Fluffy Harry One-Shots

By 17blackcherry

51.2K 472 173

Harry Fluff stuff. Hope you enjoy!!! More

Feeling Sad
Sickies (ageplay)
Beach Days (kidfic)
Puzzles and Friendships
A day with Harry
Six Flags
Untitled Part 14
Grumpy and Sick (age regression)
Home Sick
Night Time


3.6K 23 30
By 17blackcherry

Harry- 17

Louis- 21

Summary: Harry is very tired all day and that causes some unwanted dramatics


Louis woke up to an elbow digging into his rib. He rolled over and was face to face with a little Harry, who was sleeping with his mouth wide open and letting out soft snores. He was sprawled out in Louis' bed finally fast asleep. 

Last night had been a long night for the poor boy and for poor Louis. Harry had multiple nightmares and woke up screaming, crying or both every time. Louis hated seeing him so scared and didn't know what he could do about it, he didn't wake up any of the other boys though so hopefully they had gotten a good night sleep and could watch Harry today. Louis felt his bladder pulse and he got up to go to the toilet. 

He was on his way back when he heard a distressed noise from his room. He rushed back into the room to find Harry tossing and turning again. Louis walked over and shook him awake.

"Hazza, it's alright, it's just a dream. Wake up, love." Louis called. Suddenly, Harry bolted up and looked around the room, when he met Louis' eyes he instantly started sobbing and jumped into Louis' arms. 

"Did you have another dream, Haz?" Louis asked, already guessing the answer. Harry nodded into Louis' chest. 

"W-was s-s-sc-scawy, Boo!" He cried. 

"It's alright, I know it was scary but it wasn't real, remember? You're here and safe in Boo's arms." Louis reassured the boy. He picked Harry up and stood from the bed. Louis held Harry on his hip and bounced him and rubbed his back gently to calm him down. When that didn't work, he started gently patting his bum and swaying him back and forth, a technique that almost always put him to sleep. 

Harry finally calmed down and Louis saw that it was only 6:23 am and he was still knackered. He took Harry over to the bed and laid him down and climbed in beside him. "Let's try to rest for a little longer, alright baby?" Louis asked. 

Harry looked up at Louis with a worried look and whimpered, "What if I dream scawy again, Boo?"

"You won't have another dream, I promise. And even if you do, I'll be right here and I won't leave, alright?" 

Harry nodded and nudged closer to Louis' side. Louis rubbed Harry's tummy in gentle circles and Harry reached up and played with Louis hair as they both drifted off to sleep again. 

The next time Louis woke up, it was to Harry poking at his cheek and starring at him sleepily. "What's up, squish?" Louis asked. 

"I needa be changed, Boo. I had a oopsie." Harry mumbled. 

"That's alright, Bug. Let's go get changed and then how about we head downstairs for some brekkie?" Louis suggested. Harry nodded and lifted his arms up to be carried. 

Louis got Harry changed and carried him downstairs. Harry had his head rested on Louis' shoulder the whole time, still feeling very tired. When they got to the kitchen, Niall, Liam and Zayn were already in there drinking coffee and chatting. 

"Mornin' Tommo!" Liam smiled.

"Hey, Payno." Louis replied. 

"Did you have a good sleep, Little Bug?" Niall asked Harry, seeing him half asleep on Louis' shoulder. Harry shook his head no. 

"Had scawy dweams wast night, Nini." Harry told him, lifting his head from Louis' shoulder a bit. 

"Oh no! I'm sorry, Bubba." Niall replied, looking at Louis who looked equally as tired as the boy. 

"We were up and down all night, weren't we Bubba?" Louis asked. 

"Yup, Boo hadda give me a baba wif' 'nilla." Harry told them. That made everyone aware of how bad last night must've been because Harry only gets bottles when he really can't sleep or if he's ill. 

"We made you both some pancakes but when Zayn went to get you, you were both passed out still. There's some in the fridge for you still." Liam told them. 

"Great, I'm starving." Louis said. He set Harry on the ground and watched as he immediately went and climbed into Niall's lap, he was tired and just wanted comfort from someone. Louis got the pancakes out of the fridge and heated one up for Harry and three for himself. 

He brought the warmed pancakes over to the table and buttered Harry's first adn then cut it up before giving it to him. 

"Boo, I have syrup please?" Harry asked. 

"Of course, squish. Good manners, I'll pour you some syrup." 

