full throttle || h.s. ||

By -acidharold

8.8M 215K 1.2M

"Who's that over there?" The man looked at me like I was from outer space, or perhaps like I lived under... More

trailer and cast
prologue || trouble
one || retail therapy
two || burning rubber
three || constructive criticism
four || making enemies
five || let's put on a show
six || (little) red solo cup
seven || behind closed doors
eight || dancing with the devil *
nine || unwanted wakeup calls
ten || practice runs and pay raises
eleven || gum on the bottom of my shoe
twelve || high rev's and revenge plots
thirteen || pedal to the metal
fourteen || rock, paper, scissors, shoot
fifteen || bite the bullet
sixteen || break me *
seventeen || working overtime
eighteen || duty calls & bodies fall
nineteen || the grim reaper
twenty || to spit or to swallow *
twenty-one || breaking through the unbreakable
twenty-two || the never-ending headache
twenty-three || hindsight is a son of a bitch
twenty-four || meet you at the track
twenty-five || no sense of direction
twenty-six || welcome to the show
twenty-seven || would you like to come to the gym?
twenty-eight || no ends except dead ones
twenty-nine || i dont take rules, i make them
thirty || all done up
thirty-one || you shut me up real quick
thirty-two || the roaring 20s
thirty-three || playing with fire *
thirty-four || ms. james *
thirty-five || comfortable silence
thirty-six || coffee mugs and quiet company
thirty-seven || show me your true colors
thirty-eight || fess-up, finley james
thirty-nine || where do we go from here?
forty || he's right behind me, isn't he?
forty-one || shut up and drive
forty-two || golden boy
forty-three || talking to the moon
forty-four || red light risks
forty-five || call me sometime
forty-six || rockin' records and shaking walls *
forty-seven || tell me what you want *
forty-eight || squirrels in the attic
forty-nine || off to the races
fifty || things we shouldn't have said or seen
fifty-one || cause of death
fifty-two || he who shall not be named
fifty-three || digging up the past
fifty-four || cloth-covered canvases
fifty-five || life imitates art *
fifty-six || pissed off and provoked
fifty-seven || blissful ignorance
fifty-eight || self defense
fifty-nine || restraint and restraints *
sixty || let the phone ring *
sixty-one || driving (me crazy)
sixty-two || a couple of shots deep
sixty-three || smells like teen spirit
sixty-four || bohemian rhapsody
sixty-five || we meet again
sixty-six || ticking time bomb
sixty-seven || the chain
sixty-eight || sunbeams, songbirds, and him
sixty-nine || running out the clock *
seventy || you have one new message
seventy-one || a conscious nightmare
seventy-three || spare parts and broken hearts
seventy-four || the upper hand
seventy-five || ready for takeoff *
seventy-six || tokyo drift
seventy-seven || cutthroat
seventy-eight || mad for you *

seventy-two || you better run

73.1K 2.2K 26.1K
By -acidharold

the song for this chapter is "Hayloft, Metal Version," by Mother Mother. If there was ever a time for you to listen to one of the songs I suggest, it's now. PLEASE JUST PLAY IT ON REPEAT HONESTLY HERE IS THE LINK TO THE EXACT VERSION I SUGGEST



Here is a video edit I made to set the tone, again, please listen to the song I posted the link for!




   Within about five seconds of seeing that Finley had sent me her location, I was already on my feet.

   "I need a car," I demanded frantically, tearing Leo's attention away from the rubber band ball still in his fingertips.

   He furrowed his brows at me, taking in my manic state. "What's wrong?" he asked, taking on a more serious demeanor as he realized something was wrong, setting the rubber band ball down on a table next to him.

   "Finley's in fucking trouble, I need a car, and I need guns," I stated, feeling antsy with every second that passed.

   "I'm coming with you," he spoke decisively, standing up from his chair and raising a brow when I looked at him in confusion.

   "Don't look so surprised, you're not the only one who cares about her around here," he replied with a shrug, "Let's go, you can explain in the car."

   I didn't have time to argue with him or further carry on the conversation, so I just rolled with it, both of us practically running out of the office and down the staircase and trying not to trip over our own feet as we ran to the massive garages of Leonardo's place.

