Moon Child

By Claire_ry

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Meet Son Ye Jin, a ballerina from Daegu with a big big dream; to become a prima ballerina. Born to dance, Son... More

Prologue Moon Child
Chapter 1 Nocturne Op.9 No.2
Chapter 2 Piqué Manèges
Chapter 3 Amen
Chapter 4 Still I Cry
Chapter 5 Brava
Chapter 6 Picture Perfect
Chapter 7 Unspoken Goodbye
Chapter 8 Good Night
Chapter 9 The Red Shoes
Chapter 10 Open Palms
Chapter 11 La Vie en rose
Chapter 12 Falling like the Stars
Chapter 13 Tour en l'air
Chapter 14 Swan Girl
Chapter 15 Pressure
Chapter 17 Be Still
Chapter 18 Mr. Obvious
Chapter 19 Soldier
Chapter 20 Circle of Life
Chapter 21 Time Heals
Chapter 22 Waters
Chapter 23 La La Land
Chapter 24 Point of No Return
Chapter 25 Waves in Milan
Chapter 26: Someone You Loved
Chapter 27 Invisible Scars
Chapter 28 Ice-cream
Chapter 29 Superheroes
Chapter 30 Fire on Fire
Chapter 31 Fall on Me
Chapter 32 You Raise Me Up
The Cast
The Apprentices
Chapter 33 Take Me Home
Chapter 34 Clair de Lune
Chapter 35 The Road Ahead
Chapter 36 Waves in Seoul
Chapter 37 Stand in The Light
Chapter 38 Perfect
Chapter 38 Extended Scene
Chapter 39 Rise Up
Epilogue Swan Family
The Tiny Additions (Casting)
Author's Confessions
Bonus 1 Cookie Monster
Bonus 2 A Christmas Prince

Chapter 16 Angel

1K 91 115
By Claire_ry

"Please, Ye Jin, you've got to be okay." Hyun Bin whispered underneath his breath.

They were in the backseat of Jung Hyun's car on the way to the hospital. It was a rather tight squeeze in the back with Hyun Bin cradling Ye Jin in his arms while Rose watched them intently. Ji Hye would occasionally look back worriedly before silently urging Jung Hyun to speed up.

Hyun Bin felt as though he could no longer breathe with every passing second that Ye Jin remained unconscious. Right now, he feared for her life. He should have checked in on her earlier.

A few minutes into the ride, Ye Jin began to stir in Hyun Bin's arms. Through the haze of her thoughts, she could barely process the new sounds around her. She could hear the humming of the car engines, two people talking in the front seat, and what appears to be a man sniffling quietly above her.

She didn't understand what was happening except that her head felt like it was about to explode. And she was cold. So cold.

"Mmm." Ye Jin shifted slightly to press herself closer to her personal heater, not recognising that the heater was in fact Hyun Bin's chest.

"Ye Jin? You're awake?" Hyun Bin was on high alert instantly when he felt her shift.

"C...cold." Ye Jin snuggled up closer to him, shivering slightly until she felt a pair of warm hands rub her arms.

"You're burning up, Ye Jin." Hyun Bin frowned.

"It's cold." Ye Jin whimpered.

Biting his lip, Hyun Bin tried his best to keep Ye Jin warm even though her body temperature was extremely high to the touch. Ye Jin let out a soft sigh when she finally stopped shivering and promptly fell back asleep. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this sick.

At the hospital, Hyun Bin wasted no time in carrying Ye Jin in. The group followed after the man as he placed her down on one of the hospital beds so that the doctor could check on her.

Hyun Bin studiously filled the doctor in on the situation, recalling bits and pieces of information such as the time she stayed unconscious to what she told him in the backseat.

Past the administrative matters, Hyun Bin felt the adrenaline keeping him running leave his body. While the doctor tended to Ye Jin, he simply watched, using one hand to support himself against a wall. He was fully aware that his mind was racing with a billion thoughts and that his hands were shaking. Yet, all he could see was her.

Rapid, irregular puffs of breaths left his mouth along with the familiar tightening of his chest as he thought about the what-ifs. Even though Ye Jin did regain consciousness, he was still afraid. He already lost Tae Yang. He couldn't lose Ye Jin too.

