Cote in another world

By telods

34.4K 1.4K 419

What happens if the cote cast (well most of them) was transferred to a fantasy world? How will they get back... More

That Blinding Light
An Unexpected Encounter
Author's Note
First Fight
Author's Note Part 2!
The Twin Leaders Of Class D
Need Help!
Guild Creation
The City Beside the Sea
Class A Mercenary
Timelines Diverge
Red Dragon! (JoJo Reference)
Rumors Of An Ice Queen
The Apostles Of The Goddesses
Short SS : Goddess Meeting
The Water Hero Meets Class D?
Read My Other Fanfic!
Kiyotaka Goes Out For A Walk
Kiyotaka Receives A Message
Hehe. My mistake

Helios, The Sun City

1.2K 57 51
By telods

14 days had passed. It was now morning. I woke up, feeling rather weird. We had rented an extra room for Hashimoto, and I slept in the makeshift bed made from cushions in Hiyori and Kei's room. I woke up and was immediately greeted by Kei hugging me. Her body was literally on top of me. That being said though, her light blue penguin pyjamas/pajamas looked rather cute. I woke her up, and gave her a good morning kiss. I also woke up Hiyori, and told her that we would head out soon. Her clothes were messy. A small area of her cleavage could be seen, and I averted my gaze away.

Horikita and Matsushita had decided to go back to Norkanda and reunite with the class.

After the girls and I had finished changing, we went towards Hashimoto's room. He was ready, too. After that, We went towards the inn's lobby to have one last meal before leaving for Helios.

Today's meal consisted of delicious noodles that very much resembled ramen. I was still rather hungry after finishing one, so I ordered more.

After the delicious breakfast, I told everyone to get ready and meet up at the east gate. I scanned the map in advance and decided that our best rote would be to go around the massive sand whirlwinds that frequent the northeast side of the desert.

"Hoy, King, what about me?" Hashimoto asked, after seeing me, Hiyori and Kei get on the wyvern, leaving no space for him.

I didn't want this to go longer than it should, so I gave him a wyvern similar to mine, other than the fact it was colored black. Black as the night sky.

We began to bid the city of Azureshire. We began to fly up towards the sky, and began to head east.

During the ride, many sandstorms continued to threaten our journey, but we either avoided it, or used weather magic to control it. This magic took a certain chunk out of my mana though, so I couldn't use it again and again.

After a few hours of flying, we came across an oasis. We were quite thirsty, and our supply of water had began to run out. I stored the water in our wineskins. We continued on our way.

After a few more hours of flying, I decided to check my map. We were nearing the city now. A remote, area it was. Helios was built around a wide oasis. I eavesdropped on some citizens talking.

"Man, this infinite oasis sure is nice! We won't ever have to worry about water forever!" One particularly well built man said.

"Haha, you're right. We should give thanks to the water goddess." The man beside him said.

"Come to think of it, the next offering is when?" The well built man asked.

"Tomorrow. The annual feast has been prepared."

"I see, I see! That's good."

"The annual feast? Maybe that's the offering. I wonder what goddess they worship." Hiyori asked.

"Might be a water goddess. Considering what we heard about the infinite oasis, it could be." I replied.

"That's right King! It is a water goddess. She has been providing protection and water for millions of years. Nevermind that though, the princess is calling for you." Hashimoto said.

I told the girls that they should go rest in the inn, and that I would go explore the city for a bit. They both went towards a nearby inn.

Hashimoto lead me to a certain lavish mansion. It surprised me how fast Sakayanagi had managed to get a lot of money quickly. I could see Kamuro standing outside the gate. Many A Class students were in the garden, in the pool, or inside the mansion. They seemed to be fine, and had no care in the world. Although I couldn't complain, since I also thought that way.

I walked towards Kamuro and greeted her. "Hello, Kamuro."

"Hmm. Looks like you survived. Good job." She said.

"Um thanks."

Hashimoto lead me inside the mansion to a certain room. I could hear Sakayanagi's voice inside. Hashimoto knocked thrice, and made himself known.

"Princess. I've bought him." He said.

"Ah! He's here. Please leave us alone." She said to all her classmates. They all left quickly.

"Ayanokouji-kun? Have you been fine? I have missed you. Before talking, why not play a game of chess?"

I agreed. Having a chess game in another world didnt seem like a bad idea. Probably.

(Kind of lewd content?)

As she finished setting up the chess board. She began to hold her cane tightly, whilst moaning. I wore my same apathetic face, as any expression I did would surely get a reaction from her.

"Ahh Ayanoukouji-kun, you don't know how long I wanted to see you. I get excited everytime I think of meeting you, and it has happened finally."

"Sakayanagi, even though I rarely show emotions, even some things can be too weird for me."

"Ah! I'm quite sorry. I lost myself there. Let's continue with the chess game shall we?" She said with a said with a grin.

