Why Am I Sakura?!

By StarGizer789

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This what if story will be about how I the story teller became the most un-liked character from Naruto, Sakur... More

I Am Curse From Above!
Days Of The Ninja Academy
Reaching Out My Hand
The Demon Hidden In The Mist
Heated Rivals
Rematch Crimson Snow
Fragile Heart
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test part 2
The Hunting Snake
Spiral Sakura
The Flow Of Change
The Battle Zone
War In The Home Front
Clash Of Titans
A Bond To One Another
You Are My Ideals
3 Legendary Sannins Konoha's Finest
You're Smile That Brightens My Day
The Sun And The Moon Fight Over Mother Earth
The Dark Side Of The Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon part 2
Darkest Before Dawn
The Light That Morning Brings
The Sun And The Stars That Shine Upon
The Holy Knights Of The Round Table
Days That I'm Missing You
Return Of A Hero
Teacher Vs Students
Leaf Ninja At The Sand Village
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art Part 2
Love And Family
Friendly Reunion
New Member of 7
The Slug Princess vs The Snake Prince
Clash Of Dawn
Relax And Reflect
Return To The Holy Lands
Royal Hidden Conflict
Royal Life Style
Past Of The Copy Cat Ninja
Royal Party Time
Behind Close Doors
Time To Prepare
Family's Ties
Immortal Duo
Ties Of Change
Myriad Of Lives
Onwards The Search
Striking The Immortals
The Hawk's Prey
Life Within The Trees
Hidden Secrets
A Glimpse Of Me
Art Vs The Lightning!
Meeting Of Tailed Beasts
Over Coming The Dark Within
Touch Of Divinity
Spy In the Rain
God's Entrance Of Pain
Battle Of The Paths
Liberation From Secrets
Unity Of Family
Journey To The Dark
True Mage vs Ninja Mage
Sunset Silhouette
Crimson Moon
Crimson Blood
My Silhouette
Mirror On The Wall
Fall Of Konoha
Fall Of Konoha part 2
Passion Of The Night
Alternative Life
The Red Moon Scroll
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma Part 2

A Road Trip

984 35 7
By StarGizer789

/We start off from chapter 14, as we start off at a shrine as Naruto is ringing the large bells while Sakura watch as she sigh [here's a pic of Naruto ringing the bells]/

/Naruto is messing around with the large bells as Sakura speaks up/

Sakura: Somethings will never change...

/Jiraiya looks at Sakura who's keeping her eye on Naruto since he's messing around with the large bells/

Jiraiya: So what's up with you, you could join him.

Sakura: Hmm I could but I think I'll sit this out after all I don't want to be cursed.

Jiraiya: So you two seem close how long have you known each other?

Sakura: Ever since we were little kids.

Jiraiya: That far back huh.

Sakura: That's right.

/Naruto looks at Jiraiya who's next to Sakura/

Naruto: Hey pervy sage, what kinda person was the 4th hokage like?

Sakura: Even I would be interested.

Jiraiya: Well let's say he raised to greatness because of my teachings, so to have me as your sensei you both hit the jackpot kids.

/Both Naruto and Sakura look at Jiraiya in question while Sakura grins for a moment/

Naruto: Hmm...?

Sakura: Really now?

Jiraiya: What don't believe me, a good sensei will naturally begets good disciples it goes without saying.

Naruto: Wait a second sensei if that's true what did you have as a sensei then?

Jiraiya: Who me, I first studied with the 3rd hokage.

Naruto: The 3rd huh.

Jiraiya: Yup, this was when the 3rd hokage was still a young spring chicken and I was a young bud myself back then, hehe.

Naruto: Young bud!?

/As Naruto trips and pulls down the bells as he and the bells crashed on the ground as Sakura pin her bridge of her nose for a moment and sigh/

Sakura: That's what happens when you're not careful.

/As Sakura when to help Naruto up and untangled from the large bells as Jiraiya speaks up/

Jiraiya: Well let's move it you two and put those bells back the way they were before.

Naruto: Yeah, yeah.

/As Naruto and Sakura put up the bells as Sakura speaks up while helping/

Sakura: You're one peace of work Naruto.

