That 000000 & ffffff || Matty...

By secularsaviour

307K 6.9K 2.7K

Fan fiction // Matty Healy The 1975 // Book 1 // "We're not a love story, darling, we're a cautionary tale." ... More

And This is how it Starts
Get in the Shower if it all Goes Wrong
She's got a Boyfriend Anyway
Broken Phone, Retching on the Floor
There's Something Different about your Mouth
She Can't Be What You Need If She's Seventeen
It Takes A Bit More
Girl, I'm Not Your Savior
I Don't Want To Be Your Friend, I Want To Kiss Your Neck
Don't You Mind?
Babe, You Look So Cool
So Fixated on the Girl with the Soft Sound
I Like The Way That Your Face Looks When You're Yapping On About Him
Telephone you
Nice to Have Your Friends 'Round
You Know He Likes To Get Blown
I'd be an Anchor but I'm Scared You'll Drown
I Could Hear You Giving Her Head
Never Gonna Lie to You
The Bleeding's Incidental
And You're A Liar At Least All Of Your Friends Are
It's Alright, It's Alright, Baby
Settle Down
I Like it When you Stroke me
Yeah, I Want You
That's Why I'm Not Asleep Right Now
Breaking Hearts
Blood Is On Your Tongue As Well As Your Hands
Avoiding Me And Walking Around You
You're Cold And I Burn
Told You From The Start
If My Heart Stops Beating
I Was Late But I Arrived
You're Alive, At Least As Far As I Can Tell You Are
For You Babe It's An Anobrain
Worrying About My Brother Finding Out
It's My Party And I'll Cry To The End
For Crying Out Loud
You Opiate This Hazy Head Of Mine
Is It The Same For You?
Eighteen, B*tch
On The Verge Of Passing Out
She Had A Face Straight Out A Magazine
The Way He Talks
Don't Smoke All My Weed
Where's The Fun In Doing What You're Told?
Pushing Out Babies Now

Your Kitchen Full Of Popstars

5.4K 109 76
By secularsaviour

/ / Y O U R K I T C H E N F U L L O F P O P S T A R S / /

"You're avoiding Grammy," Jamie accuses when I open the door to my apartment. I haven't been in here for a while now, but I'm surprised to note that nothing has changed. I somehow envisioned charred up furniture and soot on the walls. Anna is the safest pyromaniac I know, but granted, she's the only pyromaniac I know and sometimes the kitchen curtains get set on fire.

"Am not," I mumble childishly, fixing my new set of bangs distractedly. I totally am. I haven't spoken to her when I came out of the hospital; I hardly waved and trudged up to my room. She didn't live too far away but she was always a busy body. I hadn't expected her to say anything to me, and she's lived up to it. She was only there to babysit Ari. I'm sure my dads had told her the gist of the situation, but I'm also sure she believes that some way or the other, I ultimately deserved it.

Anna chuckles, coming out of the kitchen while mixing a big bowl of frosting. "Are too," she says in a singsong voice. "Welcome home, baby!"

I roll my eyes, tugging off my shoes and bounding to the sofa, flopping down nest to Jamie. He had been texting, so he presses the lock on his phone then tosses it to the side, opening his arm for me to nestle in. "Why are you avoiding Grammy?" I roll my eyes like he does t already know anyways. My grandmother was not the easiest or nicest person. God fearing and all, she might not make it to the pearly gates.

I lay my head on Jamie's lap and he places his arm around me. I lift my shirt up, making light of the situation, "Look, I've got battle scars."

"Does it hurt?" Jamie asks quietly, his fingers twitching lightly and then he places the tip of his pointer finger to the pink scar on the side of my pelvis that dips into my pants.

I watch him tread carefully, "Not anymore."

"So... Grammy?"

I pout, giving in, "I don't know, I just don't want her to interrogate me and secretly belittle me. She's only just accepted Papa being gay —sort of; I know she's going to talk some shit about me being improper and...sinful. Besides, I haven't been going to church since I met Matty, I'm sure she's noticed. She'll probably tell me the whole...pregnancy was God's punishment for me or some shit."

"Yeah," Anna mutters from the kitchen, "Grammy's a right bitch. She thinks we're out here having orgies daily, you know that, Jamie." I've never been close with Grammy; she was keen on abandoning Papa after finding out about his sexuality. She had mentioned something about God being forgiving, so that might be the only reason she occasionally calls. She wasn't the type of grandma to bake cookies and tell me embarrassing stories about my parents; she was one to have me in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning or at Bible study interpreting the word of God. She didn't like my friends, they were too open with their sexuality, they were living in sin and they were belligerent. Blah blah blah.

