One more day. ; Mattheo Ridd...

By Sab020

389K 6.2K 1.8K

A life where a girl doesn't have a futur due to a rare disease that is slowly killing her. She is slowly loos... More

One more year
Nauseous feeling
What a weird girl
Let the feast begin
Who is she?
Just perfect
Before everything went black
The revelation
I promise
Those two idiots
Freezing water
A piece of bread and an orange
This is the one
We look hot
Life's not fair.
My futur
Until the end
Where is she
Just impossible
Beautiful rainy day
Thank you
Are you scared?
Put an end to it
He saved me
My darkness
Her distraction
Nothing happens for nothing
She smiles
His sun
It hurts
We'll meet again

Black blood

4.5K 78 47
By Sab020

Swipe for music 🎶

Mattheo's POV

I've never been more scared before. I couldn't leave her side, i didn't want to. I was scared that if I would let go of her hand, I would lose her. She really convinced me for a long time before I accept to leave her. I didn't even noticed that I was hungry until I ate something. I guess my mind was too busy taking care of Maria. All her friends left except Theo. I know I didn't have to worry about her and she was safe but I couldn't help but feel a little jealous as she was with another guy.

I went to eat something and clear my mind about Everything that happened and everything is gonna happen. I needed to stop thinking about her for a second but I really couldn't. My mind always brought me back to her and think about anything I could do to save her because I don't think I could support to live without her. Will I ever move on? Or will I live in pain for the rest of my life?...

The second she touched me and kissed me, I knew It was over and I had to take care of her until  until forever falls apart. The thought of her gone broke my heart in million pieces. I don't want to see her leave.

Not now, not ever...

3rd person POV

Maria fell into darkness one more time. Her body was twitching in her sleep, her hands were shaking like crazy . Theodore was yelling her name as he was trying to wake her up. He didn't know what to do. Seeing her shaking and twitching made him panic. Suddenly, her eyes rolled at the back of her head. She was having a seizure.

Theo called the nurses panicked as he had to watch her bestfriend suffer. He didn't know if she was suffering but he doubt that she was in a peaceful sleep.

The nurses ran towards where they heard screams. As soon as they saw what was happening, one of them immediately putted her to her side to free her airway. The other nurse was holding her arms still to keep her from hurting herself. It was not a simple seizure because her nose was bleeding what seemed like blood at first but it soon turned out a darker color to end up being a black liquid falling off of her nose. On explanation could explain what was happening. The poison was getting to her brain.

After a couple of minutes, Maria stopped shaking but she was still twitching a little. Her eyes were not rolled back anymore, they were completely closed. No one really knew what to do because they never seen anything like it. They didn't even think that it was possible to have a condition like it and poison spreading inside of someone's body. How even the poison had entered her body?..

Her heart beat started to slow down. Her breathing was slowing as well. Theo didn't know what to do. He did the first thing that came into his mind. He went to Mattheo to tell him what was happening. He ran out of the hospital wing, he ran as fast as his legs allowed him. He knew where he is so it was easier to find him.

"RIDDLE! RIDDLE!" He yells while running towards the boy that was sitting on the ground smoking a cigarette and leaning his back on the wall. He looked deep in thoughts.

The second that Mattheo saw Theo running towards him with a panicked face, he immediately knew that something was wrong. He knew that he was the last person that saw Maria. He quickly got up on his feet to hear what Theo has to say.

"Riddle, it's Maria. Somethings wrong with her" he told me out of breath from running through tall the corridors to reach him.

Mattheo didn't need to hear the rest of his sentence, he was already running to the hospital wing. Many thoughts were running through this head. He didn't want any of them to be true. He thought the worst but wouldn't want to believe that it could be her last moment in this world. He ran even faster as he was thinking. He had to push many students out of the way and they all looked at him weirdly. He didn't care at all, all he cared about was Maria, his Maria. The person who own his heart.

About three minutes later, he finally arrived to the infirmary running out of breath. He tried to enter the hospital wing but two nurses were keeping him form entering. He was yelling at them to let him in but they refused as they knew that he cared a lot about Maria and he could react badly if he saw her in this condition. He could hear people speaking loudly at the back of the hospital wing. They were all panicking and that made him want to go inside even more. He had to be there for her . He promised...

"LET ME IN!" he yelled looking at where Maria could be.

"Mr. Riddle, you know we cannot allow you to enter" the nurse responded calmly as she struggled to keep him out of the hospital wing.

"You better let me in because I swear if you don't, I will fucking kill you!" He spoke in a loud and intimidating voice as he finally looked at them into their eyes. They both gulped as the words that were spoken kinda scared them.

