Batman Meets Steven (Batman/S...

By Samuel152

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A Steven Universe and Batman Arkham City AU where these two humans meet each other. This contains spoilers to... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Introductions
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Detective Skills
Chapter 5: Injustice
Chapter 6: Alive Inside
Chapter 7: The Question
Chapter 8: One Knight
Chapter 9: Family Reunion
Representing Batman
Chapter 10: Enigma Conundrum
Chapter 11: Star Fugitives
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: Under The Moonlight
Chapter 14: Playdates
Chapter 15: Diamond Authority
Chapter 16: Riddle Me This
Chapter 17: Notes
Chapter 18: Gotham City
Chapter 19: Changes
Chapter 20: Beach City
Chapter 21: Ghost of Past
Chapter 23: Trust
Chapter 24: New Home
Chapter 25: Homeworld's Defense
Chapter 26: Consequences
Chapter 27: Checkpoint
Chapter 28: Mindfulness
Chapter 29: Showdown
Chapter 30: Epilogue (Finale)
1st Night
2nd Night
3rd Night
Short Stories
Announcement Thing
Little Shorts
Batman vs Steven & Garnet Lines
More Batman, Steven and Garnet Voice Lines!

Chapter 22: Best Friends Forever!

406 11 26
By Samuel152

3rd Person P.O.V.

2 years after Pink Diamond returned to Earth

Steven wakes up but felt like something's wrong. For starters, he felt cold, even though he had a blanket covering him. It wasn't cold in the beach house last night.

He opens his eyes and can see... the sky?

(Steven) What the...?

He looks around to see he wasn't in his room, or his house. It was some desolated area, that was very cold. The ambience is quiet, like an empty station.

His bed was moved to wherever this place is.

(???) Oh, good, you're finally awake!

He heard a voice. It was the hooded gem he saw a year ago, he almost forgotten her.

(Steven) W-Who are you? And where am I?

She took off the blanket covering her face to reveal it. Then, she stood on one of her legs to pose, giving him a full view of her form.

(Spinel) It's your best friend!

(Steven) Spinel, is it?

(Spinel) (gasp) You remember my name! How kind of you, and not like her...

Her tone changed when she referred to someone Steven doesn't know.

(Steven) O-Okay, where am I?

(Spinel) The Garden. My home! I spent over two years cleaning it up just for the two of us.

He looked around. It does look clean, although, he doesn't know what it looked like when it was a mess. He saw a Warp Pad.

(Steven) Okay, can I return to Earth first? I need to--

She streched her hand to him, gripped his shirt and pulled him towards her.

(Spinel) There's no leaving this place. This is your home now.

(Steven) But it's not. Earth is my home and my friends and family is on there.

(Spinel) Well, this is my home and you're my friend. Therefore, you stay here with me. Besides, it's safer here than Earth.

(Steven) W-What do you mean?

(Spinel) Oh, Earth is slowly being destroyed. It'll take like 24 hours for the process to be complete.

Steven's heart sank. Earth is being destroyed. Why?

(Steven) Why are you destroying it? What did the humans ever do to you?!

(Spinel) Earth is Pink Diamond's colony. And Pink needs to be punished, so Earth has got to go.

(Steven) But all those humans and animals will die!

(Spinel) Unfortunate, but necessary. Sorry, but Pink deserves to lose her first and only colony.

(Steven) What did Pink do?

(Spinel) It doesn't matter now. What matters is that you're here with me and we'll have lots of fun together! We'll be best friends forever!

(Steven) N-Not to burst your bubble, but I can't live forever. I'll need food, water and sleep to live!

(Spinel) Don't you worry about that. This is a garden, I grew lots of edibles that are produced at the Human Zoo. There's a water fountain here. And I brought that soft rectangle for you to rest on. You have everything you would ever need here. So, what game do you want to play first?

(Steven) I don't want to play any games! You're destroying my home and you've kidnapped me! How do you expect me to play with you if you're doing all those bad things?

Suddenly, like a flip of a switch, her mood and expression changed. Steven knew he made her mad, and she hadn't even spoke yet. He backed away from her but she still approached him.

(Spinel) This is the thanks I get? I took you out of that soon-to-be crater, provided everything you would need, cleaned this place up and you refuse to even play with me? Just how ungrateful are you?!

She sneered and he fell over, holding his arms up defensively in case she were to attack.

(Steven) I-I'm not. I-It's just I'm stuck here and I don't know you, and my home is being destroyed. I can't exactly be okay with any of that.

She calmed down a little.

(Spinel) Whatever you had on Earth is gone now. All that would matter to you is that this is your home. You're my best friend. And you're never leaving.

He took notice of her referring him as her best friend. Was Pink her best friend but she did something to Spinel and now they aren't friends anymore? What did Pink do to cause such hatred from Spinel?

(Spinel) So, I'm going to ask again: What games do you want to play?

(Steven) Can we just... talk?

(Spinel) Meh, talking's boring.

(Steven) But I think we should get to know each other before we do something.