Jamie wrinkles his nose, "I thought she was being more open, damn, sue me for being curious."

"You're not usually curious," I say thoughtfully.

"I am," he admits, "I'm just too lazy to ask, usually. Besides, you tell me eventually."

"Hey," Anna calls from the kitchen, "Is she coming to your birthday dinner?"

I think my heart actually stopped at the mention of her being there. "I hope not," I mutter, because, Matty will be there. Someone whose life is devoted to the word of God and someone who doesn't even believe in his existence. I know Matty is petulant and outspoken about it, I know he won't outright point out things that are scientifically plausible rather than spiritually plausible - he'll keep it in, maybe stifle some laughter, but he won't be ignorant to someone else's personal belief. Grammy on the other hand, she would provoke the hell out of him, and I don't want there to be strife the day they meet.


"You cut bangs," George points out the moment he enters my flat. Anna is placing cupcakes around a display and Jamie is setting up our TV for the movies.

Matty rolls his eyes, pushing past George and engulfing me in a tight embrace, kissing my cheeks.

"It's Halloween, G, she's the Audrey Hepburn to my James Dean," Matty explains as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I refrain from telling them that I only cut them yesterday after Ari somehow destroyed part of my hair with baby food.

"You look nice," Adam says coming into view and giving me a hug after Matty releases me.

"Thank you," I say coyly, and Matty clears his throat. I roll my eyes at him.

"The Vampire Queen," Ross exclaims, ruffling my hair, "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I say, honestly, moving aside so they all file in. I hadn't been too sure about inviting Matty's entire band but they had agreed, much to my surprise.

"Hey, I remember you," Ross says to Jamie chuckling as he takes a seat on the sofa, "Matty thought you were Marcy's boyfriend."

"And I remember you," Adam says when Anna comes out of the kitchen with a plate full of food, "You told us Marcy died when we did that interview."

I clasp my hands together, "Great reunion, lovely turn out, happy Halloween -"

"Now everybody leave so we can bone," Matty interrupts, taking a seat besides Ross and pulling me on top of him.

I gasp, appalled, trying no to think back on the time we actually did bone on this sofa. "Matty!"

"Marcy," George and Jamie mock before sharing a glance and quickly high fiving each other. Anna sets the food down on the coffee table and sits down on the love seat next to Adam. George settles beside Matty and me and Jamie throws back on the recliner.

"Since we're all here," George states, "Who knows how to roll?" he takes out a baggy and shakes it a bit.

Jamie raises his hand and George tosses it to him. When George isn't paying attention, Jamie looks at the bag in awe and stares at George with adoration. He sends me a glare when I giggle at him and I shrink back onto Matty.

Matty flicks a piece of my bangs to the side, "How are you feeling?"

I shrug; I hadn't been lying when I answered Ross earlier. "Cold," I respond. He grins and wraps his arms around me, pulling me until the tip of my nose touches his warm neck, telling me that he'll warm me up. The movie starts and I try not to actually pay attention; no matter how many times we watch Halloween, I will always get freaked out and uncomfortable.

The group talks idly among each other, passing the joint Jamie had rolled and Anna had lit, skipping me, because I'm still not over my first experience, much to everyone's amusement. When Jamie switches out the first movie for the second one and George is devouring the snacks, Ross is having an intense argument with Anna over the music score of the movies and I'm trying to explain to Adam exactly what happened with me, "I feel quite out of the loop, if I'm honest," he had explained, "But only if you're up for it, I'm not trying to pry."

"Hey, how's the baby mama," I ask after giving Adam the rundown.

"She's not naming him Yevgeny," Matty mutters.

"Hey," Jamie calls, hearing the conversation, "What about Axel?"

"Guns and Roses?" George asks. He nods, "Pretty badass, but wasn't he a bit of a dick?"

"Oh, yeah," Anna chimes in, winking at me, and I sink further into Matty, wishing that somehow his black attire would swallow me whole. "Mars was just telling us the other day, I think it's a cute name, you can convince Stefani, right Matty?"

Ross tilts his head; "Yevgeny can be the middle name if she's so keen on it."

"Isn't that a Russian name? I thought Stef was Scandinavian?" Adam asks.

"Actually, yeah," Jamie replies, halting the motion of playing the actual movie as it's still on the title menu. "But Axel is Scandinavian, Marcy thought it would be fitting."

I feel my cheeks flame up, cursing my friends for bringing this shit up. I hardly even have a right to suggest a name; I'm the girlfriend, that's all. "I'll pass it by her," Matty says, ending the conversation and we quietly resume the movie, sensing some sort of finality.

"Hey," he whispers into my ear, when my heart is pounding in anxiety for the unknowing victims of Michael Meyers.

