Loving Abuse (boyxboy)

By Insomniatic_love

1.6M 53.1K 27.5K

Ivy loves Christian and Christian loves Ivy. Ivy will always love Christian. No matter what he does to him. N... More

Chapter One-
Chapter Two-
Chapter Three-
Chapter Four-
Chapter Five-
Chapter Six-
Chapter Seven-
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine-
Chapter Ten-
RIP Leelah
Chapter Eleven-
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen-
Chapter Fourteen- Part 2-
Shameless Self Promotion (:
Chapter Sixteen-
Chapter Seventeen-
Chapter Eighteen-
Chapter Nineteen-
Chapter Twenty-
Chapter Twenty One-
Chapter Twenty Two-
Chapter Twenty Three-
Chapter Twenty Four-
Chapter Twenty Five-
Chapter Twenty Six-
Chapter Twenty Seven-
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine-
Chapter Thirty One-
Chapter Thirty Two-
Chapter Thirty Three-
Chapter Thirty Four-
Chapter Thirty Five-
Chapter Thirty Six-
Final Note

Chapter Fifteen-

38.7K 1.2K 1K
By Insomniatic_love

Ivy was leaned over the side of the toilet, throwing up everything he'd eaten that day at lunch. His throat burned and tears leaked from his eyes but he didn't care. He was doing it for Christian- so he could be perfect.

That day, now Saturday, his family had taken him out for lunch so they could spend 'quality family time' together. He'd eaten as much as he could seeing as how he hadn't eaten a substantial meal in weeks; Nothing more than saltine crackers or a few quick bites from one of the boy's trays. It was ridiculous, honestly. At the diner they'd gone to he'd stuffed himself, and unfortunately for him, that night when Christian came over, they'd made a joke about it. As soon as he could, the Hispanic male had taken Ivy to his house, beaten him, then made him puke.

That's where Ivy was now.

Christian stood behind him with a cold look in his eyes as he stared at the small boy vomit everything up, including his dignity. He got a sort of satisfaction from seeing Ivy so weak and trying to correct himself, but at the same time, Christian wanted to cry. He wanted to pick Ivy up, cuddle him to his chest, and apologize repeatedly until he was forgiven.

When Ivy was barely able to keep himself up, he wiped his mouth and looked back at Christian in fear, wondering what his next move would be. After a few moments of an evil glare, the taller male finally sighed and picked the small boy off the ground. "I'm sorry," Ivy whimpered in a hoarse voice.

There was a small period of silence as Christian walked towards his room with the boy still in his arms. "It's fine preciosa, just, next time don't eat. I'm just trying to help you." He felt a nod against his chest and pressed a kiss to the top of Ivy's head. "Good- now, let's get you in bed to rest. You must be exhausted."

After getting Ivy tucked under his large comforter, Christian went and grabbed a bottled water along with a pan, mint gum, and a wet rag. When he came back and sat down next to Ivy on the bed, he began to clean him up. After wiping around Ivy's chapped lips, he made him gargle some of the water before spitting it in to the pan, after making the small boy chew a piece of the gum. "Okay, when you wake up in the morning we can go do something fun, I promise."

The blonde boy nodded tiredly, his eyes already fluttering as they struggled to close. "St-stay by me?" He coughed slightly, his throat raw from forcing two fingers down it so he could vomit. "Of course, darling." Christian said before climbing over the covers and settling down beside his boyfriend. "Now sleep."

And sleep Ivy did, his mind and body absolutely exhausted.


The next morning when Ivy woke up, his stomach ached and his throat burned. He could see Christian's arm around him, though, spooning him in his sleep. That alone made him happy and snuggle into the warmth that was his boyfriend, smiling dreamily as his eyes began to close again. "Wait, Ivy." Christian murmured in his deep morning voice, a small smile on his face. "Don't fall asleep, we've got stuff to do."