   We pried open one of the gun cabinets pressed against the wall, each of us grabbing whatever we could fit in our hands and walking over to one of his Lamborghinis, stashing some of the guns in the glove compartment, and the rest into the tiny trunk space. 

   I opened the garage door and then hopped into the driver's seat, barely giving Leonardo time to shut the door as he got in before I started to back out quickly, whipping the car around and putting it in drive, and peeling out down the long driveway.

   I've never hated this driveway more than I did right now. Every inch was keeping me further and further away from her. My heart felt like it might stop beating.

   I unlocked my phone quickly and handed it to him.

   "She sent you her location?" he asked in confusion, grabbing the console involuntarily as I took a sharp and fast turn down the driveway, going at least 70 mph already and still speeding up.

   "She once said to me that if she ever sends me her location, she's either hammered drunk, or something's actually wrong. She would have called me if nothing was wrong or sent a text. She sent her location because she knew I'd understand," I explained, my speech coming out extremely fast and frantic. 

   "For fuck's sake," Leo cursed, running a hand through his hair.

   "I don't know what happened, or who Harvey sent, but I swear...whoever it is, I'm not just going to kill them, I'm going to put them through hell," I muttered through gritted teeth, my hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

   "You don't think Harvey himself took her, do you?" Leo asked anxiously.

   "No, I don't. He's too much of a fucking coward," I laughed bitterly, finally reaching the end of Leonardo's driveway.

   "Styles, what about Alex?" Leonardo suddenly asked gravely.

   Fucking hell. Please don't be dead.

   But as if on cue, my phone began to ring, Leonardo wasting no time in pressing the answer button and then switching back to Finley's location.

   "Turn right," he instructed, and without even bothering to put on a turn signal, I peeled out across the road, earning a few irritated honks from other drivers.   

   "Harry, she's gone," Alex's frantic voice spoke through the phone, my heart rate increases even though it was something I already knew.

   "Alex, what the fuck happened?" I asked in irritation. I felt bad snapping at him, as I knew that he would do anything to protect her, but I couldn't help it, I was too on edge. 

   "I was packing the car, and some guy showed up. I've never seen him before in my life, I have no idea who he was.  He was driving a dark green Toyota Four Runner with some college sticker on the back of it," he rattled off.

   My heart dropped some more. 

   "I thought he was a neighbor or something at first, but then I saw the crowbar in his hand. I tried to call you or warn Finley, but it just...fuck, Harry, it happened so fast. I fought him off as best I could, but he must have knocked me out," he spat out, his breathing clearly erratic as he spoke.

   "Harry, fuck, Harry-" he tried to get out, his voice cracking as he tried to gather himself.

   "Harry, her car...it's fucking destroyed. I hardly recognize it. I-I don't think he worked for the mafia...I think he was sent to get her, but something about it...it felt personal," he continued, having to stop to take sharp breaths every once in a while.

   And at that moment...I knew exactly who it was.

   "No...no, no, no...fucking hell," I cursed out, glancing at the directions to Finley's moving location and taking a sharp left as I came up to a light, the tires squealing against the asphalt as I did so. 

   "What is it, Styles?" Leo asked, his eyes looking wild and terrified.

   "It's her ex-boyfriend. Fucking bastard. I knew Harvey was a disgusting and worthless piece of shit...but this is a new low," I cursed, my palms growing sweaty.

   "Alex, is there anything at the house? Anything sign of what happened after you got knocked out?" Leo asked.

   "The garage door was shut when I woke up, let me go inside," he responded, and I heard him running into the house.

   "Fuck," he muttered out.

   "What? What is it?" I asked hurriedly, hating not knowing what was going on even for a second.

   I heard him sniffle and choke out an incoherent statement, the circulation in my fingers practically nonexistent from how hard they were gripped around the steering wheel.

   "Alex!" I snapped.

   "There are knives on the counter...and there's blood on some of them, and some blood on the floor," he spoke hurriedly. 

   I slammed my palm against the steering wheel, causing Leo to flinch.

   "Where is she?" I asked him sharply.

   "They're still moving, it says they are forty-five minutes away from us," he responded rapidly, looking at me with concern.

   "Alex. Call Leonardo's house and have Ellis and Vance sent to our place immediately. Then call Tommy and have him meet you at Finley's house. I want you guys to stay there until I get to her, I don't want Harvey sending any of his other little fucks over there. If you need weapons, get some out of the basement," I instructed, in full fight mode as I spoke.