(Spinel) Oh, I know lots about you and your friend, the Batman. You told me, remember?

Bruce. Mayhe he could stop whatever is happening on Earth. Hopefully he does.

Of course he will, he's Batman after all. But he still worries for his friend.

(Steven) R-Right. But I don't know you.

(Spinel) Oh, you want to waste time learning about me when we could be playing games? You already know what you need to know about me.

(Steven) Which is?

(Spinel) You forgot?

He can sense her tone hinged on the word "forgot." Her mood depends on his answer.

(Steven) N-No. I just to make sure I know. That way, I'll know it by default.

That was enough to make her happy.

(Spinel) Of course! Oh, silly me! All you would need to know is that I'm your best friend, this is my home, I love to play games and you're my playmate.

Maybe he could reason with her. Get her to potentially stop whatever's happening on Earth if he plays along.

(Steven) Maybe if I play games with you, you would stop the destruction of Earth?

He held onto hope of her stopping the process.

(Spinel) Hmm... I'm not sure... You could just be saying that and then when all's said and done, you'd leave.

Her assumption sounded too specific. Did Pink promised something to Spinel but went back on it?

(Steven) I promise I won't leave you.

He feels bad for her. She was lied to by Pink Diamond, and knowing her, it was something bad. Pink was notorious for keeping secrets and lies, Spinel is probably a victim of that.

Spinel's eyes changed when he promised her and showed sincerity.

(Spinel) How 'bout this: we play games as competition. If you win more games then you win and I'll turn off my injector on Earth.

So she's using an injector.

(Steven) And if you win?

(Spinel) You stay here with me and Earth goes bye-bye!

She lets out a sadistic chuckle. Steven hoped Bruce stops it, he doesn't have much faith in himself winning her games.


Beach City:

Batman was called to Beach City. There's multiple things going on. Greg was the one who called him.

Pink wasn't on Earth because she's at Homeworld for the day, how inconvenient. Steven's missing, the three main Crystal Gems are missing and an injector is planted near the lighthouse.

And of course, this all happens at night. Why not in the daylight? Oh, because Batman only comes out at night.

He glides to the injector. He used Detective Mode to scan the injector. He found four gemstones on the ground, next to some rod.

[Cowl Comms] Sir, what's going on in Beach City?

(Batman) There's an injector planted on the ground, pumping something into the ground. Steven is missing. And I found where Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst are.

He picks up the gems and the rod.

(Batman) Someone poofed them. This must've been recent. They'll reform shortly.

He puts the gems and rod in his belt to hold on for a while. He saw some of the liquid leaking out of the injector. It's burning the grass.

He took a sample of it.

(Batman) Alfred, I just sent you a sample of the liquid in the injector. Let me know what it is.

[Cowl Comms] I'll have the results shortly, sir.

He went to the beach house where Greg is on the couch, timidly.

(Greg) Oh, thank God you're here. Where's the--

He showed Greg the gems.

(Greg) Oh, no!

(Batman) Someone attacked them. With this.

He showed him the rod that revealed to be a scythe when a button was pressed. He set them on the coffee table. Soon enough, Pearl was the first to reform.

But the gem remained up in the air.

Pearl: Please identify yourself.

This wasn't what Steven told him.

(Greg) Um, Greg Universe?

Pearl: Greetings, "Um Greg Universe." Please select customization options.

He doesn't know what option there is for him to pick.

Pearl: Default option selected.

The gem finally reformed. It was Pearl but she wasn't like how she was last time he saw her. She walked to Greg and stopped in front of him.

(Pearl) 🎶 How do you do? My Um Greg Universe. Thank you for bringing me into the world. I am at your eternal service. Welcome to your new pearl! 🎶

She held his hand and bowed before him.

Joker: Ooh! This is new.

(Greg) What's going on? Could her gem be cracked?

Batman examined her gemstone.

(Batman) No, it isn't.

The next gem formed, it was Ruby.

(Batman) Ruby?

(Ruby) Ah! Who are you? You're not my assignment.

(Greg) I could really use an explanation.

(Pearl) Allow me to illuminate. 🎶 A ruby guard. But just a single one. They tend to come in groups of three of more. 🎶

The next gem formed, it was Sapphire.

(Pearl) 🎶 A precious sapphire! She sees the future. That's who the Ruby's for. 🎶

(Ruby) My sapphire! I will protect you with my life!

(Sapphire) I know you will. That's why I predict you won't last more than a day.

(Ruby) Huh?

(Sapphire) Come now.

She moves herself and Ruby out of the way. Amethyst reformed.

(Batman) Amethyst?

(Amethyst) Amethyst?

(Pearl) 🎶 You must be right. This is an amethyst. Except an amethyst is big and strong. This one is not the best example. Something is clearly wrong. 🎶

Amethyst imitates Pearl's dancing and movements.

(Pearl) I do say, something is clearly wrong. What are all these gems doing here in this strange place?

(Batman) Do you even recognize them?

(Pearl) Well, I certainly recognize my Um Greg Universe. As for you... I have no idea who you are.

