Batman Meets Steven (Batman/S...

By Samuel152

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A Steven Universe and Batman Arkham City AU where these two humans meet each other. This contains spoilers to... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Introductions
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Detective Skills
Chapter 5: Injustice
Chapter 6: Alive Inside
Chapter 7: The Question
Chapter 8: One Knight
Chapter 9: Family Reunion
Representing Batman
Chapter 10: Enigma Conundrum
Chapter 11: Star Fugitives
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: Under The Moonlight
Chapter 14: Playdates
Chapter 15: Diamond Authority
Chapter 16: Riddle Me This
Chapter 17: Notes
Chapter 18: Gotham City
Chapter 19: Changes
Chapter 20: Beach City
Chapter 22: Best Friends Forever!
Chapter 23: Trust
Chapter 24: New Home
Chapter 25: Homeworld's Defense
Chapter 26: Consequences
Chapter 27: Checkpoint
Chapter 28: Mindfulness
Chapter 29: Showdown
Chapter 30: Epilogue (Finale)
1st Night
2nd Night
3rd Night
Short Stories
Announcement Thing
Little Shorts
Batman vs Steven & Garnet Lines
More Batman, Steven and Garnet Voice Lines!

Chapter 21: Ghost of Past

311 11 29
By Samuel152

3rd Person P.O.V.

1 year and 6 months after Pink Diamond returned to Earth

Beach City:

Bruce needed to get a check up and hopefully find a diagnosis for these symptoms he's showing. Obviously, he has a name for the disease he has, but there's some symptoms that don't match it by the definition of the disease. He feels a little more dizzy than usual, has moments where he passes out, headaches and is feeling more tired than usual.

He couldn't go to the hospitals in Gotham because he's already been there and they've said there's nothing they could do for him. He needed to get a second opinion. Steven reccomended him to the doctor in Beach City, who is Connie's mother.

He got the appointment scheduled. Connie asked her mother to accompany her on this appointment and she eventually said yes. Priyanka was more focused on the fact a billionaire is coming from at least three states away to here to get a check up.

Bruce is in the waiting room, waiting for his name to be called.

Joker: So, billionaire Bruce Wayne is the Batman. A little bit unexpected. Y'know if I'd ever been curious about your identity I would've torn off that mask years ago. I always figured the truth would be a letdown but I have to admit, masquerading as Gotham's least interesting socialite is one hell of a cover story. The dead parents are just icing on the cake.

The ghost sat down on an empty chair next to Bruce.

Joker: It's pointless going all the way here for a checkup when you know damn well what's wrong with you. It's me! There's no cure for me, just give up now and start embracing your Joker-side.

The door opens up.

(Nurse) Mr. Wayne?

He stands up and walks to the door with the ghost behind him. The nurse leads Bruce to a room to wait in. Connie is already in there.

(Connie) Hey, Bruce. Mom said she'll be in here in a moment. So, how has it been in Gotham?

(Bruce) Fine.

Joker: You nervous, Bruce? You worried the doctor might find out your secret? Assuming Connie hadn't told her yet?

(Connie) You said you have some headaches and excess exhaustion?

(Bruce) Yes.

(Connie) Don't worry, my Mom will be able to figure out what the problem is. Oh, and no, I haven't told her about your... hobby.

Joker: Bet that relived some of that pressure off your shoulders, huh?

The door opens.

(Priyanka) Mr. Wayne. I must admit, it's a surprise to have you come here.

(Bruce) I needed to get a second opinion and I was reccomended to you by Steven.

(Priyanka) Connie's friend? How kind of him. Wait a minute, how does he have contact to you?

(Bruce) His father called. I bought his CDs and I enjoy his music. I gave him my contact information to call from time to time.

(Priyanka) Very well. All right, let's start with the basics. Stand on this, please.

He stands on the scale. It brings up the number of 210 pounds.

(Priyanka) Most of that must be muscle, I don't see any flab on you.

She gestured him to stand against the wall so she can measure his height.