"Please...please" he was now talking in a lower voice while begging for them to let him go see he love one. Tears were forming into his eyes desperate to be by Maria's side.

"Fine..." one of them spoke as both of them were moving out of his way to let him go.

As soon as he heard her say "fine", he immediately ran into the place and went straight to where Maria was when he left. He felt so guilty for leaving her side. He knew he shouldn't have leave her but he knew that she was with Theo. What If she was completely alone? She
Would've die alone and in the dark. That thought made him even more mad at himself for leaving her.

Four doctors were around the small girl. No one knew what was happening. They never saw something like this but they knew that if they didn't do something to help her, she could die. All their brains were trying to find something that could help the situation. They were checking all her body to see where it could've caused this but nothing was showing. He heart was beating at and irregular pace. Her eyelids were moving as if she was trying to open her eyes but she couldn't.

Suddenly her nose started bleeding form both nostrils. It was black blood. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably.

"Ok prepare yourself to do an intensive car" one of the doctor finally spoke as he notice that they were slowly loosing her.

The black blood was now escaping her mouth as well. The doctors eyes widened as they saw the dark blood coming out of her mouth.

Mattheo finally arrived where the catastrophe was happening. As soon as he saw Maria's condition, his eyes widened and he placed a hand over his mouth as he didn't believe what was happening. He didn't want it to be over yet. He didn't want to life to come to an end. He was hoping for her eyes to open. He was even hoping for his own eyes to open and realize it was only a nightmare and Maria was sleeping peacefully nest to him...but that Is not the reality. At least not his reality...

"What are you doing? Help her!" He yelled at the four doctors. They didn't even notice that he was there before he speak.

"Who let him in?" One of the asked to no one in particular.

He was silently crying as he watched what was happening. He was traumatized. He never thought something like that could happen. All he wanted was to see her beautiful chocolate eyes one more time. And he wanted to see her cheeks rise as she smile at him. What he would do to see her smile one more time.

One of the nurse in the area was dragging him out of place where his worst nightmare was happening, pulling him out of his trance.

"No no no no, i wanna be with her. Let me be by her side. I PROMISED." he cried out to the lady that took him out of the room.

"She's gonna be okay, hey! Look at me. She is a strong young women alright? She will get through this but you need to the the doctors do their job. They know what they are doing."          
She spoke calmly.

He looked at the lady that was trying to reassure him and he noticed that she was Mrs Pomfrey. He calmed down a bit by her words but he still wanted to hold her hand and tell her to wake up. Suddenly, the doctors were yelling in the small room.

"We're loosing her, get prepared to do the CPR" the voice sound like a male voice.

"C'mon were loosing her" another one spoke. When Mattheo heard that, he couldn't help but panic. That cannot be true. He cannot loose he yet. He cried even more.

Maria's heart completely stopped and their other option left was to do a defibrillation to restart her heart. So that's what they did. Every electric shock that was given by a defibrillator made Maria's chest to raise and made her coming back to life a little more.

After a couple a shocks, her heart started to beat a little. Her breathing came back to normal. She came back to life...However, her eyes didn't open. Her body was completely paralyzed and she wouldn't wake up. They didn't know for how long she was gonna stay like this but they had to know what just happened to her and why her blood was black.

Maria's POV

I was in a complete cold dark. I was terrified and didn't know what was happening. I tried to open my eyes but nothing worked, it's like my eyes lids were rocks. I could feel my heart beat getting slower and slower and I thought that was it. My time as come. You see everyone had limited time but I didn't think mine would come today.

I didn't get to live enough. I didn't say my goodbyes. I didn't kiss Mattheo goodbye and tell him i will always be with him and that I love him more than anything in this world. I didn't tell Pansy how a good friend she is and I hope the best for her. I didn't hug Draco goodbye and tell him how happy he made me. I didn't let Blaise know that I will miss his stupid jokes that he always say to make everyone laugh and smile. And finally, I didn't tell Theo how he always found a way to make my days better and how much I love him.

I simply couldn't leave just yet. I needed more time.

Then, I woke up. My eyes opened. Just not in the place where I wanted to be. I was in a dark room and I was not lied down on a hospital bed.

Where the fuck am I?

Hiiiiii, sorry for the slow update. I had a lot in mind lately. I appreciate all the love and support. Every comments that you guys leave always bring a smile to my face. I live you all and thank you for reading. Xxx

Don't forget to give your feed back for this chapter. Hi hi ❤️😘😘

Also, thank you for everyone that voted for the other chapters. I really appreciate. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 💕💕 (also sorry for the grammar mistakes xxx)

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