Little Bit Of Hope (Zouis)

By KylesPage

18.7K 798 423

"Stay with me please." Louis said, Zayn looked down, "Always." More

Blank Page- Prolouge
School Blues- Chapter One
Realationship Drama- Chaper Two
Mixed Feelings- Chapter Three
A bit of what-cha-ma-call-it :P- Chapter four
Love at a Hateful sight- chapter five
Da Fauk- Chapter Seven
Love- Chapter Eight
Sadly- Chapter Nine
I know I'm Gunna Run Away- Chapter ten
Cool Kids Don't Dance- Chapter Eleven
Beat Them Day- Chapter Twelve
Rotten Love- Chapter Thirteen
Secrets Revealed- Chapter Fourteen
Prince Charming- Chapter Fifteen
Pretending- Chapter Sixteen
Fighting Begins- Chapter Seventeen
Playing With Feelings- Chapter Eighteen
Whoa- Chapter Nineteen
Sweet Dreams- Chapter Twenty
Silent Night- Chapter Twenty One
Unidentified Feelings- Chapter Twenty Two
Just Memories- Chapter Twenty- Three
Freaking Out- Chapter Twenty Four
So Happily- Chapter Twenty Five
Come Sail Away- Chapter Twenty Six
Half A Heart- Chapter Twenty Seven
Who Doesn't Love Drama- Chapter Twenty Eight
Crazy Thing Called Love- Chapter Twenty- Eight
Hall of Fame- Chapter Thirty
Why Don't We Go There- Chapter Thirty One
Run- Chapter Thirty two
Family Meeting- Chapter Thirty Three

Little bit of Everything- Chapter Six

657 31 7
By KylesPage

This is dedicated to @Shanni1230 she hasn't updated her stuff in a while, but I still love reading it, except she left on two cliffhangers

And also, I was kinda hoping for a comment on the last chapter, I will leave for a month with a cliffhanger to get you guys to comment if I have to.

"Louis, was I right?" Liam called up the steps to Louis who was currently doing his homework and Liam's homework as well, "Well, I'm sure you were right at one point or another and you have been right multiple times before, so which time are we talking about?" Louis called back, slightly shewing on his bottom lip, "What?" Liam called confused, only hearing every few words from his quiet little brother, "I said..." Louis trailed off, "Louis.. I can't hear you, I'm coming up." He said, running up the steps.

"Was I right about how hurt you?" Liam asked once he was in Louis' Superman themed room, "I didn't hear who you said was the person who did it." Louis replied, looking back down at his E.E.E. homework, "I said that it was Zayn Malik, was I right?" Liam asked, "Why?" Louis asks, "Why what?" Louis asks in reply, "Why does it matter who did it, it is already done, so there is nothing that you can do, and son't hurt him if you find out." Louis said, "Who was it." Liam asked, "It was... Someone." Louis said, "Louis William Payne, you better say 'It was...' and then a name." Liam prompted, "Fine, it was Zayn, but don't hurt him, he has enough to worry about." Louis said, "Like what?" Liam asked, he honestly just wanted to hear that it was Zayn, but now he loved talking to his brother about anything, "Sam has something called Down Syndrome, and now he has a tumor on his brain, they don't have a dad, their Mummy works two full- time shifts, Zayn works an after- school job, and Zayn's been getting into fights, so he's been in trouble, so he can't take Sam to get ice cream, so Sam's been sad." Louis said.

"Okay I won't hurt Zayn, I promise." Liam said, "Okay. Am I still allowed to go to school tomorrow?" Louis asks, wanting to see Zayn again, "Yes." Liam said, "And remember, don't hurt Zayn, or else I'll get Niall to tell me." Louis said, "How would Niall know about it?" Liam asks, confused about what this has to do with his best friend, "His boyfriend." Louis said, not realizing that Niall will not be happy when he finds out Louis told Liam, "Who's his boyfriend?" Liam asked, "I don't know, all I know is that his name is Harry, he is in your grade, and that he hurts Niall, if I ever see Niall getting hurt can I come get you?" Louis asked, "Yes, please do." Liam said, going up to Louis and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Abby was sitting in her room, with her keyboard, writing a song:

(Just A Friend- Jamie Grace)

I saw you in the hallway,
With all of your friends,
And everything around you moved in slow motion,
The girls think I'm crazy,
I kinda agree,
But it's hard to be cool enough when I feel you look at me,

And I can be immature when I'm lying on the floor,
Photoshopping us together like I'm all yours,
But you just learned my name,
And I think that's kinda wack,
Have you seen my sweet shoes and my new backpack yet,

Somebody tell me why this hurts so bad,
Why can't I find some like my dad, (I love you dad)