(Priyanka) 6 feet and two inches.

She wrote down this information on her clipboard.

(Priyanka) Okay, according to what you said on the phone, you have headaches, fainting, mild dizziness and unusual exhaustion. It's hard to pin down the diagnosis, because with these symptoms, it could mean a lot of things. Some of them I can rule out because I hardly believed you'd have some of these.

She cleared her throat.

(Priyanka) To treat these issues you have, you mostly need more rest, perhaps take a vacation from your job at Wayne Enterprises. Your headache may come from stress, so the vacation should deal with the headaches and exhaustion. As for fainting and dizziness, I could give you some tablets to help reduce these symptoms. With some rest and taking these pills, you should be fine in a week or two.

(Bruce) Thanks.

She gave him a bottle of pills. He writes a check for her, way more than what the cost was, about thrice the amount.

Joker: Great job, you wasted money.

(Priyanka) V-Very generous of you, Mr. Wayne.

He leaves. Connie followed him.

(Connie) So, are you going to rest like she said? Because we both know this isn't about your company.

(Bruce) No, it's not. I don't even run the company, Lucius does. I'm just CEO. I can't exactly rest very often, not with the responsibility I have.

(Connie) Well, nothing's happening in Gotham or Homeworld. You should take advantage of this time to rest as much as you can.

(Bruce) I'll try.

He went to walk away, but Connie spoke.

(Connie) Wait. Is it all right if I told my Mom? I promise I can make sure she won't tell anyone else.

He looked over his shoulder.

(Bruce) Only if she won't tell anyone else.

He walks out of the hospital.

Joker: Well, that was pointless. All you got from that was a bottle of pills. And now the doctor knows your secret. I bet she'll have the shock of a lifetime. Imagine knowing you had the Batman in your clinic. If your identity ever goes viral, I bet she'll gloat. Not that I blame her. Anyone would feel superior to know the truth before the world does.

Bruce dialed a number on his phone.

[Phone] Mr. Wayne?

(Bruce) Lucius, I'm on my way over to Wayne Tower. I need to grab a few of my things.

[Phone] Very well. You didn't really needed to call, but I appreciate the concern.

Bruce called the Batwing over and used the grapple he has in his pocket to climb into the aircraft.


Bruce entered the top room of the building, which is his office. He walked through the door after opening it.

(Lucius) Mr. Wayne, I wonder what's going on. I just heard from Alfred that you went to the doctor.

(Bruce) I'm experiencing some symptoms that are concerning to Alfred. I was told by the doctor to rest.

(Lucius) Well, in that case, I hope you rest well. With Gotham being peaceful and no activity on Homeworld, you have plenty of time to rest.

(Bruce) I came by to pick up a few things.

(Lucius) Don't mind me here. I'm just signing a few pieces of paper. As well as I'm accessing the new suit. Even though it's over a year old, I still consider it new. With the few dents Miss Oliver put in it, I'm a little concerned if it does it's job to protect you.

(Bruce) Charlotte is naturally strong in terms of physical strength. It's not the suit.

(Lucius) Well, in that case, I'm glad Charlotte isn't causing trouble anymore. Hopefully, she's living well in the cave.

(Bruce) She is.

He grabbed a few things in his desk. Then, he answered his voicemail.

[Voicemail] Bruce? It's Vicki. Are you there? I know you're listening to these messages. Look, if it's about that article, blame Ryder. I had nothing to do with it, I swear... Call me, okay? I miss you, Brucie.

(Lucius) Brucie?

He played another message.

[Voicemail] Bruce, it's Cassie. You do remember me, right? Listen, I had, like, so much fun the other night. You are nothing like what I read in the papers. Anyway, call me when you get this. I got a couple of cute friends who are dying to meet you.

Bruce played another message.

