By _meowbear_

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"like the sun rays I will make sure to light up your world, for I will be your eternal sunshine" More

01 - The accident
02 - Life goes on
03 - Be my sunshine?
04 - Good days ahead
05 - By your side
06 - Love is sweet
07 - A new beginning
08 - Party day
09 - Fight over rights
10 - Danger everywhere
11 - Safe with me
12 - First win
13 - Failed brother
14 - Failed Brother (2)
15 - Every ending is a new beginning
16 - Finally over
17 - The new danger
19 - Let's put an end to all this
20 - The end of a tale
21 - the end of a tale (2)

18 - Tension

24 2 0
By _meowbear_

*Jimin's pov*

After the phone call I can't help but be worried, I hope everything is safe there.. I should try calling Sohee

I grab my phone from the table and dial Sohee's number.. to my relief she soon picks up

"Sohee-ah, are you alright?" "Ne oppa, Is everything okay there, you sound tensed?"

"It's... just, I got this call from the unknown number.. The person had warned me to cut off any contacts with you and your company or else I might be in danger.. they also mentioned something like this would be your last day.. so I got scared, please be safe and do inform Hoseok about this, okay?" "Yes oppa, you make sure to be safe and take care of Jisungie also"

I didn't let Ji sung to go to school today, I wouldn't want something to happen to him.. He's all I've got..



*Sohee's pov*

I called Hoseok to check on him as soon as I got the call from Jiminie oppa.. To be honest I'm scared as hell right now but I've got to stray strong for him at least..

I don't know what's going to happen but... I won't let anything hurt my dearest ones,

"Hoseok-ah, Everything's okay at work right?" "Ye, is something wrong? Do you want me to come home?"

"Aniya, It's just... Jimin oppa called and said he got a call from that person so he called to check"

"Everything's fine here, I'll finish this and head home real quick, I don't want you stay alone"

"It's okay I'll be safe here"

"Doesn't matter, I'm on my way.. open the door only when I reach okay?"

"Yes sir!" I reply with a small giggle

*Time skip*

Hoseok hasn't come home yet.. According to what he said he should've reached here by now.. He wouldn't pick up his phone also... At this point I'm beyond nervous

I'll try calling him once more.. If he doesn't answer I'll go to office

With the last bit of hope left, I dial him.. "Oh Sohee-ah, sorry my phone was in the car" "YAH! I WAS FREAKING OUT HERE, where were you?" "I... I just wanted to check up on Jimin on the way, you sound scary" he said in a low voice "Sorry, I just.. got scared for a minute" "It's alright, I was just joking, I'll be home quick"

*8 pm*

Everything's fine till now.. I hope nothing will go wrong

Hoseok made dinner today, It was his signature pasta.. It had become my favorite dish ever since he made it for the first time

We were on the bed, My head was cuddled up against his chiseled chest, It made me feel safe, Nothing bad happened and I hope it remains the same way..

All my tension had vanished the moment I got in his embrace.. My mind is peaceful as I slowly drift to sleep

A/N: The story will be ending soon :')

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