Ivy furrowed his eyebrows together, his mind still slow. "Like what?" He felt a kiss pressed against the back of his neck and Christian said, still quiet, "We're gonna go shopping, gotta get you some new clothes with all the weight you're loosing. Gettin' so beautiful, my preciosa."

A warm feeling washed over Ivy, happiness because he was almost perfect. He was getting overly skinny, he knew this, but if Christian thought that's what it took for perfection then he would do it. Ivy noticed how his pants were always falling down and his shirts looking baggy, but Christian wanted him different, so he'd deal with it. Now though, he was even happier because Christian was going to get him smaller clothes, making it easier for his parents not to find out about what was happening.

Sitting up slightly, Ivy nodded and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Okay, I'll go get ready. Get some more sleep, Chris. I'll make you some breakfast and pick out some clothes."

"Okay," The Hispanic male laid back, getting comfortable in the blankets. "Make sure to look good, don't want my boyfriend looking trashy." Ivy nodded and left the room, going to prepare breakfast for his abusive boyfriend.


An hour later and Ivy sat in Christian's lap as the Hispanic male ate the breakfast his boyfriend had made him. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. The smell made Ivy's shrunken stomach ache, he was so hungry. His eyes were trained on the food that was still on the half empty plate and all he wished was that he could have at least a bite, but he knew that after yesterday, Christian wasn't going to let have anything for awhile.

After a few more minutes, when Christian was done, the two left for the mall. On the drive there, they had had their windows up, seeing how the weather was finally starting to get cold, and the radio on loud. They sang along to old Elvis songs, everything made Ivy happy; To the way Christian attempted to sing the right notes to 'Hound Dog' from how he squirmed awkwardly, something that he considered dancing. It was one of the best days the abused boy had had in a while, he just hoped nothing would ruin it.

At the mall in American Eagle, the two boys were looking through skinny jeans and neither were liking the options, or finding any small enough. Ivy groaned, his head thrown back. "I don't like any of these!" He said in exasperation, his eyes shut. Christian hummed then grabbed the smaller boy's hand, "C'mon, let's go to Hot Topic, we can get you some purple ones, maybe?" He asked as they walked out of the crowded store. Ivy's green eyes lit up at the word 'purple' and he nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, come on!" He giggled slightly.

In Hot Topic, the blonde dragged Christian towards the jeans and began to pick through the different colors, squealing when finding a purple pair in his size- which he soon realized was in womem's -and went to try them on. In the changing area, as he was walking towards the room he was given the key for, Ivy froze when seeing James. The bad boy was coming out of a room and had a black, leather jacket thrown over his shoulder, the price tag still on. When the brunette looked up, he also stopped, his eyes widening when seeing Ivy's still bandaged face.

"Um," The smaller boy mumbled, his face going pale. James just stared, his brown eyes traveling down Ivy's body, mouth setting in a hard line when seeing just the hint of a bruise peaking from the collar of the baggy sweater Ivy wore. "Hello, Ivy." James said, his voice slightly cold, causing Ivy to flinch. "Hi." The boy said in a small voice, his head down.

"Is he here?" James asked, moving his eyes off of Ivy to look at the wall just behind him.

"Yeah, he's waiting out there for me to get changed." Ivy answered, holding the few pairs of jeans he held in his hands.

James bit at his bottom lip, wanting to say more but thinking better of it. "Okay, good bye." He said, then walked out of the changing area.

Ivy didn't say anything as he walked into the designated changing room, shutting the door behind and beginning to take his jeans off. Suddenly, though, the door opened and he gasped when seeing James was back and standing in the small room with him. "What the fuck James, I don't have any pants o-" Ivy was cut off by James pushing their lips together. James pulled away after a few seconds and looked deep into Ivy's eyes, "You didn't say good-bye." Then he turned, opened the door, walked out, closed it behind him, and left- leaving Ivy in shock, anger at himself, sadness, and something else he couldn't identify.


Wow. This was long- 1390 words- and please tell me you liked the end.

This chapter was also to show how much Christian wants to control Ivy's life ):


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