Unmasked (Dream x Oc)

By JaydenSorrows

19.3K 648 467

Authors note: Just to be clear, I have not been in the mcyt fandom for a year or more and don't actually know... More

New Years Special Cross Over!
Famous Birthdays - Fae
Famous Birthdays - Addy
Famous Birthdays - Zafar
Special Chapter! Pt.1
Special Chapter! Pt.2
!Author Notes!


1.5K 50 25
By JaydenSorrows

"Time hits like a tone of rocks" I cry out on the phone, my eyes are watering and my hands are more sweaty then they have been in a while.

"Calm down, Fae you know my thoughts on this situation" my friend's deep calm voice tried to calm me to no prevail.

"No I can't calm down, what am I meant to do.. send back the invite saying no or never respond like I never got it" the second is what I want to do but I know that it's wrong to do that especially to him.

"Bitch wake up and smell the flowers, so what your only friend from high school is getting married to the whore who made your life a living hell for you." Schlatt's tone changed from a caring tone to more like he wanted to get this over with.

"So what? So what the only person who I actually was able to talk to and the person who made it so I was deathly scared of talking to anyone are getting married! Schlatt he's marrying my sister, this is the same guy I was sort of you know ahhh" I don't like talking about this but Schlatt was the only person I trusted with bits of my past. Though he doesn't even know my actual name just like I don't know his, I share a lot of things with him.

"You wouldn't be thinking about it this much if you didn't want to go" he says starting to really sound pissed at this point, I know that he doesn't like it when I talk about my so called first 'love' well I don't really think it was love but appreciation that he chose to ignore the rumours and even my awkward anxiety filled words. He gave me hope in a time where i thought life was shitty and well it didn't last, my sister stole my hope like my she destroyed everything else.

I need to stop thinking about those terrible people.

"Schlatt this isn't easy for me, I have trouble with.." I should just say bye and hang up, he's been a good friend too me but he should have to deal with me just like I shouldn't have to deal with those who annoy me aka the outside world.

"Just tell them to fuck off like you do to everyone else that annoys you, your a grown fucking adult! Act like one!" He demands before hanging up without even a goodbye.

Our conversation since I implied that he wanted more then friendship about a month ago he's been extra dick like, he's normal good at taking things from femboys to a joke but now he's just an arse. I need to forget about all the pains in my life right now.

Hello Pixie

I'm not short


I swear on your pickle
aesthetic that I'm 6"9

Really 69

What? 🤷‍♀️



Your so funny aren't you


The board of cringe
appreciates your uwu and
would like to inform you
that it is currently under review
by the panel of uwu experts.
Your results will come
out shortly.

Board of cringe huh

Yep I've been
working for them secretly


Anyway wyd?

Crying lol

Why are you sad?

Just realised that life
is crappy when the outside
world makes it's why
way into my apartment!
I don't like the outside.

I'll remember that.

Oh will you?

Yeah for the future.

Oh the future huh

Yeah if you don't like
going out means I can text
you more!

Oh Shrek my boy don't
get my hopes up

Make me

I can make you do a
lot big man


You know it


Anyway hot stuff wyd?

Editing manhunt

That's a sex thing?
Isn't it!

Pfft what?
It's a series on my yt

Ah that's kinda sad I
was down to hunt you owo

Now y'all getting my
hopes up

Are you a diamond pickaxe?
Because I'm harder
than obsidian

Are you a lever?
Because you turn me on.

Are you a pig?
Because I could put a saddle
on u and ride u all night.

Are you a redstone torch?
Because you're activating
my sticky piston

Baby you're my mob grinder!

Hey Girl, let's go to
my house and change your
spawn location.

Hey baby, wanna come
back to my base and let me
explode my creeper in
your mine tunnel?

Hey Girl! Are u a tree farm?
Because every time I see
you I get wood.   

I am not a professional
miner, but I can
make your bed-rock

I will let you chop
my wood with your mouth

Is that a creeper in your
pants or are you just
happy to see me?

If I was a creeper, I'd go
to your bedroom and
explode all over you.