"No, dats otay. I can do it myself." Harry said confidently. 

"I think you should let Boo do it for you, Bug." Niall told him.

That was apparently the last thing Harry wanted to hear because he shouted, "No, I'm big boy and I can do it myself!" 

"Hey, that's not how we talk to people, mister!" Zayn cut in. 

Louis was holding the syrup bottle in his hand and Harry was trying to grab it out of his hands. 

"Either you let Boo do it or you don't get syrup." Louis told him. 

"Want syrup!" Harry cried. 

"You can have syrup if you calm down and let me do it, alright Bubba?" Louis told him. 

"No! I can do it!" 

"Harry Edward, you know better than to shout!" Liam told him sternly.

"I CAN DO IT!" Harry screamed. 

"Alright, I think you need to take five Harry." Niall told him, picking him up and carrying him out of the room, kicking and screaming. Take five was a tactic the boys used when Harry was getting worked up and needed a break. They would tell him to take five and he would go out of the room and take five deep breaths to calm himself down. They mostly used it when Harry was sad or angry because he didn't always understand how he was feeling and he needed a little break sometimes and the boys liked it better than them getting fed up and yelling at him because that wouldn't help him learn either. 

Niall came back in the room without Harry. "He'll be back in a minute." Niall said calmly and sat back down at the table. 

"It's going to be a long day for everyone," Louis sighed. 

"Poor boy, nightmares all night, that must've been scary for him." Zayn said. 

"He got so worked up over one around three in the morning. That's when I gave him the bottle because he wouldn't calm down." Louis told them. 

"Early bed for him tonight." Liam said. 

"Early bed for me." Louis chuckled. 

"You should have woken us to help you, Tommo." Niall said. 

"Then we all would've been tired. At least now there's some people that got a full nights sleep and can handle him today." Louis told them. 

"I guess that's true. Hopefully we can get him to nap for a while today, it would do him some good." Zayn said. As if on cue, Harry came back into the kitchen, sniffling and wiping his eyes.

"Hey, Bug. You feel better now?" Liam asked, breaking the silence. 

Harry nodded and climbed into Louis' lap and hid his face in the man's neck. Louis hugged him and rubbed his back. 

"M'sowwy, Boo." Harry mumbled. 

"Haz, can you look at me please?" Louis asked. 

Harry picked his head up and made eye contact with Louis before sniffling again. "What are you sorry for, Bubba?" Louis asked, something the boys did so Harry knew exactly why he was apologizing. 

"Umm, m'sowwy for yellin' at you and not lettin' you do my maple sywup." Harry told him before shoving his face back in the man's neck. 

"I accept your apology, Squish, thank you," Louis told him, "Now, do you think I can do your syrup and you can eat your pancakes?" Harry nodded and Louis moved him to his own chair and poured some syrup on the now cold pancakes. They managed to get through the rest of breakfast with no more tantrums but soon after there was problems. 

"Harry, you have to wear clothes."  Liam told the boy. 

"I hate clothes!" 

"Hate is a strong word, Harry. You shouldn't use it." Liam told him. 

"'S twue!" Harry told him, crossing his arms and plopping to the ground on his diapered bum. 

"Harry, get off the ground and come put on some clothes or I'll call your mummy." Liam told him sternly. The boys never liked using that threat because Harry shouldn't be scared of his mum but sometimes it was the only thing that worked.

Harry gasped and got off the ground. He walked to Liam and held his arms up so Liam could slide his shirt onto his skinny body. "We do no pants, pwease Lili?" Harry asked. 

Liam sighed but nodded, he really didn't feel like fighting anymore and they weren't doing much today, so Harry went without pants. 

Liam carried him downstairs and they went to the living room where Zayn and Niall were sitting. "Were are your pants, Little man?" Niall asked when he saw the pair walk in. 

"Lili say I no haffta wear 'em!" Harry told Niall. 

"Oh, I see." Niall chuckled. 

Harry wiggled out of Liam's arms and went to sit beside Zayn, who was on his phone. "Hey, Zaynie! I pway on your phone, pwease?" Harry asked, looking up at Zayn with a smile. 

"Not right now, Bug, sorry," Zayn told him, "Why don't we watch a show?"

"I wanna pway a game!" Harry told him.

"That's not how we ask for things and I already said no." Zayn told him. 

Harry stomped off to the kitchen, mumbling under his breath. Liam shook his head, "It's going to be a long day. Hopefully he crashes soon though."