"Hmm," I ask. I had kicked my feet on to George's legs and I'm not sure if he realizes he's massaging them, but I don't mind.

"I think this movie makes more sense when you're twisted," Jamie mumbles.

"How did it not make sense before?" Anna reaches over and slaps Jamie's arm.

"I think he's right," George agrees.

Anna rolls her eyes, and we all jump at the next scene, popcorn flying in a few places and a startled scream from one of us. Matty had been the only one not paying attention so he lets out a snicker at our reaction.

"Fuckboys everywhere," Anna mutters.

"But where are the fuckfathers?" Jamie asks ominously. We throw popcorn at him. "Hey!"

We laugh and revert back to the movie but Matty pokes at my hips and whispers again, "Hey."

"What?" I mumble.

"It's just a name, baby," it takes me a moment to realize what he's talking about and I tell him to drop it, that I'd rather not talk about it. He rolls his eyes but presses a kiss to my cheek.

"What the fuck am I doing?" George asks, when he glances down to his hands on my feet.

I pout, "No, don't stop, George."

Matty furrows his brows, smacking George's hand away from my legs, "Don't touch her," then he looks pointedly at me, "don't ever say that again."

"Say what again?" I ask confused.

Ross is the one who chuckles and in something that can pass as a moan, he mocks me, "No... don't stop...George..."

"Oh my god," I gasp, "I don't sound like that - I didn't mean it like that -I -"

Jamie throws a handful of popcorn at me, "Shut the hell up, this bitch about to die." I blink at the flakes of salt and crumbs hitting me, stunned. Matty takes popcorn that fell into my shirt and places it in his mouth, smirking up at me. Adam takes popcorn from my hair and George goes to take one from my shirt but Matty slaps his hand away.

"The fuck man, I just want some snacks."

"There's a table full of snacks," Matty points out.

"I'm more fond of Marcy's snack." He frowns and Matty gives him a look. "Wait no, that came out wrong."

"Yeah, you better fucking reiterate that, mate," Matty snarks.

Another handful of popcorn is thrown at me, "Get a fucking room, you three," Anna moans.

Matty gets up and I yelp as he takes me along, George's hands slipping from my legs. He makes a motion to get up too but Matty pushes him back down with one hand. "Noted," Matty says and Jamie hoots.

"Put me down, Matty! What are you doing?" But he's relentless, only adjusts me higher against him, my legs dangling off his arms and my hands clutching at his neck tightly.

"Getting a room," he explains and I giggle when he drops me on top of my bed, "I'm pretty fond of your snack too," he jokes.

I push him away, playfully, "Sod off, Matthew, that hardly makes sense."

He nuzzles into my neck and slides his hands up my shirt, "I missed you, Marcy."

"You saw me yesterday." He groans before nipping at my neck. My eyes flutter shut and I drag my hands to his head, raking my fingers through his hair. I pull him up, kissing his lips. "We're missing the movies," I mumble.

"He dies," Matty, murmurs into my mouth. His hands grope my breasts and I arch against him, "Then he comes back to life," He slips his fingers under my bra, pinching me lightly and my legs come to wrap around his hips. "Then kills some people and dies again, then -"

"Shut up," I beg and he chuckles, getting off of me and helping me out of my shirt.

"You look cute with your bangs," he compliments.

I blush, "Thank you."

"It's been too long for you to still be shy around me, Marceline," he tells me, shaking his head.

I push his chest and pull him closer, whispering in his ear, "I want to suck your cock, Matty." I pull away and wink, "How's that for shy?"

"Marceline," Matty groans resting his head on my shoulder. One hand holds me down by my hips, the other moves under my pants, I gasp and grip at his shoulders.

"Wait," I say, when I realize just how far he wants to take this, "Wait, Matty, stop," he pulls his hand away and looks at me startled.

His eyebrows furrow, "Shit, did I hurt you? Fuck, baby, I'm sorry." He elevates himself on his elbows and pushes my hair back.

"No, Matty, it's not's, Um, Dr. Fee- Fisher said I shouldn't have sex until my second period."

He blinks down at me, his movement stopping, "What?" He shakes his head, "I mean, no, yeah, that's understandable, I'm sorry, love. Out of curiosity; when exactly is your next period?"

I slap his shoulder, laughing a bit and say: "I'm sorry." He shrugs, bringing his hand to tug my bra down. I gasp at the suddenness of his hands engulfing my breasts.

He kisses at my neck, "We can do other things, Marcy."

I inhale sharply at his lips dragging over my skin, tongue lapping at the goosebumps, "Like what?"

He comes back up, taking my earlobe between his teeth and tugging lightly, "Let's get anal," he suggests.