But my diamond sword
is down here

Okay okay you win!

I haven't lost yet! ;)

Oh you will one day ;)

You are making my
piston sticky!

I already said you won!

Too bad i was stating

Damn girl!
You in the Toast's lobby
in an hour?

Nah I have previous made
plans with the canceled squad

Damn now I regret
saying I will join

Oh you miss me

Nah George will be
there so it's better you aren't!

Why scared he steal me
or that I'll steal him?

Neither don't want y'all
fighting over me

Oh it won't be a fair fight

Damn who's gonna win?

Me I am woman and
have knives!


I know also I don't play fair


You know it bb!
Sadly I has to go :(

Why? :(

Because if I don't my
friend will torture me
with your videos ;-;

I'm hurt

I'm sorry

I'll forgive you this time!

I place my phone onto the desks next to me, I can't help but smirk at the interaction that went down. Dream has been fun to talk to, we jokingly flirt on and offline; we have this little game basically seeing who can out flirt the other, today it was minecraft pick up lines but it can honestly be whatever. We had a fruit based one a couple days ago.. I won of course.

The beautiful ringing of discord incoming call was a symphony to my ears though a distraction to my thoughts. I answer quickly to not be harassed by my so called friends.

"FAE! FAE! ZAFAR WONT LET ME GET A PUPPY!" Amriel screamed out making my ears want to end their suffering.

"YOU'RE ALLERGIC TO THEIR HAIR DUMB ARSE" Zafar's louder screaming makes me want to cry even more.

"Guys you are making me want to become a Nun" Cherry says obviously rolling her eyes.

"Cherry girl you and nun are words I never thought would be in a sentence together" Ads laughs out.

"This is too chaotic even for us, I've been here for four mins and already I want to leave" I say being completely honest, I really wish I said I was busy to Cherry when she asked cause at this moment I want to be on that among us lobby with Dream.

"Fae missing her boyfriend aren't you" Ads laughs out getting laughter from the others.

"Which one?" Zafar question is kinda offensive but unlike himself and Cherry I don't sleep around well I don't socialise with offline people so I don't get around at all.

"Probably Dream" Cherry chuckled out probs thinking highly of herself.

"Fae you should introduce me to him" Amriel begged once more, since she found out I have been texting her 'comfort creator' she's been annoying me into introducing her to him but I keep telling her the same thing;

"I don't want to share" I laugh.

"Selfish" Amriel cries out before others start laughing.

"I'm a crazy possessive woman and I won't share" I say having too much fun with this.

"Then where is your property now?" Z jokes which shouldn't be as funny as it is but I can't help but imagine Dream's blob character with a collar on. That image is almost as hot as the drawings of detective Dream, he can catch me in 4K.

"He's playing with his boyfriend" I laugh, this makes Amriel scream with excitement.

"DREAM NOT FOUND IS HOTTER THEN OUR FRIEND GROUP PUT TOGETHER!" Amriel's fangirling was borderline creepy not gonna lie, but ey each to their own as long as I don't get dragged into the weirdness.

"I AM SORRY WHAT?" Cherry screamed in reply offended by our friends statement. While my ego is only major online Cherry's isn't. That girl makes most of her money on onlyfans and patreon, she doesn't mind showing skin.

"Ads wanna be the most normal out of our friends somewhere else" Z laughed.

"Okay now I'm offended, I am normal" I say really wanting to get this shit over with.


"I AM SORRY PLEASE DON'T" Z begged as Amriel slapped his arm.

"You shouldn't of killed Me" Amriel laughed giving away who the impostor was though I am pretty sure I'm the only one sober enough to realise.

"You speak funny" Ads giggled a bit, I'm pretty sure she was the drunkest on our drunk among us stream.

"You look funnier" Cherry laughed back, okay maybe she is but all I know is I'm not drunk enough.

"We need to vote Ja'far out!" I say not realising I just called Z the villain from Aladdin until it was too late.

"Too bad he's not real" Z laughs at my mistake.

"I think Fae is the impostors" Ads giggles like a school girl, she's dumber then one.

