Batman Meets Steven (Batman/S...

By Samuel152

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A Steven Universe and Batman Arkham City AU where these two humans meet each other. This contains spoilers to... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Introductions
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Detective Skills
Chapter 5: Injustice
Chapter 6: Alive Inside
Chapter 7: The Question
Chapter 8: One Knight
Chapter 9: Family Reunion
Representing Batman
Chapter 10: Enigma Conundrum
Chapter 11: Star Fugitives
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: Under The Moonlight
Chapter 14: Playdates
Chapter 15: Diamond Authority
Chapter 16: Riddle Me This
Chapter 17: Notes
Chapter 19: Changes
Chapter 20: Beach City
Chapter 21: Ghost of Past
Chapter 22: Best Friends Forever!
Chapter 23: Trust
Chapter 24: New Home
Chapter 25: Homeworld's Defense
Chapter 26: Consequences
Chapter 27: Checkpoint
Chapter 28: Mindfulness
Chapter 29: Showdown
Chapter 30: Epilogue (Finale)
1st Night
2nd Night
3rd Night
Short Stories
Announcement Thing
Little Shorts
Batman vs Steven & Garnet Lines
More Batman, Steven and Garnet Voice Lines!

Chapter 18: Gotham City

340 8 28
By Samuel152

Chapter inspired by Wattreader7389 in his Steven Universe story where it's a crossover with Iron Man and Captain America. I recommend reading if you're interested.

3rd Person P.O.V.

1 year and 1 week after Pink Diamond returned to Earth

Steven hasn't heard or seen the gem wearing the hood ever since he last saw her. He wondered where she could be. It's getting close to summertime in Beach City and the Universes could take a vacation.

Steven has already traveled to Empire City and it's not his go-to place in the moment. Keystone State is another one he doesn't want to go right now, mainly because he could never go back to that diner after Ruby destroyed the table. Where to go?

(Steven) Oh, why didn't I think of it sooner?!

(Pink Diamond) What?

(Greg) Have you decided where to go? I mean, we can go anywhere in the world, I got the money. Well, maybe not Russia.

[I have mad respect for those who got the joke.]

(Steven) We're going to Gotham!

(Greg) Gotham?!

(Pink Diamond) Isn't that where Batman lives? I thought it was dangerous.

(Steven) Was dangerous. After Arkham City, it was ranked in the top ten safest cities in the world. Sadly it was bumped down to #10 since there's Riddler and what Charlotte did a few months back.

(Greg) We should go to Gotham Royal Hotel. I heard it's the top quality hotel.

(Steven) And the most expensive. $300 a night. Why would we go there, though?

(Greg) Because that's where Bane and Joker was during the Night of Christmas Eve. I was wondering of there's anything different now.

(Steven) I'd doubt it. They probably fixed the floors and rooms after that night. And it was ten years ago since it happened.

(Greg) Still have hope. But anyways, where would we stay for a vacation?

(Steven) Bruce's house!

(Greg) What?! Look, I know we're friends with him, but I don't he'll be too keen on the three of us coming over.

(Steven) Maybe. Let's ask.

He grabbed the device.

(Steven) Bruce? Bruce are you there?

[Radio] What is it?

(Steven) I was wondering if my family could go to Gotham and stay at your place for a couple of days. You don't have to say yes, we're just looking for a vacation.

After a long silence, he responded.

[Radio] Okay, but you need to make sure nobody knows any connections between Batman and Bruce Wayne.

(Steven) Got it.

[Radio] Who are you talking to on the phone?

A feminine voice was heard.

[Radio] What are you doing out of your cell?

[Radio] My time is up, Brucie boy.

[Radio] No, it isn't.

(Steven) W-Whose that?

He doesn't recognize the voice. Her heard the other voice gasp.

[Radio] You never told him about me?

[Radio] Give it to me. Charlotte! Charlotte!

He heard running and giggling on the radio. Suddenly, the connection turned off.

(Greg) Who was that?

(Steven) That was Charlotte. Aka Moonlight. That woman who juggled the car.

(Greg) That's her?! What's she doing at his place?

(Steven) She was too strong for him to fight. Eventually, she made a compromised. She lives with him and she doesn't trash the city.

(Pink Diamond) She's friendly, right?

(Steven) I think so. I've never met her in person. I guess we have to find out. Let's pack our bags, we're goin' to Gotham.


