Obsession and Love

By Hana_wuv

75.8K 5.1K 8K

Story between lovers and bestfriends . Ships - MewGulf , TaeMew , TaeThanitt Mew and Gulf are bestfriends a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3(18+)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13(18+)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33(18+)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38(18+)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 18(18+)

1.9K 101 265
By Hana_wuv

Warning⚠️ Mature content ahead 🔞

Just a remainder 😅😅

Thanitt pov

Today is Friday. I'm at work now. It's hard for me to work continuously without any break but I love it. I'm good at concentrating things. If I concentrate I will not get out of it before I finish it. The same is happening now. I'm having back pain because of working too long without any movement. But I completed my whole file. Krist came to my cabin.

"Hoi Tha are you still working" he was shocked.

"Yeah done 5 minutes ago" I told him.

"Don't tell me that you completed the whole file of work" he said, warning me. What should I say now, I have completed the whole thing already.

"Yeah I have completed" I said calmly.

"Are you insane , it takes at least 4 days to complete for a person , but you received it just yesterday morning, Tha" he was now angry.

"It was simple for me Krist" I tried to explain.

"It's not simple as you say , it is hell for me to do within 4 days and you did it within 36 hours , are you supernatural or what?" he said and I laughed out loud. He is telling me that I'm not human.

"Okay okay I'm superman, I give up , it was interesting for me , it really brought my concentration together within minutes and kept it for hours"

"Okay I give up too, I cannot stop you from working if you are fully focused" he told me. That's true it's hard to distract me if I'm fully focused on something.

"Let's have lunch, it's getting late" I checked the time it was quarter to two. It's my lunch time.

We entered the cafeteria. And sat in our seats. I went to buy food for us. Krist loves eating Pasta so I bought it for him and fried rice for me.

"Here Krist your lunch is ready" I gave him his lunch.

"Thankyou Tha" he thanked me and we started eating in silence.

I remembered something

"Krist, where is your boyfriend, he is working with us right! then why are you having lunch with me?" I was confused.

"He is having work to complete and Tae is sleeping in Sing's private room so maybe he will eat his lunch with Tae" he answered me. Why is Tae sleeping and is he sick?

"Why is Tae sleeping?"

"Sing told me that he is tired from his vacation it seems" ohh he has his boyfriend right. I got the point.

"I'm wondering what his boyfriend is doing now, Tae is this tired meaning his boyfriend will be more" I spoke it out loud.

'Shit! What the hell I'm speaking now , it's embarrassing' I cursed my mouth internally.

"Hoi it's not the thing , he was walking the whole day yesterday to buy things for his family & friends and got up early today and he was forced by his boyfriend to come to office , that's the reason why he is tired hahaha it's not that what you think" I blushed dark hearing it.

"Okay I'm done let's go back" it's good we completed our lunch if not it would have been more embarrassing.

We were walking to our cabins. I remembered that I have to inform Krist about tomorrow's party so I will not be coming to the office.

"Krist , tomorrow I will be on leave , tomorrow is my university get together party"

"Tomorrow I'm also on leave and everyone in office will be on leave , cause tomorrow is a holiday day Tha" he said teasingly.

"Ohh I forgot thank you bye. I will leave after my work" I told him.

"No you cannot" he said seriously. What's now. Another project file??

"Why is there any new work for me" I asked him with concern.

"Hell no!! I'm ordering you to go back home now and sleep" he ordered me.

"Yes boss" I said sternly. We both laughed.

"Bye Tha ... See you on Monday" he waved his hands towards me.

"Bye Krist see you" I packed my things and took my car to leave the office.
Next day

I woke up earlier than usual. I rested a lot yesterday. Almost 12 hours of sleep. It's good to sleep long.

So my plan is to go to the departmental store, buy things for a week and have lunch at my favourite restaurant and get ready to meet Dell.

As I said, I'm at the departmental store now. I bought all the vegetables needed for a week and bought all my favourite fruits and nuts. Doctor once said that I need to eat a lot of nutrients to have a healthy life ahead. Since I'm a hermaphrodite I have to take care of myself more.

I billed all things I purchased and put it in my car and drove to my favourite restaurant. It's a small restaurant but it has delicious foods.

"Good afternoon aunty, I'm here today" I went in and greeted aunty. She is the owner and she is a very lovely person.

"Aww... my son , today is your holiday" she asked me.

"Yeah , I want my usual food" I asked her.

