sweet chaos - hyungwonho

By chaoskkyun

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hyungwon is an ex-gang member now working as a hitman after losing his members, his loved ones. he, for years... More

you make me


92 9 9
By chaoskkyun

"That person I'm looking for..."


The sound of glass shattering filled Changkyun's ears as he shot at the glass bottles he had set on the plank. He squeezed the gun in his hand tightly. He had hit every single one so far. He had gotten much better recently due to him having to be out on the field more, instead of hiding away at his computers.

"So this is where you've been hiding." Hoseok's voice carried into his ears. Changkyun turned around, eyes landing on the elder who was leaning against a tree. Well. So much for his secret shooting range. "Oh... Yeah. Did you need me for something?" He asked, lowering the firearm. The older hummed and nodded.

"We got a new guy on our team and father decided you two could work as a team since both of you know electrical things. Yoo's more of a field guy so he thought it'd work out." Hoseok explained and shrugged afterward. "He's new to the business, but I'm sure you can help him get to know everything."

Changkyun nodded his head. "Sure, I guess." he agreed, not at all opposed to the thought. Wonho smiled and pushed himself away from the tree. "Great." the blonde man said and turned around, waving for someone to come over.

The youngest patiently waited for whoever to come and from behind Hoseok emerged a stunning guy with black hair. Changkyun would deny ever staring at the guy for more than a few seconds, but that would just be a blatant lie.

The new member walked over to the stunned male and extended his hand. "Yoo Kihyun. Nice to meet you." The guy introduced himself, smiling charmingly. Changkyun parted his lips a little before clearing his throat. "Im Changkyun. I look forward to working with you." He said, sending a friendly smile towards the guy.

"He's your elder, so be respectful. But also Kyun's been here longer so... I guess come up with whatever system you want." Wonho hummed from the sidelines, watching the interaction. Finally, Changkyun would have someone to share his tech knowledge with. "I'll head inside." The oldest then informed.

Changkyun's hideout turned into their own comfort zone in a short matter of time. Mr. Lee even constructed a small living area there. So if you couldn't find the two in the main house you needed to look in the woods.

Kihyun definitely had skill in close combat but over time Changkyun realized the guy probably had never held a gun in his life. At least a real one. So he offered to help the other as using a gun was a huge part of their work and you can't survive a gunfight with a knife or your wrists. Kihyun gladly took the offer, causing them to get even more closer due to the extra time spent together.

From the get-go, Changkyun helped the guy with how to handle the gun so that he didn't shoot himself in the leg. Or worse: the head. After that came everything else until they got to the long-range shooting. The "everything else" had gone fine but this was deemed a challenge for the older.

"Hyung. Aim more left. You keep missing it times because you're pointing to the right too much. I told you this..." Changkyun sighed and stood up from the tree stump he had been sitting on while watching his partner in crime try and shoot the old glass bottles. "I'm trying, Kyun. It's not that easy." Kihyun argued back defeatedly, eyebrows furrowed.

He walked up to the older man and grabbed his hand, positioning it better. "There. Now pull the trigger." Changkyun instructed, leaning his chin on the other's shoulder. Kihyun did as the other told and the forest was filled with the sound of glass shattering. The younger smiled proudly. "See. It's not that hard." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around the older.

The older rolled his eyes pushing the other man away. "Stop that." He muttered. Kihyun aimed the pistol at the next bottle. After a moment he pulled the trigger and the bullet shattered the glass in almost an instant.

Changkyun watched as the man's eyes lit up. He had finally shot the target without help from the younger after wasting tens of bullets. Kihyun turned to the other, his soft brown eyes shining like a star. "I did it." He said, the hope in his voice back. 

The younger was surprised by the sudden hug attack that came onto him. "I don't know what I would've done if you didn't help me." The older muttered. Changkyun carefully wrapped his arms around the other. "Die? Ask Hoseok for help?" He laughed gently.

