11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu...

By JeonMina_05

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In his world, all look at him as strict, stone, cold and ace lawyer. They wont dare to make any mistakes on t... More

1》Sudden News
2》The Violence
3》Trigger Feel
4》Trauma Show
5》Past Abuse
6》False View
7》Permanent Pain
8》Trust Issues
9》Terrible Mood
10》Limit Me
11》Your Perspective
12》Pain Hold
13》Save Me
14》Depend On
15》Your Blessing
16》Choice Type
17》Bad Welcome
18》Relieve Area
19》Creepe Gift
20》Our Day
21》New Treasure
22》Mine Circle
23》Guide Hero
24》Fragile Argue
25》My Wound
26》Your Happy
27》Random Talk
28》Help Us
29》End Court
30》Broken Awards
31》Break Wall
32》Run Away
33》Found You
34》Be You
35》All Solve
36》Just Celebrate
37》Smooth Present
38》This Feel
39》Cramp Sickness
40》On Way
41》Hello Minhyun
42》Hello Minjoo
44》Our Side

43》Lives Goes

498 18 2
By JeonMina_05


1 year later~

She rushing towards arrow that guide everyone there with one little figure on her arms. The flash everywhere made her had to protect themselves. Finally she spot a lady that she have been looking for.



She stop once they success get inside room that only special for Black Swan brand. Mina carefully put her son, Minhyun on sofa where Hannah help her to let him sleep on medium pillow.

Mina sigh in tired and take the water from Hannah, she turn her side finding there is line between designer and all models. Glad people inside the room respect her situation where everyone know she bring her son in fashion show this time.

"So? How the check up?"

"It went well, just i should not run like that ago or not my image look like a cow."


Hannah hold her laugh leaving Mina roll her eyes, she choose to sit beside her son while cares her belly that day by day growning big.

Yes, Mina pregnant again for almost 6 months but this time is little different from the first. She now in second trimester but lucky she didnt get any morning sickness or weird behaviour she had. At first Wonwoo didnt believe she pregnant again but remember he had touched her when they leaved their son at his parents house, yeah he messed up.

Mina supposed to get mad for his action but reminding Minhyun that time is 11 months, she cant do anything but think that having second child is not quite fast much.

"You sure Minhyun is fine, boss?"

"His fever still up and down. On morning, his temperature went high so i bring to check him first before my condition. Doctor already gave me his medicine and after he fed Minhyun a liquid fever, his hot body slowly turn down little."

"Is mr. Wonwoo know?"

"I already texted him but he didnt reply back yet. I guess he still busy at Ilsan, he had two cases to handle there today and he told me he will back home around 4 or 5 am."

Suddenly their conversation stop as soon Minhyun start to cry made Mina had to lift him up and bring him in her carries arms. She gently put his head on her shoulder and pat his back slowly while humming to calm him. Hannah who watch her boss, silently walk away to check all models that still preparing for runshow.

Mina actually in this state should take a rest, but since today she pretty pack busy with her work and Wonwoo who away from her with Minhyun, had to sacrifice her rest time to settle everything.

She admit this kinda force herself but what she can do, Wonwoo cant help her and she sure he more tired than her. He even take 9 cases in a week which he always on his laptop everynight. But what make her didnt stop him, because he know his part to take care of Minhyun.

"Boss, the show will call you in 2 minutes."

Vict come with microphone that anytime will on and Mina quickly being little panick. She still cant put Minhyun down as her son is little sensitive when she or Wonwoo away from him when he still in sleep.

"I dont have choice but to bring Minhyun on stage! I had to cover his face."

"Here, wear my small cap."

Jack hand Mina his small cap that made all team wonder, since when he had the cap that too small for his head. But that time all burst in laughter when Jack answered because of his red face.

"M-my niece left it inside m-my bag, s-so its not bad if M-minhyun lend it."

"Ehehe, thank you big guy. Okay i will go, just quickly ready all model at backstage once im done with me greet."

All nod and rush take their position while Mina fixing her son head with cap that Jack gave and her other hand that still holding a mic.