The packed the van of the bags and filled the gas up to the top. Gotham is miles and miles away. Bruce made traveling seem fast but he's using the Batwing which one of the fastest aircraft known to mankind.

If he took the Batmobile to Beach City, it'd take a while to get there. They've been on the road for over 7 hours now. Pink offered to drive since she doesn't get exhausted, but she doesn't know how to drive.

They'd rather have a sleepy driver than an inexperienced driver who doesn't have a clue how to drive a car. They eventually reached Gotham and it's a big place. Steven pitied Bruce for having to protect this place in the past.

How can he get around with these tall buildings and wide spaces. He noticed all the dark alleys and how intimidating some look, even without the criminals. Steven noticed they're going by the Monarch Theatre.

(Steven) Stop!

Greg slammed his foot on the brakes. Luckily there's nobody around that could crash into the van.

(Greg) What is it?

Steven ran out of the van and into the alley that leads behind the building. Pink and Greg follow him. On the way to the sign, they saw a sign that had red paint on it that spelled:


(Greg) Wait...

They walked down the alley further. They found Steven on his knees, crying.

(Greg) What is... oh, no...

They saw the body lined chalk lines on the ground. Pink was confused.

(Pink Diamond) What's wrong?

(Greg) That's are where Bruce's parents died... He was 8 when it happened.

She covered her mouth. What kind of monster would kill the parents of a young boy?

(Steven) (softly crying)

He knows he grew up without his mom for 14 years, but he never had her and his dad murdered in front of him. He turned around and hugged his parents tightly.

(Steven) I love you two. And I don't ever wanna lose you.

Greg cried, too. He thought of being in Bruce's position and it's horrible. His parents may have been controlling, but Greg still loved them and would never wish for this to happen to him.

Pink had a bad relationship with the Diamonds, but would never ask for them to be wiped out suddenly. Steven had forgotten this is what made Bruce into Batman in the first place. The death of loved ones.

Greg noticed some roses were left near the chalk lines. Did Steven leave them there? He doesn't remember Steven bringing roses with him.

(Steven) (sniffles) I'm sorry. I just... wanted to see if it was true...

(Greg) What was?

(Steven) The chalk lines.

(Pink Diamond) Why is it still there?

(Steven) It means they never found the murderer.

That's even worse. The man who did it hasn't even been caught. Steven wonders if he's still in Gotham.

Steven went back to the van with his parents behind. Greg went back to driving the van again.

(Greg) Okay... So where is Wayne Manor?

(Steven) Over there.

He pointed at the mansion uphill. Greg drove cautiously up there, in case there's security measures. The gates opened automatically for when the van got there.

(Greg) Okay, that is cool.

He parked the van in a parking lot. The family of three haven't been this excited before. When they got there, Steven knocked on the door.

The door opens.

(Alfred) Good evening, Universe family.

(Steven) Alfred!

He hugged the butler's leg. He wasn't quite expecting this, but shrugged it off the best he could.

(Alfred) Well, it is nice to meet you, too, Steven.

Steven lets go and explored the place with his eyes. It was huge and amazing. The floors were smooth concrete and they glistened from the lights on the chandelier.

(Alfred) You may set your bags right here.

Alfred instructed and points to the designated area where their bags can go. They put their stuff there as organized as they could.

(Alfred) Master Bruce is down in the "basement." He had a run-in with Jonathan Crane a few hours ago and I think he's worried.

(Steven) Scarecrow? I thought he was in Arkham City.

(Alfred) Unfortunately, no he wasn't. He was lost after the incident with Waylon Jones on Arkham Island. And he showed up again today and was foiled by Master Bruce. He's in custody and I don't believe we'll see him again any time soon.

(Steven) And Charlotte?

(Moonlight) I'm right over here!

She announced. Alfred sighed.

(Alfred) You're five minutes early out of your cell.

(Moonlight) Sorry! I just couldn't wait to meet our guests!

Pink never seen a human this tall and unique looking before.

(Pink Diamond) Hello.

She held out her hand. She believed this was a greeting gesture for Earth.

(Moonlight) Nice to meet you, Pink.

(Pink Diamond) How did you know my name?

(Moonlight) I didn't. I just called you what color you are, which is Pink. Guess I was lucky to get it correct. And this is Steven's father, right?

