and shook her head.

"He quit." she said with a fake sob, "He doesn't want to be my best friend. Apparently I'm too nice to him."

   I caught the sly smirk on her face and laughed.

"You are one evil turtle." I said with a chuckle.

"I know, I know. Anyways, I'm off to physics."

"Yeah, me too. See you around." said Garrett walking off with Angie.

  I smiled in their direction and walked towards Mr. Romano's room. The door was closed and a couple of students were leaning on the wall.

"Is Mr. Romano here?" I asked Guadalupe.

"Nope." she said popping the p, "Well, I didn't see him."

"Alright, thank you."

   I peeked through the window and knocked on the door. I saw two dark shadows from the light and raised an eyebrow. I looked back at Guadalupe and she shrugged.

This is weird.

   I looked back at the door and jumped when I saw Mr. Armstrong. His eyes stared back at me and he quickly looked away. I grabbed his arm, tightening my grip. I then realized people were watching us. It became quiet and I only focused on him. With a sigh, he shrugged me off and walked away.

  I felt a strong pang in my heart, What the fuck happened? I rushed inside the classroom and looked around.

"Mr. Romano?"

   My eyes roamed across the classroom and I finally spotted him. I ran over to him and helped him off the floor. Students came into the classroom and began to take their seats. 

"What happened?" I whispered.

"That... that guy." said Mr. Romano, his eyes narrowed and teeth clenched.

"Hey, ignore him, okay? He's on his man period."

"Stripper Girl." said Mr. Romano, his eyes a distractingly dark blue today, "I'm really sorry for last night."

   I sighed and shook my head. I realized he shaved... he looked a lot better with the styled facial hair. I don't know what they're called, but it made him look delicious. Now, he just looks like a teenager, not to mention his hair is in a ponytail instead of out and curly. He still looks absolutely handso- Oh shit he caught me checking him out. I blushed and looked down.

"It's fine, please don't worry."

"And also, when I said to call me by my first name... don't. I have to teach the class, sorry."

    He rushed to the front of the class and brushed his clothes off.

"Hello class, I'm sorry for the delay. Everyone please take out your homework. If you did not do your homework, you have the option of having a basic conversation with be in Italian in front of the class. By a show of hands, who did not do their homework?"

   I sighed and went to my seat, raising my hand in the process. His eyes scanned the classroom and landed on me. His lips formed a straight line and he seemed annoyed.

"Okay then, Str-, Suzy, would you like to have a basic Italian conversation with me in Italian?"

"No." I said shaking my head.

"It's not good to miss the first homework, you'll have to do it eventually. You might as well do this to save you the trouble."

"Fine then."

   The class fell silent and someone actually yelled you got this. I chuckled and shook my head. I faced Mr. Romano. My goodness, his eyes are so blue it's killing me. 

"Buongiorno. Mi chiamo segnore Romano. Lei come si chiama?"he said fluently.

    My heart fluttered at his Italian, it flowed so well and sounded sexy. It seemed as if he was glaring at me. I looked away and responded.

"Sono Suzy."

"Oh? Suzy? Piacere di conoscerla." he replied with ease.

"E-e lei." I said with a stutter.

"Di dove sei?"

"Eh... stati unita?"

  He rolled his eyes.

"It's stati uniti, not bad. 85."

"Thank you." I mumbled, going to my seat.

"Good. Now please pass the homework up, and we shall begin today's lesson. Since we know our basic introduction, it's time for hobbies."

    He picked up the marker and began to write on the board. I took out my pen and book and began to write. Finally, the class was over and it was lunch time. I made sure to pack up slowly, so when everyone left, I could have a word with Mr. Romano. Once everyone left, I walked to the door and closed it. I turned around to see Mr. Romano glaring daggers at me.

"What's your problem?!" I said nastily, "I don't understand you people anymore. I don't understand what exactly you guys want me to do!"

"Simple." said Mr. Romano taking steps towards me. He bent down towards me ear and whispered, "Leave."

"What happened today?"

   He crossed his arms, 

"Stripper Girl, did you not see the news? A seventeen year old boy was caught dating his twenty-five year old teacher."

"T-that's not what I'm t-talking about."