   "Is there anything else I can do?" he asked, his voice full of remorse as he spoke.

   I sighed. "Alex, none of this is your fault. Finley wouldn't blame you for this, and I don't either," I spoke, my voice gentler than it had been the entire conversation.

   "I was supposed to look after her, I was supposed to make sure that she was safe-" he sputtered out, but I cut him off. 

   "She will be, Alex. We're gonna get her back," I spoke decisively, trying to assure him just as much as I was trying to assure myself.

   "We're gonna get her back," he repeated neurotically, his voice wavering as he tried to convince himself of my claims.

   "Yes, now, go. Make the calls, I will call you when we get her back," I assured him.

   The line cut off and it was just me, Leo, and our frantic states of mind.

   "I need to go faster, fucking-" I cursed as I saw the number of cars on the road increase. If I got pulled over, this could all be for nothing.

   But I was off by Leo suddenly reaching into the center console, pulling out what looked to be a police siren.

   "Where the fuck did you get that?" I asked in amazement.

   He unrolled the window and turned it on, slapping it onto the roof before looking at me.

   "Amazon, best twenty bucks I ever spent. Now, let's move it," he demanded, patting his hand on the side of the car and giving me the signal to step on the gas and drive like I needed to. 

   "Isn't that illegal?" I asked as I began to drive as recklessly as I wanted to, weaving through the cars without a care in the world other than getting Finley back.

   Leonardo threw his head back and laughed. "Are you seriously worried about legality issues right now?"

   "Fair point," I chuckled back, "Where do I need to go?"

   "Merge onto the next highway exit, you're going to just be going straight for about twenty miles then. Considering he's driving a regular SUV, I'd say we have a fighting chance of catching up with him," he informed me, the Lamborghini engine roaring as it sped through the streets. 

   "I'm going to absolutely mutilate this motherfucker," I scoffed, shaking my head in irritation as I merged onto the highway.

   "And I will gladly help you," Leo assured me, reaching a hand towards me and patting me on the arm.

   Whatever Harvey promised this asshole, I can assure you, it wasn't worth it. No promise would be worth enduring the painful death I was about to give him.



   I woke up very abruptly, a faint cracking sound snapping me back into my senses.

   When my eyes fluttered open, the first thing that I saw was a smelling salt cracked and held right underneath my nose, explaining the sudden return of consciousness.

   For the briefest of seconds, I forgot what had happened. But then, it all came flooding back in a chaotic wave, and soon, I was staring yet again into his eyes.

   "Well, hello there, sleepyhead," he smirked in a patronizing tone.

   My eyes were still struggling to adjust to my surroundings. Wherever we were, it was extremely dark in here.

   "Just like old times, right?" he smiled, and it was then that I suddenly registered where we were, my heart feeling like it had just dropped straight to the ground.

   We were in the planetarium of my old college.

   "How the fuck did you get in here, Jax? How did you get someone to let you in?" I demanded to know, my voice frantic as I spoke.

   "Oh come on, Finley. College wasn't that long ago. It's fall break, remember? No one is here except you and me!" He replied like it was the best thing in the world.

   "My new friend even figured out how to disable the security cameras for a few hours. So, even if they check the tapes when they get back, they'll just be watching a prerecorded tape full of nothing but an empty campus," he assured me.

   Fucking Harvey.

   "You gotta admit, it's pretty romantic being back in the place we first met. Come on, Finley, tell me about the stars," he urged, and I watched as he used a little remote in his hand to turn on the planetarium screen, the dome above us instantly being flooded with an animated version of the sky, the stars and planets rotating above us.

   If I could create the perfect nightmare, this would be it. Alone with Jax, and trapped with my hands bound together as I sat in one of the planetarium seats that I used to love so much, but now, I associated with fear and trauma. 

   He rested a hand on each of the armrests on either side of my body, leaning forward, my body involuntarily pushing against the seat, trying to create as much distance between us as possible.

   He cocked his head to the side and tutted in disapproval of my silence, reaching one of his hands up to harshly grab my chin.

   "You used to love telling me about the sky, Finley. Come on, for old time's sake," he pressed, and I clenched my jaw tightly.

   His fingernails began to pinch my skin as his grip tightened and his facial expression hardened.

