I'm your girl

By fachigo

20.3K 436 439

***COMPLETED*** The VKs are going to Auradon. Lonnie smart, cute, athletic and a bit of a trouble maker meets... More

The VKs arrive
Jay meets Lonnie
Carlos meets Jane
science fiasco
science fiasco II
Jane meets Evie
authors note
Lonnie meets Mal
Carlos meets new Jane
Awkward gym class
the bet
the plan
try outs
new friends
the interview
the sleepover..... characters
the sleepover
the sleepover II- truth or dare
the boys get to know each others
Evie stands up for Jane
STT(getting allies)
STT in motion
project partners
A different approach
Jay gets played
Jay loses the bet?
tourney game
authors note
project presentation
coronation II
new arrivals
the mega sleepover
face reveal
Carlos confesses his feelings
I'm your girl
I'm your girl II

Carlos stands up for Jane

516 9 13
By fachigo

Warning: this chapter contains sexual harassment.

The next day at Ben's castle.

Audrey was the first person to wake up usually she was not a morning person gets it from her Mom but today was different if there was anything Audrey loved more than her beauty sleep, it was shopping.

Jane being the punctual one who always had an early schedule was next to wake up.

"Okay wake up chop chop lollipop we've got a busy day ahead of us." Audrey said trying to wake them up.

Uma groaned "I swear if you don't stop talking I'm going to spell your voice away."

Evie looked at the time "it's just 6am let us sleep." She said as she threw her pillow at Audrey.

Audrey easily blocked it with her hands "look I know you all want to sleep in but we have a whole shopping day ahead of us."

"Uma spell her please." Mal said still sleepy.

"You know what maybe we should take our time." Jane said not really looking forward to the shopping.

Audrey was impatient but at the same time she also didn't want to lose her voice. "Fine one more hour."

After one more hour of them sleeping she woke them up again.

"Ugh doesn't she ever shut up about this shopping?" Lonnie asked.

"Shopping?" Evie said now fully interested.

"Uh yeah duhsis" Audrey said.

"Okay everybody up now get up or I'm coming in here with a bucket of water." Evie said as she was fully awake.

"Um guys I don't think she's bluffing." Jane said as she saw Evie going into the bathroom.

"Okay who is ready for a cold shower." Evie said as she came back with a bucket of water.

Mal stood up immediately knowing she'd be the target.

"Sometimes I really hate you." Mal said glaring at Evie

"You know you love me." Evie said.

Lonnie was the next target. "Hmm let's go tell Jay that Lonnie has a really huge crush on him." Evie said talking to herself.

Lonnie shot up immediately "we said we weren't going to bring it up again."

"Hey Mal do you have a bucket of shrimps?" Evie asked.

"Any one dares dump that on me I'm going to turn them to a worm and feed them to a fish and then feed the fish to a hawk and feed that hawk to a lion and then kill that lion and roast it's corpse to ashes." Uma said.

"Wow that's just a little excessive don't you think?" Audrey said.

"And that's how you do it." Evie said as she dusted imaginary dust from her palms.

"Okay now that we are all up let's get going we got a busy day ahead of us, doing nothing." Audrey said.

They each got ready for the day which took them about an hour because of Audrey and Evie. Taking the royal limo they got to the mall.

Audrey couldn't contain her excitement as she dragged the rest of them.

Mal not wanting to be there longer than needed asked for them to just go straight to buying the jeans which they did. Jane didn't want to buy one cause she thought they were too revealing so the girls picked one for her and she regretted not picking for herself. They later went to the spa and nail salon to get their nails done then Audrey being Audrey made shop for another 6 hours.

Then they decided to eat at a restaurant. Audrey, Lonnie and Jane paid with their allowance, Mal and Evie paid with the money they made from changing people's hair and making clothes while Uma paid with the money she made from the isle.

After shopping they went to Audrey's dorm room cause it was the only one big enough to accommodate them.

"Neptune who knew shopping could be so stressful." Uma said.

"I thought it was fun." Audrey said.

"My feet are killing me." Mal said.

"I am exhausted I just want to sleep." Lonnie said as she laid down on her sleeping bag.

They all laid on their sleeping bag and slept.
Next day they were getting ready for school.
"No, no, no, no, no I don't think I can wear that." Jane said gesturing to the outfit they picked for her.

"Jane summer Godmother!" Mal exclaimed.

"What is up with people and making up middle names for me my middle name is Brenna okay? It's Jane Brenna Godmother." Jane said.

"Thank you for that irrelevant piece of information." Mal said.

"Oh come on." Jane said as she threw her hands in the air in frustration.

"Jane listen I know you don't want to wear this cause it's not your style but I wasted 8 hours of my life so we can get you to look cool today. I don't care what you say you are wearing that outfit." Mal said.

Jane sighed knowing there was no way she was going to talk herself out of it.

"And don't worry we will be wearing ours so that way you won't look odd." Lonnie said trying to get her to be calm.

"Fine." Jane said.

"Alright let's get this party started." Audrey said.

The boys were in the cafeteria waiting for the girls to arrive they had breakfast together now with the girls instead of the boys lounge.