"Hyun Bin oppa, why don't you sit down?" Ji Hye tried her best to guide him to a chair.

It startled her to see how pale Hyun Bin was as he watched Ye Jin from his corner. The man looked as though he would collapse any minute.

Hyun Bin evidently never did hear her for he remained rooted to the spot. It took some gentle coaxing from Ji Hye for him to sit down especially after they wheeled Ye Jin away for an X-ray.

"W-where are they taking her?" Hyun Bin asked, his eyes darting around rapidly when he could no longer see his swan girl.

"They need to take an X-ray to check for any concussions. It's just a precautionary measure." Ji Hye explained patiently, trying her best to calm her friend before he could start having a panic attack.

It was the shock. It would appear that past the adrenaline, the shock was hitting him mercilessly.

"Here, Hyung. Have some water." Jung Hyun placed a paper cup in Hyun Bin's hands.

He was surprised when instead of drinking it, his normally stoic friend simply looked down at the water with tears falling down his face.

They dripped down bit by bit, some falling down to the ground, some captured by the water in the paper cup. Nothing makes one's heart ache more than seeing a man like Hyun Bin cry.

Neither of them knew what to say except to offer him some comfort in the form of silence. In the end, Ji Hye could only pat Hyun Bin's shoulder gently while Jung Hyun went to get them more water.

In the silence, Rose leaned her head on Hyun Bin's lap while the man cried. Slowly, Hyun Bin placed his hand atop her golden head, stroking the soft, silky fur with his trembling fingers. They were both worried for Ye Jin and they couldn't do anything about it. How did it even get to this point?

Hyun Bin didn't have the answer to that. All he could do was pray desperately that there wouldn't be any serious complications for Ye Jin.

Now, they wait.

The group stood up when Ye Jin was wheeled back. Hyun Bin finally stopped shaking and was relatively calmer now as he faced the doctor. He sought consolation from the fact that Ye Jin's complexion was looking better now although it still didn't strip away all of his worries.

"How is she, Doctor?" Hyun Bin asked seriously.

"The X-ray showed no signs of concussions. We concluded that Ms Son simply passed out from exhaustion. Her sugar levels were also a little low and she is also showing symptoms of the common flu. We will prescribe some medication for the flu but it is best that she rests fully. I will not recommend any strenuous activity for the next three days or until her fever subsides. That will be all." The doctor informed them.

"Gamsahamnida." Hyun Bin bowed to the doctor.

"It's my duty. Do collect the medication from the counter. Ms Son can leave once she wakes up." The doctor smiled.

The group bowed once again as the doctor left them and Hyun Bin took his seat again. Rose was already laying on the ground next to Ye Jin's bed, quietly defending her friend from any harm. Now next to her again, Hyun Bin's inner demons were appeased when he grabbed onto her hand.

"Gomawo for being okay." Hyun Bin whispered before he placed a chaste kiss on the back of her hand.

Jung Hyun and Ji Hye respectfully looked away from the couple, feeling oddly unused to Hyun Bin's raw show of affection for a woman.

Sure he had dated in the past but the past year changed Hyun Bin. He became more withdrawn about his feelings and stopped wearing his heart on his sleeves.

Like Ji Hye, Jung Hyun was humbled by the fact that the girl laying on the hospital bed was bringing their old friend back little by little.

Minutes later, Hyun Bin turned to his friends, conveying his thanks silently. If they weren't here with him, he wouldn't have known how to handle his worry. He was extremely grateful for them even though he didn't say it out loud.

Between old friends, there was simply no need for the formalities that came with thank yous, and I'm sorry. They simply understood even without the need for words.

Such was friendship.

"You should both go. It's getting late, and you have an early call time tomorrow." Hyun Bin reminded them.

"Are you sure you'll be okay, Hyun Bin oppa?" Ji Hye confirmed, her usual doe-like eyes wide with worry.

"I'll be fine." Hyun Bin nodded.

"Here, I'll cab back with Ji Hye. Use the car when she wakes." Jung Hyun left his car key on the small table, leaving no chance for Hyun Bin to deny his offer.