   "Oh, I'm sorry, do you only talk to your new little boy toy about the sky now? Is that how you pulled him in too? Did you bat those big eyes of yours and pout those little lips until you ended up in his bed?" he muttered out in anger.

   "Fuck off, you bastard," I cursed, making him squeeze his fingers into my skin even harder.

   I felt a burst of anger, jerking my leg outwards and kicking him in the shins, causing his grip on my face to fall.

   "You can hate me all you fucking want, Jax. You can keep believing every delusional idea inside that fucked up head of yours, but at the end of the day, you are the one who hurt me. You are the one who cheated on me. You are the one who hit me, and no matter what you do to me now, I will never apologize for leaving you," I snapped harshly. 

   "You know, I'd watch that pretty mouth yours if you knew what was good for you," he warned, leaning in close to me again, placing his hands on my thighs to keep them immobile.

   "And I'd get your disgusting hands off of me if you knew what was good for you," I retorted, staring at him with as much confidence as I could muster, even though it felt like my lips were shaking. 

   "Why is that, Finley? You think your new boyfriend is going to come and save the day? You think he's gonna play the hero and come and whisk you away? Newsflash, sweetheart, I hope he does come. That way, I'll finally be able to use this," he replied, fishing into his waistband and pulling out a gun, making a hard lump travel painfully slow down my dry throat. 

   His eyes darted up and a smug grin made its way onto his lips, and he reached his hand forward and pressed the barrel of the gun under my chin, tilting my head to look at the screen above us.

   "Look, it's Saturn. Your favorite," he mused darkly, pushing the metal tip of the gun harder underneath my chin.

   Jax had ruined so many things for me. He had ruined my trust in relationships. He had increased my anxiety tenfold. He had made me lose all sense of security, and left me in a constant state of paranoia. He had destroyed the car that my dad and I spent years restoring. And he had taken one of the things I was the most passionate about and tainted it with his abusive hands.

   But at that moment...even amidst all of the fear, anxiety, and panic coursing through my veins...something snapped.

   And I realized just how tired I was of him ruining things for me.

   I was tired of him having control over me, even when he was nowhere to be found.  

   I was tired of the sleepless nights, the constant feeling of unease.

   And I was sick and fucking tired of hating the sky that I used to love.

   And so, before I could even think about it, I opened my mouth to speak.

   "Saturn's not my favorite planet anymore," I replied bluntly, feeling a wave of anger mixing in with the fear.

   He scoffed and gripped the top of my hair, yanking my head down to face him, using the other hand to keep the gun firmly planted underneath my jaw.

   "Oh really? Then what is?" he grunted out in annoyance, his face only mere inches away from my own.

   It was then that I heard the sound of a door being slammed open, footsteps scurrying into the building, and a satisfied and confident smirk spread across my lips before I opened them to answer him, his eyes darting around frantically at the sudden intrusion before briefly locking with my own.




   "Where the fuck are we?" Leonardo scoffed as we got out of the car, but I knew exactly why we were here.

   We were at Finley's old college, and I didn't have a doubt in my mind of where on campus she was.

   She was in the planetarium.

   "This is where Finley went to school. He's keeping her in the planetarium," I replied bluntly, grabbing a couple of the guns out of the car, stuffing two in my waistband, and watching Leonardo do the same.

   "How do you know that?" he asked, checking how many bullets he had before placing them in the magazine of another pistol.

   For all we knew, Finley and her piece of shit ex-boyfriend weren't alone, and I wanted to be prepared to encounter more worthless fucks than just him. 

   "I just know," I replied, searching around the car, "Hey, do you have any-" I started to ask, but Leonardo cut me off.

   "Knives? Yeah, I figured you might want to cut a bitch, so I grabbed a few when we were getting the guns," he replied, reading my mind and reaching for a strap with knives tucked into it, handing it to me, and waiting for me to tie it around my waist.

   "Where is everyone?" Leonardo marveled as we locked the car and began walking to the entrance of the planetarium.

   "Probably on break or something. Harvey wouldn't be careless enough to let him bring her here with a full campus," I responded, quickening my pace and watching as Leo did the same. 

    "When we get in, do you want me to grab her and take her out so she doesn't see...well, so she doesn't see you tear this fuck limb from limb?" Leonardo asked as we approached the doors.