There were a lot of cat calling and wolf whistling going on. They checked to see what was causing the ruckus and their jaw dropped at the sight of the girls.

(Just imagine they were walking in slow motion and Savage by Megan thee stallion was the background music)

Their outfits(pretend they are all ripped like Jane's outfit.)

Jane's outfit

Lonnie's outfit

Evie's outfit

Mal's outfit

Uma's outfit

Audrey's outfit

Mal smirked at her boyfriend who's jaw was still dropped.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" She teased.

"More like dragon got my tongue you look amazing." Ben said.

"Wow captain I didn't think you could look so good in something other than leather." Harry said.

Uma just nodded her thanks.

"Babe you should dress like this more often." Chad said to Audrey.

"Perv. Besides this is not my style." Audrey said.

Doug just drooled at Evie

"Hey babe." Evie said as she pecked him he fell out of his trance but couldn't speak.

Jay couldn't help but stare at Lonnie. He had never seen her look that hot before.

"What, take a picture it will last longer." Lonnie teased.

Jay stopped staring and looked away embarrassed. Lonnie smirked at his reaction.

Carlos was looking at Jane jaw dropped then Jane took a brownie from his plate and put it in his mouth then he closed his mouth eating the brownie and then looked away.

"So what's up with the outfits?" Ben asked.

"Just trying something new." Lonnie said.

"Shouldn't this be against some rules? You guys do have a lot of rules here." Gil said.

"Yeah about that we are about to get called into the principal's office in three.....two......one." Audrey said.

"Miss Rose, Queen, Li, Godmother, Green and Ursula report to the principal's office immediately." The principal's voice spoke through the microphone.

"Okay that's our cue bye." Audrey said as they left.

They all went to the principal's office.

"I need you to film this okay." Audrey told Evie.

"Principal T how have you been." Audrey said.

"Well good actually thanks for asking." The principal said.

"So what can we do for you principal T." Audrey said.

"Well for one you can start by changing your outfit." The principal said.

"Why?" Mal asked irritated.

"Well they are revealing a bit of skin and it's going to distract the boys." The principal said.

"Really? That's your excuse that we are going to distract the boys?" Lonnie added.

"I know I've only been here for a few days but I've seen guys who constantly come to school in a tank top but when we girls do it it's 'inappropriate'?" Uma said.

"I uh um well *notices Evie filming* notice someone filming right now I'm going kindly ask that you put the phone away not because I'm hiding anything." The principal said nervously.

"You know what, this dress code may seem like whatever to you but I'd say it's another way for you guys to control women." Uma said with sass.

"Yeah and my adoring fans would like to know if our loving principal is in support of these sexiest rules." Audrey said.

"Of course I'm not in support of it I called you girls in here to tell you how brave you all are for not following these sexiest rules." The principal said nervously.

"Why thank you principal T I'm sure the press would be happy with your comment." Audrey said.

"Yes, yes that would be all dismissed." The principal said.

They all went out from the office.

"Nice work Uma." Audrey said.

"You too princess." Uma said.

"So what happened?" Gil asked.

"Put him in his place." Uma said.

"That's my captain." Harry said.

"Anyway we should get to class." Jane said as they all walked with their partners to their class.
It was lunch time and everybody's eyes were still on them. At all the classes they had boys either drooled at them or stare at them. Maybe the principal did have a point about distracting the boys but then again no one asked them to stare.

Jane ate her lunch quickly so she could go see her mom. Knowing the principal he probably already told her mom and she needed to go convince her mom that she was not starting or being a part of a revolt.

She told the others to just wait for her at gym class.

After convincing her mom that she wasn't joining a cult she was finally on her way to the gym class.

She was really looking forward to gym class cause it was an excuse to get out of her outfit.

On the way to the gym class she was stopped by someone no other than Max.

"Wow what is this little miss Jane walking on her own without her boyfriend?" Max asked teasingly.

"I could say same for you. Where are your nannies?" Jane asked in the same teasing tone as his.

Okay it was either Lonnie had finally rubbed off on her with a little help from Mal and Evie or her outfit was really getting to her head cause she was never this confident.

"You know Jane I never thought I'd see the day you would dress so hot." Max said which made a knot to tie in Jane's stomach.

"Yeah whatever I have to get going don't wanna keep my boyfriend waiting you know." Jane said.

"Who the pip squeak VK with white hair come on Jane you can do better than that." Max said.

Jane was surprised did people see them as a couple sure they play around like children and are constantly together on study/date now that she thought about it, it made sense.

"I meant Lonnie." Jane said.

Max rolled his eyes at the game Jane was playing.

Jane was about to leave when he held her wrist.

"Let go." Jane said trying to get away from his grip.

He nudged her against the locker pinning her two hands with ahis and kissed her without warning.

Jane obviously didn't kiss back she tried moving her head but it was kept in place by him holding her hair.

Jane normally would have screamed or spelled him but her mouth was busy at the moment.

Then in what felt like a mili second Max was ripped off her and was held in a choking position by Carlos.

Sure Max was like Jay's size but he still was no match for the werewolf's strength.

