His Jewl// BTS SOULMATE AU (C...

By lil_hope24

77.3K 3.6K 263

‼️WARNING MATURE CONTENT‼️ Jewls and Onyxes are two special types of wolves with special abilities. One of wh... More

First Authors Note
1: First Encounters
2: Caught
3: 2nd and 3rd meetings
4: 3rd meetings part 2
5: Sleepover
6: Talks
7: Parties
8: More Talks
9: Suggestions
10: Decisions
11: Trouble
12: Interruption
13: Promise?
14: Liar
15: Stress
16: Insight
17: Truth Unveiled
18: Destruction
19: Incidents
20: Finally
21: InTo the Out
22: Accident
23: Advice
24: Family Meetings
25: Picture Day
26: Trials
28: New Things
29: Old Problems
30: Shocking News
31: Off Days
32: Moves
33: Black Out
34: Rescue Mission
35: Oh Shit
36: Shock
37: Bold Moves
38: Meetings
39: The Ex Story
40: What now?
41: Shoots
42: Process
43: Fix
44: Worries
45: Surprise?
46: Pain
47: Proposals
48: Weddings

27: Hurt Feelings

1.1K 63 4
By lil_hope24

× 2 and a half years later ×

"Hey sunshine." Hoseok's smiling face pops up on my computer screen.

"Hi Hobi."

"How's work?"

"These boys are stressing me the fuck out. They're lucky I'm able to control my scent and myself in general or else this trip would be a waste and my ass would be in so much trouble."

"Why would you be in trouble when they're the ones being difficult?"

"Because they are the client. They get to be assholes and I have to sit here and control myself and take it."

"I'm sorry baby."

I sigh "It's not something you can do anything about Hope."

"I know but it still sucks to see you this stressed and be able to feel it and not be able to do anything to make my baby feel better."

"Well I'll be home tomorrow and I have a few days off to reset myself and get ready for yours, Namjoon and Yoongi's photoshoots."

Hoseok pouts slightly "Baby-"

"I know. Your schedule is packed, between your new release and the choreography for that new boy group you don't have alot of time. But at least we'll be sleeping in the same bed again."

"I'm sorry."

"In the past almost two years how many times have I told you and do I have to keep telling you-"

"Don't apologize for doing my job." Hoseok finishes for me "I know, but I'm still sorry. I wasn't home when you left and I probably won't be home when you get back and I won't have alot of time and I feel bad because I love my job but I love you more and sometimes I really hate it that it can keep me away from you. I miss you."

I hum and smile softly "I miss you too. Alot."

"Oh this may sound weird but it's not anything bad I promise. When we both have some free time, I would really like it if we could do a small date and then talk about some things." Hoseok looks extremely nervous, probably worried that I'll take it the wrong way.

I just smile "A small date sounds really nice." My phone dings and it's the manager of the group I'm with telling me they'll be ready in 20 minutes "Hope-"

"You gotta go, its okay. I'll see you tomorrow and I'll bring home dinner, all the favorites I promise. I love you Nari."

"I love you too Hoseok." I hang up the FaceTime call and groan before leaving the van and going back to my crew.

The photoshoot is finished up quickly and things are packed up. Once back at the hotel it's a serious rush to get all of my stuff together because we are leaving tonight in order to be back in Korea tomorrow at a reasonable hour.

As I'm flopping down on my bed to relax for five minutes my phone is ringing. I groan and roll over to reach for it, not looking at the caller ID before answering "Hello."

"Hey love bug."

"Hi jiminie."

"So I called to our daily check in, obviously."

I hum "I figured."

"Hyung is stressed but doing okay. Really excited for you to come home tomorrow but also upset he won't be home till later. Jin Hyung is fine as always. Jungkookie is still making bank off his streaming, not that that would change over night. Namjoon and Yoongi Hyung are also stressed. Namjoon more so because they've got this album release coming and Jin's heat is in two weeks, they might have to use their emergency heat partner which Namjoon will not be happy with. Taehyungie did great at his photoshoot yesterday, he has something in the works but I'm not allowed to say what."

"And what about you Min?"

"I'm good. Helping Hoseok Hyung where and when I can with this new boy group. Did you say something to him this time? Please tell me you did." 

"I did not."

