Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

War Zone

1.6K 58 52
By Tasergirl

Please don't hate me but this is a war so it'd be pretty unrealistic for EVERYBODY to get out unscathed but please remember this does have a happy ending
Also as for the love triangle turned square will have an ending that I think you'll all like just to pacify ya real quick lmao❤️

The air was completely still in the woods near Mystic Falls. Erica could hear the rustling of feathers in a tree and smiled. As much as she complained, and she would always complain, she loved having night patrol. She just loved giving Klaus and Derek a headache too.

Almost immediately after Klaus left, Derek made sure Erica and Boyd were ready for their shift. Malia and Peter were finally resting after a long day. They hadn't exactly taken to the town yet but Erica had hope that they would. She certainly was. The small town reminded her of home. Sharing a smile with Boyd, her best friend, Erica continued on their usual path.

"Derek said he'll meet us when we get to the waterfall" Boyd said making Erica nod. Derek had left with one of Klaus's hybrids. They seemed like they were pretty new, which surprised Erica, with the doppelgänger a vampire now she would've thought Klaus would want to save all the blood he could.

"Do you think he'll get his head out of his ass anytime soon?" Erica muttered as they walked. Boyd looked up at the moon as he thought about Erica's question.

"Derek or Klaus?" He asked making the blonde smile at him. So happy that she had him to talk to. To complain about their alpha and his second in command. Unfortunately, before she could respond, an arrow embedded itself in the tree, right beside her head.

"Fuck!" Erica cursed as ducked out of the way. Making her way towards Boyd she groaned. "How the hell didn't we hear them?" She asked with a grunt. Boyd wasn't sure but he knew they'd get there asses chewed out. By Derek and Klaus.

"Can you hear them now?" Boyd asked as they listened. It was faint, extremely faint, but Erica could make out at least 5 people. The blonde motioned to 3 people on his side and two on hers. With a nod they jumped into action.

Boyd, using his strength and body, slammed into one momentarily shocking the two beside him. Erica on the other hand quickly swept a woman's feet from under her body and punched another in the face. The strength of the blonde's punch knocking the man out cold. Before the girl could recover Erica jumped on her and swiftly snapped her neck.

Looking over at her pack mate, Erica saw Boyd pinned down, and growled loudly. The blonde brandished her claws at the man who held out a black rod. Erica didn't know what it did but she was sure she didn't want to find out. Running at him she swiped at the man, attempting to get him with her claws.

"Erica!" Boyd called out in fear. The blonde hybrid swept the mans feet and looked towards Boyd. It was too late. The arrow had pierced skin.

A howl was heard throughout Mystic Falls.
"We should talk" Klaus said as he watched Bonnie let out a sigh. The small witch looked from Klaus, to the young witch on her bed, and nodded.

"Meet me on the porch" she muttered, though for all intents and purposes, it looked to Klaus like she wished to be anywhere else. With a nod he hopped off of her window sill. Deciding not to comment on it. Not yet at least.

Bonnie took a breath as she closed her window back up. She wasn't sure what Klaus wanted to talk about specifically, but she was sure, it had to do with the two of them. A part of her wished she could just send him away and put everything from her mind, but considering she spent the last hour wracking her brain with the problems between them all, this would probably be best.

Stepping outside she took a breath. The wind was cool against her skin, making the small witch close her eyes, trying to focus on that for a moment. As soon as she opened her eyes she was met with flowers. Roses and sunflowers. Her favorites.

"An apology" Klaus muttered before the Bennett witch could say anything. Bonnie's eyes widened at that. An apology?

"What?" She replied, wincing at how she sounded. She usually had much wittier responses for things like that. The smirk on Klaus's face showed her that he knew that too.

"I apologize for what happened this morning" Klaus said making Bonnie's mouth drop. He was apologizing? For sleeping with Hayley? She wasn't expecting that. Taking the flowers she shook her head gently.

"Klaus, you don't have to apologize for that, I told you I wouldn't ask you to wait for me and I really don't expect you to, if anything I'm sorry, so if you want Hayley-" she starts, looking at the ground shyly, but his voice cuts the small girl off.

"I don't want Hayley, I want you" he told her seriously. Bonnie's eyes widened as her head snapped up to look at him. The small witch opened her mouth, but Klaus cut her off, quickly. "Yes, I know that you are confused and I know that you said you were 'taking a break from romance'" he said with a roll of his eyes. "And it has come to my attention that having a goddess in your head that is in love with another may 'mess with your head'" he said using air quotes. Bonnie nearly rolled her eyes at him but was too shocked to do so.

"But Bonnie Bennett I know you, and I know us, it could be weeks, months, maybe even years but you will find yourself in my arms" he told the small witch. Bonnie took a breath as she looked up at him. Skepticism clear in her eyes.