"Um sure. I'll play with you seriously."
I said.

"Please do. I wouldn't have it any other way."

As we played, she began to ask me questions about what happened after the bright light. I explained everything. I in turn also asked her about what she had found out.

"Sakayanagi. Can you research something for me?"

"I'd be glad to. In return I want another chess match soon."

"I'm fine with that. Could you research about thw Trifecto Alliance? I found a sword in a labyrinth beneath the clock tower in Azureshire. It has the symbol of the Trifecto Alliance. The Sun, The Sea, and the Earth."

"Consider it done. Now then, should we continue our match?"

We kept on playing chess. It had already turned night and I hadn't realised it. I began to get up.

"Ah? You're leaving already?" Sakayanagi said.

"Yup. I have to get back to the inn. It's already night."

"I see. I will see you tomorrow then."
She seemed sad.

I left the mansion. Seems like the whole of Class A slept in there.

As I was reaching the gate, Kamuro stopped me.

"Oh. Hello Kamuro."

"Where are you going?"

"Me? The Inn. The others are sleeping there."

"Beware of Sakayanagi."
She left me with that statement.

My guard was always up. If Sakayanagi tries something, I could probably do something about it, although it would be a problem.

I left the mansion and headed towards the inn. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see 2 people moving in the shadows.

"Come out. I know you two are there."
They weren't using any type of concealment magic, it was like they were begging me to find out about them.

"Oh ho. Senpai has eyes. How exciting." A certain reddish pinkish haired kohai could be heard. It was the devil Amasawa.

"I'm very sorry for sneaking up on you senpai. But this is necessary." Nanase Tsubasa said.

After finishing her statement, she rushed at me, and fired multiple blasts of extremely sharp rocks. They looked like they could seriously injure me. The first burst was shot, and I dodged it. The next one would be fired soon, so I used "Negate Magic" derived from the Dark Element. The short bursts were stopped. Seeing as it was futile, she rushed towards me, this time using martial arts as a weapon.

That wouldn't work on me though. I have proven once that I am vastly superior compared to her in martial arts.

I countered each one of her jabs and thrusts, and this made her tired.

"Nanase, this will go exactly like the exam. Stop this."

"Ah, but senpai, I am here too you know?" Amasawa said.

She was right. I could handle Nanase, but this would get harder if Amasawa was here.

"Wait. Before we continue, could we leave the city?" I asked.

"Fine. Causing a ruckus would be bad." Nanase said.

I teleported all three of us to the vast desert outside, a good distance away from the city.

"Huh, as expected of Senpai. Very skilled in magic."

"With that, let's start." I said, as I got ready.

Both of them took on their respective fighting stances. I began to buff myself with various spells.

This would be a pure martial arts fight, as something was keeping us from us doing so.

I began to crack my knuckles, and the both of them rushed towards me. Nanase wasn't the best in martial arts, but she was still very skilled. Amasawa, though, had been trained in the White Room very much like I did.

Amasawa threw lightning quick kicks and a series of jabs. She began to go for an uppercut, but I could sense that she was going to feint it. I was right, just before the hit was supposed to hit me, she feinted it and threw a strong left hook. The force of the hit reverberated in my ears.

I took hold of her hand, and tightened my grip. She didn't seem to feel pain though, as she was still grinning widely. The only way to stop this would be to knock her out.

Nanase rushed towards me and cast an enhancement spell on her sword. Weird. Seems like they can use magic, but not me. The sword's edge began to glow with a purple light. She swung the sword multiple times at me, which I dodged flawlessly. She got a bit irritated from that, as she began to swing faster. I could sense hesitation in her swings though, as she began to move slower. I knew she had much more stamina than this though.

She drew back and touched the sand with her palm. A magic circle appeared.
A huge metallic centipede, with a gaping hole on one side, appeared.

Amasawa did the same, but this time she summoned an albino rhino (say that ten times fast) which instantly charged at me.

"Alright senpai, we'll leave you with these two for today. Don't die~"
Amasawa and Nanase then left.

I couldn't beat those two monsters without magic, so I scanned my body for abnormalities. I sensed magic flow coming from my right leg. I picked it up, and crushed it in my grip.

The flow of magic in me had restored. There wasn't any time to cast some spells though, as the centipede dug underground and was about to rise under me. The rhino was also rushing towards me at a quick pace. I cast "Phalanx" and multiple Spartan-looking spirits appeared, each wielding a spear, with it's tip, imbued with an everlasting flame, and a titanium shield, enchanted with magic to increase it's strength, making it almost indestructible.

There was no time, the Spartans formed a dome around me, with shields protecting me, and spears pointed outside. The rhino was about to hit. It's sharp horn pierced through the Phalanx. It couldn't get through though. The centipede was also nearing us. It rose above from below.

By the time it rose already though, we had repositioned to a different place.
With a quick thrust, the Spartans stabbed the Rhino and the Centipede.