He looked at the scythe, does it give gems amnesia?

Little Homeworld:

Batman brought the scythe to the other Crystal Gems on Little Homeworld, Peridot, Bismuth and Lapis. He brought the other four gems with him, including Greg.

(Peridot) What is that?

(Bismuth) It's a rejuvenatior. Homeworld used this on gems who started stepping out of line. One hit, and they're back to how they started.

Batman took the rejuvenator and broke it over his knee. No more of that.

(Batman) This looks like something to put them in amnesia. A curable condition.

(Lapis) What's the cure?

(Batman) We have to jog their memory. That's the best way to cure it.

(Lapis) But we never been around with them at the start. Only Steven would know what to do.

(Bismuth) Except I was with Pearl and Garnet during the start of the Gem War. Amethyst would be a rough one.

(Peridot) I know about Amethyst. This one time, we talked about her past, I learned a lot more about Amethyst than initially.

(Batman) Then, it's settled. We'll start with Amethyst. Peridot, what's Amethyst's story?

(Peridot) She's a gem that was overcooked in the ground when her emerging was in process. She felt bad about herself and was trying to improve herself to be better.

(Batman) She's insecure of herself.

(Peridot) Was insecure. She's gotten better over time.

(Batman) Right now, she's imitating others movement and speech.

(Bismuth) Maybe taking her to the Prime Kindergarten would help jog her memory.

(Peridot) I'll take you there. Follow me!

(Batman) Greg, watch Pearl. Bismuth, watch Ruby and Sapphire. Lapis, try to find Steven.

(Lapis) Okay, I will.

He followed Peridot.

The Garden:

(Spinel) Ready or not, here I come!

She went to look for Steven. To catch up on what happened while Batman was doing stuff, Spinel told Steven they would play five games. Spinel had won the first game of Tag, thanks to her stretching ability.

She would need to win two more times for a guaranteed victory. He has a good chance at Hide and Seek. Spinel isn't worried about Steven leaving, he couldn't leave if he wanted to.

He's a fully fledged human, he can't access the Warp Pads anymore. He can't do anything gem-related anymore. It's times like this when he realized that he took his gem-half for granted.

Of course he would, he was born as a half gem. But he always wanted to be human, not some freak that was the offspring of an alien war criminal. But he has a mother, like most humans do, so he shouldn't complain.

Right now, he's hiding in the bushes. He kept his breathing to a minimum, preventing Spinel from hearing him. He feels like he's a character from a horror movie.

He felt like he knew what the criminals felt when Batman was hunting them, but now he is in perspective this time. He's being hunted by a gem who threatens to destroy his home. He can't say she's some lunatic, mainly because he doesn't know her.

All he knows is that she has a grudge against Pink, she was lied to by Pink and it was something big. Her form isn't what most gems look like. She looks similar to the Joker and his girlfriend, Harley Quinn.

She looks like an gem hybrid of those two. She has Harley's pigtails, her voice kind of, Joker's smile, the clownish look and even his laugh. Nobody could ever replace the Joker, but Spinel has proven herself to be a worthy contender.

She checks behind the pillars.

(Spinel) Come out, come cout, whenever you are!

He can't let her find him. He would stop breathing if it wasn't a necessity for him. He never felt so much tension and fear in a Hide and Seek game ever.

Normally, he would get the fear of getting caught like most people would when they're the hider. But when there's the possibility of an entire planet resting in his hands, he doesn't want to lose. He can see her looking around, which is a good thing because he won't have to worry about her sneaking up and surprising him.

He tries to keep watch of her, but whenever she looks towards his direction without knowing his there, he ducks his head silently and hoped she didn't notice.

He can hear her footsteps approaching. Did she find him? He felt like she did.

But he's too scared to move. He used his eyes to look up to see Spinel looking across from the bushes. If she were to put her hand in the bushes, she would feel his hair.

Steven stopped breathing and held his breath. She walked away from the spot. Eventually, she calls out.

(Spinel) Okay, you win this round. Come on out.

A hint of relief waves to him. He won this game. But he needs to win two more, and so does she.

(Spinel) I'm surprised you stayed hidden for so long. Pink never hid that long. And in the bushes, too? Very creative.

(Steven) T-Thanks.

(Spinel) Oh, loosen up! Games are meant to be fun.

(Steven) Not when my planet is at risk.

(Spinel) Oh, stop worrying about the Earth. You'll be fine here.

(Steven) Physically. But not mentally or emotionally.

(Spinel) Oh, I was exactly the same way when Pink...

She balled her fists and punched the nearby pillar, leaving a little crack.

(Spinel) That felt good.

(Steven) Please don't hit me...

He held his hands up defensively.

(Spinel) I won't... unless you make me.

Steven was taking a risk when he asked this question.

(Steven) What happened between you and Pink?

Spinel looked be shocked. But then she turned away from him.

(Steven) I want to know. Something happened and I want to help you fix it.

She doesn't reply. Instead, she says this.

(Spinel) This was our Garden... A special world, built just for Pink and I.