"How are you so sure about that?" She asked him, making the hybrid frown. "How do you know I won't leave, go on the road with Dean, and never come back?" She asked making the hybrid let out a breath.

"Bonnie even if you did choose Dean, you wouldn't leave, you have too much here, your father, your friends, Zoe, you wouldn't be able to leave in peace" he told her softly. Bonnie hated to admit it but he was right. Her friends always needed her. She couldn't leave her father. Most importantly Zoe needed a real home.

"And you'd be okay with that? If I chose Dean? Or your brother?" Bonnie stressed. She wouldn't lie to him. She hadn't before and she wouldn't now.

"I wouldn't be jumping for joy if you picked anyone but myself but your choices are your own to make, you've been forced into so many decisions, if I did that to you as well then you would come to resent me" he told her seriously.

Bonnie nodded at that for a moment. He wasn't wrong. She wasn't sure she could see herself resenting him again, but who knows what would happen if he attempted to force her into anything. It certainly wouldn't be pretty.

"Besides I am a patient man" he told her softly, the confession made Bonnie laugh loudly. Klaus watched as she threw her head back, her hair catching in the moonlight.

"No you're not" she shot back at the hybrid, making the hybrid smirk. Her eyebrow was raised and hip popped out. He had to admit he missed seeing her like this. Sassy. Unapologetic. A goddess reborn.

"Perhaps not for most, but for you, I will be" he told her. Bonnie took a breath at that. Her eyes watching him carefully. Before she could reply a howl was heard. Bonnie turned to the woods.

"Erica" Klaus said his eyes wide. Bonnie turned to him in surprise. His alpha instinct making sure he was ready to take off. He could almost feel her pain.

"Take me" she told him seriously, knowing he would be taking off in a moment. Nodding, Klaus picked the witch up, rushing off towards the sound.

"Bonnie!" Sam yelled as he watched them run off into the night. They didn't have time to explain. They needed to get to Klaus's pack.
Boyd stood in front of the severely wounded Erica. His teeth bared and claws sharp, wounding anyone who came near, the howl was loud enough for the others to hear. He knew that they would come for them. The problem was that he wasn't entirely sure Erica would be able to wait that long.

Her skin was ashen. As if she was dying. It wasn't a sight that he was comfortable with. Unfortunately with the group surrounding him, he couldn't get her out of here, not yet. So he would stick with protecting her from more damage. As he clawed a mans throat, another went flying, knocking a tree down in the process. Turning Boyd found Derek.

"What happened!" The former alpha growled out, his eyes amber and angry. Boyd could feel murderous intent from where he stood on the other side of the wounded blonde. Looking down at Erica, Boyd found Peter beside her, the older man picking the blonde up gently. Far more gentle than Boyd had ever thought possible.

"She got hit with an arrow" Boyd explained, turning and swiping at another one. Derek growled as he caught another arrow, one that was aimed at his head, and broke it in half easily.

"It was poisoned" Peter muttered, loud enough for the others to hear. He could smell it on her. The putrid smell clinging to the arrowhead and now Erica. The blonde groaned as she attempted to open her eyes.

"We gotta get her back to the cabin" Malia growled out, snapping ones neck. They were holding the opposing forces back but they kept coming on. Suddenly an ear splitting sound came to their ears. The hybrids screamed as their ears began to bleed, Boyd and Malia falling to their knees, the pain too great.

"Kill them quickly" Agatha said hatefully. Her dark eyes burning a hole into the pack before her. Klaus killed her family, it was only fitting that she kill his, now he would know how it felt. "Start with the girl, she won't last much longer anyways" she told the man, waving at the blonde.

A large thug nodded as he approached Erica. Ripping her from Peter's grip. Derek attempted to stand, ready to pounce in the man before he could touch her, but Agatha simply broke his legs. Her smile sinister when she heard him yell out in pain.

"Get away from her!" Klaus yelled as he ran into the clearing. Before the thug could blink his arm was ripped from its socket. Bonnie glared as her eyes landed on Agatha.

"I'm getting real sick of you bitch" Bonnie growled out, running at her. The witch was so shocked she allowed herself to be tackled to the ground. Bonnie wasted no time punching her quickly. She wanted to feel the witch's nose break. Before Agatha could catch her breath, Bonnie grabbed her head, and began muttering an incantation. Before she could blink Agatha began bleeding from her eyes.

The cruel witch cried out in pain as she felt the blood in her veins boil. Bonnie held on as Agatha thrashed around, desperately trying to get the Bennett off, and failing. The witch's cries could be heard even as the hybrids resumed fighting.

"Get Erica to my mother!" Klaus yelled out, earning a nod from Derek. The hybrid grabbed Erica from his uncle, a knot forming in his gut, seeing her sickly pale skin. As he ran off Klaus ripped the head from a thug attempting to follow. The blood splattered against his face, chest and neck.

