Ride or Die | Dabi x Reader

By godmanjiro

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"I'm a bad person. Does that make a difference?" - Meeting someone who was severely injured in the pouring... More



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By godmanjiro

I had never noticed it before.

Maybe it was because every single one of my senses were on high alert, but the room had a slight scent of mildew creeping through the air. I wondered if it had been like that every time I was here but I was too caught up in other things to notice.

I don't know why it's catching my attention now.

Sitting on the edge of the couch with Toga, Dabi slouched against the wall in his normal spot, all of our eyes followed Shigaraki as he paced back and forth.

Today was the day.

With how stressed he seemed about the exchange with Monoma, it seemed he hadn't caught on to our plan. But every single person in this room was holding their breath.

Rambling out loud Shigaraki spoke, "...and if for some reason he pulls some shit and says this isn't enough?" he laughed, "I'll wrap my hand around his neck and turn him to dust in an instant. I'm tired of waiting."

"I'm sure that won't be a problem, he wants this money." Kurogiri insisted while standing behind the bar.

I could feel myself zoning in and out as they spoke to each other. The only thing catching my attention was the mildew smell.

"And what if it's a set up?" Shigaraki blurted, stopping his pacing.

My eyes widened but I didn't move a muscle. It was almost like I could hear everyone's heartbeats in the room.

My mouth moved before my brain could process my words, "Why would he set you up? You guys have been planning this for so long. Plus it would just get him arrested too."

Shigaraki stared at me intensely for a moment.

I kept eye contact praying he couldn't tell I was lying.

Finally he went back to pacing, "Well he isn't touching me no one else gets to have this quirk or ..."

I internally exhaled and I could feel Dabi and Toga looking at me. I somehow did it.

That was too close.

"Alright Tomura, it's time for you to go." Kurogiri stated, "The briefcase with the cash is already in the trunk."

Shigaraki stopped pacing and looked at all of us with a big smile, "This is it guys. We finally will become the most powerful group of villains. All thanks to me."

I gave you the money but okay.

Toga began bouncing up and down on the sofa, "I can't wait to try these pills out! You all better watch out I'll probably use them on you." She giggled.

Perfect acting.

Shigaraki frowned as he headed out the door, "You know the rules you stupid blonde. No one gets my quirk except me. So don't get any ideas." He paused and aggressively pressed his fist into Dabi's shoulder, "You either, pet."

I could see Dabi's hands redden as he got angry but he kept a straight face and continued looking forward.

With one last wave Shigaraki grinned his terrifying wicked smile and stepped out of the room, "See you guys shortly."

Kurogiri followed after him outside.

The door shut and we all sat in dead silence. Not even our breaths could be heard. We all listened and waited for the car to drive off.

Once he left we only had so much time to escape before Shigaraki would get caught and expose all of us. He would take each and every one of us down with him.

The mildew smell grew stronger. I was ready to never be in this room again.

My nails dug into the palm of my hands and my heart was banging against my rib cage. So much could go wrong.

But this time I had to trust the heroes.

I had to trust Shoto.

The door opened and all of us jumped. Kurogiri's figure walked in and hurriedly spoke.

"He's gone. It's time. Go now."

We all sat up and rushed out the door. I paused before leaving, stopping to talk to Kurogiri.

"Thank you for your help. What are you going to do?"

A small chuckle came from him, "I have some friends in the underground that can keep me hidden for awhile until things blow over. Once it's safe, I'll find a new group to join. One with a more stable leader.. Don't you worry about me."

I took another step forward but my eyes widened, "And what about Twice?"

"He left the country a couple days ago. Since he doesn't live here Tomura wouldn't be suspicious. _____, we are all going to be okay. Just get on that boat."

I nodded and thanked him again, headed out towards Dabi's car. Toga joined in the back seat, we needed her help to get on the boat and she wanted to say goodbye as last minute as she could.

Hopping in the passenger seat I looked around and noticed Dabi wasn't in the car or outside.

"Where did he go?" I asked Toga looking back.

She shrugged, "I think I saw him rush back inside the hideout."

Checking my phone I felt a bit panicked. We didn't have a lot of time until Shigaraki arrived at the set up. I looked back towards the door and finally saw my boyfriend coming out, a large duffel bag hanging from his shoulder. He opened the trunk and put the item in. The car shaking as it plopped down.

Dabi got in the driver's seat and backed out of the alleyway, not saying anything about what he just did. I didn't ask. Too stressed about time.

I opened my GPS app, "You know where we are going right?"