Kihyun pulled back a little. "Thank you, Kyun." The man said, a bright smile on his pretty face. Changkyun couldn't help but smile back at him, heart fluttering at the sight.

He had fallen deeply.


Changkyun stared at the overgrown plantation covering the shooting ranger in silence. The place had been unused for years, so nature took its toll on it. A sigh escaped from between his lips as he sat down on the old, slightly decayed, tree stump he always used to sit on while watching Kihyun's shooting practice.

It felt bittersweet to see the, once well-kept place, like this, but there was no point in restoring it to its old state. Even the paint on the small living area had started to chip off. 

The man pressed his head against his knees closing his eyes. Even if the area was overflowing with plants, it still was his comfort zone. A place where he could always let his emotions out but crying was never something he likes. He wasn't sure how to deal with Kihyun's passing, so he had come out here, even if it was to just go over the happy memories to hide the heartbreak. It seemed like a bad dream and that he would wake up any second now. 

He couldn't believe it had been almost a week since everything happened. The funeral would be in a few days which also felt absolutely unreal.

There was a reason why some people in their line of work were skeptical of dating. There was no guarantee of living and dealing with the loss of someone you love could take you down easily. The habit of showing extreme emotions could be used against you in the end.

He had been a foolish 18- year old when he met Kihyun the first time. He never expected them to be anything more than partners in the means of work. It never crossed his mind the other tech-savvy man would ever become this important. So much so that it felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest when he got shot down.

Changkyun stood up, brushing off the dirt from his clothes. He walked over to the small house-like building and pulled out his key stack, opening the locked door with the right silver key. He left the door open as he walked in. The light surprisingly turned on, revealing the dusty inside. 

They hadn't been there in ages. Kihyun had planned on revamping the place but that never happened. And now it would be left in its current state.

Changkyun took a seat on the chair located next to a desk and sighed deeply. He looked around the small space, scanning every object. Everything was frozen in the year 2014 which was the year they left and hadn't come back since. His eyes moved to the walls, most of which were lined with their plans for the surveillance cameras on the house premises. That surveillance system was still up, but of course, it was updated to the most recent technology.

"I figured you'd be here.." Hoseok's voice carried into the younger's ears and he was snapped out of his thoughts. He gave a glance to the older before looking away. Hoseok sighed softly and sat down on the small couch. 

"I know you probably don't want to talk much..." He started. Changkyun opened one of the desk drawers, just to see what's in there. "I'm doing okay..." he interrupted, knowing what the other was about to ask. "I just wanted to see this place." He then mumbled. He probably could never come here again, without being reminded of the countless hours he and Kihyun had spent there. Whether it was inside the small house or just training outside.

Of course, he would hold the precious memories in his torn apart heart, but until he could deal with the pain, this decaying place would be out of the question; no matter how much he loved it.

Changkyun cleared his throat. "How's everyone else? I know I kind of... distanced myself from everyone," he spoke softly while pulling out a book of some kind. He could hear Hoseok changing his position a little. "No one's really talking about it. Of course, this came onto all of us like an avalanche, but everyone inside those four walls is like rocks... Everyone's coping in their own ways." The man spoke softly, and the younger could imagine the frown on his face. 

"Is Jooheon Hyung okay?" He then asked, not even sure if the older man had yet woken up. Opening the book, his eyes landed on countless photos. Kihyun had saved them all? "He's fine. He has a concussion, so we're keeping an eye on him still but it's nothing too serious."

Changkyun started going through the polaroid and regular photos stored between the hardcovers. "We're having dinner in a few hours. My father is coming over... You don't have to join, but I'd be happy if you did." Hoseok stated and stood up. 

Changkyun thought the man was leaving but was surprised by firm arms wrapping around him. "We'll get over th... Is that Hyerim?" One of the older's sentences was interrupted by one of the photos in the book catching his eye. Changkyun's eyes landed on the photo where the mentioned woman was. She was lying on a hospital bed, her usual smile plastered onto her lips. The younger glanced at the man who still had his arms wrapped around him.