She used her gem to project the memories she had with Pink. Spinel looked so different. She had hearts for pigtails, her gem was upright, like an actusl

(Spinel) On Homeworld, Pink was so lonely and sad, but not here. Here, we would play for hours. Every day was so much fun. At least... that's what I thought...

(Steven) Did something happen?

She switched the projection from her gem to a new one, a specific memory.

(Spinel) Pink wanted a colonly more than anything. One day, her wish came true.

The projection showed Pink and Spinel listening on what Yellow and Blue Diamond are telling Pink.

(Spinel) Blue and Yellow gave Pink her very own planet, Earth. I was so excited. A brand-new place to play.

(Steven) So, why didn't you go with her?

She doesn't answer. Instead, she let her projection do the talking for a moment. It showed Pink walking to the Warp Pad with Spinel behind her.

Pink held her hand up, telling Spinel to stop following her. Spinel doesn't obey and continues to follow her. She grabbed Pink's hand.

Pink looks into her eyes. And the real Spinel sang and the Pink Diamond lip sync.

Pink Diamond: 🎶 Here in the Garden, let's play a game. I'll show you have it's done. Here in the Garden, stand very still. 🎶

Spinel: 🎶 This'll be so much fun. 🎶

Pink smiled.

(Spinel) 🎶 And then she smiled, that's what I'm after. The smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter. Happy to listen, happy to say. Happily watching her drift away... 🎶

Spinel stood where Pink told her to stand and she left the place. Spinel's hands were together and a smile was plastered on her face.

(Spinel) 🎶 Happily waiting, all on my own. Under the endless sky. 🎶

Spinel did a time-lapse of how much time went by, thousands and thousands of years moved by in just seconds.

(Spinel) 🎶 Counting the seconds, standing alone... As thousands of years go by... Happily wondering, night after night, is this how it works? Am I doing it right? 🎶

Spinel's voice cracked. Steven saw a tear dropping on the ground next to her foot.

(Spinel) 🎶 Happily to listen, happy to stay. Happily watching her drift away... You keep on turning pages for people who don't care. People who don't care about you. And still, it takes you ages to see that no one's there, see that no one's there, see that no one's there, everyone's gone on without you... 🎶

Spinel in the projection saw the communicator beeping and it played a message he remembered.

Communicator: Hello gems! I hope you all are handling Era-3 well. And congratulations to the first year anniversary when it started and upon my arrival. It's good to be back here with my friends and family. And the Diamond Authority is looking prouder than ever with our new addition to it. I'm sure there's some problems here and there, but me and the Diamonds will gladly resolve any issues with Era-3.

That was dated exactly one year ago. And it was also the first year anniversary of Pink Diamond's return. This meant that Pink was available, after the war was over, she could've gotten to Spinel.

But no, she doesn't care, or she forgotten her. Pink still didn't come to check on Spinel even after two years since the war has ended. Steven had a tear go down his face.

(Spinel) 🎶 Finally something, finally news. About how the story ends. She didn't existed then, survived by the Bat. And all of her brand-new friends. 🎶

Spinel in the projection fell on her knees. Her eyes frantic. She then punched the communicator and started digging her fingers in her eye balls.

(Spinel) 🎶 Isn't that lovely? Isn't that cool? And isn't that cruel? And aren't I a fool? To have happily listened, happy to stay. Happily watching her drift... 🎶

Spinel: [Inaudible Screaming]

(Spinel) 🎶 Drift... 🎶

[Inaudible Poof]

(Spinel) 🎶 Drift... away? 🎶

She stopped singing.

(Steven) I... I can't believe she did that to you. Actually, I can totally believe it.

(Spinel) It doesn't matter anymore. Soon enough, she'll have everything taken away. Her colony, her family.

(Steven) Spinel, you don't have to do this to Earth. Me and Batman can--

(Spinel) Shut your trap!

She silenced him.

(Spinel) You and the Batman aren't really heroes. If you were, you'd punish her...

(Steven) But we had no idea she did this to you. And we aren't just about punishing. We're about forgiveness and redemption.

(Spinel) Forgiveness...? Redemption...?

She lets out a sinister cackle.

(Spinel) Oh, how naive are the both of you? Even more naive than I was.

(Steven) W-What do you mean?

(Spinel) That's not how it works. It may work on the hunk of rock called Earth, but not on Homeworld. Homeworld punishes the guilty. We don't "forgive" the perpetrator, we shatter them.

(Steven) That's not how that works anymore. Things have changed!

(Spinel) "Changed?" Changed?! Do you really expect the Diamonds to change for the better?! You're even dumber than I was.

(Steven) What do you mean?

(Spinel) The Diamonds don't "change," they do whatever they want. They will only tolerate this Era-3 for a while before they put their foot down and revert back to their old selves.

(Steven) But it's been two years since Era-3 was established.

(Spinel) Two years is nothing compared to galactic rulers who conquered hundreds of planets for the past dozen millennia! And especially to me, who waited for over 6,000 years.

She smiled.

(Spinel) It's funny.

(Steven) What?