(Greg) Yes.

(Moonlight) Oh, you're missing some hair right here.

She placed her palm on his head. Greg felt a little uncomfortable. Her grip felt so strong, she could crush his skull if she felt like it.

And she could get away with it, too. Steven said she was too strong for Batman to fight, so he wouldn't be able to stop her. She gasped and removed her hand from his head.

(Moonlight) Is this the little meatball who discovered Bruce's secret?

She grabbed Steven and held him up high in her hands.

(Steven) Y-Yes, it's me.

(Moonlight) You're even cuter than I thought. I could just eat you up!

He chuckled nervously when he saw her sharp teeth. He hoped she wasn't serious.

(Moonlight) What's the matter? Oh, is it the teeth? Don't worry, I don't bite... often... But anyway, wanna see something cool?

(Steven) S-Sure...

She thrown him up high to where he just barely touched the ceiling. Normally, when he was up high, he used his floating ability to safely float down. But he doesn't have his gem powers anymore, ever since White Diamond removed his gem.

He's glad that he is human, but he missed his powers. Now they belong to his mother. Back to reality, Steven falls quickly down and landed in Charlotte's arms.

Pink and Greg were terrified of Steven getting hurt, but was relieved when she caught him. She did it again and caught him again. She did it a third time in a row.

(Steven) Please stop!

He lands in her arms again.

(Moonlight) Okay, fine.

She gently lets him go.

(Steven) So, how do we get downstairs?

(Alfred) Well, normally me and Master Bruce use the grandfather clock as a secret entrance, but since there's a crowd, we'll have to take the entrance in the wine tasting cellar.

He leads them to the wine tasting cellar. Steven can see most of the liquor is boxed. He's not interested in trying to drink it, he definitely isn't old enough.

There's a section where the boxed liqor is just gone.

(Steven) What happened there?

(Alfred) We have a friend who purchases our liquor, mostly rum, the good stuff. It's bizarre, she spends hundreds of dollars on the rum and hardly leaves any left. Master Bruce doesn't drink, he just keeps it around for guests to drink for when there's a party or social event.

Charlotte grabbed a box of red wine and opened it. She opened the bottle and guzzled the wine, drinking straight from the bottle. Some of it spilled onto her uniform, it'll stain.

She finished over half the bottle. She offered some to Alfred.

(Moonlight) Where are my manners? Have some!

(Alfred) I would if you had poured it into a cup prior before you drank straight from it.

She offered the bottle to Greg.

(Moonlight) Eh?

(Greg) Uh... I don't drink...

Then to Pink.

(Pink Diamond) No thanks, it's yours.

Then to Steven.

(Greg) Whoa! He's a minor!

(Moonlight) A little sip won't hurt anybody.

Steven didn't know if he should deny the offer and upset Charlotte, or obey his Dad.

(Moonlight) Fine.

Before Steven could think about it, she moved the bottle back to her mouth to finish it. Once it was empty, she placed the empty bottle on the table.

(Moonlight) Ah, I love the inability to get drunk.

(Greg) You can't?

(Moonlight) Nope!

(Alfred) We were too late to stop her from drinking 23 bottles. Quite a mess from the broken bottles. She smashed each bottle over her head when she finished a bottle.

(Moonlight) Immortality is a blessing. Greg, Steven? If you ever want to live forever, I can give you both a drop of my blood and there's a 50-50 chance to become immortal. The only side effect is the painful physical growth and pale white skin. But it's worth it, to be honest. Not only you're immortal, but you gain strength.

(Pink Diamond) I have the ability to raise people from the dead and they live forever.

(Moonlight) (scoffs)

She crossed her arms.

(Moonlight) My way is cooler.

(Steven) But Mom's way is painless.

(Moonlight) You'd have to die first. I can gladly do that for you so we can see if it works.

Steven flinched and yelp.

(Steven) I already died! It works!

She looked like she was taken aback.

(Moonlight) I was joking, but damn.

(Alfred) Anyways, the cave entrance is here.

Alfred pulled a secret level to open a panel and it scanned for his handprint. The wall opens up and they walked to the cave.

(Alfred) This is the Batcave. Be careful around here.

Steven noticed on a platform there's metal that doesn't match the rest of the metal. It looked like the portion was replaced.

(Steven) What happened here?

