Paradise (18+ Hyunjin SKZ)

By tamzen7991

113K 1.9K 447

Stray Kids beautiful rapper Hwang Hyunjin is sent to Fiji for a forced vacation until the negative press blow... More

A Taste
Wet (18+)
First Touch (18+)
Completion (18+)
Elevator (18+)
Floored (18+)
Break Of Dawn
Sunrise (18+)
Some Truths (18+)
A Little More
Sa-rang (18+)
What Comes Next?
Start Over
Date Night
Afters (18+)
Moon Rise
Follow The Moon
Last Night (18+)
Author's Notes

The Penthouse

3.3K 61 6
By tamzen7991

She pulls him down the hallway toward her room, scanning a card to enter and he wonders where she was hiding this card all this time as he follows her into the room. He's struck by the size of the room, and the grandeur. It's the penthouse. His villa on the beach is gorgeous and has everything you would want for a vacation at the beach, but this room looks like she might actually live there, full time. It's not set up as just a generic hotel room absent of personal touches. He looks around curiously as she walks to the closet, full of clothing, and finds something to put on.

She steps out of the closet, pulling a dress over her slim frame, and she pulls on a pair of panties. She looks over as he looks up at her bewildered.

"Do you live here Sasha?" he asks, confused. She flushes pink with her embarrassment and looks around.

"What makes you say that?"

"It's, well, it's like an apartment isn't it- not a hotel room." She steps up to him and puts her arms around him.

"So, some people have second homes, it's not a big deal to you is it?" She kisses him to distract him. He wraps his hands around her body, and smiles down at her.

"No, as long as someone isn't going to walk through the door and interrupt us," he says, wondering if that might actually be a possibility.

"We are all alone." She kisses him again, sliding her hands down his back. "I'm wondering if I should have put this dress on." She looks down at it, holding out the flowing sides of the skirt. He looks at her curious. "Maybe I should shower first. I have a lovely rain shower, it's so, so...wet," she says teasing him. He laughs at himself, and bites his lip as she leads him toward her en suite.


Hyunjin wakes with the sunlight streaming through the open curtains in the room. He squints against the harsh light and he turns his head to look over at Sasha, laying asleep on her stomach, her bare back smooth and almost glistening in the light. Her dark lashes closed, her face turns towards him resting on her long arm. She looks so peaceful, so fulfilled. He smiles at the sight of her. She's not like any girl he's ever met, not that he's met that many. Well, he thinks, he's met a lot of girls, but perhaps he should clarify that she's not like any woman he's met. She's so self assured and full of life. She might just live in this place; 365 permanent vacation mode, beach life. She seems like she doesn't have a care in the world and he envies that freedom. For the first time since coming to Fiji, he thinks back on what is going on in Korea, what is going on with his group, with his career, and he frowns. He didn't even realize how much he needed this time away to find the positive side of life. And she is it! She exudes positivity, she has no worry, or fear, no stress. If he could have dreamed up what the ideal woman would be like, she would embody it perfectly.

He reaches to the bedside table and gets his camera, he lifts it up quietly and aims it at her, focusing on her, a sleeping beauty, next to him, wrapped in only the crisp white linens of the bed sheets. He takes the picture, and the sound of the shutter makes her eyes pop open. She looks at him surprised, unsure, and when she realizes he is taking a picture of her she turns her head over on the pillow, away from him, and then lifts herself off of the bed suddenly, sitting with her back to him.

"No pictures!" she says quickly, almost panicked. He is confused by her reaction. He reaches his arm over to touch her naked back and she flinches.

"I'm sorry I couldn't resist, you looked so serene," he looks at the picture on the screen of his camera and she turns back to him.

"Please delete that picture," she says with a cold, serious tone. He looks up at her curious.

"But it's a good one, you are really beautiful, you could model," he offers. She turns to him, with the first serious look he's ever seen on her face.

"Please delete the picture." She offers no reason, but he's struck by her determination and how resolved she is. He nods.

"Yes, I will. I'm sorry." He deletes the picture off the media card and turns the screen to show her it's gone. She smiles at him, suddenly changing her mood. She stands up, pulling a robe around her body.

"I'm going to jump in the shower," she tells him, and he feels the urge to chase after her and join her again, but, it somehow doesn't feel right, in this moment. He listens as the water is switched on the en suite and he looks back over the other pictures he took of the sunset. He is happy to see that he can make out a little of her features in the lighting as she's turned back towards him against the fiery color of the sky. He smiles, remembering how much he wanted her, how much he wants her now. He reconsiders going to join her in the shower and sets the camera down, standing up to go after her when he hears a knock at the door.

He looks to the bathroom door which is shut, with the water running. She probably didn't hear the knocking. He hears a soft knock again.  He grabs his shorts and pulls them up, pulling his white button down shirt over his chest and he looks out of the peep hole into the hallway. A short man is standing above a room service tray and he wonders at the sight. He opens the door and the man begins to push the tray in past him without looking up.

"Good Morning," he says and then as he stands to his full height, he looks at Hyunjin, his mouth drops open a little, surprised. "Oh, forgive me for disturbing, I brought breakfast." He backs away towards the door.

"We didn't order breakfast," Hyunjin explains. The man nods, bowing to him.

"Miss Kim always has fruit in the morning." He lifts the lid off of the tray to show an assortment of fresh fruits arranged in a beautiful bouquet. Hyunjin looks over the offering suddenly feeling his stomach growl and remembering he didn't eat anything for dinner. Then his mind backs up to what he said first.

"Miss Kim?" His eyes narrow at him. The man smiles and nods. Hyunjin looks around wondering how he can give this man a tip and the man notices and waves him off.

"It's all taken care of. Have a wonderful day," he says as he turns to leave, shutting the door behind him.  Hyunjin looks over the offering of beautiful food, and sits down at the small table next to the tray.  He picks up a strawberry, and inspects it. It looks fresh and clean and so very ripe. He bites into it as he thinks about why he doesn't know her last name already when he knows every curve, every dimple, every freckle on her body now, and wondering why her name sounds as though it could be Korean...and what did he mean by 'always has fruit in the morning'? How long has she been here that she has a regular breakfast the staff just bring without it being requested? His mind floods with questions, but is momentarily distracted by the sweet juice of the strawberry on his tongue, making his mouth water, making him smile. The water in the shower has stopped, he isn't sure when. He only notices when he hears her open the door.  She walks towards him in her robe, towel drying her long dark hair.

She notices the breakfast tray, not surprised by it, and she walks straight up to Hyunjin as he sits smiling at her, holding half a strawberry in his hand as his arm rests on the chair. She grins at him as she draws closer.

"I thought you might come join me," she says as she opens her robe, exposing all of her damp naked skin, and she climbs up onto his lap to straddle him on the chair. He watches her, his mind now only filled with lustful thoughts of her and she rises up, as he lifts his hand, and she takes the other half of the strawberry into her mouth, licking her lips as he watches her, mesmerized, speechless, at the sight of her.

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