"Makes sense" Cherry replied, these drunken idiots voted me out, for that imma chug my alcohol though I know for a fact I don't have a high alcohol tolerance but hey who fucking cares at this point.

"Y'all dumber then people who watch minecraft streamers" Z laughs out and we all know who's the next to get cancelled, we hear a loud slap from Z's mic... that would be Amriel hitting him again.

"This is why none of us can go a minute without being canceled" Ads laughed, but it's true none of us know when to stop with our jokes. Plus some jokes aren't very smart to make but that hasn't stopped us lmao.


"yOU wILl bE heaRinG FrOM my LAWyeR" I barely mutter out as the screen lights were getting too bright.

"Well your therapist will know my name" Ads threatened between her hics.

"JOKES ON YOU I CANT GET A THERAPIST" I laugh and scream out somehow at the same time, why is my screen so bright.

"Jokes on you my therapist already knows y'all's names" Z laughed out.

"I will fucking drunk drive to yo Mumma's house to smash her" Cherry says hopefully jokingly since that whole sentence is a prison sentence waiting to happen.

"I think we should probs end this stream before We all get cancelled for a tenth time tonight" Amriel laughs out but she is right. We all do just that before saying our drunken goodbyes to each other.

Finally off the call with the dickhead squad I finish the last of my 12th strong rum and Coke of the night, my liver gonna have a stroke later I can tell. I'm too awake to sleep and too asleep to wake. Wait what.

I should call someone, hmm I wonder what Schlatt is up too. I go into contacts barely able to look at my phone and click the call button on what I hope is actually Schlatt's number. It rings for just a couple seconds before the other end pics up.

"Hey hot stuff" I giggle out at what was our normal greeting though I was surprised by the following reply.

"I see your drinking stream went well" this voice it wasn't Schlatt's thick sounding tone but a calm deep tone owned by no other then mr Uh I can't think of a green thing aka dreamy not taken. Wait that's not his name lol.

"Dreammmm you speak nice sounds" I laugh at the internet man's voice, though I didn't mean to call him I'm happy it was him.

"Fae you are drunk" he laughs sounds deeper then normal, like almost someone's morning voice.

"Oh daddy detective Dream catch me in 4K" I snort as the words come out, Dream tea kettle laugh is quick to follow.

"You are really drunk" he laughs out, he hasn't said much compared to my many thoughts I've spoken.

"I might be drunk now but you always sound hot Shego looking man" I say almost closing my eyes.

"Anyway, did you at have fun tonight?" He asks quickly changing the subject from my drunken flirtatious remarks.

"Kinda but I would of rather played with you then them... I missed our among us date!" I say sounding almost sad about it, I am not really sure why I said this but it was true.

"Aw your a simp" he laughs a bit.

"So what thicc daddy dream is worth simping over owo" I giggle

"Please stop saying owo out loud" he laughed back. We continue talking for hours until our conversation slowly turned into yawns as both our eyes got heavy, we fell asleep on call together. Only to awake the next morning still on the call but with a major headache, I remember most of the stupid shit i said to him luckily it's dumb things I'd normal say.

"Fucking hell my head" I murmured to myself.

"Morning, hangover hitting hard" the scary internet man says laughing.

"How long have you been awake?" I say rubbing my eyes.

"A couple hours, been speed running for fun while listening to you talk in your sleep" he laughs again.

"Anything I confess in my sleep isn't allowed to be reported to authorities" I joke as I take two aspirins the sat in their box in my bed side table with my mostly empty water bottle that sat atop the same bed side table.

"You did confess to about four counts of premeditated manslaughter and three counts of arson" he laughs, that isn't what I meant but okay Dream I'll roll with it.

"My ex cheated me on so I killed the two girls and boy he slept with and burnt down his town, I'm possessive when it comes to my lover" I say sounding as serious as possible.

"Wait that's only 3 people?" He questioned.

"Let's just say he's only my ex because of the car accident" I laughed sounding sadistic.

"I should warn George then" he laughs a bit, he can go along with a joke that's nice.