(Alfred) That was the damage that occurred when Bane "visited" the cave.

(Steven) Bane was here?

(Alfred) Yes. It was on the Night of Christmas Eve and he discovered Master Bruce's secret. But he lost his memory after taking the drug he invented called TN-1. But it's all in the past now.

They moved to where the entirety of the cave can be seen. They past by a cell with a broken handle and a large mattress.

(Moonlight) That's my room.

(Alfred) And you've broken the handle again. Master Bruce is growing tired of this.

(Moonlight) Right now, he looks tired of something else.

She points to him. He's looking at the screen, leaning on the desk. It looks like he's doing bloodwork.

He still has suit on.

(Moonlight) You're not trying to get my blood outta ya, are ya? You took the cure, you're fine.

(Batman) It's not you.

Steven walks up to his friend. He looks at the paper that was printed out from the Bat-Computer. Bruce looked displeased with what he's reading on the screen.

(Steven) What's wrong?

(Batman) Some how while he was in Arkham City and before his death, Joker sent his infected blood that had the T.I.T.A.N, strain to all hospitals in the state. Thankfully, we tracked 99% down.

(Steven) Where's the 1%?

Instead of answering, he continued.

(Batman) A hospital error ensued. 1 was affected. Untreated, the blood's gestated too long. It's altering the host and will become--

(Steven) Joker?

He guessed.

(Batman) It's a form of Crentzfeld-Jakob disease, but mutated beyond anything on medical record. It's poisonous, even more than Charlotte's blood. The four Diamond essences won't work. With the mix of Charlotte's degraded blood, Scarecrow's toxin, Copperhead's degraded poison, and now Joker's contaminated blood, it's impossible for even the Diamonds to fix.

(Steven) Wait, are you saying you're infected?

(Batman) Unfortunately.

He admits.

(Steven) What're you going to do?

(Batman) If I show strange symptoms and can't find a cure for this, I'll have no choice but to lock myself away until a cure is found.

(Alfred) My God...

(Moonlight) You'll find a cure. I have confidence.

(Batman) So far, I haven't shown symptoms.

Joker: Noticable ones, so to speak, Bats.

A ghost appeared only Batman can see.

(Steven) Maybe your immune system is strong enough to withstand it?

(Batman) It's possible, but if I refrain from any other posions or chemicals, I should be fine.

Joker: Let's face it, in your line of work, it's bound to happen again.

(Steven) I hope you can fight it.

(Greg) Yeah, and you're a brillent chemist, so finding cure would be easy.

(Batman) I haven't found one yet.

(Pink Diamond) Give it time.

Joker: So many people in here! It's a little crowded in here, Bruce. Oh, even your real name sounds weird. I'm glad I never found out when I was alive. It'd be hard to look you in the eyes and still see Batman. I'd see that spoiled billionaire that sleeps with practically half the women in Gotham. And I'm a little upset that you never actually slept with any women. You're 37 years old and still a virgin! Unbelievable.

The ghost walked through Steven and Greg and leaned on Charlotte.

Joker: Moonlight's your biggest enemy now? *Scoffs* Nobody's your greatest foe than me, Bats! So what, she's stronger than you and can never die? I tormented you and your friends and lived life to the fullest. Shame on how I went out in Arkham City. Dying and my plan was foiled just a little. But on the upside, I'm with you 'till the end!

(Steven) So, where are we going to sleep?

(Batman) There's guest rooms for each of you individually. Unless you all want to sleep in the same room.

(Pink Diamond) I prefer that.

(Alfred) I'll show you the way.

He leads them back upstairs.

(Moonlight) Good night~!

She said. She looks over to the man she wants to suduce so badly.

(Moonlight) So, now that the grownups are gone, how long do you have left?

(Batman) It's unknown. It can change anytime.

(Moonlight) You know...

She placed her hands on his shoulders.

(Moonlight) You can always have a little fun with me before you go... All you have to do is ask.

Joker: The best part about it is that I'll be there with you as your wingman.

He shrugged his shoulders, a telltale sign for her to take her hands off him.

(Moonlight) Good night.

She blew a kiss at him and went into her cell.

Joker: You really think there's a cure for me? Ha! That's a good joke, Bats! And I thought I was funny.

He desperately tried to look for one so he won't listen to him anymore.

Joker: I heard that, Author!

End of Chapter 18


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