[Voicemail] Mr. Wayne, Lex Luthor calling. Apologies for going via your direct line but I grow tired of these games. LexCorp has made a very generous offer for Wayne-Tech's Applied Sciences Division, yet your persistent unavailability begins to look less like a busy schedule and more like deliberately antagonistic behavior. Come now, meet with me. I'm sure we can come to an agreement. A man of your refined taste doesn't need an Applied Sciences Division, after all. He needs another billion dollars.

He played another message.

[Voicemail] Bruce, it's Kate. You are coming to Maggie and I's engagement thing next week, aren't you? No one's seen you in months, Bruce. And you taught me the importance of keeping up appearances.

Another message.

[Voicemail] Joker: You have two new messages. [imitating Thomas] Uh, Bruce, this is your father calling. It's time we had a talk, son, you know, about the dressing up.... (giggling)

[Voicemail] Joker: Next new message. [imitating Martha] Um, Bruce, this is your mother calling now. I just wanted to say-- (laughs) (out of character) Sorry! Sorry! It's so funny. Y'know, 'cause they're dead!

He left afterwards.

(Lucius) Take care, Mr. Wayne.

Beach City:

Bruce was called to Beach City by Steven because the Diamonds require his presence. He puts on his suit before he got there.

(Steven) The Diamonds said they were needing you for a meeting. You know, the monthly one.

(Batman) Okay.

(Steven) How was it at the doctor? Connie said her mother gave you some pills.

(Batman) It was fine.

(Steven) Did you tell her about the disease.

(Batman) No.

(Steven) Why not?

Joker: 'Cause Bats doesn't want to admit he needs help.

(Batman) Because I'm handling it fine. Besides, I'm getting closer to find a cure.

Joker: For the last time, there ain't no cure for me. You're stuck with me, to the end!

(Steven) Mom is already on Homeworld. All you have to do is show up.

He walked to the Warp Pad and used the device Yellow gave him to use the Warp Pads.


Batman made it just in time before it started.

(White Diamond) Good you're here.

Joker: Don't forget me!

She gave the ghost a look. She did her best to ignore it.

(Yellow Diamond) Let's get started. Detective, did you ever figure out who stole my bio-poison?

(Batman) No. Whoever did it covered their tracks. I'm still looking.

(Yellow Diamond) Blast.

(Batman) Have you removed the Cluster from the Earth?

(Yellow Diamond) Yes. I currently have the pieces on my workbench. I have to manually take the gems apart and put them back together. It's very long and exhausting, but will be worth it when I finished.

(White Diamond) How abour you, Blue?

(Blue Diamond) I'm currently working with a few gems to produce more spires across the planet to have more space. I happen to notice an injector is missing from my district.

(Yellow Diamond) What's next? An entire fleet of gems goes missing?

(White Diamond) It's possible.

(Pink Diamond) I'm just finishing up my reports and is currently preparing myself to give my speech to my court.

(Yellow Diamond) How about you, White?

(White Diamond) I'm still trying to catch up with my work, since I've been... working with myself for the past few months.

(Pink Diamond) How about you, Bruce? How's your pearl?

(White Diamond) He doesn't call her pearl. He calls her Alison.

(Alison) I'm right here! Sorry I'm late.

She stands next to her owner.

(Alison) I'm doing just fine.

She holds his hand, even though he doesn't tell her to. But he doesn't mind.

(Pink Diamond) So, Batman, Steven tells me that you were checked on by a professional on Earth. Are you feeling well?

(Batman) I'm fine.

Joker: No, he's not.

White looked concerned.

(White Diamond) Wayne, may I speak to you in private?

He followed White into the other room.

(White Diamond) Is something the matter?

(Batman) No, I'm fine.

(White Diamond) He says otherwise.

She implies the ghost.

Joker: Ooh, she got you there.

(Batman) He's not real.

Joker: Hey!

(White Diamond) He's part of your mental subconscious. If you're desperate for a cure, we should check to see on the inside. You have your body checked, by not the mentality.

(Batman) You don't need to.

(White Diamond) I insist.

She placed her hand on his forehead (touching the cowl). She closed her eyes and he did the same. She can sense what he feels on the inside.