"Uh I thi—"

"I do! I do!" Toga interjected, "This is where I usually get my civilian blood from. The workers from this dock at night. I dress up kinda fancy and they think I'm a pretty vampire or something." She laughed and pointed which road to take.

Dabi and I shrugged and followed her directions to the dock.

Seiko was to meet us there with my animals and some clothes they packed for our long journey. It was also our time to say our final goodbye. At least for awhile.

"Next exit on the right." Toga stated, leaning up with us over the center console.

"Actually can you stop somewhere real quick?" I asked in a nervous tone, trying to cover it up but miserably failing.

Both Dabi and Toga looked at me confused, "Babe we barely have any time—"

I nodded "I know, I know. But it's important and on the way."

My boyfriend sighed and asked where, Toga finally leaning back and sitting down in her seat.

What Dabi didn't know was I had told Shoto we'd bring him along with us to the boat docks. I promised him he could see his brother one more time and I was going to stick by that.

"A soba restaurant?"

I rolled my window down and waved him towards the car. I could see his peppermint hair vaguely inside the restaurants giant windows.

"If you were hungry we could've just—"

My head swiveled towards the black haired man and I gave him a strained smile, "—Dabs, can you just... shut up a sec. Please."

He chuckled from my snappy remark and put his hands up defensively, then pulled out his new phone to scroll through it, "Understood."

I turned back towards the restaurant and saw Shoto walking out towards us. I noticed he had a bag in his hand. He gave me a little smile and lifted his hand to wave.

"Hey!" I said excitedly, getting out of the vehicle, "It's so good to see you."

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as a greeting. It must've caught him by surprise because he didn't wrap his free arm around me for at least a few seconds.

I wonder if he's being cautious of his brother.

"Uhm, yeah you too."

"Okay we really need to go." I looked down at my also new phone, "I'll sit in the back."

"Oh are you sur—"

Before Shoto could argue about sitting in the front, I climbed in the back with Toga, asking her to scoot over so I could be in the middle.

Dabi's eyes were like daggers piercing through my skull as I finally looked at him. I just smiled back at him, knowing he'd get over it eventually.

The passenger door opened and Shoto hesitantly sat down, not really making eye contact with his brother.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Dabi asked severely annoyed.

I gently smacked his arm with the back of my hand, wishing his greetings weren't so... Dabi.

Shoto pulled out a metal box with an antenna out of the bag and placed it on his lap, still not saying anything.

"He brought a police scanner to tell us how it goes down," I furrowed my brows, "and he's your brother."

My boyfriend groaned and started up the car, getting ready to get back on the street and head towards the docks again.

"Hi! I'm Toga." Toga greeted cheerfully, reaching her hand out to shake Shoto's, "You're very handsome."

Shoto reached back and shook her hand firmly, "Oh uh, thank you. I'm Todoroki. You too." He replied somewhat awkwardly.

Toga giggled and went back to looking out to window. She had given us enough directions where Dabi knew how to get there.

"So you gonna turn it on?" Dabi motioned to the box on Shoto's lap.

It was almost like his brother speaking to him shocked him, the little jump he did in his seat, "Right. Sorry."

I wanted to strangle Dabi.

But I decided to let it be.

After pressing a few buttons and turning a few knobs, Shoto had turned on the police scanner. A staticky sound coming through the portable box.

"Is it even going to work. How do I know—" Dabi began but was quickly cut off when voices came through the scanner.

"Target has not yet arrived.... Monoma is in place. Will update when we have further news."

Shoto looked to Dabi with a hopeful face, almost as if he was looking for approval. The black haired man stayed staring forward as he drove, us almost at the docks.

"Well it's good we still have time." He mumbled.

I sighed and touched Shoto's shoulder, "Thank you for bringing that with you. I know that can get you in a lot of trouble, but it really helps us out."

He shrugged, "No big deal. Even if they caught me sneaking it out they wouldn't question it. I'm the son of En—" He abruptly stopped speaking, both brother's looking at each other, "Basically I have insurance." He coughed and cleared his throat.

I waited for Dabi to snap but he didn't. He just looked forward again and kept driving. Toga leaned against me and rested her head on my shoulder, grabbing my hand.

"I'm gonna miss you. Promise to call often, okay?" She said quietly.

I put my other hand on top of hers, "Of course I will. I've got your new number memorized."

She looked up at me bright eyed, "Really?!"

I nodded and repeated her phone number to her. Her smile only getting wider. She side hugged me and I hugged her back.

Sure Toga was a little intense but for the most part she had good intentions.

We were just a few turns away from the docks.

The police scanner began making noise again and we all got super silent to listen in, Shoto adjusting the antenna to make sure it came in clear.