Bonnie continued her assault on Agatha as the fighting resumed. Peter standing in front of her, keeping her safe from any oncoming attacks. The man would have raised an eyebrow at the witch's brutality if he had the chance. From what he'd heard she was a moral little witch. Yet from the sound of the other witch's screams this form of torture seemed horrendous.

"This is for Brody" Bonnie growled, her eyes taking on a golden hue, as she held out a hand. Agatha's eyes widened as she saw a sword through the blood. "And for thinking you could come into our lives and kill us" she whispered venomously. Before the witch could bring the sword down, she was thrown against a tree, the force knocking the wind from her lungs.

Before she could blink Klaus was by her side. The witch glared as she looked up, wiping blood from her mouth, and meeting Kai's gaze. His smirk widened as he looked at Bonnie, Agatha's arm draped over his shoulder, as he carried her.

"Sorry Bon Bon, you can't kill her" Kai told the witch in a sing song voice. "She's still useful, she did manage to get the hybrid bitch after all, she was one of your strongest right?" Kai asked Klaus, making the original hybrid angry. Before Klaus could run at him the heretic lifted a hand, paralyzing the hybrid and the witch. Klaus let out an angry roar as he tried to move, at the same time a gun went off, and a thug was thrown with the force from the shotgun.

Turning Bonnie saw that Dean was here. Another gunshot sounded and Bonnie let out a breath. Sam too. Seeing that the groups numbers were growing Kai rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'll be seeing you soon Bon, real soon" Kai promised. Klaus ran at the man, not wanting him to get away, but he was gone in a blink. Bonnie groaned as she looked around. Dead bodies littered the floor. Feeling someone coming up behind her, Bonnie turned, swiftly lopping his head off with the sword she managed to keep in her hand. The blood sprayed onto her face but Bonnie didn't care. Turning to Klaus and Dean she let out a breath.

"This is a problem"
When they made it to the Mikaelson mansion, Rebekah was waiting for them at the steps, her face impassive. Yet Bonnie and Klaus could immediately see that she was worried. A knit formed in Klaus's stomach at that thought. Erica had told him earlier that they were family, that his pack was his family, he didn't think he'd felt it till he'd seen her injured.

"She's in the east wing, mother was able to counteract the poison, but there is a problem" Erica said looking at her elder brother. Klaus nodded as he stood before her.

"How did they manage to find a poison that effects hybrids" Klaus asked, making the blonde nod. Bonnie took a breath as she looked at Rebekah. She'd barely seen the older girl since they'd returned to Mystic Falls, she hoped the blonde wasn't angry with her, but first she had to see Erica.

"Can we see her?" Bonnie asked softly, remembering the blonde hybrids face. Erica was sweet when they'd met. She'd given her advice on getting Zoe to open up to her. Not to mention she stuck her neck out for Bonnie. Erica was the one that convinced the hybrid to talk to her.

"She's resting but it should be fine, Derek is with her now, he hasn't left her side" Rebekah told Klaus, raising an eyebrow at him. She wondered how he felt about his hybrids falling in love. Though, to her surprise, he seemed more worried than anything.

With a nod Klaus walked into the house, Bonnie close behind him, looking for Erica. It didn't take long for them to find her. The blonde hybrid laid in the bed, her skin still pale, and her torso and upper right arm bandaged. Derek stood at the sight of Klaus, but the hybrid noticed his hand, he never let go of the blonde. Esther walked out of the adjoining bathroom before either of them could speak.

"She is alright, she should be back to normal in the morning, if a bit sore" Esther told the small group. Bonnie and Klaus stood at the doorway with Boyd and Peter. Malia had gone back to the cabin for the children, in case they were attacked, and to keep Jade updated. Dean and Sam went back to Bonnie's to bring Zoe to the Mikaelsons mansion, they should be here any minute, along with the Salvatore's, Elena and Caroline.

"My fathers pack should be here in the morning, it seems the battle draws nearer, we'll have to be on guard" Klaus told those in the room. Taking a look at Erica he let out a sigh. "For now rest, she is safe and nothing more can be done tonight, Tyler Lockwood, the Salvatore's and myself will scour the town, if they're here then we need to find them and find out how many there are" Klaus said seriously before walking out, not giving anyone time to respond.

Bonnie took a breath as she walked out after him. It didn't take long to catch up with him, though his longer strides made it a bit difficult, but Bonnie was able to grab his hand. Immediately his focus was on her.

"It seems you had the right idea, focusing on the mission is most important, to be sure no one else gets hurt" Klaus muttered, stopping in the middle of the hallway. Bonnie bit her lip as she watched him breathe heavily. "She called me her family, mere hours ago, and I didn't think much of it but now she is-was poisoned and I failed to-" Klaus told the small witch who shook her head at him.