"With pleasure Tha" she went to prepare my lunch.

I got served within minutes with delicious beef noodle soup.

"Hmm it's too good aunty thankyou so much" I moaned with the taste.

"Thankyou for coming Tha , so I will go to serve other customers too , I will be right back naa" she said.

"Don't bother me aunty , bye" I said and she went to attend the other customers.

After I had my lunch, I called aunty and paid for my lunch. I know she will refuse to get it but still I forced her to get it. It's a usual routine for me with her.

Back to my apartment. I took my nap and woke up at 5pm as I set the alarm already.

I was waiting for Dell to pick me up and she came on time.

"Hey Dell , how's you?"

"I'm fine Tha , so shall we leave" I nodded and reached the club in 1 hour.

"Hello Tha , welcome naa" one of my friends called me to her.

"Why are you surprised to see me?" they all stare at me as if I'm an alien.

"That's nothing. It's rare to see you going to a party and you have become more handsome" one of the boys said.

"Shut up he will feel uncomfortable if you stare like this at him" Dell shouted at all my friends. I chuckled.

"Thank You all for inviting me to the party , nice to see you all back again" I smiled at them.

"It's our pleasure to have you here. We all passed because of your help with assignments hahaha" we all laughed. It's true I will be the one helping everyone but not by giving my assignments but I will guide them.

Time skip... (A/N I'm lazy to write the details about their friendly conversations😅)

"Tha you are drunk with just few rounds" I heard someone asking me.

"He has low tolerance with alcohol" Dell said.

"Dell let me go to my room , I can't drink anymore" I said with a drunken voice.

"Okay let me help you to your room" Dell said.

Dell guided me to my room.

"This is your room naa , you can rest here I will get you tomorrow" Dell said.

"Thankyou Dell , I'm okay after sleeping , can I have some painkiller"

"You will be having in the table just take it after you are awake"

"You don't have to come here tomorrow , I can take care of myself"

"Are you sure Tha"

"Yes just lock the room while you leave." She went out and I heard her saying something but I can't clearly hear it. I just went to sleep.

On the other side
Author pov

Tae and Mew were ready to go to the club. It was exactly 6.45 pm 15 minutes more for their friends to arrive to pick them up.

Calling bell sound "ting ting"

"Mild has arrived it seems Phi" Mew said to his Phi.

"Let's go out , don't make him wait" Mew nodded his head.

"Hello, we are here , shall we go and we are planning to stay there after the party. I'm sure everyone will be tired to go home" Mild told when the couple was out.

"Okay so lock the door properly phi" Tae chuckled and checked the door was locked perfectly.

"Done baby , we can go now" Mew saw Mild eying them with a confused face.

"You want to tell something Mild" Mew asked the confused man.

"Why did you ask him to lock properly? It should always be done right" he asked.

"Yeah but this man here" pointing at Tae "he loves to forget things and he always leaves the condo unlocked when we go out" he facepalmed.

"Too bad P'Tae you are lucky that this condo is secured if not something bad would have happened for sure" Mild told him.

We went to Mild's car. Gulf and boat were waiting. Mild went to sit with Boat besides the driver seat since Boat was driving. Mew sat with Gulf at the back seat with Tae on his other side.

Tae was now jealous but controlled it because he knows that Gulf is committed now.

"Gulf where is Eye?" Mew asked Gulf who was silent.

"She will come to the club directly and leave within 30 minutes because she has some important things to handle at her home." Gulf answered and Mew nodded.

When they were on the way to the club. Boat didn't realise there was a speed breaker coming, he was going at normal speed, when he realised it he stepped on the brake which made people in the back seat jolt.

"Gulf be careful" said Mew and pulled when Gulf was going to hit the front seat but he didn't see that Tae was in the same situation.

"Auch" Tae rubbed his head while glaring at Mew who was having Gulf in his arms.

When Mew saw that Tae was hurt he immediately let go Gulf.

"Be careful with the speed breakers , Boat" Mew said.

"Sorry everyone my bad I didn't see the speed breaker"

"It's okay, drive carefully" Mew said, looking at Tae who was mad at him.

"Is it hurting" Mew rubbed his head carefully.

"Yes, you saved your friend first and then you saw me right" Tae was sulking.

"Sorry Phi I was looking at his side while this happened so I saw him first , sorry naa"

Gulf was happy that Mew saved him and he knows that Mew was watching straight while this happened and he saved him first.