Naruto: Oh give me a break Sakura.

/Then Sakura and Naruto are done putting the large bells back where it was before as Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya take there leave from the shrine then later a bit of time skip, as Sakura and Naruto are at an inn [here's a pic of it and just imagen Sakura being there too]/

Jiraiya: Hey you two we're going to crash here tonight.

Naruto: What, but why I can still walk.

Sakura: I don't know about you but I sure need a break.

Jiraiya: See don't wear out the little lady here Naruto, you should think of your significant other.

/As Sakura and Naruto when to join with Jiraiya/

Naruto: Oh alright but I better learn some jutsu okay.

Jiraiya: Yeah I know that already.

/As Jiraiya noticed someone as he looks and so does Naruto followed along with Sakura as they see a women walking in front of the inn where Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya will stay at as she looks there way as Sakura see both Naruto and Jiraiya who are looking at the woman but Sakura was more shocked that Naruto is well perving upon the older woman [here's a pic of the woman]/

/As Jiraiya gives Naruto the home room key and speaks with him while Sakura is getting angry as it's a slowly builds to Sakura's jealousy and she glares at Naruto as Jiraiya speaks with Naruto/

Jiraiya: Here's the room key, I want you both to go right up the room, train a little, work on your chakra and get to bed, okay hahaha!

Naruto: Wha, oh I suppose you're going to tell me it's time for the grown ups to play now is that's why I'm here you big per-!

/Then Sakura pull on Naruto's ear as Naruto yelled in pain/

Sakura: Like you're any better!

/As Sakura drags Naruto by the ear all the while Naruto is yelling out in pain then later as Sakura and Naruto are in the room alone together then Sakura let's go of Naruto's ear as he rubs it/

Naruto: That hurt Sakura what did you do that for?

Sakura: I just wanted to make sure you're head is straight is all...!

Naruto: By what pulling off my ear?

Sakura: Hump.

/As Sakura sits on the bed with her arms cross as she speaks up and looks at Naruto with a glare/

Sakura: So you like that girl?

/As Naruto thinks for a moment to answer as he does/

Naruto: Well she was pretty.

/As Sakura felt more jealous and upset towards Naruto/

Sakura: Oh she's pretty huh!?

/Then Naruto felt nervous but he speaks up/

Naruto: Sakura why are you getting mad for?

Sakura: That you were being a pervert to some woman that you don't know so tell me what does she have that I don't, am I not good enough for you!?

Naruto: What the heck are you saying?

/Then Sakura started to tear up while feeling more upset at Naruto/

Sakura: You know what I'm talking about, she doesn't know you like I do, I'm your best friend Naruto you can't just forget about me for some woman right off the street!

Naruto: I'm not going to forget you Sakura, sure she was pretty but it's not like I'm going to date her or anything!

/As Sakura snapped out of her anger and looks at Naruto with teary eyes/

Sakura: You won't...?

/Then Naruto when to sit next to Sakura on the same bed/

Naruto: Yeah I promise and you know me, when I make a promise I never go back on my word.

/Then Sakura started to tear up more and hug Naruto [here's a pic what that would look like]/

/As Sakura cries while holding onto Naruto and she recalls her former life as shadow image of herself being alone even with family she's was all by herself as a former guy all alone in a room and by a pc screen [here's a pic and clearly you know it's not me but I'm sure some of us guys would feel this lonely]/

/Then later when Sakura was done crying even if she's still have some teary eyes as Naruto use his thumb to wipe away some of the tears Sakura had on her eyes [here's a pic of it Sakura has long hair don't forget lol I'm sure we're all sick of hear me say that]/

Naruto: Are you feeling better...?

/As Sakura simply nodded then Naruto and Sakura hear a knock on the door/

Naruto: Oh I'll get it.

Sakura: Naruto wait!

Naruto: What's the big deal it's pervy sage I'm sure he's got dumped by now.

/As Naruto got up and when to answer the door despite Sakura's fears as Sakura thinks to herself when Naruto's going to open the door/

Sakura: (I can't believe I forgot that Itachi and Kisame are here especially for Naruto, don't open it Naruto!)