"Come here" Bonnie said, grabbing his hand and leading him into a nearby room. The small witch shut the door to the study and turned to him.

"You didn't fail anyone Klaus, you didn't do anything wrong, this was all Ra" Bonnie told him softly, a part of her not being able to believe what was coming out of her mouth. Not only was an Egyptian god after them, but here she was, consoling Klaus. After everything he'd done, after all the damage he had done before. After everything they'd done to each other. They both changed so much.

"Bonnie, Erica is lying in that bed and that pains me greater than I thought, knowing that I am the reason she nearly died but if it were you or Zoe-" he said making Bonnie step forward. The small witch cut him off with a hand to his cheek.

"But it wasn't, Klaus you have saved me more times than I can count, you saved everyone here" Bonnie told him seriously. The hybrid scoffed at that, looking her in the eyes, a new hardness in them. Taking her and removing it from her cheek.

"I am the monster, the villain in most stories, even yours" Klaus stated, frowning at her. Bonnie took a breath as took a step back.

"You saved her life Klaus, she said so herself, if it weren't for you she would've died a long time ago" Bonnie told him seriously. The small witch grabbed his hand softly, forcing him to look at her, she smiled at him softly. "Klaus you went from a murderer to a someone who wants to save the world, you're a hero, to Erica, to Zoe, and to me" she told the hybrid softly. Klaus could only look at her. Genuine surprise on his face.

Bonnie smiled softly as she moved away and let his hand go. Klaus watched as she moved to the door. He didn't want her to go. He couldn't let her go. Not without a response. Before he could stop himself the hybrid grabbed her wrist, spinning her around, and bringing her to his chest. Bonnie's eyes widened as she felt her face land on his chest.

"I will strive to ensure I keep that image in your eyes" he promised the small witch. Klaus loosened his hold on Bonnie to let her lean back a bit. Swiftly, he leaned down, kissing her gently. It didn't last more than a second and, when Bonnie opened her eyes, Klaus was gone.
Meela watched Agatha closely. Her cold eyes paying attention to every move the younger witch made. She had stitched the girl back together herself. The older woman shifted her eyes from the witch to the Heretic feeding at her side.

"The Bennett Witch did this?" Meela asked seriously. Kai nodded as he took his mouth from the random woman's neck. The reincarnated woman was disgusted by the act, but if her master permitted it, she would simply have to deal with it. Kai had gained favor with him after all.

"Her power has grown" Meela muttered, making the man shake his head. Meela turned to him, motioning for him to elaborate, as he licked the blood from his fingers.

"She was pissed, and yea she used her magic, but she ended up swinging on Agatha, it's how she got the shiner" Kai said, motioning to Agatha's black eye, and smirking at the witch who also had a split lip. Agatha glared at the half breed angrily, wishing she could simply kill him.

"What are you getting at?" Meela interjected. She didn't want to have to mediate another fight between the pair. Though both psychotic, Agatha was disgusted by Kai, and Kai liked pushing her buttons. They were practically children when put in a room together.

"Well I'm sure you noticed by now she's controlled by her emotions" Kai started, shoving the now dead girl to the floor, and walking over her. Meela nodded as she looked at him.

"That much is obvious" Meela said, thinking she knew where he was going.

"We've been going about this all wrong Mileena" Kai said, making Meela roll her eyes at him. He made it a personal mission to call everyone the wrong name at least twice a day. Everyone except Ra and Bonnie. "We keep trying to capture her, so that we can get information and kill her, when we could be going for the people she loves" Kai told them. Meela looked at Agatha, both thinking the same thing.

"It would certainly get a reaction from her" Agatha conceded, though the agreement felt like acid in her mouth. Kai smiled widely at her approval before turning to Meela.

"With the right person, it would make her sloppy, like putty in our hands" Meela said, a smirk growing on her face. Agatha smiled as she looked at her dark haired mentor.

"The hybrid" Agatha said seriously. Meela shook her head as she looked at the young protege. "He must pay for what he did to my sisters" she added, looking at Meela.

"And he will, but not tonight, he is too powerful, even with all of us working together, he would kill one of us or simply escape after we get him" Meela muttered, looking down at her Agatha before looking at Kai. "Our master needs his generals for the final attack and if we send the lackey's he would kill them easily" she muttered thinking of who else they could use.

"That is why I will be joining you in your mission my dear" they heard. Turning to see the smirking face of their master. Meela met the mans eyes and felt her entire body tense. "I like this thought, come, there is work to be done"
Bonnie frowned as she looked at the woods in front of her. Klaus wasn't too far off. She could hear him talking to Boyd and Peter, who she'd met while checking in on Erica, he reminded her entirely too much of Damon. Derek was still with their blonde pack mate, waiting for her to wake up. They had all been anxious since the attack. Bonnie wondered if all wolf packs were like this or if it was because they were hybrids.