(Spinel) I'm supposed to make others laugh and smile. Yet, you made me laugh and smile. Looks like I'm Pink, now. And you know what I'm going to do?

(Steven) What?

(Spinel) I'm going to leave.

(Steven) W-Wait! Don't go, I won't have any way to get out of here.

(Spinel) (laughs) I wish I'd done that when she told me this. Don't you worry, I'll be back. I promise. After all, I'd be a hypocrite for abandoning you.

(Steven) Where are you going?

(Spinel) To finish the planet Earth.

(Steven) W-What about our deal?

(Spinel) Forget the deal. I want that planet gone!

She went to the Warp Pad but he was following her. She turns around and punched him in the face. He falls to the ground, and wiped some blood off his nose.

(Spinel) I don't want to hurt you anymore than I have to, but I will. You will be a good little playmate and stay here while I go take care of some business. Don't worry, I'll be back and we'll have fun together.

She warped away. Steven prayed that Batman would stop her and the injector.


Prime Kindergarten:

(Peridot) This place here, should most definitely jog Amethyst's memory since it's her birth place.

(Batman) Hopefully it works.

Amethyst followed the detective to the wall.

(Amethyst) What is this place?

(Batman) Only you can answer that, Amethyst.

She inspected the wall carefully. It felt familiar to her, why isn't she understanding it?

(Amethyst) This feels so... familiar...

(Batman) That's good. Try go remember.

(Amethyst) This hole... it looks...

Peridot nudged his leg.

(Peridot) That's where she emerged.

(Batman) This is the spot where you were made.

Amethyst went into the hole, it fits her perfectly. Sudden, she felt the memories rushing to her. She gets out of the hole and she glew.

She turned into multiple forms before turning into the final form which is her most recent one.

(Amethyst) (groans) What happened?

(Peridot) You were attacked. But we don't know who you were attacked by.

(Amethyst) This gem, she looked messed up. She had a heart for a gem but it's upside down.

(Batman) Heart for gem?

(Amethyst) Yes. It's shaped like a heart but it's upside down.

(Batman) It sounds like this gem is a spinel.

(Amethyst) How do you know?

(Batman) Because that's what we call heart shaped gems on Earth.

(Peridot) It's probably true. All of gems we have on Homeworld have names that correspond with the names of gems on Earth.

(Amethyst) Wait, there's Earth-gems?

(Batman) Focus, Amethyst, what else happened?

(Amethyst) She attacked us with a scythe. She came to Earth with this injector. Pearl seemed to know her.

(Batman) This spinel hit you with a rejuvenatior that made you have amnesia. Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire still need their memories back.

(Amethyst) We should get Pearl's memory back. She'll tell us more about this spinel.

They went to the Warp Pad and warped back to Beach City.

Beach City:

Little Homeworld:

Batman, Amethyst and Peridot warped to Little Homeworld to see Bismuth and Lapis looking worried.

(Batman) What happened?

(Bismuth) So, we have good news, bad news, even more bad news and worse news. Good news is we got Ruby and Sapphire to fuse by accident like how they did before but they still don't have their memories. Bad news is we lost Greg and Pearl and we don't know where to find them. Even more bad news is Lapis didn't find Steven. Worse news is the gem whose responsible for the injector is on the injector!

Joker: I think we both know Steven's probably dead, don't we Bats?

(Batman) We need to help Pearl to remember. Amethyst said she knew the gem.

(Peridot) Wayne says her name is Spinel.

(Amethyst) Her gem type is spinel.

(Peridot) Yeah, but what else would we call her?

(Amethyst) Good point.

(Batman) I'll go look for Greg and Pearl. Bismuth, what's Pearl's story?

(Bismuth) During the war, Pearl was in love with Rose Quartz, which was Pink Diamond. Pearl said she wanted to be with her Diamond and wanted to do whatever she wanted to do. And when she heard Rose was "pregnant," she broke down, because she knew it was the end of her Diamond.

(Batman) Okay, I know what to do. Bismuth keep an eye on Garnet, Lapis keep looking for Steven and have Amethyst and Peridot help you. I'll look for Greg and Pearl to get Pearl's memories back.

He grappled away. They each listened to his instructions. He grappled up high to get a good look at the injector from afar.

He can see the spinel standing on top of it. She makeshifts her hand into a trumpet and blew into it. It emits a loud sound and the injector started pumping the stuff into the ground faster.

She's accelerating the process.

(Batman) Alfred, whats the status on the sample I sent you.

[Cowl Comms] Right. Sorry for the long wait, it was incredibly difficult to identify the substance since it's foreign to our world.

(Batman) What is the pink substance?

[Cowl Comms] It's some sort of poison, sir. Only for organic matter. It's like an acid that burns through any organism.

(Batman) That's what she's doing. She's pumping the planet full of this stuff to destroy it on the inside.

[Cowl Comms] Dear God, is that even possible?

(Batman) Let's hope we don't have to find out. I'm going to locate Greg and Pearl. Then, I'm going to stop her.

[Cowl Comms] Good luck, sir.

