His Doll ~ Jasper Hale

By FanHwa

309K 5.7K 954

Two worlds collide, a girl who is like a pure white feather, a boy who's soul is "damned" but together they b... More

~First Day ~
~Meeting Bella~
authors note
~Hit or Miss~
~The Chase~
~Dance The Night Away pt1~
~Dance the night away pt2~
❀New moon ❀
~Happy birthday ~
~This isn't goodbye~
~ Leave me alone ~
Authors note
~lila awakes~
~a new home a new start~
~a new home~
~the shifters~
~the return of the Cullen's~
❁eclipse ❁
~close to graduating~
~Time to party ~
~the training begins~
~victory but at what cost?~
❁breaking dawn❁
~bestie day~
~wedding preparations~
~Here comes the bride~
~Date night ~
~bella's what?~
~ author note ~
~ questions ~
~ bonding with Shifters ~
~ Pop goes the weasel ~
~we need to go~
~ Maggie and Hana~
~ what do you mean gone?~
~ here comes the bride in pink?~
~ honeymoon ~
~ to london~
~their home~
~what do you have?~
~ the preparation~
~ Welcome home~
~ A Day Out ~
Authors note
~what did you say?~
~Missing mommy~
~Mission Accomplished~
~hands were thrown~
~stop making fun of me~
~happy birthday~
~date night~
~fathers day~
~happy birthday mommy~
~merry Christmas Aubrey~
~see you later~
~Aubrey we need to talk~
~whos this?~
~Family Reunion~
thank you
the new story

~Jasper moves in~

6.6K 121 5
By FanHwa

Both Lila and Jasper sit in his car whilst they drive up to the current Cullen resident, the clear road soon turns snowy. 'what have you done since I have been gone?' Jasper asks placing his hand on Lila's which sat in his lap.

"Oh you know the regular, ignoring Bella every time she knocked on my door, looked like a smurf for a bit from hair dye-' Lila starts but is cut off with 'Doll, what's a smurf?" Jasper asked with a furrowed brow. "How do you not know what a smurf is Jasper? You're old enough to know them. They are little blue people with white hats" Lila let out a breathy laugh. Shaking her head. Her blue mullet swaying and ruffling against the head rest.

They both go quiet again but it wasn't long till they pulled up into a snowy drive to way, they both climb out and walk up to the door. Lila stood on the door step kicking off the snow that had settled on her shoes. "Come on then doll" Jasper said taking her hand and interlocked their fingers. Walking into the small home, walking into the home, Lila looks around see all the future. A gasp is heard from across the room. Lila looks forward to see Esme, Lila gives Esme a sad smiling know why she had gasped. Esme walks over to the blue haired girl with a gentle smile. Esme's hands cup Lila's face while Jasper wonders off to his room to gather his things.

"Who did this to you sweetheart? I'm also guessing Jasper is staying with you?" Esme asked stroking Lukas cheeks with her thumbs. "I don't really remember who he was, and Jasper is staying with me yes. I'm thinking of moving from that house since that happened I'll figure it out later" Lila said smiling at Esme. Both look towards the stairs, there stood Jasper with a few boxes 'im almost done I will take these to the car" he said before carry on walking.

Soon both vampires sit in the car, Esme stood by the door waving both of them off as they soon vanish from the drive way. After a long drive back to forks they pull up to Lila's house. 'jasper I don't think I want to live here anymore" Lila whispered "that's okay doll don't worry let's get inside then we can start looking for a new place okay?" Jasper said turning to Lila with a soft smile.

Both grabs some boxes from the trunk of the car and setting them in the living room. Lila runs up to her room and back, setting the laptop in her hands on the kitchen counter where Jasper was leaning against. While waiting for the laptop to load up, Lila leans against Jasper with his arms around her waist. "So what type of house are we thinking? Small? Traditional? Do you want a room for an art studio?" Jasper asked rubbing her waist "I know you started painting a while ago and there isn't a lot of room here for you to do that, and I know you love flowers too see you can have a garden too if you want to." Jasper said looking down at Lila with love filled eyes. "That sounds amazing Jasper, let's have a look shall we?" Lila said turning to the laptop on the counter. Both stood by the counter Jasper slightly behind Lila with his hand on her lower back, the other hand, faced palm down on the counter. Both scrolled looking for a house they like till they found one they liked. Lila looks up at Jasper with a small smile. They both nod. Lila quickly grabs the phone closets to her and starts dialing the number on the screen. "Hello? Yes hi I am wondering if I could book a seeing with you to look at this house" Lila said with a lively tone. "2pm on Saturday would be great thank you so much, see you then' Lila finished before ending the call. "I can't wait to look at this house, sadly I have classes the day before, Lila pouts playfully.

'its okay doll I'll come back with you so you won't be alone anymore, especially since you turned" Jasper said before placing a kiss on her head.

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