"Georgie will float too" I laugh, I really need to stop talking to Ads she loves one thing more then serial killers and that's Pennywise. I don't mean the movie or the book, she straight up has a crush on the newer version of pennywise. Her therapist says it's okay as long as she doesn't try to become him but I think she just wants to marry him, she is the same girl who refers to him as 'hot'.

"Tempting offer, but I need George for the click bate" his wheezing was almost a pleasure to hear though my headache didn't complete agree.

"I'll be your clickbait, dREaM gOT gUrL FrIENd" I say changing my tone mocking those dumb news channels who have been using my name as clickbait for years.

"Dude sssh I'll get cancelled For cheating again" he sounds smug as hell right now.

"Now that's a cheating I would be down for" I dropped the tone of my voice to sound more flirtatious, hopefully it comes across as that.

"That's a tempting offer you have given me, I'll have to talk in over with my lawyers" his tone had become deeper and soothing.

"Dreamy boy that voice of yours, it could make a girl go wild and what would you do then huh?" I say slowly biting down on my lip as I wait for his reply, I barely know the guy on the other side of the call yet he makes me think thoughts I shouldn't repeat.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He's smug tone made my wild thoughts harder to ignore. Fuck I need to calm down and maybe some chicken nuggets.

"God, I'm gonna pound you into the floor so hard that your ass is gonna look like a deerskin rug when I'm done with it." I mutter out not thinking too much, I honestly can't believe I said that but at the same time I wonder what he's gonna reply.

"I.. uh.. um" Dream mutters out, I can imagine how flustered he must be right now especially with the image of what I just said.

"Dream I warned you, that voice of yours made me go feral" I say smug thanks to the ego boost that I made big 20 million subs Dream speechless .

"My roommate just walked in when you said that" he mutters out, that's even better. Haha I fucking love that for him.

"He can join if he likes" I joke, "though I rather if it's just us" I can hear the laughter of his so called roommate.

"I shouldn't have you on speak while I'm walking around my house, should I?" He laughs a bit, ah he's finally got his big boy words back.

Ding! Ding!

Only one of the dings came from my phone, the other came from dreams side. I'm assuming we both got the same Twitter notification that Sapnap tagged you in a tweet.

So sapnap is the name of Dream's roommate then, good to know.

"The next person I will scar is you dreamy" I joke, though I am very good at digging my nails into things. Only been tested on myself though.

"Is that a threat or promise?" He returned from his speechlessness quicker then I wanted, thou according to Both him and sapnap's tweet; Sapnap over heard my comment and that was why he was acting shy but that's kinda sus.

"For you hot stuff, both" I say and not even a second later we both burst into laughter.

"Good" is all he says, we both go quiet for a minute.

"I should go but you should help my mate and I with a stream later" I say hoping he would join especially for the stream Ads and I have planned.

"What the stream?" He asks.

"Ads and I are gonna try playing minecraft since neither of us have really played it" I laugh out, let's get one of the best players and two noobs playing a kids game.

"I'm down, Message me when it is and I'll join" to my delight he agrees.

"Okay bye lover boy" I joke before hanging up. I really want chicken nuggets, I might order some while I do my normal morning routine.

I can't believe he stayed on a call with a drunk and tired me for almost 11 hours. Feels bad that I never meant it to be him that I called, I am kinda happy it was though. I do need to call Schlatt still, I need to apologise for making him deal with my phone call breakdown. I should do that now before I get a worse headache, I scroll through my favourite caller list and click the top name 'Jshit'.

"Morning drunk head" Schlatt laughs, he doesn't seem to still be annoyed at me that's good.

"Good morning Frankie Jones" I say.

"Why'd you call me so early? Miss me that much? Or did you feel bad that you didn't do your normal drunk call?" He questions and I guess he hasn't been on Twitter, I should tell him before he does.

"Well I did miss you but i swear to god I clicked your name last night but some reason it called someone else lmao" I laugh awkwardly.

"So some other unlucky person got to listen to you after a drunk stream, damn who can I thank." He laughs but I have a feeling if I tell him who he might get mad cause lately when it comes to men in my life even Z, my close friend gets very pissed.