Batman used the contacts he saved from Steven's phone into his cowl so he can locate Greg's phone. If Greg has his phone on him, he'll find him and Pearl. He needs to do it quick so he can stop Spinel.

He found Greg. He went to find him. He found Greg at his carwash.

(Batman) Where's Pearl?

(Greg) She's--

He saw Pearl washing his van.

(Greg) Pearl, you don't need to do that. I own a carwash.

(Batman) I know how to get Pearl's memories back.

(Greg) How?

(Batman) We need to fake your death.

(Greg) H-How are we going to do that?

(Batman) Up there.

He points uphill.

(Greg) Do I have to actually die?

(Batman) No.

(Greg) Okay...


(Pearl) My Um Greg, I highly advise you to stand away from the edge, you could fall.

(Greg) It's fine. Look, I'm oka--

A hand grabbed his ankle and yanked him off the cliff.

(Greg) aAAAAAAA!

(Pearl) MY UM GREG!

He fell and she desperately tried to reach him. She ran to the edge and couldn't see him anymore.

(Pearl) My Um Greg!

She fell on her knees. She lost her master, like she has before--

(Pearl) R-Rose?

She glew and suddenly reverted back into her normal self.

(Pearl) (groans) Wait! Greg, where are you?!

She saw heard something behind her. It's Bruce and Greg.

(Greg) You're back.

(Batman) Amethyst told me you knew the gem who attacked you.

(Pearl) Oh, yes. Spinel. She brought this injector here. We tried to stop her but she sliced right through us with a rejuvenatior. Wait! Where's Steven?! We haven't seen him beforehand!

(Batman) Missing. We have some gems looking for him. He's been missing all day.

(Pearl) Oh, my stars!

(Batman) I need to stop Spinel. Garnet still doesn't have her memory. Bismuth is watching her.

(Pearl) Okay, I'll help Bismuth and then I look for Steven.

(Greg) I'll come with you.

Batman grappled away. Spinel blew into the trumpet again and Batman knew this when he heard the noise it makes when she blows into it. She emptied most of the injector into the ground and the entire town had cracks in it, the poison is seeping onto the surface.

He heard the screams of people. He glides straight to the town instead of the inejctor. He found someone cornered.

He glides to him, lands near him and grabbed him.

(Batman) Hold on.

He grappled out of there and on a rooftop

(Batman) I reccomend you stay on high ground until this is dealt with.

(Rolando) Whoa, the Batman!

He glides to the next person who was unfortunate to get trapped in the poison leaking on the surface.

(Priyanka) Help!

He used Detective Mode to locate the next person. It's the doctor he visited for his checkup not too long ago. He glides to her.

(Batman Hold tight.

He grabbed her with one arm and used his free arm to grapple out of there. He lands on a separate rooftop.

(Batman) You're safe now.

(Priyanka) Thank you, Mr. Wayne.

He nods. He grappled to the next area to check to see if anyone else was around.

(Barbara) Sadie!

(Sadie) Mom!

He used Detective Mode to find two more poeple. They're both stuck with debris in one way and the poison in the other. Batman used the grapple to grab a hold of some of the debris and pulled.

It caused the debris to collapse and now they can escape and get out of there. They ran out of there. He used Detective Mode to check to see if anyone else around.

Good, no one else is here, everyone is safe for now. Now, he needs to stop Spinel. He grappled up the injector and climbs up top.

(Spinel) About time you showed up. I was thinkin' you've abandoned everyone but I remembered you only come out at night.

She looks at the moon.

(Spinel) It's past midnight. A little late for you to show up now.

(Batman) Turn off this injector.

(Spinel) Nope.

Joker: Oh, well, we tried. Let's just go and let them all die.

(Batman) Why are you doing this?

(Spinel) Not important. What's important is this planet is doomed.

(Batman) That's what you think.

She streched her fist over to punch him but he ducks and grabbed her arm. He yanked her over and punched her right in the face which sent her flying back. She quickly got up.

He noticed that he couldn't break Spinel's arms or legs if he tried. Her stretching ability makes her immune to Batman's bone breaking techniques. While gems don't have bones, their forms are practically bones and breaking them would be a massive inconvenience to them.

He charged her to attack but she slises out of the way like a snake. She gets back up. Then, she spun herself on purpose like a tornado and moved towards Batman.

He jumps over her. He threw a Batarang and it hit her head which knocked her over. She took that Batarang and charged at Batman holding it like it was a knife.

He caught her wrist and hits her directly in the face with his free hand. That punch made her do some silly walk away from him. She turned her feet into springs and jumps over him.

She hits the back of his cowl with her hand and bounced over him when he tried to retaliate. She kept bouncing around. He quickly grabbed his grapple and used it to grab Spinel and yanked her towards him.

Joker: I see Bats have play Mortal Kombat.

Batman got a direct punch to her face. She fell on the ground and he got on top of her. He held her arms together with one arm and used his other arm to push her head against the surface on top of the injector.

(Batman) Stop the injector, now!

(Spinel) Never!