With that, Ji Hye and Jung Hyun left, leaving the couple in the hospital. Truly, Hyun Bin may not have a lot of friends but those he had, he cherished deeply. They were good friends indeed.

Accompanied by the strong stench of disinfectant and the mockingly white walls of the room, Hyun Bin could only continue his waiting game. Holding her hand tightly in his, he leaned his elbows on the bed, staying hunched over as he whispered a short word of prayer for his swan girl.

This too shall pass.


A few hours later

"Hyun Bin?" Came the voice of an angel.

"Hyun Bin." There it was again.

Slowly, Hyun Bin stirred from his groggy state, the tears dried on his face as he looked at Ye Jin with tired eyes.

"You're up." His voice cracked slightly.

Gingerly, Hyun Bin straightened up in his seat as Ye Jin waited, still feeling slightly weakened from her collapse. Silence fell between them before Hyun Bin reached over to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Water?" Hyun Bin offered.

Ye Jin nodded mutely before he helped her sit up so that she could drink without accidentally choking herself.

"How are you feeling, Ye Jin?" Hyun Bin asked quietly.

"Like I got run over by a truck." Ye Jin answered with slight amusement.

The smile left her lips when she realised Hyun Bin was a little quiet. Clearly, it was still too soon for her to be joking about her condition.

"Mianhae, Hyun Bin for worrying you." Ye Jin pouted slightly, feeling terrible for what happened. No doubt Hyun Bin was the one crying when she woke up briefly in the car.

"I was so scared. Please, don't do this to me again, Ye Jin. I beg you." Hyun Bin said.

Ye Jin felt her chest constrict at the brokenness in his voice. The last time he sounded this broken, he was talking about his sister. There was no denying that her collapse was traumatising to Hyun Bin as well.

"Mianhae." Ye Jin whispered.

It was the only thing she could say at this point. She now realised the true extent of what her fatal error in judgment of what her body could handle was doing to those around her. To say she regretted her bad choices was a true understatement. But, at that time, it was the only way she knew how to cope with her failure.

Instead of answering, Hyun Bin got up from the chair. Ye Jin heard the light scraping of metal against tile before she felt his firm yet gentle arms around her. It was those same arms that held her. It was those same arms that lifted her up. Back in Hyun Bin's warm embrace, Ye Jin knew nothing but love.

This time, simply holding her didn't seem to be enough for Hyun Bin. It was as though he was trying to press her into him; to connect mind and soul through the simple embrace. Ye Jin felt at peace in his arms as she instinctively leaned into his chest, simply melting into the gentle promise of protection that emanated off him.

Hugging each other, the pieces slowly fell back into place, reminding them that whatever grievances they felt were only temporary. In that embrace, they were reminded of everything that was right.

"Ye Jin?" Hyun Bin called out to her softly in a tender whisper.

"Ne?" Ye Jin said.

"Would you allow me to take care of you until you are well again?" Hyun Bin pulled back to study Ye Jin's reaction.

She showed no signs that she knew what he was instituting and he sighed. With that, he began thinking of a way to carefully word an explanation. He didn't wish to pressure her into doing anything.

"I wish to take care of you in my home if you would allow me to..." Hyun Bin gulped slightly.

Truthfully, he wouldn't be able to rest peacefully unless he could check up on her health personally.

Ye Jin neither leaned into him nor pushed him away as she processed what he said silently. Although she was slightly flustered over the idea of being alone in his apartment with him, Ye Jin knew where he was coming from. She understood completely.

"Hyun Bin, I don't want you to leave my side either." She said with a soft smile before leaning against his chest again.

Hearts thumping wildly, Hyun Bin simply tightened his arms around her again and closed his eyes. At last, he felt at ease.


At his apartment

Hyun Bin's apartment was as minimalist as one could get. Shades of grey walls accompanied the white ceiling and his furniture was a simple black or white.

The only spots of colour came from the few wooden stools and cupboards in the room. Hyun Bin's apartment could pass off as a mere showroom with how sparse the elements of personalisation were.

He had the basic necessities but that was all. No photographs, no paintings. Not even a calendar was hung on the bare walls to his apartment and not a throw pillow could be seen lying around.