/And when Naruto open the door and Sakura quickly tried to stop Naruto from opening the door but it was too late as both Naruto and Sakura see the person that Sasuke talked about killing 1 day and he stands before Naruto and Sakura simply glaring down with his complete sharingan being active [here's a pic of him]/

/As both Naruto and Sakura are frozen in fear for different reasons as Sakura thinks to herself as she quickly avoid Itachi's eyes that have the sharingan active/

Sakura: (Dear god it's Itachi..., damn it Jiraiya you had one job and you left us both defenseless against 2 S class rogue ninjas especially Itachi!)

Itachi: You girl stay here and for you Naruto Uzumaki, why don't we take a walk.

/As Sakura twitch for a moment but she couldn't move do to her fear against Itachi or more precisely the power of his eyes as Sakura thinks to herself while shaking in fear/

Sakura: (I'm sorry Naruto, I can handle other things, but I..., I don't want him inside my mind..., I don't..., I can't..., I don't want to be cast under a powerful genjutsu from Itachi..., it's scary...)

/As Sakura recalls in her former life upon watching Naruto when Itachi appeared at Konoha fighting against Kakashi as Itachi cast Tsukuyomi on Kakashi as that amazed the former person that Sakura was, as Sakura ended her flash back of her former past and still in fear while still shaking as Naruto step forward by Itachi's command while feeling afraid much like Sakura but Naruto has no choice but to listen then Kisame speaks up [here's a pic of the shark man]/

Kisame: Hey Itachi, it'll be a pain in the neck if this kid makes a run for it maybe I atta chop off a leg, just in case.

/As Sakura is shocked but still afraid as she thinks to herself in this moment/

Sakura: (Dear god someone, Sasuke where are you I don't care if you cause some trouble, please someone come!!!)

Kisame: Right...

/As Kisame placing his hand on his sword to slowly make his way towards Naruto as Naruto was scared and Sakura was frozen in fear even her hands are shaking and she couldn't look away even if she wanted too then finally the words that Sakura prayed to hear from Itachi/

Itachi: It's been a long time... Sasuke.

/As Sasuke appear just in time as he speaks/

Sasuke: Itachi Uchiha...!

/As Sakura while still scared thinks to herself/

Sakura: (THANK GOD!!!)

Naruto: Itachi Uchiha...?

/As Sasuke activated his sharingan as Kisame speaks up/

Kisame: Well the sharingan and he looks awfully a lot like you, Itachi who is this kid?

Itachi: He's my younger brother

Kisame: That's strange the way I heard it the hold Uchiha clan was wiped out by you.

Sasuke: Itachi Uchiha I hope you're ready to die.

/As both Sasuke and Itachi stare at each other with there sharingan as Sasuke talks/

Sasuke: It's as you said brother, I fostered my hatred for you all this time...

/As Sasuke is getting the chidori ready as the lightning is gathering to his left hand as Sasuke kept on speaking/

Sasuke: I've lived my life for one single purpose to see you die, it ends here!

Itachi: Chidori.

Sasuke: Enough you're dead!

/As Sasuke charge at towards Itachi with recklessness and without clear thought of mind only allowing his hate to control Sasuke's actions as Sasuke is close to strike as he yells out/

Sasuke: Now die!

/But before the strike could even happen and luckily Sakura moved out of the way as Itachi grab Sasuke's arm that held the Chidori as it cause the room that Naruto and Sakura were staying at to be destroyed as Sakura stands up being next to Naruto as everyone was speechless especially Sasuke then itachi grips Sasuke's left arm as it's hurting Sasuke as he grunts as Naruto was going to use his jutsu but Sakura quickly stop Naruto from doing anything as Naruto looks at Sakura with the mix of fear, anger, confusion upon why Sakura stopped Naruto from doing anything as Sakura still afraid and she nodded no as she speaks quietly to Naruto/

Sakura: If you..., if you do anything... you'll only be hurting our chances..., Sasuke please if you have any idea what you're dealing with... then stand down..., you can't beat him...

Sasuke: Don't you tell me wha-!

Itachi: Enough.

