Avenger Imagines ✓

De sxnflowerstyles

1.4K 20 2

Title says it all. I'll try to include as many Avenger as I can. Disclaimer: The photo in the cover isn't mi... Mai multe

✓Bucky Barnes✓
✓Bruce Banner✓
✓Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes✓
✓Thor Odinson✓
✓Loki Laufeyson ✓
✓Bucky Barnes✓
✓Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers Pt 2✓
✓Bucky Barnes Pt. 3✓

✓Avengers/Loki Laufeyson✓

156 5 2
De sxnflowerstyles

"All That's Left"

Trigger Warning: Angsty

Song: The Night We Met By Lord Huron

*Post Endgame*

You've won. Avengers finally beat Thanos and everyone got their loved ones back. the world was back to normal. People are celebrating, families are reunited and Earth is now back to being colorful. It was time to rejoice and celebrate and yet here you are, standing in the middle of the place where the compound used to be before it collapsed due to the battle.

There was nothing for you to rejoice. You've lost your best friend for being her stupid, heroic self and sacrificing herself for the soul stone, Natasha. The two of you stayed at the compound during the blip. For five years, you both managed to keep each other sane although it was so hard. You didn't even got the chance to say goodbye to her when you joined Bruce on the time heist to retrieve the time stone so when al of you went back and you saw Clint fell on his knees with no Natasha by his side, you almost lost it.

Another best friend left you as well, Wanda. She was like a sister to you and her disappearance from the blip was one of the hardest to cope up with. Wanda left after Tony's funeral, you can see the pain in her eyes from when she lost Vision. To be completely honest, you can't blame her for leaving, she's lost everything. You just wish that she would've taken you with her so that you wouldn't be alone.

And then you lost the father figure you've had ever since you joined the team. Tony basically adopted you when they found out that you've been an orphan your whole life. He took care of you and treated you as his own even when they had Morgan. The moment he smiled at you before snapping his fingers, you knew that a huge part of you would die with him and it did.

And then you lost your mentor, Steve. Steve saw a lot of potential on you so he didn't gave up on you and trained you a lot since you became an Avenger. He was the one to thank for your excellent skills in fighting. Steve was also the one that taught you many things about life, constantly giving you advices that would stay in your heart for as long as you live. Before he brought the stones back, he told you to get ready for training and you were confused at first on why he wanted you to leave first but as always, you followed his orders. So when Bucky and Sam went to the gym instead of Steve, you broke down in tears.

"He didn't even said goodbye." You sobbed.

"He asked you to leave because he knew you were the hardest to say goodbye to. Steve knows you've been through a lot." Bucky said as he hugged you while you cry on the floor, you were surprised by his action because Bucky Barnes never shows affection towards his friends although he cares a lot.

And on top of all of that, you lost a lover, Loki. His last visit on Earth was the time he proposed to you, the two of you were supposed to get married as soon as he got back. Bruce told you about their battle with Thor and Loki's sister that's why it took him a bit longer to come back. But then Bruce told you how Thanos destroyed their ship. When you saw Thor on the battle in Wakanda, you hoped that Loki was with him until Thor himself told you the unfortunate faith of your other half.


A loud thunder erupted in the sky and you smirked to yourself. Your future brother-in-law is here. So maybe when Bruce said that they're probably dead, the two brothers found a way to survive. Knowing Loki, he would probably cheat on death as always. You fought the alien dog, electrocuting it with the electricity coming from your hands, its your powers. The creature fell dead as you ran towards Thor, electrocuting the enemies on your way. You saw a racoon and what seems like a tree made of roots beside Thor.

"Thor!" You called him and he smiled, his eyes still lighting up.

"Lady Y/N! These are my new friends, the rabbit and the tree." Thor introduced, talking while all of you fought the creatures around you.

"Its Rocket!" The racoon said, clearly annoyed of Thor's pet name and you chuckled. Right, of course there is a talking racoon.

"I am Groot." The tree said. And a talking tree?

"Oh hey, I am Y/N." You said while shooting an alien dog in front of you.

"Watch out, Y/N!" Thor yelled and soon his new axe slashed the alien dog behind you.

"That new?" You asked with a smile.

"Yeah its called the Stormbreaker. You like it?" He asked with a smirk.

"Definitely." You answered. "Where's Loki?" Your question wiped off the smirk in Thor's face. He was silent for a while fighting off the aliens. "Thor, where's Loki?" You asked again and he looked at you for a brief moment.

"Y/N, Loki is dead. He died in the ship, Thanos strangled him to death. Until the very last moment, he was thinking of you. He wanted me to tell you how much he loves you." Thor spoke.