Jimin sighs "Nari."

"He's got enough on his plate and he feels bad enough for not having alot of time to spend with me. I'm not going to remind him about my heat and have him feel like a shit alpha for not remembering."

"And what are you going to do when you go into heat tomorrow night? He'll be home. It's not like you can avoid him finding out, you live together and sleep in the same bed."

"I'll deal with it then."

"Sweetheart he is not going to leave once your heat hits and you know that. You need to tell him and have Chanyeol on standby."

I sigh "Jimin."

"Nari I swear to your ancestors I will 'accidently' tell him my damn self if you don't before you get home tomorrow."

"I don't-"

"Then I'm telling him."

"Jimin please don't."

"You can't stop me little wolf, you are on the other side of the world."

"I will call Jin."

"And he won't stop me either."


"Bye bye little wolf, love you. Text me when you take off and when you land." Jimin ends with an overly sweet tone before handing up.

I sigh again and then there is a knock on my door and one of the members of my crew lets me know that we have to be downstairs in 5.

10 hours later I'm sitting on the plane with only 3 and a half hours left until we land when my phone rings with a FaceTime call. Hoseok's contact picture pops up and I groan slightly before answering, knowing I'm about to get yelled at.

"Hey Hobi."

"Nari." Hoseok glares at me


"Why didn't you remind me about your heat."

I gulp slightly, knowing he's genuinely upset with me "You have alot on your plate. I didn't want to stress you out further or make you feel bad for forgetting. I honestly forgot too until last week when Kai told me I smelled off." I sigh "I'm sorry Hoseok I just didn't want to add more to your plate."

"Baby I'm your alpha, you are never an addition to my plate. Next time please just tell me instead of letting me be reminded by my packmates. I'll call Chanyeol. I'll spend tonight with you but I have a meeting in the morning and as much as I would love to postpone I can't."

"I know."

"I'll see you when I get home."

I nod "Okay." I reach to hang up but Hoseok interrupts me.

"Hey." I look at him and he smiles "I love you ."

"I love you too."

"Let me know when you land."

"I will."

He blows me a kiss before hanging up. I sigh and lean my head back against the seat. When we land I get an Uber back to the apartment. Since I was picked up by staff when I left I don't have my car.

When I get up to the apartment I leave my suitcase to unpack at a later date but I set all my camera batteries on the chargers and then head for the bathroom to shower. Once I'm done with that I grab my SD cards that I used on the trip and plop on the couch to upload all the pictures onto the shared drive so that the company can go through them and choose the ones they want me to edit.

I'm still sitting on the couch going through photos when Hoseok comes home, carrying two take out bags.

I hear him set the bags on the counter before he comes over and takes my laptop right off my lap "Heyyyy."

He sets it down on the coffee table before lifting me slightly and sitting down, forcing me to turn so that I'm straddling his lap. He presses his nose against my scent gland firmly and wraps his arms around my waist tightly. "I missed you, so much."

I hum and run my fingers through his hair "I missed you too."

"I'm still upset with you though."

"I figured."

He inhales deeply a few times before pulling away from my neck and pressing his lips to mine, his hands coming up to cup my face. We pull away a few seconds later but he pecks my lips a few more times "I hate these work trips with a passion."

I giggle "I don't like them either but it's my job. Just wait until you start going on tours. Or traveling with these boy groups more regularly."

"I'm definitely having Joon pull strings to have you come with me for tours."

"Good luck with that."

He rubs my hips slightly "Let's eat, I can feel your fever already starting and I'm sure you didn't get much sleep on the plane, you never do." I get off his lap and we go to the kitchen.

Hoseok opens the takeout bags and hands me what he brought home for me the grabs his own and we go back to the livingroom. While we are eating Hoseok's phone dings with a text and he checks it, nodding slightly.

"Chanyeol is coming over tonight. I have to leave pretty early so I wanted him to be here. He'll be here by midnight."


Chanyeol has been my emergency heat partner for about a year and a half now. When I was hired at Kim Entertainment and Hoseok started getting busier with his own job there we decided emergency heat and rut partners would be better to have than not and luckily Kim Entertainment provides that service.

