Sinclair (3)- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓭...

By danysdefender

10.7K 336 113

(Completed) "Think you can love me forever?" In the aftermath of Praimfaya the world must begin again. The... More

Sleeping Giants
Pandora's box
Shifting Sands
Exit wounds
Acceptable losses
How we get to peace
The Dark Year
Damocles- Part one
Damocles- Part two
Red sun rising
The children of Gabriel
The face behind the glass
The gospel of Josephine
Memento Mori
The old man and the anomaly
Ashes to Ashes
Adjustment Protocol
The blood of sanctum
False Gods
Welcome to Bardo
The Queen's Gambit
The flock
A little sacrifice
The stranger
Blood Giant
A sort of homecoming
The dying of the light
The last war
Authors thanks!!!

From the Ashes

233 7 2
By danysdefender

"Hey you." Thea said as she walked over to a table outside the farmhouse on Sanctum where James Crockett was getting some food.

James turned around, "You're still alive?" 

"Obviously. You know me" Thea said

James nodded with a smile before pulling Thea into a hug, "Sure do, it's good to see you." 

"Yeah you too." Thea said 

"Dot come on!" 

Thea turned around and saw Murphy sitting on a picnic blanket, motioning for her to come and sit with him, "Gotta go." 

She walked over to Murphy and sat down beside him, he smiled before he kissed her.

"So any idea when you two are gonna get married?" Emori asked as she sat down opposite them 

Murphy looked up and said, "As soon as possible, just in case another war breaks out." 

Clarke then walked over to them and Murphy said, "I see you took the master suite." 

Niylah walked over to them and said, "To the victor go the spoils. We all share the clothes though." 

"It's fine Clarke our room is fine. A little tight but we'll make it work we always do." Thea said as she picked up some food 

Miller sat down and said, "Maybe Daniel and Kaylee Prime should live in the palace." 

"Daniel and Kaylee Prime saved your ass Miller. But a thank you would be fine." Thea said 

Murphy snorted and said, "Speak for yourself that palace is-" 

Murphy was cut off by Indra, "No one lives in the palace. Least of all us being seen as conquerors will only make keeping the peace harder."

Raven sat down and held her bowl up, "Our first meal in our new home. To absent friends." 

"And departed ones." Niylah added

Miller held up his glass, "To Abby." 

Jackson then hit Murphy's glass out of his hand as Murphy nodded, "Hey what the hell is your problem?" 

"I'm sorry, but I'm not just gonna sit here while he drinks to the woman he got killed." Jackson said 

Murphy shook his head, "I didn't know what Russell was gonna do." He looked over to Clarke, "Look Clarke you have to believe me I didn't know." 

Clarke nodded, "I believe you. Dwelling on the past is not going to get this compound running and it won't get our compound built."

. . . . . .

A few hours later the group was walking along a path, "The people of Sanctum have lost their way of life but many still believe in the Primes they blame us." Indra said 

Niylah nodded and said, "Faith is a powerful thing." 

Indra turned around and stopped the group, "A dangerous thing we can expect conflict between believers and nonbelievers to make matters worse the children of Gabriel are here. Sanctum is there home too they want Russell Prime and anyone who believes in him dead. At the moment they to are our allies and to add to that thirty six hardened criminals from earth who Wonkru was at war with a few days ago, and I say we have our hands full being the keepers of the peace."

"An army of cannibal peacekeepers what could go wrong?" Murphy said 

"Remind me again how long we have to wait until our compound is built?" Miller asked 

Raven looked down at a clipboard and said, "Two years if everything goes perfectly." Raven then saw what Sanctum looked like, "So three years." 

In Sanctum there were people from all the different groups the people from Sanctum, Children of Gabriel, Wonkru and Eligius prisoners, some were fighting each other. 

"All right stop staring it's time to go to work." Indra said

"Too many people." Indra said 

Thea walked past Indra and said, "Good thing Allie isn't here." 

Before Thea could completely leave she got pulled back by James, "Thank God you're here." 

"James what is it the reactor?" Thea asked 

James shook his head, "Something more explosive than that." 

Raven and Thea nodded as they quickly walked off with him. 

. . . . . .

In the tavern Thea and Murphy were sitting at the bar Thea was reading Kaylee's journal, "Clown to the left of me jokers to the right." Murphy said 

Thea chuckled, "Stop it. Here listen to this. Kaylee changed because of love too. Isaac a null made her see what they'd become." 

"Aww. Farmer loving the pig she leads to slaughter." Murphy said 

Thea looked at him and said, "Jackson didn't mean it. John you didn't kill Abby Russell did." 