"Kihyun took pictures often. Don't know what for but I think he just wanted to keep some memories.." Changkyun explained, pulling the photo out from the plastic sleeve it was stored in. He turned it around to see the date. It was taken a day before she passed. "He never told me he printed them." The younger said and handed the picture toward the older for him to take. 

Hoseok shook his head a little. "Keep it in there. It's Kihyun's memory, after all. I wasn't there when this picture was taken." He explained, patting the younger on the shoulder. "I'll go now. I'll set you a plate in case you decide to join." Changkyun nodded his head and watched as the older man exited the small building.

After some time of going through the photobook, Changkyun had to stop and close the book. He then stood up. There would be no harm in joining the others for dinner, right? It would also take his mind off of things.

He exited the small space, closing and locking the door after him. He let out a quiet sigh and started heading back to the main house.

He quickly reached the front yard. There was one extra car, so Mr. Lee must have already arrived there. Changkyun let out a quiet sigh and entered the house. After taking off his shoes, he made his way to the living room, where he could hear Hoseok and his weather talking.

"I'm here..." he made his presence known and sat down on one of the two couches. "Food's not quite done yet... I'm glad you came." Hoseok stated. Changkyun smiled at the older a little before nodding at the old leader as a greeting. 

"Where's Hyungwon?" Hoseok's eye widened at the mention of the ex-hitman as if he realized something important. "Who?" Mr. Lee asked, making Changkyun glance at him and then back at Hoseok. "You didn't tell him yet?" he whispered and the older shook his head a little bit. 

"Uh well.." Hoseok started. It's not that he needed his approval of adding new people, but the old man still wanted to know. Just in case if Hoseok didn't thoroughly look into the person. Just like he hadn't done with Hyungwon. "He's a new guy. He joined... Maybe one and a half months ago, I think.." He explained.

Mr. Lee raised his eyebrows a little. "Do you know anything about him? Previous activity or anything like that?" He asked. "Now I do..." Hoseok muttered quietly. Back then he found it a little odd, how Hyungwon had wanted to sign the contract as fast as he could, but now, in a way, he could understand it. It was probably because Hyungwon knew if he didn't do it then and there he might back out. "You didn't when you let him join us?" The old man asked, his voice now low.

Yes, it was foolish, but it was nonetheless a risk that ended up being worth taking. Neither of the younger men knew how to portray that worth to the skeptical man. There was nothing wrong with new members but you needed to do background checks on them; in case they're spies

"I didn't... But he was a hitman before he.." A hitman. Right. That probably didn't help Hyungwon's case as much. Changkyun slapped Hoseok on his thigh as a sign for him to stop blabbering. "Lee Hoseok! You let a Hitman join?! Are you insane!?" Mr. Lee snapped making the younger two pull their lips in. "I... Yes? But he has been nothing but.." "Doesn't matter if he has been loyal. Hitmen don't just join a group! He has to have a reason!" The man argued back. "He's obviously pretending!"

"I'll go get him." Changkyun then stated and stood up. Hoseok grabbed the younger's wrist pulling him back a bit. "He's still sleeping.." He stated.

"And? I want to meet him." Mr. Lee stated bluntly, and that was when both of them knew there was no changing his mind. Changkyun let his eyes wander between the two family members. "Sorry, Seok. We need to have Hyungwon prove himself." The youngest apologized, smiling sheepishly before freeing his hand and rushing upstairs.

Changkyun knocked on the door before entering, eyes landing on the lump laying under the covers. He walked over to Hyungwon's side of the bed, seeing the elder quietly. He hesitated slightly before reaching for the man's shoulder shaking him a little bit.

"What?" Hyungwon muttered quietly, surprising the younger as it was very easy to wake him up. "Uh... Sorry to wake you up but.." He started and watched as Hyungwon rolled onto his back, brown eyes opening up a little. "There's someone who wants to see you." He then continued.

