Morphine (Complete)

Por bobrossofwriting

323K 11.5K 5.9K

Where predator becomes prey. Love can bloom like a flower on a late summer evening; spread to full bloom in t... M谩s

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
饾悡饾悶饾悮饾惈饾惉 饾悈饾惃饾惈 饾悩饾惃饾惍


4.6K 205 37
Por bobrossofwriting

I have given up on editing. It is not for me. If there are mistakes please point them out lmao

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Something was off.

Rannia stood beside the ever-fretful Carter beneath the light shade of a coffee shop's overhang, waiting for Mykel to meet them there. It had been about an hour since they'd left the older Amir brother back at the elevator. Carter had since grown hungry, so they'd gone to a coffee shop for a quick snack. Then, he'd gotten anxious and found it hard to breathe, so they found themselves outside where the fresh air could calm him down.

Light reflected off the large glass window behind them, glinting back onto the dark fresh asphalt of the road. It smelled like exhaust and freshly ground coffee beans. It seemed a very normal scene: the dusty pink coat to Rannia's cheeks, Carter's fingers clenched around a drained coffee cup—goddamnit, why hadn't he thrown it out already—and the constant sound of passing traffic and people.

"He didn't say anything about making us wait, did he?" Carter asked for the seventh time. His fingers drummed against the lukewarm cardboard holder of his cup, and held it close to his chest. With small, almost imperceptible steps, he moved closer to Rannia for comfort. He didn't really like being out in public. So many people, so much movement, so much was all very overwhelming, and really didn't help his already distressed state.

"No, but I'm sure he's fine," Rannia replied passively, waving off his concerns.

"What if there actually was a security threat, though," Carter babbled on, making Rannia's shoulders tense a little in annoyance. She sent her boyfriend a cool look.

"The coffee's getting to you, babe."

Carter's brows pulled together and he started bobbing up and down on the backs of his ankles.

"Do you think we can go back in?" He asked.

"Well, we probably shouldn't if there's actually a security threat," Rannia replied calmly, but her words only seemed to increase the boy's nervous finger tapping.

Carter released a strangled groan and tried to burry his forehead into her shoulder. Rannia stood there, still-like, and waited for him to move off. She cast a look down at Carter.

"Listen, he'll be fine, alright?" Rannia pushed Carter off her as gently as she could, not too keen on consoling him. "Mykel's a big guy, he can protect himself."

"He's not big big," Carter argued childishly.

"He's actually quite big," Rannia replied uninterestedly, staring off at the passing cars. Coughy clouds of exhaust pumped out the cars clogging the busy street, polluting the air. Rannia wondered if she could find a way to get all the Amirs in a car, isolate the car in a garage or something with no air circulation, and let it run. Maybe she would watch from a window as they slowly suffocated in the heavy, toxic air. Maybe she'd hear their muted screams from behind her protective wall, in a house or perhaps outside. Would they be able to see her from the car? Would they beg for her to save them, and she'd only watch in awe?

"I couldn't fight off someone if I needed to," Carter mumbled pettily, kicking his foot against the ground. Rannia chuckled quietly. No, he really couldn't.

"Mykel's bigger than you, though."

Carter's eyes shot up all of the sudden, earning a confused look from Rannia.

"He's not that much bigger than me."

"I mean, he is. There's nothing wrong with it," Rannia replied with a shrug.

"How would you even know?" Carter continued insistently. "I'm-I'm so big. I'm the biggest!"

Rannia laughed. "He's at least a third taller than you, why are you so upset about thi-"

"I'm not."

"Okay then."

"I'm not. You've seen me. I-I have some length, at least? Right? Maybe I'm a little thicker than aver-"

Rannia's eyes almost bulged out. He wasn't- he wasn't referring to their fucking-

"Hey isn't that your brother over there?"

"What?" Carter halted in his rant and looked over to where Rannia was pointing. Conveniently—incredibly conveniently, Mykel was visible walking down the street not far from them. He was glancing down at his phone in his palm, face drawn grumpily. He stalked down the sidewalk, head above most the other's. She hadn't really noticed how tall he was until then.

"Let's wave him over," Rannia suggested, desperate to turn the conversation away from where it had been before, anywhere but from where it had been before.

Rannia felt like smashing her face into a wall when she raised a hand to catch Mykel's attention, caught his attention, and made him stop in his tracks. He didn't really seem to care about the passing people all around him; those struggling to keep the traffic flow going with a large man standing in the middle of the sidewalk. He fixed his gaze on her, lifted his arm, and crooked a finger for her to come to him.