Once she on back middle stage, she pray that Minhyun wont wake or even being bad mood when crowded start to make a noise, even the mc voice annoyed her ear. She admitted lately she being sensitive to loud thing like if Wonwoo put a tv too loud, she would scream from room to low it or if he doing some heat of food, she will tell him to low the fire so it wont boil with bubbling sound too high.

Maybe thats why Minhyun inhert Mina behaviour more than Wonwoo, being sensitive but their son is easy to handle as he like understanding atmosphere surround him.

"We welcome, Black Swan brand designer, one and only, Jeon Mina!!"

The curtain open wide made Mina cover her face with warm smile and at same time walk forwards. She grin her lips when the crowded more loud to see Minhyun on her arms. Lucky his face were cover with cap and his face hiding on her shoulder.

"Annyeong, everyone! Its been a while to come here and im so happy to meet you all, i also cant wait to show you guys my new collection. As you see my son is here, but im sorry that i couldnt show his face and he little not well. After all, again im so blessed to be here and wishing everyone the best. Thank you so much, love you!"

She bow little and people around understand how she had to keep up herself with 6 months preggy while carrying 1 year old boy. She turn back and walk to backstage left side after hand the mic to Lucy.


2:25 am

She get up once she hear a cry sound from other room, with little forcing herself to get up, she quick her step to open beside door and like she expect, Minhyun being fragile again.

She sigh in tired, the show and rushed to meeting was really suffocating. The meeting finally ended with good as Minhyun stay sleep in peace without acting whining or cry, so her work became more easy. But soon they back from home, Minhyun have been crying and she dont know why he being like that, but sure it put more energy for her to handle.

"Mummy is here, little peaches. Dont cry....uljima."

She lift Minhyun up from crib, put his head on her chest and patting his back to calm him. He clutch her pyjama tight with loud cry that Mina couldnt think how to stop it again for nth time.

"Okay okay, lets sleep with mummy. You not alone, Minhyun. Daddy will back home soon."

Sometimes Minhyun can be clingy because of Wonwoo. Of course this kid is daddy boy and how can she complain, she love to see whenever their son bonding with her husband. But sometimes, yeah she little jealous how their son always want Wonwoo than her.

She put pacifier on Minhyun mouth and again she patting his back while seat on bed, leaning against it and keep humming some lullaby as she slowly can feel her son cry start to stop and low.

3:19 am

She suprise by that sound again, without waiting her scretch herself, she open herself and turn side to see Minhyun cry again but this time she smell something.

Yeah, his diaper is full.

"Lets change, my boy."

If Wonwoo back now, she can get sleep as tomorrow is off day but she not sure if he also not work too. But she believe tomorrow can be her rest time eventhough just stay at home. She really not type going out without something important.

Mina carry Minhyun after take his diaper and some baby stuff to bathroom. She wash his half body and once she done, she put him lay on side sink to put some body before wear his diaper.

She wont let the pacifier on his mouth out or not he will cry again, Mina lift him again and change his clothes but just put him on in little oversized hoodie that special for toddler like him.

"Let sleep, Jeon Minhyun."

5:47 am

Mina swear she could cry now, again for sixth time her son cry nonstop. First  he cry after she fed him his medicine after dinner. Second, he being annoyed with silk toddler pyjama she put on. Third, he dont want to drink his milk because its not warm yet but his cry made Mina rushed to made it that time. Fourth, he suddenly cry on midnight that problay would disturb other neighbour especially Tzuyu, her sister beside their house. Fifth, he cry once his diaper full and made her had to change it quickly.

And now what? She check Minhyun, not finding any reason he cry but as mother, she know sonething is wrong. He on bloated stomach which make him uncomfortable and the wind that in his body made him moving messy.

"Shh...shhh...okay, mummy put ointment for you."

She carry him again while walking to mirror table where there is ointment she always used for her cramp feet. Mina rub it around Minhyun stomach, his back until his feet. Even it work but not to his sound of cry.

Mina really want to tear up, she can feel another move on her body which their second child is kicking her bump now. Her leg feel tired, her eyes were heavy, her body feel little numb and her mind thinking too much. Minhyun voice are more loud than she thought, maybe because the ointment she rubbed on him made him feel mint cold.