In the living room sat a black couch tailored for a single person. Everything in his house was hard and cold. The fact that the only soft object in the living room was catered for one person spoke volumes of his reclusiveness following Tae Yang's death.

He chose to keep it that way.

Before, he simply did not spend enough time in his apartment to want to decorate it. After his sister's death, any reminders of her were simply too painful to him.

So, he kept his apartment plain.

The only form of natural lighting came from the balcony in his living room but it was an eyesore to him. He couldn't stress the number of times he simply stood on his balcony, looking down at the grey gravel of the pavement wondering if he should jump. But each time, he stood back, telling himself he ought to suffer more than take the easy way out.

It would suffice to say Hyun Bin rarely ever went to the balcony simply for fresh air.

His apartment was one lonely place indeed.

For once, Hyun Bin was thankful Ye Jin couldn't see the hell hole he chose to live in. For if she did, it would only cause her tremendous pain. He didn't want to break her heart.

"Are you cold?" Hyun Bin rubbed his palm lightly over her arm.

To him, even the sight of his apartment made him feel cold. On instinct, he wanted to make sure she didn't feel cold too.

Rose whimpered at the sight of the apartment and nudged her head against Hyun Bin's leg. It would seem even though Rose saw the world in monochrome colours, she could sense the foreboding loneliness that exuded from Hyun Bin's apartment.

"Just slightly." Ye Jin said before she felt Hyun Bin leave her side.

He came back with a checkered woolen blanket and draped it around Ye Jin's slender frame. Clutching at the edges of the blanket, Ye Jin smiled and thanked him. Miraculously, that one smile was enough to light up the whole room for Hyun Bin.

"Let's get you settled. You can take a shower. I'll make you something to eat." Hyun Bin guided her over to his bedroom.

While she showered, Hyun Bin started on some chicken noodle soup, using an age-old recipe from his eomeoni. She would often make it for him when he fell sick and it became a comfort food for him during such days.

Thankfully, he had all the ingredients he needed to make the soup. While he was at it, Hyun Bin also made a portion of chopped vegetables and meat for Rose. He wasn't too sure what Rose usually ate but, this would do for now.

Minutes later, Hyun Bin could hear the soft pitter-patter of Ye Jin's feet as she joined him in the room. Already, two bowls of piping hot chicken noodle soup were placed on the small glass table.

Hyun Bin froze when he caught sight of her, the very visage of his swan girl in his clothes causing him to swallow hard. On Ye Jin, his white T-shirt was massive and she was practically drowning in it. Something stirred within Hyun Bin as he took all this in until he shook the thoughts away.

"It smells delicious, Hyun Bin. What did you make?" Ye Jin hummed at the warm aroma drifting over to her.

"Chicken noodle soup. Have a seat." Hyun Bin helped Ye Jin into the chair.

A smile played across Ye Jin's face as she took a few bites of the soup, licking her lips appreciatively at the meal. Already, she felt better about the flu.

"You're a great cook, Hyun Bin." Ye Jin praised.

"It's my eomeoni's recipe. She made it for me whenever I was sick." Hyun Bin explained.

"I can see why. A mother's touch is truly different. I already feel ten times better." Ye Jin beamed.

"Do you miss her?" Hyun Bin hesitated slightly as he chanced a look at Ye Jin.

"There's never a day that goes by that I don't think about her, Hyun Bin." Ye Jin said honestly.

Even though she was smiling, Hyun Bin knew that there would always be an ache in her heart that would never be forgotten. Loss leaves a scar that lasts for a lifetime. It could fade but it could never be erased.

"I understand." Hyun Bin whispered.

Ye Jin smiled sadly at that before she decided to share a little more. "Do you know what I miss most about her?"


Hyun Bin's spoon clattered into his bowl at the question and the air seemed to slow into a still.

"Her laugh." Ye Jin shared.

For some reason, Hyun Bin found that he didn't even dare to breathe as Ye Jin shared this unspoken bit of her heart with him. He knew first-hand how difficult it was to share about a loved one who passed on. The fact that Ye Jin chose to was precious to him. The moment was so precious that he didn't want it to shatter.

