Worthy, Yet Unwilling ||Thor||

By Aspiring-Writer14

394 38 0

||Book 1 of the Worthy Series|| |Set pre and during the first Thor movie| ||I own nothing of the MCU or the c... More

/\ Cast /\ Summary /\ Songs /\


42 3 0
By Aspiring-Writer14

A quiet rustle of the leaves, so very quiet that it was almost unnoticeable in a big clump of bushes and brush, it was what gave the Hunter, the rather most obvious of signals to be standing ready for the prey to run, and to take off and away.

The Hunter had a bow slung over their shoulders, a quiver hung on her back, and a sword at their hip. A small but very keen dagger was hiding in the sleeve as well.

A boy looking about 15 years old, he quickly stuck his head out of the bush and looked around with lightning sort of speed. His head disappeared once more, but this Hunter was very, very patient and was unwilling to move at all against the prey, until they were all too certain that they could win.

The boy's head returned to poking around outside of the bush, as he was one of the more conscious ones whose mind was ready for a trick.

He stepped out of the bush and took another step, hesitantly putting down one foot in front of the other. Then he suddenly tore off quickly, bolting off.

A very brief smirk crossed the lips of the Hunter, underneath the mask that they wore, before they leapt down and he was taken to the ground rather quickly in a flying tackle, as the boy grunted and tried to get out of the wrestler's grip.

"Do you yield Odinson?" The Hunter questioned and the boy grunted at the Hunter's words.

"I yield, now let me up." He said and the Hunter laughed, as the mask came off and revealed Drina, who was now laughing at the shock on his face. "You caught me?" He asked with fake shock in his voice.

"Very funny, Odinson." She said and stood up, as she wiped the dirt off of her face. "I won!" She called out and all of the other children, they were all too familiar with the prospect of their resident Protector, winning the games that they played in the gardens of the palace in Asgard.

"Drina, daughter of Týr. You have won once again." Thor Odinson, the elder of the two stated and Drina was shrugging her shoulders very slightly.

"Seems as if I always win. Even though it is my brother, who is the supposed 'Hunter' of Asgard." She replied evenly, as she held a dagger in hand and twirls it between her fingers swiftly, apparently completely unconcerned by the potential dangers of cutting her fingers into chop suey.

"I heard that!" Her older brother snapped and walked out of the crowd and the rest of the children, they at once, all stop their chattering at the sight of the angry 'Hunter' of the lot of them.

"Conor, I do believe that you were meant to have heard that." Loki stated as he has the too familiar glint of their mischief glowing in his eyes.

Drina hid her grin at the sight of her elder brother's darkening face, as his darker eyes blazed with fury and rage and she looked over at the other kids.

"Everyone, I suggest that you all go back to your parents. Before my elder brother here, goes for the head of you all." She stated and the others moved quickly to walk away, but both of the stubborn two sons of Odin stayed. "In this case, that now goes for you both as well." She murmured quietly and a growl came from Thor, as Loki snorts at her concern.

"Your concerns for our safety are rather quite unfounded." Thor adds and Drina twirled the daggers around her fingers.

"Broher, they are the children of a God of War, maybe we should take heed and listen." Loki murmured to Thor, who scoffed.

"You can listen if you wish, but I run from nothing. And I certainly don't heed the so-called 'wise' sort of words, out of a girl's mouth." It may have been the tone of his voice, or it could have been his brash and sexist attitude.

Either way, Drina's eyes flared up in sort of a fierce rage, and her daggers stabbed Thor in the shoulder from the excellent throw of three, causing him to stagger back with a roar of pain, as they all looked shocked and stood still for a moment.

"Well, it would appear that I need to really work on my daggers throwing skills if my eyes are correct and not at the moment, deceiving me." Loki was the one to break the silence, followed by Thor's grunts of pain and he slowly removed the daggers from his arm.

"You stupid girl." Thor spat and Drina's eyes glowed a bit, as behind her icy blue eyes, there was the fierce rage that came from deep within both her mind, body and her soul. The soul of Justice, of Honor.

Loki stepped back a little bit, making the smart move as usual, once he had seen the look in her eyes, and knew it, just as if it was one of his own.

"You are declared to be guilty for this, Thor Odinson. Your guilt, it is of hurtin' my sister in ways that she has fought hard to be free of."

The sibling rivalry seemed to have been dropped for the moment at the very least, as the two children of Týr stood shoulder to shoulder.

With their arms touching as they stood together and even Thor knew now, that he was quite outmatched, as he backed down without any more sort of hesitation.

Drina inhaled quietly and her 'hunting' clothes rippled away, so that she was back to wearing her normal get-up. Which consisted of mainly black clothing with blue stripes, that her parents would always say, that were designed to be the same color as her eyes.

Another ripple of blue light and the final symbol came into place over her jacket, which was secretly armored on the other side. It was the picture of a perfectly balanced scale and under it, was the symbols of ying and yang.

Half dark, half light, balance was the key to everything, that is what Drina's parents had taught her to believe and her brother had left those behind a bit of a long time ago, with him growin' a bit closer to Thor, than to anyone else.

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