He moved his hand from her head and placed his boot on top of her head. He'll crush her head if he applied pressure.

(Batman) Last chance.

(Spinel) Threats are meaningless against those who have nothing to lose.

She's right. Those who lost everything aren't scared of losing their lives. Even though Batman doesn't take lives, he makes empty threats to scare them.

He flipped her on her back and placed his boot on her gem.

(Batman) You may not fear being shattered, but I'll make you wish I did.

He tapped her gem with his boot. The gemstone of a gem is the most sensitive part of their form. That tap made Spinel clutch his boot, desperately trying to push him off.

He pushed, she started hitting his armored boot. It was pathetic, and he didn't budge.

(Batman) You got three seconds to shut it off or I'll step on you.

(Spinel) You wouldn't...

(Batman) Three...

(Spinel) You can't...

(Batman) Two...

(Spinel) Go on, do it...

He stopped counting.

(Spinel) Heh, I knew it.

He moved his boot to stomp right next to her head. He pressed some buttons on his gauntlets and they started to emit electricity.

(Spinel) What're you doing?

(Batman) If you won't do it willingly, I'll make you.

He shocked her with the Shock Gloves. It looked like he was trying to use them like defibrillators trying to revive someone. After shocking Spinel, the injector was removed from the ground.

Spinel was tired and disoriented from the shocking. He grabbed her hand made directed the injector to drift aimlessly to space, never to be seen again. Before that happened, he glides off the injector with Spinel.

When they landed, Spinel made a run for it when she regained energy. Batman chased her to the Warp Pad amd when the Warp was activated, he jumps into the same stream with her. Wherever she's going, he's following her.

The Garden:

They both warped to the Garden, Spinel was there first. When Batman got there, Spinel had Steven in a hold, threatening to snap his neck if Batman got to close.

(Spinel) Step back! I'll kill this boy! I ain't playin'!

At first, Batman looked to see where he could throw a Batarang to hit her from behind, but he noticed her hands weren't on his neck, they're on his shoulders. And she looks to be hiding behind Steven, rather to be taking him hostage. Batman used Detective Mode.

Identity: Steven Universe.
Condition: Terrified.

Identity: "Spinel" updated estimated 2 hours ago.
Condition: Terrified.

Now, he can read her like an open book. She won't do it. He took a step forward.

Steven was even more scared because he feared Spinel would kill him. Instead, she took a step backwards, still holding on to Steven.

(Spinel) I-I'll do it!

(Batman) No, you won't.

He walked to her nonchalantly. Spinel eventually pushed Steven to him and tried to run. She felt a hand grab a hold of her pigtail and yanked her to them.

It was Batman who got her hair. He gripped her collar. He looks to Steven.

(Batman) Are you hurt?

(Steven) No, not really.

Before Batman did anything else, Steven puts a hand on his shoulder.

(Steven) I don't want to lock her up.

He looked at Steven and Steven could tell he looked unsure.

(Steven) I'll tell you why.

After he told him everything

(Steven) And so, that's why she attacked Earth.

Batman was unsure of what Steven wanted to do with her. Granted, Bruce doesn't have much of a say in Beach City since it isn't his territory. And, Spinel was a byproduct of Pink Diamond which Steven had to deal with a lot before he even met Batman.

That being said, Spinel will have some justice for what happened, but she'll have to do something to make up for the damage she caused. Luckily for her, nobody died from the injector incident. Both Batman and Steven agreed to community service.

Her task is to up clean up the damage with everyone else. Her stretching ability would make things certainly easier. And in terms of cleaning up, not a lot of humans could do it without dying to the poison.

Batman is one candidate who could do it. Charlotte is a great candidate, especially since she can't die. He'll have bring her over.

Right now, they aren't focused on cleaning up the damage. Right now, they're going to Homeworld.


A knock was heard on the Diamond Authority door.

(Blue Diamond) Come in!

The door opens and it was Steven. While he isn't part of the Diamond Authority, he was Pink Diamond and he's technically part of the group by default.

(Yellow Diamond) Oh, Steven, hello. How did you get here?

(White Diamond) It's impossible for you to use the Warp Pads by yourself.

(Steven) I'm not alone.

Batman walked in the room with a vistor next to him.

(White Diamond) (gasp)

(Blue Diamond) Oh, my...

(Yellow Diamond) I thought you were lost.

(Pink Diamond) Spinel?

(Spinel) Pink...

Her voice sounded like she even hated her name. The Diamonds noticed Spinel's form was different than the last time they saw her. They also noticed she's damaged.

There's bruises on her face, a boot print on her gem, hand prints burnt onto her torso and three black scars lines that look like mascara under each eye she had. Steven noticed the Diamonds are viewing the damage she has.

(Steven) Those scars weren't from him. She did that herself.

Spinel lets a little smile.

(Blue Diamond) Why did you bring her here?

(Steven) She tried to destroy Earth.

(Yellow Diamond) She did what?

Yellow stood up from her chair. Spinel yelps and jumped into Steven's arms.

(Yellow Diamond) Why?