"What - I will not do anal with someone who has such a slender grasp on grammar," I giggle shoving him off of me and onto the bed, then rolling on top of him, straddling my legs over his hips. I place my hands on his chest and he holds my wrist there, laughing at me.

He insists, "My slender grasp on grammar does not negate my sincerity!"

I give in a bit, "I can do things to you, if you want me to. Just gotta stay still for me," I bite my lips. He stares up at me, eyes glinting, and then he pulls my arms until I topple over him, laughing.

"I'm all yours baby," He whispers.


The third Halloween movie is starting when we walk out. George is laying on the sofa and Jamie is nearly upside down on the recliner. The doorbell rings and Matty makes his way to the kitchen where Adam, Ross and Anna are. I open the door to find a group of kids smiling up at me with their bags held open, expectantly.

"Trick-or-treat!" They exclaim. I tell them to hold on a moment because we live in an apartment complex, I hadn't been expecting kids knocking at the door tonight.

"Where's your stash?" I ask Anna frantically as I enter my kitchen full of popstars. She points to the potted tomato plant on the windowsill, eyes wide. "No, your candy stash, I meant."

"Oh," she giggles then asks, "kids at the door?" I nod my head and stand back as she rummages through the cupboards; moving aside boxed and canned goods. She hands me a container filled with candy bars.

I open it and Matty picks out the Mars Bar he spots, "Maybe we can be like Jagger and Faithful and use this -"

"No!" George yells from his spot, "No, absolutely not, I call her Mars Bar, don't you dare do the nasty with that candy bar. You're a rock star but you're not on that level yet."

"Shut the fuck up," Matty shouts back, but Ross takes the chocolate from him, opening it and splitting it with Adam.

Anna frowns, "What did Mick Jagger do with a Mars Bar?" Adam bends down and whispers in her ear, her eyes widen and I chuckle, rushing back to the kids, handing them each a chocolate bar.

"Ow," Matty yells as Anna pinches his arm.

"Healy, you're disgusting."

"It's just a rumor," I call, "No one is sure if it actually happened..."

He laughs walking out of the kitchen and falling on top of George, "I like it nasty," he shrugs, "and a bit sweet."

I shake my head shoving Jamie to make room for me on the recliner. He leans a leg on my shoulder and an arm on my leg. Anna sandwiches herself between Adam and Ross, sending Matty dirty looks.

"Aw," Jamie murmurs, "Everyone's coupled up with their baes and Anna's there pimping her boys."

George chuckles wrapping his arm around Matty and sticking his tongue out at me, "He's mine bitch." I flip him off, laughing and Anna throws her arms around Adam and Ross, giving a head nod at Jamie.

We laugh until we scream at the scene on the television, then laugh again. "Let's watch something else, I'm sick of this stupid mask," Jamie says when the movie's ended.

"Let's play a game, we can have music on - oh, lets have party," Anna says, "I've made enough food to feed a town, damn."

"An impromptu Halloween party?" Jamie asks, "It's already ten who are you gonna invite? Who the hell's even gonna show up?"

"We're not even in costume," George mumbles, rubbing at his eyes when Jamie gets up and turns a light on. He switches the movie to a music channel that's on a play-list.

"I'm good with makeup," Anna insists. She gets up, clapping excitedly, "C'mon, lets have a dance." She turns the music up and sways her hips, grabbing me from my spot and feeling me up for my phone. She sends a text to Louise and a few friends from work while simultaneously leading us into a giggle fest as our bodies move in sync. "No, this is brilliant," Anna insists, "I have a black mini in my closet, and some pearls and if I pencil in your brows, and do up your hair, then you're Audrey Hepburn. Matty can switch his shirt for a white one, grab Jamie's leather jacket, and let me muse up your hair and bam, you two are the title of a Sleeping with Sirens song." She turns to the other boys, "The three of you can be, like, snazzy zombies or something."

Before we can comment, Matty beats us to it, "I'm down."

Jamie returns from the kitchen with a few bottles, "Let's party then." Anna squeals, excitedly and leads me to her room. I notice that Jamie leans over the couch and taps Matty's back, "Can we talk?" When Matty gets up, George grabs his phone and places it on the iPod dock, killing the music and setting his own play-list. Adam gets up, reaching in his pocket for a pre-rolled joint and Ross grabs a bottle from Jamie, mixing drinks for us.

"Grammy would take me to hell herself if she saw this," I mumble.

Anna snorts, "She can keep our seats warm while she waits for us, I'm in no rush."



Any good books lately? I need something besides a textbook to read haha

Thank you always for commenting and voting and reading, I love you!

:) x

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