Misunderstood Darkness (Male...


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in days long past the two ancient primordials battled for total dominance over all creation these two primord... More



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3rd person POV.
Location: the South Pole

Currently in the South Pole the Empire of ice is almost ready to Launch it's a full-scale Invasion on the world plunging the world into Eternal cold the leader of the empire of ice was none other than the insane and ruthless General Esdeath on the outskirts of South Pole was none other than the darkness otherwise known as Y/n L/n right now he was standing on top of an iceberg ready to make his first move he decided that the best thing to do was to catch them by surprise so he decided to get really creative first he reached into his pocket pulled out his scroll and selected certain song that would be appropriate for this situation he wanted it to make an entrance he summoned is dark Infinity Gauntlet Y/n began to shape-shift parts of his body into powerful weaponry on his left shoulder he created a powerful shoulder-mounted Darkness Laser cannon which he called the Oblivion Canon.

(A/n): another creation of my Twisted demented little mind I took inspiration from the Spartan laser from the awesome Halo video game series.

On on his right arm he created a powerful Darkness Fusion Cannon.

(A/n): as I've said before this is a creation of my design inspiration was given to me by Megatron's powerful arm mountain Fusion Cannon.

On his right shoulder he created a shoulder-mounted disintegration Cannon which he affectionately named devastation Cannon.

(A/n): I've said this once I've said it a million times and I'm going to say it again this is another creation of my own design.

Y/n: now prepare for maximum devastation time to shoot to kill~

Y/n L/n press the play button on his scroll be turned up the volume to its maximum setting and then he put it back in his pocket.

He then began charging up his weapons in the core of the Oblivion Cannon a charge began to build to critical levels between the claws of the devastation Cannon a ball of red and violet energy began to grow until it reached critical mass is dark Fusion Cannon begin charging eventually all three of his powerful weapons were fully charged all of them being powered by the unlimited power of the Power Stone.

Y/n: FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(A/N): I'm terribly sorry about this but I just have to~

(A/n): please forgive me for wasting 58 seconds of your life I saw an opportunity and I just had to take a slam dunk I do not own the video you just saw so please do not sue and or report me.

He fired all three of his powerful weapons the three blasts combined together creating an intensely powerful blast once it finally hit it's Target a blast of Epic Proportions exploded consuming at least 75% of the ice Warriors the remaining 25% were severely damaged.

Y/n: WHOA!!!!

Y/n L/n smiled dispelled his weaponry except for the dark Infinity Gauntlet he then immediately channeled the power of the Power Stone and took off into the air he then began rocketing towards the ground once he hit the ground he then smashed and completely annihilated another 10% of the ice Warriors but there were still hundreds left Y/n L/n immediately channel's the power of the Power Stone again he lifted his fist up into the air and immediately punched the ground releasing a huge shock wave of destructive purple energy completely shattering the remaining ice Warriors to pieces now that all of the ice warriors were destroyed all that remained was the General herself Y/n L/n looked upon the ice Fortress and immediately started running towards the ice Fortress at high speed.

(A/n): CUT THE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!

Esdeath POV.
Location: Fortress of ice the South Pole

Currently the general of the empire of ice is sitting on her throne she is almost ready to launch a full-scale Invasion all the rest of the world and plunge this world into Eternal cold but world domination was not her true intention she wanted to find the man who would complete her she wanted to find her true love the true love she's been looking for all her life even with nearly demigod like powers it didn't matter because she had no one to share her life with she was absolutely lonely and miserable ever since she unlocked Her Sacred gear she realized the truth of the world and that was survival of the fittest she sat in her throne thinking about what the man of her dreams would look like and how they would do everything together how they would hunt monsters together how they would enjoy each other's company and how they would consummate they're Union eventually the Blissful cold and the solemn silence was broken by The faint Sound of Music.

Esdeath: what is that music? where is it coming from?

Esdeath got up from her throne and made her way onto the balcony overlooking her Empire of ice and snow she looked out at the Horizon where the source of the music was coming from she saw a small black silhouette And she saw a strange glow emanating from the Black silhouette she felt incredible power building to insane levels eventually she heard a multitude of bangs she looked out and she noticed something rocketing towards her Warriors of ice she immediately realize what it was it was some sort of attack she jumped back away from the balcony and then she felt the massive explosion the explosion sounded so loud that it was nearly deafening there was a flash of blinding light and her ice Fortress started shaking violently she looked out of her balcony again as soon as the dust cleared she saw what remained of her Army all that remained was a good at 25% hundreds of ice Warriors remained the other 75% were completely vaporized.