Why can't you just see what I see,
When you say I'm just a friend, you tell me I'm just friend,
I think I could make you happy,
But you say I'm just a friend, you tell me I'm just a friend,
So I'll be that,
Oh I'll be that,
I guess that's that,
But I don't wanna be just that,

You probably think I'm too young to feel this way,
To you I'm a crush that just won't go away,
So even if you move on and have a happy life,
I promise I will pray for you, cause I'll be doing fine,

See I can try to be mature like nothing's really wrong,
But you probably know I'm lying by the time you hear this song,
And I don't mind saying how I feel, as long as I stay true and keep it real,

Somebody tell me why love takes so long,
I think I'll just watch Reba with my mom,

Why can't you just see what I see,
When you say I'm just a friend, you tell me I'm just friend,
I think I could make you happy,
But you say I'm just a friend, you tell me I'm just a friend,
So I'll be that,
Oh I'll be that,
I guess that's that,
(I dunno baby sis)
But I don't wanna be
(But I 'ma tell you like this)

You ain't gotta rush love, girl, slow down,
When you meet him you gon' know, wanna know how?
He's gonna treat you right,
Make you the queen of life,
If he don't then I'm a take 'em out,
Psyche, all kidding aside God has the perfect,
One that was made for you, designed to worship,
God and He sees your beauty and true purpose,
So baby sis, trust the process, it's worth it,

So Father, I will place this in your hands,
(that's right)
You know me and all my crazy plans,
Humbly I surrender this to You, (all to you Lord)
So I'll keep dreaming,
You'll keep coming through,
(You keep coming through)

I know You see what I don't see,
(you see what I don't see)
So I'll be just a friend,
I'll be just a friend,
I know that I will be happy,
Even if I'm just a friend,
I'll be just a friend,
So yeah, that's that,
Oh that's that,
I'll be that,
I'm telling you, I'll be just that..

"Aw, Louis, notice me please." Abby said, "Your still drooling over that Louis guy?" Mary, her older sister, asked, "Yes, and your still drooling over that Chandler guy." Abby retorted, "Shut up Abby, you know nothing." Mary said, leaving Abby's door, "Abby?" Isabella asked, "Yes Iss?" Abby asked, "Play?" Isabella asked, "Sure." Abby said, getting up to go play with Isabella and Jillian.

"Michael, can you please help me with homework?" Michael's little brother, Joshua, asked, "Sure." Michael said, following his twelve year old brother, "Micky, when you're done with helping Josh, can you please help me with my dribble? Jacob, Michael's fourteen year old brother asks, "Sure." Michael said, following Josh to his room, the family may live on the better side of town, but their parents are always working, and Michael knows that he was a mistake, unlike Jake and Josh, they were both planed births.

Michael wasn't complaining, he loved his little brothers very much, just he wished that he could go out and be with friends, without having to worry that Jacob might invite a bunch of friends over and play sports in the backyard, kick a ball into the neighbor's yard, hop the fence, and get into trouble.

"Lukey?" Luke's five year old sister asked, "Yes Allison?" Luke asked, "I'm hungry, what's for dinner?" She asked, "Food." Luke said, tired from working, Luke got off of the bus at the better end of town, only to pick up Allison from primary school, then walked three kilometers to their house, close to Ashton's house, "What kind of food?" Allison asked, "Pizza, do you know where Mummy and Daddy are?" Luke asked, naming the first food that came to mind that she likes, "No, what kind of pizza?" Allison asked, "Cheese, did Mummy or Daddy say anything before they left?" Luke asked, "No, thin crust or regular?" Allison asked, not understanding that it wasn't normal for a five year old to be left alone, "Which do you want? When did they leave?" Luke asked, "Right after you left, can we have regular?" Allison said to Luke, picking at the nail polish Abby applied to her nails a few weeks ago.

"Sure, so you have been home for four hours alone? What did you do?" Luke asked, almost not wanting to hear the answer, "Played outside, then colored." Allison said, walking up to Luke, and giving him a big hug.

Calum sat at home, listening to his parents fight about something or another, "I have the right to Calum living with me, I am his mother." Calum's mother, Patty, yelled, "Well if you are going to use that kind of logic, Calum is my son, I am his father." Calum's father, Mathew, yelled, "I gave birth to him." Patty yelled, Calum covered his ears, he hated his parents fighting, they've never been married honestly, so through out his life he switched houses, his parents are only sixteen year older than him, "I helped make him." Mathew yelled, Calum always secretly wished that his parents gave him up for adoption, and he was adopted into this family.