"I agree," Niall said, "Let's just leave him be for a bit and someone can try to get him to sleep later." 

"Where's Louis?" Liam asked. 

"Oh, he went for a shower." Zayn told him. 

The three sat in quiet for a while, leaving Harry to do what he wanted, which was probably playing with some toys. Louis eventually came back downstairs and frowned when he didn't see Harry. 

"Where's the curly lad?" He asked.

"He stormed off to the kitchen when Zayn wouldn't let him play on his phone," Niall told him, "We just left him to cool down on his own. He's having a tough day." 

"Yeah, yeah he is," Louis sighed, "His speech is worse today, did you notice?" Louis asked, referring to Harry's obviously more pronounced baby talk today. 

"Yeah, he's obviously tired." Zayn agreed. 

"Well that makes two of us," Louis chuckled, running a hand over his face before getting up, "I should go find him and see if I can get him to lie down for a while." 

Louis walked to Harry's toy room first, assuming he had probably went from the kitchen into there but when he walked in, Harry was nowhere to be found. Louis went to the kitchen and cooed when he saw him. Harry was fast asleep on the kitchen floor, he had gotten a blanket and a pillow and fallen asleep there.

Louis chuckled and leaned down to pick him up slowly, trying not to wake him. Harry stirred a little but Louis rubbed his back and Harry put his head on his shoulder and fell asleep again. Louis carried him to the living room, "I found this guy sleeping on the kitchen floor, so I'm gonna take him upstairs to sleep." 

"Oh, how can someone be so adorable." Liam cooed. Louis left the room and took a sleeping Harry to his bed. Louis honestly just wanted to sleep as well so, he just laid down in Harry's bed with him and they both fell asleep. 

When Harry woke up, he didn't know where he was but when he rolled over and saw Louis, he snuggled into his chest and fell back to sleep. The next time someone woke up it was Louis, he found Harry wrapped around him and smiled. Harry was always so cuddly when he slept and he reminded Louis of a koala the way he just wrapped himself around someone and didn't let go. 

Louis sat for a few minutes with Harry wrapped around him and then Harry woke up too. He looked up at Louis with glossy, sleep-filled eyes and blinked up at him a few times. Louis noticed and smiled, "How was your sleep, Bubba?"

"'S good, Boo." 

"That's good, Bug. Do you want to go try on the potty? You've been asleep for a while." Louis asked. 

"Umm, acctwly Boo, I fink I hadda acc'dent." Harry said shyly as he played with his fingers, something he did when he was nervous. 

"That's alright, Bubba. We'll just go get you changed." Louis told him. The boys never got mad at Harry for having accidents because that's just what they were, accidents, he didn't mean to. He had also been asleep for a while, so Louis honestly wasn't surprised. 

Louis picked the smaller boy up and instantly felt how full his diaper was and was surprised it hadn't leaked yet. He carried Harry to the changing table on the other side of the room and laid him down to change him. 

"Bum up please." Louis said, sliding the clean diaper under him when he lifted up. 

"I hungy, Loulou." Harry told him. 

"How 'bout we go get a snack when I finish here. I'm a little hungry too." Louis told him. 

"Otay!" Harry said happily. 

"I'm glad you're in a better mood after your nap, Bubba." Louis smiled and told the boy after he taped the diaper up. 

"I sowwy, I was bad boy this mornin'." Harry frowned. 

"You weren't a bad boy, Bubba. I think you were just tired after last night." Louis reassured him. 

Harry nodded and they went to get a snack. In the kitchen, it turned out Louis had spoken too soon about Harry's mood change. His mood had indeed changed but it wasn't a happy mood. 

"How's your snack, Hazza?" Niall asked. He had joined them in the kitchen because there was food and Niall never passes up food. 

"'S good, Nini. I full." Harry told him. 

"Alright, what do you want to do now?" Louis asked, "Should we go play with your toys?" 

Harry nodded and Louis took the boy's plate to the sink then took him to the play room, leaving Niall to his food. 

"What do you wanna play?" Louis asked. 

"Can we pway wif my bears?" Harry asked, pointing to his two stuffed bears in the corner. 

"Sure we can!" Louis told him, moving to get the bears and handing one to Harry. 

"Mummy got me these beaws," Harry told him, "I miss my mummy a lot, Boo." 