/As Itachi breaks Sasuke's left wrist that his was holding on then Sasuke screams in pain as Naruto was angry and tires to struggles to do his shadow clones but Sakura kept Naruto from doing anything/

Naruto: That's it I had it, Sakura let me go!

Sakura: Don't, you'll die you idiot, there's nothing we can do, we're kids Naruto!

Naruto: And you're okay with that!?

/As Sakura cries to Naruto while stopping him from doing anything to draw attention as Sakura nodded no to disagree/

Sakura: No, I'm not okay with this, but what can we do against S class ninjas like them, we can't win!

Kisame: Well the girl makes a valid point kid well too bad you had to draw attention to yourself even when the little lady warned you, you should have listened.

/As Kisame raised his sword as both Sakura and Naruto are shocked and afraid as the sword is coming down upon them but then the sword was blocked by a summoned toad that has armor then behind both Naruto and Sakura appeared Jiraiya/

Jiraiya: You two don't know me at all do you, should have done you're homework, Jiraiya the toad sage falls victim to no woman's charm, rare beauties drop for me like blossom in a storm, it isn't in my nature to be doped by the wilds of woman, when you reach the stature I have the ladies knee and wordship at your awesomeness!

/As Jiraiya does a pose while he talks [here's a pic of it]/

/As Sakura feeling safe again while in a shocked expression as she thinks to herself just glad to be in the safety of Jiraiya/

Sakura: (I don't know if I want to pull my hair out, scream and cry, or kiss the floor where he stands on, I don't care I'm so glad we're saved!)

/As Naruto was upset and points at Jiraiya/

Naruto: Ahh don't give me that one wink from a pretty girl and you turn to a mountain of mush, you fall for it like a tons of bricks pervy sage!

Jiraiya: I really wish you don't call me that in front of other people hehehe...

Naruto: Are you kidding me!

/As Naruto points the both Itachi and Kisame/

Naruto: We got worse things to worry about then what these guys thinks of you, get with it pervy sage!

Jiraiya: *Cries in anime tears while yelling at Naruto* Didn't I tell you to not call me that!

Kisame *Chuckles for a moment* Whatever name you go by master Jiraiya I must say you're something of a disappointment, a lecturist old man with the disposition of children, it's almost impossible to believe that you're one of the 3 legendary sannin.

Naruto: Wha you already know who he is?

Sakura: Well Jiraiya is quite famous for his time during the 3rd great shinobi war along with the other 2 sannins during war times.

Kisame: Hehe quite the smart one aren't you, anyhow so you manage to release the genjutsu we casted on her eh.

/As Jiraiya place the woman down who he was carrying on his shoulder the hold time as he speaks up/

Jiraiya: What kind of coward would do something like that, using his sharingan to cast illusion jutsu on an innocent woman all in order to separate Naruto from me, I know he's the one you're really after.

Itachi: That explains why Kakashi knew now I understand, he learned it from you, you're right Naruto's the prize what the Akatsuki are after and we will have him.

/As Jiraiya and Itachi look at each other as the toad disappears as Jiraiya speaks up looking more serious/

Jiraiya: No way you're getting Naruto.

Itachi: We'll see about that.

Jiraiya: Actually this is very convenient I can eliminate you both at the same time.

Sasuke: Stay out of this...!

/As Sasuke struggles to stand but he finally does as Sakura speaks up/

Sakura: Stand down Sasuke you're clearly out matched.

Sasuke: Shut up!

/As Sakura felt upset towards Sasuke's recklessness of trying to fight a dangerous opponent like Itachi especially right now at the present moment/

Sakura: Idiot are you trying to get yourself killed, you're not strong enough!

Sasuke: I said shut up!

Sakura: Damn fool!

/As Itachi looks at Sasuke and say/

Itachi: Go away, you don't interest me at the moment.

Sasuke: Well get interested!

/As Sasuke run towards Itachi but Itachi did a side kick sending Sasuke crashing against the wall way at the end of the hall/

Naruto: Sasuke no, damn you-!

/As Sakura quickly grab Naruto's arm as he looks back to Sakura who has a serious expression/

Sakura: Don't, you can't help him!

Naruto: And you're okay with this!?