We made sure both partners for us were Betas. Reason number one being Betas don't have a cycle and there wouldn't be issues there with either of us but really my heats since Hoseok and I still aren't mated. Reason two being that Hoseok isn't an Onyx and can get another omega pregnant, so we wanted to be safe. His rut partner is a smaller Beta named Minhyuk. We've only had to call Minhyuk in once but we've needed Chanyeol a number of times, mostly because my heats are more frequent and because I have no true pre-heat symptoms it often hits out of the blue and Hoseok isn't always able to just drop everything and come home.

We finish eating and Hoseok lets me clean up before he's ushering me into the bedroom. "You get some sleep, I'll stock up in here for you and Chanyeol. I'll be in bed within the hour I promise."

I nod and get in bed, Hoseok turns on the fan and then comes over and pecks my lips before leaving the room. I'm so mentally and physically exhausted that I'm asleep almost instantly.


Yoongi waves as I walk into the studio with my camera gear. I wave back and hand my extra bag to Kai "Everything is set up for the most part. We put the lights up but we know you're picky about lighting so we haven't put them anywhere yet."

"Okay, thank you."

"You okay Boss? You seem and smell off but emotionally."

I hum "Heat wasn't great."

"Is it ever when you have to use an emergency heat partner?"

I shrug "With Yeol it's normally perfectly fine. It just wasn't this time and I'd rather not talk about it."

"Okay. Just let me know if you want me to take over."

"Thanks." I give him a small smile

Namjoon comes over while I'm setting my camera up and connecting it to my laptop "Hey, you okay? Hoseok feels off and you look it and smell it."

I sigh "Surprised he didn't tell you."

"All he said was that your heat didn't go very well, but that was it. Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head "Not with all these prying ears around. If I feel like talking about it later I will let you, Jimin or Yoongi know. Just not right now." I pull up my program for my camera "Who are we doing first?"

"Me I guess, Yoongi isn't done yet."

"Alright, you know the drill."

The rest of the day is spent with Namjoon and Yoongi switching between outfits and doing solo and duo shots. We break for lunch around 1 and then end for the day at almost 9. As I'm packing up Yoongi comes over and squats down next to me "Come to my studio when you are done, Jimin wants to talk and so do I."

I hum "Yup."

Yoongi squeezes my shoulder before getting up and leaving. I finish packing my stuff and take it up to the office to lock it up for the night before heading upstairs to Yoongi's studio. I knock and a second later Jimin opens the door, I toe my shoes off before stepping in and Jimin closes the door.

They wait until I sit to start talking "So what happened? Hoseok has been stressed and upset and borderline mad. You smell and seem upset."

"Obviously you know we had to call Chanyeol because Hoseok is really busy."

They both nod "And normally everything goes fine. So what didn't?" Yoongi asks

"I tried to bite him."

"Like the bite?" Jimin asks

I nod "Yeah. He stopped me and finished with that wave but after he didn't have a choice but to call Hoseok and tell him."

"So that's why Hoseok left in the middle of the day."

I hum "Yeah. So not only did I try to bite someone else that wasn't my soulmate, I pulled Hoseok away from work in the middle of the day and he was forced to spend the rest of my heat with me and Chanyeol went home."

"Love bug you were in heat, you weren't in your right mind. You know that and Hoseok knows that. You didn't bite Chanyeol." Jimin reaches over and tugs me into his side

"As an alpha I get it. I understand how Hoseok feels because I would feel the same way but I also know that he understands and he's not actually upset with you."

I roll my eyes "Yoongi, after every wave he made sure I was cleaned up and then he went and slept in the other room or sat in the living room until the next one hit. Last night he came home late and slept in the other room. Bullshit he's not upset with me. I fucked up in the first place by not reminding him about my heat and then I go and try to bite my emergency heat partner." I sniffle slightly, starting to teat up in frustration "How do you think that looks to him?"

"Do want me to talk to him?" Yoongi asks

I shake my head "No, I think that will just make him more upset. We need to resolve it ourselves."

They both sigh and Jimin kisses the top of my head "I know you're upset but don't beat yourself up. You had good intentions behind not telling him, and you didn't actually want to bite Chanyeol. He knows that but his alpha is hurt, just give him a day or two and if it goes longer than that, let us know okay?"

I nod and Yoongi rolls over and ruffles my hair "Go home, eat and get some sleep."