   "Yes, please. I don't want her to see what I'm about to do," I responded, shushing him as my hand grabbed onto the door handle.

   I took in a deep breath, Leonardo nodding at me in reassurance, and I yanked the door open. But just as I walked in, I heard a single word. A single word from a voice I had never been more thankful to hear than now. A single word that made my heart soar...


   My eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness around us, and I watched as his disgusting eyes snapped up to mine, and his hand remained to hold a gun under her chin.

   "Well, well, well, if it isn't the man of the hour," he smirked, standing up straight and staring at me.

   Before I had a chance to reply though, Leonardo's phone started to ring.

"Watch out boy she'll chew you up (Oh, here she comes) She's a maneater (Oh, here she comes) Watch out boy she'll chew you up (Oh, here she comes) She's a maneater," it rang out loudly.

   "Shit, sorry, sorry, sorry," he rambled, struggling to pull it out and silence it, my eyes pinched shut in frustration.

   But they snapped open when I heard Finley laugh, and I looked to see her smiling at me, her tired eyes grasping onto a glimmer of hope when they met mine. 

   "This is your rescue team, Finley? Geez, tough luck," he scoffed, shaking his head at us.

   "Keep talking, Jax. I'd love for you to add onto to the many painful ways that you're gonna die," she encouraged, and I couldn't help but smile.

   That's my girl.

   "Yeah, Jax, keep talking, bud," I smirked arrogantly, beginning to walk down the stairs towards them. 

   He glanced at Finley and then back at me. "Pay attention, Finley, I want you to watch him die," he spoke smugly, lifting the gun and pointing it at me, finger on the trigger.

   But I was far quicker than he could ever dream of being.

   Before he could even blink, I pulled out one of the guns, cocked it, and fired it at his hand, making him drop the gun on the ground in an attempt to protect his hand from being blown off.

   By the time his panicked self regained his composure, I was standing directly in front of him, still standing a few inches taller than him, and jerking him close to me by his shirt, glaring down at his pathetic little face.

   "Leonardo, please take Finley back to the car," I instructed, feeling my blood boil and my fingers tingle with the endless options I had floating around my head of how to make this bastard suffer.

   I heard Leonardo's footsteps beginning to come closer, but Finley's voice made them screech to a halt.

   "No, don't. I want to watch," she spoke adamantly, causing all three of us to turn our heads towards her in surprise, the barrel of my gun still placed firmly under Jax's jaw.

   "Finley, I don't think that's a good idea-" Leonardo tried to protest, but she cut him off, standing up with her hands bound together in front of her, glaring into Jax's eyes as he turned his head towards her.

   "This pathetic waste of space has made my life a living hell for almost a year. He has ruined so many things for me. He has controlled my life for far too long...and I'll be damned if I don't get a front-row seat to watching him being put through even half the hell that he put me through," she spoke gravely, her voice holding an edge that I had never heard. 

   "Finley, come on, it's me. You know you don't want him to kill me," Jax sputtered out, still trying to manipulate her even after everything he had put her through.

   She laughed bitterly, taking a step closer and holding out her wrists to me, and I pressed the gun harder under his chin, taking my hand off of his shirt in order to quickly grab a knife, cutting the zip ties from her wrists. 

   She took the knife from me and reached a determined hand forward, grabbing his chin harshly and turning his neck painfully towards her.

   "Actually, I do. You've given me more nightmares over the past year than I can even begin to count. And I can think of no better dream to drift off to sleep to tonight than watching you pay for everything you've done," she practically spat in his face, bringing the knife up to his cheek and slicing a gash into his skin, his eyes squeezing shut in pain.

   I was taken off guard when Jax suddenly grabbed the gun out of my hand, his last attempt to save his life, pointing it at Finley.

   "No!" I cried out frantically, but it appeared that I had nothing to worry about, as I watched the hours of training I had given to her being put into play.

   She quickly disarmed him of the gun, and as if that wasn't enough, she then backhanded him with the barrel of it, the sound of metal on bone echoing harshly throughout the nearly empty planetarium. 

   "Nice try, Jax. I'd say it was nice knowing you, but we both know that you were always the liar in the relationship," she muttered out, glancing at him one more time before handing the gun back to me, my hand securing itself around Jax's neck this time, the gun resuming its position under his chin.

