Pirate!England X Pirate!Reade...

By KimiKawaiiDesu

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Girls aren't allowed as pirates, except you were a pirate. But the only reason why you are a pirate is becaus... More

Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P1)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P2)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P3)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P4)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P5)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P6)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P7)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P8)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P9) LEMON
Authour's Note!!!
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P10)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P11)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P12)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P13)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P14)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P15)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P16)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P17)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P18)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P19)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P21)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P22)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P23)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P24)
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P25)
Author's note!!!
Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P26) (ENDING)

Pirate!England X Pirate!Reader~Pirate Clashes (P20)

3.9K 128 250
By KimiKawaiiDesu

"H-Huh..?" You said as you pulled back a little, only making him pull you in closer my holding your waist.

"You heard me (name)...Be my woman..." Toni said as he stared deep into your eyes, as you gulped and pushed him a bit rougher making him lose the grip on you. You got up quickly as you looked down at him.

"I-I am really flattered Antonio...B-but I cannot be your woman because I am already someone else's woman..." You told him turning away from him.

"I know you are! But what if I showed you that I'm stronger and that I can protect you?! Then will you be mine?!" Toni said as he hugged you from behind.

"N-No Antonio..! I already have someone I love! Please let me go!" You said as he nudged your shoulder forward, and then started walking away from him.

"(Name)...! I won't give up..! If Arthur loses at the duel...I am going to make you my woman no matter what." Toni said, before getting up and going to his room.

You walked into your room where Arthur was already sleeping, as you got undress again and then laid down besides him, moving a piece of his hair away from his face, kissing his lips softly and gently to not wake him up.

"Oh Arthur...I love you...But I do not know why so many people want me...But I know you won't let me be taken away.." You smiled to yourself softly, before closing your eyes and falling asleep as well with Arthur.

~Time Skip to Morning with PASTAAAAA~

"(name), Love, Wake up.." You could hear Arthur's British voice ringing in your ears as you opened them.

"Morning Arthur..." You said as you rubbed your eyes. He smiled and kissed you lovingly on the lips.

"Morning Love, So, I woke up to a strange sound...It sounds like-" Arthur was cut off by a sound.

"Ve...Ve...Ve...." You could hear someone repeating those same sounds, or words? Who know. But of course you knew who it was.

"Oh Arthur, Don't worry, it's just Feli, he always makes those noise." You chuckled as you yawned and stretched before getting up and changing, as so did Arthur as well. Both of you got out of the room as you saw Toni standing there messing with Lovi as he looked up at you and smiled. Last night's memories came back into your head as you looked away, and of course Arthur was suspicious as he saw you look away from Toni. Arthur wanted to know what happened, but assumed that Toni did something bad to you as he walked up to Toni and grabbed his shirt collar.

"What did you do to (Name) yesterday?! Didn't I say not to touch her?!" Arthur yelled in Toni's face as Toni laughed.

"I didn't do anything bad amigo! I only held her hand and that was it!" He smiled as Arthur's face went red in anger, as he lifted his hand up to punch Toni but you luckily stopped him.

"A-Arthur wait! Don't hit him! He didn't do anything bad alright?!" You said as you held his hand and held him by the waist as he looked at you and then back at Toni, before sighing and letting go of Toni's shirt.

"You're lucky (name) stopped me or else you would have had a black eye, maybe even worse..." Arthur said as he growled a bit, Toni chuckling underneath his breath.

"Si, Si..." Toni said as he fixed his shirt. Arthur looked at you and grabbed your hand, pulling you towards him as he kissed you deeply, as you blushed because Toni was standing right there looking at you two. Toni growled a bit under his breath and then Arthur broke the kiss slowly.

"Look Antonio my "friend", I'm not sure why you want to fight me, or why you are here, or why you were touching my (name) last night, but make sure you clean your ears and listen: You will never have (name), ever." Arthur said holding you close as Toni smirked a bit before turning around.

"We will see amigo, we will see..." He said before walking away from the two of you as you looked up at Arthur, Arthur looking down at you.

"S-Sorry I couldn't help myself..." He said as you smiled softly leaning up towards him and kissing him softly.

"No, Don't apologize Arthur..." You said softly, as he smiled and kissed back.

~Antonio's POV~

"Damn that tea-loving British...Kissing (Name) in front of me..." I whispered to myself as I walked away from them. I went into my room as I sat on my comfortable chair and closed my eyes sighing.

"Oh (name)....Why can't you be with me chica..." I whispered again to myself holding out my hand as I pretended that she was in my lap, as I held her close, closing my eyes, wanting to feel her insides, smell her scent, her warm body next to me.

"I will make you mine (name)...just you wait and see..." I opened my eyes with determination to make her mine, and mine she will be...

~Back to you!~

You walked around bored because of course Arthur was training for the duel, so you had nothing to do. Suddenly you heard a wail.

"Bellaaaaa!!! Ve!!!! Please help meeeee!!!" You could hear, which was obviously Feli. You turned around and then yelped when he hugged your torso as you fell, him on top of you.