Sakura: No, I'm not okay with this at all!

Sasuke: Naruto don't butt in, mind your own business!

/As Sasuke struggles to get up again as he speaks/

Sasuke: As I told you before I've lived my hold life for this day, this moment...!

/As Sasuke reactivates the sharingan and yells out/

Sasuke: This fight is mine!!!

/As Sasuke run towards Itachi with more recklessness then before without really thinking of how to fight just simply rage that's on his mind as Sasuke planned on punching Itachi with his right fist but Itachi simply smacked it away and back handed Sasuke so hard that it sends him flying and crashing at the same wall once again as Sasuke speaks while sitting on the ground with his back against the very well he crashed against twice because of Itachi/

Sasuke: Not finished...

Sakura: Stop it Sasuke, that's enough you're proven you can't do it so stop trying already!

Sasuke: I..., I won't stop..., this fight is mine...

/As Itachi looks at Sasuke and speaks/

Itachi: So be it.

/As Jiraiya was going to take action but Kisame got in the way and speaks/

Kisame: You heard him old man, this fight is none of our business, let's let the two of them work it out.

/As Itachi walks towards Sasuke who's sitting on his butt while breathing to pretty much stay awake as Sasuke's anger raise upon seeing Itachi up and personal then Sasuke recklessly tried to attack/

Sasuke: And finally!

/But Itachi knee kick Sasuke's gut as Sasuke spit out blood from his mouth then Itachi started to smack Sasuke around like some play doll then finally Itachi gut punch Sasuke as Sasuke drops to the floor but then Itachi grab Sasuke by his neck and harshly placed him against the wall with his left hand [here's a classic pic]/

Itachi: You're still too weak, you don't have enough hate *Itachi got closer to Sasuke to whisper to him* and you know something, you never will.

/Then Itachi used his greatness of the evolved Sharingan called the Mangekyou Sharingan as Sasuke is reliving his past the day of his hold clan being killed by Itachi especially seeing his own parents die before his eyes as the end of the great genjutsu that was used because of the Mangekyou Sharingan called Tsukuyomi the very genjutsu that only the Uchiha's possessed and what Sakura fears the most as the genjutsu ended then Sasuke screamed in horror and it last quite awhile then Sasuke passed out then Naruto speaks up and yanked his hand from Sakura/

Naruto: That does it I'm through standing around!

/As Naruto charges at Itachi as Sakura yelled out while Kisame goes after Naruto/

Sakura: Naruto don't!

/But while this is happening Jiraiya quickly and effectively use his hand signs to perform a jutsu, then Kisame and Naruto stop running as the area is turning into something alive like the inside guts of an animal as Naruto looks around/

Naruto: Wha, what's going on?

Jiraiya: Ninja art: Toad mouth trap.

/As Sasuke is getting sucked in the flesh of the living wall so Itachi simply let go of Sasuke and the fleshly floor is sticking on to Kisame's feet as Jiraiya speaks up/

Jiraiya: You both have been shallowed up by the mountain toad, welcome my friends to the belly of the beast, you should be careful to not upset him, it's not the most glorious way to die now is it, it must be humbling to be reduced to toad bait, hehehe.

Naruto: Whoa I'm not liking this at all.

Jiraiya: Naruto stay still.

Naruto: Huh?

Jiraiya: Just remain calm, trust in my jutsu.

Itachi: Kisame come.

/As Kisame struggles to move as he speaks/

Kisame: Easier said then done.

/Then Kisame breaks free and makes a run for it as Jiraiya speaks up/

Jiraiya: It's useless, there hasn't been a ninja born who can survive this powerful stomach.

/As Kisame and Itachi makes a run for it and the fleshly area that Itachi and Kisame are trapped in are becoming more alive as it's going after the two of them, as Sakura and Naruto along with Jiraiya hear an explosion happen even surprising Jiraiya himself then Jiraiya rush towards where Itachi and Kisame escaped too as Naruto and Sakura followed along/

Naruto: What the heck happen, whoa they both got away.

/As Naruto was about to walk towards the black fire but Sakura harshly grab Naruto as he looks at her/

Naruto: Come on Sakura they're gone!