There was a ringing in your ears. It was like the world stopped spinning and all you can feel is the physical pain in your chest, you have to look down to make sure no one has stabbed you there because that is exactly how it feels right now. You hear your name being called but it sounded so distant, tears blurring your eyes. Your hands are shaking and a foreign sensation of energy makes your fingertips tingle.

"Y/N!" You heard Steve and Thor yelled the same time as a bigger alien dog attacked you making you fall on the ground with it on top of you. Anger coursed through your veins. Thanos killed your soon-to-be husband. You and Loki were suppose to live a happy life. He was gonna leave Asgard and live a normal lifestyle with you on Earth. The Loki who, for all his life dreamed of ruling Asgard, was willing to gave up the throne to live a simlpe life with you. All of those were thrown out of the window and the only image running through your mind as of the moment are the many ways you would kill Thanos.

You were still on the ground and the alien dog was so close on biting your head off. You put your hand on its chest and it flew about a few meters away, you didn't even push him. The electricity coming from your hands are stronger than ever, maybe because of the pain and anger but you don't care. You took that opportunity to take down as many of these ugly ass creatures as you can. You noticed the shock in some of your teammates eyes as they witness how you electrocute every opponent on your way, leaving their disgusting bodies toasted on the ground.

Soon enough, Thanos came and you and your team fights with him, stopping him from reaching Vision while Wanda destroy the stone. You came in contact with his skin while Steve was fighting hand to hand with him. You electrocute him, making him kneel.

"You killed my fiance." You told him, your hand still on his shoulder as you put as much energy as you can to increase your voltage.

"W-Who the hell are you?" Thanos asked with a whine.

"The one who'll kill you." You said.

"No more resurrections for your Loki." He smirked and the mention of his name distracted you, causing Thanos to push you and used the power stone to throw your body, thankfully Steve was able to catch you.

It all happened so fast, the next thing you know is that you're watching Bucky turned into dust as he called for Steve.

"Hey, are you okay?" Natasha asked you while you were sitting on the ground staring on the ground while tears slipped from your eyes.

"He's gone, Nat. He's never coming back." You cried to her arms.

Weeks had gone by like a blur, you've lost most of your friends and still hasn't coped up with the fact that you've lost Loki. Every time you'd look on the engagement ring on your hand you'd broke down into a puddle of tears, he had it made in Asgard with a special kind of diamond, 'Only for my most special girl,' he'd say.

The slight trembling from the ground interrupted your moment and you rushed outside along with the other to find out who it is. All of you gasped as a spaceship was being carried by a woman you haven't met yet. After what felt like eternity, a smile broke into your tear-stained face when you saw a malnourished-looking Tony coming down from the ship. Steve was quick to assist him and Pepper was on his side immediately. It took you a while when you ran to him.

"Dad! I thought I've lost you too." You sobbed and he held you tightly. Tony thought he'd never hear you calling him Dad again, he feared you'd disappear too.

"I missed you, young lady." He said. "I lost the kid." He cried, Tony rarely cry in front of people so the scene broke your heart, Peter was like a younger sibling to you.

"I lost him, Dad. Loki's dead." Tony looked at you sympathetically as he held you tighter.

You all were gathered in the living room, talking about a plan to attack Thanos. The thought of revenge excites you but your mind still wanders off to Loki while you were leaning on Thor's side and him brushing your hair with an attempt to stop your silent tears. When Captain ordered all of you to suit up, you didn't waste any more time and the next thing you knew is that all of you are seated on a ship on your trip to another planet to end Thanos.

"It's just him." The woman that saved your father, Carol, said. You cannot focus on your surroundings anymore as you fingers tingle with that same energy you felt at the battle in Wakanda. Nat, who was sitting beside you, sent you a worried look as she noticed the electricity from your hands but did not dare to calm you down, she knew better than to do that now.

Once the ship landed you didn't even wait for everyone to come out, you speed off to the small cabin where Thanos is. Carol beat you there and she was already holding him down singlehandedly, if you weren't so infuriated as of the moment you would've applauded the woman.

"Remember me?" An evil smirk formed on your lips as you wrapped your hand on his throat, the high electricity making him weak already.

"Not yet, Y/N." Steve said and you controlled the voltage, lowering it down a notch and placing it on his shoulder instead, "Where are the stones?"

Your heart stopped beating for a while when Thanos said how he destroyed the stones. You had to step back for a while to breathe because you felt a panic attack coming. Nat had to hold you for a while to steady you. This is it, this is how it's gonna be. There was no chance of bringing back your friends.

You were furious. Before anyone could blink, you hand was on Thanos's head and letting all the pent up anger turn into electricity, your voltage is at it's highest. Once your hand left the nutsacks's head, it was toasted as well as his whole body. You did, in fact, fried his brain.

"What did you do?" Steve gasped and you turned away from his body to head outside.

"Just keeping my words." You said coldly before walking out.