"She used to be everybody's ray of sunshine. At home, in the dance studio, in the neighborhood. She had more happy days than sad ones and it showed the most in her laughter.

"Nothing in this world sounds as beautiful as my eomeoni's laughter. I miss that." Ye Jin continued wistfully.

"Your eomeoni sounds like an amazing person." Hyun Bin said softly.

"She was." Ye Jin nodded.

After all these years, Ye Jin has finally ridden the waves of grief. Through that, she became stronger. And now, she was extending the lifebuoy to Hyun Bin.

For the rest of their late dinner, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin sat in blissful silence, only conversing from time to time as they ate. Yet, they wouldn't have it any other way. After a long day, the comfortable silence they shared was exactly what they sought.

After dinner, Ye Jin clambered into bed and drifted right into a deep sleep. The accumulation of hours of dancing along with her flu meant that she had no trouble falling asleep that night.

Sometime during the night, Hyun Bin shuffled into the room to check up on her. Placing his hand on her forehead, he frowned when he realised her temperature hasn't gone down yet. And that was how Hyun Bin spent the rest of the night by her side, wetting towel after towel to bring her temperature down.

Every few minutes, he would turn the towel over and lay it again on her forehead. At times, he would alternate between wiping her face and hands before checking her temperature again. It may be tiresome but Hyun Bin was a man with a purpose. He had to take good care of his swan girl.

Ye Jin remained comatose through it all, simply weaving through the dreams in her head. While her body rested, her mind busied itself with her past, reminding her of that one last mystery she has yet to figure out.


In Ye Jin's head – 6-years-old

Soldier keep on marching on...

The applause little Ye Jin and her duet partner got were deafening. It was her first performance on stage and right now, she felt like she was at the top of the world.

Hand in hand, Ye Jin smiled at her friend who had an equally bright smile on his face. The identical indents she was familiar with smiled back at her and her very own eyes were curved into the teeniest crescent moons.

Together, they left the stage where their kindergarten dance teacher was waiting. She gave them high-fives, absolutely proud of the little ones for performing well in the dance showcase. Once off backstage, Ye Jin ran to her eomma who was smiling fondly at her baby.

"Eomma!" Ye Jin shouted before bouts of giggles left her lips when her eomeoni picked her up and swung her around.

"You were amazing, princess." Her eomeoni laughed before she beamed at the little boy who was looking at her curiously.

"You too, Tae Pyung. You were an absolute prince charming to my little princess." Ye Jin's eomeoni ruffled the little boy's hair.

The little boy grinned cheekily before he saw his family. Waving goodbye to Ye Jin, he ran off. That was the last she ever saw of her best friend.

With that, the mother and daughter left the kindergarten together and got into the car. Ye Jin knew this was the night of the accident. Yet, she could only watch as her eomeoni drove off and the scenes unfolded before her like a never-ending horror movie.

Her last words. The crash. The aftermath.

Ye Jin swore she could still smell the metallic acidity of the blood from that day and the toxic fumes from the crash filling her lungs.

End of dream


With a start, Ye Jin woke up, utterly petrified by her dream or rather, the old memory. Every night, her mind has been unlocking bits and pieces of the past but it never failed to remind her of that fatal car crash.

As she forced herself to breathe, Ye Jin could faintly hear shuffling beside her. The sounds of the towel being dipped into water before subsequently being wrung by Hyun Bin filled the otherwise empty room. Ye Jin jumped slightly when she felt him place the towel against her burning face and he pulled back the towel instantly.

"You're awake?" Hyun Bin asked quietly.


"You're still running a fever. I'm just going to wipe you down and place the towel on your forehead." Hyun Bin explained.

When Ye Jin never responded, the man simply wiped the cold sweat off her face. The feeling of the cool towel against her heated skin felt therapeutic to Ye Jin as she was lulled to sleep once again. In the blur of her thoughts and the feel of Hyun Bin beside her, another dream welcomed Ye Jin.

This time, Hyun Bin was with her.


In Ye Jin's head – present

In that dream, he was there.

In all his unassuming handsomeness and quiet ardor, he stood there.