/Then Sakura felt upset then she slap Naruto as this took Naruto by surprised then Sakura grab Naruto's jacket to draw his face to her own and Naruto see that Sakura is angry/

Sakura: Don't you think I know that!?

/As Naruto is speechless as Sakura started to tear up and speaks in a shaky voice/

Sakura: You idiots..., don't you guys have any idea how much danger you both were..., you never listen to me..., damn it I'm the brains in this team for heaven's sake!

Naruto: Sakura...

Sakura: Now look what happen to Sasuke, he's passed out because of his stupidity and it could have been you!

/As Sakura hug Naruto while crying as Jiraiya looks at both Naruto's and Sakura's caring moment as he walks ahead to do fuinjutsu to seal up the black flames as Sakura and Naruto stop hugging and they watched what Jiraiya sealing up the black flames when this happen then Jiraiya rolled up the scroll that the black flames are sealed in and tied it up and put it away/

Jiraiya: That takes care of that for the time being, now for Sasuke.

/Then Jiraiya, Naruto, and Sakura when to Sasuke as the fleshly wall drop him as Sakura got Sasuke then Sakura started her medical healing with the mystical palm jutsu as Jiraiya speaks up/

Jiraiya: Can you heal him?

Sakura: Just his body, but..., that's all I can do, I don't know the workings of the mind all that well and I'm limited to what my knowledge is from Konoha, there's nothing I can do for Sasuke in this state.

Jiraiya: I see...

/As Jiraiya undid the jutsu of the fleshly walls as everything goes back to normal then a kunai was thrown then Jiraiya looked where it was thrown and sees it was Guy who was doing his attack a high jump kick and it's called/

Guy: Dynamic Entry!

/As Guy kick Jiraiya's face then Guy realize who he kicked and he express shock, then later during the day as Jiraiya glares at Guy and had a tissue paper place up his nose since it's bleeding as Guy talks/

Guy: I uh I guess I was a little enthusiastic, you see I was trying to hurry and I couldn't see very clearly ha ha ha ha, I used my head band to look in the opening and all I can see where 3 sinister fingers so I'm going to put an end to this right now.

Jiraiya: You know what, is this you're way of saying sorry it sinks!

Guy: I'm sorry it was a simple misunderstanding.

Jiraiya: Simple minded is more like it but never mind that now we got to get Sasuke to the medical core at once.

Guy: Right.

Jiraiya: He's in bad shape, Sakura managed to heal up his broken arm but he's been knocked out by whatever jutsu that was that Itachi used on him.

Sakura: (Tsukuyomi...)

Naruto: Sakura is Sasuke going to be alright, isn't he?

/As Sakura looks at Naruto who looks at Sakura in hopes of Sasuke's recovery then Sakura express a bit gloomy/

Sakura: He's body's fine but like I said before the mind is a tricky subject which I hardly know anything about, well more or less, it's far trickier then you think Naruto, there's only so much I can do if I try to do anything, I could possibly damage his mind which we don't want to do and there's a very high risk of doing that, especially how I am now.

/As Naruto shakes but he clinch his fist hard/

Naruto: Okay pervy sage, it's time for a new game plan starting right now, I'd admit I'd let those goons scared me a little but that's over, no more running after all it's me they're after right well okay then it's time I've give them what they want!

/As Naruto looks at Jiraiya with anger and determination/

Jiraiya: Hump nice speech kid but I'm afraid you wouldn't stand a chance against them, you're not in the same league, what would have happen if I haven't shown up just now, huh?

Sakura: Most likely dead in the worse case or Naruto being captured by those guys as they called themselves the Akatsuki with a missing leg or arms.

/As Naruto looks at Sakura in disbelief upon what she said as Sakura kept talking/

Sakura: That's what would have happened.

Jiraiya: Sakura's right, it took all I had to keep them away from you.

/Then Naruto feeling angry and yells out/

Naruto: So what, are you saying we just do nothing, sit here waiting them to hit us again, what kind of plan is that!?

Jiraiya: Just be quiet!

/As Naruto stop talking as he's upset more towards himself as Sakura hasn't spoken either since she's in the gloomy mood as Jiraiya speaks up/

Jiraiya: You haven't earned the right.