"Well it was Dream" I awkwardly wait for his annoyed reply but what I got instead was surprising.

"Let's go out for lunch!" That's all he says, my friend has asked before but the answer never changed. I thought he gave up a while ago but here the statement was said again.

"Schlatt.. you know.. I can't" I mutter out, I was expecting him to like normal just accept that fact but he was very different today.

"Come on, we have been friends forever hell Fae I want to have lunch with you" he voice was calm and soft.

"I swear to god you are bipolar" I say really actually confused what is with him lately.

"Let's have lunch" he repeats once more.

"You aren't gonna let me say no are you?" I asked fully aware of the answer.

"No" as I thought.

"What if I say yes and don't show up?" I question; I have done it before, not to him but to the other cancel twitter members.

"I will show up at your apartment" he says blackmailing my arse, wait how would he know where I live? Ah I'm stupid a year and a half ago he bought me like three gross pizzas thinking he was so funny, the only reason I gave my address is because he said he was just shipping a gift for my birthday. He did end up shipping the gift as well, it was a photo frame with a picture of his face in it and now it sits face down near my tv.

"I just not good with the scary outside" I mutter trying to figure out to myself what is the better opinion.

"I'll be there to protect you" he laugh in a smug tone, he probably thinks he's a big strong man when we both know for a fact that literally anyone could beat his skinny arse up.

"So either I go out and meet you or you come here and annoy me into leaving?" I ask to clear up my actual options.

"Yep either way we are going out for lunch, your choice if it's willingly or by force." He declares in a egotistical way making sure I know I have really no choice in this other then if I want to give in now or later.

"What if I have lunch plans already?" I ask sarcastically but still hoping maybe just maybe it will get me out of this.

"Like hell you do, Fae you literally physically couldn't have plans. So am I picking you up or will you met me at the diner?" He asks now it's the time I make a choice that will either mess my life up more or maybe make it better.

"I'll met you there"


I sat in a old fashioned milk bar red booth in the back of the diner my friend told me to met him in, he had yet to arrive. The diner seems to be pretty popular by the amount of people in the store, I avoided all eye contact with everyone. One of the older couples here were whispering about me saying I most of skipped school to be here, I'm bloody 22 I think I don't need to skip school since I don't attend school.

The chime of the front door opening bell went off to tell the workers a new person has entered or exited. There stood the mutton chopped idiot with his classic New York cap, my friend looked around not sure what I look like. His eyes lock with mine, I drop my head facing down to look at my hands. Footsteps getting closer and closer, louder and louder.

"Excuse me I think your sitting in my booth" his voice more righteous then normal.

"Sorry but I was here first" I muttered out, does he not realise that I'm me I thought he figured it out a month ago when I ran into him.

"No this booth is were I'm meant to be having lunch with someone so beat it" his tone made my blood boil and angry manifest.

"Are you really that dumb" my voice a bit louder then before, I apparently talk enough like my online personally that it finally clicks and he sits down.

"So we finally met" he says smirking. I'm lost for words honestly, now that he knows who I am my brain clicks on the surroundings of all the talking and eyes in the store once more. "Are  you really that anti social that you won't sass me, you aren't the Fae I've grown to make fun of" he laughs obnoxiously.

"I'm just... just not good with the public" I mutter out fiddling with my hands, Schlatt stops me by putting his hand on top of both of mine.

These are the moments I would of begged for a year ago with him but I don't think I feel the same because his touch only calms me down doesn't make my heart race like his
Words once did.

"It's okay, We talk all the time on stream it's just like that" he laughs a bit but it was calming with the words and touch of my friend, I know he is right I'm use to thousands of people listening to the random and mostly offensive conversation we have.

I close my eyes and breathe in before speaking "a month ago" I say finally sounding loud enough to be reasonably heard.

"What?" He questioned.

"We met a month ago, in the street" I say finally opening my eyes to look at my friend.

"So that was you, I spilt my coffee because of you" he laughs.

"You didn't have a coffee" I quickly defend myself.