All of you went home quietly, only a few words were exchanged. And that's how it was for five years. Until Scott Lang came yelling at the gate of the compound with the ridiculous idea of time travelling to get the stones and bring back everyone. The plan gave all of you hope and for a long time, you felt the surge of excitement. That was until you all successfully got the stones but were crush by the news of Natasha's death. Little did you know, your bestfriend wouldn't be the only one you're going to lose.

The plan of getting everyone back worked but for some reason, the Thanos from the past decided to show up with his army. The battle began and although you were still mourning, it was nice to see some familiar faces fighting alongside with you. But that nice feeling was washed off when Tony took it upon himself to save everyone. He looked at you for a brief moment and smiled.

"No, Dad!" You cried and before you know it, Thanos and his army started turning into dust. You ran towards Tony's limp body, Peter on your side.

"Mr. Stark, we won." Peter cried.

"Dad, not you too. Please, not you too." You cried as you repeated the words, holding his hand. You felt Pepper's hand on your shoulder and you stood up, Peter hugging you as Pepper bid her final goodbye to her husband.

"You can rest now." Pepper spoke and you cried harder on Peter's shoulder. The realization dawns on you that the only man who accepted you without any hesitation, is now gone too. He was mostly seen by others as the sarcastic, egoistic and self-centered man but he's always been your hero, even before he became famous as the Iron Man he was already the guy who saved you from the cold world of abandonment. Even before he snapped those fingers to save everyone, he's already your savior.


You stared ahead on the now empty field. You've made a lot of memories in this place, made some friends who soon became your family as well. But now, you felt alone more than ever. You thought that after being an orphan ever since you can remember, you'd be immune to the feeling of loneliness. But no, your heart still ached every day for the past month. you were so used with the loud bickering of Steve and Tony every morning, the delicious breakfasts made by Natasha herself, the awkward and out of context trivia by Vision every now and then, the comforting presence of Wanda and of course the consistent showering of love from Loki. Oh how you miss Loki, the ring is still on your finger and it will remain there for the rest of your life, symbolizes that he will only be the man who you'd love until your very last breath.

"I tried bringing him back, Y/N, but I can't. I hate seeing you like this." You remember Bruce told you before Steve bring the stones back, he wasn't very fond of Loki considering their history but the thought of him doing that for you meant a lot.

"It's okay, Bruce. He'd always be here with me." You forced a smile at him, playing with the ring on your finger.

A small hand resting on your shoulder pulled you out from your thoughts. You looked to your side to see Morgan standing there, looking at you with those eyes that reminded you of your father. She smiled at you and hugged you. Morgan is very close to you, she helped a lot with you coping up during the blip.

"What are you doing here, kiddo?" You asked the girl and hugged her back.

"We've been looking for you. I missed you, Y/N." She answered, her head still buried on the crook of your head.

"I figured we'd find you here." Pepper spoke and you looked up to her. "Where have you been, honey?" She asked and kneeled down next to you to hug you as well.

"I've lost my family Pep and its like I've lost myself too." You told her, holding back your tears.

"Not all of them, Y/N." She looked at you with that warm motherly smile. You haven't called Pepper 'Mom' yet but she's always been that mother figure to you, you just thought it was a bit awkward because Tony has adopted you before they became officially together and you this anxious thought that maybe Pepper was only sticking up with you because she had no choice since your technically Tony's daughter. "Morgan still needs her sister and I still need a less energetic daughter who doesn't run around the whole day." She cracked a joke which made you laugh. Your heart warmed when she called you daughter.

"Hey!" Morgan pouts and you pinched her cheek lightly. "But Mommy's right. Come home with us."

Home. You never thought of having a home ever since the compound was teared. For the past month, you've been to different places, here and there, switching apartments and trying to find that comfort that the compound provided but failed miserably. Because you knew that home wasn't just the walls and expensive furnitures of the compound, it's the people you were living with that made you feel at home.

"Are you sure?" You asked Pepper.

"Y/N, you've always been a part of this family. When I married your Dad, I promised myself that I will not only take care of him and our own child but you as well. I never see you as any less than my own daughter. Now, lets go home its getting dark out here." Pepper stood up and dusted her blue dress, you and Morgan standing up as well. But before the three of you walked back to the car, you surprised Pepper with a hug.

"Thanks...Mom." You heard a small gasp from her then her arms tightened around you. You both pulled back from each other with tears in both your eyes and walked towards her car since you only took a cab to get here.

"Can we have cheeseburgers for dinner?" Morgan asked from in between you and your Mom.

"As many as you want." You told her, remembering that same exact sentence from Tony. You looked back one more time on the empty field, taking a deep breath before moving forward not just literally. All that's left are the memories of that family you once had and those memories along with their words of wisdom will live up to you and will never be forgotten. They would live within you, the Earth's mightiest heroes.

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