"Target has arrived. Five heroes on the scene and police units ready to take action. Stand by."

Dabi pulled into the parking lot but we all stayed in the car, waiting to see the fate of Tomura Shigaraki.

"He's walking in, briefcase in hand. No one has been spotted yet.... He's inside. Unit Four we need your eyes now."

A different, much more hushed voice came through, "Unit One this is Unit Four. Are you sure he made it inside? We don't see him in the first hallway."

"Yes that's affirmative."

"Unit One there's still no sight of—"

There was a slight muffled noise and then the sound got cut off. Everyone in the car looked at each other confused. I could feel my heart start to race, something was off.

Static came through again and my eyes widened with fear from the voice I heard coming through the police scanner.

"Ahem. Unit Four is uh, no more." There was croaky laughter, "Tell your window lookout they need to hide better because wow that was obvious. Is Monoma even here?... Doesn't matter I guess. Come after me fuckers and die like your squad did."

"Holy fuck." Dabi blurted, starting to get out of the car, "We need to get out of here. He's going to escape."

Shoto grabbed his arm before he could get out, "Wait. Even if he's a piece of shit, our father is there. I believe he will catch him. We should be sure before you leave."

Dabi looked down at where his brother was touching him and closed the car door, "Fine. But the second this gets even worse, I'm taking ____ out of here."

"They're going to switch frequencies so Shigaraki can't listen in. I think I know which one they'll go to." Shoto stated, turning the knob around.

"..bring in the heroes! Unit Three has also been eliminated. The target is hostile and using his quirk. I repeat Tomura Shigaraki is killing with his quir—Oh fuck! I see him. He's on the second flo—"


"Fuck this." Dabi stated again but I grabbed his arm.

This has to work. Please catch him.

"..This is the last of Unit Five. I'm hiding in an office like a coward on the second floor... I can hear his footsteps... I'm not ready to die." The voice cried, "It just got really hot in here. Wait! I know that voice."

All of us stared at that box like our lives depended on it, and to be honest they did. There was more muffling sounds and then a large creak.

"It's Endeavor! He's fighting Shigaraki!" The police man cheered through the walkie talkie.

I looked over at my boyfriend, his muscles were tense and his jaw was clenched. Just the mention of his father, as always, making him livid. I was surprised he didn't go off on Shoto moments ago.

My gaze turned to Shoto who looked incredibly nervous.

This could go very very wrong.

"Maybe we should turn this off and wait—"

"He got him! All heroes and left over units make your way to the second floor with the hand restrictions. Shigaraki has been pinned down to the ground and isn't moving!"

"Woo hoo!" Toga cheered, throwing her fist up in the air.

All of us still sat and waited. It wasn't over until those hands were covered.

A deep booming voice came from the police scanner this time, "Tomura Shigaraki has been captured. Hand restrictions are on."

By the way Shoto and Dabi looked at each other, that told me it was their father's voice. Shoto was about to speak when a scratchy voice began shouting from the police scanner.

"They set me up! Those mother fuckers! All of them! I'll tell you where they are—"

Shoto abruptly shut off the device and set it down, "Now you should go."

With a quick nod from all of us, we got out of the car. Dabi went to the trunk and grabbed the duffel bag out before handing the keys to Toga.

I hugged Shoto again, thanking him for his help. He insisted it was no big deal. After our brief goodbye, both of us turned to his brother, who was awkwardly just standing there.

I stepped up to him, "Please... go say something."

He shut his eyes closed tightly then exhaled heavily out his nose before walking past me and approaching his younger sibling.

I took a few more steps away to give them some space but I couldn't help but eavesdrop a little. Dabi would never tell me what he said to Shoto, especially if it was any sort of soft goodbye. Although I highly doubted that.

"You uh... you did good." Dabi cleared his throat, "Thanks for helping ____ and I."

I glanced over at them quickly to see Dabi ruffling up Shoto's hair. A small but genuine smile plastered on the peppermint boy's face as he looked down.

"Anytime Touya. Really."

My boyfriend gave a quick nod then shoved his hands in his front pockets, "Well we gotta go now. You should probably get out of here. You stick out like a sore thumb... I'll see you around."

It was like that last sentence was all Shoto wanted to hear. Reassurance he would see his big brother again. His eyes lit up and a bright smile spread across his face.

"Right." I could hear the happiness in his voice, "I'll walk down a couple blocks and get a ride from a friend." He paused and waved before leaving, "See you guys around."

I was about to say something to Dabi about how proud of him I was when a familiar car pulled up next to us in the parking lot.