She look down, slow her hands caressing her son back as she feel her leg really cant move much now. Mina try to take breath as much she need. But Minhyun wont let her rest for a second, his cry sound made her had to bumping him up and down as wish he could calm down.

"Let me take over him."

She turn, suprise he finally back home in this almost early morning. Wonwoo finally home that she could pamper to him now, but as Minhyun are their first priority, he had to be main focus.

But Mina feel bad to give their son to him, seeing Wonwoo shirt ragged, his work bag that he put on chair, his hair messed and she could notice his dark circle around his eyes even in this dark room that accompanied only bed lamp.

"Its okay, you should take a shower."

"I already take it."

"Mwo?! When and where?!"

"Relax, there is petrol station near there and thankfully i brought my small towel. But since i didnt bring my extra clothes, i wore my work outfit back."

She relieve after her worriedness gone when he explain about his condition. She thought maybe he just lie to her to make her feek alright which is pregnant woman quick to overthink.

Wonwoo open his hands to welcome Minhyun on his arms, made Mina self escape from carrying their son almost fifteen minutes. This time is like miracle, and her expectation correct again. Minhyun slowly relax in his father touch. Well daddy boy always want his daddy around him.

"You should continue sleep."

"Its 6 o'clock exactly. I should prepare something for breakfast."

She was about to walk out from their bedroom but Wonwoo use his other hand to hold her arm.

"No, take a rest, Mina. You need it so much and i had read your texted even its last minute. There is lots of article and news about you come up on stage with Minhyun on your shoulder. I didnt knew that my cased could be too pack and i feel bad to let Minhyun with you when he on high fever."

She grin her lips into warm smile, caresing his jaw before notice Minhyun finally closed his eyes, flying in his dream like fairytale. Wonwoo take her hand from his face and cares her palms before kiss it.

"Its fine, we not always too busy. As my condition pregnancy is fine, i can do my responsiblity well."

"You almost in 7 months, Mina. Remeber this time we will get baby girl and you texted me, that our baby girl is little small that hadnt enough vitamin inside your womb. I need to make sure from now you eat your pill and our daughter healthy."

"Okay, Woo. But you sure you dont wanna eat something?"

"Anni, i also didnt get sleep too. So lets take a long nape together and when its like 9 or 10, i will wake you."

She cares her bump, walk to bed when Wonwoo follow her step to lay beside her after put Minhyun in the middle which he not a problem to their parents to get close.

"Im sorry for leaving you."

"No big deal, Won. Im fine."

"No, you are not. Hannah told me everything about you today. Enough talking about our work, settle all your job in this week and then take off day until your end abstinence."


"Its for your health and our second daughter, babe. Choose, you want to get deliver with Czer operation or you want to take hiatus?"

"Okay okay, i will take hiatus a while."

He chuckle to see Mina yawning in sleepy, he patting her back head while his other hand cares her bump. He pat his wife like how she do it to Minhyun. One to half second, she cant fight her eyes anymore.

Wonwoo look down, watching their son sleeping while gripping blanket that he cover for three of them.

"My treasures."


"Mingyu! Dont ever dare to put her down."

Mingyu really wish he could help his wife do the house chores, but what he can do, just holding their daughter on couch while Pepsi being her victim.

"Hey, Minjoo! Dont pull Pepsi ear!"

Mingyu try to break her hand from pulling their dog ear, after success let ut go, Pepsi running away from Minjoo made her whine. He dont have a choice but to lift her to his arms, Tzuyu who saw it cant do anything too as she busy moping their house.

After half an hour busying inside their house, Mingyu take his job to cook while Tzuyu bathing Minjoo which their daughter keep running everywhere. Looks like Minjoo inhert Tzuyu sensitivity, dont like water but the most she inhert weird behaviour is from Mingyu.

Their daughter are same like him, like bitting something, organizing something mess, like doing sport and what most cute they love to see, is Minjoo like to help them cooking or do some chores.

"Oh god, is this real?"

After let Minjoo running away from her, Tzuyu hiding herself inside bathroom. Lately she realised that her period kinda late and this month, it didnt come yet. Before she can jump into conclusion, she buy the pregnancy test without Mingyu knowing. Its nit like she dont want to tell him about her problem, but thinking Minjoo already one years old, so why not to have another child.

