The Darker One// Once Upon A...

By ilikewarmhugs1235

57.3K 1.2K 165

Reese is the twin sister of the feared, Rumpelstiltskin, and they are both the dark ones. They were unstoppab... More

Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15~ part 1
Chapter 15~ part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 28

1.1K 32 5
By ilikewarmhugs1235

"Trust me, dearie, I know everything now." Reese smirked, "And I could ruin your whole plan... Think about that."

Peter Pan's face drops and grabs his daughter's arm, and pulls her off into the forest. Once they get far enough that no one can hear them, he releases his grip on her arm, and asks, "What the hell did that mean back there? How in the world do you know all of this?"

"Because I am connected to this damn island, and you can't hide anything from me. I know all, father." She stated, "You aren't saving this island by killing Henry; You're only saving yourself and you know that."

"You're the last person to ever judge me, Rae," he responded with the same amount of anger that she remembers from her childhood, "You're the selfish one that gave yourself the title of 'The heart of Neverland'. Why couldn't you give that title to me?"

"I was a FUCKING CHILD! How could I have ever known that I would be able to create this place? I didn't know the power I held, and if I would have known, I would have never drawn this whole island. You probably don't even know how dangerous it really is here.."

"Of course I do. I have all of your drawings, and I have studied them for centuries. You really think that I don't know everything?"

"There was one drawing that I threw away because it was way too scary, but I have a feeling that as soon as I put pencil to paper, it came true." Reese responded. "So, unless you dug through our trash.. I don't think you know about that."

"And what would that be?"

"Neverland is slowly killing you and even if you get that boy's heart.. You aren't going to survive that death."

"How could that even-"

"That pain that you feel every time you use the magic that this island gave you," she paused, "It's slowly eating you from the inside out, and even if I am in Neverland, it can't save you because you've been here for so long. Neverland was never meant to be a permanent home. Soon you will start feeling weak, and as soon as that happens... You won't have that much time left."

"You're lying! Why in the world would you even think of that?"

"Because I was a fucked up child." She replied. "And I'm guessing from the amount of anger you're showing right now, you believe me, or you're at least thinking about it."

"No, I don't believe you, and I will show you that I will live through this, and I will be the most powerful human!"

He angrily stomped off and Reese yelled, "The heart is only a temporary solution! You will find out soon that I am right!"


Reese has been punished by her father for standing up to him, and was put on 'tent arrest'. She sat there looking at the ground when she heard a loud scream. She quickly got off the ground and ran out of her tent.

She saw the world around her turning into the cabin that her and Cade stayed in. It was before all the shit happened, and she saw how happy she truly was.

Reese ran into the house laughing and Cade ran in after her, and grabbed her waist, and picked her up to spin her around in circles.

She laughed hysterically until Cade noticed a woman sitting in the corner, taping her fingernails on the table.

"Mother?" Cade questioned as he put Reese down on the ground, she moved her hair out of her face, and quickly got herself together. "I didn't think-"

"I didn't think that she would be here when I arrived." His mother stated as she got out of her chair. She walked over to Reese and started rubbing her arm. Reese moved her arm away, and Mary, his mother, slapped her across the face. "You do not move your arm disrespectfully like that. Were you raised on a farm?"

"No.. I was raised by a black fairy and a bastard." Reese responded in a tone that the mother didn't like, and smacked her again. Reese rubbed her face and stated, "No offense but how is smacking your son's girlfriend going to help you in anyway? He isn't going to move back home, and frankly, I don't blame him."

"I know that my son is also hitting you," Mary looked down at Reese's arms that were covered in bruises, "Why are you allowing him to do that?"

"Actually, that was from wrestling with my brother." Reese replied, "Your son has never hit me, and unless you want me to hit you, I would suggest you leave our house."

"HA just you wait, girl. He will turn into your worst nightmare." She stated to herself.

Mary walked up to his son and told him, "When you realize that she is the worst possible person for you, I will be waiting for you at home."