He was wearing a simple purple top and pants as he looked at her with the same intensity that naturally exuded off his very presence in any room.

And in that dream, she could see.

Ye Jin looked down at the dress she was wearing; a goddess-like baby blue dress that flowed as she moved. It was the type of dress that would linger in the air for a second longer even after she stops moving. In that dress, Ye Jin felt like a princess.

"Let's dance." Hyun Bin spoke and she finally realised they were standing on a stage.

She turned to see an empty auditorium with only the stage lights keeping them company. Music started playing out of nowhere, the soft acoustic keys stringing a picture through her mind.

(Dance by the beautiful Gaby and Robert to Angel by Sarah McLachlan)

Spend all your time waiting, for that second chance. For a break that would make it okay.

They danced as though they have practiced the movements together countless times. Prince Charming and his swan girl were effortlessly coaxing the music to serve them in telling a story.

Hands grasping at thin air, hands lifting each other up, every turn and lift spoke of the protector and the protected.

He was the angel and she, the girl who needed saving from the chains of anxiety.

There's always some reason, to feel not good enough. And it's hard at the end of the day.

The air seemed to carry her as she moved. When she fell back, it was as though the air was holding her up for that millisecond before her angel grasped her waist. They turned together before he lifted her into the air like she was feather-light. Their eyes met then with him looking up at her with nothing but pure adoration shining in them.

In this sweet madness. Oh, this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees.

Anxiety crept up her skin as she struggled in Hyun Bin's arms. Ye Jin was reminded of the stress she felt that day when she collapsed. She remembered that constant pressure on the back of her mind. The racing thoughts, the palpitating heartbeat, the constant need to do something even when her body was telling her to rest.

In her desperation to escape, Ye Jin flung herself into the air, grabbing her head tightly to drown those thoughts away. Behind her, Hyun Bin found her once again, sending a wave of calm energy to her as he brought their bodies together.

In the arms of the angel, fly away from here. From this dark cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear.

In one long sweeping move, Hyun Bin brought her leg towards his chest while the two of them stayed bent over together on the illuminated stage.

For a short second, they parted, only for her to fall back into his arms as he lifted her time and time again. Power was their movements and promise was the look in their eyes as they danced.

A promise to be there for each other, always.

You are pulled from the wreckage, of your silent reverie. You're in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort here.

Indeed, Ye Jin would always be there to support Hyun Bin just like he would for her. In a beautiful suspension of their limbs, Ye Jin lifted Hyun Bin up from beneath him, portraying an ethereal picture of what trust looks like. And, he did the same for her.

She ran then, towards her salvation. Towards the man who promised to protect her with his life.

Fervour exploded between them when he caught her. All anxiousness slipping away from her bit by bit as she leaned back in his embrace.

Now with their faces mere inches apart, Ye Jin felt at peace. There were no longer voices in her head as he held her securely in his embrace. It was just them on that stage, enjoying the short reprieve away from reality together.

"I will always be your angel, my swan." Hyun Bin breathed.

End of dream


The next time Ye Jin woke, it was already bright out. Rose looked up when Ye Jin sat up in bed and padded over to give her a lick instantly. Ye Jin giggled softly at Rose's greeting before she tried to listen out for Hyun Bin's movements. The house was oddly quiet and she was sure they were alone in the bedroom.

Ye Jin was just about to get up when Rose pawed at her hand and then at the table next to her, silently informing her friend of the MP3 player Hyun Bin left behind. Curiously, Ye Jin felt around for the smooth device before her fingers explored the MP3 player for the play button.

Good morning, my swan. I'm off to work now. Please use the day to rest. I've already prepared breakfast and lunch for you in the kitchen. Eat up and try not to do anything too strenuous while I'm gone. I'll be back by dinner. See you soon.

Ye Jin smiled when she heard Hyun Bin's voice through the recording device. When did her charming man get this adorable? It was almost cheesy for him to leave a morning message for her on the ancient MP3 device. Who even uses this these days?

Ye Jin felt light as she prepared for her day with Hyun Bin's message for her playing in the back of her mind. It was perplexing how such a simple gesture could make her day so completely. It just goes to show how powerful love was.