Joker: Aw, she cares for you.

She was partially disturbed by the things she can see from him and thd ghost. She eventually stepped back.

(White Diamond) It appears you're a little worked up over this disease which causes stress. And there's some sort of compulsion I found.

Joker: What kind of compulsion?

(White Diamond) Altruistic. You have a very strong need to rescue someone when they're in danger, especially if it's a life or death situation. Perhaps this originated from the past, where you failed to save someone.

He flinched, but it was hardly noticeable.

Joker: I think you spooked him.

(White Diamond) Is that true?

He looked down.

(Batman) I don't want to talk about it.

Joker: Ah, mental scars. The one scar tissue that never really goes away. It's probably why Blue Diamond's power doesn't work on him. He lost two loved ones while she lost one. It makes sesne.

(White Diamond) Oh, Wayne...

(Batman) Let's get back into the other room.

He leaves the room with White following him.

(Yellow Diamond) What did you two talk about?

(Batman) Nothing important.

Joker: That's right, Bats, bury your feelings. Keep them deep down in your subconscious and have them emerge at the worst times later. It's not like you'll turn into a monster for hiding it... maybe...

White would slap the ghost if she could touch it.

(Blue Diamond) I hope everything's alright for you. You're looking a little more gloomy than usual.

Joker: Well, he's brooding for two so...

(Pink Diamond) You doing okay?

(Batman) I'm fine.

(White Diamond) He wishes to not talk about himself. So, let's respect his boundaries.

(Blue Diamond) Of course.

White sits in her chair and they carried on with the meeting.

(White Diamond) What did we miss?

(Yellow Diamond) We were discussing about the Cluster.

(Blue Diamond) We talked about whether we should help Yellow or not.

(White Diamond) Why can't we assign gems to help her?

(Yellow Diamond) They're not Diamonds. They wouldn't have the capability to fix or heal gems. After this meeting, I plan on scheduling you, Pink and Blue to help me.

(Blue Diamond) Why can't Bruce join us?

(Yellow Diamond) He isn't a Diamond. He's just a human.

(Pink Diamond) No offense.

Joker: None taken.

(Yellow Diamond) Humans don't possess the ability to piece together a gem.

(Batman) It's fine. I don't have to help.

(Blue Diamond) Are you sure? You are part of the Diamond Authority.

(Batman) But I'm not one of you.

(Pink Diamond) But you're better than us.

(Yellow Diamond) I wouldn't go thst far...

Joker: I would.

(White Diamond) Is there any thing else to discuss?

No one said anything.

(White Diamond) Then this meeting has concluded. You're all dismissed.

The three Diamonds left. Batman was about to leave--

(White Diamond) Wayne.

He stopped. He looked over his shoulder.

(White Diamond) If you want to talk about it, you can talk to me.

He dosen't respond. He just leaves.


(Steven) How was it?

(Batman) Fine.

(Steven) Are you okay? You don't--

(Batman I said I'm fine.

(Steven) O-Okay.

He went outside and got into the Batwing to leave.

(Steven) Bye.


(Alfred) Hello, I suppose you're here for the liquor?

(Phoebe) Yes.

(Alfred) Why don't you ever buy it from the liquor stores?

(Phoebe) Because it's better here. That, and I'd like to check on Charlotte.

(Moonlight) Oh, you're here!

She raced to the door and grabbed her to hug her.

(Moonlight) I missed you!

(Phoebe) I missed you, too. Have you been following my instructions?

(Moonlight) Yes. I've done all those therapy stuff you told me to do.

(Phoebe) Very nice.

She went to the wine cellar to grabbed the boxes of rum.

(Moonlight) I'll carry them for you!

She took the boxes. Phoebe left the check on the table.

(Moonlight) See? I'm being good, just like you told me.

(Phoebe) I see. But Bruce told me that you've been breaking the handle of your cell.

(Moonlight) Oh, don't worry about that. I'm good, I promise.

(Phoebe) I hope.

End of Chapter 21


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