"Okay I forgive you this time" Tae kissed Mew's temple.

"Sorry P'Tae if it's not me you would not get hurt" Gulf said.

"Hoi , I'm not mad Gulf , don't apologise it's not your fault" Tae said sincerely.

All chuckled and within 10 minutes they reached the club.

"Hello everyone , I guess I'm on time" Eye was standing in the entrance.

"Perfectly on time Eye" Gulf went to her and hugged her for the show.

"And now can we leave for drinks and celebrate our graduation" Mild shouted in excitement.

"Let's go nongs" Tae led the way inside as he knew the club very well.

All bought their favourite alcoholic drinks and Eye ordered orange juice.

"Before we get drunk can I ask something serious?" Tae asked everyone.

"Sure phi" Gulf answered and every other nodded their heads.

"What are you all going to next"

"Masters" Gulf and Mew said in unison

"Me too Masters" Mild said.

"I'm going to start a restaurant ,it's my dream" Tae nodded.

"I still haven't decided" Eye said.

"That's good to hear your plans, all the best and for the ones who are going to do Masters, did you apply for it?" Tae asked.

"We are going to apply on Monday" Mew told and the other two nodded.

"And shall we start" Mild raised his glass.

When they were drinking. After 25 minutes, Eye got a call and she bid goodbye and left.

At the same time some girls approached them.

"Hello handsome, are you free tonight?" the first girl asked Tae.

"I'm not free and we all have our own lovers don't bother us" Tae forcefully pushed her hands off him.

When the second and third girl tried to approach Mew and Gulf , Tae immediately got up and pushed her off Mew's hands. Gulf and Boat Mild were all shocked to see the scene.

"Calm down P'Tae" Mild tried to calm him down.

"Get out you sluts , we don't need you so get away from my sight now" he shouted at them.

The girls smirked and left.
On the corner of the bar

One of the girls signalled the bar render to add something in their drinks and he did it.

"Wow I'm excited to know that we are going to have those handsome boys tonight" the first girl said.

"Same here" said the other girl and all laughed devilishly.

The bar render showed them thumbs up and they knew that they should be going to them in fifteen minutes.

"Hoi , we have someone else today , I got a message now" one of the girls said.

"Shit we can't let go of this chance" the next one told.

"Let's go now , we can have them next time , they escaped" the last one said and they all left.
Back to the table.

"Phi I'm feeling dizzy , I think I drank too much"

"You didn't drink that much Mew why do you feel like this" Mild asked , he was steady and his boyfriend was drunk a little but all the others were all fully drunk.

"What happened to them?" Boat asked, confused.

"I don't know, let's carry them to the rooms, it's not good here" Boat agreed to it.

Boat carried Tae and Mild carried Gulf , leaving Mew with Tae's friend who works in the club.

"612 for Gulf and next room for TaeMew" said Mild.

Mild went inside 612 and Boat got confused with the room number.

'Its 621 for Gulf and next for TaeMew so 622 for P'Tae'

He opened the door and pushed P'Tae inside and closed it.

On the other side Mild was waiting for Boat to arrive.

"Where did you go , go leave him in his room , number 612 for ... " before Mild could finish.

"I know I know 612" he left immediately.

'Wait did I confuse something is 612 the number I leave P'Tae ... ahh leave it' boat thought.

He opened the door 612 and pushed Mew in and went out seeing a person in bed so he confirmed that he did the right thing.
In Tae's room. Actually it's Tha's room

"I'm hungry for you baby , I want you now" he pulled the sleeping figure, said to him.

"Tae what you are doing here. Go out now" Tha tried to push him but Tae was strong to fight back.

"I know you don't like to do it while I'm drunk but I want you now" he kissed Tha force fully. Tha tried his best to fight back but he was drunk and feeling more tired.

"Tae stop it I'm not your hmmm" before he could finish Tae kissed him again.

"Just give up baby, I'm here, it's me" Tae said and removed Tha's clothes and same to his clothes too.

Tha had no option to give up. He cannot fight anymore. And for god's sake it's Tae. He liked him for a long time.

"Hmm" Tha arched back when Tae kissed his neck and left hickies behind.

He was completely exposed to Tae now.

"Tae I'm not your boyf... hmmm" Tae sucked his member hard.

Tae took a small lube bottle form the table which he saw and took generous amount to prepare him. While sucking Tha he pushed one finger in his opening.

"Taeeee it's paining" Tha screamed.