"I know you do, Squish. Why don't we call her later." Louis suggested, he knew how hard being in the band was for Harry sometimes, of course all the boys missed their families when they were away from them but for Harry it was different, he was under developed and he was a real Mumma's boy too. 

Out of nowhere, Louis looked up and saw Harry hugging his bear to his chest and silent tears streaming down his face. The man's heart broke as Harry let out a loud sob. 

"Mummy!" He cried. 

Louis got up and hugged Harry tightly to his chest as the boy cried and cried. "Shh, shh, I know you miss her, Bubba." Louis cooed. 

"W-wan' my mummy, Bo-boo!" He cried. 

"Let's go call her, alright?" Louis asked, hoping that would cheer him up. 

Harry nodded. "Alright, we can call her but can you stop crying first. We wouldn't want her to know you're sad, would we?" Louis asked, hoping to get Harry to breathe before he made himself sick. 

"Nuh-uh, mummy doesn't like when Hazzy's sad, Boo." Harry sniffed. 

Louis picked Harry up and got him to breathe and calm down and then they went to the living room to call Anne. Louis sat down with Harry on his lap and pressed the Facetime button so Harry could actually see her. The call rang a couple times before getting an 'unavailable' message. "She might be busy at work, I'm sorry Squish." Louis sighed. 

"Mummy too busy for Hazzy?" Harry sniffled. 

"No, no, no, Mummy's just busy at work. When she's not busy, she'll call back or we can call her." Louis told him, trying to make things better before the waterworks started. 

"B-but I wan' my mummy!" Harry cried, tears started streaming down his face. 

"Oh, Bubba." Louis sighed and picked Harry up. They rocked back and forth while Harry cried and cried. 

"What's going on?" Liam asked, walking in the room and surprised to find Harry crying. 

"Mu-Mummy!" Harry cried. 

Louis rubbed his back and bounced him a bit. "He's missing his mum and we tried to call but she was busy at work." He explained. 

"Mummy too busy for Hazzy." The boy cried again. Liam walked over and took Harry from Louis. 

"Hey, Bug, can you look at Lili for a minute?" Liam asked. Harry looked up with red eyes and tear stains on his face.

"Mummy was just busy at work, she isn't too busy for you," Liam explained, "I bet as soon as she sees that you called, she'll call you back and be excited to talk to you, alright?" 

"Mummy gonna call back?" He asked. 

"Yep, she will!" Liam smiled. 

"We watch movie 'till she calls?" Harry asked, a smile appearing on his face. 

Liam and Louis laughed at how quickly his mood changed. "Of course we can watch a movie, Bubba!" Louis told him, taking Harry out of Liam's arms and walking to the couch. 

Liam went to find Niall and Zayn because Harry requested they be there to watch as well. Louis turned the tv on and flipped through Netflix until Harry pointed to a movie they knew all too well. "We watch 'Tilda, pwease?" Harry asked. 

Louis nodded and clicked on 'Matilda', it was Harry's favourite movie and the boys had seen it more than they would have liked to but it was for Harry. The other three boys walked in and Louis heard Zayn groan when he saw the movie choice and shot him a glare. 

"Hey, Haz. I heard you were feeling sad, I hope you're okay now, Bub." Niall cooed at the boy, and tickled his tummy a little. Harry squirmed in Louis' lap at the tickles and nodded slightly at Niall, "Missin' mummy." He told him. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, Baby. You'll talk to her soon though!" Niall told him. 

"Yep, Boo say she gonna call back later!" He told the man happily. 

Niall chuckled and sat down. Louis started the movie and after the first ten minutes, everyone but Harry had pulled out their phones and stopped paying attention. It was quiet as Harry watched the movie until about halfway through, when Louis heard soft sniffles coming from the boy on his lap. 

"Hazza, are you alright?" Louis whispered to him. Harry shook his head and Louis saw there were tears in his eyes. "What's going on, Baby?" Harry just shook his head again. Louis knew there was something wrong but he was confused as to why Harry wouldn't tell him. "How about we go upstairs and you can tell just me?" Harry nodded so Louis carried him upstairs, getting confused looks from the others but just shrugging at them. 

When they got upstairs, Louis carried Harry to his room and they sat on the bed. "Will you tell me what's going on now, Squish?" 

"I hadda 'nother acci'dent, Boo. I sowwy." Harry mumbled, tears starting down his cheeks. 