"There's my favorite Little Witch" Bonnie heard behind her. The small witch turned to see Kol walking up to her with a smirk.

"We haven't seen you in a while, for a second I thought you left us to deal with Ra on our own" Bonnie said raising an eyebrow at him. Kol smirked as he raised his arms, motioning for her to come in for a hug, which she quickly did.

She wasn't sure when it happened but Kol had become her family. As much as any of the Mystic Falls gang. He was like the big brother she never had. Him, Damon and Stefan. She wasn't sure what would happen next but she would always be grateful for him. Taking a breath she took in his scent. Expensive cologne, rain and sage.

"And leave you with all the glory? Never" he stated, his voice playful. By the slight squeeze he gave her before letting her go she knew he actually missed her.

"So what have you been up to?" Bonnie asked him playfully. Watching a genuine smile cross his face. Bonnie's eyebrows raised at that. Kol never gave a real smile unless it was important, or he was in front of a mirror, the expression made Bonnie even more curious.

"I had some business, in New Orleans, gathering allies" he said making Bonnie smirk at him. Nodding she smiled as he threw his arm across her shoulders, wrapping her own arm around his waist, and walking towards the cliff.

"Oh and is that the reason you have an actual smile on your face?" She asked him, her smirk widening at the look of surprise on his face. Shaking her head she rested it on his shoulder. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want, I'm just happy you're happy, it's a good look for you" Bonnie muttered as they began walking together along the cliff. Kol smiled as he looked down at the witch his family had brought into their hearts.

"Everything looks good on me" he teased making Bonnie chuckle. Her eyes looking from the woods around them to Kol. "But in all honesty you're one of the only people I would tell" he said surprising the small witch. Bonnie smiled as she squeezed him lightly.

"Well go ahead, tell me, what has the great Kol Mikaelson smiling?" She prompted, earning a smile from the vampire. He looked down at her, a soft look on his face, as he recalled New Orleans.

"I met a girl" he said softly, surprising Bonnie. The small witch's jaw dropped as she looked at him.

"What?!" She exclaimed excitedly, her eyes wide as she looked at him. Kol nodded as he thought back to the bright eyes of the witch he left behind.

"Her name is Davina Claire, she is like no one I've met before, strong, beautiful, ruthless, she'd got a bit of a dark side, it's wonderful" he said smiling at nothing. Bonnie smiled brightly at the completely smitten look on his face.

"She sounds wonderful" Bonnie commented, earning an eye roll from Kol. The older man brought his arm around her neck, bringing her in, and giving the small witch a noogie. Bonnie laughed as she attempted to shove him off her.

"Children behave yourselves" Esther called, making the duo laugh. The original witch smiled as she watched the pair. While most of Bonnie's relationships were complicated these days, Bonnie's relationship with Kol was a breath of fresh air, practically siblings.

While Rebekah worried for her brothers, and was torn by her loyalty to them all, Kol simply didn't care. He knew that they would work it out themselves. Esther felt the same way. She knew that they would all be happy in the end. She was already promised her family would be given back to her. She had faith in that.

"And will be meeting this Davina Claire any time soon?" Bonnie asked, smiling up at Kol. The original gave her a gentle nod.

"She will be coming with Marcel, and his vampires, they'll help us in this war" Kol told her, making the small girl frown. Marcel, his vampires and the girl Kol likes?

"Are you sure that's a good idea? She could get hurt" Bonnie said softly. As much as she wanted to meet the girl, and as much as they needed allies, she didn't want Kol's chance at love to die in this war they had going on.

"She is strong Bonnie" Kol said softly, affection growing in his chest for the witch. The world was ending and she was worried for his future. He was sure he could tell the witch he was going to abandon them in favor of a quiet life with Davina and she would always welcome him back with open arms. That was just how Bonnie was. "Besides if she is to be a Mikaelson this would be a regular occurrence" he said gesturing to what was happening around us. Bonnie couldn't help but nod at that.

"You're probably right Kol, I'm just worried, I want you to be happy" she said softly, making him smile at her.

"And I will be, after we defeat Ra, perhaps we'll celebrate with a wedding?" He said making Bonnie laugh loudly. A smile shone on her face as she looked up at the vampire. Genuine happiness on her face.

"You fell for her that hard?" She asked making him smirk, an eyebrow raised at her. Bonnie wasn't sure she liked the mischievous look on his face.

"I was actually asking for you, I don't care if you marry my brothers or the Winchester, but as my little sister you shall have a Viking wedding and there is no wedding like a Viking wedding" he told the small witch, ignoring how she started coughing violently. Instead of helping her he just laughed.