/As Naruto feels more upset towards himself upon hearing those words/

Jiraiya: I'm sorry Guy I wanted to let Sasuke fight his own battle but I see now I should have stepped in sooner.

Guy: This was the same kind of jutsu that Kakashi was hit with.

/Then Sakura looks at Guy in shock upon hearing about Kakashi then looks at Sasuke in a somber expression/

Sakura: Kakashi-sensei, now they're both like this?

Guy: Yeah and we don't know when they'll come out of it.

Naruto: No way...

Guy: There's nothing worse then seeing your own students fall in battle, it's like losing little peace of your soul, what we need a real medical specialist, a master of healing arts and soon.

Jiraiya: You're right and the woman you're talking about is the one we've come to find.

Guy: Huh a woman?

/As Naruto and Guy are surprised but Sakura smile to herself knowing who Jiraiya is talking about/

Guy: You don't mean?

Jiraiya: Yes that's exactly who I mean another of the legendary sannin, the queen of slugs and elixirs, the gambling fool and the mistress of the healing arts Lady Tsunade.

/As Sakura smile and looks up to Jiraiya and had her arms crossed and Sakura thinks to herself/

 Sakura: (About damn time too.)

/Then later on the day as Naruto, Sakura, Jiraiya, and Guy who's carrying Sasuke on his back are at a different location as they talk/

Jiraiya: Alright Guy we'll leave Sasuke in your hands.

Guy: Master Jiraiya find lady Tsunade, bring her back to us.

/As Guy grins and Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya take there leave as they've walked and talked about Tsunade but I'm skipping all that if you want to watch the episode of it it's Naruto episode 86 as Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya are at a different town [here's a pic of it and just imagen Sakura being next to Naruto looking at the town they've arrived at]/

/As they when down into the town as they've talked about everything as Jiraiya takes his leave as it's only Naruto and Sakura at the town as it's having a big festival as both Sakura and Naruto are walking around to each stand as Sakura speaks up/

Sakura: Naruto slow down you shouldn't buy so much food or else you'll get fat.

Naruto: What the heck are you talking about Sakura I'm sure I can eat all of this.

Sakura: Just don't say I didn't warned you.

/Then later when Naruto tried to eat all the food he bough but he's so full to the point that his belly is showing and Sakura is just eating a cooked squid/

Naruto: Oh man I think I've might have eaten too much.

Sakura: Told you so.

Naruto: Aw whatever.

/As Naruto lays down on the grassy ground and Sakura did the same as Sakura speaks up/

Sakura: This is quite fun you know, we haven't been in a festival in a while.

Naruto: Yeah.

/Then Sakura extended her palm out as Naruto is seeing what Sakura is doing and he's surprised to see Sakura doing the rasengan [here's the picture of it and just imagine it being at the right palm of Sakura's hand]/

Naruto: Whoa that jutsu again, what was it again?

Sakura: Rasengan at the time I didn't know I was creating this jutsu and I was going to call it little chakra ball as you can see, but someone else beat me to it first so it's named Rasengan.

Naruto: I remember you using it on that Gaara guy, it totally messed him up bad.

/As Sakura looks at Naruto with a smile/

Sakura: So you want to learn how to do the Rasengan Naruto?

Naruto: You bet I do!

/Then Sakura made the Rasengan from her right hand disappear/

Sakura: Alright, we're going to need lots of water balloons and rubber balls.

Naruto: Sounds good to me, but what the heck does it have to do with anything, do you want to have a water balloon fight?

/As Sakura couldn't help but grin a bit and then nodded no/

Sakura: No silly, it's going to be for your training of mastering the Rasengan.

Naruto: Oh I get it.

/Then later when Sakura and Naruto got a lot of water balloons, rubber balls and normal balloons that wasn't filled with air as Naruto has one in his hands of the water balloon [here's a pic of it]/

Sakura: Okay Naruto here's 3 steps on how this training will go, first with the water balloon is spinning the water as many directions as possible here have a look.