"Opfff..!!! F-Feli..!" You let out a breath of pain a bit, before hearing Lovino, screaming of course.

"You bastard! Come back here!! I'm so gonna take all your pasta away now!" You heard Lovi said as you chuckled a bit.

"Feli what did you do this time?" You asked him as he whimpered and looked up at you with adorable puppy eyes.

"W-Well you see bella..." Feli started to say.


"Lovino! Lovino! I need your help! Please! Help me!" I said as I looked down at the shoe.

"What you hell do you want Stupid?" I heard Lovi's voice and then see him coming from the corner. I pointed at my shoe.

"I need help with this. Can you help me?" I asked as he face palmed. He grumbled and then knelt down and started to tie the shoe-lace. I suddenly saw a cat and I cannot resist them.

"KITTYYYY!! VE~!!!!" I screamed and then tried to grab it but when I tried to grab it, My foot accidentally hit Lovi in the face and then...I collapse onto his tomatoes...

"O-Opps....S-Sorry Lovi..." I whimpered out as he glared at me, and then screamed making me flinch.


~Back to the present time and back to you guys~

"And that's what happened..." Feli said explaining the whole story with pictures, wait pictures? How did he draw so fast? and he draws so cute...better than me at least...

"Ohhhh I see now. So Lovi is mad at you because of that?" You said as he nodded quickly. You heard footsteps, and footsteps of running....fast runnning....

"AHHHHH!  Bella! Please! Help me! I beg you!" Feli said as he cried and squeezed the breath out of you as you chuckled weakly.

"Yes Feli, I will help you but please let me breath first." You say running out of air a bit.

"Oh! Of course bella! I'm so sorry!" He said and then stopped hugging you and that's when Lovi appeared, as Feli cried more and hid behind you (Haha! This is like pokemon or something, Feli summoned you to battle the "ANRGY TOMATOE LOVINO"! XD) 

"Lovi can't you forgive Feli? He didn't mean it you know." You said as Lovi grunted and crossed his arms.

"I can't forgive that Pasta Loving Bastard! He ruined the Tomatoes I had there! And there were more than 20!!" He exclaimed, sounding pissed off as ever. 

"B-But fralleto! I-I didn't mean it! It was an accident!" Feli said as he peeked to look at Lovi. 

"Accident My ass!!!" Lovi replied angrily.  

You sighed as you wakled over to Lovi and hugged him, as Lovi stood there with a red face almost like his tomatoes (That feli squashed...). 

"Lovino, Please forgive Feli for being clumsy...?" You asked as you tightened the hug, as you could feel Lovi soften a bit. 

"O-Okay fine, but only because you told me to forgive Bella." He said as you smiled and let go. 

"Good, so, shall we go get something to eat?" You asked as you looked at the two Italian brothers, their eyes lit up a bit. You chuckled to yourself and went along with Feli and Lovi to go eat of ocurse pasta, with Lovi's home-made tomato sause. 

~After eating with the two Adorable Italins~

"Arthur? You in here?" You asked as you got into the room. There, Arthur was sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands in his face, looking down as ever. You walked over and sat down besides him, wraping your arms around him as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Arthur, what's wrong..?" You asked as you kissed his forehead soflty.

"Nothing Love...Just...Tomorrow's the big day...I felt like I've done so much training but still not that strong...." He mumbled a bit against your skin, hearing him breath in your scent (IDK WHAT YOU SMELL LIKE WHATEVER .-.). 

"That's not true at all, I've seen you grow so strong Arthur." You said as you made him look at you. 

"Do you really mean it...? Or are you just trying to make me feel better..?" Arthur said as his bright green eyes stared into your (Eye Color) orbs. 

"Of course I do, I would never lie to you Arthur, I mean it." You smiled and softly kissed him as he smiled softly and kissed back. 

"Thank you (Name), For supporting me and being with me for such a long time." He said as he buried his face into your neck.

"Your welcome Arthur...So, Should we go to sleep now?" You asked as he nodded. 

"Yes, It is getting pretty late, let us rest." He said as he laid onto the bed with you in his arms, as he kissed your forehead lightlty before falling asleep.


"Today is the day, isn't it Toni?" Arthur said as he looked at Antonio, as Toni did the same thing. 

"Si, It is the day where we battle and see who is stronger." Toni smirked a bit as he looked over at you, winking. You looked away a bit and Arthur's eye twitched.

"I know what you wanted all along Toni, It was so obvoius of what you wanted, you think I wouldn't know by now? Well Guess what mate? You won't be getting what you want." Arthur said as he pulled out his sword. 

"Ah, I thought you would have figured out...Well then I won't be holding back!" Toni exclaimed as he quickly drew out his Large Axe, running towards Arthur with quick speed, jumping and lifting the Axe above his head.

"I'll be winning this fight Amigo!" Toni said before swinging his axe down hard.




A/N: Sorry for not updating .-. I just didn't really feel the mood to continue writing for these past few weeks or so, but I'm back and Alive!!! So please do keep enjoying and carry on Reading!! PEACE TO THE OUT!

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