"So you did pay attention to me! I know I'm hot" he laughs, this egotistical joke of a person.

"Haha so fun dumb, anyway we should order our food before I change my mind" I say and not even a second later he is waving a server over.

"Ah taking your daughter out, that's cute! What can I get for you two?" Okay I've officially found the person I want to hit in the face the most.

"Excuse you, she's older then me" my friend was very offended by the thought of someone thinking he was old enough to have a daughter.

"Dad why are you being mean to the nice lady?" I say softly, now Schlatt is pissed at me as well wait no HES smirking.

"Me and my daughter will have a hamburger with coke" he says laughing a bit, the poor girl serving us was so confused. He went from screaming about being younger then me to calling me his daughter lmao.

"Thank you daddy" I laugh out softly, the lady walks back to the counter and gave our order to the cooks.

"See you can talk properly in public" he laughs a bit at me.

"Well I guess you taught me well father" I laugh, though he is right I haven't been able to be like this in public ever. Even right now I'm really anxious but I know I'm safe.


"Damn really making them think I made you post that" he laughs.

"If they think I only did it cause my ego is massive then I'll get canceled again today" I laugh out, Schlatt and I sat on a this wooden fence looking at the view.

"I still can't believe you got canceled for flirting with a minecraft youtuber" he's not wrong, Dream's roomates tweet this morning lead me to be canceled by twelve year old girls who wish they were in my situation.

"You are just jealous it wasn't you this time, Schlatt you know you will always be my first minecraft boyfriend" I joke, he's tries to act unimpressed but I can tell he found it funny.

"That's kinda gay" he says trying to wreck the moment.

"Only for you" I am just planning to keep turning back on him, before I could continue my text alert goes off.

"Who could that be?" He laughs a bit, as if he knows something I don't know.

Hey Fae :)

Hello Dreamwastaken!
what brings you
back so soon?

I wanted to ask you
something kinda personal

Yes I am secretly the
president of the great USA!

that's not what I was
gonna say but nice to know.

then you must want to
know if I actually murdered
that family back in 1683!
Yes it was me!

Again nice to no but
not what I was gonna ask.

Well then you must be
wondering if I really was a
spy for Russia!
Again you would be correct!

How about you let me ask
my question before

Fine ask away :3

You're with Schlatt
aren't you?

Yeah he's next
to me, why?

No I mean you are
with him

Oh you jealous
of jschlut

What? No never

Oh you so are! XD

I have no idea what your
talking about

Watcha gonna do about it
Make me leave him for you
Gonna be big strong man
saving me from my
friends grasps

Your friend?

That's all the shit
and I are just friends



it's more like I didn't
want to be hitting on my
friend's girl.

Good, it's nice
to know the flirting
isn't just for nothing.
we can have real fun now.

Can't wait

Ttyl Stud!

"Who the fuck are you texting while I'm here?" My friend question.

"A hot guy" I reply smirking at me.

"Well I'm not texting you so can't be that hot" he laughs out.

"You make me sick I hope you know that" I laugh back at him.

"You love me and we both know it" he mocks me, god he's never gonna let me live that down.. I was drunk for one and for two it was almost a year ago dick face. I punch his arm very hard.

"Fuck you and your mutton chops" I say once more punching him.

"If your offering" he laughs.

"Do I look like a dollar whore to you?" I ask sarcastically and he smirks before he can answer I hit him again but harder.

"Harder daddy" he laughs.

"Damn I look hot there" he laughs looking on his phone. 

"Your ego is bigger then your dick apparently" I laugh.

"Damn going after a man's pride" a familiar female voice can be heard behind us, I turn around to see two of the cancel squad; Zafar and Amriel. For the first time with Schlatt today I couldn't make a witty remark, I feel the same as when I first sat in the dinner seeing heaps of people staring at me.

"Oh the small one is lost for words" Z mocks me, how the fuck did they know we were here let alone that I am me? Twitter... I pull on Schlatt's sleeve, which he looks me dead in the eye and doesn't seem to really care or he thinks this is funny.