Both of the monsters immediately disappeared. I nodded to the Spartans, and they all left too.

My magic was quite exhausted now. I went for one last teleport, and appeared inside Hiyori and Kei's room. I passed out as soon as I appeared.

"Kiyotaka!" Kei exclaimed
"Kiyotaka-kun!" Hiyori said.

I was carried by them to the bed.

The next day, I woke up feeling refreshed. I had passed out the moment I entered the room, and was carried to the bed.

I tried to get up, but someone's tight grip kept me from doing so. Why was my top gone? I laid topless in bed while Kei hugged me even harder.

I couldn't do much about it. I risked waking her up if I tugged her even a tiny bit. After looking closely I could see tears in her eyes. She must've been worried. I hugged her tightly.

She woke up from the hug. After briefly looking at me, she hugged me. Harder than my last one. Tears began to fall.

"*sniffs* Kiyotaka you baka! I thought something bad happened to you!" She screamed.

I didn't respond. Instead I gave her a quick kiss, to signal that it was alright. I wasn't very experienced in romance. One thing I did know was that, in Kei's case, me kissing her always meant that "it's okay" or, "I'm fine".

She seeemed to understand that, and she let me go. But not before returning the kiss, but this time she let her tongue enter my mouth. Huh. I like this.

After about a minute, our lips parted. She again hugged me, and I recipocrated. After I convinced her I was okay, I got up from the bed.

Hiyori was still fast asleep, but woke up when she heard us fidgeting around.

"Karuizawa-san! Kiyotaka-kun! Please do that somewhere private!" She said while blushing.

"Are you okay Kiyotaka?" Hiyori asked.

"Yeah, thanks for yesterday."

"I'm going to go to the tavern nearby to eat. Want to come?" I asked the girls.

As I waited outside the Inn, the sky instantly turned black, despite it being day. A ram's horn could be heard. I looked towards the east gate. In the sky, thousands, no tens of thousands of skeletons, each riding on small dragons appeared.

This would prove to be a terrible situation. Although I has somewhat almost fully recovered. I sent a message to Sakayanagi to bring the whole of Class A. We would defend the city against the invaders.

3 minutes passed. The enemy invasion was drawing near. I hadn't received a reply yet. With the invasion just moments from happening, I decided to go myself.

I called upon my wyvern, and flew with it towards the sky.

"God's Wrath!" Someone said.

The direction from where the voice came from, was where the enemy army was located. Seconds later, an infinite amount of spears, colored a bright golden color, rained down from the heavens. Many struck the people, and caused instant death.

I managed to somehow dodge all of them and deflected back all the others. I began to rush towards them and-

What's this? I feel a sharp, throbbing pain in my heart. I looked closer, and saw a spear, pierced through my body.

I see. That's how it is.

I never once feared death in my life. I was devoid of emotion. Just remember this though, the person who "killed" me,

Death cannot stop me.

I fell to the ground, and blacked out.


A bed? This isn't what I remember. I looked around. I was in a beautiful hilltop, beside a flowerbed, containing different kinds of flowers.


"Who are you?"

"Me? I'm just a habitant to this place. I'm a servant of Krishvad, the God Of Time, and of Kotori, the Goddess Of Space." "She" explained.

"I'm supposed to be dead. Why am I here?" I asked.

"No you're not. Well at least, that isn't what fate wants."

"Huh. Fate? You say? I've been a prisoner to mine for a long time. That world was my only "freedom".

"That's what you think. Now that you have been given another chance to rewrite everything, won't you take it? A single mistake can cause a great deal of damage. You're mistake, was trusting that girl in the cane, and not beating those two juniors."

"Now is the time to rewrite history to it's rightful place. You'd do that for me, right? What about those two girls you left there?" He continued.

"What about them?" I asked.

"They're dead. Your second mistake, was returning there after the fight."

"Here, I'll even give you a gift. Come closer."

I drew closer, and she took hold of my cheeks. She kissed my right eye, and it instantly shone into a bright green light. (Part of it is a Mushoku Tensei reference hee hee)

My right eye instantly hurt in pain. The pain was so great, I felt like I had lost my vision.

"This eye will be of use to you. It will help you predict the future. May you rewrite the timeline to it's correct place. Whenever you feel unsure, call my name, and I will open the door to you, allowing you to traverse between times. We will meet again soon. Goodbye.

She opened a door, and I could see Helios. The date showed on the door,

2 hours before landfall in Helios.

Perfect. This would give me time, as I would probably be teleported to the wyvern. With that in mind? I walked out.

It's time.

To change history.

Hai Hai! It's me the author. Yup so we have time travel now! And our boi Kiyotaka got buffed! He can predict the future now hehe.

Once again, thank you for reading! And I'll see you at the next chapter!

Betcha didn't expect me to release a new chapter so soon eh? Haha me neither.

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