"Oh, Bubba. It's alright, I told you before, accidents happen and we can fi them," Louis told him, "Why didn't you want to tell me downstairs?" 

"'C-cause didn't wan' the boys to hear and waf at me." Harry said softly. Louis' face softened, he understood why Harry wouldn't want to tell him around the others, he had always been a little embarrassed about having to wear diapers and he felt the most comfortable around Louis, it was obvious to anyone with eyes. But on the other hand, Louis knew the boys would never laugh or make fun of Harry, they knew he struggled sometimes and they were always there to help him and make him feel better if he was sad. 

"Bug, you know the boys would never make fun of you, right?" Louis asked, he didn't actually know if Harry knew. 

"Yeah, but it's 'barrassin', Boo." Harry told him. 

"I know, Love, but it's alright," Louis told him, "Let's go get you changed and maybe we can even put some jammies on!" Louis told him, noticing Harry was wiggling around a bit. 

Harry gasped and looked up at Louis with wide eyes, "'Jamas 'fore supper?" 

Louis laughed, "Yep, you've had a hard day. I think we can put on jammies before dinner." 

"T'day beens tough." Harry sighed. 

Louis laughed again and ran his hand gently through the hair on Harry's forehead, "Feeling a bit emotional today, haven't we?" 

"I feel sad but I was angwy too, been a naughty bubba." Harry told him. 

"No, you're not naughty Bubba. You're just sleepy I think, that's why you feel extra sad and angry today." Louis explained. The boys always made sure to talk to Harry about his emotions because sometimes he just didn't understand how he was feeling and that was hard on everyone at times. "How about we go get changed and someone will order something in for dinner." Louis suggested. 

Harry picked out his favourite onesie, the one with Disney princesses on it and Louis changed his diaper and helped him into the onesie. Harry smiled up at Louis and said, "Wook Boo, I gots pwetty pwincesses on m'jammas!" 

"I see, Bubba! I love it so much." Louis smiled. 

"Can I pwease haf'milkies, Boo?" Harry asked. 

"I think we need to have some supper first, before you go to bed you can have a bottle, deal?" Louis bargained. 

Harry rubbed his eyes sleepily and whined, "'M sweepy now." 

"I know you are, Bug. But I already told you, you can have a bottle before bed and maybe even with some vanilla, only if you're good though." Louis told him. Harry gasped, "'Wif 'nilla, weally?" 

"Yep, but first we gotta go eat some supper and you need to be a good boy, alright?" 

"Otay," Harry agreed as Louis turned to leave the room, "But Boo?"

"Yeah?" Louis asked, turning around.

"Will you give me upies?" Harry asked, looking down at the ground. 

"Sure, come 'ere and we can go downstairs." 

Harry walked over to Louis and held his arms up. Louis picked the boy up and held him on his hip as they went downstairs and gave Niall the job of picking where they ate dinner from. 

When the food arrived, Harry decided he wanted to sit 'wif Nini', so he sat almost touching Niall as he ate his chicken nuggets. 

"I wuv nuggies, Nini!" Harry squealed. 

"I know you do Buddy," Niall laughed, "It's all you eat."

"Do you wike nuggies?" 

"Of course I like nuggets, are you crazy?" Niall told Harry, tickling his tummy a bit causing a giggle to escape the boy's lips. 

"You can't haf my nuggies though!" Harry told him harshly.

"Harry, I know you don't like to share food but that is no way to talk to people." Zayn told him. 

Harry instantly felt bad and offered Niall a nugget, which he politely declined because Harry had already take a bit out of it. 

The five boys sat and ate while chatting a bit and then Harry said, "I stuffed!" 

The other four laughed and Liam looked at what Harry had eaten, which was all but two nuggets and a couple carrot sticks. "Can you try to eat one more carrot please?" 

"But I say I finished." Harry whined. 

"Harry, remember what I said you could have if you were a good boy?" Louis asked. 

"Milk wif 'nilla." Harry mumbled. 

"Well you can't have it unless you eat another carrot like Liam asked." Louis told him. 

The boys figured Harry would just give up and eat the carrot like he always does but boy, were they wrong. "I done!" Harry screeched. 

Zayn stood up and glared at Harry and he knew he was in trouble, "Harry Edward, you don't yell like that, you know better!" Zayn yelled. 

"I-I sowwy." Harry mumbled. 

"Too late, you've been bad today. I think you need to spend some time in the corner." Zayn told him before grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him out of the room. 