Murphy shook his head, "I told her that it was gonna be good for her. I told them Abby could make nightblood out of bone marrow." 

Thea nodded, "Yeah and you did that to save all of us." 

"I helped Josephine convince Abby that she was Clarke." Murphy said 

Just then a woman walked over to them with a glass of juice, "Belssed is Daniel Blessed is Kaylee." 

Just as she tried to pour some into Murphy's cup he moved it away and it spilt on the counter, "I'm so sorry my lord." 

The bartender walked over to them and started to clean it up, "I got this." 

Thea took the glass from him and said, "It's okay. He's clearly had enough." 

Murphy looked over to them woman and said, "Look you got it all wrong. I know you think that I'm-" 

Murphy was cut off by Raven walking over to them, "Daniel can I talk to you? I just need a minute." The woman walked off, "Act like you hardly know me." 

"What the hell are you talking about?" Thea asked 

Raven looked around and said, "This place is a powder keg." 

Murphy realised what Raven wanted so he said, "Oh, this is good. Miss Morality wants us to be Primes."

"Newsflash you are Primes. That bad choice has sailed. But if these people actually believe you're Daniel and Kaylee. It may still do us some good." Raven said 

Murphy shook his head, "The answers no." 

Murphy stood up and walked off, "Daniel." Raven called after him 

Thea stood up and said, "He blames himself for Abby." 

"This can't be good." Raven said as she saw Jordan walking into the tavern

Trey walked over to Jordan, "How's Russell what did he say?" 

"It's okay." Jordan said 

Trey shook his head, "Don't tell me it's okay. We have to help him. Everyone let's go let's go."

The people from Sanctum all stood up and walked out of the room 

Nelson stood up as well, "Children of Gabriel let's move." 

Raven sighed, "Here we go again." 

. . . . . .

Thea walked over to Murphy, "Come on John. We need to do something." 

Murphy shook his head, "No, no we don't"

Thea rolled her eyes, "Yes we do. For better or worse we are Primes now these people believe in us. We need to do something!" 

Murphy paused before he said, "You really believe in this?" 

Thea nodded, "We made the choice, we need to take responsibility for it." 

Murphy reluctantly nodded, "Okay, the people want Daniel and Kaylee. Let's give them Daniel and Kaylee." 

Thea smiled as they walked out of the tavern and saw everyone yelling as Clarke, Raven, Indra and some guards were trying to move Russell through the crowd. 

"Shoot." Murphy said 

"With pleasure." Thea replied as she raised her gun in the air and fired two shots, "Your turn." She said when the crowd had gone silent and was facing them. 

The pair began to walk forwards as Murphy yelled, "Have we learnt nothing! Huh?"

"Let them pass! We can trust Wonkru. After all..." Thea walked over to Trey and put her hand on his shoulder, "we are one."

Trey paused for a second before he said, "We are one." 

Once the crowd had dispersed and the guards had gotten Russell to the palace, Murphy walked over to Thea, "We are one?" 

"It's from Kaylee's journal. Her slogan when she stopped oblation." 

"You are so hot right now." Murphy said as he leaned over to her

Thea moved out of the wat and said, "Sister, remember." 

"My idea." Raven said 

Clarke nodded, "Good one. Of course now the Children of Gabriel want them dead." 

Miller looked over to them, "Lengths some people go to live in a castle." 

"We get to live in the castle?" Thea asked 

Clarke was about to say something but Miller spoke first, "If they're gonna get murdered in their sleep better there than at the farmhouse with us." 

Raven nodded, "He does have a point. I need my eight hours." 

Clarke reluctantly nodded, "Okay. For now. At least until they kill you." 

. . . . . .

Later that night Thea and Murphy were standing outside the castle coughing and watching as the palace was on fire

"What the hell happened?" Murphy asked 

Thea shook her head, "I don't know." 

Thea then saw Jordan run out of the palace, Thea sighed in relief as she ran over to him and put her hand on his back, "You all right?" 

Jordan was coughing but he nodded

Clarke then walked out of the castle with Russell at gun point, she stood on the balcony and yelled, "No! Let it burn! Sanctum is free. There are no kings or queens or Primes here. We have no use for a palace!  We are the last of the human race! And we've all made mistakes. Tomorrow Russell Prime dies for his!"

The children of Gabriel started to cheer as Clarke walked down the stairs.

Murphy leant down to Thea and said, "This is not going to end well." 

Thank you for reading, sorry this took me so long 

So, Sanctum is free, Russell is going to die

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