"Then what exactly?" he said looking into my eyes, "I know you're fucking around with Armstrong."

"You leave him out of this, I'm not fucking around with anyone." I spat, "You have no idea what I go through. I have to fend for myself on my own, then it turns out you have feelings for me. You visit the strip club I work at, jeopardizing my job. Want to know what'll happen if I lose it?"

"What?" he whispered.

"The bills won't be paid, no food on the table, no rent will be paid-- I will become homeless, just because an Italian pretty boy can't seem to take the hint."

"Stripper Girl." said Mr. Romano running his hands through his hair, "I just don't like you anymore."

   I felt another pang in my heart. What the hell is going on? Why am I even acting like this-- like some bitch?

"I better not see you over there anymore. I don't want you pouring your heart out to me when you're drunk."

   He sharply inhaled and bit his bottom lip.

"I don't exactly remember everything." he said looking at his nails, "What exactly did I say?"

"You didn't understand why you love me." I said with a sigh, "I just don't know anymore."

"It wouldn't work out." said Mr. Romano, "And it's obvious the American is in love with you."

"Look, I have many American friends, can you please be more descriptive?!" 

"Mr. Armstrong."

    I burst out laughing. Mr. Armstrong? Like me? Ahahahahahaha! That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard.

"Are you blind, Stripper Girl?" said Mr. Romano narrowing his eyes, "He's, eh, what's the saying. Heels over head?"

"It's head over heels." I said correcting him, "And did he tell you that?"


   I frowned at his pained expression. It almost seemed as if tears were welling in his eyes.

"Mr. Romano."

  He sighed and turned around.

"Please leave."

"Mr. Rom-"

"Suzy.... leave please."

"No, Miguel, I need answers from you."

"Take the fucking hint!" he yelled turning around, "He loves you, he knows you better than I do! You two have been friends for four years, FOUR YEARS!"

   I didn't want to see him like this. He seemed so upset, so... desperate.

"Suzy, can you not see what you do to me? You lead me on, make it seem like we're meant for each other, but then you push me away! All you want me is for information!"

"It's not that!" I cried.

"Then what is it?!"

   I paused and frowned.

"The first day I gave you a lap dance." I said approaching him, "It was the first lap dance I ever liked. I felt like such a slut... When I spoke to you in Italian, I didn't expect you to actually know Italian or be Italian. I use it to lure men in so they can pay me more... I'm sorry if you think I led you on." 

    I placed my hand on his cheek.

"I really am, Miguel."

"Please don't call me by my name." he said looking away.

   I placed my other hand on his other cheek. Here's the perfect moment... go for it. I went on my tippy toes and leaned in to his face. He turned back towards me and our lips met. He froze, his eyes widened and a look of surprise was on his face. 

   Closing his eyes, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I smiled on his lips and closed my eyes. Oh my goodness, his lips were so soft... The butterflies in my stomach woke up and I moaned in his mouth. He pulled back with a slight laugh, capturing my lips again. He bit my bottom lip and I opened without hesitation. I ran my fingers through his hair, messing up his tight ponytail. His hands traveled from my back to my ass and gripped it tightly. Oh my goodness, I love how his hands perfectly fit my ass..

   In a quick motion, he pushed me against the board. I sharply inhaled when he began to trail kisses down my neck. I lightly moaned and he pinned my arms over my head. With a light kiss on my earlobe, I opened my eyes.

"This is why we can't be together." he said breathless.

   My heart felt like it was ripped in two, it was as if he just used me.

"I'm so sorry il mio amore." he said with a pained expression.

"No..." I said, my voice cracking, "It's fine."

  Pushing past him, I grabbed my book bag and ran out of his room.

Italian translations for this chapter

Buongiorno. Mi chiamo segnore Romano. Lei come si chiama = Good day, my name is Mr. Romano. What is your name?

Sono Suzy = I'm Suzy.

Oh? Suzy? Piacere di conoscerla.= Oh? Suzy? It's a pleasure to meet you.

"E-e lei. = A-and you (or you too)

Di dove sei? = Where are you from?

Eh... stati unita? = Eh, United States? (It's actually stati uniti)

Il mio amore = My love 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, next upload's Tuesday December 8.

Ciao! ^^

המשך קריאה

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