/As Sakura got a water balloon and held it with her right hand and she show how Naruto to pop the water balloon as she popped it with nothing but pure chakra to do it as Naruto's surprised upon seeing Sakura popping the water balloon with nothing but pure chakra/

Sakura: See.

Naruto: Whoa...

Sakura: Okay, before you start anything let me see what type of rotation of chakra flow you are.

/As Sakura when closer to Naruto and place her hands on Naruto's head as she close her eyes to feel the flow of Naruto's chakra as Sakura feels the flow of the rotation of Naruto's chakra flow is/

Sakura: A right rotation.

Naruto: A what now?

Sakura: Well it's simple to explain there's two types of people with different rotations, there's a right rotation much like you and there's a left rotation, so we're pretty much lucky on that department since I'm also a right rotation myself, so let me draw it out how you should spin the water balloon.

/As Sakura when to her bag and get a paper and pen and draw it out how the rotation should be [here's a pic of it just ignore the word spoken and everything else if you like yes I know I'm crazy]/

Sakura: See here, you have to have it swirl it at this many directions that takes chakra control just like the tree walking training like I'd showed you plus water walking and to move the chakra around like in this drawing here.

Naruto: Oh I get it.

/As Naruto tries it out but he's struggling to do it as the water balloon in Naruto's hands is moving around as Sakura when closer and place her hand underneath Naruto's hand that's holding the water balloon as Naruto looks at Sakura in question while blushing a bit as he stutters/

Naruto: Wha-What are you doing Sakura?

Sakura: Giving you an idea on how it should flow, okay I'm going to show you so you better pay attention Naruto.

Naruto: Uh right.

/As Naruto feels the flow of Sakura's chakra at his palm on how she's making the rotations of inside the water balloon but at a slower speed as Sakura talks while helping Naruto to learn how the rotations of how the chakra should flow within the water balloon/

Sakura: Are you feeling the chakra flow Naruto, this is how it's done but you should do it at a much faster rate, give it a try.

/As Sakura let's go of Naruto's back hand and then Naruto focus and finally the water balloon popped since Naruto learned the first step, as Naruto was happy and excited/

Naruto: Alright you saw that Sakura, I got it at the first try!

/As Sakura smile to Naruto and then patted him on the head while smiling/

Sakura: Nicely done.

Naruto: Ah come on Sakura don't treat me like a kid!

Sakura: Sorry, I just thought you'd like that.

/As Naruto looks up to Sakura who's smiling and he smile along too then Sakura speaks up/

Sakura: So are you ready for step 2 Naruto?

Naruto: Heck yeah I am!

Sakura: Alright I'll warn you now from this point on it'll be much harder.

/As Sakura got a rubber ball and used her only her chakra to pop it/

Sakura: This one will need power and that it has no water inside so you'll have to do what you did in the step 1 but you'll need to do it with a heck of a lot more chakra for this one and you're going to need to control it while you're doing it, so you're really going to need a lot of effort on this second step, think you can handle that?

Naruto: Heck yeah!

/As Sakura toss the rubber ball to Naruto and he catch it as Naruto tries to do pop the rubber ball and struggles too [here's a pic of Naruto with a rubber ball]/

/As Naruto struggles to pop the rubber ball while Sakura being supportive in Naruto's process of doing the second step of popping the rubber ball but unknown to Sakura and Naruto somewhere hidden away hiding behind a tree is Jiraiya who's spying on Naruto and Sakura as he thinks to himself/

Jiraiya: (It's unbelievable..., even reading the report that Kakashi gave me was one thing, but somehow Sakura was able to do it and here she is teaching Naruto how to do the very jutsu that the 4th hokage and I mastered over the years..., I must say along side having the strength of 100 seal added with her mastering the Rasengan, she'll be one unstoppable force that one shouldn't look down too.)

/As Jiraiya kept spying Sakura and Naruto for a little bit and seeing them taking a little break and messing around a bit as Jiraiya smiles and then walks away/

End of chapter 15


I hope you'd enjoyed this story so far and the bonding experience along with it and I'm sorry that I took so long I've taken a break because I need a few days off and seeing my friends again, but don't worry I'm not quitting this story anytime soon or at all until I reach the end, so I'll see you in the next chapter, bye.

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