Esdeath: that power that ungodly power what could have done that?!?!?!?

She then noticed what looked like a falling purple star it landed in the center of her remaining ice Warriors smashing a good portion of them she then saw the silhouette from before but you can make out more details she saw that it was wearing all black it was a male and it was the same playing the music.

Esdeath: how interesting I've never seen someone with such ungodly power let's see if he can meet my other requirements~

Esdeath immediately went back to her throne and sat down in her throne and she waited for this strange individual to invade her Fortress.

3rd person POV.
Location: the ice Fortress the South Pole

Y/n L/n finally arrived at the ice Fortress he raised his left hand and without a hint of hesitation he blasted the doors to the ice Fortress off their hinges he then entered the ice Fortress she had long blue hair she was wearing a white and black General's outfit she had Icy Blue Eyes she had a sword in a sheath attached to her belt and she had pale skin to say that she was beautiful is an understatement she was drop-dead gorgeous.

Y/n: so you must be Esdeath?

Esdeath: I am and who might you be?

Y/n: my name is Y/n L/n I'm from The New Age Academy I am here to bring you back to the new age Academy for trial and Punishment.

Esdeath: and what is it that I have done that deserves punishment?

Y/n: multiple counts of Murder in the first and second degree you have terrorized innocent people and you were planning on launching a full-scale Invasion on the world.

Esdeath: don't you know the truth of the world if they are a week they deserve to die my masters taught me everything they knew and they had become weak so I proved my superiority and killed them.

Y/n: you are wrong it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak!!!

Esdeath: you are powerful I will admit but compared to me you are inferior and for attacking me I sentence you to death!

Esdeath unsheathed her sword and immediately got ready for the fight of her life.

Y/n: please put down your weapon I do not wish to harm you but I cannot allow you to continue harming innocent people because of a cold-hearted philosophy.

Esdeath: if you want me to come with you then you're going to have to defeat me!

Y/n: please I'm only giving you one more chance put away your weapons and come with me I truly do not wish to harm you!

Esdeath: your weakness shall be your downfall!!!

Y/n: then you leave me no choice I'm sorry it had to come to this but you left me no other choice.

Y/n cut the palm of his right hand he once again created a black blood katana just like he did when he fought Raven he grabbed the Katana with his Gauntlet hand immediately the blade of the sword bursted into purple flames signaling that it was now channelling the power of the Power Stone Y/n L/n got into a combat stance and got ready to attack his enemy the two of them charged at each other with they're swords held at the ready their blades immediately clogged with each other the power of their willpower created a concussive shock wave so powerful that it actually caused the entire Fortress of ice to shatter into pieces the two of them jumped away from each other and immediately started cutting the pieces of the destroyed Fortress once the last of the destroyed ice Fortress was destroyed the two of them charged at each other again and they started hacking and slashing at each other one of them was aiming to kill the other was trying to incapacitate the other you can guess who was who eventually the two of them entered a bladelock both of them trying to dominate one another in the bladelock but unfortunately both of them were far too powerful or at least so it appeared in reality Y/n L/n was holding back only using 3% of its full power he wasn't even using the power of the Power Stone that much he was only using a small sliver of its power and he was channeling it through his sword if he went up to 5% or above he could have easily ended this fight in a matter of seconds but he wanted to prove his superiority and he didn't want to kill her he just wanted to knock her out eventually the two of them we're knock-back by the force of the blade lock two of them jumped into the air towards each other and they started hacking and slashing at each other while they were defending towards the ground before they hit the ground they jumped away from each other and the two of them started launching attacks against each other Esdeath started creating an entire plethora of Sharp icicles she then launched the deadly icicles at Y/n L/n but before they could hit him he teleported using the power of the Space Stone Esdeath was confused by this turn of events.

Esdeath: where did he go? Where did he go?