I get up and leave the studio and head home. I end up not eating, not really feeling hungry at all so I just change and head to bed. I hear Hoseok come home around almost one and the bedroom door creaks open and he goes straight to the closet.

I can hear clothes rustling quietly and when he's done he comes out and startles slightly when he sees me "Nari what are you doing up?"

"I could ask you a similar question."

"I had stuff to finish up."

I hum, unconvinced "Yeah, sure."

"Nari I'm not doing this right now. I'm not going to fight with you at one in the morning."

"I don't want to either."

"Then stop."

"Are you staying here or are we sleeping alone again for the third night in a row, if my count is correct." I know I'm being petty but I can't really bring myself to care.

I hear the small growl that comes from the back of Hoseok's throat "Nari I said stop."

"Just wanted to know how much longer you're going to be mad at me for something I couldn't control. But you are clearly no where near done so I guess we are sleeping alone again. Goodnight Hoseok." I roll over and I hear Hoseok huff before he leaves the room, almost slamming the door behind him.


"Nari it's been a week." Yoongi mumbles to me as a snap pictures of Hoseok for his photoshoot

I hum "I'm quite aware of how long it's been Yoongi."

"Why is he still mad."

I shrug "Don't know. I've pushed his buttons a few times trying to get something out of him but he won't budge."

"Do you want me to-"

"No. If he's going to be petty I will too. It's like he thinks I don't feel bad for what happened. I know it must not look great and I know it doesn't feel great but he's not the only one hurt."

Hoseok glares at us and I roll my eyes at him "Yoongi just go back to your studio and work, don't worry about me and Hoseok, we'll figure it out."

Yoongi sighs but leaves. A few hours later I'm done with Hoseok and I head upstairs to the office and go through the pictures, getting rid of the shitty shots before uploading the rest and starting the editing process for Namjoon and Yoongi's pictures.

My phone dings with a text and I check my phone 'Can you come down to my studio please.'

It's from Hoseok. I sigh and save what I was doing but decide to give Hoseok a little bit of a hard time since he's been being a little bit of a dick 'I'm a little busy at the moment.'

In less than 5 seconds Hoseok responds 'It's your lunch hour. Just please come down here.'

I close my laptop and head downstairs. When I get to Hoseok's studio I knock before opening the door "What did you want me down here for Hoseok?"

"Will you just come in and sit down please."

I sigh before doing so "What."

"Can we talk please?"

"I'm not exactly sure what I could say to you Hoseok. Other than call you an asshole because that's what you've been the past week. I know it hurt you that I tried to bite Chanyeol. I know that and I've apologized for it a thousand times even though I couldn't really control it. And don't you think I'm hurt too? When my head cleared after that wave and I realized what happened I felt like shit because he isn't you. I don't actually want anyone but you. And what hurt more was you treating me like a did it on purpose."

"You're right and I'm sorry. I really am. I was hurt and I know you didn't actually want to bite him. But it still hurt. I shouldn't have been an asshole and I'm sorry. It just hurt to think even just for a second that maybe I wasn't a good enough alpha or boyfriend to you anymore. But again I shouldn't have been a dick."

"Hoseok why wouldn't you be a good enough alpha or boyfriend suddenly? Because you're really busy and you haven't been able to spend a few heats with me over the past year?"

He nods "Yeah."

"That doesn't make you a bad alpha or a bad boyfriend. You're busy, and I understand that. I'm busy too. I'm never hurt that you can't be there because you are working, your work is important to you so it's important to me. You aren't neglectful, if anything you still worry about me too damn much. As for my heats, emergency heat partners exist for a reason, for emergencies. You never purposefully miss my heats, and forgetting about it this last heat is fine. You have a lot going on, you still provided for me. And when I fucked up and Chanyeol had to leave you came home despite having alot of shit to still get done and took care of me."

"Nari I'm really sorry for being a dick."

I hum and reach my foot out and catch the leg of his chair and pull him over, cupping his face once he's in reach "I forgive you." I lean up and peck his lips and he tries to deepen it but I pull away "We can't get carried away. I still have work to do and so do you."

He sighs and pecks my lips again "You're right."

"I know I am." I get up, causing his chair to roll back slightly and kiss his forehead "I love you. I'll see you at home."

"I love you too."

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