Her lips curled and she shook her head, instead grabbing onto Carter's hand. She swiftly began to lead the boy in the opposite direction of Mykel.

"But I thought-" Carter began, confused.

"If he wants to be a bitch, he can be a bitch," Rannia replied with a smile on her face. Her hand only tightened around Carter's as the boy hesitated. He got the message and started jog-walking down the street to keep up with Rannia's brisk pace.

"Now that we know that he's indeed alive, we can go," Rannia continued to speak. Carter's breath was becoming a little more strained as she forced him to conduct the first bit of exercise the poor boy had probably done in a while.

"Don't we need to go back home?"

Rannia almost hesitated. Her jaw ticked but she ignored his words, knowing he was right. "We can have a day out, yeah? He trapped us in that goddamn apartment, Carter."

"It was a nice suite," Carter replied breathlessly, syllables caught between struggling breaths.

Rannia resisted an eye roll. She was supposed to have killed the Amirs by now, wasn't she? But the plan was complicated, and it was getting more complicated by the day. She needed to bring Mr. Amir to her father, and she needed the rest to be dealt with orderly.

It was stressing her the fuck out.

"We can head to the museum or something today," she offered.

"Like a date?"

She had to suppress a snicker. "Yes, Carter."

"I need to pee."

Rannia's eyes darted around the street they were now on. She spotted a Mc. Dicks not far off. "You can pee there." She pointed. Carter agreed, so they jay-walked the street—after many complaints from Carter about bylaw or something—and headed into the Mc. Dicks, sweaty and out of breath.

"Go to the washrooms. I'm pretend to order something," Rannia whispered, ushering the boy to one of the back rooms. Before he could protest about morals, or something, she'd shoved him into one of the washrooms and ordered that he lock the door behind himself.

It smelled like piss and cleaning supplies. Rannia let out a sigh and leant against one of the walls at the back of the Mc. Dicks, crossing her arms across her chest. Her heart was racing inside her chest, but she ordered her body to seem composed. Her eyes were narrowed on the wall in front of her. 

A mother passed with her daughter. The little girl's hand was clinging onto her mother's, and the little girl looked so happy and carefree. Rannia's glare softened for a moment as she watched the cute little pair enter their own washroom. They didn't look afraid of being seen, did they? And that little girl had such nice little pigtails. Long hair. Rannia chewed on her lip and forced her eyes back to the floor, hardening her stare.

The sound of the restaurant's door opening caught Rannia's attention. Her heart spiked again, expecting it to be Mykel. He had found her again, hadn't he? There was no escaping him. When her eyes fell on the new customer, she allowed herself to relax again. Breathe, Rannia, breathe, it's just some random guy.

She closed her eyes and tried to get rid of her paranoia. Every noise made her jump, her muscles tense, and her fingers prepare to bitch slap her attacker.

You're fine, Rannia. No one here is out to get you. No one here knows who you are.

The sound of the door opening again had her looking up again on reflex. But this time, it was not some random guy. Mykel slid inside with a decidedly angry look on his face. His fingers were tight on the door handle as he entered. His eyes and face whipped around the room, scanning for her. And at last, they fell on her. Her feet grew roots into the ground below; just that, she could not move. Frozen, like prey fallen to fear.

She couldn't really feel the world around her as his eyes swept her body, then beside her, where Carter should have been. She saw his jaw set.

Fuck. Her legs weren't shaky, they just pressed together instead and she hated every moment of it. He passed people waiting in line, using a simple brush of his palm to their shoulders to move past. His eyes did not move from Rannia.

She gulped. Maybe it was time to run? But she didn't actually want to run. To be truthful, she just liked seeing the angry look on Mykel's face. She liked seeing his reactions and then edging him on further.

He was standing near her in the hallway now. They weren't alone, they were in public for fuck's sake. He wouldn't...he wouldn't be so brave...

Rannia stared straight up at him, and he down at her.

"Nice day for a walk," Rannia commented loosely, voice coming out a lot quieter than intended. She shifted her stance on her feet and tried to ignore the growing nerves inside her stomach. Something was off. Something was very off.

"Why did you run?" He asked calmly, throaty voice leaving his handsome lips. His beautiful angled eyes, so dark, framed by pretty black lashes, were a little narrowed. When he breathed, his body barely moved. His back looked tensed as fuck.

"Carter needed the washroom," Rannia replied. "With urgency."