   Before she walked away to go stand with Leonardo near the back of the planetarium, she pressed up on her toes, kissing my cheek quickly.

   "Make him suffer, please," she begged in a whisper, and I nodded at her, still struggling to accept the fact that she wanted to watch this.

   "Are you sure you're ready to see this side of me?" I asked, nearly forgetting that I had the pathetic sack of shit in my hands as I stared down at her.

   "Yes. Don't hold back on my account," she assured me, and once again, I gave her a small nod, taking in a deep breath as she brushed past me, her footsteps pattering throughout the air as she walked to stand with Leonardo, and I glanced back to see him pulling her into a hug immediately.

   "I'm so glad you're okay," he murmured into her hair, something I couldn't wait to do myself once this was finished.

   I turned back towards Jax, spinning him around and pressing the gun into his back, bending down quickly and grabbing his gun and Finley's zip ties off of the ground, setting them onto one of the seats.

   "Leo, can we get a crew sent here for clean up after this is done?" I asked as I pushed the gun further into his back, walking him down to the front of the planetarium, away from the chairs, glancing to see him already going to collect the items.

   "Already got it covered," he assured me with a small laugh.

   I walked him up to the little stage where I'm sure many lectures took place. Many lectures that Finley sat through, and many lectures where Jax coerced her into falling for him. And now...he would die on that stage. 

   "Normally, I'd probably tie you up, restrain you. Leaving you no other option other than just sitting there and taking every brutal action I did to you," I began.

   "But for you...I'm going to make an exception. I want to watch you struggle, I want to watch you fight as best as your pathetic little body can. I want to watch you do everything in your power to keep breathing. I want to watch you die, knowing that you did everything that you could not to," I snarled, letting myself put my sensitivity for Finley being in the room aside, and allowing my darker persona to take over.

   I turned the safety switch of the gun on and stuffed it into my waistband, wanting to fight him first with my bare hands.

    He looked at me in fear and astonishment...like I was some sort of beast, and not a human being, and I didn't blame him, because what I was about to do to him...was fucking inhumane.

   "Come on, Jax. Hit me, you know you want to," I taunted in a twisted voice, looking at him with an insane look in my eyes.

   "You know you wanna hit the guy who is a better boyfriend to Finley than you could ever dream of being," I snarled, and it seemed that I struck a nerve, his eyes going wild as he lunged at me, trying to deliver a punch to my face, which I quickly dogged, jerking my fist upwards and into his stomach and causing him to grunt out in pain.

   "That all you got, bud? Wow, you're more of a wimp than I thought. Although, I don't know what I expected. Clearly, anyone who puts their hands on a woman is bound to be a little bitch," I scoffed, shoving him to the ground and kicking him in the stomach.

   "Fuck you, I hope you're having fun with my leftovers, she was getting boring anyway," he laughed bitterly, and I felt another wave of anger-filled adrenaline course through my body.

   I bent down and grabbed him by the neck, yanking him to his feet and then promptly slamming his body against the wall. 

   "You don't deserve to have ever even looked in her direction," I spat out, backhanding him with my ring-clad fingers, slicing his skin as the metal came into contact with his cheek, deepening the gash that Finley had already created.

   He laughed at me and tossed his bloodied head back against the wall, spitting a mouthful of blood in my face.

   "I looked at her long before you ever did. I touched her before you even knew she existed. She's a good fuck, isn't she?" he hummed, diverting his eyes behind me, and no doubt onto Finley. 

   That's it.

   I yanked one of his arms out straight and brought my knee up, holding it in place and then tugging it down, sighing in relief as I heard the bone snap, and a strangled cry of pain leave his lips.

   I then pulled a knife out and jammed it into his opposite shoulder, twisting the blade around and pushing it even deeper into the muscles, blood spurting out and splattering across my face, but I was smiling.

   "I bet you wish I would just put a bullet through that fucked up head of yours, don't you?" I hummed, and when he stared up at me with defiant eyes, I yanked the blade out and jammed it back into his shoulder, just a few inches away from the first stab wound.

   "Well, you're shit out of luck. I'm having a great time," I hummed in a twisted voice. 