"I hate you" she muttered making Kol smile down at her. After the day she'd had he was happy to put a smile on her face. He wasn't sure who she would choose between her suitors. He truly didn't care. She would be his sister regardless.
A few hours later Bonnie, Klaus, Kol, Boyd and Malia waited by the cliffs. Peter was meeting them at the border and guiding them here. Bonnie would put up a protection spell once they got here to be sure that they were safe.

Kol sat with Bonnie and Malia on the back of Boyd's pick up truck. Smiling as he listened to the two girls speak. Malia telling Bonnie about Stiles, her hyperactive boyfriend, who helped turn her back into a human after spending years as a coyote.

"So you spent years as a coyote? Living in the woods? Feeding on animals?" Bonnie asked in shock. The whole thing was fascinating to Kol, who wondered if he could cause her to revert to her coyote state.

"Yea, it's a lot colder as a human, I hate that I don't have fur anymore but having Stiles around makes it better, he's my anchor" Malia explained to them. Bonnie smiled as she looked at the extremely rare hybrid before her. She could see why Klaus wanted her in his pack, sired or not, she was practically a male version of him. Not to mention as long as her pack was safe, she would remain loyal to him, for as long as she lived.

"That's very interesting, would you mind if u tested a few um- social experiments on you?" Kol asked, his mind running wild with possibilities. Bonnie glared lightly as she looked at him.

"Kol" she warned, earning a chuckle from Malia.

"Oh please, like Klaus would allow that, I may not be sired to him but he's still my alpha" she said, causing Klaus to look their way. Surprise colored his face for a moment. In all honesty he never knew where Malia stood. He simply knew he was too loyal to betray her friends, and by extension, him as well. Seems being their alpha was more work then he expected.

"Ah yes, and as your alpha he has an innate need to protect his pack, how inconvenient" Kol muttered, making Malia smirk at him. Shaking her head she shoved him lightly.

"You can't run test on me like your own little science experiment, but you can ask me all the questions you want, as long as you're not annoying" Malia said smirking at the vampire. Kol shrugged, smiling at the younger girl, before she frowned. Looking up Malia sniffed the air.

"Klaus!" Malia yelled, standing up. "Someone's he-" Malia starts, but is cut off when she's thrown against a tree. Bonnie's eyes widened as she watched the were-coyote break the tree in half. She wasn't moving.

"Malia!" Bonnie yelled, jumping from the truck. Kol stopped the witch as figures appeared in the clearing. Agatha, Meela and Kai stood together.

"Hey Bon Bon" Kai greeted making the small witch growl at him. Raising her hand she shoved him away, causing him to go flying, Boyd wasted no time jumping on the man.

Turning to Agatha, Bonnie lifted her hand, causing the dark haired witch to scream, her eyes bleeding once more. Meela wasted no time in making the Bennett fly away. Causing her spell on Agatha to break. The woman's dark eyes lit with pleasure as she watched Bonnie scream in pain.

"You bitch" Bonnie growled out, as Klaus rushed towards Meela. Kol helped the small witch stand, not moving from her side, something worse was out there. He could feel it. Klaus could too.

"Is that any way to greet an old friend?" Meela asked, not seeming to care that Klaus had his hand around her neck. Nor did she care that his claws were growing into her skin.

"Where's you master, Anck Su Namon?" Bonnie asked, just in time to be knocked to the side by Kol. Bonnie looked up, her eyes wide as she saw the tree behind them, it was on fire.

"I'm here Hathor" she heard a deep voice say. Bonnie felt a chill up her spine. The witch felt her heart stop. She knew that voice. Kol could only watch as the color was drained from her face, fear clutched at his heart. Bonnie never showed fear. That could only mean one thing.

"Ra" Bonnie whispered.

Turning her head she came face to face with him. With the man who haunted her. In this life and her last. The one who made her life hell was right in front of her. His blue eyes piercing her green.

"You look just as beautiful as ever" Ra told the witch. Bonnie's eyes were wide as she looked at him. She could finally put a face to the man who haunted her dreams.

For a moment she could see his face as it was before. Like a vision but in real time. As if the past that she could barely remember was playing before her. Like a damn movie.

"Stay away from me" Bonnie forced out, holding her hand up, as she scrambled to her feet. Ra smirked as the small witch's defenses rose. Even now he could smell her fear in the air.

"Or your witch dies" Klaus growled at the man. Ra looked at the hybrid and smiled. An evil, cruel, smile that made Klaus's hair stand.

"Hello Khonsu, I see you're still as impulsive as before, I suppose that was always what would happen" Ra said with a shrug. Klaus tightened his hold on Meela's neck as he glared at Ra.