"Maybe you should be worrying about your own crippling marriage before you get into our relationship."

The mother huffed and walked out of the house. Cade was too mortified to move, so Reese walked over to the door and closed it.

"I think your mother has hit me every single time she has come over." Reese stated. "And it's always weak as a hit."

"I'm sorry that I got you involved in my fucked up family." Cade whispered to his girlfriend. "I don't think she has ever liked anyone that I have dated, and she really hated you."

Reese put her hand on her chest and acted shocked, "Wow, I never knew that," she laughed.

"I'm being serious, Rae. I want us to have my mother's approval."

"I think I would have to be dead to get her approval." Reese said. "But next time I will try and be civil," she paused, "If she even thinks about touching me-"

"-I won't allow her to touch you this time. I think I have gotten over my fear-" He stopped when he saw Reese making a 'I don't think so' face. "Okay, maybe I haven't but I need to stand up for you. I can't keep on allowing you to just tell her off."

"I'm glad that you've finally figured that out."

The vision paused when Killian walked towards a crying Reese, and touched her on her shoulder.

"I should have saved you when I had the chance." Killian said, "Instead of hurting you even more."

Reese looked up at her pirate and replied, "I was just Rumpelstiltskin's sister back then to you. I meant nothing to you, so why should you have saved me?"

"Because you didn't deserve what I did to you, and I will try and make up for that." He stated. "Starting with getting you and Henry back."

Reese wiped off the tears on her face, "Right... Well, as long as I am on Neverland, Pan won't care where I am, but getting Henry back is the real issue. I'm not sure if I will be able to."

"Just worry about getting yourself out of there and we will all come up with a plan to bring Henry back."

"Alright." Reese replied, obviously still thinking about what she just went through again. "Killian?"


"Can you just hold me until we have to get back into the real world?"

Killian didn't even respond, he just wrapped his arms around Reese and hugged her for dear life. He was heart broken for her, and the only thing he could do is be there for her now.

He loved her with all his heart, and Reese was finally feeling like she could open up her heart to him, but she wasn't completely sure yet.

"RAE!" All she heard and suddenly the whole world started fading, and she could see the tent and she started feeling the ground around her.

"I'll see you soon." She stated before she was completely back in the tent. She saw Henry staring at her, and he looked confused.

"Peter Pan was wondering why you were looking out in the distance like that." Henry told his great aunt.

Reese shook her head and stated, "I was just in my own world. Why does he care what I'm doing here? It's not like I am damaging anything here." Henry pointed to the huge hole in her tent and she gasped, "Oh... " She moved her hand in a circular motion and the hole started to fix itself. "Now there's no more hole. Will he be happy now?"

"No." Peter Pan stated. "You used magic and that's considered cheating."

Reese pointed to her face that had no emotion on it, "Look at my face.. Does it look like I care at all? If you need me here on this island then I will do whatever I fucking please, got it?"

"If you don't like my rules then you can leave this camp." Reese smiled and got off the ground, but he blocked her before she could go anywhere. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I don't like your rules, so therefore, I will leave your camp." She replied, and looked past her father to look at Henry, "And I will be coming back for you, Henry."

Henry smiled and nodded his head, he knew that she wouldn't leave him here. She cared for the boy and she hated the fact that Pan needed him.

Reese darted towards the forest and she knew that her father was following her and she heard him yell, "You can't leave this camp. I need you here."

She stopped to look back at him, "No... You need me here on this island, and I am, so you don't technically need me in your camp."

"I don't trust you on the loose on this island. You can ruin my whole plan in a second, so I need to watch you."

Reese sighed, "Look, I don't like your plan so I will stop your plan.. You can't really do anything to stop me. I can either do it in your camp, and tell Henry-"

He gets up in her face and says, "If you get in my way, I will ruin you."

"You can't ruin me because I have more power than you."

Peter huffed angrily and pointed in the forest, "Just leave me and my lost boys alone and continue being the sad, pathetic girl that you are."