A sigh came from between the sleepy man's plump lips who eventually nodded. "I'll come downstairs in a few... Just give me a moment." Changkyun hummed. "I'll go back down. Just come when you're ready." The younger said, making sure the other man actually sat up before leaving the bedroom. Otherwise, he might just fall back asleep

Changkyun made his way back downstairs and he could hear Mr. Lee ranting at Hoseok. The young adult cleared his throat. "He'll come down soon... Like Hoseok said; he was sleeping." He explained before sitting down, rubbing his hands against his jeans.

"Does he have any previous gang activity?" Mr. Lee asked Hoseok. "Yes.." The leader responded simply and sighed softly, leaning back into the backrest of the couch. When he would find out, Mr. Lee probably wouldn't be that pressed about it. Hopefully.

Quiet footsteps came from the stairs and not but a few seconds later Hyungwon, still looking like he could fall asleep right then and there, emerged into the living room. "I was needed here?" He asked the soft brown eyes landing on the new face quickly.

"Hyungwon." Hoseok started, glancing at his dad. "This is..." "Your father?" The ex-hitman interrupted suddenly, seemingly having figured out the situation. The leader just nodded his head. Hyungwon bowed a little, out of politeness. 

The oldest man stood up and extended his hand. "Lee Junseok." He introduced himself simply. Hyungwon grabbed his hand, shaking it a little. "Chae Hyungwon. Nice to meet you." He said politely before letting go of the older's hand and sitting down.

"You wanted to meet me?" Hyungwon then asked and Mr. Lee nodded his head a little. "I just wasn't informed about anyone joining. It's not a requirement but I'd like to know everyone who knows about our inner workings." The old man explained simply and Hyungwon glanced at Hoseok, raising an eyebrow. 

'What?' The leader mouthed. Hyungwon shook his head a little. 'Later...' he mouthed back, before returning his attention to the old leader.

"Hoseok here told me you were a hitman before he asked you to join?" Mr. Lee asked and Hyungwon instantly nodded his head. There was no reason to lie about it. He wasn't ashamed of that career and since Wonho had already let it slip.

"I know why you could see that as a bad thing, but.." "No buts. How can I be sure that we can trust you?"  The man interrupted Hyungwon. The ex-hitman glanced at the other two men, who seemed slightly clueless too. He wasn't exactly ready to deal with this barely ten minutes after waking up from twenty-plus hours of sleep.

"I know hitmen aren't the most reliable, that is a known fact. But as a hitman, going and joining a group like this would put a bounty on my head if news of it got to my old clients. Government officials don't take lightly to someone like me joining an organized crime group." Hyungwon explained and crossed his arms across his chest. The ex-hitman licked his lips. "And if I had plans to betray you, don't you think I would have done it already? The longer I stay here, the harder it is to do shit like that." He then argued.

Now, talking back to an old gang leader wasn't the wisest decision. That had been proven to Hyungwon years back. But if Mr. Lee was anything like Hoseok, he wouldn't kill him without a decent reason to do so. That brought down the fear factor, slightly.

Mr. Lee stayed quiet for a moment. "I still don't trust you." He then said making Hoseok groan quietly. Hyungwon let out a quiet huff and nodded his head. "I understand, but I'll do anything to show that I'm actually loyal." He said. 

Now he could just hope that the old man wouldn't give him an impossible task.

"Go undercover in the Devil's Choir."

Silence took over the living room. The words rung in Hyungwon's ears as he tried to comprehend the words that had fallen out from Junseok's mouth.

"W-What?" He then asked clearly shocked, feeling sick at the thought already. If he went there he'd literally become a toy for Mr. Chae. It couldn't be pinned on child abuse anymore. "I.. No... That's..." He babbled distraughtly and shook his head trying to form a coherent sentence. The confidence he had just had in himself, had visibly drained out.

"That's out of line, dad." Hoseok spiked up. "They know he's one of us. It would do nothing good for us if he goes." He argued, glancing over at Hyungwon worriedly. That wasn't the complete reason and honestly, there was no point in hiding the truth. But right now wasn't the best moment for that truth to come out. "He said he'd do anything." "He can't do that." He interrupted coldly.