"Stay away from my witch" Klaus warned the man. Ra narrowed his eyes when he heard the words. His witch?

"Are you fucking in this life as well? Hathor I must say, you certainly know how to make a man fall in love" Ra said, his voice light and playful but Bonnie could see his eyes. He was pissed. He viewed Hathor as his plaything. "Then again I know better than most what's between your-" the man was cut off when Bonnie raised her hand, sending Ra flying.

"I am not Hathor" Bonnie growled out. Kol watched as her eyes began to glow gold. A Sai knife appearing in Bonnie's hand, they watched as Bonnie threw it with ease. "I'm Bonnie fucking Bennett and you don't know a damn thing about me" she told the man as the weapon landed beside his face. Grazing it lightly. A cut appeared on his cheek.

"You think you can kill me Little Witch" he spit the nickname out like acid. The man stood, glaring at the small woman, watching as Kol stood in front of her again. "I've been alive since the beginning of time you can't kill me!" He roared, lifting a hand. Immediately Kol was thrown over the cliff. Bonnie tried to grab onto his hand, to keep him from flying, but Ra grabbed her by the back of her neck.

Klaus went to rush towards Bonnie. Meela, showing her strength, flung Klaus back. His back hit a tree but he didn't let it deter him. The hybrid stood and attempted to run to Bonnie but Meela kept him in place. He was paralyzed. He couldn't allow Ra to keep his hands after this. Klaus let out a roar as he tried to escape the witch's hold.

He watched as Bonnie struggled against Ra's hold. Her eyes wide as she tried to get away. Kol was over the cliff, possibly being dragged away by the water, Klaus could only be comforted by the fact that it could not kill him. Malia was still out cold, possibly dead, but he didn't think so. Something told him he would feel it if she was.

Boyd was fighting with Kai behind them. Klaus had a feeling he was losing against the man. He understood why when he saw Kai use vampire speed against Boyd. How Ra managed to make a vampire/witch hybrid he had no idea. The hybrid cursed the witch in front of him. Meela's smile was cruel.

"I made you" Ra growled into the witch's ear, pulling her hair roughly, and pressing himself against her back. Bonnie felt her skin crawl as she struggled against him. "I am the reason you have all of this, all of this anger, all this rage, even your second life is because of me, never forget that" he said before roughly shoving the witch away.

Bonnie let out a grunt as she landed on the floor. Her head hitting a large rock. Klaus could see her ready to pass out. With a loud roar he broke free of Meela's spell. Quickly he threw the witch against Ra, causing them to fall, and he ran to Bonnie. Klaus ripped into his wrist, trying to give it to Bonnie, but he was ripped away from her.

"You always make the same mistakes Khonsu" Ra told him, making Klaus glare. A sword appeared in the gods hand and an evil glint was in his eye. "You're ruled by your emotions, it causes you to make mistakes, it makes you weak" Ra said, and before Klaus could move, slammed the sword into Bonnie's abdomen.

Dean let out a breath as he looked at Zoe. The hunter was sitting on her bed, in the Mikaelson mansion, while she sat cross legged on the floor. The small witch surrounded by drawings. Bonnie asked him to keep an eye on her the minute they got Zoe to the Mikaelsons. She promised she would be back soon but it had already been a few hours.

He was worried about her but he knew Klaus would do whatever it took to keep her safe. Dean could admit to that. The eldest Winchester smiled as he watched Zoe draw on her sketch pad. He could also admit that he was jealous of the hybrids relationship with Zoe.

They had more to connect them. Klaus was the one who saved her. Klaus immediately opened up his home to her. Now he finds out they've been drawing and painting together. Meanwhile the most he had was their past life and that he was teaching her to defend herself. She liked guns like he did but the last thing Dean wanted was a relationship with Zoe to be like his relationship with his own father.

"You're thinking so hard it's gonna give me a headache" Zoe told the hunter. Dean smirked as he threw a pillow at her.

"Well I'm bored, you've been ignoring me since I got here" Dean told the tiny witch with an exaggerated pout. Zoe laughed as she looked up at him.

"Which one of us is the 12 year old again?" Zoe asked making Dean roll his eyes. Zoe chuckled as she grabbed her sketches, standing, and jumping on the bed. Dean smiled as he watched her giggle. It was nice to see her with a smile. "Here" she said shoving a piece of paper at him.

This one was more worn that the others. The paper almost yellow and a tear was at the top. The edges were soft as well. Like she kept looking at it. Touching it. Turning it over he was surprised to see his own face. It wasn't as detailed as the rest but it was certainly him.

"I had a dream about you, about a year before I was taken, and I drew this" Zoe told him, showing rare bashfulness. Taking a breath she sighed. "I know that you feel like the odd man out sometimes, with how long Bonnie knew Klaus and how their relationship is less complicated, which isn't really saying much" Zoe said with a shrug, making Dean chuckle.

