Broken Planchette ~ Prinxiety

By The_Revenant_King

56.8K 6K 3.4K

When a sleepover turns sour, Virgil Reed finds himself hit with the biggest miracle. His first 'Friend', the... More

The Best Kind Of Gift~ Pt. 1
The Best Kind Of Gift~ Ch. 2
The Best Kind Of Gift~ Pt. 3
The Best Kind Of Gift~ Pt. 4
The Best Kind Of Gift~ Pt. 5
The Best Kind Of Gift~ Pt. 6/End


349 43 26
By The_Revenant_King

Warning~ Romulus

Roman sat there eyes glued to the screen as the sounds of screaming echos through the room. Roman smiled as he took his ax and sent it flying into someones back. You could literally see the blood trail as the person tried to crawl away. Virgil sat there on the bed just watching as Roman's complete focus was on the blood and gore before them.

Remus had gone out with Thomas to buy Roman his own Xbox and computer that they set up with all of Remus's games. Virgil just asked why he didn't give Roman his but Remus laughed awkwardly and just walked away making Virgil roll his eyes. Right now Roman was playing Dead by daylight and was totally engrossed in it all. Even still, Virgil noticed how the controller was shaking in Roman's hands... the excited look in Roman's eyes.

"Is it working?" Virgil finally asked when he noticed how Roman bit his lip. Roman just blinked as he stabbed another survivor, this time using a different killer, before hanging them on the hook, and giving Virgil a look. "Is it working?" Roman just nodded before turning back to the game only to tense as Virgil got up and leaned against his back, trailing his hands through Roman's hair. "Be honest with me. Is it actually working? Or is it making your urges worse?"

"I..." Roman whined as he leaned back into Virgil's touch, eyes closed as he grimaced a bit. "It's not easy."

"So it isn't working?" Roman whined even louder as he gripped the controller tight.

"It's working. I swear it's working. It's just... Just that um..." Virgil pressed his lips to Roman's hair as the demon sighed and just stared at his shaking hands. "I can't feel it." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman forced his words out with a whisper. "I can see it and hear it and that is helping a bit. I'm still killing things but... I can't feel it. I can't feel their skin separating in his hands... or the beating of their racing pulse before it dies out. I can't feel their blood splatter against my skin. It's hard because that's what I want but... I'm still able to get some of this shit out of my head. Just not all of it and that's making me a bit antsy." Roman glanced up to see Virgil smiling at him only making him confused over everything. Why wasn't Virgil getting mad at him? Why didn't Virgil hate him? Why was he ok with all of this... well... to the amount that he is. He literally tortured a man in front of him and spoke about doing worse to others and yet... Here Virgil is smiling down at him. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. You didn't ask for someone to put those urges in your head."

"I just... I need to do something and... This is the best I've got." Virgil's eyes darkened as Roman turned back to the game just in time to stab someone and light up. "If only I could feel what it was like to drive in through their chest."

"It wouldn't be the same thing but..." Roman hesitated a bit as Virgil slowly moved back to his bed. "What if we made you some people-shaped pancakes?"

"People-shaped... But Demons don't eat."

"This one does." Virgil teased only making Roman pause the game and give him this look. "I'm thinking we get your hands doing something... like you said you need to use them but... We can't let you hurt anything so... People-shaped pancakes. You can tare them apart all you want."

"Wait-..." Roman shifted a bit, obviously already anticipating it despite the anxiety in his eyes. "You mean... I could tare off the head... or the arms and legs and no one would care?"

"They're pancakes, Love. We could even get raspberry syrup or fill the pancakes with it so that it looks like it's bleeding if you want." Roman's eyes were literally shining in awe over his mate and just what he would do to help him.

"And I won't be hurting anyone." Virgil frowned a bit in confusion as Roman choked a bit on his words. "I don't want to break the rules. I don't want to go back on chains. I can't go back on chains-..."

"Ro. Ro, no... It's ok. They're pancakes." Roman blinked before smiling a bit as Virgil just sighed. "People-shaped or not their still just pancakes. It's no different than the video games. You won't be breaking any rules. I promise." Roman smiled as he nodded making Virgil get a bit anxious for a second. "But that means I have to leave." The panic that instantly filled Roman's eyes only broke Virgil's heart. "I don't know if Thomas knows how to make them. Plus I really doubt they have the people cookie cutters."

"Please, don't leave me?" Virgil sighed as he grabbed his phone making Roman whine thinking Virgil was going to go anyway. "I-Ignis? P-Please?"

"Go back to playing your games, Ro. I'll text Thomas everything he needs to do and get." Roman growled as he went back to playing only making Virgil sigh as he laid himself down so Roman could still see him from the corner of his eye. "I'm not leaving. So it's ok, Ro. I've already forced you to deal with it once today I'm not going to push for it again." The sound of screaming and gore filled the air once again as Virgil laid there staring up at the ceiling, thoughts running through his head. "Hey... Ro? Can I ask you a question?"

"You can do whatever you want, Ignis." Virgil took a deep breath before turning over and just giving Roman a very anxious look.

"What exactly is it like in that head of yours right now?" Roman froze stiff, literally just letting one of the survivors walk right past him.

"You really don't want to know, Mi Amor."