Y/n: right behind you~

Before she knew what happened she received a swift kick to the spine causing her to spit up some saliva and it sent her flying clear across the battlefield Y/n L/n once again teleported but this time he teleported right in front of her before she could hit anything he then kicked her once again sending her flying in another Direction once again he teleported right into her past and kicked her in another Direction he repeated this process over and over and over and over again and again and again and again until eventually Esdeath became enraged by this repetition and the pain she was feeling she was then kicked back down to the ground she hit the ground with such phenomenal force that she created a crater with her body she stood up and immediately pulled out her trump card.

Esdeath: ENOUGH!!!!!!!

Esdeath activated her trump card that being the ability to completely freeze time using her sacred gear this trump card was the power of her balance breaker everything around her was totally Frozen she made her way over to Y/n L/n she looked upon him and actually smiled.

Esdeath: you're extremely powerful but against my balance breaker trump card you are still my inferior I'm so sorry it had to end this way but you are weak I am strong and because you are weak you deserve nothing more than to die!

Esdeath held her sword high and got ready to decapitate the person who had caused her so much physical pain she then swung her sword before you could touch him the purple stone in his black gauntlet glowed bright and he began to move again he grabbed the blade of her sword and smiled he smiled his innocent beautiful happy-go-lucky smile.

Y/n: I'm sorry to say this but my power far exceeds your own and power cancels out Power so I'm going to have to end this now I'm really sorry if this hurts but you kind of brought it on yourself.

Y/n L/n used his raw strength to snap the blade of the sword in half he dropped the broken part of the blade on the ground and proceeded to stomp on it completely shattering it like glass All That Remains of it was shards of broken metal Esdeath was so terrified she dropped the reminder for sword and started to back up soon enough time resumed her balance breaker finally gave out and now she was completely defenseless before she could use any of her ice powers to defend herself Y/n L/n vanished Into Thin Air she looked around but before she could have do anything she felt a great pain on the back of her neck and everything went black Y/n L/n had karate chopped her in the back of the neck knocking her clean out he caught her body before she could hit the ground.

Y/n: I know there's good inside of you it's just buried under all that ice I hope you can see that one day.

Y/n L/n picked her up Bridal Style he looked upon all the damage he had caused he immediately summoned his three barreled 5-setting blaster which he started calling the element blaster he said it to ice mode and then he channeled the power of the Power Stone he fired a pure blast of Ice energy and then he repaired all the damage he had caused once all of the damage was repaired he dispelled the element blaster and then he proceeded to channel the power of the space Stone to return to the new age Academy once he reappeared at the new age Academy more specifically he had reappeared in the headmaster's office.

Ozpin: Y/n L/n I see your mission was a success.

Y/n: it wasn't just a normal success it was a perfect success.

The director: we are so glad to hear that now that you have Esdeath in custody we must take her to the dungeon and make sure that she doesn't get out until she can receive a fair trial.

Y/n: sounds good to me.

With that said both the director and Ozpin grabbed Esdeath by the arms and proceeded to drag her unconscious body if down to the dungeon where they made sure to restrain her in special restraints that canceled out the power for sacred gear so that she could not break out using her powers.

Y/n: well now that that matter is resolved I'm going back to my dorm so that I can relax I've had a long day and I think I deserve some rest.

Lord Gremory: oh before you go I received a package from the house of Phoenix.

Y/n: damn that was fast!

Y/n L/n took the box from Lord Gremory she looked upon the wooden box and he saw the Insignia of the House of Phoenix branded on the top of the box he opened the box and he saw something amazing he saw a set of evil pieces but they were not normal evil pieces they were mutated evil pieces.

Lord Gremory looked in the box and he was amazed at what he saw.

Lord Gremory: how impressive a set of mutated evil pieces I must say I am quite amazed I never thought I'd see the day when I see a full set of mutated pieces.

Y/n: you think this is impressive you should see what I'm going to do to them~

Y/n L/n closed the box and closed the latch locking the Box.

Y/n: if you need me I'm going to be in the science department I need to start working on a very powerful science project.

Y/n L/n made his way to the science department he immediately put on a pair of goggles and he put on a pair of rubber gloves he was going to be conducting some very powerful experiments and he needed to make sure that he was perfectly safe.

Y/n: time to get mathematical in this bitch~

Y/n L/n started conducting some very powerful experiments extracting a few pints of his black blood and he began to use his powers to create a powerful machine he was going to make these mutated pieces truly his own.

(A/n): (WORD COUNT 3008)

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