His lips curled a little in a sneer. "Sure." He then knocked his arm into Rannia's shoulder as he sided up beside her, pushing her back into the wall. When her shoulders met the cold, smooth wall, Mykel was always leant back as well. The sides of their arms touched. Both could feel how tense each other's bodies were.

Mykel was the first to incite conversation. "After this, Carter is coming with me."

"Hm?" Rannia let a sigh escape her lips. She pulled some of her hair behind her ear, lips parted slightly as she observed her nails. "Really think he'd go somewhere without me?"

"I'm not giving him the voice," Mykel replied coldly. Rannia scoffed.

"That boy will do what I tell him to," she mocked his earlier words.

"Somebody fucked with the controls and security at my suite. There is no way I'm letting him stay there anymore."

"And where, exactly, are you planning on taking him?" Rannia questioned.

"To work."

Rannia had to keep from prying too much. That would be suspicious, wouldn't it?

"He works at the bank," Rannia replied dryly.

"Not his work, girlfriend. Our family's." Mykel paused for a moment. The silence was filled with rueful thinking. Could this get rid of her? The truth? He ground his molars in thought. Was it even safe to let her know? He wouldn't put it past her to report them to the police. "He hasn't told you, has he."

Rannia forced calm upon her voice as she spoke. This was it. This was fucking it. She took in a deep breath. "He's said enough."

Mykel stilled. "You think so?" He turned with a questioning look on his handsome face. The dark of all his features drew her in, and she couldn't help herself as her eyes fell to his lips again, remembering just how nice they'd felt on her before.

"I know enough to know that you don't want me going to your workplace," she said at last. It was like finding a diamond within a stack of needles. If she touched the wrong thing she'd get pricked. "I know that he doesn't want to tell me, and I won't force him." She wetted her red lips with a sweep of her tongue. The feel of his arm against her; she could feel the heat of his body slowly creeping up into her own. She could feel the sleek defined muscles of his arm, and she knew damn well how good it felt to be grabbing those muscles as she writhed beneath him.

The space between her legs started to heat. God fucking damn it, she tried to stop her mind from going there. She tried so hard. But she had to close her eyes as she remembered him, his face between her legs. The musky, dark manly scent of his body as all her senses were overtook by him; it was nothing but that, just him.

"I dare you."

She felt Mykel's eyes slowly shift down to her at her words. She sucked in a shaky breath, fingers clammy as she tried to drown out the memories. Fucking hell, the man didn't have to do anything and she was already reacting to his presence.

She cast her glance out at the main room of Mc. Dicks, averting her gaze from all but an empty table in the back. She leaned up on her tipsy-toes and whispered against his neck:

"Finger me under that table, Mykel. I dare you."

The air between them suddenly changed. It was like a switch had been turned; the heat turned on, and the tenseness of their bodies slowly seeping out into the aura that surrounded them.

"Are you wet for me already, girlfriend?" Mykel asked cooly, leaning down so his warm breath blew at the strands of Rannia's hair. His hand beside her arm slowly moved past and touched the side of her hip, fingers curling into the waistband of her pants. With a swift tug towards him, her entire body was pressed up against his. When she dared to look up, she met eyes that were filled with lust equal to hers.

The feel of his finger against the bare skin of her hip had her body scorching, begging to be touched. Her lips were wet when they parted to speak, but nothing came out. She avoided his stare.

"Before Carter comes out," she whispered desperately. Why the fuck was she so horny? "Bet you want to touch me, too, don't you?" She slowly cocked her head up to look at him, tilting it a little to the side. Their faces were so close, and their bodies intertwined. She leaned up a little further so her lips were near his collarbone, chin ghosting his chest. "Want to slide your fingers into my wet little pussy, don't you? Fuck me hard in my hot little hole, make me resist a scream as you make me cum all over your finger, don't you?"

His stare was positively incinerating. He leaned down for a moment. The sound of his silent breath choked his throat for a moment, but alas he spoke. When he spoke, his voice was deeper and throatier like rich, dark soil.

"Go to the table at the back."

(a/n: i'm back to writing pussies! this is a double update, and i want to know your thoughts on it at the end- hehe. for science. ALSO, don't mind the weird title change in the chapters. the ones with words are just ones that i've rewritten during a mental breakdown, thinking everything was terrible, all my writing was terrible, and then i got a few chapters in and remembered it really wasn't that bad. anyways, lesson is: don't doubt yourself lmao. and use condoms)

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