"Yea... Yea, I do. I want to understand what's going on with you. You aren't one or the other, Ro. I don't know how to help." Roman sighed as he stared at his controller before just shaking his head and jerking to the right in the game stabbing the survivor and dragging them to the closest hook.

"I'm in constant physical pain." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman shuddered and desperately tried not to fall back into his usual state. Virgil wanted to know... he had to be able to tell him. "It's typical for Romulus really. I'm ALWAYS in pain. Always... I can't-..."

"It's ok." Roman gasped as he shook himself out of his head only to see Virgil's smile egging him on. 

"I want- no... I need to hurt something. My head keeps urging me to make someone else feel the pain I'm in... to feel something other than the pain. But... I'm also really scared. Really scared of something happening... of you getting hurt or of me being the one to hurt you."

"Typical for Roman." Roman nodded as he shifted in his seat impaling yet another survivor on the hook and watching the spider legs dragging them up into hell. Yes up... Which was wrong because hell was below them, stupid video game. "But that fear and protectiveness that you, Roman, always have had turned..."

"Possessive." Roman grinned as he managed to down another and just watched as they crawled away. "Another thing that's pretty typical really. I'm very possessive of my pets. However... It's not to this level. I'm not typically obsessive about it. Just possessive. Then again... I've never been in love with any of my pets before. I've never had a mate either."

"I have a feeling that because you're still Roman AND Romulus both of your personalities are mixing in a very... unstable way. It's making everything worse for you, Love." Roman paused for a bit just thinking before smiling and shrugging.

"I'd rather this absolute madness than fully going Romulus on you, Mi Amor. Even if I am lost... hurting... and uh well... It's better than what I can be." Roman clicked the button on his controller with a very smug smirk on his face as he just stared at Virgil while his character downed the last character in his game. "And that's a win." Roman turned back to the screen to watch as he hung them up, blissing out at the screams coming through the speaker just as Virgil's phone went off. "Hey, Virgil? Can we watch some horror movies later? Remus had mentioned some a while ago but we never did watch them."

"For good reason." Virgil teased as he clicked his phone on only to crash at the text Thomas had send him. "Shit."

"What? What happened?" Roman was off the game within seconds jumping onto the bed with this look on his face. "Who do I have to kill?"

"No one. Thomas just asked me a question." Roman frowned in confusion as Virgil sighed and let his phone fall into his lap. "He said he's more than happy and willing to get the pancakes done though he'd have to ask Patton as he can't cook for shit." Roman laughed as he plopped down beside the other.

"Then what's the problem?"

"He said he wants to have a family dinner." Roman's face fell instantly as Virgil nodded understanding why the demon had gotten so tense. "As in Him, Remus... You and I."

"He knows about-... Right?" Virgil nodded only making Roman's eyes fill with confusion. "Then why the fuck is he asking?"

"I don't know but... He said he was serious about it."

"He... He knows I'm Romulus right now and he... he STILL wants me at dinner?" Virgil could only nod as Roman gripped his pant legs tighter. "My... My head... V-Virgil? Ignis!"

"I've got you." Roman laid himself against Virgil the second the human opened his arm for him, nuzzling as close as he could get to the other. "You don't have to do it. Thomas will understand. He's going to get you the pancakes regardless. So... If you need some help quieting those thoughts. Just tell me what to do to help."

"I don't know." Roman whined as he let his eyes slip shut. "I don't know any other way to get them out."

"You've never had to before." Virgil trailed his fingers through Roman's hair as hummed softly. "Janus said he's going to the old family library to see if any of his relatives ever came into contact with the gypsy."

"The dragon witch was very old and very powerful. She knew everyone and had everyone in her corner. That's how she always managed to find me." Roman's shivered as he just clung to Virgil tighter. "I... I'm scared."

"About?" Roman whimpered as he met Virgil's eyes with such a timid look. 

"I'm scared of what will happen if we never find the spell... but I'm also scared of what would happen if we do. It's only been cast once and it took forever for me to properly come back to myself." Virgil's expression didn't change even a bit only making Roman falter in confusion. "Aren't you scared?"

"I love you, Hun. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I chose to pursue a relationship with you."

"You didn't know anything about me..."

"I read the book. I heard the stories. You all tried to keep me from it but I refused to not know. Ro... I chose you... all of you." Roman just fell into silence as Virgil played with his hair. "You never planned on this happening and yes... I never thought that it could. But the second you came back and told me you were having trouble controlling yourself I understood what that meant. I still chose to be your boyfriend. I'm not going to let that go just because what we were afraid of ended up happening."

"But I so desperately want to kill something... anything that..." Roman winced as he buried himself into his love.

"You can't control yourself, but I can help keep you in line. It's not perfect. It's not the best or... really all that healthy of a relationship but... It's what we've got right now, Love. There is no separating us. Not now, not ever. We still have that contract." Virgil tried to help calm the demon down but he could tell all this was going over the other's head. He was just too lost in everything he was hearing for it all to fully stick. "We'll find the spell eventually, hopefully. And if it takes forever to work then that's what happens and we learn to move on until it does."

"And if we don't find it... and I'm stuck like this... or even worse, I lose whatever left I have of Roman completely? Virgil, I don't want to hurt you... but fuck I want to hurt everyone else."

"We'll figure it out. You might not be able to hope for the best but... We're not giving up. You trust me, don't you?"

"It might not matter, with how it's shattered but... With my entire soul, Flos. I'll always trust you."

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