"Well, this sad, pathetic girl created the island that you're currently living on, so I would suggest that you shut your pie hole before I throw you across this island," she smiled as she walked away from her father.

"I hate you."

"Trust me, the feeling is mutual." Reese screamed back. Once she got far enough from where her father was, she closed her eyes and thought about Killian and the rest of the crew.

She felt a gush of wind and when she opened up her eyes, she saw all of the heroes setting up camp.

Reese crossed her arms over her chest and laughed, "I'm guessing you guys didn't think this is how you would be spending your time here."

Everyone looked back and saw Reese standing there, and only Killian ran over to her and hugged her.

"Where's my son?" Emma questioned angrily.

"He's still back at the camp. We have to figure out a way that we can even get him out of Pan's sight. He's being guarded like a dog." Reese responded. "And before you say anything, I know that I should have brought him with me, but we just have to ruin Pan's plan-"

"I think you've done enough." The savior huffed. "Can you lead us to where he's keeping Henry?"

"No." The dark one stated. "He would have already moved the camp. The only way of getting to Henry is by using that map," she pointed to the map that her father gave to the group.

"It doesn't work." David stated. "Regina used her magic on it and didn't work."

"That's because magic doesn't work on something like that." Reese replied. "I should know, because I was the one that made it."

Everyone looked at Reese like she was crazy, and no one said anything so that she can continue.

"When I was a child, Rumple and I continued to hear about this island that our father dreamt about, and one day I decided to draw it. I created this island, and Peter Pan needs me here to save this island."

"And why should we believe you?" Emma questioned. "You could be working with Peter Pan."
Reese made fake puking sounds and responded by saying, "I should be the last person that you should be worried about... You can use me to get to Henry. Peter Pan needs me and Henry to save this island and without one of us.. He's dying."

"Why would he need Henry?"

"He needs the heart of the truest believer." Reese stated. "But what he doesn't know is that he needs to put that heart in me to save Neverland. He wants to put it in himself so that he could get stronger, but that will only make him and this island die faster."

"How do you know all of this?"

"Because I made the rules." She replied. "I somehow created this whole island and Pan is using my drawings to rule this world, but he doesn't know everything and we can use this against him."

"Can't he hear us right now?"

"I put up a barrier so he can't hear us." Reese told them. "So whatever is said in this barrier, Peter Pan will have no idea unless he somehow is allowed in, which he can't because you need to have a shadow to be let in."

"And I'm guessing he doesn't have a shadow?" Mary Margaret questioned.

"How did you guess that?"

Mary Margaret faked laughter and continued talking, "Just so you know, your brother went off on his own."

"He's on his own?" Reese questioned, she looked over at Killian and asked, "You allowed him to go on his own?"

"Well, love, I can't exactly run after someone that uses magic to teleport away." Killian responded. "But I'm sure that if he was in trouble, you would know."

Reese nodded her head and looked over at the savior, "Did you try and actually do what he told you do, or did you immediately try and use magic?"

"We can try again tomorrow. I am exhausted." Emma replied as she walked into her tent.

Killian looked over at Reese and asked, "Well, do you want to go into my tent or are you going to use your magic to create your own tent?"

"I'll go into yours. I'm too lazy to make my own." Reese replied.

"You're too lazy to move your hand to create it?" He asked. "How does that make any sense," she looked at him with one of her eyebrows raised, "I better shut up now."

"That'll be best."


Reese fell asleep on Killian's chest, but she woke up suddenly to a nightmare. He rubbed her arm to try and calm her down but her anxiety was too high for it to be brought back down.

"Hey, just remember that you're here with me and not back at that horrible place. I love you and he never did."

Hearing that seemed to calm her down, and she needed clarity, and she was so happy that Killian was that one person who could do that for her.

If she only knew what it was in store for her and Killian...


AN: Sorry guys for waiting so long to post! I have had no motivation to write lately so I hope you guys forgive me! 

How are you guys liking the story so far? 

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