Tae got up and kissed his lips to divert his attention. And it worked.

He added another finger smoothly in and Tha started to moan loudly. When he added his third finger and pushed in deep. Tha jolted and moaned the loudest as Tae hit his soft spot inside.

"You like it here baby" drunker Tae asked and Tha moaned repeatedly.

"Baby you are prepared now I'm going to enter you" Tae said.

"Tha condom haahhhh" before Tae could hear Tha. Tae entered him fully.

"So tight baby , it's heaven" Tae gave a few seconds to adjust and started to pound him slowly and increased the speed.

'Tae why are you doing this to me, how will I face you tomorrow' Tha was worried.

Tha felt he could cum anything time and Tae is getting bigger inside him.

"The I'm cumming haahhh" with that , Tha came in between their bodies and Tae was still pounding him.

"I'm cumming too baby" Tae said when Tha realised something.

"Tae dont cum ins.. hhaaaahhhh" Tae came inside Tha.

"Agnhhhh" Tae realised his ropes and ropes inside Tha.

Of course Tae will not be satisfied with one round. So he did.
(A/N I leave it to your own imagination 😅)
Next morning

"Agnhhh" Tae woke up early. He saw someone with him and he knows that it's not Mew. He saw below the duvet , they were naked and he felt sticky cum all over him.

"Who the hell are you, get the fuck up" Tae screamed.

Tha woke up because of the loud voice and was shocked to see Tae in anger.

'Why the is here with me did I force him to have sex with me yesterday, oh my head I thought that I was with Mew, I cheated on him ughhh' Tae said in his mind.

"Tha why are you here with me" he got everything in his mind vividly "my god did I rape you Tha, I'm sorry I was too drunk yesterday, I thought you were my boyfriend, sorry Tha, I'm really sorry, I was drugged I guess, I have never lost control this badly" Tae started crying for what he did.

"Tae , it was me too , I'm sorry , I knew that it were you yesterday , I tried to stop you with all my strength but I was drunk too haahh" Tha tried to move his hip. A sharp pain hit him hard.

"Tha are you okay, I'm really sorry" Tae was sobbing.

"Stop saying sorry Tae it's not totally your fault, yes it's paining, my back hurts aghhh" he can't move even a little.

"And I can't control you Tae I'm sorry it's my fault too, let's forget this please" Tha asked Tae.

"Are you sure Tha , are you okay with this" Tae asked him. He was surprised to hear it from Tha. He had forced himself on Tha but Tha was cool.

"Tae remember something, we cannot change the past, just try to forget it, I won't come to you anymore please, I know you love your boyfriend so much, I will try my best to avoid you in office or if you feel uncomfortable I will leave the job too, I can't do anymore Tae"

"Tha you don't have to do it. It's my fault too right, don't try to not to blame me, why are you this cool after what I did to you, please tell me the truth"

"You want to know the truth right , okay I will say it , I liked you Tae , but I swear not after I saw your boyfriend, and I saw that how much you love him, I don't want to be a person who hurt you, just leave now" Tha said while he had tears in his cheeks.

"I'm sorry again Tha, I will leave after you are fine, please let me help you"

"No need Tae I'm fine" he refused Tae.

"Please let me Tha , I'm sure that you can't move even a little now, I will get you a bath and give you painkillers after your meal and leave immediately please" Tae was begging.

"Okay just jet me boxers now" Tae immediately wore him boxers and got Tha'a handed over to him.

Tha wore it and tried to move little by little to the washroom. Tae was guiding him from the back and gave him some fresh clothes from the closet. Tha got fresh with a warm shower , pain was fading because of it.

After he was out fully dressed.

"Tae don't feel bad for me. I'm fine, I can manage anything about me. Just take care of your boyfriend" Tha said, seeing Tae eyeing the floor with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Tha I have ordered your food" Tha nodded.

"You go take shower now" Tae went inside the bathroom and to get fresh. When he came out Tha was sitting in the table with the food he ordered.

"Come have your meal" Tha called him.

They had their food in silence.

"Tha have your painkiller, I will leave after you are okay." Tha took his medicine.

"You can leave now Tae I'm fine, I'm leaving too"

"I will drop you at your place" Tae offered.

"It's okay Tae my friend will be here in a short time" Tha lied to get him out now.

"Okay Tha be careful" with that Tae left the room.
On the other hand , room 612 ......


To be continued...

Happy reading friends.♥️❤️♥️❤️


- Hana

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