For the rest of the day, Ye Jin rested, occasionally walking around with her hands pressed against the wall to explore the surroundings. She wondered many things. She wondered what was the colour of the walls and why there doesn't seem to be any decorations on them.

Ye Jin has always thought that a person's room spoke of their character. From what she was feeling, the personality of Hyun Bin's room was anything but bright.

In her many explorations, Ye Jin came across the balcony to Hyun Bin's apartment. Sliding open the glass door, she stepped through and smiled when she felt the cool air caress her cheeks. This was more like it. Ye Jin was never one to shy away from the outdoors for prolonged periods of time.

Back at home, she always preferred to dance out in the open than indoors in the ballet studios. There was just something about nature that called out to her. So, there she stood, simply taking in the fresh air with a relaxed smile on her face.

And so began the routine of Ye Jin keeping herself occupied every time Hyun Bin had to leave for work. Gradually, her health improved and the flu graciously left her completely after a few days of rest. Ye Jin knew that soon, she would be able to dance again but that also meant that she would have to go back to her apartment.

Give and take.

The past few days have been amazing but, it has to come to an end for now.

The night before Ye Jin was due to leave, Hyun Bin came back to his apartment at the usual time. To his mild surprise, he found her standing on the balcony with her eyes closed. The first signs of moonlight caressed her face, bringing out her radiating beauty as she turned at the sound of his footsteps.

When Ye Jin made no move to leave the balcony, Hyun Bin went to her instead. Hyun Bin chose to stay on the err of caution as he approached her, trying not to let his guards down. One couldn't blame him for reacting the way he was. The balcony held nothing but dark memories to him.

Taking a deep breath, Hyun Bin finally stepped across the threshold to stand next to Ye Jin on the balcony. For someone who played with heights on a daily basis through his leaps and flips, Hyun Bin was unusually afraid standing on his balcony. Already, his knees felt weak as he grasped onto the metal railings and he let out a deep breath.

"What are you doing here, Ye Jin?" Hyun Bin asked in a tight voice.

"I wanted to get some fresh air." Ye Jin simply said.

Hyun Bin swallowed hard as he looked down at the dizzying blur of the ground beneath them and he shook his head hard to reorientate himself. The streets were only growing blurrier for him until he felt her small arms slip around him.

"It's nice, isn't it? The fresh air? The feel of the wind kissing our faces?" Ye Jin kept her arms around Hyun Bin.

Truthfully, she has missed him. All she wanted was to hug him.

Hyun Bin closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her to bring her closer to him. Focusing on the air and the wind, Hyun Bin could gradually feel the fear dissipate into thin air. And soon, he was breathing well.

Once again, Ye Jin has shown him how to live.

It was time he extended that same favour to her.

"You know...we still need to talk about what happened." Hyun Bin said in the gentlest voice possible as he combed her hair slightly using his fingers.

"Do we really?" Ye Jin pouted as she pulled back from the embrace, looking every bit like a kicked puppy now.

"I just need to understand...It kills me to think that I didn't protect you well enough." Hyun Bin sighed heavily as they parted from the embrace.

"Hyun Bin, it's not your fault. I pushed myself too hard." Ye Jin was adamant that he got that through that thick skull of his. She wouldn't stand by and let him take the blame for her mistake.


Ye Jin pursed her lips at that one word. Why indeed. To be honest, she still couldn't grasp how things ended the way they did.

"I suppose it was the pressure from failure. I do question whether I am cut out for this all the time. For a minute, I even started believing what all those people said to me over the years.

"You shouldn't be dancing, Ye Jin. You will only end up failing, Ye Jin. The dance world wouldn't accept a blind ballerina, Ye Jin. It constantly feels like I am pushing against an invisible force every time I dance.

"Maybe that's why I couldn't accept that mistake I made. It felt like I lost a golden opportunity over something as dumb as falling out of a pirouette. I felt like I had to push myself more so that I could become stronger. I wanted to stop feeling like a failure." Ye Jin tapped her fingers against the metal railings as she let Hyun Bin into her thoughts.