Hyungwon let out a shaky breath. "I really can't do that. I'm sorry." He said quietly confirming what Hoseok had just said, bowing his head a little. There was no way in hell. He'd rather hang himself than go there.

"And why not?" The old man was clearly still keen on sending the ex-hitman to a death trap. "Because he says he cannot." Changkyun snappily interrupted after having stayed quiet and following the situation

"But there must be a reason behind it." Mr. Lee said, nodding his head as a slight greeting at the newcomer. "And there is..." Hoseok muttered. It wasn't often that he went against his father's words but this is where he had to step in. "Do you know the reason?" Mr. Lee questioned, glancing at the hitman who was still slightly out of it.

Changkyun stood up and slowly walked over to Hyungwon. he placed his hands on the older's shoulders, squeezing them a little. The man was still clearly drowning in his thoughts. "We do. And unless you are blind, you should see what kind of a reaction you got out of him by even suggesting a stupid thing like that." Changkyun spat trying to ground the elder. He wasn't usually that harsh with his words but once in a while, it doesn't hurt anyone.

"Dad. Can we talk, just the two of us? I think I should explain a little..." Hoseok sighed and stood up, eyeing the hitman who Changkyun was trying to calm down. Mr. Lee sighed and nodded. "I know you want to hear it from him, but it's easier like this."

The two family members headed out of the living room leaving the space in silence once again. Changkyun sat down next to Hyungwon once the other two had left. "Hyung.." He called out. Hungwon's shoulders slumped a little. "I hate it. I hate how I am. I said I'd do anything but..." He mumbled letting his dark hair stand to fall in front of his eyes.

"No. What he said was unreasonable," Changkyun said, grabbing Hyungwon's hands. The younger was about to open his mouth but was stopped by someone else speaking first. "Your reaction is justified." Minhyuk's voice came from the kitchen. The older had probably been listening to everything. So the youngest member just nodded his head, agreeing with the other man.

"Don't worry. Hoseok'll talk to him..."


Hoseok closed the bedroom door after entering. He turned to his father who had taken a seat on the edge of the bed.

"So?" Junseok asked, breaking the silence. Hoseok let out a huff and walked over to Hyungwon's things, digging around in his bag a little. Maybe it was wrong but he needed that picture. "Sometimes it's not as simple as sending him off to a death trap just to prove he is loyal," Hoseok said, finally finding the framed photo.

"Look, I get that you don't trust him fully, but I do. I really do." Hoseok continued talking before sitting down on the chair. He rolled closer to the bed with his chair before handing the framed photo. "What do I do with this?" The older asked, clearly confused. "Look at it, obviously." Hoseok huffed and rolled back.

"Recognize the red brown-haired guy? Look familiar?" The younger asked and crossed his arms. He watched as his father turned the frame around, eyeing the picture. The room was quiet for a while. "Wait. This is Hajoon-ssi.." The other muttered.

"The Black Rose. Hyungwon was a part of them and Hajoon's fiance. The wedding we would have gone to had everything been fine." Hoseok stated calmly, making his father look up from the picture. "But.." "He's the sole survivor of the group. At least to everyone's knowledge." He interrupted his father, eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh.." Mr. Lee said quietly. "So... Is this why he can't... Or shouldn't go?" He then asked. Hoseok pulled his lips into a line. "There's another... But it's more serious and it might cause us a lot of issues in the near future." He explained, rubbing his hands together.

It had come as a shock when Minhyuk had called and broken the news of everything they had found out that night in Gwangju. Hyungwon being the son of the leader of the enemy group brought more worry if anything. It made him slightly angry then, that Hyungwon hadn't even mentioned it but that anger died down when he saw the state Hyungwon had come back in. Even if the younger had tried to hide his emotions, they showed up on his face; his eyes. 