"Calum get in here." Both parents yelled at the same time, "Coming." Calum shouted, then ran to the living room where the fight is happening, "Who would you rather live with?" Both shouted as soon as he was in sight, "I-I don't-t kn-know." Calum stuttered, hating that someone who is only twice his age was so scary, "Well make up your mind." Mathew yelled, "Um, I need the think." Calum said, "Of course sweetie, I know you want to go with your father." Patty said, "No! You want to go with your mother." Mathew said, "No, Matt, Calum wants to go with you." Patty said through gritted teeth, "No, he wants to be with you. In this wonderful house." Mathew yelled, waving his arms around, showing the house. Calum may get off the bus on the relatively nice side of town, that's for work.

Calum knew that neither of his parents wanted him, so he just left his parents alone most of the time, either being at Michael's house, or Abby's, Abby's parents made them be in the living room, for a good reason, even though all of her guy- friends, besides Louis, knew that she has a crush on someone, they just don't know who.

Ashton was just sitting in his garage and playing his drums to piss off his neighbors, "Ash- ten." Ash- ten, where the hell are you?" Ashton heard his dad yell, "Shit." Ashton hissed, as he got of his seat and cut his leg on a screw from his dad's workshop, "There you are Ash- ten. Hehe, I said Ash- ten." His dad said, "Father-" Ashton was cut off, "No, I'm not your father, I haven't been sense even you mother didn't want you, and she took five rejects." Kevin, his dad, yelled, "Yes Kevin." Ashton yelled, "Good, now be quiet." Kevin yelled, then left the garage.

Louis are you sure that you want to get ice cream?" Liam asked, "Yes, Mummy said that her and Geoff are going to meet with Trisha, Sam, and Zayn at the ice cream shop, and that we can come if we wanna." Louis said, "Okay, let's go then, but if Zayn tries to hurt you, I will personally hurt him." Liam said, "Okay Liam, can I ask you a question?" Louis asks, "You already did." Liam joked, "Okay." Louis said, "I was kidding, of course you can always ask me a question." Liam said, "Why were you making fun of me at the hospital yesterday?" Louis asks, getting into the passenger side of the car.

"Because, I saw someone else making fun of you." Liam fibbed, "Wrong, and I know it." Louis said, "Okay fine, I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and I decided to protect you, it was best to make fun of you." Liam told the truth, "Okay, we're at the ice cream place." Louis said, getting out of the car.

"Hello Lou, Liam, its been a whole day sense we've seen you two." Trisha said, "Lou- Boo." Sam screamed, holding his ice cream, giving Louis a hug, "Hi Sammy." Louis said, hugging Sam back, "So, where is Zayn." Liam asked, trying to sound not eager to beat him, "Washroom." Trisha said, "Mum, I'm going to the washroom." Liam said, "Me too." Sam said, needing to pee, "Me also." Louis said, following the two boys to the washroom, Liam realized that he wasn't going to be able to hurt Zayn, Sam and Louis would cry, "Dang it." Liam said, "Come on Wiam, I need to pee." Sam said, "Walk faster then. And it is Liam not Wiam, Li- um, not Wee- um" Liam growled at Sam, "Sorry." Sam said.

"Sam, what are you doing here all alone?" Liam heard Zayn ask right in the door, "I came with Louis and Liam." Sam said. Soon Louis was in a stall, as was Sam, it was just Liam and Zayn, "Louis finally cracked." Liam told the Bradford Boy, "What the hell does that mean, I don't give a shit about your family." Zayn said, "There is a six year old in this washroom, are you sure that you want to be swearing?" Liam asks, "What do you mean that Louis finally cracked, in case you haven't noticed, Louis and I don't talk." Zayn said, annoyed that Liam was interrogating him, "Louis told me who beat him up." Liam said, growing angrier at Zayn by the second, "So, what do I have to do with this?" Zayn asked, playing innocent, "You beat him up, didn't you?" Liam yelled, "Yeah, but you are already grounded, are you really going to beat me up, get it worse, to the point where you aren't aloud to go out with your boyfriend?" Zayn asked, "I don't have a boyfriend." Liam said, hoping Geoff didn't hear that, "Really? That Josh character, he's not your boyfriend, the one who were with while Louis was getting beat up, maybe I should go tell your parents about him." Zayn said, "Fine, we're even, but come anywhere near Louis again, I will hurt you." Liam said.

Following Sam and Louis, who finished using the washroom, out to their parents.


Derp face looking thing, this looks like and angry face '~'

^ ^
( 0 o 0)
(,,) (,,)

IDK what that is, maybe an owl.

Question: What is one thing that people do that make you want to face palm them?

When people answer rhetorical questions by the teacher.

How old do you think I am, if you read my profile it does not count.

Fact, I work out, today I put on a tee shirt with small sleeves, girl ones, it was too tight.

If you read this type Batmanisawesome (Batman is awesome) first ten I'll read one of your stories, and possibly follow.

If you liked this chapter don't forget to vote or comment and tell me what you think.



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