The car window rolled down and they pulled down their sunglasses, "I have a delivery for two criminals."

"Seiko!" I exclaimed, running up to the window.

"Hey babes. Kenma and Suki are in the back, let's get them out." They stated, smiling with their fangs before hopping out of their car.

After getting both pets out and rolling them in their kennels, I gave a long hug to my best friend. Dabi having to practically peel me off of them because we needed to leave.

"Okay, come on Toga let's head down to the spot you talked about." My boyfriend stated.

But before we could walk away Seiko grabbed Dabi's wrist and pulled him close to them, whispering something in his ear. I had never seen it before but Dabi's face turned a slight red, looking embarrassed. Seiko smirked and patted him on the shoulder.

"Call me when you get to shitty America. Love you." They called out before getting back in their car.

"Will do. Love you more." I replied, trying not to cry.

Dabi still looked out of it as we followed Toga. I wanted to ask him what Seiko said but I doubted he would tell me, so I let it be.

The strong smell of salt from the ocean filled my nose as we approached the sea. I held Kenma in my arms along with a small suitcase and Dabi rolled Suki and held the duffel bag on his shoulder. Most of everything we needed would already be on the cargo ship.

Toga led us to a small corner near the boats but where none of the workers could see us.

"You have the pills Monoma gave you still, right?" She asked, searching through her little backpack.

I slid my hand into my pocket and pulled out the tiny plastic bag of pills. The thought of them still made me nervous. They could easily be fake or do something awful to my body, but I had to trust them to get on this ship.

"Yeah. Do you have the blood?"

She gave a solid nod, pulling out two glass tubes with blood in them and shaking them a bit.

I looked to my boyfriend as we each pulled out a pill. These pills would hopefully allow us to use Toga's quirk for a short amount of time and we could disguise ourselves and get on that cargo ship no problem.

After a deep breath we each swallowed it and touched our blonde friend.

"I don't feel any different." I stated.

"Me either."

"Well now it's time for the real test. Time to take in some blood." Toga smiled.

Both Dabi and I grimaced but followed Toga's instructions.

Before we knew it we were completely different people. I had a beer belly and no hair and Dabi had a long beard and braid. We looked at each other amazed and a little weirded out.

I stripped off my shirt but stayed in my jeans and Dabi kept his normal clothes on. Apparently this was the blood of some of the night workers from the dock.

"Go on, go on. We don't know how long this actually lasts." Toga rushed.

I gave her a big tight hug reminding her I'd call her often and thanking her. She forced Dabi to hug her back after throwing herself on him, he gave in, patting her head.

"Now get on that ship."

Both Dabi and I headed down a ramp towards a giant boat full of cargo. There were a handful of workers and people doing their jobs but no one seemed to pay any mind to us.

We found a way up on to the ship and got on. Dabi remembering the exact crate that was filled with our stuff for the long trip ahead.

After opening the crate I gasped, it was adorable and home-y. Like a tiny apartment. No windows, but we could make do.

"Let's settle in."

We stayed in the crate until the ship set sail. We figured they wouldn't kick us off board once we were on the open water. The boat was so big no one would really get in our way anyways.

The pills only lasted about thirty minutes. I was grateful to be back in my own body and see Dabi in his after we were safe.

"Let's watch the sunset." I suggested.

"Yeah, sure."

We closed the crate door behind us, not wanting our pets to get out and headed towards the edge of the boat.

A slight breeze blew in my face and gave me chills. Dabi took off his sweater and put it on me.

"Thank you." I smiled, leaning up to give him a kiss.

He cupped his hand around my jaw falling into the kiss himself. It was almost like both of us were in a state of relief.

We made it.

After so much stress and danger we made it to where we needed to be. On our way to our new lives. I was leaving everything behind, but I knew a long time ago that I was willing to do that for this man.

I suddenly remembered something.

"Oh hey, what was in that duffel bag?" I asked pressing my body against his.

Dabi wrapped his arm around my waist and laughed a bit, "A shit ton of money. It was the League's backup in case of an emergency. I figured it would just go to waste now so..."

I laughed with him and watched the orange and pink colors in the sky shift as the sun set, "You're smarter than you look."

"That's offensive." He jabbed my side, causing me to yelp and giggle, "But I wanted to ensure a good future for you in our new home."

I sighed and leaned my head against his chest, "Our new home. I like the sound of that."

Dabi kissed the top of my head, "Me too baby. Me too."

— — —

Author's Note:
This isn't the last chapter !!! One more !!
Also this was long as hell damn.

I'll try to update the last one faster ahhhhh.

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