"You got that right" he muttered, making the small girl smile. Her dark eyes meeting his. Shaking her head, she shrugged lightly, crossing her legs.

"Well I just wanted you to know that, it was you Dean, you were the first face I saw and I knew that once I met you, I would be safe" she muttered softly. Dean's jaw nearly dropped at her words. He watched as a soft blush dusted the small girls cheeks.

Zoe wasn't used to this. Comfort, encouragement, empathy, they weren't exactly things she'd had a lot of growing up. She didn't know how to be a part of a family, but Dean immediately brought her into his, from the moment he found out who she was. Just like Bonnie did. She supposed she could try too.

"This is amazing, Zoe, thank you" he muttered lowly. His eyes were soft as he looked at the small girl. Shoving a hand in his pocket, he looked at her, grabbing something he'd been carrying for the last few years.

"Here" he said holding a small box out to her. Zoe frowned as she looked at him.

"I didn't want anything in return" Zoe was sure to say. He'd already been teaching her self defense. A way to protect herself without her magic. She was grateful for that.

"I'm not giving it to you because you gave me something, I had already planned on it" Dean said defending his actions against her accusing eyes. She was just like Bonnie. "I nabbed this from a pawn shop a few years ago while me and Sammy were on a case looking for Chuck, I don't know why I grabbed it then, but I do now" he said softly, handing it to her. Zoe smiled, nodding at him, as she opened the box.

She was taken back by what was in it. The golden wings made her heart constrict. She could feel it in her bones. This was hers.

"Thank you Dean" she whispered softly, taking the necklace from the box. Dean smiled as he watched her put it on with a large smile. "I love it" she told him softly. Dean smiled as he looked at her, holding up the sketch.

"And I love this" he said softly. The two smiled as they went back to their own devices. Dean taking apart and cleaning his guns while Zoe began drawing once more.

It wasn't much later that Zoe felt it. A chill went up her spine. Dread filled her gut. The small witch stood suddenly making Dean jump in surprise. His eyes widened when he saw the fear in her face.

"Zoe what's wrong?" He asked making the small witch shake her head.

"I have no idea, I think- I think something's wrong" she said, her voice breathy. As if she had just ran a 5k. Her eyes widened as she felt a pain in her stomach. "It's Bonnie!"
Klaus pounced towards Ra. Though it did nothing. The sun god simply waved a hand at Klaus. Nearly rolling his eyes as he did so. Unlike Bonnie he hasn't unlocked his memories or powers. Ra guessed it was his unnatural vampire side suppressing his power.

"You are weak Niklaus" he told the man, before turning to Bonnie. The small woman clutched at her stomach. Blood gurgling from her mouth. "You will live, your people will find you, but we will be taking the half breed" Ra told her. Bonnie shook her head as she looked at Ra.

"No" she ground out, her voice raspy. Bonnie could only watch as he smiled down at her. The very thing made her skin crawl.

"You have no choice but to watch Bonnie Bennett" he told the small girl, watching as she turned to Klaus. The hybrid now being held in place by Meela as Boyd was held back by Kai. The young were-coyote still hadn't moved. He was sure she was dead by now. Nodding at Meela, he watched as she snapped Niklaus's neck, before turning to Kai. "Kill the spare" he said motioning towards Boyd.

"No!" Bonnie yelled, watching as Kai plunged his hand into Boyd's chest, and ripped his heart out. "No!" She yelled again, watching as the large man fell to the floor, and attempted to  rip the sword from her stomach. It did nothing more than cut into Bonnie's skin.

"Stop!" Ra commanded, watching as she cut into her own skin. Trying desperately to get to a dead man. "The half-breed is gone, Niklaus shall be gone too, you will wake up to your life in shambles" Ra told her, leaning down slightly so he could whisper to her. Bonnie watched as his face got closer to her, but she was already slipping, her vision going blurry.

"Just like you left mine Hathor"

Ummmm so don't be mad😬

This chapter was SO hard man omg but this is where all the action is
I hate that I killed off Boyd he deserves better in all things but I had to kinda prove that nobody's really off limits you know😔He is also not gonna be the last one to die which sucks but this is war

BUT DO NOT FEAR I promised a happy ending and I will deliver even when it comes to the people who die in this fic no matter how brutally they may die

Like I said up there ⬆️ it'd be pretty unrealistic for EVERYBODY to get out unscathed

Again for anyone that didn't read before the love triangle turned love square will have an ending that I think you'll all like or at the very least understand okay so let's not chew off my head guys lmao😂❤️

Anyways as always I appreciate you all thank you so much for all the love and support you show my stories HAPPY FRIDAY please be safe❤️

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