"Don't you dare touch Jane again or I swear on my mother's coat I will end you." Carlos said angrily. His eyes golden and veins around them (imagine it as how Klaus is when he's angry)

"Carlos stop." Jane said as she held his arm slightly squeezing it.

Carlos looked at Jane and his expression softened his eyes turned back to normal. he then tightened his grip on Max's throat closing his windpipe.

Max dropped to the floor.

"Is he?" Jane asked afraid to complete her question.

"As a door nail." Carlos said.

"Dead!?" Jane exclaimed.

"Huh, no sleepy as a door nail isn't that the expression?" Carlos asked.

"No!" Jane said.

"Oh sorry." Carlos said as he rubbed the back of his neck and laughed sheepishly.

"So do we just leave him here?" Jane asked.

"I don't see why not." Carlos said.

So they both started walking to the gym together and suddenly that cocky girl that was there just a few moments ago had returned to her shy and timid self.

"Thank you for that." Jane said.

"Hey anything to show off my werewolf skills and I'm down." Carlos tried joking to lighten the mood.

Jane gave him a small smile which was obviously fake.
Carlos realizing that it was serious got more serious.

"Are you okay?" Carlos asked concerned.

"No I'm not okay that was awful I was so scared." Jane said as she started crying a little.

"Hey, hey, hey it's okay. Come on follow me." Carlos said as he led her outside the building to where seemed like a secret garden.

The place was a wonder land(not literally though) then he sat her down on a bench.

"I've never been here before." Jane said.

"I found it just recently well dude's the one who actually found it. I come here when I want to get things off my mind." Carlos said.

Jane nodded in understanding.

"Jane does he do that often?" Carlos asked her.

"No he's never done that to me usually Lonnie tells them off." Jane said.

"You are going to tell your mother though right?" Carlos asked.

"I don't know I don't think I can." Jane said.

"What do you mean you don't know Jane that was harassment, sexual harassment. who knows how far he would have gone if I didn't arrive." Carlos said raising his voice more than he intended to.

"There's no use anyway he would just get away with it his parents are like the biggest donors to the school." Jane said.

"Jane your mother is the headmistress I seriously doubt that she would let the guy who harassed her daughter get away without any punishment." Carlos said.

"Well it's not all his fault if they didn't make me dress up like this he wouldn't have done that. The principal was right." Jane said.

"Are you serious? Didn't I see you in this outfit? Didn't Ben or Doug or Jay also see you in that outfit and I'm sure a couple of other guys saw you in this outfit too but none tried harassing you. Jane what you are wearing is nowhere near indecent okay and even if they were it doesn't justify his actions." Carlos said.

"You said they made you wear it? Why did you let them?" Carlos asked.

"Because I wanted to look cool." Jane said "for you" she thought.

"Why would change how you dress? What's wrong with the way you normally dress." Carlos asked.

"Because I wanted to feel like I belonged I didn't want to be plain Jane." Jane said.

"Jane you are anything but plain. Besides why do you care what other people think? You are beautiful and you shouldn't have to wait for someone to tell you that. You should tell yourself that everyday." Carlos said.

Starts singing

She just wants to be, beautiful She goes, unnoticed she knows, no limits She craves, attention she praises, an image She prays to be, sculpted by the sculptor Oh, she don't see, the light that's shining
Deeper than the eyes can find it Maybe we have made her blind So she tries to cover up her pain
And cut her woes away
'Cause covergirls don't cry After their face is made
But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful We're stars and we're beautiful Oh-oh-oh-oh

And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful We're stars and we're beautiful She has dreams to be an envy, so she's starving
You know, covergirls eat nothing
She says, beauty is pain and there's beauty in everything What's a little bit of hunger?
I could go a little while longer, she fades away
She don't see her perfect
She don't understand she's worth it
Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface
Oh-oh, oh-oh
So to all the girls that's hurting
Let me be your mirror Help you see a little bit clearer
The light that shines within

Jane joins in the singing

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful We're stars and we're beautiful Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
And you don't have to change a thing The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful We're stars and we're beautiful No better you than the you that you are
(No better you than the you that you are)
No better life than the life we're living
(No better life than the life we're living)
No better time for your shine, you're a star
(No better time for your shine, you're a star)
Oh, you're beautiful, oh, you're beautiful There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful We're stars and we're beautiful Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart No scars to your beautiful We're stars and we're beautiful.

After Carlos and Jane finished singing she hugged him.

"Thank you." Jane said.

"You are welcome." Carlos said.

"Oh and can we not tell Lonnie about Max? I think her ability came with a temper. One time we were at the picnic table and a fly kept bothering her and she tried to kill the fly with her sword." Jane said.

"Did she succeed?" Carlos asked.

"She tried to slice a tiny fly with a sword what do you think?" Jane asked.

"Right of course come on let's get to gym class." Carlos said.

"Yeah so I can finally get out of this outfit." Jane said.

"Yeah let's go." Carlos said. They both went back to the school.

Done longest chapter ever. You know hearing Carlos say and sing that motivates me to do a face reveal. So what y'all think wanna see the pretty face behind the books?

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