"I...I get it but I wouldn't say I like seeing you put yourself through that." Hyun Bin spoke, causing a wry smile to form on Ye Jin's face.

Who would, right?

"I know the pressure is part of our career. Even I find it hard to balance my perfectionist mindset at times. But, you need to learn that when your body is screaming at you to stop, you have to heed the warning." Hyun Bin reasoned.

"It's about balance." Ye Jin responded.

"Exactly." Hyun Bin took hold of Ye Jin's hand.


"And Ye Jin? You're not a failure. You simply earned yourself a lesson that will push you closer to success. No one can live life without failing at something unless one lives so cautiously that they might as well have not lived at all. Failure sets us free.

"I failed many times over before I got to where I am today. Even so, I am still failing to this day. But through failure, it taught me things about myself that no books could ever teach me. I discovered things that I never would have if I never failed. I learned that I could be strong. I learned how to appreciate the little things more. And most importantly, I found out who my true friends were.

"Failure isn't a bad thing, Ye Jin." Hyun Bin ended his impromptu speech and turned to face her.

"You're right as always, Hyun Bin. Gomawo." Ye Jin squeezed his hand lightly to convey her gratitude.

"I'll always be here for you, my swan." Hyun Bin leaned over to place a soft kiss on her forehead.

Ye Jin memorised the feel of his warm lips on her forehead, knowing that she would keep it close to her heart. Slowly, her fears were melting away because of his words and his affection. Truly, nothing was as sweet as love.

"It'll take time but I really appreciate all of this, Hyun Bin. I'm just afraid of holding you back for our duet." Ye Jin conveyed the last bit of doubt in her heart.

"Never. I'm doing this for you, Ye Jin. Without you, I wouldn't even dream of going onto a stage again. We're going to do this together. Remember that." Hyun Bin reminded her firmly.

For a moment, Hyun Bin paused as he waited for that one moment where the stars collided in the night sky, ringing with a promise of what was right. And then, his lips were on hers as he claimed her once again.

Hyun Bin's arms were sure around Ye Jin as he held her close, cupping her cheek as he expertly slid his silky tongue into her mouth. Ye Jin felt the warmth surge within her that left her knees weak as she leaned into the kiss.

Gently, Hyun Bin bent her head back, granting him more access to the heavenly taste of her. The world seemed dizzying to them at the intensity of their lips and tongues dancing together in the heat of fire.

A kiss was never just a kiss. It spoke of love, strength, and a promise of healing. A kiss transforms.

It opened up their souls, baring it completely to each other as they tasted and felt in a way that no one else would. It was as simple as breathing, for at that moment, nothing else in the world mattered to them but each other.

At times, the heady sensations sent them into a different realm, one where they got to experience the feeling of levitating in the air. That was how Ye Jin would describe how she was feeling as Hyun Bin coaxed her into oblivion with those warm, soft lips of his.

"I love you, Hyun Bin." Ye Jin breathed, her heart overflowing with love for the man who has firmly captured her heart.

"I love you too, Ye Jin." Hyun Bin uttered.

There were zero hesitations as they professed their love to each other for the first time, fully verbalising what has been in their hearts all this time. That night, the heavens sung for the two beautiful souls who have found each other again in a weird twist of fate.

In love, two souls have found solace in each other. That in itself was beautiful. Day by day, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin would only uncover more layers of their love for each other.

These were indeed exciting times ahead for the ballet couple.



Hello lovelies! How has everyone been? I finally survived the end of my semester so I'm back. Goodness, I've seriously missed MC a lot and clearly, I couldn't help myself with a longer chapter. I do hope this slightly less than 7K chapter made up for the cliffhanger and pain in the previous one. All is sweet in the MC world again! As usual, I really thank everyone for the votes, the reactions, and all the love that y'all have shown towards MC. I'm excited to continue this journey with everyone.

On a sidenote, this chapter is dedicated to all those who are currently struggling with the pandemic. I know it's been more than a year since COVID-19 hit us but please do stay strong and vigilant! I know I can't do much for everyone apart from continuing writing all these alternate universes you can all escape to but I am praying for all your health and happiness too. Hugs to everyone and remember, this too shall pass🥰

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