"And that is?" The older asked, setting down the picture frame. Hoseok let out a hesitating laugh. "God, this will sound absurd... But Hyungwon is heir to the leader of the Devil's Choir." He explained. "Now. Before you get on about how he could be with them, I doubt it." He interrupted the man who was about to open his mouth followed by a sharp glare. "Would you team up with the group that killed all of the people who you loved?" The father closed his mouth as the point was quite valid.

Hoseok knew Hyungwon wouldn't work with the Devil's Choir even if he was going to die if he wouldn't.

"The issue with this now that they know he is a part of us, and the fuck wants Hyungwon back. And as you can guess, by his reaction to the absolutely stupid thing you said, he can't handle going back." Hoseok explained and let out a slightly relaxed huff as his father's cold face softened a bit. "So I hope you understand why I won't accept the thing you want him to do."

Bot stayed quiet for a second. "So... He's..." A chuckle came from the old man. "He's trustable. I doubt he would betray us voluntarily. So please, don't suggest that, ever. If I had doubted his loyalty, I would have never asked him to join us." Hoseok spoke, his tone finally softening down.

Mr. Lee eyed his son for a moment. "You've grown quite attached to him, huh?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Hoseok cleared his throat a little. "It's not like that. He's just become a family member." He muttered and stood up. He walked over to the bed and grabbed the framed photo. "You care a lot about his well-being," Junseok stated, watching his son's expressions.

Hoseok furrowed his brows a bit, thinking over the other's words. "I care for all of them. How is this any different?" Hoseok muttered walking over to Hyungwon's things, placing the frame into the bag before zipping it close. "Not to the extent as to refuse something I ask for. You only stopped her..." The leader sent a sharp glare towards the old man at the mention of his deceased wife.

She didn't need to be brought to this. What did she have anything to do with anything? Nothing. Yes, maybe he cared for Hyungwon a lot, but it didn't mean anything just because he showed a little bit more affection. Nothing like that.

"I get what you are hinting, but it is not that," he declined bluntly. Hoseok huffed softly and shook his head slightly. "There's no time for that right now." He then said before leaving the room.


"I'm sorry about what he said," Hoseok spoke up. Dinner had gone by and Mr. Lee had left, returning the house to the silence as it had been in before he had come by.

"It's fine. He didn't know and it's solved now." Hyungwon responded, placing one of his arms under his head. "Why didn't you tell him about me?" The younger asked. Hoseok clicked his tongue. "Didn't really find a good time with everything going on and eh... As you could tell he doesn't take lightly to hitmen." 

A sigh escaped from between the younger's lips as he nodded. "How will we proceed now?" He asked quietly, glancing over at the elder who had been occupied by different papers for the past few hours.

The older stayed quiet for a few seconds. "As impossible as it sounds... We have to bring them down." He stated, spinning the chair around. "I don't like the thought, but we do not have the upper hand." Hoseok continued and crossed his arms.

Hyungwon bit down on his bottom lip. It was true. They only had a few allies and on top of that lost a crucial member of their team, along which everyone had been brought to a vulnerable state. "ATEEZ and D6 will definitely be of help. Jooheon has been in contact with some people who he knows, but they don't like to take part in anything of this extent... We'll be lucky if they support us." Hoseok spoke softly, ruffling up his hair a little bit. 

They were heading to war and it could end badly for the group.

The ex-hitman sat up on the bed. "..We need to start taking them down one by one. Starting with their allies like the Blood Cobras and any other groups we know are in cahoots with him." the man sighed and leaned his head back, keeping his gaze on the ceiling. "Well. Good for us, we have a hitman in our league." Hoseok said and the younger's coffee eyes wandered over to the man.

Hoseok was giving him a knowing look, and Hyungwon caught onto the thought.

Hyungwon couldn't help but smirk softly. "Killing off a few of the Blood Cobras' higher members could work as a warning sign." He hummed, licking his lips. "You can do that, right?" Hoseok confirmed, tilting his head in a questioning manner. 