   "I know we just met, but it seems you already need a reminder of just who the fuck you had the audacity to piss off," I spoke decisively, yanking the knife out of his shoulder, regaining my grip around his neck, pushing him up against the wall until he was on his tiptoes, strangled gasps for air leaving his mouth. 

   "I'd love to jog your memory," I mused, bringing the knife up to his forehead, my lips spreading into a grin as he screamed out in pain as I dug the tip of it into his skin, dragging it in the directions I desired until the bloodied imprint of the letter "H" was permanently etched into his skin, blood streaming down his face and down my hand that was cutting off his air supply. 

   "It looks good on you," I complimented, cocking my head to the side and admiring my handiwork. 

   "I can't wait until Harvey finally kills you. But I hope he takes his time on her first," he smiled through his blood-covered teeth, and I tutted at him in disapproval, taking the knife and tracing his lips with it. 

   "You sure have a lot to say for a dead man," I muttered, slicing the knife across both of his lips.

   "You seem pretty fond of your new friend Harvey...but it appears the feeling isn't mutual. You're just another pawn in the game he's trying to play," I sighed, bringing the knife down to his stomach and shoving it forward forcefully, a guttural groan leaving his mouth and blood beginning to trickle out of his bloodied lips. 

   "I bet you regret ever accepting his offer," I mused, bringing my face dangerously close to his, staring him down with all of the hatred in the world.

   "The only regret I have is not killing that little bitch before you got here," he spat in my face, and I pressed my lips together and shook my head slowly.

   I yanked his body off of the wall and threw him onto the ground, having a brief moment of pity for whatever unlucky trainees had to clean up the mess I was making.

   I straddled his waist and pulled a gun out from my waistband, turning off the safety and holding it where his dick should have been. He lost it the second he laid his hands on a woman.

   "Here, before you go, let me help you out. Clearly, you don't need this anymore," I shrugged, firing the gun straight into his dick, and he arched his back off of the floor and screamed out a blood-curdling cry.

   I brought the barrel of the gun up and began ramming it against the side of my face, each hit harder than the last as I put every bit of energy in my body into making him suffer...just like he made Finley suffer. Just as my sister had to suffer. As any person hurt by the hands of their abuser had to suffer...I was taking it all out on the almost lifeless body underneath me. 

   "Keep your fucking eyes on me," I demanded, yanking his upper half towards me by his neck, my eyes wild and my hair damp with blood, his eyes seeming to be slipping in and out of consciousness.

   I wanted to see the exact moment of his death.

   "You'll never hurt her, or anyone again," I whispered, bringing the gun right underneath his chin, pressing it painfully into the skin as I put my finger on the trigger.

   "Goodbye, Jax," I hummed,  his eyes slipping back into consciousness and locking with mine.

   "And good fucking riddance," I finished, taking every amount of pleasure as I pulled the trigger, watching his life become nonexistent from this world...it already felt like a safer place without him.

   I let his body fall to the ground without a care in the world, pushing myself to my feet and letting my eyes drift to the back of the room until they landed on Finley's.

   She was smiling.

   I stepped off of the stage and walked quickly up the stairs, and she pushed herself out of her seat and brushed past Leo to make her way over to me quicker.

   She had tears streaming down her face, and it wasn't until I saw them that I realized that I had tears of my own pooling down my cheeks, mixing in with the blood.

   As she stood before me, I went to grab her, but I hesitated when I remembered the blood on my hands.

   But she didn't seem to care. She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

   "Thank you, Harry," she choked out, overwhelmed with what had just happened, and yet, she was thanking me.

   I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me, kissing the top of her head over and over again in a frantic attempt to confirm that she was actually there.

   "He won't hurt you ever again, baby. You're safe, I've got you," I muttered into her hair, assuring both her and myself of that fact.   

   I held her tightly like I was scared that if I loosened my arms even a little bit, she would disappear again, and I couldn't bear to endure the thought that I had lost her again. 

   My mind tried to distract me from her with thoughts of what I wanted to do to Harvey next. Thoughts of how I wanted to make him suffer even more than I had made Jax suffer, but I forced myself to push them away and to focus only on the girl that I was so thankful to have in my arms again.

   And as we stood there in the planetarium, blood tainting both of our skin, I allowed my head to tilt up and look at the stars and planets projected on the screen above us.

   It was at that moment that I realized I had a new favorite planet too...Saturn...and I was holding her in my arms. 


























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