"Z I don't think this is really Fae with Schlatt, she hasn't said something rude since the penis thing" Amriel says almost sounding upset that I haven't been a bitch, yep these are my friends.

"She's wearing the hoodie so it has to be her, she just doesn't love us anymore" Z fake pouts as he says his words meant to mock me.

"Schlatt please" I muttered softly still holding onto his sleeve.

"I'm not your mother" Schlatt laughs out all smug like, I will shank him later for this and I'll even make the shank out of his own toothbrush.

"Fae it's okay, you don't need to be scared of us! We are your friends, plus we didn't actually think we'd get to run into you but I'm so happy we did" Amriel grabs my hands as she squats in-front of me. Her hands feel warm holding mine, I look down at her and try to smile and she smiles back before hugging me tightly.

I know going out with Schlatt was going to be a pain in my arse but this is worst then I expect, no one would believe how many times I've canceled meeting up with our friends who both live here and the ones who just come to visit Amriel and Zafar's house.

"It's nice to finally met you Fae" Amriel smile was soft and kind, out of our friend group she was the most pleasant most of the time.

"It...it's ni...nice to.. meet you too" I mumble out and Amriel's eye go for sweet to almost puppy dog looking eyes.

"OMG YOUR VOICE IS EVEN CUTER IN PERSON" She screeched out before pulling me into a massive hug, we both are now standing hugging each other, Amriel is surprisingly taller then my short arse. Her 5"5 to my very short 5"2 arse makes me want to cry a bit not gonna lie. I hug her back, my head lands on her shoulder as she pulls me in tighter. Moments later Z joins in on our hug, maybe meeting my friends in real life isn't as bad as I thought.

"I.. you.. you guys.. can we stop hugging now please" I stutter a bit before finally get a hold of my own words. They do as I ask, I look over at Schlatt who was just playing 8-ball on his phone with one of his friends.

"Fae you are so small and cute, Z can I keep her" Amriel looks over at our 6"3 friend who was smiling as well.

"I'm not a prostitute or a dollar whore no matter what Schlatt says, I have mad respect for that profession but I can not be bought or owned" I did what Schlatt told me in the dinner and imagine it was just us, we talk almost 24/7 so it wasn't as hard as I thought.

"of course your not but you look like a little doll and I have the urge to dress you up in cute clothes" Amriel aws at me which honestly makes me uncomfortable, Schlatt notices quickly and actually comes to my rescue.

"We need to get going anyway" Schlatt grabs my hand and both I can even say goodbye to the other two he drags me off. Once we got back to where we parked the car, i was completely out of breathe.

"So much for not being my mother" I laugh, which doesn't help with my breathing issue.

"I've been called daddy before but mother is a new one" he laughs, my phone alarm goes off signalling it's 6pm. Fuck how did it get so late, I need to get home and take my medication.

"Oh mighty ram mommy wanna take me home, I am already had too much vitamin d for a life time let alone a day" he pats me on the head before driving me back to my apartment and walking me to my door. Schlatt can be a meanie poopy butt head most of the time but he is also my best friend and longest supporter, I know no matter what happens he has my back well most of the time at least... he still is a meanie poopy butt head.

"Thank you for today my favourite pretty princess, it's the first time I've gone out and came back not wanting to cry myself to sleep" I smile at him.

"Only Wilbur can call me that" Schlatt smirks before embracing me only for a minute and then we separated. He left without actually saying goodbye but we both knew that it was a happy ending to a day. I walked inside message both Ads and Dream in a discord group say we can start streaming in like 20 mins.

Before I get my streaming stuff ready I feed my babies and give them lots of kisses, as well as getting my self food aka 2 minutes noodles and taking my medication before seat at my desk. I start the discord call, Ads and Dream only took a couple minutes to join.

"Hello sexy people" I laugh slurping on my noodles.

"Mmm Fae eating my beloved" Ads laughs at me.

"Can't lie my slurping of noodles is hot" I mutter as I continue.

"Well that's a tempting statement" Dream wheezed out.