The younger nodded his head. "Get me their information and it'll be no issue," he responded calmly. It had been a while he had done anything that ties in with his hitman career and even if it wasn't his favorite thing; his hands itched with the urge to have at it again.

"Great. I'll get it to you as soon as I can." 


It was finally the day all of them were dreading. Some more than the others. The funeral. The day that would confirm that everything that had gone down was real and that the other man would not be coming back. No matter how they wanted to believe otherwise.

Changkyun had been crying the longest and everyone else was just holding the waterfall, some eventually failing. Hyungwon stayed next to the youngest member in an attempt to comfort him and the other appreciated it. Maybe it was the shared understanding of the loss of loved ones.

Everyone paid their respects in silence. Talking wasn't too necessary between them and if they were to talk; who knows what kind of a waterfall would come out of that.

There was nothing wrong with being emotional and crying, but all of them needed to be strong. This would pass and even when it does, Kihyun would always remain as one of them.

Once the coffin had been lowered into the grave Hoseok had to pull Hyungwon aside. "Changkyun probably wants to stay here for a while longer." The older started quietly, still holding onto the taller's suit jacket's sleeve. Hyungwon nodded his head a little, glancing over at the mourning younger. "I'll stay with him and bring him home safely." He reassured. The older gave a sad smile to Hyungwon. "Thank you."

Hyungwon patted the older on the shoulder, but to his surprise, he was pulled into a hug. He relaxed in the hold before hugging the man back carefully. A quiet sniffle came from Hoseok came unexpectantly. Hyungwon parted his lips a little not sure of what to do.

The elder had not shared much of his thoughts during the past week, never the less shown much if any emotions. 

"It'll be okay..." Hyungwon said quietly, tightening his hold around the crying man. He felt the other nod his head a little bit. The ex-hitman let out a soft sigh and ran his hand down the older man's back in a comforting manner. 

This wasn't Wonho. The man he was hugging was Hoseok. The two were separate people. One was a cold-faced gang leader and the other was a man who just cared for his friends and family.

The older was the first one to pull away, letting out a deep breath. "I'm sorry.." He mumbled, wiping the tearstains off. Hyungwon shook his head a bit. "It's okay. You're human." He stated quietly chuckling afterward. "You've listened to me bawl my eyes out enough times, I can do the same." The older held back a smile but nodded. "That is true." The joking made the two feel slightly lighter, even if the heartbreak was looming over their heads.

The other four men and Mr. Lee left the graveyard to go home, leaving the last two alone before the grave. "It's finally settling in..." Changkyun spoke quietly as he poured a shot of soju into a glass and placing the glass and the green bottle onto the grave. "He came into my life just like that and in the blink of an eye was out of it..." The younger said, choking up again. Hyungwon grouched down next to the man and wrapped an arm around him.

"You have memories to cherish... Even if you can't make new ones you can always think back on the past." Hyungwon said in a soft tone, running his finger's through the other's hair. He wasn't quite sure if what he was saying was actually comforting, but he could hope. "Just because he's gone, doesn't mean you have to forget him."

"How did you deal with the loss of everyone?" Changkyun asked next. Hyungwon glanced at the man shortly, before turning his gaze elsewhere. "I didn't." He responded simply, pulling his left hand up. He smiled sadly.

"I never dealt with it. Honestly. I'm still dealing with it today, eight years later." Hyungwon started eyeing the golden band wrapped around his ring finger. "I didn't just lose a family.." He then sighed and lowered his hand. "I lost someone I was ready to spend the rest of my days with."

Changkyun listened quietly, eyes on the gravestone that had his lover's name carved into it. "That's why, I guess, I can relate to the pain you feel. You lost someone you loved so much... It hurts like hell, knowing you'll never get to see them again."

"We'll make his sacrifice worth it..." Changkyun mumbled out, sniffling. "I just hope Kihyun is... Happy where ever he is. Maybe he is with his family, right?" The younger turned to the other. Hyungwon sent him a soft smile and a nod. "I'm sure he is."


"I'm sure that person is looking at the same night sky.."

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