Feelings of Motherhood

By Firehedgehog

24.9K 1.7K 832

Ink has a brilliant idea to bring Nightmare and Dream together, he forgot to take in the ideas others could b... More

Better Run Ink
Seeing Myself
And a lady walked In
Broken People
Counting Down
Uncle Blue
I once had a Happy Ending
A Bit Of Life
Where's Fate?
Sharing is Caring... But don't take my toy
Black and White Birthdays
A Soul Knows
Motherhood Asks-closed
I cry you cry
A killer Visit

Motherhood Asks

1K 56 56
By Firehedgehog

"Wow... that was fast," Reaper said as a voice quickly jumped into the area.

"That's how it works," Error said, and almost crashed as phantom arms hugged him. Reapers eyes widened, the twins made confused sounds at the phantom hugs.

"Hugs are wonderful!" Blue said happily, dropping down in a plush chair, holding a plate of sandwiches which he quickly shared.

"That felt weird," the Death god said.

"Just be glad its only the voices, this doesn't affect the main verse," Error said snacking on a sandwich.

"They'll be more stable for one thing, pretty sure the humans in there AU caused a lot of issues we'll never know of. Part of the issue is that they came into being once they had a body in the form of children, that meant they skipped key stages of growth everyone goes through," Error said thoughtfully.

"Course right now, there just baby bones. So there personalities are still forming, and pretty sure this is there second chance at being true siblings," Reaper continued.

"I can't wait to see them grow up, so many things for them to discover," Blue said happily.

"For some reason I feel like I'm dealing with Fresh and epic at the same time," Error said blinking "But I'm sure they'd love some dolls."

"As for my job, well its a job. Just not not one I can quit, but it has been easier since Error started staying with me. Its quite a relief to being able to touch others daily other then my bro." Reaper responded.

"Awkward as funk," Error said, then turned and glared as Fresh who was suddenly just there who gave finger guns. "But... I wouldn't trade it, Dream and Nightmare really are my kids in all ways."

"Aw... motherhood suits your Ruru," Blue said happily, Error blushed heavily.

"As things.. for Error," Reaper squeaked, pulling his hood down to hide his face and raging blush.

Notice he did not deny the father part.

There was a crash, and four skeletons popped into the room.

"What the..." One said getting off the floor, clearly the familiar form of passed corrupted Nightmare.

"Oh my," His counterpart Past Dream said wide eyed.

"Mom!" twin voices called, and two slim teenage skeletons around sixteen glomped Error. He almost crashed, before recognizing there magic which was slightly changed due to there reincarnation. Future Nightmare or Nighty was wearing a pair of white washed jeans, brown sneakers and a purple button up shirt. Dream or Dreamy, was wearing the same except his shirt was gold.

"An ask, you brought us back for asks," Nightmare scowled.

"Oh my stars," Dream squealed happily, spotting there baby counterparts and looking at there teenage other selves.

There was a thump, and a the doom and gloom boys landed in a  pile on the floor.

"Owwww." Horror said from the bottom.

"Of course we see mom as mom," Nighty said scowling.

"And as for Reaper, spooooilers," Dreamy giggled.

"Uncle Blue is the best, Ink.. don't care," Night smirked.

"He's a stalker, that one," Dreamy said nodding.

"So much for dating Ink," Dream sighed, Nightmare smirked.

"As for the gang," the twins said as one,  smiles filled there faced the and so bad doom and gloom boys felt doom trod on there graves.

"Memories?" Error said bewildered, at the question "Also the voices never say anything of who i once was."

"Of course we love them, momma loved us and raised us even though mom could have given us away due to the way we were...." Dreamy said and blushed.

"Conceived," Nighty said giggling. "And naughty askers, you know we can't answer the question on if we get siblings later."

"Well, life has been a lot better and its great," Reaper said, and stole looks at Error and blushed.

"Huh... get rid of Ink, we kind of need the moron," Error said, as the ask devolved into an argument.

"Oh! everything really," Reaper said.

"True, but just a few days ago they did this things with plants and..." Error would have continued but Dreamy and Nighty were covering his mouth.

"We do not talk about the plant event," Nighty begged, purple eye lights begging.

"Mom, please," Dreamy begged.

"Fine," Error pouted with a sigh.

"Probably once Killer stalks us home," Error said thoughtfully,also there will be no Dreamtale event as there isn't any apples or tree to protect anymore."

"Hey," Killer protested at the stalking word.

"Um.. what, can you repeat that?" Reaper asked confused, as whatever the asker had asked had fizzled out and no one heard it.

"Spoooooilers," Dreamy and Nighty said, hiding a strange device in there pockets.

"Also... i don't think the baby selves understand," Error said smirking, looking down at the twins who were half asleep on top of there bunny and chicken plushies.

"Its the boss, he's aliev and happy. Wish he was older, but I think its better. Boss finallly gets his happy ending," Cross said sitting down by the play pen.

"Of course i followed them, Cross kept vanishing after the boss vanished, and he was spotted in reapertale where Reaper seemed to be hanging with an unknown female skeleton," Killer said unimpressed, stalking to the kitchen and digging round for alcohol.

Sadly he was out of luck.

Fresh had already stolen them.

"Only one toy of each, I don't want them spoiled," Error told the asker sternly, moments later several toys joined the sleepy twins.

"Explosions?" Reaper asked.

"Explosions," Error agreed.

Which... answered nothing.

Out of sight, several children fled after spotting Dreamy and Nighty.

"Ohh.. chocolate," Error said happily, Cross cheered grabbing his gift.

"And being a mom, confusing but wonderful," Error responded, Blue giggled at his latest hug.

"Excellent," Error almost purred at the new chocolate.

"My Chocolate, Not again!" a voice shrieked in the distance.

"I took up dancing," Dust said, everyone looked at him in disbelief.

"With knives," he continued.

All was good again.

"Wrote a book," Horror said, holding up 'How to cook your human,' it sold very well.. in Horrortale at least.

"Speed dating," Killer smirked, he went on... alot of dates.

Don't ask what happened to his dates.

"Um.. can I get back to you on that?" Cross asked, not wanting to admit he'd been moping.

"Probably whenever the admin gets off her butts and seriously writes again," Error said, glaring to where a hedgehog was playing pokemon go.

"Mom, of course," they admitted.

"Wait... was that the last one?" Reaper said as no more questions askers voices appeared.

"Looks like it," Error responded.

"Now, lets go talk to a certain admin..." Reaper said with a rather too nice a grin.

"Ninja vanish," the hedgehog said, and vanished into smoke.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" the twins called, vanishing with a swirl of time.

"Well.. this is.. awkward," Dream said as the doom and gloom boys left. "Oh, Nightmare your baby self has a chicken plushy" he moved to pick it up.

"Ow," he cried as Nightmare smacked him.

"Hands off the chicken," Nightmare said, and dragged Dream back to there own part of time.

"Let go.... home," Error began, and just before she said home suddenly found themselves back in there living room.

"Nice," Reaper said.

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