"ADDY ADDY TAKE A SHOT!" I both scream and laugh out.

"Damn what got you excited?" Dream questions.

"I got called a clout chaser in under 3 minutes of posting a tweet" I laugh and Ads laughs out as well.

"Why did you get called a clout chaser?" Dream questions.

"Oh handsome it's cause I'm trying to get in everyone with over 2 million followers, and big man I'm working up to PewDiePie but you work" I joke.

"Honey what's with you and unavailable men?" Ads questions.

"Dreams not unavailable" i whimper out.

"His Facebook relationship status says otherwise, Dream and George sitting in a tree" she sings out.

"Oh can I join?" I moan out sarcastically.

"Of course" he replies, we all laugh before finally starting the stream.

"Welcome to the stream, my lovely crotch goblins today Mommy, Daddy and little green celery stick are going to beat minecraft." I say sounding all upbeat.

"Who's daddy?" Dream question holding back a laugh.

"Oh for you dreamy boy, I'll be your daddy" I smugly announce.

"Girl your making me both horny and jealous which is making me more horny not gonna lie" Ads claims, Dream goes quiet.

"Damn girl, okay" we both laugh.

"There is two of yours" Dream sighs and the ego has been hit.

"One of us"
"One of us"
"One of us"

"Okay okay, let's get down to business" Dream begs.



"Finally the server is up" I laughed out.


"Haha it's just a dragon it can only hurt you so much before you die" Dream laughed out.

"This is so fun to watch" Ads chuckled.

"Fae why haven't you posted a selfie too?" Dream question as I run away from the dragon.

"I AM A BIT BUSY" I screech out still running as the other two don't help.

I turn my pat my baby's head, dragon loves baths normally he spends his time on the soap holder but thanks to  Jebediah Schlatticus. Oh Dream liked it, that's nice.

Today was fun from walking up to dreams voice then hanging with Schlatt then ending it by streaming with Ads and Dream. Though the only person to not be murdered by the dragon was Dream; we still had a lot of fun.

"DREAM DREAM THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" I happily cried out.

"I didn't do anything, you already were close enough" he wheezed out.

"Oh dreamy I wasn't talking about one million, I meant for getting me views on YouTube. I literally put your name in the title and it got views quicker then Cherry's only fans" I laugh out.

"Oh so your only friends with me for clout, I'm hurt" his fake wounded voice was cuter then his wheezing laughter.

"That stream from two days ago got so many follows and subs that I thought a video of the funny bits would earn me extra money" I laugh out, I do feel a bit bad about using my friend.. it's weird I normally use all my friends for views it's like my whole YouTube channel but with Dream it's oddly unsettling.

"Hey you should sound sad about it, I say this to almost everyone if you have a way to make money using me that I'm not already doing then do it plus the more you use me for clickbait the more you have to talk to me" he voice is calming and sweet, I wonder if he would have the same effect in real life.

"Anyway subject change, I did it. I went out today without anyone and I almost talked to the cashier" I say proud of myself.

"Fae that's amazing, even if you didn't do it today it means you are getting closer" his words made my heart flutter, what gives him the right to make me feel like this? Damn whatever god or being is real why do you make nice people, I'm not use to nice people.

"Smelly internet celery stick, you are mocking my anxiety. Anyway I googled your roommate today, damn he kinda be cute! He single?" I ask trying to not think about how this yucky feeling is happening.

"No" is all he replies and very quickly at that.

"No he's not single or No he's not cute" I question, if it's to the first one means he's being honest, if it's the second opinion he's definitely jealous.

"Neither" I didn't plan for that answer, damn.

"Who's he hooking up with? Gonna know if I want a three way" I laugh out.

"That would be a four way then, Snapmap is engaged to two of our friends" he laughs out.

"Oh which ones? Are they hot?" Now I'm kinda excited, I know it's probably an inside joke but hey if I can get a reaction out of him then who cares.

"Karl and Quackity" Dream isn't speaking much, is Archibald Asparagus jealous or just annoyed.

"Damn that Quackity be kinda fucking thicc not gonna lie" I laugh out

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