(Batman) Pink, is there something you want to say to them?

Everyone looked at Pink. Spinel removed her face from Steven's neck to look at Pink.

(Pink Diamond) I... I left her at the Garden... alone... for over 6,000 years...

(Spinel) And even after two years of you returning, you never came back.

The Diamonds looked at Pink. Yellow looked at Spinel.

(Yellow Diamond) I suppose your actions are partially justified. But destroying a planet is too far.

(Blue Diamond) How could you do that to Spinel?

(White Diamond) We treated our pearls in Era-2 better than your treatment to Spinel.

That was a direct insult to Pink and Spinel loved it.

(Pink Diamond) I didn't... want her to annoy me when I was getting into my Diamond duties...

(White Diamond) Except she was to entertain you since you complained about the lack of fun in the Palace.

(Blue Diamond) You also could've told her to not be annoying for just being herself.

(Steven) She was just doing her job. Because you all know what happens to a gem who doesn't do her job. Mind you, we all knows what happens to disobedience in Era-1.

(Spinel) Yeah, what he said.

Pink looked ashamed. Yellow changed the topic slightly.

(Yellow Diamond) What are you going to do with her?

(Steven) She'll up clean up the damage on Earth.

(Yellow Diamond) And what happens after?

Spinel's face changed. What would they do to her when she's done? Would they leave her?

Of course they would, she thought.

(Steven) She'll stay with us. Yeah, we'll do something Mom never did.

While Pink didn't like her son talking this way to her, she supposed she deserved it.

(Spinel) I dunno, I'm not sure I'd like living in the same place with her.

She pointed at Pink.

(Steven) We'll make it work somehow.

Steven finally puts Spinel on her feet.

(White Diamond) Steven, Spinel. Can you two give us a moment to discuss a few things with Pink? Wayne, you stay.

Steven and Spinel left the room. They walk to the balcony. Spinel leans on the railing and Steven stayed behind her.

(Spinel) You didn't really have to do that. You could've just let me go...

(Steven) No. You've been alone for too long. What you need is to be around others.

(Spinel) Except for her.

(Steven) Like I said, we'll make it work somehow.

(Spinel) Not sure the others would be okay with it. Garnet, Pink's Pearl and Amethyst.

(Steven) They'll come around. Trust me. If they can forgive the Diamonds, they'll forgive anyone. Don't worry.

(Spinel) What about Batman?

(Steven) He doesn't live with me. He has his own home far from Beach City.

(Spinel) Beach City?

(Steven) That's the place you brought your injector to.

(Spinel) Oh.

She was silent. Then she spoke again.

(Spinel) Did you really mean what you said? Or were you just saying that out of spite just to prove me wrong for what I said eariler?

(Steven) Yes, I meant every word. What Mom did to you was horrible, even though I'm her son, I won't stand for that. And Batman wouldn't either. But that doesn't mean what you did was right. And you have to make up for that. But it's okay. You won't do it alone.

She smiled.

(Spinel) It's hard to believe you're the offspring of her. You're so different.

(Steven) It's weird. Everyone was always told me that I'm like her.

(Spinel) Bullocks to that. You're different. I don't see any relation to her. Other than that pink fabric.

She pointed at his jacket. She reached inside her gem and pulled out a piece of paper.

(Steven) What's that?

(Spinel) The notes I took when I came here a year ago.

(Steven) Oh.

(Spinel) I won't need this anymore.

She crumbled it up and dropped it off the balcony. The paper fell all they way down the Palace tower and lands on the ground. A gem walked to it and picks up the paper and unfolded it.

The writing was written in gem.

(Jasper) Hmm...


[This part wasn't scripted, ReidTheSniper wanted me to write this part]

In the Batman's personal room in the Palace, Alison went through the reports that are meant for Wayne. She doesn't actually mind doing the reports, it meant that she was more than an item to Wayne, since most Pearls are meant to hold things and to look pretty. Wayne doesn't care how she looks and actually checks on her, something a Diamond would never do.

Thinking about Wayne made her happy. This led to her doing something no pearl or gem or even Diamond would never do ever. She looks around to see if anyone was around in case they were to walk in on her.

She locked the panel so no one could open it from the outside. She walks to the armor stand that held Batman's previous suit. She took off the cape and cowl.

She clips the cape around her shoulders, the cowl hanging behind her neck. She looks over her shoulder to see the cape mostly hanging on the floor, she's too small for it. She then moved the cowl over to her face.

She looks through the eye holes. She moved her hand to touch the pointy ears on the cowl. The cowl felt a little heavy on her head, it's probably the wiring and stuff integrated in the cowl.

She pressed a button on the side of the cowl and activated Detective Mode.

(Alison) Whoa...

She can see a whole different world. She can see other gems that are in different rooms through the walls!

(Alison) Oh, Wayne, I like you even more!

End of Chapter 22


A few things cut from the Chapter. Joker was going to sing a song to Batman but I couldn't find a way to implement it. Another thing was a suicide attempt from Spinel but it was too dark for me to write.

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