Tzuyu keep the test inside her pocket and throw the box inside dustbin. She walk out and find Mingyu done cooking after putting dishes on the table.

"Oh Tzuyu! Lets dinner!"

Yes, Mingyu become more responsible after their daughter born. What makes him always stick with them, is after she revealed her secret to him about their parents.

"So we are here."

Mingyu help Tzuyu seat down in the middle of his parents grave, leaving their daughter on his arms. She put the flower down and clear some leaves around.

"Seat down, Mingyu."

He follow her instruct and without he realise, his other hand hold his mother name. He wish to cry that time but he cant as their daughter now awake so he wont show that he is cry man. Tzuyu cares his arm before sigh to reveal what she want to say.

"The thing i said to your parents, is about you."


He turn to stare his wife face but Tzuyu didnt look at him but staring his parents grave while letting her warm smile appear.

"Yes, for the first time you brought me here, i told them about yourself as my fiancee and complaoned your attitude and behaviour. But that time 4 months we being together, so i couldnt said bad things about you to them. So when you get busy with your work in day off, i steal some time to go here and tell everything about you to them. I have been doing this routine until we married, Mingyu. Remember when i said i had 3 surgeon for a day until midnight? Sorry i lied that time, i just had one surgeon and i rushed to go here and told your parents that your birthday party a week past that time was awesome. And i still cant forget the time, when my two weeks before i take a break time from my work as doctor because my pregnancy, i came here and told them that your parents will be soon grandparents. Now i come here again, but with you and our Minjoo."

She turn to see him, not suprising he cry and she know he was touched by that. She take a napkin on her hand and use it to wipe his tears, she didnt hestitate to higher her body to kiss his temple. Pulling his head to her chest and give him the best hug she had special for him. She feel he reply her hug by crossing his other hand on her waist.

"Thank you.....i dont know what to say to you, i-i couldnt stop my tears after heard everything f-from you. I cant believe my wife do that for me, maybe i could steal my time to come here too....oh Tzuyu, jinjja gomawo....you the best...."

"Gwaenchana, you saved my life and treated me goo when we was enggaged. I couldnt even pay back what good deeds you do to me."

Mingyu gather himself to kiss her and after they finish their time on cemetry, he drive them home.

"Tzuyu? Gwaenchana?"

He realise his wife not eat much what he cooked, so far he notice her behaviour, she always felt easy to get tired and giving Minjoo to him.

"Little tired."

"Is at hospital too lots patient to handle?"

"No, today im not bust much. Maybe because of my states now."


She sigh, taking the test from her locket before putting it on table and slife it to him. He take it and stun for a while, exchanging his eyes to her, their daughter and the test. Before he can freak out or say anything, Tzuyu cut him first.

"Yes, im pregnant, again. But i dont know how weeks i am now."

"Oh, Tzuyu! We will get another baby!"

She grin her ears to hear he raise his voice whuch he just beside her. But she couldnt get mad as he hugging Minjoo tight and pinch Tzuyu cheek.

"Huh, glad you like it."

"Like it? I love it so much!! Cant wait to tell your parents! Oh and Wonwoo with your sister too!!"

"Yeah yeah, after we do check up, Kim Mingyu. Dont be too excited."

He chuckle, not hurt by her savage side as he already used to it. He pull her head to kiss it and look at Minjoo back.

"Minjoo-yah! You gonna be a big sister!! Wuuu! My daughter already grown up!"

"Tsk, she just turn one three months ago. Dont spoil her much. She still toddler."

"Our baby girl will had a siblings. Comparing  to Mina, she almost 7 and now you follow her too. Well you two really pregnant not too far."

"At least, she can see our second child after her long end abstinence rather im being little alone without her figure around me."

He giggle to watch his wife talking, he take his other hand to cares her belly which still flat and made Tzuyu feel little tickle.

"Wah, im so happy now that i could cry. Thank you."

Tzuyu nod and continue eat even she didnt have appetite to finish it. But Mingyu know, her behaviour on pregnant will come so he need to get ready everything, especially make sure Minjoo wont made Tzuyu mood bad.

"My precious."


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