Louis' heart broke at the pleas Harry was crying to him but he knew Harry needed to be punished so he ignored it the best he could. 

Zayn took him to the corner by the front door where Harry always stood in time out. "Okay, I think fifteen minutes, no talking, nose to the wall." Zayn said, starting the timer. 

"I-I sowwy for yellin', Zaynie." Harry mumbled. 

"Now isn't the time for apologies, Haz. Now I have to start the timer over again, you know the rules." Zayn sighed, restarting the fifteen minutes. He left the room after about two minutes, leaving Harry crying as quietly as he could. Zayn did feel a little bad about making him cry but it wasn't like he was going to restart the timer because he was crying, he was showing his emotions and that was a thing they liked to practice with Harry so none of them would ever get mad at him for that. 

Zayn went back to join the boys as they all finished their food. "Should I leave his food?" Niall asked while he started cleaning up. 

"I would just put it in the fridge. No point in fighting with him right now, he's tired and emotional and I'm hoping he forgets about calling Anne tonight because she texted saying she would be out all night but could call tomorrow." Louis told him. Niall nodded and put the food in the fridge. 

When they were cleaned up, Louis went to find Harry in the corner and tell him the fifteen minutes was up. "Hazza, you can come be with the boys now if you'd like." Louis told him. 

"Can I go nigh'nights pwease, Boo?" Harry asked, he was feeling very tired and he just wanted to go to bed and on top of that, he was a tad embarrassed about being pulled out of the room crying. 

Louis wasn't surprised at the statement but first he said, "We can definitely go nigh'nights but I think you should appologize to Liam first." 

"Otay, but can I still have milk wif 'nilla even though I not a good bubba?" Harry asked, just wanting the comfort his bottle gave him. 

Louis saw how tired he looked and knew he just wanted to go to bed so he said, "You can have one tonight but the next time I say no to something if you're bad, you don't get it." 

Harry nodded and ran to find Liam in the living room while Louis went to make the bottle. "Lili, I sowwy for yellin'!" Harry said, jumping into Liam's lap and giving him a hug around the neck and placing a slightly slobbery kiss on his cheek. 

"That's okay, Bug. But next time we ask you to finish your supper you need to, okay?" Liam told him. Harry nodded and then said, "I'm goin' nigh'nights. Boo sayed I can still haf a milk wif 'nilla cause I sweepy." 

"Oh did he," Liam said with a smile, "Well, good night, Baby. I hope you're feeling happier in the mornin'." 

"Sweep tight, Lili!" Harry said, jumping off Liam's lap to go say good night to Zayn and Niall. 

"Nigh'night, Zaynie!" Harry said, hugging Zayn. 

"Have a good sleep, Haz. See you in the morning!" 

"Can we pway wif your paints tomorrow?" Harrrrrry asked. 

"Only if you're good for Louis and go right to bed, alright?" Harry nodded and went to Niall finally. 

"See you in the mornin' Nini!" Harry spoke happily, kissing Niall's nose. 

"Have a good sleep, Hazza!" Niall said, returning the kiss on Harry's cheek. 

"Zaynie sayed if I good den we can pway wif his paints tomorrow!" Harry told him excitedly.

"Well then, you'd better get to bed so you can paint tomorrow." Niall laughed. 

"Alright, Mister. I think you've said all your good nights, let's go." Louis said, walking into the room with the warmed up bottle. 

Harry climbed off Niall and went to Louis, who took his hand and walked with him up the stairs. In Harry's bedroom he asked, "Can you way wif me 'til I fall asweep, pwease Boo?"

"I definitely can, Squish." Louis said, getting into bed with Harry and handing him the bottle. The bottle immediately found it's way to Harry's mouth and he started suckling on it as his eyes drooped sleepily. 

When Louis noticed Harry was pretty much asleep, he slipped the the bottle out of his mouth and replaced it with a soother that Harry accepted and it started bobbing up adn down in his mouth as he drifted off. 

Louis was thinking about going back downstairs to be with the boys for a bit but he was so comfortable and about as tired as Harry so he just stayed where he was, Harry fast asleep in his arms, and closed his eyes and drifted into a deep sleep. 

When Niall and Liam went looking for Louis about twenty minutes later, they cooed at the sight of Harry asleep and Louis cuddling him. Niall snapped a picture and posted it to his Instagram with the caption 'sleepy boys'. 

(pretend its not moving!) 

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